2012-05-03 01:08:11 +02:00
# include "menu.hpp"
# include "nand.hpp"
# include "sys.h"
# include "loader/cios.hpp"
# include "loader/alt_ios.h"
# include "lockMutex.hpp"
# include "gecko/gecko.h"
# include "defines.h"
using namespace std ;
static inline int loopNum ( int i , int s )
return i < 0 ? ( s - ( - i % s ) ) % s : i % s ;
static bool _saveExcists ( const char * path )
DIR * d ;
d = opendir ( path ) ;
if ( ! d )
return false ;
closedir ( d ) ;
return true ;
static bool _nandSaveExcists ( const char * npath )
u32 temp = 0 ;
s32 ret = ISFS_ReadDir ( npath , NULL , & temp ) ;
if ( ret < 0 )
return false ;
return true ;
void CMenu : : _enableNandEmu ( bool fromconfig )
2012-05-04 05:46:18 +02:00
_cfNeedsUpdate ( ) ;
2012-05-03 01:08:11 +02:00
bool disable = true ;
int i = m_current_view = = COVERFLOW_CHANNEL & & min ( max ( 0 , m_cfg . getInt ( " NAND " , " emulation " , 0 ) ) , ( int ) ARRAY_SIZE ( CMenu : : _NandEmu ) - 1 ) ;
gprintf ( " i: %i \n " , i ) ;
if ( i > 0 | | m_current_view ! = COVERFLOW_CHANNEL )
disable = false ;
if ( ! disable )
Nand : : Instance ( ) - > Disable_Emu ( ) ;
bool isD2XnewerThanV6 = false ;
iosinfo_t * iosInfo = cIOSInfo : : GetInfo ( mainIOS ) ;
if ( iosInfo - > version > 6 )
isD2XnewerThanV6 = true ;
if ( m_current_view = = COVERFLOW_CHANNEL & & m_cfg . getInt ( " NAND " , " emulation " , 0 ) > 0 )
Nand : : Instance ( ) - > Enable_Emu ( ) ;
u8 limiter = 0 ;
s8 direction = m_btnMgr . selected ( m_configBtnPartitionP ) ? 1 : - 1 ;
if ( ! fromconfig )
direction = 0 ;
currentPartition = loopNum ( currentPartition + direction , ( int ) USB8 ) ;
while ( ! DeviceHandler : : Instance ( ) - > IsInserted ( currentPartition ) | |
( m_current_view = = COVERFLOW_CHANNEL & & ( DeviceHandler : : Instance ( ) - > GetFSType ( currentPartition ) ! = PART_FS_FAT | |
( ! isD2XnewerThanV6 & & DeviceHandler : : Instance ( ) - > PathToDriveType ( m_appDir . c_str ( ) ) = = currentPartition ) | |
( ! isD2XnewerThanV6 & & DeviceHandler : : Instance ( ) - > PathToDriveType ( m_dataDir . c_str ( ) ) = = currentPartition ) ) ) | |
( ( m_current_view = = COVERFLOW_HOMEBREW | | m_current_view = = COVERFLOW_DML ) & & DeviceHandler : : Instance ( ) - > GetFSType ( currentPartition ) = = PART_FS_WBFS ) )
currentPartition = loopNum ( currentPartition + direction , ( int ) USB8 ) ;
if ( limiter > 10 ) break ;
limiter + + ;
gprintf ( " Next item: %s \n " , DeviceName [ currentPartition ] ) ;
m_cfg . setInt ( _domainFromView ( ) , " partition " , currentPartition ) ;
void CMenu : : _setDumpMsg ( const wstringEx & msg , float totprog , float fileprog )
if ( m_thrdStop ) return ;
if ( msg ! = L " ... " ) m_thrdMessage = msg ;
m_thrdMessageAdded = true ;
m_thrdProgress = totprog ;
m_fileProgress = fileprog ;
void CMenu : : _ShowProgress ( int dumpstat , int dumpprog , int filesize , int fileprog , int files , int folders , char * tmess , void * user_data )
CMenu & m = * ( CMenu * ) user_data ;
m . m_progress = dumpprog = = 0 ? 0.f : ( float ) dumpstat / ( float ) dumpprog ;
m . m_fprogress = filesize = = 0 ? 0.f : ( float ) fileprog / ( float ) filesize ;
m . m_fileprog = fileprog ;
m . m_filesize = filesize ;
m . m_filesdone = files ;
m . m_foldersdone = folders ;
LWP_MutexLock ( m . m_mutex ) ;
if ( m . m_nandext )
m . _setDumpMsg ( wfmt ( m . _fmt ( " cfgne9 " , L " Current file: %s " ) , tmess ) , m . m_progress , m . m_fprogress ) ;
m . _setDumpMsg ( L " ... " , m . m_progress , m . m_fprogress ) ;
LWP_MutexUnlock ( m . m_mutex ) ;
void CMenu : : _hideNandEmu ( bool instant )
m_btnMgr . hide ( m_nandemuLblTitle , instant ) ;
m_btnMgr . hide ( m_nandemuBtnBack , instant ) ;
m_btnMgr . hide ( m_nandfilePBar , instant ) ;
m_btnMgr . hide ( m_nandemuPBar , instant ) ;
m_btnMgr . hide ( m_nandfileLblMessage , instant ) ;
m_btnMgr . hide ( m_nandemuLblMessage , instant ) ;
