using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Decoders; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation; using System; using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Instructions.InstEmitHelper; using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Instructions.InstEmitAluHelper; using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation.OperandHelper; namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Instructions { static partial class InstEmit { public static void Bfe(EmitterContext context) { OpCodeAlu op = (OpCodeAlu)context.CurrOp; bool isReverse = op.RawOpCode.Extract(40); bool isSigned = op.RawOpCode.Extract(48); Operand srcA = GetSrcA(context); Operand srcB = GetSrcB(context); if (isReverse) { srcA = context.BitfieldReverse(srcA); } Operand position = context.BitwiseAnd(srcB, Const(0xff)); Operand size = context.BitfieldExtractU32(srcB, Const(8), Const(8)); Operand res = isSigned ? context.BitfieldExtractS32(srcA, position, size) : context.BitfieldExtractU32(srcA, position, size); context.Copy(GetDest(context), res); // TODO: CC, X, corner cases } public static void Bfi(EmitterContext context) { OpCodeAlu op = (OpCodeAlu)context.CurrOp; Operand srcA = GetSrcA(context); Operand srcB = GetSrcB(context); Operand srcC = GetSrcC(context); Operand position = context.BitwiseAnd(srcB, Const(0xff)); Operand size = context.BitfieldExtractU32(srcB, Const(8), Const(8)); Operand res = context.BitfieldInsert(srcC, srcA, position, size); context.Copy(GetDest(context), res); } public static void Csetp(EmitterContext context) { OpCodePsetp op = (OpCodePsetp)context.CurrOp; // TODO: Implement that properly Operand p0Res = Const(IrConsts.True); Operand p1Res = context.BitwiseNot(p0Res); Operand pred = GetPredicate39(context); p0Res = GetPredLogicalOp(context, op.LogicalOp, p0Res, pred); p1Res = GetPredLogicalOp(context, op.LogicalOp, p1Res, pred); context.Copy(Register(op.Predicate3), p0Res); context.Copy(Register(op.Predicate0), p1Res); } public static void Flo(EmitterContext context) { OpCodeAlu op = (OpCodeAlu)context.CurrOp; bool invert = op.RawOpCode.Extract(40); bool countZeros = op.RawOpCode.Extract(41); bool isSigned = op.RawOpCode.Extract(48); Operand srcB = context.BitwiseNot(GetSrcB(context), invert); Operand res = isSigned ? context.FindFirstSetS32(srcB) : context.FindFirstSetU32(srcB); if (countZeros) { res = context.BitwiseExclusiveOr(res, Const(31)); } context.Copy(GetDest(context), res); } public static void Iadd(EmitterContext context) { OpCodeAlu op = (OpCodeAlu)context.CurrOp; bool negateA = false, negateB = false; if (!(op is OpCodeAluImm32)) { negateB = op.RawOpCode.Extract(48); negateA = op.RawOpCode.Extract(49); } else { // TODO: Other IADD32I variant without the negate. negateA = op.RawOpCode.Extract(56); } Operand srcA = context.INegate(GetSrcA(context), negateA); Operand srcB = context.INegate(GetSrcB(context), negateB); Operand res = context.IAdd(srcA, srcB); bool isSubtraction = negateA || negateB; if (op.Extended) { // Add carry, or subtract borrow. res = context.IAdd(res, isSubtraction ? context.BitwiseNot(GetCF(context)) : context.BitwiseAnd(GetCF(context), Const(1))); } SetIaddFlags(context, res, srcA, srcB, op.SetCondCode, op.Extended, isSubtraction); context.Copy(GetDest(context), res); } public static void Iadd3(EmitterContext context) { OpCodeAlu op = (OpCodeAlu)context.CurrOp; IntegerHalfPart partC = (IntegerHalfPart)op.RawOpCode.Extract(31, 2); IntegerHalfPart partB = (IntegerHalfPart)op.RawOpCode.Extract(33, 2); IntegerHalfPart partA = (IntegerHalfPart)op.RawOpCode.Extract(35, 2); IntegerShift mode = (IntegerShift)op.RawOpCode.Extract(37, 2); bool negateC = op.RawOpCode.Extract(49); bool negateB = op.RawOpCode.Extract(50); bool negateA = op.RawOpCode.Extract(51); Operand Extend(Operand src, IntegerHalfPart part) { if (!