#include "thread.h" #include "fs/FSUtils.h" #include "retain_vars.hpp" #include "screenshot_utils.h" #include "utils/StringTools.h" #include "utils/logger.h" #include "utils/utils.h" #include #include #include #include #include FSIOThreadData gThreadData; bool gThreadsRunning; bool getPath(GX2ScanTarget scanTarget, ImageOutputFormatEnum outputFormat, std::string &path) { OSCalendarTime output; OSTicksToCalendarTime(OSGetTime(), &output); std::string buffer = string_format("%s%016llX", WIIU_SCREENSHOT_PATH, OSGetTitleID()); if (!gShortNameEn.empty()) { buffer += string_format(" (%s)", gShortNameEn.c_str()); } buffer += string_format("/%04d-%02d-%02d/", output.tm_year, output.tm_mon + 1, output.tm_mday); auto dir = opendir(buffer.c_str()); if (dir) { closedir(dir); } else { if (!FSUtils::CreateSubfolder(buffer.c_str())) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to create dir: %s", buffer.c_str()); return false; } } path += string_format("%s%04d-%02d-%02d_%02d.%02d.%02d.%03d_", buffer.c_str(), output.tm_year, output.tm_mon + 1, output.tm_mday, output.tm_hour, output.tm_min, output.tm_sec, output.tm_msec); if (scanTarget == GX2_SCAN_TARGET_DRC) { path += "DRC"; } else if (scanTarget == GX2_SCAN_TARGET_TV) { path += "TV"; } else if (scanTarget == GX2_SCAN_TARGET_DRC1) { path += "DRC2"; } else { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Invalid scanTarget %d", scanTarget); return false; } switch (outputFormat) { case IMAGE_OUTPUT_FORMAT_JPEG: path += ".jpg"; break; case IMAGE_OUTPUT_FORMAT_PNG: path += ".png"; break; case IMAGE_OUTPUT_FORMAT_BMP: path += ".bmp"; break; default: DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_WARN("Invalid output format, use jpeg instead"); path += ".jpg"; break; } return true; } static int32_t fsIOthreadCallback([[maybe_unused]] int argc, const char **argv) { auto *magic = ((FSIOThreadData *) argv); constexpr int32_t messageSize = sizeof(magic->messages) / sizeof(magic->messages[0]); OSInitMessageQueue(&magic->queue, magic->messages, messageSize); OSMessage recv; while (OSReceiveMessage(&magic->queue, &recv, OS_MESSAGE_FLAGS_BLOCKING)) { if (recv.args[0] == FS_IO_QUEUE_COMMAND_STOP) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Received break command! Stop thread"); break; } else if (recv.args[0] == FS_IO_QUEUE_COMMAND_PROCESS_FS_COMMAND) { auto *message = (SaveScreenshotMessage *) recv.message; std::string path; bool success = false; if (getPath(message->scanTarget, message->outputFormat, path)) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Saving to %s", path.c_str()); auto res = saveTextureAsPicture(path, message->sourceBuffer, message->width, message->height, message->pitch, message->format, message->outputFormat, message->convertRGBtoSRGB, message->quality); if (res) { NotificationModuleStatus err; auto text = string_format("\ue01e Saving screenshot of the %s done!", message->scanTarget == GX2_SCAN_TARGET_TV ? "TV" : "GamePad"); if ((err = NotificationModule_UpdateDynamicNotificationText(message->notificationHandle, text.c_str())) != NOTIFICATION_MODULE_RESULT_SUCCESS || (err = NotificationModule_FinishDynamicNotification(message->notificationHandle, 2.0)) != NOTIFICATION_MODULE_RESULT_SUCCESS) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to update notification: %s", NotificationModule_GetStatusStr(err)); } success = true; } } else { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to get and create path"); } if (!success) { NotificationModuleStatus err; auto errorText = string_format("\ue01e Saving screenshot of the %s failed", message->scanTarget == GX2_SCAN_TARGET_TV ? "TV" : "GamePad"); if ((err = NotificationModule_UpdateDynamicNotificationText(message->notificationHandle, errorText.c_str())) != NOTIFICATION_MODULE_RESULT_SUCCESS || (err = NotificationModule_UpdateDynamicNotificationBackgroundColor(message->notificationHandle, COLOR_RED)) != NOTIFICATION_MODULE_RESULT_SUCCESS || (err = NotificationModule_FinishDynamicNotificationWithShake(message->notificationHandle, 2.0f, 0.5f)) != NOTIFICATION_MODULE_RESULT_SUCCESS) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to update notification: %s", NotificationModule_GetStatusStr(err)); } } // Free the colorbuffer copy. if (message->sourceBuffer != nullptr) { MEMFreeToMappedMemory(message->sourceBuffer); } OSMemoryBarrier(); free(message); } } return 0; } bool sendMessageToThread(SaveScreenshotMessage *param) { auto *curThread = &gThreadData; if (curThread->setup) { OSMessage send; send.message = param; send.args[0] = FS_IO_QUEUE_COMMAND_PROCESS_FS_COMMAND; OSMemoryBarrier(); return OSSendMessage(&curThread->queue, &send, OS_MESSAGE_FLAGS_NONE); } else { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Thread not setup"); } return false; } void startFSIOThreads() { auto stackSize = 16 * 1024; auto *threadData = &gThreadData; memset(threadData, 0, sizeof(*threadData)); threadData->setup = false; threadData->thread = (OSThread *) memalign(8, sizeof(OSThread)); if (!threadData->thread) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to allocate threadData"); OSFatal("ScreenshotPlugin: Failed to allocate IO Thread"); return; } threadData->stack = (uint8_t *) memalign(0x20, stackSize); if (!threadData->thread) { free(threadData->thread); DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to allocate threadData stack"); OSFatal("ScreenshotPlugin: Failed to allocate IO Thread stack"); return; } OSMemoryBarrier(); if (!OSCreateThread(threadData->thread, &fsIOthreadCallback, 1, (char *) threadData, reinterpret_cast((uint32_t) threadData->stack + stackSize), stackSize, 31, OS_THREAD_ATTRIB_AFFINITY_ANY)) { free(threadData->thread); free(threadData->stack); threadData->setup = false; DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("failed to create threadData"); OSFatal("ContentRedirectionModule: Failed to create threadData"); } strncpy(threadData->threadName, "ScreenshotPlugin IO Thread", sizeof(threadData->threadName) - 1); OSSetThreadName(threadData->thread, threadData->threadName); OSResumeThread(threadData->thread); threadData->setup = true; gThreadsRunning = true; OSMemoryBarrier(); } void stopFSIOThreads() { if (!gThreadsRunning) { return; } auto *thread = &gThreadData; if (!thread->setup) { return; } OSMessage message; message.args[0] = FS_IO_QUEUE_COMMAND_STOP; OSSendMessage(&thread->queue, &message, OS_MESSAGE_FLAGS_BLOCKING); if (!OSSetThreadPriority(thread->thread, 0)) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to boost priority, the game might softlock"); } else { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_VERBOSE("Set priority to 0!"); } if (OSIsThreadSuspended(thread->thread)) { OSResumeThread(thread->thread); } OSJoinThread(thread->thread, nullptr); if (thread->stack) { free(thread->stack); thread->stack = nullptr; } if (thread->thread) { free(thread->thread); thread->thread = nullptr; } gThreadsRunning = false; }