#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sys.h" #include "SysMenuInfo.h" #include "ticket_dat.h" #include "tmd_dat.h" #include "mload.h" #include "title.h" #include "sha1.h" #include "gecko.h" #include "http.h" #include "gui.h" #include "languages.h" #include "fatMounter.h" #define DM_INSTALLED ((*(vu32*)(appfile+i)) == 0x44494F53 && (*(vu32*)(appfile+i+5)) == 0x4D494F53) // true = DM or DML installed #define DML_OR_DM (*(vu32*)(appfile+i+10) == 0x4C697465) // true = DML #define CMP_TIME(X) (difftime(unixTime, (X)) >= 0) u8 sysMenuInfoContent = 0; const char *Regions[] = {"NTSC-J", "NTSC-U", "PAL", "", "KOR", "NTSC-J"}; //Last is actually China s32 brute_tmd(tmd *p_tmd) { u16 fill; for(fill=0; fill<65535; fill++) { p_tmd->fill3 = fill; sha1 hash; SHA1((u8 *)p_tmd, TMD_SIZE(p_tmd), hash);; if (hash[0]==0) { return 0; } } return -1; } // Certificates static u8 certs[0xA00] ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(32); bool GetCertificates(void) { ISFS_Initialize(); int fd = ISFS_Open("/sys/cert.sys", ISFS_OPEN_READ); if (fd < 0) return false; if (ISFS_Read(fd, certs, sizeof(certs)) != sizeof(certs)) return false; ISFS_Close(fd); return true; } s32 GetTMD(u64 TicketID, signed_blob **Output, u32 *Length) { signed_blob* TMD = NULL; u32 TMD_Length; s32 ret; /* Retrieve TMD length */ ret = ES_GetStoredTMDSize(TicketID, &TMD_Length); if (ret < 0) return ret; /* Allocate memory */ TMD = (signed_blob*)memalign(32, (TMD_Length+31)&(~31)); if (!TMD) return IPC_ENOMEM; /* Retrieve TMD */ ret = ES_GetStoredTMD(TicketID, TMD, TMD_Length); if (ret < 0) { free(TMD); return ret; } /* Set values */ *Output = TMD; *Length = TMD_Length; return 0; } s32 read_file_from_nand(char *filepath, u8 **buffer, u32 *filesize) { s32 Fd; int ret; if (buffer == NULL) { gprintf("NULL Pointer\n"); return -1; } Fd = ISFS_Open(filepath, ISFS_OPEN_READ); if (Fd < 0) { gprintf("ISFS_Open %s failed %d\n", filepath, Fd); return Fd; } fstats *status; status = allocate_memory(sizeof(fstats)); if (status == NULL) { gprintf("Out of memory for status\n"); return -1; } ret = ISFS_GetFileStats(Fd, status); if (ret < 0) { gprintf("ISFS_GetFileStats failed %d\n", ret); ISFS_Close(Fd); free(status); return -1; } *buffer = allocate_memory(status->file_length); if (*buffer == NULL) { gprintf("Out of memory for buffer\n"); ISFS_Close(Fd); free(status); return -1; } ret = ISFS_Read(Fd, *buffer, status->file_length); if (ret < 0) { gprintf("ISFS_Read failed %d\n", ret); ISFS_Close(Fd); free(status); free(*buffer); return ret; } ISFS_Close(Fd); *filesize = status->file_length; free(status); if (*filesize > 0) { DCFlushRange(*buffer, *filesize); ICInvalidateRange(*buffer, *filesize); } return 0; } void zero_sig(signed_blob *sig) { u8 *sig_ptr = (u8 *)sig; memset(sig_ptr + 4, 0, SIGNATURE_SIZE(sig)-4); } // Get the boot2 version inline u32 GetBoot2Version(void) { u32 boot2version = 0; if (ES_GetBoot2Version(&boot2version) < 0) boot2version = 0; return boot2version; } // Get the console ID inline u32 GetDeviceID(void) { u32 deviceId = 0; if (ES_GetDeviceID(&deviceId) < 0) deviceId = 0; return deviceId; } // Remove bogus ticket int RemoveBogusTicket(void) { tikview *viewdata = NULL; u64 titleId = 0x100000000LL; u32 cnt, views; s32 ret; // Get number of ticket views ret = ES_GetNumTicketViews(titleId, &views); if (ret < 0) return ret; if (!views) return 1; else if (views > 16) return -1; // Get ticket views viewdata = (tikview*)memalign(32, sizeof(tikview) * views); ret = ES_GetTicketViews(titleId, viewdata, views); if (ret < 0) return ret; // Remove tickets for (cnt = 0; cnt < views; cnt++) { ret = ES_DeleteTicket(&viewdata[cnt]); if (ret < 0) return ret; } return ret; } // Remove bogus ticket inline s32 RemoveBogusTMD(void) { return