gdkchan 3e6e0e4afa
Add support for large sampler arrays on Vulkan (#6489)
* Add support for large sampler arrays on Vulkan

* Shader cache version bump

* Format whitespace

* Move DescriptorSetManager to PipelineLayoutCacheEntry to allow different pool sizes per layout

* Handle array textures with different types on the same buffer

* Somewhat better caching system

* Avoid useless buffer data modification checks

* Move redundant bindings update checking to the backend

* Fix an issue where texture arrays would get the same bindings across stages on Vulkan

* Backport some fixes from part 2

* Fix typo

* PR feedback

* Format whitespace

* Add some missing XML docs
2024-04-07 18:25:55 -03:00

237 lines
9.2 KiB

using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation.OperandHelper;
namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation.Optimizations
static class BindlessToArray
private const int NvnTextureBufferIndex = 2;
private const int HardcodedArrayLengthOgl = 4;
// 1 and 0 elements are not considered arrays anymore.
private const int MinimumArrayLength = 2;
public static void RunPassOgl(BasicBlock block, ResourceManager resourceManager)
// We can turn a bindless texture access into a indexed access,
// as long the following conditions are true:
// - The handle is loaded using a LDC instruction.
// - The handle is loaded from the constant buffer with the handles (CB2 for NVN).
// - The load has a constant offset.
// The base offset of the array of handles on the constant buffer is the constant offset.
for (LinkedListNode<INode> node = block.Operations.First; node != null; node = node.Next)
if (node.Value is not TextureOperation texOp)
if ((texOp.Flags & TextureFlags.Bindless) == 0)
if (texOp.GetSource(0).AsgOp is not Operation handleAsgOp)
if (handleAsgOp.Inst != Instruction.Load ||
handleAsgOp.StorageKind != StorageKind.ConstantBuffer ||
handleAsgOp.SourcesCount != 4)
Operand ldcSrc0 = handleAsgOp.GetSource(0);
if (ldcSrc0.Type != OperandType.Constant ||
!resourceManager.TryGetConstantBufferSlot(ldcSrc0.Value, out int src0CbufSlot) ||
src0CbufSlot != NvnTextureBufferIndex)
Operand ldcSrc1 = handleAsgOp.GetSource(1);
// We expect field index 0 to be accessed.
if (ldcSrc1.Type != OperandType.Constant || ldcSrc1.Value != 0)
Operand ldcSrc2 = handleAsgOp.GetSource(2);
// FIXME: This is missing some checks, for example, a check to ensure that the shift value is 2.
// Might be not worth fixing since if that doesn't kick in, the result will be no texture
// to access anyway which is also wrong.
// Plus this whole transform is fundamentally flawed as-is since we have no way to know the array size.
// Eventually, this should be entirely removed in favor of a implementation that supports true bindless
// texture access.
if (ldcSrc2.AsgOp is not Operation shrOp || shrOp.Inst != Instruction.ShiftRightU32)
if (shrOp.GetSource(0).AsgOp is not Operation shrOp2 || shrOp2.Inst != Instruction.ShiftRightU32)
if (shrOp2.GetSource(0).AsgOp is not Operation addOp || addOp.Inst != Instruction.Add)
Operand addSrc1 = addOp.GetSource(1);
if (addSrc1.Type != OperandType.Constant)
TurnIntoArray(resourceManager, texOp, NvnTextureBufferIndex, addSrc1.Value / 4, HardcodedArrayLengthOgl);
Operand index = Local();
Operand source = addOp.GetSource(0);
Operation shrBy3 = new(Instruction.ShiftRightU32, index, source, Const(3));
block.Operations.AddBefore(node, shrBy3);
texOp.SetSource(0, index);
public static void RunPass(BasicBlock block, ResourceManager resourceManager, IGpuAccessor gpuAccessor)
// We can turn a bindless texture access into a indexed access,
// as long the following conditions are true:
// - The handle is loaded using a LDC instruction.
// - The handle is loaded from the constant buffer with the handles (CB2 for NVN).
// - The load has a constant offset.
// The base offset of the array of handles on the constant buffer is the constant offset.
for (LinkedListNode<INode> node = block.Operations.First; node != null; node = node.Next)
if (node.Value is not TextureOperation texOp)
if ((texOp.Flags & TextureFlags.Bindless) == 0)
if (texOp.GetSource(0).AsgOp is not Operation handleAsgOp)
int secondaryCbufSlot = 0;
int secondaryCbufOffset = 0;
bool hasSecondaryHandle = false;
if (handleAsgOp.Inst == Instruction.BitwiseOr)
Operand src0 = handleAsgOp.GetSource(0);
Operand src1 = handleAsgOp.GetSource(1);
if (src0.Type == OperandType.ConstantBuffer && src1.AsgOp is Operation)
handleAsgOp = src1.AsgOp as Operation;
secondaryCbufSlot = src0.GetCbufSlot();
secondaryCbufOffset = src0.GetCbufOffset();
hasSecondaryHandle = true;
else if (src0.AsgOp is Operation && src1.Type == OperandType.ConstantBuffer)
handleAsgOp = src0.AsgOp as Operation;
secondaryCbufSlot = src1.GetCbufSlot();
secondaryCbufOffset = src1.GetCbufOffset();
hasSecondaryHandle = true;
if (handleAsgOp.Inst != Instruction.Load ||
handleAsgOp.StorageKind != StorageKind.ConstantBuffer ||
handleAsgOp.SourcesCount != 4)
Operand ldcSrc0 = handleAsgOp.GetSource(0);
if (ldcSrc0.Type != OperandType.Constant ||
!resourceManager.TryGetConstantBufferSlot(ldcSrc0.Value, out int src0CbufSlot))
Operand ldcSrc1 = handleAsgOp.GetSource(1);
// We expect field index 0 to be accessed.
if (ldcSrc1.Type != OperandType.Constant || ldcSrc1.Value != 0)
Operand ldcVecIndex = handleAsgOp.GetSource(2);
Operand ldcElemIndex = handleAsgOp.GetSource(3);
if (ldcVecIndex.Type != OperandType.LocalVariable || ldcElemIndex.Type != OperandType.LocalVariable)
int cbufSlot;
int handleIndex;
if (hasSecondaryHandle)
cbufSlot = TextureHandle.PackSlots(src0CbufSlot, secondaryCbufSlot);
handleIndex = TextureHandle.PackOffsets(0, secondaryCbufOffset, TextureHandleType.SeparateSamplerHandle);
cbufSlot = src0CbufSlot;
handleIndex = 0;
int length = Math.Max(MinimumArrayLength, gpuAccessor.QueryTextureArrayLengthFromBuffer(src0CbufSlot));
TurnIntoArray(resourceManager, texOp, cbufSlot, handleIndex, length);
Operand vecIndex = Local();
Operand elemIndex = Local();
Operand index = Local();
Operand indexMin = Local();
block.Operations.AddBefore(node, new Operation(Instruction.ShiftLeft, vecIndex, ldcVecIndex, Const(1)));
block.Operations.AddBefore(node, new Operation(Instruction.ShiftRightU32, elemIndex, ldcElemIndex, Const(1)));
block.Operations.AddBefore(node, new Operation(Instruction.Add, index, vecIndex, elemIndex));
block.Operations.AddBefore(node, new Operation(Instruction.MinimumU32, indexMin, index, Const(length - 1)));
texOp.SetSource(0, indexMin);
private static void TurnIntoArray(ResourceManager resourceManager, TextureOperation texOp, int cbufSlot, int handleIndex, int length)
int binding = resourceManager.GetTextureOrImageBinding(
texOp.Flags & ~TextureFlags.Bindless,