(op is OpCodeAluReg) || part == IntegerHalfPart.B32) { return src; } if (part == IntegerHalfPart.H0) { return context.BitwiseAnd(src, Const(0xffff)); } else if (part == IntegerHalfPart.H1) { return context.ShiftRightU32(src, Const(16)); } else { // TODO: Warning. } return src; } Operand srcA = context.INegate(Extend(GetSrcA(context), partA), negateA); Operand srcB = context.INegate(Extend(GetSrcB(context), partB), negateB); Operand srcC = context.INegate(Extend(GetSrcC(context), partC), negateC); Operand res = context.IAdd(srcA, srcB); if (op is OpCodeAluReg && mode != IntegerShift.NoShift) { if (mode == IntegerShift.ShiftLeft) { res = context.ShiftLeft(res, Const(16)); } else if (mode == IntegerShift.ShiftRight) { res = context.ShiftRightU32(res, Const(16)); } else { // TODO: Warning. } } res = context.IAdd(res, srcC); context.Copy(GetDest(context), res); // TODO: CC, X, corner cases } public static void Imnmx(EmitterContext context) { OpCodeAlu op = (OpCodeAlu)context.CurrOp; bool isSignedInt = op.RawOpCode.Extract(48); Operand srcA = GetSrcA(context); Operand srcB = GetSrcB(context); Operand resMin = isSignedInt ? context.IMinimumS32(srcA, srcB) : context.IMinimumU32(srcA, srcB); Operand resMax = isSignedInt ? context.IMaximumS32(srcA, srcB) : context.IMaximumU32(srcA, srcB); Operand pred = GetPredicate39(context); Operand dest = GetDest(context); context.Copy(dest, context.ConditionalSelect(pred, resMin, resMax)); SetZnFlags(context, dest, op.SetCondCode); // TODO: X flags. } public static void Iscadd(EmitterContext context) { OpCodeAlu op = (OpCodeAlu)context.CurrOp; bool negateA = false, negateB = false; if (!(op is OpCodeAluImm32)) { negateB = op.RawOpCode.Extract(48); negateA = op.RawOpCode.Extract(49); } int shift = op is OpCodeAluImm32 ? op.RawOpCode.Extract(53, 5) : op.RawOpCode.Extract(39, 5); Operand srcA = GetSrcA(context); Operand srcB = GetSrcB(context); srcA = context.ShiftLeft(srcA, Const(shift)); srcA = context.INegate(srcA, negateA); srcB = context.INegate(srcB, negateB); Operand res = context.IAdd(srcA, srcB); context.Copy(GetDest(context), res); // TODO: CC, X } public static void Iset(EmitterContext context) { OpCodeSet op = (OpCodeSet)context.CurrOp; bool boolFloat = op.RawOpCode.Extract(44); bool isSigned = op.RawOpCode.Extract(48); IntegerCondition cmpOp = (IntegerCondition)op.RawOpCode.Extract(49, 3); Operand srcA = GetSrcA(context); Operand srcB = GetSrcB(context); Operand res = GetIntComparison(context, cmpOp, srcA, srcB, isSigned); Operand pred = GetPredicate39(context); res = GetPredLogicalOp(context, op.LogicalOp, res, pred); Operand dest = GetDest(context); if (boolFloat) { context.Copy(dest, context.ConditionalSelect(res, ConstF(1), Const(0))); } else { context.Copy(dest, res); } // TODO: CC, X } public static void Isetp(EmitterContext context) { OpCodeSet op = (OpCodeSet)context.CurrOp; bool isSigned = op.RawOpCode.Extract(48); IntegerCondition cmpOp = (IntegerCondition)op.RawOpCode.Extract(49, 3); Operand srcA = GetSrcA(context); Operand srcB = GetSrcB(context); Operand p0Res = GetIntComparison(context, cmpOp, srcA, srcB, isSigned); Operand p1Res = context.BitwiseNot(p0Res); Operand pred = GetPredicate39(context); p0Res = GetPredLogicalOp(context, op.LogicalOp, p0Res, pred); p1Res = GetPredLogicalOp(context, op.LogicalOp, p1Res, pred); context.Copy(Register(op.Predicate3), p0Res); context.Copy(Register(op.Predicate0), p1Res); } public static void Lop(EmitterContext context) { IOpCodeLop op = (IOpCodeLop)context.CurrOp; Operand srcA = context.BitwiseNot(GetSrcA(context), op.InvertA); Operand srcB = context.BitwiseNot(GetSrcB(context), op.InvertB); Operand res = srcB; switch (op.LogicalOp) { case LogicalOperation.And: res = context.BitwiseAnd (srcA, srcB); break; case LogicalOperation.Or: res = context.BitwiseOr (srcA, srcB); break; case LogicalOperation.ExclusiveOr: res = context.BitwiseExclusiveOr(srcA, srcB); break; } EmitLopPredWrite(context, op, res); Operand dest = GetDest(context); context.Copy(dest, res); SetZnFlags(context, dest, op.SetCondCode, op.Extended); } public static void Lop3(EmitterContext context) { IOpCodeLop op = (IOpCodeLop)context.CurrOp; Operand srcA = GetSrcA(context); Operand srcB = GetSrcB(context); Operand srcC = GetSrcC(context); bool regVariant = op is OpCodeLopReg; int truthTable = regVariant ? op.RawOpCode.Extract(28, 8) : op.RawOpCode.Extract(48, 8); Operand res = Lop3Expression.GetFromTruthTable(context, srcA, srcB, srcC, truthTable); if (regVariant) { EmitLopPredWrite(context, op, res); } Operand dest = GetDest(context); context.Copy(dest, res); SetZnFlags(context, dest, op.SetCondCode, op.Extended); } public static void Popc(EmitterContext context) { OpCodeAlu op = (OpCodeAlu)context.CurrOp; bool invert = op.RawOpCode.Extract(40); Operand srcB = context.BitwiseNot(GetSrcB(context), invert); Operand res = context.BitCount(srcB); context.Copy(GetDest(context), res); } public static void Psetp(EmitterContext context) { OpCodePsetp op = (OpCodePsetp)context.CurrOp; bool invertA = op.RawOpCode.Extract(15); bool invertB = op.RawOpCode.Extract(32); Operand srcA = context.BitwiseNot(Register(op.Predicate12), invertA); Operand srcB = context.BitwiseNot(Register(op.Predicate29), invertB); Operand p0Res = GetPredLogicalOp(context, op.LogicalOpAB, srcA, srcB); Operand p1Res = context.BitwiseNot(p0Res); Operand pred = GetPredicate39(context); p0Res = GetPredLogicalOp(context, op.LogicalOp, p0Res, pred); p1Res = GetPredLogicalOp(context, op.LogicalOp, p1Res, pred); context.Copy(Register(op.Predicate3), p0Res); context.Copy(Register(op.Predicate0), p1Res); } public static void Rro(EmitterContext context) { // This is the range reduction operator, // we translate it as a simple move, as it // should be always followed by a matching // MUFU instruction. OpCodeAlu op = (OpCodeAlu)context.CurrOp; bool negateB = op.RawOpCode.Extract(45); bool absoluteB = op.RawOpCode.Extract(49); Operand srcB = GetSrcB(context); srcB = context.FPAbsNeg(srcB, absoluteB, negateB); context.Copy(GetDest(context), srcB); } public static void Shl(EmitterContext context) { OpCodeAlu op = (OpCodeAlu)context.CurrOp; bool isMasked = op.RawOpCode.Extract(39); Operand srcB = GetSrcB(context); if (isMasked) { srcB = context.BitwiseAnd(srcB, Const(0x1f)); } Operand