mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 00:33:34 +01:00
- added snes9x gx plugin source to branches/plugins
- updated it to 4.3.2 - next commit i will add wiiu pro controller support.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
# Clear the implicit built in rules
ifeq ($(strip $(DEVKITPPC)),)
$(error "Please set DEVKITPPC in your environment. export DEVKITPPC=<path to>devkitPPC")
include $(DEVKITPPC)/wii_rules
# TARGET is the name of the output
# BUILD is the directory where object files & intermediate files will be placed
# SOURCES is a list of directories containing source code
# INCLUDES is a list of directories containing extra header files
TARGET := snes9xgx-wii
TARGETDIR := executables
BUILD := build_wii
SOURCES := source source/images source/sounds source/fonts source/lang \
source/gui source/utils source/utils/sz source/utils/unzip \
source/snes9x source/snes9x/apu
INCLUDES := source source/snes9x
# options for code generation
CFLAGS = -g -O3 -Wall $(MACHDEP) $(INCLUDE) \
-fomit-frame-pointer \
-Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-strict-aliasing \
-Wno-write-strings -Wno-parentheses
LDFLAGS = -g $(MACHDEP) -Wl,-Map,$(notdir $@).map,-wrap,wiiuse_register
# any extra libraries we wish to link with the project
LIBS := -ldi -liso9660 -lpng -lmxml \
-lfat -lwiiuse -lwupc -lz -lbte -lasnd -logc -lvorbisidec -lfreetype -ltinysmb
# list of directories containing libraries, this must be the top level containing
# include and lib
LIBDIRS := $(CURDIR)/portlibs
# no real need to edit anything past this point unless you need to add additional
# rules for different file extensions
ifneq ($(BUILD),$(notdir $(CURDIR)))
export VPATH := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(CURDIR)/$(dir))
export DEPSDIR := $(CURDIR)/$(BUILD)
# automatically build a list of object files for our project
CFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.c)))
CPPFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.cpp)))
sFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.s)))
SFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.S)))
TTFFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.ttf)))
LANGFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.lang)))
PNGFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.png)))
OGGFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.ogg)))
PCMFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.pcm)))
# use CXX for linking C++ projects, CC for standard C
ifeq ($(strip $(CPPFILES)),)
export LD := $(CC)
export LD := $(CXX)
export OFILES := $(CPPFILES:.cpp=.o) $(CFILES:.c=.o) \
$(sFILES:.s=.o) $(SFILES:.S=.o) \
$(TTFFILES:.ttf=.ttf.o) $(LANGFILES:.lang=.lang.o) \
$(PNGFILES:.png=.png.o) \
$(OGGFILES:.ogg=.ogg.o) $(PCMFILES:.pcm=.pcm.o)
# build a list of include paths
export INCLUDE := $(foreach dir,$(INCLUDES),-I$(CURDIR)/$(dir)) \
$(foreach dir,$(LIBDIRS),-I$(dir)/include) \
-I$(LIBOGC_INC) -I$(CURDIR)/portlibs/include/freetype2
# build a list of library paths
export LIBPATHS := $(foreach dir,$(LIBDIRS),-L$(dir)/lib) \
.PHONY: $(BUILD) clean
@[ -d $@ ] || mkdir -p $@
@[ -d $(TARGETDIR) ] || mkdir -p $(TARGETDIR)
@make --no-print-directory -C $(BUILD) -f $(CURDIR)/Makefile
@echo clean ...
