[![Video guide](https://img.youtube.com/vi/t6hyCFpwqz8/0.jpg)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6hyCFpwqz8 "How to build and program the SummerCart64")
Second, program ***FPGA, microcontroller and bootloader***:
1. Disconnect SC64 board from power (unplug USB-C cable).
2. Connect serial UART/TTL adapter to `TX/RX/GND` pads marked on the PCB. Cross connection `TX -> RX`, `RX -> TX`!
3. Connect serial adapter to the PC.
4. Check in device manager which port number `COMx` is assigned to serial adapter.
5. Connect SC64 board to the PC with USB-C cable (***IMPORTANT:*** connect it to the same computer as serial adapter).
6. Locate `primer.py` script in the root folder.
7. Make sure these files are located in the same folder as `primer.py` script: `requirements.txt`, `sc64-firmware-{version}.bin`.
8. Run `pip3 install -r requirements.txt` in the terminal to install required python packages.
9. Run `python3 primer.py COMx sc64-firmware-{version}.bin` (replace `COMx` with port located in step **4**). On Windows it's `python` instead of `python3`.
10. Follow the instructions on the screen.
11. Wait until programming process has finished (**DO NOT STOP PROGRAMMING PROCESS OR DISCONNECT SC64 BOARD FROM PC**, doing so might irrecoverably break programming through UART header and you would need to program FPGA and/or microcontroller with separate dedicated programming interfaces through *Tag-Connect* connector on the PCB).
Please use command `python3 primer.py COMx sc64-firmware-{version}.bin --bootloader-only` to test SDRAM again and continue bootloader programming process.
#### *`primer.py` threw other error message*
Due to multiple possible causes of the problem it's best to start visually inspecting SC64's board for any defects, like bad solder work or chips soldered backwards.
If visual inspection didn't yield any obvious culprits then next step would be to check if everything is connected correctly.
Check if TX/RX signals aren't swapped and if SC64 is getting power from the USB cable. Best place to check supply voltage are the exposed test pads on the left of U8 chip.
If everything at this point was checked and looked fine, then feel free to open new thread in the [*Discussions*](https://github.com/Polprzewodnikowy/SummerCart64/discussions) tab.
Make sure to describe your problem extensively, attach SC64 board photos **from the both sides**, and paste all logs/screenshots from the `primer.py` output.