Updated the Build Guide with details around which screws work best for putting the shell together
SummerCart64 - a fully open source Nintendo 64 flashcart
- 64 MiB SDRAM memory for game and save data
- 16 MiB FLASH memory for bootloader and extended game data
- 8 kiB on-chip buffer for general use
- ~23.8 MiB/s peak transfer rate USB interface for data upload/download and debug functionality
- ~23.8 MiB/s peak transfer rate SD card interface
- EEPROM, SRAM and FlashRAM save types with automatic writeback to SD card
- Battery backed real time clock (RTC)
- Status LED and button for general use
- 64DD add-on emulation
- IS-Viewer 64 debug interface
- N64 bootloader with support for IPL3 registers spoofing and loading menu from SD card
- Dedicated open source menu written specifically for this flashcart - N64FlashcartMenu
- Enhanced UltraCIC_C emulation with automatic region switching and programmable seed/checksum values
- PC app for communicating with flashcart (game/save data upload/download, feature enable control and debug terminal)
- UNFLoader support
- Initial programming via UART header or dedicated JTAG/SWD interfaces
- Software and firmware updatable via USB interface
- 3D printable plastic shell
Help / Q&A
For any questions related to this project, please use Discussions tab in GitHub repository. Using discussions tab is highly encouraged as it allows to have centralized knowledge database accessible for everyone interested in this project.
I'm also active at N64brew Discord server as korgeaux
but keep in mind that Discussions tab is a preferred option.
How do I get one?
One option is to ask in #summer-cart-64
channel on N64brew Discord server if someone is making a group order.
If you want to order it yourself then I've prepared all necessary manufacturing files on the PCBWay Shared Project site.
Full disclosure: for every order made through this link I will receive 10% of PCB manufacturing and PCB assembly service cost (price of the components is not included in the split). This is a great way of supporting further project development.
Be careful: this is an advanced project and it is assumed that you have enough knowledge about electronics. Selecting wrong options or giving PCB manufacturer wrong information might result in an undesired time and/or money loss. Boards also come unprogrammed from the manufacturer - you need to do initial programming step yourself after receiving the board. To avoid problems please read both build guide and description on the shared project page in full. If you have even slightest doubt about the ordering or programming process, it is better to leave it to someone experienced - ask in the Discord server mentioned above if that's the case.
If you don't need a physical product but still want to support me then check my GitHub sponsors page.
High-level flashcart block diagram
Finished example
This project wouldn't be possible without these contributions:
- 64drive orders being on permanent hold long before creating this repository.
- EverDrive-64 X7 being disappointment for homebrew development (slow USB upload, unjustified price and overcomplicated SD card access).
- Jan Goldacker (@jago85) and his projects:
- Brutzelkarte providing solid base for starting this project and sparking hope for true open source N64 flashcarts.
- UltraCIC_C reimplementation for easy integration in modern microcontrollers. Thanks also goes to everyone involved in N64 CIC reverse engineering.
- N64brew Discord server community being very helpful during flashcart development.
- FatFs FAT32/exFAT library being easiest to integrate in embedded environment.
- Yakumono's (@LuigiBlood) extensive 64DD documentation and its implementation in various emulators.
- Libdragon open source N64 SDK project and its developers.
- SERV bit-serial 32-bit RISC-V CPU soft core.