jhorv ead9a25141
Audio rendering: reduce memory allocations (#6604)
* - WritableRegion: enable wrapping IMemoryOwner<byte>
- IVirtualMemoryManager impls of GetWritableRegion() use pooled memory when region is non-contiguous.
- IVirtualMemoryManager: add GetReadOnlySequence() and impls
- ByteMemoryPool: add new method RentCopy()
- ByteMemoryPool: make class static, remove ctor and singleton field from earlier impl

* - BytesReadOnlySequenceSegment: move from Ryujinx.Common.Memory to Ryujinx.Memory
- BytesReadOnlySequenceSegment: add IsContiguousWith() and Replace() methods
- VirtualMemoryManagerBase:
  - remove generic type parameters, instead use ulong for virtual addresses and nuint for host/physical addresses
  - implement IWritableBlock
  - add virtual GetReadOnlySequence() with coalescing of contiguous segments
  - add virtual GetSpan()
  - add virtual GetWritableRegion()
  - add abstract IsMapped()
  - add virtual MapForeign(ulong, nuint, ulong)
  - add virtual Read<T>()
  - add virtual Read(ulong, Span<byte>)
  - add virtual ReadTracked<T>()
  - add virtual SignalMemoryTracking()
  - add virtual Write()
  - add virtual Write<T>()
  - add virtual WriteUntracked()
  - add virtual WriteWithRedundancyCheck()
- VirtualMemoryManagerRefCountedBase: remove generic type parameters
- AddressSpaceManager: remove redundant methods, add required overrides
- HvMemoryManager: remove redundant methods, add required overrides, add overrides for _invalidAccessHandler handling
- MemoryManager: remove redundant methods, add required overrides, add overrides for _invalidAccessHandler handling
- MemoryManagerHostMapped: remove redundant methods, add required overrides, add overrides for _invalidAccessHandler handling
- NativeMemoryManager: add get properties for Pointer and Length
- throughout: removed invalid <inheritdoc/> comments

* - WritableRegion: enable wrapping IMemoryOwner<byte>
- IVirtualMemoryManager impls of GetWritableRegion() use pooled memory when region is non-contiguous.
- IVirtualMemoryManager: add GetReadOnlySequence() and impls
- ByteMemoryPool: add new method RentCopy()
- ByteMemoryPool: make class static, remove ctor and singleton field from earlier impl

* add PagedMemoryRange enumerator types, use them in IVirtualMemoryManager implementations to consolidate page-handling logic and add a new capability - the coalescing of pages for consolidating memory copies and segmentation.

* new: more tests for PagedMemoryRangeCoalescingEnumerator showing coalescing of contiguous segments

* make some struct properties readonly

* put braces around `foreach` bodies

* encourage inlining of some PagedMemoryRange*Enumerator members

* DynamicRingBuffer:
 - use ByteMemoryPool
 - make some methods return without locking when size/count argument = 0
 - make generic Read<T>()/Write<T>() non-generic because its only usage is as T = byte
 - change Read(byte[]...) to Read(Span<byte>...)
 - change Write(byte[]...) to Write(Span<byte>...)

* change IAudioRenderer.RequestUpdate() to take a ReadOnlySequence<byte>, enabling zero-copy audio rendering

* HipcGenerator: support ReadOnlySequence<byte> as IPC method parameter

* change IAudioRenderer/AudioRenderer RequestUpdate* methods to take input as ReadOnlySequence<byte>

* MemoryManagerHostTracked: use rented memory when contiguous in `GetWritableRegion()`

* rebase cleanup

* dotnet format fixes

* format and comment fixes

* format long parameter list - take 2

* - add support to HipcGenerator for buffers of type `Memory<byte>`
- change `AudioRenderer` `RequestUpdate()` and `RequestUpdateAuto()` to use Memory<byte> for output buffers, removing another memory block allocation/copy