m_btnMgr . hide ( m_nandfileLblDialog , instant ) ;
m_btnMgr . hide ( m_nandemuLblDialog , instant ) ;
m_btnMgr . hide ( m_nandfinLblDialog , instant ) ;
m_btnMgr . hide ( m_nandemuLblEmulationVal , instant ) ;
m_btnMgr . hide ( m_nandemuLblEmulation , instant ) ;
m_btnMgr . hide ( m_nandemuBtnEmulationP , instant ) ;
m_btnMgr . hide ( m_nandemuBtnEmulationM , instant ) ;
m_btnMgr . hide ( m_nandemuLblSaveDump , instant ) ;
m_btnMgr . hide ( m_nandemuBtnAll , instant ) ;
m_btnMgr . hide ( m_nandemuBtnMissing , instant ) ;
m_btnMgr . hide ( m_nandemuLblNandDump , instant ) ;
m_btnMgr . hide ( m_nandemuBtnNandDump , instant ) ;
m_btnMgr . hide ( m_nandemuBtnExtract , instant ) ;
m_btnMgr . hide ( m_nandemuBtnDisable , instant ) ;
m_btnMgr . hide ( m_nandemuLblInit , instant ) ;
void CMenu : : _showNandEmu ( void )
_setBg ( m_nandemuBg , m_nandemuBg ) ;
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandemuLblTitle , _t ( " cfgne10 " , L " Nand emulation settings " ) ) ;
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandemuLblTitle ) ;
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandemuBtnBack ) ;
int i ;
if ( ( m_current_view = = COVERFLOW_CHANNEL | | m_current_view = = COVERFLOW_USB ) & & ! m_locked )
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandemuLblEmulation ) ;
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandemuLblEmulationVal ) ;
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandemuBtnEmulationP ) ;
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandemuBtnEmulationM ) ;
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandemuLblSaveDump ) ;
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandemuBtnAll ) ;
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandemuBtnMissing ) ;
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandemuLblNandDump ) ;
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandemuBtnNandDump ) ;
if ( m_current_view = = COVERFLOW_CHANNEL )
i = min ( max ( 0 , m_cfg . getInt ( " NAND " , " emulation " , 0 ) ) , ( int ) ARRAY_SIZE ( CMenu : : _NandEmu ) - 1 ) ;
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandemuLblEmulationVal , _t ( CMenu : : _NandEmu [ i ] . id , CMenu : : _NandEmu [ i ] . text ) ) ;
else if ( m_current_view = = COVERFLOW_USB )
i = min ( max ( 0 , m_cfg . getInt ( " GAMES " , " save_emulation " , 0 ) ) , ( int ) ARRAY_SIZE ( CMenu : : _GlobalSaveEmu ) - 1 ) ;
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandemuLblEmulationVal , _t ( CMenu : : _GlobalSaveEmu [ i ] . id , CMenu : : _GlobalSaveEmu [ i ] . text ) ) ;
int CMenu : : _NandEmuCfg ( void )
lwp_t thread = 0 ;
SetupInput ( ) ;
_showNandEmu ( ) ;
m_thrdStop = false ;
m_thrdMessageAdded = false ;
m_nandext = false ;
while ( true )
_mainLoopCommon ( false , m_thrdWorking ) ;
if ( ( BTN_HOME_PRESSED | | BTN_B_PRESSED ) & & ! m_thrdWorking )
break ;
else if ( BTN_UP_PRESSED )
m_btnMgr . up ( ) ;
else if ( BTN_DOWN_PRESSED )
m_btnMgr . down ( ) ;
else if ( BTN_A_PRESSED & & ( m_btnMgr . selected ( m_nandemuBtnEmulationP ) | | m_btnMgr . selected ( m_nandemuBtnEmulationM ) ) )
s8 direction = m_btnMgr . selected ( m_nandemuBtnEmulationP ) ? 1 : - 1 ;
if ( m_current_view = = COVERFLOW_CHANNEL )
m_cfg . setInt ( " NAND " , " emulation " , ( int ) loopNum ( ( u32 ) m_cfg . getInt ( " NAND " , " emulation " , 0 ) + direction , ARRAY_SIZE ( CMenu : : _NandEmu ) ) ) ;
else if ( m_current_view = = COVERFLOW_USB )
m_cfg . setInt ( " GAMES " , " save_emulation " , ( int ) loopNum ( ( u32 ) m_cfg . getInt ( " GAMES " , " save_emulation " , 0 ) + direction , ARRAY_SIZE ( CMenu : : _GlobalSaveEmu ) ) ) ;
_showNandEmu ( ) ;
else if ( BTN_A_PRESSED & & ( m_btnMgr . selected ( m_nandemuBtnNandDump ) | | m_btnMgr . selected ( m_nandemuBtnAll ) | | m_btnMgr . selected ( m_nandemuBtnMissing ) ) )
