riperiperi eb1ce41b00
GPU: Migrate buffers on GPU project, pre-emptively flush device local mappings (#6794)
* GPU: Migrate buffers on GPU project, pre-emptively flush device local mappings

Essentially retreading #4540, but it's on the GPU project now instead of the backend. This allows us to have a lot more control + knowledge of where the buffer backing has been changed and allows us to pre-emptively flush pages to host memory for quicker readback. It will allow us to do other stuff in the future, but we'll get there when we get there.

Performance greatly improved in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity. Performance notably improved in TOTK (average). Performance for BOTW restored to how it was before #4911, perhaps a bit better.

- Rewrites a bunch of buffer migration stuff. Might want to tighten up how dispose stuff works.
- Fixed an issue where the copy for texture pre-flush would happen _after_ the syncpoint.

TODO: remove a page from pre-flush if it isn't flushed after a certain number of copies.

* Add copy deactivation

* Fix dependent virtual buffers

* Remove logging

* Fix format issues (maybe)

* Vulkan: Remove backing swap

* Add explicit memory access types for most buffers

* Fix typo

* Add device local force expiry, change buffer inheritance behaviour

* General cleanup, OGL fix

* BufferPreFlush comments

* BufferBackingState comments

* Add an extra precaution to BufferMigration

This is very unlikely, but it's important to cover loose ends like this.

