mod debug; mod disk; mod n64; mod sc64; use chrono::Local; use clap::{Args, Parser, Subcommand, ValueEnum}; use clap_num::maybe_hex_range; use colored::Colorize; use panic_message::panic_message; use std::{ fs::File, io::{stdin, stdout, Read, Write}, path::PathBuf, sync::{ atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}, Arc, }, {panic, process}, }; #[derive(Parser)] #[command(author, version, about, long_about = None)] struct Cli { #[command(subcommand)] command: Commands, /// Connect to SC64 device on provided serial port #[arg(short, long)] port: Option, /// Connect to SC64 device on provided remote address #[arg(short, long, conflicts_with = "port")] remote: Option, } #[derive(Subcommand)] enum Commands { /// List connected SC64 devices List, /// Upload ROM (and save) to the SC64 Upload(UploadArgs), /// Download specific memory region and write it to file Download { #[command(subcommand)] command: DownloadCommands, }, /// Upload ROM (and save), 64DD IPL then run disk/debug server _64DD(_64DDArgs), /// Enter debug mode Debug(DebugArgs), /// Dump data from arbitrary location in SC64 memory space Dump(DumpArgs), /// Print information about connected SC64 device Info, /// Update persistent settings on SC64 device Set { #[command(subcommand)] command: SetCommands, }, /// Print firmware metadata / update or backup SC64 firmware Firmware { #[command(subcommand)] command: FirmwareCommands, }, /// Expose SC64 device over network Server(ServerArgs), } #[derive(Args)] struct UploadArgs { /// Path to the ROM file rom: PathBuf, /// Path to the save file #[arg(short, long)] save: Option, /// Override autodetected save type #[arg(short = 't', long)] save_type: Option, /// Use direct boot mode (skip bootloader) #[arg(short, long)] direct: bool, /// Do not put last 128 kiB of ROM inside flash memory (can corrupt non EEPROM saves) #[arg(short, long)] no_shadow: bool, /// Force TV type #[arg(long, conflicts_with = "direct")] tv: Option, } #[derive(Subcommand)] enum DownloadCommands { /// Download save and write it to file Save(DownloadArgs), } #[derive(Args)] struct DownloadArgs { /// Path to the file path: PathBuf, } #[derive(Args)] struct _64DDArgs { /// Path to the 64DD IPL file ddipl: PathBuf, /// Path to the 64DD disk file (.ndd format, can be specified multiple times) #[arg(required = true)] disk: Vec, /// Path to the ROM file #[arg(short, long)] rom: Option, /// Path to the save file (also used by save writeback mechanism) #[arg(short, long, requires = "rom")] save: Option, /// Override autodetected save type #[arg(short = 't', long, requires = "rom")] save_type: Option, /// Use direct boot mode (skip bootloader) #[arg(short, long)] direct: bool, /// Force TV type #[arg(long, conflicts_with = "direct")] tv: Option, } #[derive(Args)] struct DebugArgs { /// Path to the save file to use by the save writeback mechanism #[arg(short, long)] save: Option, /// Enable IS-Viewer64 and set listening address at ROM offset (in most cases it's fixed at 0x03FF0000) #[arg(long, value_name = "offset", value_parser = |s: &str| maybe_hex_range::(s, 0x00000004, 0x03FF0000))] isv: Option, /// Use EUC-JP encoding for text printing #[arg(long)] euc_jp: bool, /// Do not enable save writeback via USB #[arg(long)] no_writeback: bool } #[derive(Args)] struct DumpArgs { /// Starting memory address #[arg(value_parser = |s: &str| maybe_hex_range::(s, 0, sc64::MEMORY_LENGTH as u32))] address: u32, /// Dump length #[arg(value_parser = |s: &str| maybe_hex_range::(s, 1, sc64::MEMORY_LENGTH))] length: usize, /// Path to the dump file path: PathBuf, } #[derive(Subcommand)] enum SetCommands { /// Synchronize real time clock (RTC) on the SC64 with local system time Rtc, /// Enable LED I/O activity blinking BlinkOn, /// Disable LED I/O activity blinking BlinkOff, } #[derive(Subcommand)] enum FirmwareCommands { /// Print metadata included inside SC64 firmware file Info(FirmwareArgs), /// Download current SC64 firmware and save it to provided file Backup(FirmwareArgs), /// Update SC64 firmware from provided file Update(FirmwareArgs), } #[derive(Args)] struct FirmwareArgs { /// Path to the firmware file firmware: PathBuf, } #[derive(Args)] struct ServerArgs { /// Listen on provided address:port #[arg(default_value = "")] address: String, } #[derive(Clone, ValueEnum)] enum SaveType { None, Eeprom4k, Eeprom16k, Sram, SramBanked, Sram1m, Flashram, } impl From for SaveType { fn from(value: n64::SaveType) -> Self { match value { n64::SaveType::None => Self::None, n64::SaveType::Eeprom4k => Self::Eeprom4k, n64::SaveType::Eeprom16k => Self::Eeprom16k, n64::SaveType::Sram => Self::Sram, n64::SaveType::SramBanked => Self::SramBanked, n64::SaveType::Sram1m => Self::Sram1m, n64::SaveType::Flashram => Self::Flashram, } } } impl From for sc64::SaveType { fn from(value: SaveType) -> Self { match value { SaveType::None => Self::None, SaveType::Eeprom4k => Self::Eeprom4k, SaveType::Eeprom16k => Self::Eeprom16k, SaveType::Sram => Self::Sram, SaveType::SramBanked => Self::SramBanked, SaveType::Sram1m => Self::Sram1m, SaveType::Flashram => Self::Flashram, } } } #[derive(Clone, ValueEnum)] enum TvType { PAL, NTSC, MPAL, } impl From for sc64::TvType { fn from(value: TvType) -> Self { match value { TvType::PAL => Self::PAL, TvType::NTSC => Self::NTSC, TvType::MPAL => Self::MPAL, } } } enum Connection { Local(Option), Remote(String), } fn main() { let cli = Cli::parse(); #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))] { panic::set_hook(Box::new(|_| {})); } match panic::catch_unwind(|| handle_command(&cli.command, cli.port, cli.remote)) { Ok(_) => {} Err(payload) => { eprintln!("{}", panic_message(&payload).red()); process::exit(1); } } } fn handle_command(command: &Commands, port: Option, remote: Option) { let connection = if let Some(remote) = remote { Connection::Remote(remote) } else { Connection::Local(port) }; let result = match command { Commands::List => handle_list_command(), Commands::Upload(args) => handle_upload_command(connection, args), Commands::Download { command } => handle_download_command(connection, command), Commands::_64DD(args) => handle_64dd_command(connection, args), Commands::Debug(args) => handle_debug_command(connection, args), Commands::Dump(args) => handle_dump_command(connection, args), Commands::Info => handle_info_command(connection), Commands::Set { command } => handle_set_command(connection, command), Commands::Firmware { command } => handle_firmware_command(connection, command), Commands::Server(args) => handle_server_command(connection, args), }; match result { Ok(()) => {} Err(error) => panic!("{error}"), }; } fn handle_list_command() -> Result<(), sc64::Error> { let devices = sc64::list_local_devices()?; println!("{}", "Found devices:".bold()); for (i, d) in devices.iter().enumerate() { println!(" {i}: [{}] at port [{}]", d.serial_number, d.port); } Ok(()) } fn handle_upload_command(connection: Connection, args: &UploadArgs) -> Result<(), sc64::Error> { let mut sc64 = init_sc64(connection, true)?; sc64.reset_state()?; let (mut rom_file, rom_name, rom_length) = open_file(&args.rom)?; log_wait(format!