m_fulldump = m_btnMgr . selected ( m_nandemuBtnNandDump ) ? true : false ;
m_saveall = m_btnMgr . selected ( m_nandemuBtnAll ) ? true : false ;
m_btnMgr . hide ( m_nandemuBtnBack ) ;
m_btnMgr . hide ( m_nandemuLblEmulationVal ) ;
m_btnMgr . hide ( m_nandemuLblEmulation ) ;
m_btnMgr . hide ( m_nandemuBtnEmulationP ) ;
m_btnMgr . hide ( m_nandemuBtnEmulationM ) ;
m_btnMgr . hide ( m_nandemuLblSaveDump ) ;
m_btnMgr . hide ( m_nandemuBtnAll ) ;
m_btnMgr . hide ( m_nandemuBtnMissing ) ;
m_btnMgr . hide ( m_nandemuLblNandDump ) ;
m_btnMgr . hide ( m_nandemuBtnNandDump ) ;
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandfilePBar ) ;
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandemuPBar ) ;
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandfileLblMessage ) ;
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandemuLblMessage ) ;
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandfileLblDialog ) ;
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandemuLblDialog ) ;
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandemuLblMessage , L " " ) ;
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandfileLblMessage , L " " ) ;
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandemuLblDialog , _t ( " cfgne11 " , L " Overall progress: " ) ) ;
if ( m_fulldump )
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandemuLblTitle , _t ( " cfgne12 " , L " Nand extractor " ) ) ;
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandemuLblTitle , _t ( " cfgne13 " , L " Game save extractor " ) ) ;
m_thrdStop = false ;
m_thrdProgress = 0.f ;
m_thrdWorking = true ;
LWP_CreateThread ( & thread , ( void * ( * ) ( void * ) ) CMenu : : _NandDumper , ( void * ) this , 0 , 32768 , 40 ) ;
else if ( BTN_A_PRESSED & & ( m_btnMgr . selected ( m_nandemuBtnBack ) ) )
m_cfg . save ( ) ;
break ;
if ( m_thrdMessageAdded )
LockMutex lock ( m_mutex ) ;
m_thrdMessageAdded = false ;
if ( ! m_thrdMessage . empty ( ) )
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandfileLblDialog , m_thrdMessage ) ;
m_btnMgr . setProgress ( m_nandfilePBar , m_fileProgress ) ;
m_btnMgr . setProgress ( m_nandemuPBar , m_thrdProgress ) ;
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandfileLblMessage , wfmt ( _fmt ( " fileprogress " , L " %d / %dkb " ) , m_fileprog / 0x400 , m_filesize / 0x400 ) ) ;
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandemuLblMessage , wfmt ( _fmt ( " dumpprogress " , L " %i%% " ) , ( int ) ( m_thrdProgress * 100.f ) ) ) ;
if ( ! m_thrdWorking )
if ( m_sgdump )
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandfinLblDialog , wfmt ( _fmt ( " cfgne14 " , L " Extracted: %d saves / %d files / %d folders " ) , m_nandexentry , m_filesdone , m_foldersdone ) ) ;
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandfinLblDialog , wfmt ( _fmt ( " cfgne15 " , L " Extracted: %d files / %d folders " ) , m_filesdone , m_foldersdone ) ) ;
if ( m_dumpsize / 0x400 > 0x270f )
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandemuLblDialog , wfmt ( _fmt ( " cfgne16 " , L " Total size: %uMb (%d blocks) " ) , ( m_dumpsize / 0x100000 ) , ( m_dumpsize / 0x8000 ) > > 2 ) ) ;
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandemuLblDialog , wfmt ( _fmt ( " cfgne17 " , L " Total size: %ukb (%d blocks) " ) , ( m_dumpsize / 0x400 ) , ( m_dumpsize / 0x8000 ) > > 2 ) ) ;
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandemuBtnBack ) ;
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandfinLblDialog ) ;
_hideNandEmu ( ) ;
return 0 ;
int CMenu : : _AutoExtractSave ( string gameId )
int emuPartition = m_cfg . getInt ( " GAMES " , " savepartition " , m_cfg . getInt ( " NAND " , " partition " , 0 ) ) ;
int savePath = gameId . c_str ( ) [ 0 ] < < 24 | gameId . c_str ( ) [ 1 ] < < 16 | gameId . c_str ( ) [ 2 ] < < 8 | gameId . c_str ( ) [ 3 ] ;
