mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 13:37:42 +01:00
143 lines
3.9 KiB
143 lines
3.9 KiB
![]() |
`default_nettype none
module serv_csr
#(parameter RESET_STRATEGY = "MINI")
input wire i_clk,
input wire i_rst,
input wire i_trig_irq,
input wire i_en,
input wire i_cnt0to3,
input wire i_cnt3,
input wire i_cnt7,
input wire i_cnt_done,
input wire i_mem_op,
input wire i_mtip,
input wire i_trap,
output reg o_new_irq,
input wire i_e_op,
input wire i_ebreak,
input wire i_mem_cmd,
input wire i_mstatus_en,
input wire i_mie_en,
input wire i_mcause_en,
input wire [1:0] i_csr_source,
input wire i_mret,
input wire i_csr_d_sel,
input wire i_rf_csr_out,
output wire o_csr_in,
input wire i_csr_imm,
input wire i_rs1,
output wire o_q);
localparam [1:0]
reg mstatus_mie;
reg mstatus_mpie;
reg mie_mtie;
reg mcause31;
reg [3:0] mcause3_0;
wire mcause;
wire csr_in;
wire csr_out;
reg timer_irq_r;
wire d = i_csr_d_sel ? i_csr_imm : i_rs1;
assign csr_in = (i_csr_source == CSR_SOURCE_EXT) ? d :
(i_csr_source == CSR_SOURCE_SET) ? csr_out | d :
(i_csr_source == CSR_SOURCE_CLR) ? csr_out & ~d :
(i_csr_source == CSR_SOURCE_CSR) ? csr_out :
assign csr_out = (i_mstatus_en & mstatus_mie & i_cnt3) |
i_rf_csr_out |
(i_mcause_en & i_en & mcause);
assign o_q = csr_out;
wire timer_irq = i_mtip & mstatus_mie & mie_mtie;
assign mcause = i_cnt0to3 ? mcause3_0[0] : //[3:0]
i_cnt_done ? mcause31 //[31]
: 1'b0;
assign o_csr_in = csr_in;
always @(posedge i_clk) begin
if (i_trig_irq) begin
timer_irq_r <= timer_irq;
o_new_irq <= timer_irq & !timer_irq_r;
if (i_mie_en & i_cnt7)
mie_mtie <= csr_in;
The mie bit in mstatus gets updated under three conditions
When a trap is taken, the bit is cleared
During an mret instruction, the bit is restored from mpie
During a mstatus CSR access instruction it's assigned when
bit 3 gets updated
These conditions are all mutually exclusibe
if ((i_trap & i_cnt_done) | i_mstatus_en & i_cnt3 | i_mret)
mstatus_mie <= !i_trap & (i_mret ? mstatus_mpie : csr_in);
Note: To save resources mstatus_mpie (mstatus bit 7) is not
readable or writable from sw
if (i_trap & i_cnt_done)
mstatus_mpie <= mstatus_mie;
The four lowest bits in mcause hold the exception code
These bits get updated under three conditions
During an mcause CSR access function, they are assigned when
bits 0 to 3 gets updated
During an external interrupt the exception code is set to
7, since SERV only support timer interrupts
During an exception, the exception code is assigned to indicate
if it was caused by an ebreak instruction (3),
ecall instruction (11), misaligned load (4), misaligned store (6)
or misaligned jump (0)
The expressions below are derived from the following truth table
irq => 0111 (timer=7)
e_op => x011 (ebreak=3, ecall=11)
mem => 01x0 (store=6, load=4)
ctrl => 0000 (jump=0)
if (i_mcause_en & i_en & i_cnt0to3 | (i_trap & i_cnt_done)) begin
mcause3_0[3] <= (i_e_op & !i_ebreak) | (!i_trap & csr_in);
mcause3_0[2] <= o_new_irq | i_mem_op | (!i_trap & mcause3_0[3]);
mcause3_0[1] <= o_new_irq | i_e_op | (i_mem_op & i_mem_cmd) | (!i_trap & mcause3_0[2]);
mcause3_0[0] <= o_new_irq | i_e_op | (!i_trap & mcause3_0[1]);
if (i_mcause_en & i_cnt_done | i_trap)
mcause31 <= i_trap ? o_new_irq : csr_in;
if (i_rst)
if (RESET_STRATEGY != "NONE") begin
o_new_irq <= 1'b0;
mie_mtie <= 1'b0;