* SplitterContext `UpdateState()` and `UpdateData()` smooth out advance/rewind logic, only rewind if magic is invalid

* DynamicRingBuffer.Write(): change Span<byte> to ReadOnlySpan<byte>
2024-04-07 18:07:32 -03:00

366 lines
14 KiB

using Ryujinx.Audio.Renderer.Common;
using Ryujinx.Audio.Renderer.Parameter;
using Ryujinx.Audio.Renderer.Utils;
using Ryujinx.Common.Logging;
using System;
using static Ryujinx.Audio.Renderer.Common.BehaviourParameter;
using CpuAddress = System.UInt64;
using DspAddress = System.UInt64;
namespace Ryujinx.Audio.Renderer.Server.MemoryPool
/// <summary>
/// Memory pool mapping helper.
/// </summary>
public class PoolMapper
const uint CurrentProcessPseudoHandle = 0xFFFF8001;
/// <summary>
/// The result of <see cref="Update(ref MemoryPoolState, ref MemoryPoolInParameter, ref MemoryPoolOutStatus)"/>.
/// </summary>
public enum UpdateResult : uint
/// <summary>
/// No error reported.
/// </summary>
Success = 0,
/// <summary>
/// The user parameters were invalid.
/// </summary>
InvalidParameter = 1,
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="Dsp.AudioProcessor"/> mapping failed.
/// </summary>
MapError = 2,
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="Dsp.AudioProcessor"/> unmapping failed.
/// </summary>
UnmapError = 3,
/// <summary>
/// The handle of the process owning the CPU memory manipulated.
/// </summary>
private readonly uint _processHandle;
/// <summary>
/// The <see cref="Memory{MemoryPoolState}"/> that will be manipulated.
/// </summary>
private readonly Memory<MemoryPoolState> _memoryPools;
/// <summary>
/// If set to true, this will try to force map memory pool even if their state are considered invalid.
/// </summary>
private readonly bool _isForceMapEnabled;
/// <summary>
/// Create a new <see cref="PoolMapper"/> used for system mapping.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="processHandle">The handle of the process owning the CPU memory manipulated.</param>
/// <param name="isForceMapEnabled">If set to true, this will try to force map memory pool even if their state are considered invalid.</param>
public PoolMapper(uint processHandle, bool isForceMapEnabled)
_processHandle = processHandle;
_isForceMapEnabled = isForceMapEnabled;
_memoryPools = Memory<MemoryPoolState>.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// Create a new <see cref="PoolMapper"/> used for user mapping.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="processHandle">The handle of the process owning the CPU memory manipulated.</param>
/// <param name="memoryPool">The user memory pools.</param>
/// <param name="isForceMapEnabled">If set to true, this will try to force map memory pool even if their state are considered invalid.</param>
public PoolMapper(uint processHandle, Memory<MemoryPoolState> memoryPool, bool isForceMapEnabled)
_processHandle = processHandle;
_memoryPools = memoryPool;
_isForceMapEnabled = isForceMapEnabled;
/// <summary>
/// Initialize the <see cref="MemoryPoolState"/> for system use.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="memoryPool">The <see cref="MemoryPoolState"/> for system use.</param>
/// <param name="cpuAddress">The <see cref="CpuAddress"/> to assign.</param>
/// <param name="size">The size to assign.</param>
/// <returns>Returns true if mapping on the <see cref="Dsp.AudioProcessor"/> succeeded.</returns>
public bool InitializeSystemPool(ref MemoryPoolState memoryPool, CpuAddress cpuAddress, ulong size)
if (memoryPool.Location != MemoryPoolState.LocationType.Dsp)
return false;
return InitializePool(ref memoryPool, cpuAddress, size);
/// <summary>
/// Initialize the <see cref="MemoryPoolState"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="memoryPool">The <see cref="MemoryPoolState"/>.</param>