string npath = sfmt ( " /title/00010000/%x " , savePath ) ;
string path = sfmt ( " %s:%s/title/00010000/%x " , DeviceName [ emuPartition ] , m_cfg . getString ( " GAMES " , " savepath " , m_cfg . getString ( " NAND " , " path " , " " ) ) . c_str ( ) , savePath ) ;
if ( ! _nandSaveExcists ( npath . c_str ( ) ) | | ( ! m_forceext & & _saveExcists ( path . c_str ( ) ) ) )
return 0 ;
lwp_t thread = 0 ;
SetupInput ( ) ;
m_thrdStop = false ;
m_thrdMessageAdded = false ;
m_nandext = false ;
if ( ! m_forceext )
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandemuBtnExtract , _t ( " cfgne24 " , L " Extract save " ) ) ;
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandemuBtnDisable , _t ( " cfgne25 " , L " Create new save " ) ) ;
2012-05-04 05:46:18 +02:00
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandemuLblInit , _t ( " cfgne26 " , L " A save file for this game was created on real nand. Extract existing safe file from real nand or create new file for nand emulation? " ) ) ;
2012-05-03 01:08:11 +02:00
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandemuBtnExtract ) ;
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandemuBtnDisable ) ;
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandemuLblInit ) ;
m_saveExtGameId = gameId ;
while ( true )
_mainLoopCommon ( false , m_thrdWorking ) ;
if ( ( BTN_A_PRESSED & & ( m_btnMgr . selected ( m_nandemuBtnExtract ) ) ) | | m_forceext )
m_forceext = false ;
m_fulldump = false ;
m_btnMgr . hide ( m_nandemuBtnExtract ) ;
m_btnMgr . hide ( m_nandemuBtnDisable ) ;
m_btnMgr . hide ( m_nandemuLblInit ) ;
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandemuLblTitle ) ;
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandfilePBar ) ;
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandemuPBar ) ;
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandfileLblMessage ) ;
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandemuLblMessage ) ;
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandfileLblDialog ) ;
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandemuLblDialog ) ;
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandemuLblMessage , L " " ) ;
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandfileLblMessage , L " " ) ;
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandemuLblDialog , _t ( " cfgne11 " , L " Overall progress: " ) ) ;
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandemuLblTitle , _t ( " cfgne13 " , L " Game save extractor " ) ) ;
m_thrdStop = false ;
m_thrdProgress = 0.f ;
m_thrdWorking = true ;
LWP_CreateThread ( & thread , ( void * ( * ) ( void * ) ) CMenu : : _NandDumper , ( void * ) this , 0 , 32768 , 40 ) ;
if ( BTN_A_PRESSED & & ( m_btnMgr . selected ( m_nandemuBtnDisable ) ) )
_hideNandEmu ( ) ;
return 0 ;
if ( m_thrdMessageAdded )
LockMutex lock ( m_mutex ) ;
m_thrdMessageAdded = false ;
if ( ! m_thrdMessage . empty ( ) )
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandfileLblDialog , m_thrdMessage ) ;
m_btnMgr . setProgress ( m_nandfilePBar , m_fileProgress ) ;
m_btnMgr . setProgress ( m_nandemuPBar , m_thrdProgress ) ;
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandfileLblMessage , wfmt ( _fmt ( " fileprogress " , L " %d / %dkb " ) , m_fileprog / 0x400 , m_filesize / 0x400 ) ) ;
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandemuLblMessage , wfmt ( _fmt ( " dumpprogress " , L " %i%% " ) , ( int ) ( m_thrdProgress * 100.f ) ) ) ;
if ( ! m_thrdWorking )
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandfinLblDialog , wfmt ( _fmt ( " cfgne14 " , L " Extracted: %d saves / %d files / %d folders " ) , m_nandexentry , m_filesdone , m_foldersdone ) ) ;
if ( m_dumpsize / 0x400 > 0x270f )