ES_DeleteTitle(0x100000000LL); } // Check fake signatures (aka Trucha Bug) bool CheckFakeSignature(void) { s32 ret = ES_AddTicket((signed_blob *)ticket_dat, ticket_dat_size, (signed_blob *)certs, sizeof(certs), 0, 0); if (ret >= 0) RemoveBogusTicket(); return (ret >= 0 || ret == -1028); } // Check if you can still call ES_DiVerify (aka ES_Identify) to make IOS think that you actually are a different title bool CheckESIdentify(void) { int ret = ES_Identify((signed_blob *)certs, sizeof(certs), (signed_blob *)tmd_dat, tmd_dat_size, (signed_blob *)ticket_dat, ticket_dat_size, NULL); return ((ret >= 0) || (ret == -2011)); } // Check flash access bool CheckFlashAccess(void) { s32 ret = IOS_Open("/dev/flash", 1); if (ret >= 0) IOS_Close(ret); return (ret >= 0); } bool CheckMload(void) { int ret = IOS_Open("/dev/mload", 0); if (ret >= 0) IOS_Close(ret); return (ret >= 0); } // Check NAND access bool CheckNANDAccess(void) { int ret = IOS_Open("/ticket/00000001/00000002.tik", 1); if (ret >= 0) IOS_Close(ret); return (ret >= 0); } // Check boot2 access bool CheckBoot2Access(void) { int ret = IOS_Open("/dev/boot2", 1); if (ret >= 0) IOS_Close(ret); return (ret >= 0); } // Check USB 2.0 module bool CheckUSB2(u32 titleID) { // Hermes' IOS supports USB 2.0 module switch (titleID) { case 58: case 202: case 222: case 223: case 224: return true; break; } // Open USB 2.0 module gprintf("IOS_Open(\"/dev/usb2\", 1) \n"); int ret = IOS_Open("/dev/usb2", 1); // If fail, try old USB 2.0 module gprintf("IOS_Open(\"/dev/usb/ehc\", 1) \n"); if (ret < 0) ret = IOS_Open("/dev/usb/ehc", 1); if (ret >= 0) IOS_Close(ret); return (ret >= 0); } // Check if this is an IOS stub (according to WiiBrew.org) bool IsKnownStub(u32 noIOS, s32 noRevision) { if (noIOS == 254) { if (noRevision == 65280 || noRevision == 260 || noRevision == 3 || noRevision == 2 ) return true; } // BootMii As IOS is installed on IOS254 rev 31338 if (noIOS == 254 && (noRevision == 31338 || noRevision == 65281)) return true; if (noIOS == 253 && noRevision == 65535) return true; /*if (noIOS == 3 && noRevision == 65280) return true; if (noIOS == 4 && noRevision == 65280) return true; if (noIOS == 10 && noRevision == 768) return true; if (noIOS == 11 && noRevision == 256) return true; if (noIOS == 16 && noRevision == 512) return true; if (noIOS == 20 && noRevision == 256) return true; if (noIOS == 30 && noRevision == 2816) return true; if (noIOS == 40 && noRevision == 3072) return true; if (noIOS == 50 && noRevision == 5120) return true; if (noIOS == 51 && noRevision == 4864) return true; if (noIOS == 52 && noRevision == 5888) return true; if (noIOS == 60 && noRevision == 6400) return true; if (noIOS == 70 && noRevision == 6912) return true; if (noIOS == 222 && noRevision == 65280) return true; if (noIOS == 223 && noRevision == 65280) return true; if (noIOS == 249 && noRevision == 65280) return true; if (noIOS == 250 && noRevision == 65280) return true;*/ return false; } int checkSysLoader(void) { char filepath[ISFS_MAXPATH] ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(0x20); static u64 titleId ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(32) = 0x0000000100000002LL; int ret = 0; tmd *ptmd = NULL; u32 TMD_size = 0; signed_blob *stmd = NULL; u32 i = 0; u32 filesize = 0; u8 *buffer = NULL; const char *checkStr = "priiloader"; const char *checkStr2 = "prefiix"; int retValue = -1; ret = GetTMD(titleId, &stmd, &TMD_size); if (ret < 0) goto end; if (!stmd) { ret = -1; goto end; } ptmd = (tmd*)SIGNATURE_PAYLOAD(stmd); for (i = 0; i < ptmd->num_contents; i++) { if (ptmd->contents[i].index == ptmd->boot_index) { sprintf(filepath, "/title/%08x/%08x/content/%08x.app" , 0x00000001, 0x00000002, ptmd->contents[i].cid); ret = read_file_from_nand(filepath, &buffer, &filesize); if (ret < 0 || filesize < 0) { retValue = -2; goto end; } break; } } for (i = 0; i < filesize - strlen(checkStr); i++) { if (!strncmp((char*)buffer + i, checkStr, strlen(checkStr))) { retValue = 1; break; } else if (!strncmp((char*)buffer + i, checkStr2, strlen(checkStr2))) { retValue = 2; break; } } end: free(buffer); free(stmd); ptmd = NULL; return retValue; } s32 get_miosinfo(char *str) { struct tm time; // Timestamp of DML r52 strptime("Mar 7 2012 19:36:06", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time); const time_t dml_r52_time = mktime(&time); // Timestamp of DML 1.2 strptime("Apr 24 2012 19:44:08", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time); const time_t dml_1_2_time = mktime(&time); // I can't find one for 1.4 or 1.3, so I'm just doing 1 second over 1.2 strptime("Apr 24 2012 19:44:09", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time); const time_t dml_1_4_time = mktime(&time); // Timestamp of DML 1.4b strptime("May 7 2012 21:12:47", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time); const time_t dml_1_4b_time = mktime(&time); // Timestamp of DML 1.5 strptime("Jun 14 2012 00:05:09", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time); const time_t dml_1_5_time = mktime(&time); // Timestamp of DM 2.0 strptime("Jun 23 2012 19:43:21", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time); const time_t dm_2_0_time = mktime(&time); // Timestamp of DM 2.1 strptime("Jul 17 2012 11:25:35", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time); const time_t dm_2_1_time = mktime(&time); // Timestamp of DM 2.2 initial release strptime("Jul 18 2012 16:57:47", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time); const time_t dm_2_2_time = mktime(&time); // Timestamp of DM 2.2 update2 strptime("Jul 20 2012 14:49:47", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time); const time_t dm_2_2_2_time = mktime(&time); // Timestamp of DML 2.2 initial release strptime("Aug 6 2012 15:19:17", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time); const time_t dml_2_2_time = mktime(&time); // Timestamp of DML 2.2 update1 strptime("Aug 13 2012 00:12:46", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time); const time_t dml_2_2_1_time = mktime(&time); // Timestamp of DML 2.3 mirror link strptime("Sep 24 2012 13:13:42", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time); const time_t dml_2_3m_time = mktime(&time); // Timestamp of DM 2.3 strptime("Sep 24 2012 15:51:54", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time); const time_t dm_2_3_time = mktime(&time); // Timestamp of DML 2.3 main link strptime("Sep 25 2012 03:03:41", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time); const time_t dml_2_3_time = mktime(&time); // Timestamp of DM 2.4 strptime("Oct 21 2012 22:57:12", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time); const time_t dm_2_4_time = mktime(&time); // Timestamp of DML 2.4 strptime("Oct 21 2012 22:57:17", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time); const time_t dml_2_4_time = mktime(&time); // Timestamp of DM 2.5 strptime("Nov 9 2012 21:18:52", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time); const time_t dm_2_5_time = mktime(&time); // Timestamp of DML 2.5 strptime("Nov 9 2012 21:18:56", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time); const time_t dml_2_5_time = mktime(&time); // Timestamp of DM 2.6.0 strptime("Dec 1 2012 01:52:53", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time); const time_t dm_2_6_0_time = mktime(&time); // Timestamp of DML 2.6 strptime("Dec 1 2012 16:22:29", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time); const time_t dml_2_6_time = mktime(&time); // Timestamp of DM 2.6.1 strptime("Dec 1 