@rm -fr $(BUILD) $(OUTPUT).elf $(OUTPUT).dol
wiiload $(OUTPUT).dol
wiiload -r $(OUTPUT).dol
DEPENDS := $(OFILES:.o=.d)
# main targets
$(OUTPUT).dol: $(OUTPUT).elf
$(OUTPUT).elf: $(OFILES)
# This rule links in binary data with these extensions: ttf lang png ogg pcm
%.ttf.o : %.ttf
@echo $(notdir $<)
%.lang.o : %.lang
@echo $(notdir $<)
%.png.o : %.png
@echo $(notdir $<)
%.ogg.o : %.ogg
@echo $(notdir $<)
%.pcm.o : %.pcm
@echo $(notdir $<)
-include $(DEPENDS)
@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
# Clear the implicit built in rules
ifeq ($(strip $(DEVKITPPC)),)
$(error "Please set DEVKITPPC in your environment. export DEVKITPPC=<path to>devkitPPC")
include $(DEVKITPPC)/gamecube_rules
# TARGET is the name of the output
# BUILD is the directory where object files & intermediate files will be placed
# SOURCES is a list of directories containing source code
# INCLUDES is a list of directories containing extra header files
TARGET := snes9xgx-gc
TARGETDIR := executables
BUILD := build_gc
SOURCES := source source/images source/sounds source/fonts source/lang \
source/gui source/utils source/utils/sz \
source/snes9x source/snes9x/apu
INCLUDES := source source/snes9x
# options for code generation
-fomit-frame-pointer \
-Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-strict-aliasing \
-Wno-write-strings -Wno-parentheses
LDFLAGS = -g $(MACHDEP) -Wl,-Map,$(notdir $@).map
# any extra libraries we wish to link with the project
LIBS := -lpng -lmxml -ltinysmb -lbba -lfat -liso9660 -lz -logc -lfreetype
# list of directories containing libraries, this must be the top level containing
# include and lib
# no real need to edit anything past this point unless you need to add additional
# rules for different file extensions
ifneq ($(BUILD),$(notdir $(CURDIR)))
export VPATH := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(CURDIR)/$(dir))
export DEPSDIR := $(CURDIR)/$(BUILD)
# automatically build a list of object files for our project
CFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.c)))
CPPFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.cpp)))
sFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.s)))
SFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.S)))
TTFFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.ttf)))
LANGFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.lang)))
PNGFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.png)))
PCMFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.pcm)))
# use CXX for linking C++ projects, CC for standard C
ifeq ($(strip $(CPPFILES)),)
export LD := $(CC)
export LD := $(CXX)
export OFILES := $(CPPFILES:.cpp=.o) $(CFILES:.c=.o) \
$(sFILES:.s=.o) $(SFILES:.S=.o) \
$(TTFFILES:.ttf=.ttf.o) $(LANGFILES:.lang=.lang.o) \
$(PNGFILES:.png=.png.o) \
# build a list of include paths
export INCLUDE := $(foreach dir,$(INCLUDES),-I$(CURDIR)/$(dir)) \
$(foreach dir,$(LIBDIRS),-I$(dir)/include) \
-I$(LIBOGC_INC) -I$(PORTLIBS)/include/freetype2
# build a list of library paths
export LIBPATHS := $(foreach dir,$(LIBDIRS),-L$(dir)/lib) \
.PHONY: $(BUILD) clean
@[ -d $@ ] || mkdir -p $@
@[ -d $(TARGETDIR) ] || mkdir -p $(TARGETDIR)
@make --no-print-directory -C $(BUILD) -f $(CURDIR)/Makefile.gc
@echo clean ...
