
407 lines
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2013-10-12 20:38:34 +02:00
#include <stdio.h>
#include <gccore.h>
#include "sys.h"
2013-10-12 20:38:34 +02:00
#include "fatMounter.h"
#include "languages.h"
// !!! Doesn't support special chars... !!!
2013-10-12 20:38:34 +02:00
// !!! Don't change the order of the parameters !!!
int initLanguages(struct tm today)
2014-08-18 21:42:46 +02:00
TXT_AppVersion = "v2.3.0 HacksDen Edition";
2013-10-12 20:38:34 +02:00
switch (CONF_GetLanguage())
MSG_GetConsoleRegion = "Konsolen-Region wird ermittelt...";
MSG_GetSysMenuVer = "Version des Systemsmenues wird ermittelt...";
MSG_GetHBCVer = "Version und IOS des Homebrewkanals werden ermittelt...";
MSG_GetRunningIOS = "Version und Revision des geladenen IOS werden ermittelt...";
MSG_GetConsoleID = "Konsolen-ID wird ermittelt...";
MSG_GetBoot2 = "boot2-Version wird ermittelt...";
TXT_Region = "Region";
TXT_Unknown = "Unbekannt";
MSG_GetNrOfTitles = "Anzahl Titel wird ermittelt...";
ERR_GetNrOfTitles = "Zaehlen der Titel fehlgeschlagen.";
MSG_GetTitleList = "Liste der Titel wird generiert...";
ERR_GetTitleList = "Die Liste konnte nicht generiert werden.";
ERR_GetIosTMDSize = "Groesse der TMD fuer IOS%d konnte nicht ermittelt werden.";
ERR_GetIosTMD = "Fehler beim Auslesen der TMD fuer IOS%d.";
MSG_MountSD = "SD-Karte wird eingebunden...";
MSG_UnmountSD = "Zugriff auf die SD-Karte wird beendet...";
MSG_InitFAT = "Zugriff auf die SD-Karte wird initialisiert...";
ERR_InitFAT = "Initialisieren des FAT-Systems fehlgeschlagen.";
MSG_SortTitles = "Titel werden sortiert...";
MSG_GetCertificates = "Zertifikate werden aus dem NAND ausgelesen...";
ERR_GetCertificates = "Zertifikate aus dem NAND ausgelesen fehlgeschalgen.";
TXT_SysMenu = "Systemmenue %1.1f%c (v%d)";
2013-10-12 20:38:34 +02:00
TXT_SysMenu2 = "Systemmenue %s%s (v%d)";
TXT_SysMenu3 = "Systemmenue %1.1f%c (v%d, Info: v%d %s)";
TXT_NO_HBC = "Homebrewkanal ist nicht installiert";
2013-10-12 20:38:34 +02:00
TXT_HBF = "HomebrewFilter rev%d benutzt IOS58";
TXT_HBC = "Homebrewkanal 1.0.%d benutzt IOS%d";
TXT_HBC_NEW = "Homebrewkanal 1.1.0 benutzt IOS%d";
TXT_HBC_112 = "Homebrewkanal 1.1.%d benutzt IOS%d";
TXT_HBC_STUB = "Homebrewkanal funktionslos (Stub)";
TXT_HBF = "Homebrew Filter rev%d benutzt IOS58";
TXT_Hollywood = "Hollywood v0x%x";
TXT_ConsoleID = "Konsolen-ID: %d";
TXT_ConsoleType = "Konsolentyp: %s";
TXT_ShopCountry ="Shop-Kanal-Land: %s (%u)";
2013-10-12 20:38:34 +02:00
TXT_vBoot2 = "Boot2 v%u";
TXT_NrOfTitles = "Es wurden %d Titel gefunden.";
TXT_NrOfIOS = "Es wurden %d IOS gefunden, von denen %d funktionslos (Stub) sind.";
TXT_AppTitle = "SysCheck %s von JoostinOnline, Double_A, R2-D2199, und Nano";