2012 16:42:34", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time); const time_t dm_2_6_1_time = mktime(&time); // Timestamp of DM 2.7 strptime("Feb 20 2013 14:54:33", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time); const time_t dm_2_7_time = mktime(&time); // Timestamp of DML 2.7 strptime("Feb 20 2013 14:54:36", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time); const time_t dml_2_7_time = mktime(&time); // Timestamp of DM 2.8 strptime("Feb 24 2013 14:17:03", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time); const time_t dm_2_8_time = mktime(&time); // Timestamp of DML 2.8 strptime("Feb 24 2013 13:30:29", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time); const time_t dml_2_8_time = mktime(&time); // Timestamp of DM 2.9 strptime("Apr 5 2013 18:29:35", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time); const time_t dm_2_9_time = mktime(&time); // Timestamp of DML 2.9 strptime("Apr 5 2013 18:20:33", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time); const time_t dml_2_9_time = mktime(&time); // Timestamp of DM 2.10 strptime("May 24 2013 21:22:22", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time); const time_t dm_2_10_time = mktime(&time); // Timestamp of DML 2.10 strptime("May 24 2013 18:51:58", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time); const time_t dml_2_10_time = mktime(&time); u32 size = 0; u32 i = 0; s32 ret = 0; u8 *appfile = NULL; char buffer[20]; ret = read_file_from_nand("/title/00000001/00000101/content/0000000c.app", &appfile, &size); if(ret >= 0 && appfile) { for(i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if(DM_INSTALLED) //DIOS MIOS { if(DML_OR_DM) //Lite { memcpy(&buffer, appfile+i+31, sizeof(buffer)); strptime(buffer, "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time); time_t unixTime = mktime(&time); strcat(str, " (DIOS MIOS Lite"); if(CMP_TIME(dml_2_10_time)) strcat(str, " 2.10+"); else if(CMP_TIME(dml_2_9_time)) strcat(str, " 2.9"); else if(CMP_TIME(dml_2_8_time)) strcat(str, " 2.8"); else if(CMP_TIME(dml_2_7_time)) strcat(str, " 2.7"); else if(CMP_TIME(dml_2_6_time)) strcat(str, " 2.6"); else if(CMP_TIME(dml_2_5_time)) strcat(str, " 2.5"); else if(CMP_TIME(dml_2_4_time)) strcat(str, " 2.4"); else if(CMP_TIME(dml_2_3_time)) strcat(str, " 2.3"); else if(CMP_TIME(dml_2_3m_time)) strcat(str, " 2.3"); else if(CMP_TIME(dml_2_2_1_time)) strcat(str, " 2.2.1"); else if(CMP_TIME(dml_2_2_time)) strcat(str, " 2.2"); else if(CMP_TIME(dml_1_5_time)) strcat(str, " 1.5"); else if(CMP_TIME(dml_1_4b_time)) strcat(str, " 1.4b"); else if(CMP_TIME(dml_1_4_time)) strcat(str, " 1.4"); else if(CMP_TIME(dml_1_2_time)) strcat(str, " 1.2"); else if (CMP_TIME(dml_r52_time)) strcat(str, " r52"); else strcat(str, " r51-"); strcat(str, ")"); return 1; } else { memcpy(&buffer, appfile+i+27, sizeof(buffer)); strptime(buffer, "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", &time); time_t unixTime = mktime(&time); strcat(str, " (DIOS MIOS"); if(CMP_TIME(dm_2_10_time)) strcat(str, " 2.10+"); else if(CMP_TIME(dm_2_9_time)) strcat(str, " 2.9"); else if(CMP_TIME(dm_2_8_time)) strcat(str, " 2.8"); else if(CMP_TIME(dm_2_7_time)) strcat(str, " 2.7"); else if(CMP_TIME(dm_2_6_1_time)) strcat(str, " 2.6.1"); else if(CMP_TIME(dm_2_6_0_time)) strcat(str, " 2.6"); else if(CMP_TIME(dm_2_5_time)) strcat(str, " 2.5"); else if(CMP_TIME(dm_2_4_time)) strcat(str, " 2.4"); else if(CMP_TIME(dm_2_3_time)) strcat(str, " 2.3"); else if(CMP_TIME(dm_2_2_2_time)) strcat(str, " 2.22"); else if(CMP_TIME(dm_2_2_time)) strcat(str, " 2.2"); else if(CMP_TIME(dm_2_1_time)) strcat(str, " 2.1"); else if(CMP_TIME(dm_2_0_time)) strcat(str, " 2.0"); strcat(str, ")"); return 2; } } } memset(appfile, 0, size); free(appfile); } return 0; }