("Uploading ROM [{rom_name}]"), || { sc64.upload_rom(&mut rom_file, rom_length, args.no_shadow) })?; let save: SaveType = if let Some(save_type) = args.save_type.clone() { save_type } else { let (save_type, title) = n64::guess_save_type(&mut rom_file)?; if let Some(title) = title { println!("ROM title: {title}"); }; save_type.into() }; let save_type: sc64::SaveType = save.into(); println!("Save type set to [{save_type}]"); sc64.set_save_type(save_type)?; if { let (mut save_file, save_name, save_length) = open_file(&; log_wait(format!("Uploading save [{save_name}]"), || { sc64.upload_save(&mut save_file, save_length) })?; } let boot_mode = if { sc64::BootMode::DirectRom } else { sc64::BootMode::Rom }; println!("Boot mode set to [{boot_mode}]"); sc64.set_boot_mode(boot_mode)?; if let Some(tv) = { let tv_type: sc64::TvType = tv.into(); println!("TV type set to [{tv_type}]"); sc64.set_tv_type(tv_type)?; } sc64.calculate_cic_parameters()?; Ok(()) } fn handle_download_command( connection: Connection, command: &DownloadCommands, ) -> Result<(), sc64::Error> { let mut sc64 = init_sc64(connection, true)?; match command { DownloadCommands::Save(args) => { let (mut file, name) = create_file(&args.path)?; log_wait(format!("Downloading save [{name}]"), || { sc64.download_save(&mut file) })?; } } Ok(()) } fn handle_64dd_command(connection: Connection, args: &_64DDArgs) -> Result<(), sc64::Error> { const MAX_ROM_LENGTH: usize = 32 * 1024 * 1024; let mut sc64 = init_sc64(connection, true)?; let mut debug_handler = debug::new(); println!( "{}\n{}\n{}", "========== [WARNING] ==========".bold().bright_yellow(), "Do not use this mode when real 64DD accessory is connected to the N64".bright_yellow(), "Doing so might permanently damage either N64, 64DD or SC64".bright_yellow() ); sc64.reset_state()?; if let Some(rom) = &args.rom { let (mut rom_file, rom_name, rom_length) = open_file(rom)?; if rom_length > MAX_ROM_LENGTH { return Err(sc64::Error::new("ROM file size too big for 64DD mode")); } log_wait(format!("Uploading ROM [{rom_name}]"), || { sc64.upload_rom(&mut rom_file, rom_length, false) })?; let save: SaveType = if let Some(save_type) = args.save_type.clone() { save_type } else { let (save_type, title) = n64::guess_save_type(&mut rom_file)?; if let Some(title) = title { println!("ROM title: {title}"); }; save_type.into() }; let save_type: sc64::SaveType = save.into(); println!("Save type set to [{save_type}]"); sc64.set_save_type(save_type)?; if { let (mut save_file, save_name, save_length) = open_file(&; log_wait(format!("Uploading save [{save_name}]"), || { sc64.upload_save(&mut save_file, save_length) })?; } } let (mut ddipl_file, ddipl_name, ddipl_length) = open_file(&args.ddipl)?; log_wait(format!("Uploading DDIPL [{ddipl_name}]"), || { sc64.upload_ddipl(&mut ddipl_file, ddipl_length) })?; let boot_mode = if args.rom.is_some() { if { sc64::BootMode::DirectRom } else { sc64::BootMode::Rom } } else { if { sc64::BootMode::DirectDdIpl } else { sc64::BootMode::DdIpl } }; println!("Boot mode set to [{boot_mode}]"); sc64.set_boot_mode(boot_mode)?; if let Some(tv) = { let tv_type: sc64::TvType = tv.into(); println!("TV type set to [{tv_type}]"); sc64.set_tv_type(tv_type)?; } sc64.calculate_cic_parameters()?; let disk_paths: Vec = args .disk .iter() .map(|path| path.to_string_lossy().to_string()) .collect(); let disk_names: Vec = args .disk .iter() .map(|path| path.file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy().to_string()) .collect(); let mut disks = disk::open_multiple(&disk_paths)?; let drive_type = match disks[0].get_format() { disk::Format::Retail => sc64::DdDriveType::Retail, disk::Format::Development => sc64::DdDriveType::Development, }; let dd_mode = sc64::DdMode::Full; println!