#include "common.h" #include "fs/FSUtils.h" #include "retain_vars.hpp" #include "screenshot_utils.h" #include "thread.h" #include "utils/input.h" #include "utils/logger.h" #include #include #include #include #include extern "C" uint32_t VPADGetButtonProcMode(uint32_t); void AlreadyInProgressCallback(NotificationModuleHandle handle, void *context) { auto scanTarget = (GX2ScanTarget) (uint32_t) context; if (scanTarget == GX2_SCAN_TARGET_TV) { gInProgressNotificationDisplayedTV = false; } else if (scanTarget == GX2_SCAN_TARGET_DRC) { gInProgressNotificationDisplayedDRC = false; } OSMemoryBarrier(); } void NotAvailableCallback(NotificationModuleHandle handle, void *context) { gNotAvailableNotificationDisplayed = false; OSMemoryBarrier(); } void RequestScreenshot() { NotificationModuleStatus err; if (!OSIsHomeButtonMenuEnabled()) { if (!gNotAvailableNotificationDisplayed) { if ((err = NotificationModule_AddErrorNotificationWithCallback("Screenshots not available at the moment.", NotAvailableCallback, nullptr)) != NOTIFICATION_MODULE_RESULT_SUCCESS) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to display \"Screenshots not available at the moment.\" notification"); DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Error: %s,", NotificationModule_GetStatusStr(err)); return; } gNotAvailableNotificationDisplayed = true; } } else { if (gImageSource == IMAGE_SOURCE_TV_AND_DRC || gImageSource == IMAGE_SOURCE_TV) { if (gTakeScreenshotTV == SCREENSHOT_STATE_READY) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Requested screenshot for TV!"); gTakeScreenshotTV = SCREENSHOT_STATE_REQUESTED; } else if (!gInProgressNotificationDisplayedTV) { if ((err = NotificationModule_AddErrorNotificationWithCallback("Screenshot of the TV already in progress.", AlreadyInProgressCallback, (void *) GX2_SCAN_TARGET_TV)) != NOTIFICATION_MODULE_RESULT_SUCCESS) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to display \"Screenshot of the TV already in progress.\" notification"); DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Error: %s,", NotificationModule_GetStatusStr(err)); return; } gInProgressNotificationDisplayedTV = true; } } if (gImageSource == IMAGE_SOURCE_TV_AND_DRC || gImageSource == IMAGE_SOURCE_DRC) { if (gBlockDRCScreenshots) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Screenshots are blocked for DRC because it's not connected"); return; } if (gTakeScreenshotDRC == SCREENSHOT_STATE_READY) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Requested screenshot for DRC!"); gTakeScreenshotDRC = SCREENSHOT_STATE_REQUESTED; } else if (!gInProgressNotificationDisplayedDRC) { if ((err = NotificationModule_AddErrorNotificationWithCallback("Screenshot of the GamePad already in progress.", AlreadyInProgressCallback, (void *) GX2_SCAN_TARGET_DRC)) != NOTIFICATION_MODULE_RESULT_SUCCESS) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to display \"Screenshot of the GamePad already in progress.\" notification"); DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Error: %s,", NotificationModule_GetStatusStr(err)); return; } gInProgressNotificationDisplayedDRC = true; } } OSMemoryBarrier(); } } DECL_FUNCTION(int32_t, VPADRead, VPADChan chan, VPADStatus *buffer, uint32_t buffer_size, VPADReadError *error) { VPADReadError real_error; int32_t result = real_VPADRead(chan, buffer, buffer_size, &real_error); if (gEnabled) { if (result > 0 && real_error == VPAD_READ_SUCCESS) { uint32_t end = 1; // Fix games like TP HD if (VPADGetButtonProcMode(chan) == 1) { end = result; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < end; i++) { if (((buffer[i].trigger & 0x000FFFFF) == gButtonCombo)) { RequestScreenshot(); break; } } } } if (error) { *error = real_error; } return result; } static uint32_t sWPADLastButtonHold[4]; DECL_FUNCTION(void, WPADRead, WPADChan chan, WPADStatusProController *data) { real_WPADRead(chan, data); if (gEnabled && chan >= 0 && chan < 4) { if (data[0].err == 0) { if (data[0].extensionType != 0xFF) { uint32_t curButtonHold = 0; uint32_t buttonComboConverted = 0; if (data[0].extensionType == WPAD_EXT_CORE || data[0].extensionType == WPAD_EXT_NUNCHUK) { buttonComboConverted = remapVPADtoWiimote(gButtonCombo); // button data is in the first 2 bytes for wiimotes curButtonHold = ((uint16_t *) data)[0]; } else if (data[0].extensionType == WPAD_EXT_CLASSIC) { buttonComboConverted = remapVPADtoClassic(gButtonCombo); curButtonHold = (((uint32_t *) data)[10] & 0xFFFF); } else if (data[0].extensionType == WPAD_EXT_PRO_CONTROLLER) { buttonComboConverted = remapVPADtoPro(gButtonCombo); curButtonHold = data[0].buttons; } uint32_t curButtonTrigger = (curButtonHold & (~(sWPADLastButtonHold[chan]))); bool forceScreenshot = false; if (gReservedBitUsage && data[0].extensionType == WPAD_EXT_PRO_CONTROLLER) { if (curButtonTrigger == WPAD_PRO_RESERVED) { forceScreenshot = true; } } if (forceScreenshot || (buttonComboConverted != 0 && curButtonTrigger == buttonComboConverted)) { RequestScreenshot(); } sWPADLastButtonHold[chan] = curButtonHold; } } } } DECL_FUNCTION(void, GX2CopyColorBufferToScanBuffer, const GX2ColorBuffer *colorBuffer, GX2ScanTarget scan_target) { if (gEnabled) { if (scan_target == GX2_SCAN_TARGET_TV && colorBuffer != nullptr && gTakeScreenshotTV == SCREENSHOT_STATE_REQUESTED) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Lets take a screenshot from TV."); if (!takeScreenshot((GX2ColorBuffer *) colorBuffer, scan_target, gTVSurfaceFormat, gOutputFormat, gQuality)) { gTakeScreenshotTV = SCREENSHOT_STATE_READY; } else { gTakeScreenshotTV = SCREENSHOT_STATE_SAVING; } } else if (scan_target == GX2_SCAN_TARGET_DRC0 && colorBuffer != nullptr && gTakeScreenshotDRC == SCREENSHOT_STATE_REQUESTED) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Lets take a screenshot from DRC."); if (!takeScreenshot((GX2ColorBuffer *) colorBuffer, scan_target, gDRCSurfaceFormat, gOutputFormat, gQuality)) { gTakeScreenshotDRC = SCREENSHOT_STATE_READY; } else { gTakeScreenshotDRC = SCREENSHOT_STATE_SAVING; } } } real_GX2CopyColorBufferToScanBuffer(colorBuffer, scan_target); } DECL_FUNCTION(void, GX2SetTVBuffer, void *buffer, uint32_t buffer_size, int32_t tv_render_mode, GX2SurfaceFormat surface_format, GX2BufferingMode buffering_mode) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_VERBOSE("Set TV Buffer format to 0x%08X", surface_format); gTVSurfaceFormat = surface_format; return real_GX2SetTVBuffer(buffer, buffer_size, tv_render_mode, surface_format, buffering_mode); } DECL_FUNCTION(void, GX2SetDRCBuffer, void *buffer, uint32_t buffer_size, uint32_t drc_mode, GX2SurfaceFormat surface_format, GX2BufferingMode buffering_mode) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_VERBOSE("Set DRC Buffer format to 0x%08X", surface_format); gDRCSurfaceFormat = surface_format; return real_GX2SetDRCBuffer(buffer, buffer_size, drc_mode, surface_format, buffering_mode); } GX2ColorBuffer lastTVColorBuffer; GX2ColorBuffer lastDRCColorBuffer; DECL_FUNCTION(void, GX2GetCurrentScanBuffer, GX2ScanTarget scanTarget, GX2ColorBuffer *cb) { real_GX2GetCurrentScanBuffer(scanTarget, cb); if (scanTarget == GX2_SCAN_TARGET_TV) { memcpy(&lastTVColorBuffer, cb, sizeof(GX2ColorBuffer)); } else { memcpy(&lastDRCColorBuffer, cb, sizeof(GX2ColorBuffer)); } } DECL_FUNCTION(void, GX2MarkScanBufferCopied, GX2ScanTarget scan_target) { if (gEnabled) { if (scan_target == GX2_SCAN_TARGET_TV && gTakeScreenshotTV == SCREENSHOT_STATE_REQUESTED) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Lets take a screenshot from TV."); if (!takeScreenshot((GX2ColorBuffer *) &lastTVColorBuffer, scan_target, gTVSurfaceFormat, gOutputFormat, gQuality)) { gTakeScreenshotTV = SCREENSHOT_STATE_READY; } else { gTakeScreenshotTV = SCREENSHOT_STATE_SAVING; } } else if (scan_target == GX2_SCAN_TARGET_DRC0 && gTakeScreenshotDRC == SCREENSHOT_STATE_REQUESTED) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Lets take a screenshot from DRC."); if (!takeScreenshot((GX2ColorBuffer *) &lastDRCColorBuffer, scan_target, gDRCSurfaceFormat, gOutputFormat, gQuality)) { gTakeScreenshotDRC = SCREENSHOT_STATE_READY; } else { gTakeScreenshotDRC = SCREENSHOT_STATE_SAVING; } } } real_GX2MarkScanBufferCopied(scan_target); } WUPS_MUST_REPLACE(VPADRead, WUPS_LOADER_LIBRARY_VPAD, VPADRead); WUPS_MUST_REPLACE(GX2MarkScanBufferCopied, WUPS_LOADER_LIBRARY_GX2, GX2MarkScanBufferCopied); WUPS_MUST_REPLACE(GX2GetCurrentScanBuffer, WUPS_LOADER_LIBRARY_GX2, GX2GetCurrentScanBuffer); WUPS_MUST_REPLACE(GX2CopyColorBufferToScanBuffer, WUPS_LOADER_LIBRARY_GX2, GX2CopyColorBufferToScanBuffer); WUPS_MUST_REPLACE(GX2SetTVBuffer, WUPS_LOADER_LIBRARY_GX2, GX2SetTVBuffer); WUPS_MUST_REPLACE(GX2SetDRCBuffer, WUPS_LOADER_LIBRARY_GX2, GX2SetDRCBuffer); WUPS_MUST_REPLACE(WPADRead, WUPS_LOADER_LIBRARY_PADSCORE, WPADRead);