#!/usr/bin/perl -w use warnings; use strict; my @audiotypes = qw( U8 S8 U16LSB S16LSB U16MSB S16MSB S32LSB S32MSB F32LSB F32MSB ); my @channels = ( 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 ); my %funcs; my $custom_converters = 0; sub getTypeConvertHashId { my ($from, $to) = @_; return "TYPECONVERTER $from/$to"; } sub getResamplerHashId { my ($from, $channels, $upsample, $multiple) = @_; return "RESAMPLER $from/$channels/$upsample/$multiple"; } sub outputHeader { print < This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. */ #include "../SDL_internal.h" #include "SDL_audio.h" #include "SDL_audio_c.h" #ifndef DEBUG_CONVERT #define DEBUG_CONVERT 0 #endif /* If you can guarantee your data and need space, you can eliminate code... */ /* Just build the arbitrary resamplers if you're saving code space. */ #ifndef LESS_RESAMPLERS #define LESS_RESAMPLERS 0 #endif /* Don't build any resamplers if you're REALLY saving code space. */ #ifndef NO_RESAMPLERS #define NO_RESAMPLERS 0 #endif /* Don't build any type converters if you're saving code space. */ #ifndef NO_CONVERTERS #define NO_CONVERTERS 0 #endif /* *INDENT-OFF* */ EOF my @vals = ( 127, 32767, 2147483647 ); foreach (@vals) { my $val = $_; my $fval = 1.0 / $val; print("#define DIVBY${val} ${fval}f\n"); } print("\n"); } sub outputFooter { print < 8) { $code = "SDL_Swap${BEorLE}${size}($val)"; } else { $code = $val; } if (($signed) and (!$float)) { $code = "((Sint${size}) $code)"; } } return "${code}"; } sub maxIntVal { my $size = shift; if ($size == 8) { return 0x7F; } elsif ($size == 16) { return 0x7FFF; } elsif ($size == 32) { return 0x7FFFFFFF; } die("bug in script.\n"); } sub getFloatToIntMult { my $size = shift; my $val = maxIntVal($size) . '.0'; $val .= 'f' if ($size < 32); return $val; } sub getIntToFloatDivBy { my $size = shift; return 'DIVBY' . maxIntVal($size); } sub getSignFlipVal { my $size = shift; if ($size == 8) { return '0x80'; } elsif ($size == 16) { return '0x8000'; } elsif ($size == 32) { return '0x80000000'; } die("bug in script.\n"); } sub buildCvtFunc { my ($from, $to) = @_; my ($fsigned, $ffloat, $fsize, $fendian, $fctype) = splittype($from); my ($tsigned, $tfloat, $tsize, $tendian, $tctype) = splittype($to); my $diffs = 0; $diffs++ if ($fsize != $tsize); $diffs++ if ($fsigned != $tsigned); $diffs++ if ($ffloat != $tfloat); $diffs++ if ($fendian ne $tendian); return if ($diffs == 0); my $hashid = getTypeConvertHashId($from, $to); if (1) { # !!! FIXME: if ($diffs > 1) { my $sym = "SDL_Convert_${from}_to_${to}"; $funcs{$hashid} = $sym; $custom_converters++; # Always unsigned for ints, for possible byteswaps. my $srctype = (($ffloat) ? 'float' : "Uint${fsize}"); print <buf + cvt->len_cvt)) - 1; dst = (($tctype *) (cvt->buf + cvt->len_cvt * $mult)) - 1; for (i = cvt->len_cvt / sizeof ($srctype); i; --i, --src, --dst) { EOF } else { print <buf; dst = ($tctype *) cvt->buf; for (i = cvt->len_cvt / sizeof ($srctype); i; --i, ++src, ++dst) { EOF } # Have to convert to/from float/int. # !!! FIXME: cast through double for int32<->float? my $code = getSwapFunc($fsize, $fsigned, $ffloat, $fendian, '*src'); if ($ffloat != $tfloat) { if ($ffloat) { my $mult = getFloatToIntMult($tsize); if (!$tsigned) { # bump from -1.0f/1.0f to 0.0f/2.0f $code = "($code + 1.0f)"; } $code = "(($tctype) ($code * $mult))"; } else { # $divby will be the reciprocal, to avoid pipeline stalls # from floating point division...so multiply it. my $divby = getIntToFloatDivBy($fsize); $code = "(((float) $code) * $divby)"; if (!