@rm -fr $(BUILD) $(OUTPUT).elf $(OUTPUT).dol
psoload $(OUTPUT).dol
psoload -r $(OUTPUT).dol
DEPENDS := $(OFILES:.o=.d)
# main targets
$(OUTPUT).dol: $(OUTPUT).elf
$(OUTPUT).elf: $(OFILES)
# This rule links in binary data with these extensions: ttf lang png pcm
%.ttf.o : %.ttf
@echo $(notdir $<)
%.lang.o : %.lang
@echo $(notdir $<)
%.png.o : %.png
@echo $(notdir $<)
%.pcm.o : %.pcm
@echo $(notdir $<)
-include $(DEPENDS)
@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
# Clear the implicit built in rules
ifeq ($(strip $(DEVKITXENON)),)
$(error "Please set DEVKITXENON in your environment. export DEVKITXENON=<path to>devkitxenon")
include $(DEVKITXENON)/rules
# TARGET is the name of the output
# BUILD is the directory where object files & intermediate files will be placed
# SOURCES is a list of directories containing source code
# INCLUDES is a list of directories containing extra header files
TARGET := snes9xgx-xenon
TARGETDIR := executables
BUILD := build_xenon
SOURCES := source/xenon source/snes9x source/utils/sz
INCLUDES := source/snes9x source/xenon
# options for code generation
CFLAGS = -g -O3 -Wall $(MACHDEP) $(INCLUDE) \
-fomit-frame-pointer \
-Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-strict-aliasing
CXXFLAGS = -save-temps -Xassembler -aln=$@.lst $(CFLAGS)
LDFLAGS = -g $(MACHDEP) -Wl,-Map,$(notdir $@).map
# any extra libraries we wish to link with the project
LIBS = -lm -lxenon
# list of directories containing libraries, this must be the top level containing
# include and lib
# no real need to edit anything past this point unless you need to add additional
# rules for different file extensions
ifneq ($(BUILD),$(notdir $(CURDIR)))
export VPATH := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(CURDIR)/$(dir))
export DEPSDIR := $(CURDIR)/$(BUILD)
# automatically build a list of object files for our project
CFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.c)))
CPPFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.cpp)))
sFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.s)))
SFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.S)))
TTFFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.ttf)))
PNGFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.png)))
OGGFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.ogg)))
PCMFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.pcm)))
# use CXX for linking C++ projects, CC for standard C
ifeq ($(strip $(CPPFILES)),)
export LD := $(CC)
export LD := $(CXX)
export OFILES := $(CPPFILES:.cpp=.o) $(CFILES:.c=.o) \
$(sFILES:.s=.o) $(SFILES:.S=.o) \
$(TTFFILES:.ttf=.ttf.o) $(PNGFILES:.png=.png.o) \
$(OGGFILES:.ogg=.ogg.o) $(PCMFILES:.pcm=.pcm.o)
# build a list of include paths
export INCLUDE := $(foreach dir,$(INCLUDES),-I$(CURDIR)/$(dir)) \
$(foreach dir,$(LIBDIRS),-I$(dir)/include) \
# build a list of library paths
export LIBPATHS := $(foreach dir,$(LIBDIRS),-L$(dir)/lib) \
.PHONY: $(BUILD) clean
@[ -d $@ ] || mkdir -p $@
@[ -d $(TARGETDIR) ] || mkdir -p $(TARGETDIR)
@make --no-print-directory -C $(BUILD) -f $(CURDIR)/Makefile.xenon
@echo clean ...
@rm -fr $(BUILD) $(OUTPUT).elf $(OUTPUT).elf32
source/xenon/ffs_content.c: genffs.py data/ps.psu data/vs.vsu
python genffs.py > source/xenon/ffs_content.c
run: $(OUTPUT).elf32
cp $(OUTPUT).elf32 /tftpboot/xenon
DEPENDS := $(OFILES:.o=.d)
# main targets
$(OUTPUT).elf32: $(OUTPUT).elf
$(OUTPUT).elf: $(OFILES)
# This rule links in binary data with .ttf, .png, and .mp3 extensions
%.ttf.o : %.ttf
@echo $(notdir $<)
%.png.o : %.png
@echo $(notdir $<)
%.ogg.o : %.ogg
@echo $(notdir $<)
%.pcm.o : %.pcm
@echo $(notdir $<)
-include $(DEPENDS)
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
.PHONY = all wii gc wii-clean gc-clean wii-run gc-run
all: wii gc
run: wii-run
clean: wii-clean gc-clean
$(MAKE) -f Makefile.wii
$(MAKE) -f Makefile.wii clean
wii-run: wii
$(MAKE) -f Makefile.wii run
$(MAKE) -f Makefile.gc
$(MAKE) -f Makefile.gc clean
gc-run: gc
$(MAKE) -f Makefile.gc run
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 7.2 KiB |
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<app version="1">
<name>Snes9x GX</name>
<short_description>Super Nintendo Emulator</short_description>
<long_description>A port of Snes9x to the Wii.</long_description>
<ahb_access />
@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
* ext2.h - devoptab file routines for EXT2/3/4-based devices. *
* *
* Copyright (c) 2010 Dimok *
* *
* This program/include file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published *
* by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program/include file is distributed in the hope that it will be *
* useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, *
* Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
#ifndef __EXT2_H_
#define __EXT2_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <gctypes.h>
#include <gccore.h>
#include <ogc/disc_io.h>
* EXT2 cache options
* It is recommended to use more pages instead of large page sizes for cache due to the sporadic write behaviour of ext file system.
