module n64_pi ( if_system.sys sys, if_config.pi cfg, if_n64_bus.n64 bus, input n64_pi_alel, input n64_pi_aleh, input n64_pi_read, input n64_pi_write, inout [15:0] n64_pi_ad ); // Control signals input synchronization logic [2:0] n64_pi_alel_ff; logic [2:0] n64_pi_aleh_ff; logic [2:0] n64_pi_read_ff; logic [2:0] n64_pi_write_ff; always_ff @(posedge sys.clk) begin n64_pi_aleh_ff <= {n64_pi_aleh_ff[1:0], n64_pi_aleh}; n64_pi_alel_ff <= {n64_pi_alel_ff[1:0], n64_pi_alel}; n64_pi_read_ff <= {n64_pi_read_ff[1:0], n64_pi_read}; n64_pi_write_ff <= {n64_pi_write_ff[1:0], n64_pi_write}; end logic pi_reset; logic pi_aleh; logic pi_alel; logic pi_read; logic pi_read_delayed; logic pi_write; always_comb begin pi_reset = sys.n64_hard_reset; pi_aleh = n64_pi_aleh_ff[2]; pi_alel = n64_pi_alel_ff[2]; pi_read = n64_pi_read_ff[1]; pi_read_delayed = n64_pi_read_ff[2]; pi_write = n64_pi_write_ff[2]; end // PI bus state and event generator typedef enum bit [1:0] { PI_MODE_IDLE = 2'b10, PI_MODE_HIGH = 2'b11, PI_MODE_LOW = 2'b01, PI_MODE_VALID = 2'b00 } e_pi_mode; e_pi_mode pi_mode; e_pi_mode last_pi_mode; logic last_read; logic last_write; always_comb begin pi_mode = e_pi_mode'({pi_aleh, pi_alel}); end always_ff @(posedge sys.clk) begin last_pi_mode <= pi_mode; last_read <= pi_read; last_write <= pi_write; end logic aleh_op; logic alel_op; logic read_op; logic write_op; always_comb begin aleh_op = !pi_reset && last_pi_mode != PI_MODE_HIGH && pi_mode == PI_MODE_HIGH; alel_op = !pi_reset && last_pi_mode == PI_MODE_HIGH && pi_mode == PI_MODE_LOW; read_op = !pi_reset && pi_mode == PI_MODE_VALID && last_read && !pi_read; write_op = !pi_reset && pi_mode == PI_MODE_VALID && last_write && !pi_write; end // Input and output data sampling logic [15:0] n64_pi_ad_input; logic [15:0] n64_pi_ad_output; logic [15:0] n64_pi_ad_output_data; logic [15:0] n64_pi_ad_output_data_buffer; logic n64_pi_ad_output_enable; logic n64_pi_ad_output_enable_data; logic n64_pi_address_valid; always_comb begin n64_pi_ad = n64_pi_ad_output_enable ? n64_pi_ad_output : 16'hZZZZ; n64_pi_ad_output_enable_data = !pi_reset && pi_mode == PI_MODE_VALID && n64_pi_address_valid && !pi_read_delayed; end always_ff @(posedge sys.clk) begin n64_pi_ad_input <= n64_pi_ad; n64_pi_ad_output <= n64_pi_ad_output_data; n64_pi_ad_output_enable <= n64_pi_ad_output_enable_data; if (read_op) begin n64_pi_ad_output_data <= n64_pi_ad_output_data_buffer; end end // Internal bus controller typedef enum bit [0:0] { S_IDLE, S_WAIT } e_state; e_state state; logic first_operation; logic pending_operation; logic pending_write; sc64::e_n64_id next_id; logic [25:0] next_offset; always_ff @(posedge sys.clk) begin if (aleh_op) begin n64_pi_address_valid <= 1'b0; next_offset <= 32'd0; if (cfg.dd_enabled) begin if (n64_pi_ad_input == 16'h0500) begin n64_pi_address_valid <= 1'b1; next_id <= sc64::ID_N64_DDREGS; end if (n64_pi_ad_input >= 16'h0600 && n64_pi_ad_input < 16'h0640) begin n64_pi_address_valid <= 1'b1; next_id <= sc64::ID_N64_SDRAM; next_offset <= cfg.dd_offset; end end if (n64_pi_ad_input >= 16'h0800 && n64_pi_ad_input < 16'h0802) begin if (cfg.sram_enabled) begin n64_pi_address_valid <= 1'b1; next_id <= sc64::ID_N64_SDRAM; next_offset <= cfg.save_offset; end else if (cfg.flashram_enabled) begin n64_pi_address_valid <= 1'b1; next_id <= sc64::ID_N64_FLASHRAM; if (cfg.flashram_read_mode) begin next_id <= sc64::ID_N64_SDRAM; next_offset <= cfg.save_offset; end end end if (n64_pi_ad_input >= 16'h1000 && n64_pi_ad_input < 16'h1400) begin n64_pi_address_valid <= 1'b1; next_id <= cfg.sdram_switch ? sc64::ID_N64_SDRAM : sc64::ID_N64_BOOTLOADER; end if (n64_pi_ad_input == 16'h1FB0) begin n64_pi_address_valid <= 1'b1; next_id <= sc64::ID_N64_CPU; end end end always_ff @(posedge sys.clk) begin bus.request <= 1'b0; if (sys.reset || sys.n64_hard_reset || sys.n64_soft_reset) begin state <= S_IDLE; pending_operation <= 1'b0; end else begin case (state) S_IDLE: begin if (aleh_op) begin bus.address[31:16] <= n64_pi_ad_input; end if (alel_op) begin bus.address <= {bus.address[31:16], n64_pi_ad_input[15:1], 1'b0} + next_offset; end if (n64_pi_address_valid && (alel_op || read_op || write_op || pending_operation)) begin state <= S_WAIT; <= next_id; bus.request <= 1'b1; bus.write <= write_op || (pending_operation && pending_write); if (!alel_op && !(first_operation && write_op)) begin bus.address[31:1] <= bus.address[31:1] + 1'd1; end bus.wdata <= n64_pi_ad_input; first_operation <= alel_op; end end S_WAIT: begin if (bus.ack) begin state <= S_IDLE; n64_pi_ad_output_data_buffer <= bus.rdata; end if (read_op || write_op) begin pending_operation <= 1'b1; pending_write <= write_op; end end default: begin state <= S_IDLE; pending_operation <= 1'b0; end endcase end end endmodule