TXT_AppIOS = "...laeuft auf dem %sIOS%d (rev %d).";
2013-10-12 20:38:34 +02:00
ERR_AllocateMemory = "Speicher fuer %d Titel konnte nicht zugewiesen werden.";
ERR_OpenFile = "Zugriff auf die Speicherdatei des Berichts fehlgeschlagen!";
MSG_SelectIOS = "Diese IOS werden getestet (Bitte waehlen):";
MSG_All = "Alle";
MSG_TestingIOS = "%s wird analysiert...";
MSG_ReloadIOS = "Neuladen des IOS%d (rev %d)...";
MSG_GenerateReport = "Bericht wird generiert...";
MSG_ReportSuccess = "Erfolg! Soll der Bericht angezeigt werden?";
MSG_ReportError = "Fehler! Soll der Bericht trotzdem angezeigt werden?";
TXT_Stub = " Funktionslos (Stub)";
TXT_Trucha = " Trucha Bug,";
TXT_ES = " ES Identify,";
TXT_Flash = " Flash Zugriff,";
TXT_NAND = " NAND Zugriff,";
TXT_Boot2 = " Boot2 Zugriff,";
TXT_USB = " USB 2.0,";
TXT_VersionP = " ES_Version,";
2013-10-12 20:38:34 +02:00
TXT_NoPatch = " Keine Patches,";
sprintf(TXT_ReportDate, "Bericht wurde am %2.2d.%2.2d.%4.4d generiert.", today.tm_mday, today.tm_mon + 1, today.tm_year + 1900);
BUT_HBC = "Homebrew Channel";
BUT_Shutoff = "Ausschalten";
BUT_SysMenu = "Systemmenue";
BUT_Update = "Aktualisieren";
TXT_Priiloader = "Priiloader installiert";
TXT_PreFiix = "PreFiix installiert";
MSG_Update = "Aktualisiere SysCheck...";
MSG_NoUpdate = "Diese Version ist bereits auf dem neuesten Stand!";
MSG_UpdateSuccess = "Die Aktualisierung wurde erfolgreich geladen!";
MSG_UpdateFail = "Der Aktualisierungsvorgang ist fehlgeschlagen!";
TXT_DVD = "Laufwerksdatum: %s";
TXT_NoDVD = "Das Laufwerksdatum konnte nicht erkannt werden";
BUT_ConfirmUpload = "Bericht hochladen";
TXT_Upload = "Bericht wird hochgeladen...";
BUT_OK = "OK";
TXT_OriginalRegion = " (urspruengliche Region: ";
MSG_GetConsoleRegion = "Obtention de la region de la console...";
MSG_GetSysMenuVer = "Obtention de la version du menu systeme...";
MSG_GetHBCVer = "Obtention de la version du Chaine Homebrew...";
MSG_GetRunningIOS = "Obtention de la version et de la revision de l'IOS courant...";
MSG_GetConsoleID = "Obtention de l'identifiant de la console...";
MSG_GetBoot2 = "Obtention de la version du boot2...";
TXT_Region = "Region";
TXT_Unknown = "Inconnue";
2013-10-12 20:38:34 +02:00
MSG_GetNrOfTitles = "Obtention du nombre de titres...";
ERR_GetNrOfTitles = "Impossible d'obtenir le nombre de titres.";
MSG_GetTitleList = "Obtention de la liste des titres...";
ERR_GetTitleList = "Impossible d'obtenir la liste des titres.";
ERR_GetIosTMDSize = "Erreur lors de l'appel a ES_GetStoredTMDSize pour l'IOS%d.";
ERR_GetIosTMD = "Erreur lors de l'appel a ES_GetStoredTMD pour l'IOS%d.";
MSG_MountSD = "Montage de la carte SD...";
MSG_UnmountSD = "Demontage de la carte SD...";
MSG_InitFAT = "Initialisation du systeme de fichier FAT...";
