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525 lines
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525 lines
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#include <fstream>
#include "config.hpp"
#include "text.hpp"
#include "DeviceHandler.hpp"
#include "gecko.h"
using namespace std;
static const char *g_whitespaces = " \f\n\r\t\v";
static const int g_floatPrecision = 10;
const string Config::emptyString;
Config::Config(void) :
m_loaded(false), m_changed(false), m_domains(), m_filename(), m_iter()
static string trimEnd(string line)
string::size_type i = line.find_last_not_of(g_whitespaces);
if (i == string::npos) line.clear();
else line.resize(i + 1);
return line;
static string trim(string line)
string::size_type i = line.find_last_not_of(g_whitespaces);
if (i == string::npos)
return line;
line.resize(i + 1);
i = line.find_first_not_of(g_whitespaces);
if (i > 0)
line.erase(0, i);
return line;
static string unescNewlines(const string &text)
string s;
bool escaping = false;
for (string::size_type i = 0; i < text.size(); ++i)
if (escaping)
switch (text[i])
case 'n':
escaping = false;
else if (text[i] == '\\')
escaping = true;
return s;
static string escNewlines(const string &text)
string s;
for (string::size_type i = 0; i < text.size(); ++i)
switch (text[i])
case '\n':
case '\\':
return s;
bool Config::hasDomain(const string &domain) const
return m_domains.find(domain) != m_domains.end();
void Config::copyDomain(const string &dst, const string &src)
m_domains[dst] = m_domains[src];
const string &Config::firstDomain(void)
m_iter = m_domains.begin();
if (m_iter == m_domains.end())
return Config::emptyString;
return m_iter->first;
const string &Config::nextDomain(void)
if (m_iter == m_domains.end())
return Config::emptyString;
return m_iter->first;
const string &Config::nextDomain(const string &start) const
Config::DomainMap::const_iterator i;
Config::DomainMap::const_iterator j;
if (m_domains.empty())
return Config::emptyString;
i = m_domains.find(start);
if (i == m_domains.end())
return m_domains.begin()->first;
j = i;
return j != m_domains.end() ? j->first : i->first;
const string &Config::prevDomain(const string &start) const
Config::DomainMap::const_iterator i;
if (m_domains.empty())
return Config::emptyString;
i = m_domains.find(start);
if (i == m_domains.end() || i == m_domains.begin())
return m_domains.begin()->first;
return i->first;
bool Config::load(const char *filename)
if (m_loaded && m_changed) save();
ifstream file(filename, ios::in | ios::binary);
string line;
string domain("");
m_changed = false;
m_loaded = false;
m_filename = filename;
u32 n = 0;
if (!file.is_open()) return m_loaded;
while (file.good())
getline(file, line, '\n');
if (!file.bad() && !file.fail())
line = trimEnd(line);
if (line.empty() || line[0] == '#') continue;
if (line[0] == '[')
string::size_type i = line.find_first_of(']');
if (i != string::npos && i > 1)
domain = upperCase(line.substr(1, i - 1));
if (m_domains.find(domain) != m_domains.end())
if (!domain.empty())
string::size_type i = line.find_first_of('=');
if (i != string::npos && i > 0)
m_domains[domain][lowerCase(trim(line.substr(0, i)))] = unescNewlines(trim(line.substr(i + 1)));
m_loaded = true;
return m_loaded;
void Config::unload(void)
m_loaded = false;
m_changed = false;
m_filename = emptyString;
void Config::save(bool unload)
if (m_changed)
ofstream file(m_filename.c_str(), ios::out | ios::binary);
for (Config::DomainMap::iterator k = m_domains.begin(); k != m_domains.end(); ++k)
Config::KeyMap *m = &k->second;
file << '\n' << '[' << k->first << ']' << '\n';
for (Config::KeyMap::iterator l = m->begin(); l != m->end(); ++l)
file << l->first << '=' << escNewlines(l->second) << '\n';
m_changed = false;
if(unload) this->unload();
bool Config::has(const std::string &domain, const std::string &key) const