("64DD mode set to [{dd_mode} / {drive_type}]"); sc64.configure_64dd(dd_mode, drive_type)?; println!( "{}: {}", "[64DD]".bold(), "Press button on the back of SC64 device to cycle through provided disks" .bold() .bright_green() ); let mut selected_disk_index: usize = 0; let mut selected_disk = Some(&mut disks[selected_disk_index]); println!( "{}: Disk inserted [{}]", "[64DD]".bold(), disk_names[selected_disk_index].bright_green() ); sc64.set_64dd_disk_state(sc64::DdDiskState::Inserted)?; sc64.set_save_writeback(true)?; let exit = setup_exit_flag(); while !exit.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { if let Some(data_packet) = sc64.receive_data_packet()? { match data_packet { sc64::DataPacket::DiskRequest(mut disk_packet) => { let track =; let head =; let block =; if let Some(ref mut disk) = selected_disk { let (reply_packet, rw) = match disk_packet.kind { sc64::DiskPacketKind::Read => ( disk.read_block(track, head, block)?.map(|data| {; disk_packet }), "[R]".bright_blue(), ), sc64::DiskPacketKind::Write => ( disk.write_block(track, head, block, & .map(|_| disk_packet), "[W]".bright_yellow(), ), }; let lba = if let Some(lba) = disk.get_lba(track, head, block) { format!("{lba}") } else { "Invalid".to_string() }; let message = format!("{track:4}:{head}:{block} | LBA: {lba}"); if reply_packet.is_some() { println!("{}: {} {}", "[64DD]".bold(), rw,; } else { println!("{}: {} {}", "[64DD]".bold(), rw,; } sc64.reply_disk_packet(reply_packet)?; } else { sc64.reply_disk_packet(None)?; } } sc64::DataPacket::Button => { if selected_disk.is_some() { sc64.set_64dd_disk_state(sc64::DdDiskState::Ejected)?; selected_disk = None; println!( "{}: Disk ejected [{}]", "[64DD]".bold(), disk_names[selected_disk_index].green() ); } else { selected_disk_index += 1; if selected_disk_index >= disks.len() { selected_disk_index = 0; } selected_disk = Some(&mut disks[selected_disk_index]); println!( "{}: Disk inserted [{}]", "[64DD]".bold(), disk_names[selected_disk_index].bright_green() ); sc64.set_64dd_disk_state(sc64::DdDiskState::Inserted)?; } } sc64::DataPacket::DebugData(debug_packet) => { debug_handler.handle_debug_packet(debug_packet); } sc64::DataPacket::SaveWriteback(save_writeback) => { debug_handler.handle_save_writeback(save_writeback, &; } sc64::DataPacket::DataFlushed => { debug_handler.handle_data_flushed(); } _ => {} } } else if let Some(debug_packet) = debug_handler.process_user_input() { sc64.send_debug_packet(debug_packet)?; } } sc64.reset_state()?; Ok(()) } fn handle_debug_command(connection: Connection, args: &DebugArgs) -> Result<(), sc64::Error> { let mut sc64 = init_sc64(connection, true)?; let mut debug_handler = debug::new(); if args.euc_jp { debug_handler.set_text_encoding(debug::Encoding::EUCJP); } if args.isv.is_some() { sc64.configure_is_viewer_64(args.isv)?; println!( "{}: Listening on ROM offset [{}]", "[IS-Viewer 64]".bold(), format!("0x{:08X}", args.isv.unwrap()) .to_string() .bright_blue() ); } if !args.no_writeback { sc64.set_save_writeback(true)?; } println!("{}: Started", "[Debug]".bold()); let exit = setup_exit_flag(); while !exit.