$fsigned) { # bump from 0.0f/2.0f to -1.0f/1.0f. $code = "($code - 1.0f)"; } } } else { # All integer conversions here. if ($fsigned != $tsigned) { my $signflipval = getSignFlipVal($fsize); $code = "(($code) ^ $signflipval)"; } my $shiftval = abs($fsize - $tsize); if ($fsize < $tsize) { $code = "((($tctype) $code) << $shiftval)"; } elsif ($fsize > $tsize) { $code = "(($tctype) ($code >> $shiftval))"; } } my $swap = getSwapFunc($tsize, $tsigned, $tfloat, $tendian, 'val'); print < $tsize) { my $divby = $fsize / $tsize; print(" cvt->len_cvt /= $divby;\n"); } elsif ($fsize < $tsize) { my $mult = $tsize / $fsize; print(" cvt->len_cvt *= $mult;\n"); } print <filters[++cvt->filter_index]) { cvt->filters[cvt->filter_index] (cvt, AUDIO_$to); } } EOF } else { if ($fsigned != $tsigned) { $funcs{$hashid} = 'SDL_ConvertSigned'; } elsif ($ffloat != $tfloat) { $funcs{$hashid} = 'SDL_ConvertFloat'; } elsif ($fsize != $tsize) { $funcs{$hashid} = 'SDL_ConvertSize'; } elsif ($fendian ne $tendian) { $funcs{$hashid} = 'SDL_ConvertEndian'; } else { die("error in script.\n"); } } } sub buildTypeConverters { print "#if !NO_CONVERTERS\n\n"; foreach (@audiotypes) { my $from = $_; foreach (@audiotypes) { my $to = $_; buildCvtFunc($from, $to); } } print "#endif /* !NO_CONVERTERS */\n\n\n"; print "const SDL_AudioTypeFilters sdl_audio_type_filters[] =\n{\n"; print "#if !NO_CONVERTERS\n"; foreach (@audiotypes) { my $from = $_; foreach (@audiotypes) { my $to = $_; if ($from ne $to) { my $hashid = getTypeConvertHashId($from, $to); my $sym = $funcs{$hashid}; print(" { AUDIO_$from, AUDIO_$to, $sym },\n"); } } } print "#endif /* !NO_CONVERTERS */\n"; print(" { 0, 0, NULL }\n"); print "};\n\n\n"; } sub getBiggerCtype { my ($isfloat, $size) = @_; if ($isfloat) { if ($size == 32) { return 'double'; } die("bug in script.\n"); } if ($size == 8) { return 'Sint16'; } elsif ($size == 16) { return 'Sint32' } elsif ($size == 32) { return 'Sint64' } die("bug in script.\n"); } # These handle arbitrary resamples...44100Hz to 48000Hz, for example. # Man, this code is skanky. sub buildArbitraryResampleFunc { # !!! FIXME: we do a lot of unnecessary and ugly casting in here, due to getSwapFunc(). my ($from, $channels, $upsample) = @_; my ($fsigned, $ffloat, $fsize, $fendian, $fctype) = splittype($from); my $bigger = getBiggerCtype($ffloat, $fsize); my $interp = ($ffloat) ? '* 0.5' : '>> 1'; my $resample = ($upsample) ? 'Upsample' : 'Downsample'; my $hashid = getResamplerHashId($from, $channels, $upsample, 0); my $sym = "SDL_${resample}_${from}_${channels}c"; $funcs{$hashid} = $sym; $custom_converters++; my $fudge = $fsize * $channels * 2; # !!! FIXME my $eps_adjust = ($upsample) ? 'dstsize' : 'srcsize'; my $incr = ''; my $incr2 = ''; # !!! FIXME: DEBUG_CONVERT should report frequencies. print <rate_incr); #endif const int srcsize = cvt->len_cvt - $fudge; const int dstsize = (int) (((double)cvt->len_cvt) * cvt->rate_incr); register int eps = 0; EOF my $endcomparison = '!='; # Upsampling (growing the buffer) needs to work backwards, since we # overwrite the buffer as we go. if ($upsample) { $endcomparison = '>='; # dst > target print <buf + dstsize)) - $channels; const $fctype *src = (($fctype *) (cvt->buf + cvt->len_cvt)) - $channels; const $fctype *target = ((const $fctype *) cvt->buf); EOF } else { $endcomparison = '<'; # dst < target print <buf; const $fctype *src = ($fctype *) cvt->buf; const $fctype *target = (const $fctype *) (cvt->buf + dstsize); EOF } for (my $i = 0; $i < $channels; $i++) { my $idx = ($upsample) ? (($channels - $i) - 1) : $i; my $val = getSwapFunc($fsize, $fsigned, $ffloat, $fendian, "src[$idx]"); print <= dstsize) { $incr2; EOF } else { # downsample. $incr = ($channels == 1) ? 