#include #include #include #include "tahoma_ttf.h" #include "background.h" #include "Checkicon.h" #include "Deleteicon.h" #include "Refreshicon.h" #include "WiiButtonA.h" #include "WiiButtonHome.h" #include "WiiButtonMinus.h" #include "WiiButtonPlus.h" #include "WiiDpadLeft.h" #include "WiiDpadRight.h" #include "loadingbargrey.h" #include "loadingbarblue.h" #include "window.h" #include "Cog1.h" #include "Cog2.h" #include "Cog3.h" #include "Cog4.h" #include "Cog5.h" #include "languages.h" #include "gui.h" #include "gecko.h" #include "sys.h" #include "fatMounter.h" #include "thread.h" GRRLIB_ttfFont *myFont; GRRLIB_texImg *tex_background_png; GRRLIB_texImg *tex_Checkicon_png; GRRLIB_texImg *tex_Deleteicon_png; GRRLIB_texImg *tex_Refreshicon_png; GRRLIB_texImg *tex_WiiButtonA_png; GRRLIB_texImg *tex_WiiButtonHome_png; GRRLIB_texImg *tex_WiiButtonMinus_png; GRRLIB_texImg *tex_WiiButtonPlus_png; GRRLIB_texImg *tex_WiiDpadLeft_png; GRRLIB_texImg *tex_WiiDpadRight_png; GRRLIB_texImg *tex_loadingbargrey_png; GRRLIB_texImg *tex_loadingbarblue_png; GRRLIB_texImg *tex_window_png; GRRLIB_texImg *tex_Cogs_png[5]; GRRLIB_texImg *tex_ScreenBuf; typedef struct map_entry { char name[8]; u8 hash[20]; } __attribute__((packed)) map_entry_t; static char contentMapPath[] ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(32) = "/shared1/content.map"; static const u8 WIIFONT_HASH[] = {0x32, 0xb3, 0x39, 0xcb, 0xbb, 0x50, 0x7d, 0x50, 0x27, 0x79, 0x25, 0x9a, 0x78, 0x66, 0x99, 0x5d, 0x03, 0x0b, 0x1d, 0x88}; static const u8 WIIFONT_HASH_KOR[] = {0xb7, 0x15, 0x6d, 0xf0, 0xf4, 0xae, 0x07, 0x8f, 0xd1, 0x53, 0x58, 0x3e, 0x93, 0x6e, 0x07, 0xc0, 0x98, 0x77, 0x49, 0x0e}; u8 *systemFont; s32 systemFontSize = 0; u8 Cog_Num = 0; u64 Last_Cog_Turn = 0; bool loadSystemFont(bool korean) { u8 *contentMap = NULL; u32 mapsize = 0; int i = 0; s32 ret = 0; ret = read_file_from_nand(contentMapPath, &contentMap, &mapsize); if(ret < 0) return false; int fileCount = mapsize / sizeof(map_entry_t); map_entry_t *mapEntryList = (map_entry_t *) contentMap; for (i = 0; i < fileCount; i++) { if (memcmp(mapEntryList[i].hash, korean ? WIIFONT_HASH_KOR : WIIFONT_HASH, 20) != 0) continue; // Name found, load it and unpack it char font_filename[32] ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(32); snprintf(font_filename, sizeof(font_filename), "/shared1/%.8s.app", mapEntryList[i].name); u8 *fontArchive = NULL; u32 filesize = 0; ret = read_file_from_nand(font_filename, &fontArchive, &filesize); if(ret < 0) return false; const U8Header *u8Archive = (U8Header *) fontArchive; const U8Entry *fst = (const U8Entry *) (((const u8 *) u8Archive) + u8Archive->rootNodeOffset); if(fst[0].numEntries < 1) { free(fontArchive); continue; } if(systemFont) free(systemFont); systemFontSize = fst[1].fileLength; systemFont = allocate_memory(systemFontSize); if(!systemFont) { free(fontArchive); continue; } memcpy(systemFont, fontArchive + fst[1].fileOffset, systemFontSize); free(fontArchive); free(contentMap); MountSD(); static char buf[128]; snprintf(buf, 128, "sd:/test.ttf"); FILE *fp = NULL; fp = fopen(buf, "wb"); if (fp) { fwrite(systemFont, 1, systemFontSize, fp); fclose(fp); } UnmountSD(); return true; } free(contentMap); return false; } int initGUI(void) { // Initialise the Graphics & Video subsystem GRRLIB_Init(); // Initialise the Wiimotes WPAD_Init(); //Load Images myFont = GRRLIB_LoadTTF(tahoma_ttf, tahoma_ttf_size); tex_background_png = GRRLIB_LoadTexturePNG(background); tex_Checkicon_png = GRRLIB_LoadTexturePNG(Checkicon); tex_Deleteicon_png = GRRLIB_LoadTexturePNG(Deleteicon); tex_Refreshicon_png = GRRLIB_LoadTexturePNG(Refreshicon); tex_WiiButtonA_png = GRRLIB_LoadTexturePNG(WiiButtonA); tex_WiiButtonHome_png = GRRLIB_LoadTexturePNG(WiiButtonHome); tex_WiiButtonMinus_png = GRRLIB_LoadTexturePNG(WiiButtonMinus); tex_WiiButtonPlus_png = GRRLIB_LoadTexturePNG(WiiButtonPlus); tex_WiiDpadLeft_png = GRRLIB_LoadTexturePNG(WiiDpadLeft); tex_WiiDpadRight_png = GRRLIB_LoadTexturePNG(WiiDpadRight); tex_loadingbargrey_png = GRRLIB_LoadTexturePNG(loadingbargrey); tex_loadingbarblue_png = GRRLIB_LoadTexturePNG(loadingbarblue); tex_window_png = GRRLIB_LoadTexturePNG(window); tex_Cogs_png[0] = GRRLIB_LoadTexturePNG(Cog1); tex_Cogs_png[1] = GRRLIB_LoadTexturePNG(Cog2); tex_Cogs_png[2] = GRRLIB_LoadTexturePNG(Cog3); tex_Cogs_png[3] = GRRLIB_LoadTexturePNG(Cog4); tex_Cogs_png[4] = GRRLIB_LoadTexturePNG(Cog5); tex_ScreenBuf = GRRLIB_CreateEmptyTexture(rmode->fbWidth, rmode->efbHeight); InitThread(); return 0; } void deinitGUI(void) { //StopThread(); done = 1; GRRLIB_FreeTTF(myFont); GRRLIB_FreeTexture(tex_background_png); GRRLIB_FreeTexture(tex_Checkicon_png); GRRLIB_FreeTexture(tex_Deleteicon_png); GRRLIB_FreeTexture(tex_Refreshicon_png); GRRLIB_FreeTexture(tex_WiiButtonA_png); GRRLIB_FreeTexture(tex_WiiButtonHome_png); GRRLIB_FreeTexture(tex_WiiButtonMinus_png); GRRLIB_FreeTexture(tex_WiiButtonPlus_png); GRRLIB_FreeTexture(tex_WiiDpadLeft_png); GRRLIB_FreeTexture(tex_WiiDpadRight_png); GRRLIB_FreeTexture(tex_loadingbargrey_png); GRRLIB_FreeTexture(tex_loadingbarblue_png); GRRLIB_FreeTexture(tex_window_png); GRRLIB_FreeTexture(tex_Cogs_png[0]); GRRLIB_FreeTexture(tex_Cogs_png[1]); GRRLIB_FreeTexture(tex_Cogs_png[2]); GRRLIB_FreeTexture(tex_Cogs_png[3]); GRRLIB_FreeTexture(tex_Cogs_png[4]); GRRLIB_FreeTexture(tex_ScreenBuf); GRRLIB_Exit(); return; } void DrawDuringSort(void) { DrawBuf(); DrawCog(); GRRLIB_Render(); return; } int printError(const char* msg) { int i; //PauseThread(); GRRLIB_DrawImg(0, 0, tex_background_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_DrawImg(256, 112, tex_Deleteicon_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_PrintfTTF((640-strlen(msg)*9)/2, 256, myFont, msg, 20, HEX_WHITE); CopyBuf(); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { //Workaround for GRRLIB_Render() bug DrawBuf(); GRRLIB_Render(); } return 0; } int printSuccess(const char* msg) { int i; //PauseThread(); //GRRLIB_ClearTex(tex_ScreenBuf); GRRLIB_DrawImg(0, 0, tex_background_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_DrawImg(256, 112, tex_Checkicon_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_PrintfTTF((640-strlen(msg)*9)/2, 256, myFont, msg, 20, HEX_WHITE); CopyBuf(); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { //Workaround for GRRLIB_Render() bug DrawBuf(); GRRLIB_Render(); } return 0; } int printLoading(const char* msg) { //int i; //ResumeThread(); u64 current_ticks = gettick(); //GRRLIB_DrawImg(256, 112, tex_Refreshicon_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_DrawImg(0, 0, tex_background_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_PrintfTTF((640-strlen(msg)*9)/2, 256, myFont, msg, 20, HEX_WHITE); CopyBuf(); //for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { //Workaround for GRRLIB_Render() bug while(!CheckTime(current_ticks, 250)) { //DrawBuf(); //DrawCog(); //GRRLIB_Render(); } return 0; } int printSelectIOS(const char* msg, const char* ios) { int i; PauseThread(); GRRLIB_DrawImg(0, 0, tex_background_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_DrawImg(256, 112, tex_Refreshicon_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_PrintfTTF((640-strlen(msg)*9)/2, 256, myFont, msg, 20, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_PrintfTTF((640-strlen(ios)*9)/2, 300, myFont, ios, 20, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_DrawImg(222, 