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandemuLblDialog , wfmt ( _fmt ( " cfgne16 " , L " Total size: %uMb (%d blocks) " ) , ( m_dumpsize / 0x100000 ) , ( m_dumpsize / 0x8000 ) > > 2 ) ) ;
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandemuLblDialog , wfmt ( _fmt ( " cfgne17 " , L " Total size: %ukb (%d blocks) " ) , ( m_dumpsize / 0x400 ) , ( m_dumpsize / 0x8000 ) > > 2 ) ) ;
_hideNandEmu ( ) ;
return 1 ;
_hideNandEmu ( ) ;
return 0 ;
int CMenu : : _AutoCreateNand ( void )
lwp_t thread = 0 ;
SetupInput ( ) ;
m_thrdStop = false ;
m_thrdMessageAdded = false ;
m_nandext = false ;
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandemuBtnExtract , _t ( " cfgne5 " , L " Extract nand " ) ) ;
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandemuBtnDisable , _t ( " cfgne22 " , L " Disable nandemulation " ) ) ;
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandemuLblInit , _t ( " cfgne23 " , L " Welcome to WiiFlow. I have not found a valid nand for nand emulation. Click Extract to extract your nand, or click disable to disable nand emulation. " ) ) ;
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandemuBtnExtract ) ;
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandemuBtnDisable ) ;
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandemuLblInit ) ;
while ( true )
_mainLoopCommon ( false , m_thrdWorking ) ;
if ( BTN_A_PRESSED & & ( m_btnMgr . selected ( m_nandemuBtnExtract ) ) )
m_fulldump = true ;
m_btnMgr . hide ( m_nandemuBtnExtract ) ;
m_btnMgr . hide ( m_nandemuBtnDisable ) ;
m_btnMgr . hide ( m_nandemuLblInit ) ;
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandemuLblTitle ) ;
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandfilePBar ) ;
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandemuPBar ) ;
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandfileLblMessage ) ;
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandemuLblMessage ) ;
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandfileLblDialog ) ;
m_btnMgr . show ( m_nandemuLblDialog ) ;
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandemuLblMessage , L " " ) ;
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandfileLblMessage , L " " ) ;
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandemuLblDialog , _t ( " cfgne11 " , L " Overall progress: " ) ) ;
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandemuLblTitle , _t ( " cfgne12 " , L " Nand extractor " ) ) ;
m_thrdStop = false ;
m_thrdProgress = 0.f ;
m_thrdWorking = true ;
LWP_CreateThread ( & thread , ( void * ( * ) ( void * ) ) CMenu : : _NandDumper , ( void * ) this , 0 , 32768 , 40 ) ;
if ( BTN_A_PRESSED & & ( m_btnMgr . selected ( m_nandemuBtnDisable ) ) )
_hideNandEmu ( ) ;
return 0 ;
if ( m_thrdMessageAdded )
LockMutex lock ( m_mutex ) ;
m_thrdMessageAdded = false ;
if ( ! m_thrdMessage . empty ( ) )
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandfileLblDialog , m_thrdMessage ) ;
m_btnMgr . setProgress ( m_nandfilePBar , m_fileProgress ) ;
m_btnMgr . setProgress ( m_nandemuPBar , m_thrdProgress ) ;
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandfileLblMessage , wfmt ( _fmt ( " fileprogress " , L " %d / %dkb " ) , m_fileprog / 0x400 , m_filesize / 0x400 ) ) ;
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandemuLblMessage , wfmt ( _fmt ( " dumpprogress " , L " %i%% " ) , ( int ) ( m_thrdProgress * 100.f ) ) ) ;
if ( ! m_thrdWorking )
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandfinLblDialog , wfmt ( _fmt ( " cfgne15 " , L " Extracted: %d files / %d folders " ) , m_filesdone , m_foldersdone ) ) ;
if ( m_dumpsize / 0x400 > 0x270f )
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandemuLblDialog , wfmt ( _fmt ( " cfgne16 " , L " Total size: %uMb (%d blocks) " ) , ( m_dumpsize / 0x100000 ) , ( m_dumpsize / 0x8000 ) > > 2 ) ) ;
