
102 lines
4.7 KiB

#include "RelocationUtils.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "utils/ElfUtils.h"
#include "utils/memory.h"
#include <coreinit/cache.h>
#include <coreinit/dynload.h>
bool ResolveRelocations(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ModuleData>> &loadedModules, bool skipMemoryMappingModule) {
bool wasSuccessful = true;
for (auto &curModule : loadedModules) {
DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Let's do the relocations for %s", curModule->getExportName().c_str());
auto &relocData = curModule->getRelocationDataList();
// On first usage we can't redirect the alloc functions to our custom heap
// because threads can't run it on it. In order to patch the kernel
// to fully support our memory region, we have to run the MemoryMapping once with the default heap.
// Afterwards we can just rely on the custom heap.
bool skipAllocFunction = skipMemoryMappingModule && (std::string_view(curModule->getExportName()) == "homebrew_memorymapping");
DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_VERBOSE("Skip alloc replace? %d", skipAllocFunction);
if (!doRelocation(gLoadedModules, relocData, nullptr, 0, skipAllocFunction)) {
wasSuccessful = false;
DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to do Relocations for %s", curModule->getExportName().c_str());
OSFatal("Failed to do Reloations");
return wasSuccessful;
bool doRelocation(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ModuleData>> &moduleList,
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RelocationData>> &relocData,
relocation_trampoline_entry_t *tramp_data,
uint32_t tramp_length,
bool skipAllocReplacement) {
std::map<std::string, OSDynLoad_Module> moduleCache;
for (auto const &curReloc : relocData) {
auto &functionName = curReloc->getName();
std::string rplName = curReloc->getImportRPLInformation()->getRPLName();
uint32_t functionAddress = 0;
for (auto &module : moduleList) {
if (rplName == module->getExportName()) {
for (auto &exportData : module->getExportDataList()) {
if (functionName == exportData->getName()) {
functionAddress = (uint32_t) exportData->getAddress();
if (!skipAllocReplacement) {
if (functionName == "MEMAllocFromDefaultHeap") {
functionAddress = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(&MEMAlloc);
} else if (functionName == "MEMAllocFromDefaultHeapEx") {
functionAddress = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(&MEMAllocEx);
} else if (functionName == "MEMFreeToDefaultHeap") {
functionAddress = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(&MEMFree);
if (functionAddress == 0) {
int32_t isData = curReloc->getImportRPLInformation()->isData();
OSDynLoad_Module rplHandle = nullptr;
if (moduleCache.count(rplName) == 0) {
OSDynLoad_Error err = OSDynLoad_IsModuleLoaded(rplName.c_str(), &rplHandle);
if (err != OS_DYNLOAD_OK || rplHandle == nullptr) {
DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_VERBOSE("%s is not yet loaded", rplName.c_str());
// only acquire if not already loaded.
err = OSDynLoad_Acquire(rplName.c_str(), &rplHandle);
if (err != OS_DYNLOAD_OK) {
DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to acquire %s", rplName.c_str());
return false;
moduleCache[rplName] = rplHandle;
rplHandle = moduleCache.at(rplName);
OSDynLoad_FindExport(rplHandle, isData, functionName.c_str(), (void **) &functionAddress);
if (functionAddress == 0) {
DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to find export %s of %s", functionName.begin(), rplName.c_str());
OSFatal("Failed to find export");
return false;
if (!ElfUtils::elfLinkOne(curReloc->getType(), curReloc->getOffset(), curReloc->getAddend(), (uint32_t) curReloc->getDestination(), functionAddress, tramp_data, tramp_length,
DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Relocation failed");
return false;
if (tramp_data != nullptr) {
DCFlushRange(tramp_data, tramp_length * sizeof(relocation_trampoline_entry_t));
ICInvalidateRange(tramp_data, tramp_length * sizeof(relocation_trampoline_entry_t));
return true;