#include "entry.h" #include "fs/DirList.h" #include "globals.h" #include "module/ModuleDataFactory.h" #include "module/ModuleDataPersistence.h" #include "utils/ElfUtils.h" #include "utils/RelocationUtils.h" #include "utils/dynamic.h" #include "utils/hooks.h" #include "utils/logger.h" #include "utils/utils.h" #include "version.h" #include #include #include #include #include #define VERSION "v0.2.3" void CallInitHooksForModule(const std::shared_ptr &curModule); bool CheckModulesByDependencies(const std::vector> &loadedModules); std::vector> OrderModulesByDependencies(const std::vector> &loadedModules); // We need to wrap it to make sure the main function is called AFTER our code. // The compiler tries to optimize this otherwise and calling the main function earlier extern "C" int _start(int argc, char **argv) { InitFunctionPointers(); static uint8_t ucSetupRequired = 1; if (ucSetupRequired) { gHeapHandle = MEMCreateExpHeapEx((void *) (MEMORY_REGION_USABLE_HEAP_START), MEMORY_REGION_USABLE_HEAP_END - MEMORY_REGION_USABLE_HEAP_START, 1); if (!gHeapHandle) { OSFatal("Failed to alloc heap"); } __init(); ucSetupRequired = 0; } uint32_t upid = OSGetUPID(); if (upid == 2 || upid == 15) { doStart(argc, argv); } KernelInfo0 kernelInfo0; __KernelGetInfo0(&kernelInfo0, 0); asm( "mr 13,%0\n" "mr 2,%1\n" ::"r"(kernelInfo0.sdaBase), "r"(kernelInfo0.sda2Base) :); OSCheckActiveThreads(); return ((int (*)(int, char **))(*(unsigned int *) 0x1005E040))(argc, argv); } void SaveLoadedRPLsInGlobalInformation(module_information_t *globalInformation, std::map &usedRPls) { // free previous allocations. if (globalInformation->acquired_rpls) { free(globalInformation->acquired_rpls); } globalInformation->number_acquired_rpls = usedRPls.size(); globalInformation->acquired_rpls = (uint32_t *) malloc(usedRPls.size() * sizeof(uint32_t)); if (!globalInformation->acquired_rpls) { OSFatal("Failed to allocate memory"); } uint32_t i = 0; for (auto &rpl : usedRPls) { globalInformation->acquired_rpls[i] = (uint32_t) rpl.second; ++i; } } void doStart(int argc, char **argv) { init_wut(); initLogging(); OSReport("Running WUMSLoader " VERSION VERSION_EXTRA "\n"); gUsedRPLs.clear(); // If an allocated rpl was not released properly (e.g. if something else calls OSDynload_Acquire without releasing it) // memory gets leaked. Let's clean this up! for (auto &addr : gAllocatedAddresses) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_WARN("Memory allocated by OSDynload was not freed properly, let's clean it up! (%08X)", addr); free((void *) addr); } gAllocatedAddresses.clear(); if (!gInitCalled) { gInitCalled = 1; #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wstringop-overread" std::string basePath = ENVRIONMENT_STRING; #pragma GCC diagnostic pop DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("We need to load the modules. basePath %s", basePath.c_str()); DirList modules(basePath + "/modules", ".wms", DirList::Files, 1); modules.SortList(); for (int i = 0; i < modules.GetFilecount(); i++) { std::string_view asView(modules.GetFilename(i)); if (asView.starts_with('.') || asView.starts_with('_')) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_WARN("Skip file %s", modules.GetFilename(i)); continue; } DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Loading module %s", modules.GetFilepath(i)); auto moduleData = ModuleDataFactory::load(modules.GetFilepath(i)); if (moduleData) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Successfully loaded %s", modules.GetFilepath(i)); gLoadedModules.push_back(std::move(moduleData.value())); } else { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to load %s", modules.GetFilepath(i)); } } gModuleInformation = {.version = MODULE_INFORMATION_VERSION}; ModuleDataPersistence::saveModuleData(&gModuleInformation, gLoadedModules); // Order modules list by dependencies. gLoadedModules = OrderModulesByDependencies(gLoadedModules); // make sure the plugin backend module is at the end. auto it = std::find_if(gLoadedModules.begin(), gLoadedModules.end(), [](auto &cur) { return std::string_view(cur->getExportName()) == "homebrew_wupsbackend"; }); if (it != gLoadedModules.end()) { auto module = *it; gLoadedModules.erase(it); gLoadedModules.push_back(module); } bool aromaBaseModuleLoaded = false; for (auto &curModule : gLoadedModules) { if (std::string_view(curModule->getExportName()) == "homebrew_basemodule") { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_VERBOSE("We have AromaBaseModule!"); aromaBaseModuleLoaded = true; break; } } // Make sure aromaBaseModuleLoaded is loaded when WUMS_HOOK_APPLICATION_ENDS and WUMS_HOOK_FINI_WUT are called for (auto &curModule : gLoadedModules) { for (auto &curHook : curModule->getHookDataList()) { if (curHook->getType() == WUMS_HOOK_APPLICATION_ENDS || curHook->getType() == WUMS_HOOK_FINI_WUT_DEVOPTAB) { if (!aromaBaseModuleLoaded) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("%s requires module homebrew_basemodule", curModule->getExportName().c_str()); OSFatal("module requires module homebrew_basemodule"); } } } } // Make sure the base module is called first of the "regular" modules (except the "InitBeforeRelocationDoneHook" hooks) if (aromaBaseModuleLoaded) { // Create a copy of all modules which do not