ERR_InitFAT = "Impossible d'initialiser le systeme de fichier FAT.";
MSG_SortTitles = "Tri des titres...";
MSG_GetCertificates = "Obtention des certificats de la 'NAND'...";
ERR_GetCertificates = "Impossible d'obtenir les certificats de la 'NAND'";
TXT_SysMenu = "Menu Systeme %1.1f%c (v%d)";
2013-10-12 20:38:34 +02:00
TXT_SysMenu2 = "Menu Systeme %s%s (v%d)";
TXT_SysMenu3 = "Menu Systeme %1.1f%c (v%d, Info: v%d %s)";
TXT_NO_HBC = "Chaine Homebrew n'est pas install<6C>";
2013-10-12 20:38:34 +02:00
TXT_HBC = "Chaine Homebrew 1.0.%d utilise IOS%d";
TXT_HBC_NEW = "Chaine Homebrew 1.1.0 utilise IOS%d";
TXT_HBC_112 = "Chaine Channel 1.1.%d utilise IOS%d";
TXT_HBF = "Homebrew Filter rev%d utilise IOS58";
TXT_Hollywood = "Hollywood v0x%x";
TXT_ConsoleID = "Identifiant de la console: %d";
TXT_ConsoleType = "Type de Console: %s";
TXT_ShopCountry ="Pays de la cha<68>ne boutique: %s (%u)";
2013-10-12 20:38:34 +02:00
TXT_vBoot2 = "Boot2 v%u";
TXT_NrOfTitles = "%d titres trouves.";
TXT_NrOfIOS = "%d IOS trouves sur cette console. %d sont des stubs.";
TXT_AppTitle = "SysCheck %s par JoostinOnline, Double_A, R2-D2199, et Nano";
TXT_AppIOS = "...tourne sous l'%sIOS%d (rev %d).";
2013-10-12 20:38:34 +02:00
ERR_AllocateMemory = "Imposible d'allouer la memoire pour %d titres.";
ERR_OpenFile = "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier.";
MSG_SelectIOS = "Cet IOS sera teste (Choisissez):";
MSG_All = "Tous";
MSG_TestingIOS = "Teste les vulnerabilites de: %s...";
MSG_ReloadIOS = "Recharge l'IOS%d (rev %d)...";
MSG_GenerateReport = "Generation du rapport...";
MSG_ReportSuccess = "Succes! Voulez vous afficher le rapport?";
MSG_ReportError = "Erreur! Voulez vous afficher le rapport quand meme?";
TXT_Stub = " Stub";
TXT_Trucha = " Trucha Bug,";
TXT_ES = " ES Identify,";
TXT_Flash = " Acces Flash,";
TXT_NAND = " Acces NAND,";
TXT_Boot2 = " Acces Boot2,";
TXT_USB = " USB 2.0,";
TXT_VersionP = " ES_Version,";
2013-10-12 20:38:34 +02:00
TXT_NoPatch = " Pas de patches,";
sprintf(TXT_ReportDate, "Rapport genere le %4.4d/%2.2d/%2.2d.", today.tm_year + 1900, today.tm_mon + 1, today.tm_mday);
BUT_HBC = "Homebrew Channel";
BUT_Shutoff = "Eteindre";
BUT_SysMenu = "Menu systeme";
BUT_Update = "Mise a jour";
TXT_Priiloader = "Priiloader installe";
TXT_PreFiix = "PreFiix installe";
MSG_Update = "Mise a jour SysCheck...";
MSG_NoUpdate = "Cette version est a jour!";
MSG_UpdateSuccess = "La mise a jour a ete charge avec succes!";
MSG_UpdateFail = "Le processus de mise a jour a echoue!";
TXT_DVD = "Date de disque: %s";
TXT_NoDVD = "Impossible de detecter la date d'entrainement";
BUT_ConfirmUpload = "Charger le rapport";
TXT_Upload = "Telechargement du rapport...";