286, tex_WiiDpadLeft_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_DrawImg(370, 286, tex_WiiDpadRight_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_DrawImg(310, 388, tex_WiiButtonPlus_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_PrintfTTF(335-(strlen(BUT_Update)*7.8)/2, 425, myFont, BUT_Update, 14, HEX_WHITE); CopyBuf(); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { //Workaround for GRRLIB_Render() bug DrawBuf(); GRRLIB_Render(); } return 0; } int printLoadingBar(const char* msg, const f32 percent) { int loaded, notloaded; u64 current_ticks = gettick(); loaded = 536.0/100.0*percent; if (loaded > 536) loaded = 536; notloaded = 536 - loaded; //int i; GRRLIB_DrawImg(0, 0, tex_background_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); //GRRLIB_DrawImg(256, 112, tex_Refreshicon_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_PrintfTTF((640-strlen(msg)*9)/2, 256, myFont, msg, 20, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_DrawPart(52, 340, 0, 0, loaded, 36, tex_loadingbarblue_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_DrawPart(52+loaded, 340, loaded, 0, notloaded, 36, tex_loadingbargrey_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); CopyBuf(); //for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { //Workaround for GRRLIB_Render() bug while(!CheckTime(current_ticks, 250)) { //DrawBuf(); //DrawCog(); //GRRLIB_Render(); } return 0; } int printEndSuccess(const char* msg) { int i; //PauseThread(); GRRLIB_DrawImg(0, 0, tex_background_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_DrawImg(256, 112, tex_Checkicon_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_PrintfTTF((640-strlen(msg)*9)/2, 256, myFont, msg, 20, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_DrawImg(302, 292, tex_WiiButtonA_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_DrawImg(52, 340, tex_loadingbarblue_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_DrawImg(144, 388, tex_WiiButtonMinus_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_PrintfTTF(160-(strlen(BUT_Shutoff)*7.8)/2, 425, myFont, BUT_Shutoff, 14, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_DrawImg(302, 386, tex_WiiButtonHome_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_PrintfTTF(320-(strlen(BUT_HBC)*7.8)/2, 425, myFont, BUT_HBC, 14, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_DrawImg(464, 388, tex_WiiButtonPlus_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_PrintfTTF(480-(strlen(BUT_SysMenu)*7.8)/2, 425, myFont, BUT_SysMenu, 14, HEX_WHITE); CopyBuf(); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { //Workaround for GRRLIB_Render() bug DrawBuf(); GRRLIB_Render(); } return 0; } inline void DrawCog(void) { if (CheckTime(Last_Cog_Turn, 25)) { Cog_Num++; if (Cog_Num > 4) Cog_Num = 0; Last_Cog_Turn = gettick(); } GRRLIB_DrawImg(220, 150, tex_Cogs_png[Cog_Num], 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); return; } int printEndError(const char* msg) { int i; //PauseThread(); GRRLIB_DrawImg(0, 0, tex_background_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_DrawImg(256, 112, tex_Deleteicon_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_PrintfTTF((640-strlen(msg)*9)/2, 256, myFont, msg, 20, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_DrawImg(302, 292, tex_WiiButtonA_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_DrawImg(144, 388, tex_WiiButtonMinus_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_PrintfTTF(160-(strlen(BUT_Shutoff)*7.8)/2, 425, myFont, BUT_Shutoff, 14, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_DrawImg(302, 386, tex_WiiButtonHome_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_PrintfTTF(320-(strlen(BUT_HBC)*7.8)/2, 