call init before RelocationDoneHook std::list> gLoadedModulesCopy; for (auto &curModule : gLoadedModules) { if (!curModule->isInitBeforeRelocationDoneHook()) { gLoadedModulesCopy.push_back(curModule); } } // move homebrew_basemodule to the front auto it = std::find_if(gLoadedModulesCopy.begin(), gLoadedModulesCopy.end(), [](auto &cur) { return std::string_view(cur->getExportName()) == "homebrew_basemodule"; }); if (it != gLoadedModulesCopy.end()) { auto module = *it; gLoadedModulesCopy.erase(it); gLoadedModulesCopy.push_front(module); } // Move all modules which do not call init before RelocationDoneHook to the end, but keep homebrew_basemodule at the front. for (auto &curModule : gLoadedModulesCopy) { if (remove_first_if(gLoadedModules, [curModule](auto &cur) { return cur->getExportName() == curModule->getExportName(); })) { gLoadedModules.push_back(curModule); } } } // Check if dependencies are still resolved. if (!CheckModulesByDependencies(gLoadedModules)) { OSFatal("Module order is impossible"); } #ifdef VERBOSE_DEBUG DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_VERBOSE("Final order of modules"); for (auto &curModule : gLoadedModules) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_VERBOSE("%s", curModule->getExportName().c_str()); } #endif DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_VERBOSE("Resolve relocations without replacing alloc functions"); ResolveRelocations(gLoadedModules, true, gUsedRPLs); for (auto &curModule : gLoadedModules) { if (curModule->isInitBeforeRelocationDoneHook()) { CallInitHooksForModule(curModule); } } DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_VERBOSE("Call Relocations done hook"); CallHook(gLoadedModules, WUMS_HOOK_RELOCATIONS_DONE); for (auto &curModule : gLoadedModules) { if (!curModule->isInitBeforeRelocationDoneHook()) { CallInitHooksForModule(curModule); } } } else { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Resolve relocations and replace alloc functions"); ResolveRelocations(gLoadedModules, false, gUsedRPLs); CallHook(gLoadedModules, WUMS_HOOK_RELOCATIONS_DONE); } SaveLoadedRPLsInGlobalInformation(&gModuleInformation, gUsedRPLs); CallHook(gLoadedModules, WUMS_HOOK_INIT_WUT_DEVOPTAB); CallHook(gLoadedModules, WUMS_HOOK_INIT_WUT_SOCKETS); CallHook(gLoadedModules, WUMS_HOOK_APPLICATION_STARTS); deinitLogging(); fini_wut(); } void CallInitHooksForModule(const std::shared_ptr &curModule) { CallHook(curModule, WUMS_HOOK_INIT_WUT_MALLOC); CallHook(curModule, WUMS_HOOK_INIT_WUT_NEWLIB); CallHook(curModule, WUMS_HOOK_INIT_WUT_STDCPP); CallHook(curModule, WUMS_HOOK_INIT_WUT_DEVOPTAB); CallHook(curModule, WUMS_HOOK_INIT_WUT_SOCKETS); CallHook(curModule, WUMS_HOOK_INIT_WRAPPER, !curModule->isSkipInitFini()); CallHook(curModule, WUMS_HOOK_INIT); } bool CheckModulesByDependencies(const std::vector> &loadedModules) { std::set loaderModuleNames; for (auto const &curModule : loadedModules) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_VERBOSE("Check if we can load %s", curModule->getExportName().c_str()); for (auto &curRPL : curModule->getDependencies()) { if (!curRPL.starts_with("homebrew")) { continue; } if (curRPL == "homebrew_wupsbackend") { OSFatal("Error: module depends on homebrew_wupsbackend, this is not supported"); } if (!loaderModuleNames.contains(curRPL)) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_VERBOSE("%s requires %s which is not loaded yet", curModule->getExportName().c_str(), curRPL.c_str()); return false; } else { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_VERBOSE("Used %s, but it's already loaded", curRPL.c_str()); } } loaderModuleNames.insert(curModule->getExportName()); } return true; } std::vector> OrderModulesByDependencies(const std::vector> &loadedModules) { std::vector> finalOrder; std::set loadedModulesExportNames; std::set loadedModulesEntrypoints; while (true) { bool canBreak = true; bool weDidSomething = false; for (auto const &curModule : loadedModules) { if (loadedModulesEntrypoints.contains(curModule->getEntrypoint())) { // DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("%s [%08X] is already loaded" curModule->getExportName().c_str(), curModule->getEntrypoint()); continue; } canBreak = false; DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_VERBOSE("Check if we can load %s", curModule->getExportName().c_str()); bool canLoad = true; for (auto &curImportRPL : curModule->getDependencies()) { if (!curImportRPL.starts_with("homebrew")) { continue; } if (curImportRPL == "homebrew_wupsbackend") { OSFatal("Error: module depends on homebrew_wupsbackend, this is not supported"); } if (!loadedModulesExportNames.contains(curImportRPL)) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_VERBOSE("We can't load the module, because %s is not loaded yet", curImportRPL.begin()); canLoad = false; break; } } if (canLoad) { weDidSomething = true; DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_VERBOSE("We can load: %s", curModule->getExportName().c_str()); finalOrder.push_back(curModule); loadedModulesExportNames.insert(curModule->getExportName()); loadedModulesEntrypoints.insert(curModule->getEntrypoint()); } } if (canBreak) { break; } else if (!weDidSomething) { OSFatal("Failed to resolve dependencies."); } } return finalOrder; }