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synced 2025-03-10 13:37:42 +01:00
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68 lines
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module serv_aligner
input wire clk,
input wire rst,
// serv_top
input wire [31:0] i_ibus_adr,
input wire i_ibus_cyc,
output wire [31:0] o_ibus_rdt,
output wire o_ibus_ack,
// serv_rf_top
output wire [31:0] o_wb_ibus_adr,
output wire o_wb_ibus_cyc,
input wire [31:0] i_wb_ibus_rdt,
input wire i_wb_ibus_ack);
wire [31:0] ibus_rdt_concat;
wire ack_en;
reg [15:0] lower_hw;
reg ctrl_misal ;
/* From SERV core to Memory
o_wb_ibus_adr: Carries address of instruction to memory. In case of misaligned access,
which is caused by pc+2 due to compressed instruction, next instruction is fetched
by pc+4 and concatenation is done to make the instruction aligned.
o_wb_ibus_cyc: Simply forwarded from SERV to Memory and is only altered by memory or SERV core.
assign o_wb_ibus_adr = ctrl_misal ? (i_ibus_adr+32'b100) : i_ibus_adr;
assign o_wb_ibus_cyc = i_ibus_cyc;
/* From Memory to SERV core
o_ibus_ack: Instruction bus acknowledge is send to SERV only when the aligned instruction,
either compressed or un-compressed, is ready to dispatch.
o_ibus_rdt: Carries the instruction from memory to SERV core. It can be either aligned
instruction coming from memory or made aligned by two bus transactions and concatenation.
assign o_ibus_ack = i_wb_ibus_ack & ack_en;
assign o_ibus_rdt = ctrl_misal ? ibus_rdt_concat : i_wb_ibus_rdt;
/* 16-bit register used to hold the upper half word of the current instruction in-case
concatenation will be required with the upper half word of upcoming instruction
always @(posedge clk) begin
lower_hw <= i_wb_ibus_rdt[31:16];
assign ibus_rdt_concat = {i_wb_ibus_rdt[15:0],lower_hw};
/* Two control signals: ack_en, ctrl_misal are set to control the bus transactions between
SERV core and the memory
assign ack_en = !(i_ibus_adr[1] & !ctrl_misal);
always @(posedge clk ) begin
ctrl_misal <= 0;
else if(i_wb_ibus_ack & i_ibus_adr[1])
ctrl_misal <= !ctrl_misal;