BUT_OK = "OK";
TXT_OriginalRegion = " (region d'origine: ";
MSG_GetConsoleRegion = "Controllo regione console...";
MSG_GetSysMenuVer = "Controllo versione menu sistema...";
MSG_GetHBCVer = "Controllo versione IOS e HBC...";
MSG_GetRunningIOS = "Controllo versione IOS di appoggio...";
MSG_GetConsoleID = "Controllo ID della console...";
MSG_GetBoot2 = "Controllo versione Boot2...";
TXT_Region = "Regione";
TXT_Unknown = "Sconosciuto";
2013-10-12 20:38:34 +02:00
MSG_GetNrOfTitles = "Controllo numero giochi...";
ERR_GetNrOfTitles = "Errore nel controllo numero giochi.";
MSG_GetTitleList = "Controllo elenco giochi...";
ERR_GetTitleList = "Errore controllo elenco giochi.";
ERR_GetIosTMDSize = "Impossibile controllare dimensione TMD per IOS%d";
ERR_GetIosTMD = "Impossibile verificare TMD memorizzato per IOS%d.";
MSG_MountSD = "Controllo della memoria SD...";
MSG_UnmountSD = "Impossibile verificare la memoria SD...";
MSG_InitFAT = "Controllo file system FAT...";
ERR_InitFAT = "Impossibile verificare file system FAT.";
MSG_SortTitles = "Ordinamento giochi...";
MSG_GetCertificates = "Controllo certificati nella NAND...";
ERR_GetCertificates = "Errore nella verifica certificati nella NAND...";
TXT_SysMenu = "Menu di sistema %1.1f%c (v%d)";
2013-10-12 20:38:34 +02:00
TXT_SysMenu2 = "Menu di sistema %s%s (v%d)";
TXT_SysMenu3 = "Menu di sistema %1.1f%c (v%d, Info: v%d %s)";
TXT_NO_HBC = "Non <20> installato Canale Homebrew";
2013-10-12 20:38:34 +02:00
TXT_HBC = "Canale Homebrew 1.0.%d appoggiato all'IOS%d";
TXT_HBC_NEW = "Canale Homebrew 1.1.0 appoggiato all'IOS%d";
TXT_HBC_112 = "Canale Homebrew 1.1.%d appoggiato all'IOS%d";
TXT_HBF = "Homebrew Filter rev%d appoggiato all'IOS58";
TXT_Hollywood = "Hollywood v0x%x";
TXT_ConsoleID = "ID console: %d";
TXT_ConsoleType = "Tipo Console: %s";
TXT_ShopCountry ="Paese canale Shop: %s (%u)";
2013-10-12 20:38:34 +02:00
TXT_vBoot2 = "Boot2 v%u";
TXT_NrOfTitles = "Trovati %d giochi.";
TXT_NrOfIOS = "Trovati %d IOS in questa console. %d di questi sono stub.";
TXT_AppTitle = "SysCheck %s by JoostinOnline, Double_A, R2-D2199, and Nano";
TXT_AppIOS = "...appoggiato all'%sIOS%d (v. %d).";
2013-10-12 20:38:34 +02:00
ERR_AllocateMemory = "Impossibile allocare la memoria per %d giochi.";
ERR_OpenFile = "Impossibile aprire il file!";
MSG_SelectIOS = "Verranno testati questi IOS:";
MSG_All = "Tutti";
MSG_TestingIOS = "Verifica vulnerabilita' %s...";
MSG_ReloadIOS = "Ricaricamento IOS%d (v. %d)...";
MSG_GenerateReport = "Creazione del rapporto...";
MSG_ReportSuccess = "Fatto! Vuoi vedere il rapporto?";
MSG_ReportError = "Errore! Vuoi vedere ugualmente il rapporto?";
TXT_Stub = " Stub";
TXT_Trucha = " Trucha Bug,";
TXT_ES = " Identificazione ES,";