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { if let Some(data_packet) = sc64.receive_data_packet()? { match data_packet { sc64::DataPacket::DebugData(debug_packet) => { debug_handler.handle_debug_packet(debug_packet); } sc64::DataPacket::IsViewer64(message) => { debug_handler.handle_is_viewer_64(&message); } sc64::DataPacket::SaveWriteback(save_writeback) => { debug_handler.handle_save_writeback(save_writeback, &; } sc64::DataPacket::DataFlushed => { debug_handler.handle_data_flushed(); } _ => {} } } else if let Some(debug_packet) = debug_handler.process_user_input() { sc64.send_debug_packet(debug_packet)?; } } if !args.no_writeback { sc64.set_save_writeback(false)?; } if args.isv.is_some() { sc64.configure_is_viewer_64(None)?; println!("{}: Stopped listening", "[IS-Viewer 64]".bold()); } println!("{}: Stopped", "[Debug]".bold()); Ok(()) } fn handle_dump_command(connection: Connection, args: &DumpArgs) -> Result<(), sc64::Error> { let mut sc64 = init_sc64(connection, true)?; let (mut dump_file, dump_name) = create_file(&args.path)?; log_wait( format!( "Dumping from [0x{:08X}] length [0x{:X}] to [{dump_name}]", args.address, args.length ), || sc64.dump_memory(&mut dump_file, args.address, args.length), )?; Ok(()) } fn handle_info_command(connection: Connection) -> Result<(), sc64::Error> { let mut sc64 = init_sc64(connection, true)?; let (major, minor, revision) = sc64.check_firmware_version()?; let state = sc64.get_device_state()?; let datetime = state.datetime.format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z"); println!("{}", "SC64 information and current state:".bold()); println!(" Firmware version: v{}.{}.{}", major, minor, revision); println!(" RTC datetime: {}", datetime); println!(" Boot mode: {}", state.boot_mode); println!(" Save type: {}", state.save_type); println!(" CIC seed: {}", state.cic_seed); println!(" TV type: {}", state.tv_type); println!(" Bootloader switch: {}", state.bootloader_switch); println!(" ROM write: {}", state.rom_write_enable); println!(" ROM shadow: {}", state.rom_shadow_enable); println!(" ROM extended: {}", state.rom_extended_enable); println!(" 64DD mode: {}", state.dd_mode); println!(" 64DD SD card mode: {}", state.dd_sd_enable); println!(" 64DD drive type: {}", state.dd_drive_type); println!(" 64DD disk state: {}", state.dd_disk_state); println!(" Button mode: {}", state.button_mode); println!(" Button state: {}", state.button_state); println!(" LED blink: {}", state.led_enable); println!(" IS-Viewer 64 offset: 0x{:08X}", state.isv_address); println!(" FPGA debug data: {}", state.fpga_debug_data); println!(" MCU stack usage: {}", state.mcu_stack_usage); Ok(()) } fn handle_set_command(connection: Connection, command: &SetCommands) -> Result<(), sc64::Error> { let mut sc64 = init_sc64(connection, true)?; match command { SetCommands::Rtc => { let datetime = Local::now(); sc64.set_datetime(datetime)?; println!( "SC64 RTC datetime synchronized to: {}", datetime.format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z").to_string().green() ); } SetCommands::BlinkOn => { sc64.set_led_blink(true)?; println!( "SC64 LED I/O activity blinking set to {}", "enabled".green() ); } SetCommands::BlinkOff => { sc64.set_led_blink(false)?; println!("SC64 LED I/O activity blinking set to {}", "disabled".red()); } } Ok(()) } fn handle_firmware_command( connection: Connection, command: &FirmwareCommands, ) -> Result<(), sc64::Error> { match command { FirmwareCommands::Info(args) => { let (mut firmware_file, _, firmware_length) = open_file(&args.firmware)?; let mut firmware = vec![0u8; firmware_length as usize]; firmware_file.read_exact(&mut firmware)?; let metadata = sc64::firmware::verify(&firmware)?; println!("{}", "Firmware metadata:".bold()); println!("{}", format!