import Vuetify from 'vuetify/lib' import 'vuetify/dist/vuetify.min.css' import '~/external/fontawesome/css/fontawesome-all.css' import DefaultLayout from '~/layouts/Default.vue' import SEO from '~/components/SEO.vue' import DownloadButton from '~/components/DownloadButton.vue' export default function (Vue, { appOptions, head }) { // First inject custom CSS needed{ rel: 'stylesheet', href: ',400,500&display=swap' }) // Remove the generator tag const gIndex = head.meta.findIndex(e => === 'generator') if (gIndex !== -1) head.meta.splice(gIndex, 1) // Remove the description tag as we generate a custom one in SEO const dIndex = head.meta.findIndex(e => === 'description') if (dIndex !== -1) head.meta.splice(dIndex, 1) // For Google Search Console head.meta.push({ name: "google-site-verification", content: "6-jOQTZMaaKrCTbkRoghe5Pd1kbYhyGpOTAgUhoT9HA" }) const opts = { theme: { themes: { light: { ryu_blue: '#02C5E5', ryu_orange: '#FF5F55', }, dark: { ryu_blue: '#02C5E5', ryu_orange: '#FF5F55', } } }, icons: { iconfont: 'fa', }, } //opts includes, vuetify themes, icons, etc. Vue.use(Vuetify) appOptions.vuetify = new Vuetify(opts); // Disable production tip //Vue.config.productionTip = false; // Set default layout as a global component Vue.component('Layout', DefaultLayout) // Set the SEO component Vue.component('SEO', SEO) // Generic Components Vue.component('DownloadButton', DownloadButton) }