TXT_Flash = " Accesso flash,";
TXT_NAND = " Accesso NAND,";
TXT_Boot2 = " Accesso Boot2,";
TXT_USB = " USB 2.0,";
TXT_VersionP = " ES_Version,";
2013-10-12 20:38:34 +02:00
TXT_NoPatch = " Non patchato,";
sprintf(TXT_ReportDate, "Rapporto generato il %2.2d.%2.2d.%4.4d.", today.tm_mday, today.tm_mon + 1, today.tm_year + 1900);
BUT_HBC = "Canale Homebrew";
BUT_Shutoff = "Spegni";
BUT_SysMenu = "Menu di sistema";
BUT_Update = "Aggiorna";
TXT_Priiloader = "Priiloader installato";
TXT_PreFiix = "PreFiix installato";
MSG_Update = "Aggiornamento SysCheck...";
MSG_NoUpdate = "Questa versione e' aggiornata!";
MSG_UpdateSuccess = "L'aggiornamento e' stato caricato correttamente!";
MSG_UpdateFail = "Il processo di aggiornamento non e' riuscito!";
TXT_DVD = "Data unita': %s";
TXT_NoDVD = "Impossibile rilevare la data dell'unita'";
BUT_ConfirmUpload = "Invia rapporto";
TXT_Upload = "Invio rapporto...";
BUT_OK = "OK";
TXT_OriginalRegion = " (regione originale: ";
MSG_GetConsoleRegion = "Obteniendo la region de la consola...";
MSG_GetSysMenuVer = "Obteniendo la version del Menu de Sistema...";
MSG_GetHBCVer = "Obteniendo version de Canal Homebrew y IOS que usa...";
MSG_GetRunningIOS = "Obteniendo version y revision de IOS usado...";
MSG_GetConsoleID = "Obteniendo ID de la consola...";
MSG_GetBoot2 = "Obteniendo la version de boot2...";
TXT_Region = "Region";
TXT_Unknown = "Desconocido";
2013-10-12 20:38:34 +02:00
MSG_GetNrOfTitles = "Obteniendo numero de titulos...";
ERR_GetNrOfTitles = "No se pudo obtener numero de titulos.";
MSG_GetTitleList = "Obteniendo lista de titulos...";
ERR_GetTitleList = "No se pudo obtener lista de titulos.";
ERR_GetIosTMDSize = "Error al llamar ES_GetStoredTMDSize de IOS%d.";
ERR_GetIosTMD = "Error al llamar ES_GetStoredTMD de IOS%d.";
MSG_MountSD = "Montando Tarjeta SD...";
MSG_UnmountSD = "Desmontando Tarjeta SD...";
MSG_InitFAT = "Inicializando sistema de archivos FAT...";
ERR_InitFAT = "Imposible inicializar sistema de archivos FAT.";
MSG_SortTitles = "Ordenando titulos...";
MSG_GetCertificates = "Obteniendo certificados de la NAND...";
ERR_GetCertificates = "No se pudieron obtener certificados de la NAND...";
TXT_SysMenu = "Menu de Sistema %1.1f%c (v%d)";
2013-10-12 20:38:34 +02:00
TXT_SysMenu2 = "Menu de Sistema %s%s (v%d)";
TXT_SysMenu3 = "Menu de Sistema %1.1f%c (v%d, Info: v%d %s)";
TXT_NO_HBC = "No est<73> instalado el Canal Homebrew";
2013-10-12 20:38:34 +02:00
TXT_HBC = "Canal Homebrew 1.0.%d corriendo en IOS%d";
TXT_HBC_NEW = "Canal Homebrew 1.1.0 corriendo en IOS%d";
TXT_HBC_112 = "Canal Homebrew 1.1.%d corriendo en %d";
TXT_HBF = "Homebrew Filter rev%d corriendo en IOS58";
TXT_Hollywood = "Hollywood v0x%x";
TXT_ConsoleID = "ID de consola: %d";