("{}", metadata).bright_blue().to_string()); Ok(()) } FirmwareCommands::Backup(args) => { let mut sc64 = init_sc64(connection, false)?; let (mut backup_file, backup_name) = create_file(&args.firmware)?; let firmware = log_wait( format!("Generating firmware backup, this might take a while [{backup_name}]"), || sc64.backup_firmware(), )?; let metadata = sc64::firmware::verify(&firmware)?; println!("{}", "Firmware metadata:".bold()); println!("{}", format!("{}", metadata).bright_blue().to_string()); backup_file.write_all(&firmware)?; Ok(()) } FirmwareCommands::Update(args) => { let mut sc64 = init_sc64(connection, false)?; let (mut update_file, update_name, update_length) = open_file(&args.firmware)?; let mut firmware = vec![0u8; update_length as usize]; update_file.read_exact(&mut firmware)?; let metadata = sc64::firmware::verify(&firmware)?; println!("{}", "Firmware metadata:".bold()); println!("{}", format!("{}", metadata).bright_blue().to_string()); println!("{}", "Firmware file verification was successful".green()); let answer = prompt(format!("{}", "Continue with update process? [y/N] ".bold())); if answer.to_ascii_lowercase() != "y" { println!("{}", "Firmware update process aborted".red()); return Ok(()); } println!( "{}", "Do not unplug SC64 from the computer, doing so might brick your device".yellow() ); log_wait( format!("Updating firmware, this might take a while [{update_name}]"), || sc64.update_firmware(&firmware), )?; Ok(()) } } } fn handle_server_command(connection: Connection, args: &ServerArgs) -> Result<(), sc64::Error> { let port = if let Connection::Local(port) = connection { port } else { None }; sc64::run_server(port, args.address.clone(), |event| match event { sc64::ServerEvent::Listening(address) => { println!( "{}: Listening on address [{}]", "[Server]".bold(), address.bright_blue() ) } sc64::ServerEvent::Connected(peer) => { println!( "{}: New connection from [{}]", "[Server]".bold(), peer.bright_green() ); } sc64::ServerEvent::Disconnected(peer) => { println!( "{}: Client disconnected [{}]", "[Server]".bold(), ); } sc64::ServerEvent::Err(error) => { println!( "{}: Client disconnected - server error: {}", "[Server]".bold(), ); } })?; Ok(()) } fn init_sc64(connection: Connection, check_firmware: bool) -> Result { let mut sc64 = match connection { Connection::Local(port) => sc64::new_local(port), Connection::Remote(remote) => sc64::new_remote(remote), }?; if check_firmware { sc64.check_firmware_version()?; } Ok(sc64) } fn log_wait Result, T, E>(message: String, operation: F) -> Result { print!("{}... ", message); stdout().flush().unwrap(); let result = operation(); if result.is_ok() { println!("{}", "done".bold().bright_green()); } else { println!("{}", "error!".bold().bright_red()); } result } fn prompt(message: String) -> String { print!("{message}"); stdout().flush().unwrap(); let mut answer = String::new(); stdin().read_line(&mut answer).unwrap(); answer.trim_end().to_string() } fn open_file(path: &PathBuf) -> Result<(File, String, usize), sc64::Error> { let name: String = path.file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy().to_string(); let file = File::open(path)?; let length = file.metadata()?.len() as usize; Ok((file, name, length)) } fn create_file(path: &PathBuf) -> Result<(File, String), sc64::Error> { let name: String = path.file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy().to_string(); let file = File::create(path)?; Ok((file, name)) } fn setup_exit_flag() -> Arc { let exit_flag = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)); let handler_exit_flag = exit_flag.clone(); ctrlc::set_handler(move || {, Ordering::Relaxed); }) .unwrap(); exit_flag }