* It will significantly increase the speed. A page size of 32 is mostly suffiecient. The larger the page count the faster the
* read/write between smaller files will be. Larger page sizes result in faster read/write of single big files.
#define EXT2_CACHE_DEFAULT_PAGE_COUNT 64 /* The default number of pages in the cache */
#define EXT2_CACHE_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE 32 /* The default number of sectors per cache page */
/* EXT2 mount flags */
#define EXT2_FLAG_RW 0x00001 /* Open the filesystem for reading and writing. Without this flag, the filesystem is opened for reading only. */
#define EXT2_FLAG_FORCE 0x00400 /* Open the filesystem regardless of the feature sets listed in the superblock */
#define EXT2_FLAG_JOURNAL_DEV_OK 0x01000 /* Only open external journal devices if this flag is set (e.g. ext3/ext4) */
#define EXT2_FLAG_64BITS 0x20000 /* Allow 64-bit bitfields (needed for large filesystems) */
#define EXT2_FLAG_PRINT_PROGRESS 0x40000 /* If this flag is set the progress of file operations will be printed to stdout */
#define EXT2_FLAG_SKIP_MMP 0x100000 /* Open without multi-mount protection check. */
* Find all EXT2/3/4 partitions on a block device.
* @param INTERFACE The block device to search
* @param PARTITIONS (out) A pointer to receive the array of partition start sectors
* @return The number of entries in PARTITIONS or -1 if an error occurred (see errno)
* @note The caller is responsible for freeing PARTITIONS when finished with it
int ext2FindPartitions(const DISC_INTERFACE *interface, sec_t **partitions);
* Mount a EXT2/3/4 partition from a specific sector on a block device.
* @param NAME The name to mount the device under (can then be accessed as "NAME:/")
* @param INTERFACE The block device to mount
* @param STARTSECTOR The sector the partition begins at
* @param CACHEPAGECOUNT The total number of pages in the device cache
* @param CACHEPAGESIZE The number of sectors per cache page
* @param FLAGS Additional mounting flags (see above)
* @return True if mount was successful, false if no partition was found or an error occurred (see errno)
bool ext2Mount(const char *name, const DISC_INTERFACE *interface, sec_t startSector, u32 cachePageCount, u32 cachePageSize, u32 flags);
* Unmount a EXT2/3/4 partition.
* @param NAME The name of mount used in ext2Mount()
void ext2Unmount(const char *name);
* Get the volume name of a mounted EXT2/3/4 partition.
* @param NAME The name of mount
* @return The volumes name if successful or NULL if an error occurred (see errno)
const char *ext2GetVolumeName (const char *name);
* Set the volume name of a mounted EXT2/3/4 partition.