TXT_ConsoleType = "Tipo Consola: %s";
TXT_ShopCountry ="Canal Tienda Country: %s (%u)";
2013-10-12 20:38:34 +02:00
TXT_vBoot2 = "Boot2 v%u";
TXT_NrOfTitles = "Encontrados %d titulos.";
TXT_NrOfIOS = "Se encontraron %d IOS en esta consola. %d de ellos son stubs.";
TXT_AppTitle = "SysCheck %s por JoostinOnline, Double_A, R2-D2199, y Nano";
TXT_AppIOS = "...corre en %sIOS%d (rev %d).";
2013-10-12 20:38:34 +02:00
ERR_AllocateMemory = "Imposible asignar memoria para %d titulos.";
ERR_OpenFile = "Imposible abrir el archivo!";
MSG_SelectIOS = "Este IOS sera analizado (Selecciona):";
MSG_All = "Todos";
MSG_TestingIOS = "Analizando %s...";
MSG_ReloadIOS = "Recargando IOS%d (rev %d)...";
MSG_GenerateReport = "Generando reporte...";
MSG_ReportSuccess = "Exito! Quieres ver el reporte?";
MSG_ReportError = "Error! Quieres mostrar el reporte igualmente?";
TXT_Stub = " Stub";
TXT_Trucha = " Trucha Bug,";
TXT_ES = " ES Identify,";
TXT_Flash = " Acceso Flash,";
TXT_NAND = " Acceso NAND,";
TXT_Boot2 = " Acceso Boot2,";
TXT_USB = " USB 2.0,";
TXT_VersionP = " ES_Version,";
2013-10-12 20:38:34 +02:00
TXT_NoPatch = " Sin Parches,";
sprintf(TXT_ReportDate, "Reporte generado el %2.2d/%2.2d/%4.4d.", today.tm_mday, today.tm_mon + 1, today.tm_year + 1900);
BUT_HBC = "Canal Homebrew";
BUT_Shutoff = "Apagar";
BUT_SysMenu = "Menu de Sistema";
BUT_Update = "Actualizacion";
TXT_Priiloader = "Priiloader instalado";
TXT_PreFiix = "PreFiix instalado";
MSG_Update = "Actualizacion SysCheck...";
MSG_NoUpdate = "Esta version esta actualizada!";
MSG_UpdateSuccess = "La actualizacion se ha cargado con exito!";
MSG_UpdateFail = "El proceso de actualizacion ha fallado!";
TXT_DVD = "Unidad de la fecha: %s";
TXT_NoDVD = "No se ha detectado la fecha de la unidad";
BUT_ConfirmUpload = "Subir informe";
TXT_Upload = "Cargar el informe...";
BUT_OK = "OK";
TXT_OriginalRegion = " (region de origen: ";
MSG_GetConsoleRegion = "Getting the console region...";
MSG_GetSysMenuVer = "Getting the system menu version...";
MSG_GetHBCVer = "Getting the homebrew channel version and IOS...";
MSG_GetRunningIOS = "Getting the running IOS version and revision...";
MSG_GetConsoleID = "Getting the console ID...";
MSG_GetBoot2 = "Getting the boot2 version...";
TXT_Region = "Region";
TXT_Unknown = "Unknown";
2013-10-12 20:38:34 +02:00
MSG_GetNrOfTitles = "Getting number of titles...";
ERR_GetNrOfTitles = "Failed getting number of titles.";
MSG_GetTitleList = "Getting list of titles...";
ERR_GetTitleList = "Failed getting list of titles.";
ERR_GetIosTMDSize = "Failed to get the stored TMD size for IOS%d";
ERR_GetIosTMD = "Failed to get the stored TMD for IOS%d.";
MSG_MountSD = "Mounting the SD Card...";