'src++' : "src += $channels"; print <= srcsize) { EOF for (my $i = 0; $i < $channels; $i++) { my $val = getSwapFunc($fsize, $fsigned, $ffloat, $fendian, "sample${i}"); print <len_cvt = dstsize; if (cvt->filters[++cvt->filter_index]) { cvt->filters[cvt->filter_index] (cvt, format); } } EOF } # These handle clean resamples...doubling and quadrupling the sample rate, etc. sub buildMultipleResampleFunc { # !!! FIXME: we do a lot of unnecessary and ugly casting in here, due to getSwapFunc(). my ($from, $channels, $upsample, $multiple) = @_; my ($fsigned, $ffloat, $fsize, $fendian, $fctype) = splittype($from); my $bigger = getBiggerCtype($ffloat, $fsize); my $interp = ($ffloat) ? '* 0.5' : '>> 1'; my $interp2 = ($ffloat) ? '* 0.25' : '>> 2'; my $mult3 = ($ffloat) ? '3.0' : '3'; my $lencvtop = ($upsample) ? '*' : '/'; my $resample = ($upsample) ? 'Upsample' : 'Downsample'; my $hashid = getResamplerHashId($from, $channels, $upsample, $multiple); my $sym = "SDL_${resample}_${from}_${channels}c_x${multiple}"; $funcs{$hashid} = $sym; $custom_converters++; # !!! FIXME: DEBUG_CONVERT should report frequencies. print <len_cvt $lencvtop $multiple; EOF my $endcomparison = '!='; # Upsampling (growing the buffer) needs to work backwards, since we # overwrite the buffer as we go. if ($upsample) { $endcomparison = '>='; # dst > target print <buf + dstsize)) - $channels * $multiple; const $fctype *src = (($fctype *) (cvt->buf + cvt->len_cvt)) - $channels; const $fctype *target = ((const $fctype *) cvt->buf); EOF } else { $endcomparison = '<'; # dst < target print <buf; const $fctype *src = ($fctype *) cvt->buf; const $fctype *target = (const $fctype *) (cvt->buf + dstsize); EOF } for (my $i = 0; $i < $channels; $i++) { my $idx = ($upsample) ? (($channels - $i) - 1) : $i; my $val = getSwapFunc($fsize, $fsigned, $ffloat, $fendian, "src[$idx]"); print <= 0; $i--) { my $dsti = $i + $channels; print <= 0; $i--) { my $dsti = $i; print <= 0; $i--) { my $dsti = $i + ($channels * 3); print <= 0; $i--) { my $dsti = $i + ($channels * 2); print <= 0; $i--) { my $dsti = $i + ($channels * 1); print <= 0; $i--) { my $dsti = $i + ($channels * 0); print <len_cvt = dstsize; if (cvt->filters[++cvt->filter_index]) { cvt->filters[cvt->filter_index] (cvt, format); } } EOF } sub buildResamplers { print "#if !NO_RESAMPLERS\n\n"; foreach (@audiotypes) { my $from = $_; foreach (@channels) { my $channel = $_; buildArbitraryResampleFunc($from, $channel, 1); buildArbitraryResampleFunc($from, $channel, 0); } } print "\n#if !LESS_RESAMPLERS\n\n"; foreach (@audiotypes) { my $from = $_; foreach (@channels) { my $channel = $_; for (my $multiple = 2; $multiple <= 4; $multiple += 2) { buildMultipleResampleFunc($from, $channel, 1, $multiple); buildMultipleResampleFunc($from, $channel, 0, $multiple); } } } print "#endif /* !LESS_RESAMPLERS */\n"; print "#endif /* !NO_RESAMPLERS */\n\n\n"; print "const SDL_AudioRateFilters sdl_audio_rate_filters[] =\n{\n"; print "#if !NO_RESAMPLERS\n"; foreach (@audiotypes) { my $from = $_; foreach (@channels) { my $channel = $_; for (my $upsample = 0; $upsample <= 1; $upsample++) { my $hashid = getResamplerHashId($from, $channel, $upsample, 0); my $sym = $funcs{$hashid}; print(" { AUDIO_$from, $channel, $upsample, 0, $sym },\n"); } } } print "#if !LESS_RESAMPLERS\n"; foreach (@audiotypes) { my $from = $_; foreach (@channels) { my $channel = $_; for (my $multiple = 2; $multiple <= 4; $multiple += 2) { for (my $upsample = 0; $upsample <= 1; $upsample++) { my $hashid = getResamplerHashId($from, $channel, $upsample, $multiple); my $sym = $funcs{$hashid}; print(" { AUDIO_$from, $channel, $upsample, $multiple, $sym },\n"); } } } } print "#endif /* !LESS_RESAMPLERS */\n"; print "#endif /* !NO_RESAMPLERS */\n"; print(" { 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL }\n"); print "};\n\n"; } # mainline ... outputHeader(); buildTypeConverters(); buildResamplers(); outputFooter(); exit 0; # end of sdlgenaudiocvt.pl ...