if (domain.empty() || key.empty()) return false;
DomainMap::const_iterator i = m_domains.find(upperCase(domain));
if (i == m_domains.end()) return false;
return i->second.find(lowerCase(key)) != i->second.end();
void Config::setWString(const string &domain, const string &key, const wstringEx &val)
if (domain.empty() || key.empty()) return;
m_changed = true;
m_domains[upperCase(domain)][lowerCase(key)] = val.toUTF8();
void Config::setString(const string &domain, const string &key, const string &val)
if (domain.empty() || key.empty()) return;
m_changed = true;
m_domains[upperCase(domain)][lowerCase(key)] = val;
void Config::setBool(const string &domain, const string &key, bool val)
if (domain.empty() || key.empty()) return;
m_changed = true;
m_domains[upperCase(domain)][lowerCase(key)] = val ? "yes" : "no";
void Config::remove(const string &domain, const string &key)
if (domain.empty() || key.empty()) return;
m_changed = true;
void Config::setOptBool(const string &domain, const string &key, int val)
if (domain.empty() || key.empty()) return;
m_changed = true;
switch (val)
case 0:
m_domains[upperCase(domain)][lowerCase(key)] = "no";
case 1:
m_domains[upperCase(domain)][lowerCase(key)] = "yes";
m_domains[upperCase(domain)][lowerCase(key)] = "default";
void Config::setInt(const string &domain, const string &key, int val)
if (domain.empty() || key.empty()) return;
m_changed = true;
m_domains[upperCase(domain)][lowerCase(key)] = sfmt("%i", val);
void Config::setUInt(const std::string &domain, const std::string &key, unsigned int val)
if (domain.empty() || key.empty()) return;
m_changed = true;
m_domains[upperCase(domain)][lowerCase(key)] = sfmt("%u", val);
void Config::setFloat(const string &domain, const string &key, float val)
if (domain.empty() || key.empty()) return;
m_changed = true;
m_domains[upperCase(domain)][lowerCase(key)] = sfmt("%.*g", g_floatPrecision, val);
void Config::setVector3D(const std::string &domain, const std::string &key, const Vector3D &val)
if (domain.empty() || key.empty()) return;
m_changed = true;
m_domains[upperCase(domain)][lowerCase(key)] = sfmt("%.*g, %.*g, %.*g", g_floatPrecision, val.x, g_floatPrecision, val.y, g_floatPrecision, val.z);
void Config::setColor(const std::string &domain, const std::string &key, const CColor &val)
if (domain.empty() || key.empty()) return;
m_changed = true;
m_domains[upperCase(domain)][lowerCase(key)] = sfmt("#%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X", val.r, val.g, val.b, val.a);
wstringEx Config::getWString(const string &domain, const string &key, const wstringEx &defVal)
if (domain.empty() || key.empty()) return defVal;
string &data = m_domains[upperCase(domain)][lowerCase(key)];
if (data.empty())
data = defVal.toUTF8();
m_changed = true;
return defVal;
wstringEx ws;
return ws;
string Config::getString(const string &domain, const string &key, const string &defVal)
if (domain.empty() || key.empty()) return defVal;
string &data = m_domains[upperCase(domain)][lowerCase(key)];
if (data.empty() || strncasecmp(data.c_str(), "usb:", 4) == 0)
data = defVal;
m_changed = true;
return data;
safe_vector<string> Config::getStrings(const string &domain, const string &key, char seperator, const string &defVal)
safe_vector<string> retval;
if (domain.empty() || key.empty())
if (defVal != std::string())
return retval;
string &data = m_domains[upperCase(domain)][lowerCase(key)];
if (data.empty())
if (defVal != std::string())
return retval;
// Parse the string into different substrings
// skip delimiters at beginning.
string::size_type lastPos = data.find_first_not_of(seperator, 0);
// find first "non-delimiter".
string::size_type pos = data.find_first_of(seperator, lastPos);
while (string::npos != pos || string::npos != lastPos)
// found a token, add it to the vector.
