interface if_si (); logic rx_reset; logic rx_ready; logic [6:0] rx_length; logic [80:0] rx_data; logic tx_reset; logic tx_start; logic tx_busy; logic [2:0] tx_wmask; logic [6:0] tx_length; logic [31:0] tx_data; modport si ( input rx_reset, output rx_ready, output rx_length, output rx_data, input tx_reset, input tx_start, output tx_busy, input tx_wmask, input tx_length, input tx_data ); modport cpu ( output rx_reset, input rx_ready, input rx_length, input rx_data, output tx_reset, output tx_start, input tx_busy, output tx_wmask, output tx_length, output tx_data ); endinterface module n64_si ( if_system.sys sys, si, input n64_si_clk, inout n64_si_dq ); // Control signals and input synchronization logic [1:0] n64_si_clk_ff; always_ff @(posedge sys.clk) begin n64_si_clk_ff <= {n64_si_clk_ff[0], n64_si_clk}; end logic si_reset; logic si_clk; logic si_dq; always_comb begin si_reset = sys.n64_hard_reset; si_clk = n64_si_clk_ff[1]; si_dq = n64_si_dq; end logic last_si_clk; always_ff @(posedge sys.clk) begin last_si_clk <= si_clk; end logic si_clk_rising_edge; logic si_clk_falling_edge; always_comb begin si_clk_rising_edge = !si_reset && !last_si_clk && si_clk; si_clk_falling_edge = !si_reset && last_si_clk && !si_clk; end logic si_dq_output_enable; logic si_dq_output_enable_data; always_ff @(posedge sys.clk) begin si_dq_output_enable <= si_dq_output_enable_data; end always_comb begin n64_si_dq = si_dq_output_enable ? 1'b0 : 1'bZ; end // Data register and shifter logic [80:0] trx_data; logic rx_shift; logic tx_shift; always_comb begin si.rx_data = trx_data; end always_ff @(posedge sys.clk) begin if (si.tx_wmask[0]) trx_data[80:49] <= si.tx_data; if (si.tx_wmask[1]) trx_data[48:17] <= si.tx_data; if (si.tx_wmask[2]) trx_data[16:0] <= si.tx_data[16:0]; if (rx_shift || tx_shift) begin trx_data <= {trx_data[79:0], rx_sub_bit_counter < 2'd2}; end end // RX path typedef enum bit [0:0] { S_RX_IDLE, S_RX_WAITING } e_rx_state; e_rx_state rx_state; logic [1:0] rx_sub_bit_counter; logic [3:0] rx_timeout_counter; always_ff @(posedge sys.clk) begin rx_shift <= 1'b0; if (si_clk_rising_edge) begin if (rx_timeout_counter < 4'd8) begin rx_timeout_counter <= rx_timeout_counter + 1'd1; end else if (si.rx_length > 7'd0) begin si.rx_ready <= 1'b1; end end if (sys.reset || si.rx_reset) begin rx_state <= S_RX_IDLE; si.rx_ready <= 1'b0; si.rx_length <= 7'd0; end else if (!si.tx_busy) begin case (rx_state) S_RX_IDLE: begin if (si_clk_rising_edge && !si_dq) begin rx_state <= S_RX_WAITING; rx_sub_bit_counter <= 2'd0; rx_timeout_counter <= 3'd0; end end S_RX_WAITING: begin if (si_clk_rising_edge) begin if (si_dq) begin rx_state <= S_RX_IDLE; rx_shift <= 1'b1; si.rx_length <= si.rx_length + 1'd1; end else if (rx_sub_bit_counter < 2'd3) begin rx_sub_bit_counter <= rx_sub_bit_counter + 1'd1; end end end endcase end end // TX path typedef enum bit [0:0] { S_TX_IDLE, S_TX_SENDING } e_tx_state; e_tx_state tx_state; logic [2:0] tx_sub_bit_counter; logic [6:0] tx_bit_counter; always_ff @(posedge sys.clk) begin tx_shift <= 1'b0; if (sys.reset || si.tx_reset) begin tx_state <= S_TX_IDLE; si_dq_output_enable_data <= 1'b0; si.tx_busy <= 1'b0; end else begin case (tx_state) S_TX_IDLE: begin if (si.tx_start) begin tx_state <= S_TX_SENDING; tx_sub_bit_counter <= 3'd0; tx_bit_counter <= si.tx_length; si.tx_busy <= 1'b1; end end S_TX_SENDING: begin if (si_clk_falling_edge) begin tx_sub_bit_counter <= tx_sub_bit_counter + 1'd1; if (tx_sub_bit_counter == 3'd7) begin tx_shift <= 1'b1; if (tx_bit_counter >= 7'd1) begin tx_bit_counter <= tx_bit_counter - 1'd1; end else begin tx_state <= S_TX_IDLE; si.tx_busy <= 1'b0; end end if (tx_bit_counter == 7'd0) begin si_dq_output_enable_data <= tx_sub_bit_counter < 3'd4; end else if (trx_data[80]) begin si_dq_output_enable_data <= tx_sub_bit_counter < 3'd2; end else begin si_dq_output_enable_data <= tx_sub_bit_counter < 3'd6; end end end endcase end end endmodule