425, myFont, BUT_HBC, 14, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_DrawImg(464, 388, tex_WiiButtonPlus_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_PrintfTTF(480-(strlen(BUT_SysMenu)*7.8)/2, 425, myFont, BUT_SysMenu, 14, HEX_WHITE); CopyBuf(); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { //Workaround for GRRLIB_Render() bug DrawBuf(); GRRLIB_Render(); } return 0; } int printReport(char report[200][100], int firstLine, bool completeReport) { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { //Workaround for GRRLIB_Render() bug GRRLIB_DrawImg(0, 0, tex_background_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_DrawImg(36, 40, tex_window_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); for (j = 0; j < BLANK + 1; j++) { GRRLIB_PrintfTTF(80, 98+j*17, myFont, report[firstLine+j], 12, HEX_BLACK); } if (completeReport) { GRRLIB_DrawImg(80, 388, tex_WiiButtonMinus_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_PrintfTTF(96-(strlen(BUT_Shutoff)*7.8)/2, 425, myFont, BUT_Shutoff, 14, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_DrawImg(238, 386, tex_WiiButtonHome_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_PrintfTTF(256-(strlen(BUT_HBC)*7.8)/2, 425, myFont, BUT_HBC, 14, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_DrawImg(380, 388, tex_WiiButtonA_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_PrintfTTF(408-(strlen(BUT_ConfirmUpload)*7.8)/2, 425, myFont, BUT_ConfirmUpload, 14, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_DrawImg(528, 388, tex_WiiButtonPlus_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_PrintfTTF(544-(strlen(BUT_SysMenu)*7.8)/2, 425, myFont, BUT_SysMenu, 14, HEX_WHITE); } else { GRRLIB_DrawImg(144, 388, tex_WiiButtonMinus_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_PrintfTTF(160-(strlen(BUT_Shutoff)*7.8)/2, 425, myFont, BUT_Shutoff, 14, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_DrawImg(302, 386, tex_WiiButtonHome_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_PrintfTTF(320-(strlen(BUT_HBC)*7.8)/2, 425, myFont, BUT_HBC, 14, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_DrawImg(464, 388, tex_WiiButtonPlus_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_PrintfTTF(480-(strlen(BUT_SysMenu)*7.8)/2, 425, myFont, BUT_SysMenu, 14, HEX_WHITE); } GRRLIB_Render(); } return 0; } int printUploadSuccess(const char* msg) { int i; GRRLIB_DrawImg(0, 0, tex_background_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_DrawImg(256, 112, tex_Checkicon_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_PrintfTTF((640-strlen(msg)*9)/2, 256, myFont, msg, 20, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_DrawImg(302, 300, tex_WiiButtonA_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_PrintfTTF(319-(strlen(BUT_OK)*7.8)/2, 342, myFont, BUT_OK, 14, HEX_WHITE); //GRRLIB_DrawImg(52, 340, tex_loadingbarblue_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); CopyBuf(); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { //Workaround for GRRLIB_Render() bug DrawBuf(); GRRLIB_Render(); } return 0; } int printUploadError(const char* msg) { int i; GRRLIB_DrawImg(0, 0, tex_background_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_DrawImg(256, 112, tex_Deleteicon_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_PrintfTTF((620-strlen(msg)*9)/2, 256, myFont, msg, 20, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_DrawImg(302, 300, tex_WiiButtonA_png, 0, 1, 1, HEX_WHITE); GRRLIB_PrintfTTF(319-(strlen(BUT_OK)*7.8)/2, 342, myFont, BUT_OK, 14, HEX_WHITE); CopyBuf(); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { //Workaround for GRRLIB_Render() bug DrawBuf(); GRRLIB_Render(); } return 0; }