res = context.ShiftLeft(GetSrcA(context), srcB); if (!isMasked) { // Clamped shift value. Operand isLessThan32 = context.ICompareLessUnsigned(srcB, Const(32)); res = context.ConditionalSelect(isLessThan32, res, Const(0)); } // TODO: X, CC context.Copy(GetDest(context), res); } public static void Shr(EmitterContext context) { OpCodeAlu op = (OpCodeAlu)context.CurrOp; bool isMasked = op.RawOpCode.Extract(39); bool isReverse = op.RawOpCode.Extract(40); bool isSigned = op.RawOpCode.Extract(48); Operand srcA = GetSrcA(context); Operand srcB = GetSrcB(context); if (isReverse) { srcA = context.BitfieldReverse(srcA); } if (isMasked) { srcB = context.BitwiseAnd(srcB, Const(0x1f)); } Operand res = isSigned ? context.ShiftRightS32(srcA, srcB) : context.ShiftRightU32(srcA, srcB); if (!isMasked) { // Clamped shift value. Operand resShiftBy32; if (isSigned) { resShiftBy32 = context.ShiftRightS32(srcA, Const(31)); } else { resShiftBy32 = Const(0); } Operand isLessThan32 = context.ICompareLessUnsigned(srcB, Const(32)); res = context.ConditionalSelect(isLessThan32, res, resShiftBy32); } // TODO: X, CC context.Copy(GetDest(context), res); } public static void Xmad(EmitterContext context) { OpCodeAlu op = (OpCodeAlu)context.CurrOp; bool signedA = context.CurrOp.RawOpCode.Extract(48); bool signedB = context.CurrOp.RawOpCode.Extract(49); bool highA = context.CurrOp.RawOpCode.Extract(53); bool highB = false; XmadCMode mode; if (op is OpCodeAluReg) { highB = context.CurrOp.RawOpCode.Extract(35); mode = (XmadCMode)context.CurrOp.RawOpCode.Extract(50, 3); } else { mode = (XmadCMode)context.CurrOp.RawOpCode.Extract(50, 2); if (!(op is OpCodeAluImm)) { highB = context.CurrOp.RawOpCode.Extract(52); } } Operand srcA = GetSrcA(context); Operand srcB = GetSrcB(context); Operand srcC = GetSrcC(context); // XMAD immediates are 16-bits unsigned integers. if (srcB.Type == OperandType.Constant) { srcB = Const(srcB.Value & 0xffff); } Operand Extend16To32(Operand src, bool high, bool signed) { if (signed && high) { return context.ShiftRightS32(src, Const(16)); } else if (signed) { return context.BitfieldExtractS32(src, Const(0), Const(16)); } else if (high) { return context.ShiftRightU32(src, Const(16)); } else { return context.BitwiseAnd(src, Const(0xffff)); } } srcA = Extend16To32(srcA, highA, signedA); srcB = Extend16To32(srcB, highB, signedB); bool productShiftLeft = false; bool merge = false; if (!(op is OpCodeAluRegCbuf)) { productShiftLeft = context.CurrOp.RawOpCode.Extract(36); merge = context.CurrOp.RawOpCode.Extract(37); } bool extended; if ((op is OpCodeAluReg) || (op is OpCodeAluImm)) { extended = context.CurrOp.RawOpCode.Extract(38); } else { extended = context.CurrOp.RawOpCode.Extract(54); } Operand res = context.IMultiply(srcA, srcB); if (productShiftLeft) { res = context.ShiftLeft(res, Const(16)); } switch (mode) { case XmadCMode.Cfull: break; case XmadCMode.Clo: srcC = Extend16To32(srcC, high: false, signed: false); break; case XmadCMode.Chi: srcC = Extend16To32(srcC, high: true, signed: false); break; case XmadCMode.Cbcc: { srcC = context.IAdd(srcC, context.ShiftLeft(GetSrcB(context), Const(16))); break; } case XmadCMode.Csfu: { Operand signAdjustA = context.ShiftLeft(context.ShiftRightU32(srcA, Const(31)), Const(16)); Operand signAdjustB = context.ShiftLeft(context.ShiftRightU32(srcB, Const(31)), Const(16)); srcC = context.ISubtract(srcC, context.IAdd(signAdjustA, signAdjustB)); break; } default: /* TODO: Warning */ break; } Operand product = res; if (extended) { // Add with carry. res = context.IAdd(res, context.BitwiseAnd(GetCF(context), Const(1))); } else { // Add (no carry in). res = context.IAdd(res, srcC); } SetIaddFlags(context, res, product, srcC, op.SetCondCode, extended); if (merge) { res = context.BitwiseAnd(res, Const(0xffff)); res = context.BitwiseOr(res, context.ShiftLeft(GetSrcB(context), Const(16))); } context.Copy(GetDest(context), res); } private static Operand GetIntComparison( EmitterContext context, IntegerCondition cond, Operand srcA, Operand srcB, bool isSigned) { Operand res; if (cond == IntegerCondition.Always) { res = Const(IrConsts.True); } else if (cond == IntegerCondition.Never) { res = Const(IrConsts.False); } else { Instruction inst; switch (cond) { case IntegerCondition.Less: inst = Instruction.CompareLessU32; break; case IntegerCondition.Equal: inst = Instruction.CompareEqual; break; case IntegerCondition.LessOrEqual: inst = Instruction.CompareLessOrEqualU32; break; case IntegerCondition.Greater: inst = Instruction.CompareGreaterU32; break; case IntegerCondition.NotEqual: inst = Instruction.CompareNotEqual; break; case IntegerCondition.GreaterOrEqual: inst = Instruction.CompareGreaterOrEqualU32; break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unexpected condition \"{cond}\"."); } if (isSigned) { switch (cond) { case IntegerCondition.Less: inst = Instruction.CompareLess; break; case IntegerCondition.LessOrEqual: inst = Instruction.CompareLessOrEqual; break; case IntegerCondition.Greater: inst = Instruction.CompareGreater; break; case IntegerCondition.GreaterOrEqual: inst = Instruction.CompareGreaterOrEqual; break; } } res = context.Add(inst, Local(), srcA, srcB); } return res; } private static void EmitLopPredWrite(EmitterContext context, IOpCodeLop op, Operand result) { if (op is OpCodeLop opLop && !opLop.Predicate48.IsPT) { Operand pRes; if (opLop.CondOp == ConditionalOperation.False) { pRes = Const(IrConsts.False); } else if (opLop.CondOp == ConditionalOperation.True) { pRes = Const(IrConsts.True); } else if (opLop.CondOp == ConditionalOperation.Zero) { pRes = context.ICompareEqual(result, Const(0)); } else /* if (opLop.CondOp == ConditionalOperation.NotZero) */ { pRes = context.ICompareNotEqual(result, Const(0)); } context.Copy(Register(opLop.Predicate48), pRes); } } private static void SetIaddFlags( EmitterContext context, Operand res, Operand srcA, Operand srcB, bool setCC, bool extended, bool isSubtraction = false) { if (!setCC) { return; } if (!extended || isSubtraction) { // C = d < a context.Copy(GetCF(context), context.ICompareLessUnsigned(res, srcA)); } else { // C = (d == a && CIn) || d < a Operand tempC0 = context.ICompareEqual (res, srcA); Operand tempC1 = context.ICompareLessUnsigned(res, srcA); tempC0 = context.BitwiseAnd(tempC0, GetCF(context)); context.Copy(GetCF(context), context.BitwiseOr(tempC0, tempC1)); } // V = (d ^ a) & ~(a ^ b) < 0 Operand tempV0 = context.BitwiseExclusiveOr(res, srcA); Operand tempV1 = context.BitwiseExclusiveOr(srcA, srcB); tempV1 = context.BitwiseNot(tempV1); Operand tempV = context.BitwiseAnd(tempV0, tempV1); context.Copy(GetVF(context), context.ICompareLess(tempV, Const(0))); SetZnFlags(context, res, setCC: true, extended: extended); } } }