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandemuLblDialog , wfmt ( _fmt ( " cfgne17 " , L " Total size: %ukb (%d blocks) " ) , ( m_dumpsize / 0x400 ) , ( m_dumpsize / 0x8000 ) > > 2 ) ) ;
_hideNandEmu ( ) ;
return 1 ;
_hideNandEmu ( ) ;
return 0 ;
int CMenu : : _NandDumper ( void * obj )
CMenu & m = * ( CMenu * ) obj ;
string emuPath ;
int emuPartition = - 1 ;
bool emuPartIsValid = false ;
m . m_nandext = false ;
m . m_sgdump = false ;
m . m_dumpsize = 0 ;
m . m_filesdone = 0 ;
m . m_foldersdone = 0 ;
Nand : : Instance ( ) - > ResetCounters ( ) ;
if ( m . m_current_view = = COVERFLOW_CHANNEL )
emuPartition = m . m_cfg . getInt ( " NAND " , " partition " , 0 ) ;
emuPath = m . m_cfg . getString ( " NAND " , " path " , " " ) ;
else if ( m . m_current_view = = COVERFLOW_USB )
emuPartition = m . m_cfg . getInt ( " GAMES " , " savepartition " , - 1 ) ;
if ( emuPartition = = - 1 )
emuPartition = m . m_cfg . getInt ( " NAND " , " partition " , 0 ) ;
emuPath = m . m_cfg . getString ( " GAMES " , " savepath " , m . m_cfg . getString ( " NAND " , " path " , " " ) ) ;
for ( u8 i = emuPartition ; i < = USB8 ; + + i )
if ( ! DeviceHandler : : Instance ( ) - > IsInserted ( emuPartition ) | | DeviceHandler : : Instance ( ) - > GetFSType ( emuPartition ) ! = PART_FS_FAT )
emuPartition + + ;
continue ;
emuPartIsValid = true ;
if ( m . m_current_view = = COVERFLOW_CHANNEL )
m . m_cfg . setInt ( " NAND " , " partition " , emuPartition ) ;
else if ( m . m_current_view = = COVERFLOW_USB )
m . m_cfg . setInt ( " GAMES " , " savepartition " , emuPartition ) ;
break ;
if ( ! emuPartIsValid )
m . error ( sfmt ( " No valid FAT partition found for nandemulation! " ) ) ;
m . m_thrdWorking = false ;
m . m_btnMgr . hide ( m . m_nandfilePBar ) ;
m . m_btnMgr . hide ( m . m_nandfileLblMessage ) ;
LWP_MutexLock ( m . m_mutex ) ;
m . _setDumpMsg ( m . _t ( " cfgne20 " , L " Extraction failed! " ) , 1.f , 1.f ) ;
LWP_MutexUnlock ( m . m_mutex ) ;
m . _hideNandEmu ( ) ;
return 0 ;
if ( emuPath . size ( ) = = 0 )
Nand : : Instance ( ) - > CreatePath ( " %s:/wiiflow " , DeviceName [ emuPartition ] ) ;
Nand : : Instance ( ) - > CreatePath ( " %s:/wiiflow/nandemu " , DeviceName [ emuPartition ] ) ;
if ( m . m_current_view = = COVERFLOW_CHANNEL )
m . m_cfg . setString ( " NAND " , " path " , STDEMU_DIR ) ;
emuPath = m . m_cfg . getString ( " NAND " , " path " , STDEMU_DIR ) ;
else if ( m . m_current_view = = COVERFLOW_USB )
m . m_cfg . setString ( " GAMES " , " savepath " , STDEMU_DIR ) ;
emuPath = m . m_cfg . getString ( " GAMES " , " savepath " , STDEMU_DIR ) ;
m . m_cfg . save ( ) ;
char basepath [ 64 ] ;
snprintf ( basepath , 64 , " %s:%s " , DeviceName [ emuPartition ] , emuPath . c_str ( ) ) ;
LWP_MutexLock ( m . m_mutex ) ;
m . _setDumpMsg ( L " Calculating space needed for extraction... " , 0.f , 0.f ) ;
LWP_MutexUnlock ( m . m_mutex ) ;
if ( m . m_fulldump )
m . m_dumpsize = Nand : : Instance ( ) - > CalcDumpSpace ( " / " , true , CMenu : : _ShowProgress , obj ) ;
m . m_nandext = true ;
Nand : : Instance ( ) - > DoNandDump ( " / " , basepath , true , CMenu : : _ShowProgress , obj ) ;
bool missingOnly = ! m . m_saveall ;
string path , npath ;
safe_vector < string > saveList ;
m . m_sgdump = true ;
if ( m . m_saveExtGameId . empty ( ) )
m . m_nandexentry = 0 ;
saveList . reserve ( m . m_gameList . size ( ) ) ;
for ( u32 i = 0 ; i < m . m_gameList . size ( ) & & ! m . m_thrdStop ; + + i )
LWP_MutexLock ( m . m_mutex ) ;
m . _setDumpMsg ( m . _t ( " cfgne18 " , L " Listing game saves to extract... " ) , 0.f , 0.f ) ;
LWP_MutexUnlock ( m . m_mutex ) ;
string id ( ( const char * ) m . m_gameList [ i ] . hdr . id , 4 ) ;
int savePath = id . c_str ( ) [ 0 ] < < 24 | id . c_str ( ) [ 1 ] < < 16 | id . c_str ( ) [ 2 ] < < 8 | id . c_str ( ) [ 3 ] ;
path = sfmt ( " %s/title/00010000/%x " , basepath , savePath ) ;
npath = sfmt ( " /title/00010000/%x " , savePath ) ;
