# Setup payload This is a payload that should be run with [CustomRPXLoader](https://github.com/wiiu-env/CustomRPXLoader). ## Usage Put the `payload.rpx` in the `sd:/wiiu/` folder of your sd card and use the `CustomRPXLoader` to run this setup payload. Put modules (in form of `.wms` files) that should be used a main()-hook into `sd:/wiiu/modules/` and one time modules into `sd:/wiiu/modules/setup`. - Make sure not to call `exit` in the modules (by using the WiiUModuleSystem) - The one time setups will be run in the order of their ordered filenames. The area between `0x00800000` and whereever this setup is loaded, will be used. ## Building Make you to have [wut](https://github.com/devkitPro/wut/) and [WiiUModuleSystem](https://github.com/wiiu-env/WiiUModuleSystem) installed and use the following command for build: ``` make install ``` ## Credits - maschell - Copy paste stuff from dimok - Copy pasted the solution for using wut header in .elf files from [RetroArch](https://github.com/libretro/RetroArch) - Copy pasted resolving the ElfRelocations from [decaf](https://github.com/decaf-emu/decaf-emu)