* Address some feedback

* Docs
2024-05-19 16:53:37 -03:00

348 lines
12 KiB

using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan.Queries;
using Silk.NET.Vulkan;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
class PipelineFull : PipelineBase, IPipeline
private const ulong MinByteWeightForFlush = 256 * 1024 * 1024; // MiB
private readonly List<(QueryPool, bool)> _activeQueries;
private CounterQueueEvent _activeConditionalRender;
private readonly List<BufferedQuery> _pendingQueryCopies;
private readonly List<BufferHolder> _activeBufferMirrors;
private ulong _byteWeight;
private readonly List<BufferHolder> _backingSwaps;
public PipelineFull(VulkanRenderer gd, Device device) : base(gd, device)
_activeQueries = new List<(QueryPool, bool)>();
_pendingQueryCopies = new();
_backingSwaps = new();
_activeBufferMirrors = new();
CommandBuffer = (Cbs = gd.CommandBufferPool.Rent()).CommandBuffer;
private void CopyPendingQuery()
foreach (var query in _pendingQueryCopies)
public void ClearRenderTargetColor(int index, int layer, int layerCount, uint componentMask, ColorF color)
if (FramebufferParams == null)
if (componentMask != 0xf)
// We can't use CmdClearAttachments if not writing all components,
// because on Vulkan, the pipeline state does not affect clears.
var dstTexture = FramebufferParams.GetColorView(index);
if (dstTexture == null)
Span<float> clearColor = stackalloc float[4];
clearColor[0] = color.Red;
clearColor[1] = color.Green;
clearColor[2] = color.Blue;
clearColor[3] = color.Alpha;
// TODO: Clear only the specified layer.
ClearRenderTargetColor(index, layer, layerCount, color);
public void ClearRenderTargetDepthStencil(int layer, int layerCount, float depthValue, bool depthMask, int stencilValue, int stencilMask)
if (FramebufferParams == null)
if (stencilMask != 0 && stencilMask != 0xff)
// We can't use CmdClearAttachments if not clearing all (mask is all ones, 0xFF) or none (mask is 0) of the stencil bits,
// because on Vulkan, the pipeline state does not affect clears.
var dstTexture = FramebufferParams.GetDepthStencilView();
if (dstTexture == null)
// TODO: Clear only the specified layer.
FramebufferParams.AttachmentFormats[FramebufferParams.AttachmentsCount - 1],
ClearRenderTargetDepthStencil(layer, layerCount, depthValue, depthMask, stencilValue, stencilMask != 0);
public void EndHostConditionalRendering()
if (Gd.Capabilities.SupportsConditionalRendering)
// Gd.ConditionalRenderingApi.CmdEndConditionalRendering(CommandBuffer);
// throw new NotSupportedException();
_activeConditionalRender = null;
public bool TryHostConditionalRendering(ICounterEvent value, ulong compare, bool isEqual)
// Compare an event and a constant value.
if (value is CounterQueueEvent evt)
// Easy host conditional rendering when the check matches what GL can do:
// - Event is of type samples passed.
// - Result is not a combination of multiple queries.
// - Comparing against 0.
// - Event has not already been flushed.
if (compare == 0 && evt.Type == CounterType.SamplesPassed && evt.ClearCounter)
if (!value.ReserveForHostAccess())
// If the event has been flushed, then just use the values on the CPU.
// The query object may already be repurposed for another draw (eg. begin + end).
return false;
if (Gd.Capabilities.SupportsConditionalRendering)
// var buffer = evt.GetBuffer().Get(Cbs, 0, sizeof(long)).Value;
// var flags = isEqual ? ConditionalRenderingFlagsEXT.InvertedBitExt : 0;
// var conditionalRenderingBeginInfo = new ConditionalRenderingBeginInfoEXT
// {
// SType = StructureType.ConditionalRenderingBeginInfoExt,
// Buffer = buffer,
// Flags = flags,
// };
// Gd.ConditionalRenderingApi.CmdBeginConditionalRendering(CommandBuffer, conditionalRenderingBeginInfo);
_activeConditionalRender = evt;
return true;
// The GPU will flush the queries to CPU and evaluate the condition there instead.
FlushPendingQuery(); // The thread will be stalled manually flushing the counter, so flush commands now.
return false;
public bool TryHostConditionalRendering(ICounterEvent value, ICounterEvent compare, bool isEqual)
FlushPendingQuery(); // The thread will be stalled manually flushing the counter, so flush commands now.
return false;
private void FlushPendingQuery()
if (AutoFlush.ShouldFlushQuery())
public CommandBufferScoped GetPreloadCommandBuffer()
PreloadCbs ??= Gd.CommandBufferPool.Rent();
return PreloadCbs.Value;
public void FlushCommandsIfWeightExceeding(IAuto disposedResource, ulong byteWeight)
bool usedByCurrentCb = disposedResource.HasCommandBufferDependency(Cbs);
if (PreloadCbs != null && !usedByCurrentCb)
usedByCurrentCb = disposedResource.HasCommandBufferDependency(PreloadCbs.Value);
if (usedByCurrentCb)
// Since we can only free memory after the command buffer that uses a given resource was executed,
// keeping the command buffer might cause a high amount of memory to be in use.
// To prevent that, we force submit command buffers if the memory usage by resources
// in use by the current command buffer is above a given limit, and those resources were disposed.
_byteWeight += byteWeight;
if (_byteWeight >= MinByteWeightForFlush)
public void Restore()
if (Pipeline != null)
Gd.Api.CmdBindPipeline(CommandBuffer, Pbp, Pipeline.Get(Cbs).Value);
if (Pipeline != null && Pbp == PipelineBindPoint.Graphics)
DynamicState.ReplayIfDirty(Gd.Api, CommandBuffer);
public void FlushCommandsImpl()
foreach ((var queryPool, _) in _activeQueries)
Gd.Api.CmdEndQuery(CommandBuffer, queryPool, 0);
_byteWeight = 0;
if (PreloadCbs != null)
PreloadCbs = null;
Gd.Barriers.Flush(Cbs.CommandBuffer, false, null);
CommandBuffer = (Cbs = Gd.CommandBufferPool.ReturnAndRent(Cbs)).CommandBuffer;
// Restore per-command buffer state.
foreach (BufferHolder buffer in _activeBufferMirrors)
foreach ((var queryPool, var isOcclusion) in _activeQueries)
bool isPrecise = Gd.Capabilities.SupportsPreciseOcclusionQueries && isOcclusion;
Gd.Api.CmdResetQueryPool(CommandBuffer, queryPool, 0, 1);
Gd.Api.CmdBeginQuery(CommandBuffer, queryPool, 0, isPrecise ? QueryControlFlags.PreciseBit : 0);
public void RegisterActiveMirror(BufferHolder buffer)
public void BeginQuery(BufferedQuery query, QueryPool pool, bool needsReset, bool isOcclusion, bool fromSamplePool)
if (needsReset)
Gd.Api.CmdResetQueryPool(CommandBuffer, pool, 0, 1);
if (fromSamplePool)
// Try reset some additional queries in advance.
Gd.ResetFutureCounters(CommandBuffer, AutoFlush.GetRemainingQueries());
bool isPrecise = Gd.Capabilities.SupportsPreciseOcclusionQueries && isOcclusion;
Gd.Api.CmdBeginQuery(CommandBuffer, pool, 0, isPrecise ? QueryControlFlags.PreciseBit : 0);
_activeQueries.Add((pool, isOcclusion));
public void EndQuery(QueryPool pool)
Gd.Api.CmdEndQuery(CommandBuffer, pool, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < _activeQueries.Count; i++)
if (_activeQueries[i].Item1.Handle == pool.Handle)
public void CopyQueryResults(BufferedQuery query)
if (AutoFlush.RegisterPendingQuery())
protected override void SignalAttachmentChange()
if (AutoFlush.ShouldFlushAttachmentChange(DrawCount))
protected override void SignalRenderPassEnd()