/// <param name="cpuAddress">The <see cref="CpuAddress"/> to assign.</param>
/// <param name="size">The size to assign.</param>
/// <returns>Returns true if mapping on the <see cref="Dsp.AudioProcessor"/> succeeded.</returns>
public bool InitializePool(ref MemoryPoolState memoryPool, CpuAddress cpuAddress, ulong size)
memoryPool.SetCpuAddress(cpuAddress, size);
return Map(ref memoryPool) != 0;
/// <summary>
/// Get the process handle associated to the <see cref="MemoryPoolState"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="memoryPool">The <see cref="MemoryPoolState"/>.</param>
/// <returns>Returns the process handle associated to the <see cref="MemoryPoolState"/>.</returns>
public uint GetProcessHandle(ref MemoryPoolState memoryPool)
if (memoryPool.Location == MemoryPoolState.LocationType.Cpu)
return CurrentProcessPseudoHandle;
if (memoryPool.Location == MemoryPoolState.LocationType.Dsp)
return _processHandle;
return 0;
/// <summary>
/// Map the <see cref="MemoryPoolState"/> on the <see cref="Dsp.AudioProcessor"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="memoryPool">The <see cref="MemoryPoolState"/> to map.</param>
/// <returns>Returns the DSP address mapped.</returns>
public DspAddress Map(ref MemoryPoolState memoryPool)
DspAddress result = AudioProcessorMemoryManager.Map(GetProcessHandle(ref memoryPool), memoryPool.CpuAddress, memoryPool.Size);
if (result != 0)
memoryPool.DspAddress = result;
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Unmap the <see cref="MemoryPoolState"/> from the <see cref="Dsp.AudioProcessor"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="memoryPool">The <see cref="MemoryPoolState"/> to unmap.</param>
/// <returns>Returns true if unmapped.</returns>
public bool Unmap(ref MemoryPoolState memoryPool)
if (memoryPool.IsUsed)
return false;
AudioProcessorMemoryManager.Unmap(GetProcessHandle(ref memoryPool), memoryPool.CpuAddress, memoryPool.Size);
memoryPool.SetCpuAddress(0, 0);
memoryPool.DspAddress = 0;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Find a <see cref="MemoryPoolState"/> associated to the region given.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cpuAddress">The region <see cref="CpuAddress"/>.</param>
/// <param name="size">The region size.</param>
/// <returns>Returns the <see cref="MemoryPoolState"/> found or <see cref="Memory{MemoryPoolState}.Empty"/> if not found.</returns>
private Span<MemoryPoolState> FindMemoryPool(CpuAddress cpuAddress, ulong size)
if (!_memoryPools.IsEmpty && _memoryPools.Length > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < _memoryPools.Length; i++)
if (_memoryPools.Span[i].Contains(cpuAddress, size))
return _memoryPools.Span.Slice(i, 1);
return Span<MemoryPoolState>.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// Force unmap the given <see cref="AddressInfo"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="addressInfo">The <see cref="AddressInfo"/> to force unmap</param>
public void ForceUnmap(ref AddressInfo addressInfo)
if (_isForceMapEnabled)
Span<MemoryPoolState> memoryPool = FindMemoryPool(addressInfo.CpuAddress, addressInfo.Size);
if (!memoryPool.IsEmpty)
AudioProcessorMemoryManager.Unmap(_processHandle, memoryPool[0].CpuAddress, memoryPool[0].Size);
AudioProcessorMemoryManager.Unmap(_processHandle, addressInfo.CpuAddress, 0);
/// <summary>
/// Try to attach the given region to the <see cref="AddressInfo"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="errorInfo">The error information if an error was generated.</param>
/// <param name="addressInfo">The <see cref="AddressInfo"/> to attach the region to.</param>
