using ChocolArm64.Memory; using Ryujinx.Core.OsHle.Handles; using Ryujinx.Core.OsHle.Ipc; using OpenTK.Audio; using OpenTK.Audio.OpenAL; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; namespace Ryujinx.Core.OsHle.IpcServices.Aud { class IAudioOut : IIpcService, IDisposable { private Dictionary m_Commands; public IReadOnlyDictionary Commands => m_Commands; public IAudioOut() { m_Commands = new Dictionary() { { 0, GetAudioOutState }, { 1, StartAudioOut }, { 2, StopAudioOut }, { 3, AppendAudioOutBuffer }, { 4, RegisterBufferEvent }, { 5, GetReleasedAudioOutBuffer }, { 6, ContainsAudioOutBuffer }, { 7, AppendAudioOutBuffer_ex }, { 8, GetReleasedAudioOutBuffer_ex } }; } enum AudioOutState { Started, Stopped }; //IAudioOut private AudioOutState State = AudioOutState.Stopped; private Queue BufferIdQueue = new Queue(); //OpenAL private bool OpenALInstalled = true; private AudioContext AudioCtx; private int Source; private int Buffer; //Return State of IAudioOut public long GetAudioOutState(ServiceCtx Context) { Context.ResponseData.Write((int)State); return 0; } public long StartAudioOut(ServiceCtx Context) { if (State == AudioOutState.Stopped) { State = AudioOutState.Started; try { AudioCtx = new AudioContext(); //Create the audio context } catch (Exception) { Logging.Warn("OpenAL Error! PS: Install OpenAL Core SDK!"); OpenALInstalled = false; } if (OpenALInstalled) AL.Listener(ALListenerf.Gain, 8.0f); //Add more gain to it } return 0; } public long StopAudioOut(ServiceCtx Context) { if (State == AudioOutState.Started) { if (OpenALInstalled) { if (AudioCtx == null) //Needed to call the instance of AudioContext() return 0; AL.SourceStop(Source); AL.DeleteSource(Source); AL.DeleteBuffers(1, ref Buffer); } State = AudioOutState.Stopped; } return 0; } public long AppendAudioOutBuffer(ServiceCtx Context) { long BufferId = Context.RequestData.ReadInt64(); byte[] AudioOutBuffer = AMemoryHelper.ReadBytes(Context.Memory, Context.Request.SendBuff[0].Position, sizeof(long) * 5); using (MemoryStream MS = new MemoryStream(AudioOutBuffer)) { BinaryReader Reader = new BinaryReader(MS); long PointerNextBuffer = Reader.ReadInt64(); long PointerSampleBuffer = Reader.ReadInt64(); long CapacitySampleBuffer = Reader.ReadInt64(); long SizeDataInSampleBuffer = Reader.ReadInt64(); long OffsetDataInSampleBuffer = Reader.ReadInt64(); if (SizeDataInSampleBuffer > 0) { BufferIdQueue.Enqueue(BufferId); byte[] AudioSampleBuffer = AMemoryHelper.ReadBytes(Context.Memory, PointerSampleBuffer + OffsetDataInSampleBuffer, (int)SizeDataInSampleBuffer); if (OpenALInstalled) { if (AudioCtx == null) //Needed to call the instance of AudioContext() return 0; EnsureAudioFinalized(); Source = AL.GenSource(); Buffer = AL.GenBuffer(); AL.BufferData(Buffer, ALFormat.Stereo16, AudioSampleBuffer, AudioSampleBuffer.Length, 48000); AL.SourceQueueBuffer(Source, Buffer); AL.SourcePlay(Source); } } } return 0; } public long RegisterBufferEvent(ServiceCtx Context) { int Handle = Context.Process.HandleTable.OpenHandle(new HEvent()); Context.Response.HandleDesc = IpcHandleDesc.MakeCopy(Handle); return 0; } public long GetReleasedAudioOutBuffer(ServiceCtx Context) { int ReleasedBuffersCount = 0; for(int i = 0; i < BufferIdQueue.Count; i++) { long BufferId = BufferIdQueue.Dequeue(); AMemoryHelper.WriteBytes(Context.Memory, Context.Request.ReceiveBuff[0].Position + (8 * i), BitConverter.GetBytes(BufferId)); ReleasedBuffersCount++; } Context.ResponseData.Write(ReleasedBuffersCount); return 0; } public long ContainsAudioOutBuffer(ServiceCtx Context) { return 0; } public long AppendAudioOutBuffer_ex(ServiceCtx Context) { return 0; } public long GetReleasedAudioOutBuffer_ex(ServiceCtx Context) { return 0; } private void EnsureAudioFinalized() { if (Source != 0 || Buffer != 0) { AL.SourceStop(Source); AL.SourceUnqueueBuffer(Buffer); AL.DeleteSource(Source); AL.DeleteBuffers(1, ref Buffer); Source = 0; Buffer = 0; } } public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); } protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { EnsureAudioFinalized(); } } } }