if ( ! missingOnly | | ! _saveExcists ( path . c_str ( ) ) )
if ( _nandSaveExcists ( npath . c_str ( ) ) )
m . m_nandexentry + + ;
saveList . push_back ( id ) ;
saveList . push_back ( m . m_saveExtGameId ) ;
for ( u32 i = 0 ; i < saveList . size ( ) & & ! m . m_thrdStop ; + + i )
char source [ ISFS_MAXPATH ] ;
int savePath = saveList [ i ] . c_str ( ) [ 0 ] < < 24 | saveList [ i ] . c_str ( ) [ 1 ] < < 16 | saveList [ i ] . c_str ( ) [ 2 ] < < 8 | saveList [ i ] . c_str ( ) [ 3 ] ;
snprintf ( source , sizeof ( source ) , " /title/00010000/%x " , savePath ) ;
m . m_dumpsize = Nand : : Instance ( ) - > CalcDumpSpace ( source , false , CMenu : : _ShowProgress , obj ) ;
for ( u32 i = 0 ; i < saveList . size ( ) & & ! m . m_thrdStop ; + + i )
char source [ ISFS_MAXPATH ] ;
int savePath = saveList [ i ] . c_str ( ) [ 0 ] < < 24 | saveList [ i ] . c_str ( ) [ 1 ] < < 16 | saveList [ i ] . c_str ( ) [ 2 ] < < 8 | saveList [ i ] . c_str ( ) [ 3 ] ;
snprintf ( source , sizeof ( source ) , " /title/00010000/%x " , savePath ) ;
m . m_nandext = true ;
Nand : : Instance ( ) - > DoNandDump ( source , basepath , false , CMenu : : _ShowProgress , obj ) ;
m . m_thrdWorking = false ;
LWP_MutexLock ( m . m_mutex ) ;
m . m_btnMgr . hide ( m . m_nandfilePBar ) ;
m . m_btnMgr . hide ( m . m_nandfileLblMessage ) ;
m . _setDumpMsg ( m . _t ( " cfgne19 " , L " Extraction finished! " ) , 1.f , 1.f ) ;
LWP_MutexUnlock ( m . m_mutex ) ;
return 0 ;
void CMenu : : _initNandEmuMenu ( CMenu : : SThemeData & theme )
_addUserLabels ( theme , m_nandemuLblUser , ARRAY_SIZE ( m_nandemuLblUser ) , " NANDEMU " ) ;
m_nandemuBg = _texture ( theme . texSet , " NANDEMU/BG " , " texture " , theme . bg ) ;
m_nandemuLblTitle = _addTitle ( theme , " NANDEMU/TITLE " , theme . titleFont , L " " , 20 , 30 , 600 , 60 , theme . titleFontColor , FTGX_JUSTIFY_CENTER | FTGX_ALIGN_MIDDLE ) ;
m_nandfileLblMessage = _addLabel ( theme , " NANDEMU/FMESSAGE " , theme . lblFont , L " " , 40 , 230 , 560 , 100 , theme . lblFontColor , FTGX_JUSTIFY_CENTER | FTGX_ALIGN_TOP ) ;
m_nandemuLblMessage = _addLabel ( theme , " NANDEMU/MESSAGE " , theme . lblFont , L " " , 40 , 350 , 560 , 100 , theme . lblFontColor , FTGX_JUSTIFY_CENTER | FTGX_ALIGN_TOP ) ;
m_nandfileLblDialog = _addLabel ( theme , " NANDEMU/FDIALOG " , theme . lblFont , L " " , 40 , 60 , 560 , 200 , theme . lblFontColor , FTGX_JUSTIFY_LEFT | FTGX_ALIGN_MIDDLE ) ;
m_nandfinLblDialog = _addLabel ( theme , " NANDEMU/FINDIALOG " , theme . lblFont , L " " , 40 , 120 , 560 , 200 , theme . lblFontColor , FTGX_JUSTIFY_LEFT | FTGX_ALIGN_MIDDLE ) ;
m_nandemuLblDialog = _addLabel ( theme , " NANDEMU/DIALOG " , theme . lblFont , L " " , 40 , 180 , 560 , 200 , theme . lblFontColor , FTGX_JUSTIFY_LEFT | FTGX_ALIGN_MIDDLE ) ;
m_nandfilePBar = _addProgressBar ( theme , " NANDEMU/FILEPROGRESS_BAR " , 40 , 200 , 560 , 20 ) ;
m_nandemuPBar = _addProgressBar ( theme , " NANDEMU/PROGRESS_BAR " , 40 , 320 , 560 , 20 ) ;
m_nandemuLblEmulation = _addLabel ( theme , " NANDEMU/EMU_SAVE " , theme . lblFont , L " " , 40 , 130 , 340 , 56 , theme . lblFontColor , FTGX_JUSTIFY_LEFT | FTGX_ALIGN_MIDDLE ) ;
m_nandemuLblEmulationVal = _addLabel ( theme , " NANDEMU/EMU_SAVE_BTN_GLOBAL " , theme . btnFont , L " " , 400 , 130 , 144 , 56 , theme . btnFontColor , FTGX_JUSTIFY_CENTER | FTGX_ALIGN_MIDDLE , theme . btnTexC ) ;
m_nandemuBtnEmulationM = _addPicButton ( theme , " NANDEMU/EMU_SAVE_MINUS " , theme . btnTexMinus , theme . btnTexMinusS , 344 , 130 , 56 , 56 ) ;
m_nandemuBtnEmulationP = _addPicButton ( theme , " NANDEMU/EMU_SAVE_PLUS " , theme . btnTexPlus , theme . btnTexPlusS , 544 , 130 , 56 , 56 ) ;
m_nandemuLblSaveDump = _addLabel ( theme , " NANDEMU/SAVE_DUMP " , theme . lblFont , L " " , 40 , 190 , 340 , 56 , theme . lblFontColor , FTGX_JUSTIFY_LEFT | FTGX_ALIGN_MIDDLE ) ;