MSG_UnmountSD = "Unmounting the SD Card...";
MSG_InitFAT = "Initialising the FAT file system...";
ERR_InitFAT = "Unable to initialise the FAT file system.";
MSG_SortTitles = "Sorting titles...";
MSG_GetCertificates = "Getting the certificates from the NAND...";
ERR_GetCertificates = "Failed getting the certificates from the NAND...";
TXT_SysMenu = "System Menu %1.1f%c (v%d)";
2013-10-12 20:38:34 +02:00
TXT_SysMenu2 = "System Menu %s%s (v%d)";
TXT_SysMenu3 = "System Menu %1.1f%c (v%d, Info: v%d %s)";
TXT_NO_HBC = "Homebrew Channel is not installed";
2013-10-12 20:38:34 +02:00
TXT_HBC = "Homebrew Channel 1.0.%d running on IOS%d";
TXT_HBC_NEW = "Homebrew Channel 1.1.0 running on IOS%d";
TXT_HBC_112 = "Homebrew Channel 1.1.%d running on IOS%d";
TXT_HBF = "Homebrew Filter rev%d running on IOS58";
TXT_Hollywood = "Hollywood v0x%x";
TXT_ConsoleID = "Console ID: %d";
TXT_ConsoleType = "Console Type: %s";
TXT_ShopCountry ="Shop Channel Country: %s (%u)";
2013-10-12 20:38:34 +02:00
TXT_vBoot2 = "Boot2 v%u";
TXT_NrOfTitles = "Found %d titles.";
TXT_NrOfIOS = "Found %d IOS on this console. %d of them are stub.";
TXT_AppTitle = "SysCheck %s by JoostinOnline, Double_A, R2-D2199, and Nano";
TXT_AppIOS = "...runs on %sIOS%d (rev %d).";
2013-10-12 20:38:34 +02:00
ERR_AllocateMemory = "Unable to allocate the memory for %d titles.";
ERR_OpenFile = "Unable to open the file!";
MSG_SelectIOS = "This IOS will be tested (Please select):";
MSG_All = "All";
MSG_TestingIOS = "Testing %s vulnerabilities...";
MSG_ReloadIOS = "Reloading IOS%d (rev %d)...";
MSG_GenerateReport = "Generating the report...";
MSG_ReportSuccess = "Success! Do you want to display the report?";
MSG_ReportError = "Error! Do you want to display the report anyway?";
TXT_Stub = " Stub";
TXT_Trucha = " Trucha Bug,";
TXT_ES = " ES Identify,";
TXT_Flash = " Flash Access,";
TXT_NAND = " NAND Access,";
TXT_Boot2 = " Boot2 Access,";
TXT_USB = " USB 2.0,";
TXT_VersionP = " ES_Version,";
2013-10-12 20:38:34 +02:00
TXT_NoPatch = " No Patches,";
sprintf(TXT_ReportDate, "Report generated on %2.2d/%2.2d/%4.4d.", today.tm_mon + 1, today.tm_mday, today.tm_year + 1900);
BUT_HBC = "Homebrew Channel";
BUT_Shutoff = "Shut down";
BUT_SysMenu = "System Menu";
BUT_Update = "Update";
TXT_Priiloader = "Priiloader installed";
TXT_PreFiix = "PreFiix installed";
MSG_Update = "Updating SysCheck...";
MSG_NoUpdate = "This version is up to date!";
MSG_UpdateSuccess = "The update was successfully loaded!";
MSG_UpdateFail = "The update process has failed!";
TXT_DVD = "Drive date: %s";
TXT_NoDVD = "Could not detect the drive date!";
BUT_ConfirmUpload = "Upload report";
TXT_Upload = "Uploading report...";
BUT_OK = "OK";
TXT_OriginalRegion = " (original region: ";
return 0;