retval.push_back(data.substr(lastPos, pos - lastPos));
// skip delimiters. Note the "not_of"
lastPos = data.find_first_not_of(seperator, pos);
// find next "non-delimiter"
pos = data.find_first_of(seperator, lastPos);
return retval;
bool Config::getBool(const string &domain, const string &key, bool defVal)
if (domain.empty() || key.empty()) return defVal;
string &data = m_domains[upperCase(domain)][lowerCase(key)];
if (data.empty())
data = defVal ? "yes" : "no";
m_changed = true;
return defVal;
string s(lowerCase(trim(data)));
if (s == "yes" || s == "true" || s == "y" || s == "1")
return true;
return false;
bool Config::testOptBool(const string &domain, const string &key, bool defVal)
if (domain.empty() || key.empty()) return defVal;
KeyMap &km = m_domains[upperCase(domain)];
KeyMap::iterator i = km.find(lowerCase(key));
if (i == km.end()) return defVal;
string s(lowerCase(trim(i->second)));
if (s == "yes" || s == "true" || s == "y" || s == "1")
return true;
if (s == "no" || s == "false" || s == "n" || s == "0")
return false;
return defVal;
int Config::getOptBool(const string &domain, const string &key, int defVal)
if (domain.empty() || key.empty()) return defVal;
string &data = m_domains[upperCase(domain)][lowerCase(key)];
if (data.empty())
switch (defVal)
case 0:
data = "no";
case 1:
data = "yes";
data = "default";
m_changed = true;
return defVal;
string s(lowerCase(trim(data)));
if (s == "yes" || s == "true" || s == "y" || s == "1")
return 1;
if (s == "no" || s == "false" || s == "n" || s == "0")
return 0;
return 2;
int Config::getInt(const string &domain, const string &key, int defVal)
if (domain.empty() || key.empty()) return defVal;
string &data = m_domains[upperCase(domain)][lowerCase(key)];
if (data.empty())
data = sfmt("%i", defVal);
m_changed = true;
return defVal;
return strtol(data.c_str(), 0, 10);
bool Config::getInt(const std::string &domain, const std::string &key, int *value)
if (domain.empty() || key.empty()) return false;
string &data = m_domains[upperCase(domain)][lowerCase(key)];
if (data.empty()) return false;
*value = strtol(data.c_str(), 0, 10);
return true;
unsigned int Config::getUInt(const string &domain, const string &key, unsigned int defVal)
if (domain.empty() || key.empty()) return defVal;
string &data = m_domains[upperCase(domain)][lowerCase(key)];
if (data.empty())
data = sfmt("%u", defVal);
m_changed = true;
return defVal;
return strtoul(data.c_str(), 0, 10);
float Config::getFloat(const string &domain, const string &key, float defVal)
if (domain.empty() || key.empty()) return defVal;
string &data = m_domains[upperCase(domain)][lowerCase(key)];
if (data.empty())
data = sfmt("%.*g", g_floatPrecision, defVal);
m_changed = true;
return defVal;
return strtod(data.c_str(), 0);
Vector3D Config::getVector3D(const std::string &domain, const std::string &key, const Vector3D &defVal)
if (domain.empty() || key.empty()) return defVal;
string &data = m_domains[upperCase(domain)][lowerCase(key)];
string::size_type i;
string::size_type j = string::npos;
i = data.find_first_of(',');
if (i != string::npos) j = data.find_first_of(',', i + 1);
if (j == string::npos)
data = sfmt("%.*g, %.*g, %.*g", g_floatPrecision, defVal.x, g_floatPrecision, defVal.y, g_floatPrecision, defVal.z);
m_changed = true;
return defVal;
return Vector3D(strtod(data.substr(0, i).c_str(), 0), strtod(data.substr(i + 1, j - i - 1).c_str(), 0), strtod(data.substr(j + 1).c_str(), 0));
CColor Config::getColor(const std::string &domain, const std::string &key, const CColor &defVal)
if (domain.empty() || key.empty()) return defVal;
string &data = m_domains[upperCase(domain)][lowerCase(key)];
string text(upperCase(trim(data)));
u32 i = (u32)text.find_first_of('#');
if (i != string::npos)
text.erase(0, i + 1);
i = (u32)text.find_first_not_of("0123456789ABCDEF");
if ((i != string::npos && i >= 6) || (i == string::npos && text.size() >= 6))
u32 n = ((i != string::npos && i >= 8) || (i == string::npos && text.size() >= 8)) ? 8 : 6;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
if (text[i] <= '9')
text[i] -= '0';
text[i] -= 'A' - 10;
CColor c(text[0] * 0x10 + text[1], text[2] * 0x10 + text[3], text[4] * 0x10 + text[5], 1.f);
if (n == 8)
c.a = text[6] * 0x10 + text[7];
return c;
data = sfmt("#%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X", defVal.r, defVal.g, defVal.b, defVal.a);
m_changed = true;
return defVal;