m_nandemuBtnAll = _addButton ( theme , " NANDEMU/ALL_BTN " , theme . btnFont , L " " , 350 , 190 , 250 , 56 , theme . btnFontColor ) ;
m_nandemuBtnMissing = _addButton ( theme , " NANDEMU/MISSING_BTN " , theme . btnFont , L " " , 350 , 250 , 250 , 56 , theme . btnFontColor ) ;
m_nandemuLblNandDump = _addLabel ( theme , " NANDEMU/NAND_DUMP " , theme . lblFont , L " " , 40 , 310 , 340 , 56 , theme . lblFontColor , FTGX_JUSTIFY_LEFT | FTGX_ALIGN_MIDDLE ) ;
m_nandemuBtnNandDump = _addButton ( theme , " NANDEMU/NAND_DUMP_BTN " , theme . btnFont , L " " , 350 , 310 , 250 , 56 , theme . btnFontColor ) ;
m_nandemuBtnBack = _addButton ( theme , " NANDEMU/BACK_BTN " , theme . btnFont , L " " , 420 , 400 , 200 , 56 , theme . btnFontColor ) ;
m_nandemuBtnExtract = _addButton ( theme , " NANDEMU/EXTRACT " , theme . titleFont , L " " , 72 , 180 , 496 , 56 , theme . titleFontColor ) ;
m_nandemuBtnDisable = _addButton ( theme , " NANDEMU/DISABLE " , theme . titleFont , L " " , 72 , 290 , 496 , 56 , theme . titleFontColor ) ;
m_nandemuLblInit = _addLabel ( theme , " NANDEMU/INIT " , theme . lblFont , L " " , 40 , 40 , 560 , 140 , theme . lblFontColor , FTGX_JUSTIFY_LEFT | FTGX_ALIGN_MIDDLE ) ;
_setHideAnim ( m_nandemuLblTitle , " NANDEMU/TITLE " , 0 , 0 , - 2.f , 0.f ) ;
_setHideAnim ( m_nandfileLblMessage , " NANDEMU/FMESSAGE " , 0 , 0 , - 2.f , 0.f ) ;
_setHideAnim ( m_nandemuLblMessage , " NANDEMU/MESSAGE " , 0 , 0 , - 2.f , 0.f ) ;
_setHideAnim ( m_nandfileLblDialog , " NANDEMU/FDIALOG " , 0 , 0 , - 2.f , 0.f ) ;
_setHideAnim ( m_nandfinLblDialog , " NANDEMU/FINDIALOG " , 0 , 0 , - 2.f , 0.f ) ;
_setHideAnim ( m_nandemuLblDialog , " NANDEMU/DIALOG " , 0 , 0 , - 2.f , 0.f ) ;
_setHideAnim ( m_nandfilePBar , " NANDEMU/FILEPROGRESS_BAR " , 0 , 0 , - 2.f , 0.f ) ;
_setHideAnim ( m_nandemuPBar , " NANDEMU/PROGRESS_BAR " , 0 , 0 , - 2.f , 0.f ) ;
_setHideAnim ( m_nandemuLblEmulation , " NANDEMU/EMU_SAVE " , 100 , 0 , - 2.f , 0.f ) ;
_setHideAnim ( m_nandemuLblEmulationVal , " NANDEMU/EMU_SAVE_BTN_GLOBAL " , 0 , 0 , 1.f , - 1.f ) ;
_setHideAnim ( m_nandemuBtnEmulationM , " NANDEMU/EMU_SAVE_MINUS " , 0 , 0 , 1.f , - 1.f ) ;
_setHideAnim ( m_nandemuBtnEmulationP , " NANDEMU/EMU_SAVE_PLUS " , 0 , 0 , 1.f , - 1.f ) ;
_setHideAnim ( m_nandemuLblSaveDump , " NANDEMU/SAVE_DUMP " , 100 , 0 , - 2.f , 0.f ) ;
_setHideAnim ( m_nandemuBtnAll , " NANDEMU/ALL_BTN " , 0 , 0 , - 2.f , 0.f ) ;
_setHideAnim ( m_nandemuBtnMissing , " NANDEMU/MISSING_BTN " , 0 , 0 , - 2.f , 0.f ) ;
_setHideAnim ( m_nandemuLblNandDump , " NANDEMU/NAND_DUMP " , 100 , 0 , - 2.f , 0.f ) ;
_setHideAnim ( m_nandemuBtnNandDump , " NANDEMU/NAND_DUMP_BTN " , 0 , 0 , - 2.f , 0.f ) ;
_setHideAnim ( m_nandemuBtnBack , " NANDEMU/BACK_BTN " , 0 , 0 , - 2.f , 0.f ) ;
_setHideAnim ( m_nandemuBtnExtract , " NANDEMU/EXTRACT " , 0 , 0 , - 2.f , 0.f ) ;
_setHideAnim ( m_nandemuBtnDisable , " NANDEMU/DISABLE " , 0 , 0 , - 2.f , 0.f ) ;
_setHideAnim ( m_nandemuLblInit , " NANDEMU/INIT " , 100 , 0 , - 2.f , 0.f ) ;
_hideNandEmu ( true ) ;
_textNandEmu ( ) ;
void CMenu : : _textNandEmu ( void )
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandemuLblEmulation , _t ( " cfgne1 " , L " Nand emulation " ) ) ;
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandemuLblSaveDump , _t ( " cfgne2 " , L " Extract game saves " ) ) ;
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandemuBtnAll , _t ( " cfgne3 " , L " All " ) ) ;
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandemuBtnMissing , _t ( " cfgne4 " , L " Missing " ) ) ;
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandemuLblNandDump , _t ( " cfgne5 " , L " Extract nand " ) ) ;
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandemuBtnNandDump , _t ( " cfgne6 " , L " Start " ) ) ;
m_btnMgr . setText ( m_nandemuBtnBack , _t ( " cfgne7 " , L " Back " ) ) ;