/// <param name="cpuAddress">The region <see cref="CpuAddress"/>.</param>
/// <param name="size">The region size.</param>
/// <returns>Returns true if mapping was performed.</returns>
public bool TryAttachBuffer(out ErrorInfo errorInfo, ref AddressInfo addressInfo, CpuAddress cpuAddress, ulong size)
errorInfo = new ErrorInfo();
addressInfo.Setup(cpuAddress, size);
if (AssignDspAddress(ref addressInfo))
errorInfo.ErrorCode = 0x0;
errorInfo.ExtraErrorInfo = 0x0;
return true;
errorInfo.ErrorCode = ResultCode.InvalidAddressInfo;
errorInfo.ExtraErrorInfo = addressInfo.CpuAddress;
return _isForceMapEnabled;
/// <summary>
/// Update a <see cref="MemoryPoolState"/> using user parameters.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="memoryPool">The <see cref="MemoryPoolState"/> to update.</param>
/// <param name="inParameter">Input user parameter.</param>
/// <param name="outStatus">Output user parameter.</param>
/// <returns>Returns the <see cref="UpdateResult"/> of the operations performed.</returns>
public UpdateResult Update(ref MemoryPoolState memoryPool, in MemoryPoolInParameter inParameter, ref MemoryPoolOutStatus outStatus)
MemoryPoolUserState inputState = inParameter.State;
MemoryPoolUserState outputState;
const uint PageSize = 0x1000;
if (inputState != MemoryPoolUserState.RequestAttach && inputState != MemoryPoolUserState.RequestDetach)
return UpdateResult.Success;
if (inParameter.CpuAddress == 0 || (inParameter.CpuAddress % PageSize) != 0)
return UpdateResult.InvalidParameter;
if (inParameter.Size == 0 || (inParameter.Size % PageSize) != 0)
return UpdateResult.InvalidParameter;
if (inputState == MemoryPoolUserState.RequestAttach)
bool initializeSuccess = InitializePool(ref memoryPool, inParameter.CpuAddress, inParameter.Size);
if (!initializeSuccess)
memoryPool.SetCpuAddress(0, 0);
Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.AudioRenderer, $"Map of memory pool (address: 0x{inParameter.CpuAddress:x}, size 0x{inParameter.Size:x}) failed!");
return UpdateResult.MapError;
outputState = MemoryPoolUserState.Attached;
if (memoryPool.CpuAddress != inParameter.CpuAddress || memoryPool.Size != inParameter.Size)
return UpdateResult.InvalidParameter;
if (!Unmap(ref memoryPool))
Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.AudioRenderer, $"Unmap of memory pool (address: 0x{memoryPool.CpuAddress:x}, size 0x{memoryPool.Size:x}) failed!");
return UpdateResult.UnmapError;
outputState = MemoryPoolUserState.Detached;
outStatus.State = outputState;
return UpdateResult.Success;
/// <summary>
/// Map the <see cref="AddressInfo"/> to the <see cref="Dsp.AudioProcessor"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="addressInfo">The <see cref="AddressInfo"/> to map.</param>
/// <returns>Returns true if mapping was performed.</returns>
private bool AssignDspAddress(ref AddressInfo addressInfo)
if (addressInfo.CpuAddress == 0)
return false;
if (_memoryPools.Length > 0)
Span<MemoryPoolState> memoryPool = FindMemoryPool(addressInfo.CpuAddress, addressInfo.Size);
if (!memoryPool.IsEmpty)
return true;
if (_isForceMapEnabled)
DspAddress dspAddress = AudioProcessorMemoryManager.Map(_processHandle, addressInfo.CpuAddress, addressInfo.Size);
addressInfo.ForceMappedDspAddress = dspAddress;
AudioProcessorMemoryManager.Map(_processHandle, addressInfo.CpuAddress, addressInfo.Size);
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Remove the usage flag from all the <see cref="MemoryPoolState"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="memoryPool">The <see cref="Memory{MemoryPoolState}"/> to reset.</param>
public static void ClearUsageState(Memory<MemoryPoolState> memoryPool)
foreach (ref MemoryPoolState info in memoryPool.Span)
info.IsUsed = false;