* @param NAME The name of mount
* @param VOLUMENAME The new volume name
* @return True if mount was successful, false if an error occurred (see errno)
* @note The mount must be write-enabled else this will fail
bool ext2SetVolumeName (const char *name, const char *volumeName);
#ifdef __cplusplus
@ -1,477 +0,0 @@
/* ftconfig.h. Generated from ftconfig.in by configure. */
/* */
/* ftconfig.in */
/* */
/* UNIX-specific configuration file (specification only). */
/* */
/* Copyright 1996-2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
/* */
/* This header file contains a number of macro definitions that are used */
/* by the rest of the engine. Most of the macros here are automatically */
/* determined at compile time, and you should not need to change it to */
/* port FreeType, except to compile the library with a non-ANSI */
/* compiler. */
/* */
/* Note however that if some specific modifications are needed, we */
/* advise you to place a modified copy in your build directory. */
/* */
/* The build directory is usually `freetype/builds/<system>', and */
/* contains system-specific files that are always included first when */
/* building the library. */
/* */
#ifndef __FTCONFIG_H__
#define __FTCONFIG_H__
#include <ft2build.h>
/* */
/* */
/* These macros can be toggled to suit a specific system. The current */
/* ones are defaults used to compile FreeType in an ANSI C environment */
/* (16bit compilers are also supported). Copy this file to your own */
/* `freetype/builds/<system>' directory, and edit it to port the engine. */
/* */
#define HAVE_UNISTD_H 1
#define HAVE_FCNTL_H 1
#define HAVE_STDINT_H 1
/* There are systems (like the Texas Instruments 'C54x) where a `char' */
/* has 16 bits. ANSI C says that sizeof(char) is always 1. Since an */
/* `int' has 16 bits also for this system, sizeof(int) gives 1 which */
/* is probably unexpected. */
/* */
/* `CHAR_BIT' (defined in limits.h) gives the number of bits in a */
/* `char' type. */
#ifndef FT_CHAR_BIT
#define SIZEOF_INT 4
#define SIZEOF_LONG 4
/* Following cpp computation of the bit length of int and long */
/* is copied from default include/freetype/config/ftconfig.h. */
/* If any improvement is required for this file, it should be */
/* applied to the original header file for the builders that */
/* does not use configure script. */
/* The size of an `int' type. */
#define FT_SIZEOF_INT (16 / FT_CHAR_BIT)
#define FT_SIZEOF_INT (32 / FT_CHAR_BIT)
#define FT_SIZEOF_INT (64 / FT_CHAR_BIT)
#error "Unsupported size of `int' type!"
/* The size of a `long' type. A five-byte `long' (as used e.g. on the */
/* DM642) is recognized but avoided. */
#error "Unsupported size of `long' type!"
/* Preferred alignment of data */
#define FT_ALIGNMENT 8
/* FT_UNUSED is a macro used to indicate that a given parameter is not */
/* used -- this is only used to get rid of unpleasant compiler warnings */
#ifndef FT_UNUSED
#define FT_UNUSED( arg ) ( (arg) = (arg) )
/* */
/* */
/* These macros are computed from the ones defined above. Don't touch */
/* their definition, unless you know precisely what you are doing. No */
/* porter should need to mess with them. */
/* */
/* */
/* Mac support */
/* */
/* This is the only necessary change, so it is defined here instead */
/* providing a new configuration file. */
/* */
#if ( defined( __APPLE__ ) && !defined( DARWIN_NO_CARBON ) ) || \
( defined( __MWERKS__ ) && defined( macintosh ) )
/* no Carbon frameworks for 64bit 10.4.x */
#include "AvailabilityMacros.h"
#if defined( __LP64__ ) && \
#define FT_MACINTOSH 1
#elif defined( __SC__ ) || defined( __MRC__ )
/* Classic MacOS compilers */
#include "ConditionalMacros.h"
#define FT_MACINTOSH 1
/* Fix compiler warning with sgi compiler */
#if defined( __sgi ) && !defined( __GNUC__ )
#if defined( _COMPILER_VERSION ) && ( _COMPILER_VERSION >= 730 )
#pragma set woff 3505
/* */
/* IntN types */
/* */
/* Used to guarantee the size of some specific integers. */
/* */
typedef signed short FT_Int16;
typedef unsigned short FT_UInt16;
#if FT_SIZEOF_INT == 4
typedef signed int FT_Int32;
typedef unsigned int FT_UInt32;
#elif FT_SIZEOF_LONG == 4
typedef signed long FT_Int32;
typedef unsigned long FT_UInt32;
#error "no 32bit type found -- please check your configuration files"
/* look up an integer type that is at least 32 bits */
#if FT_SIZEOF_INT >= 4
typedef int FT_Fast;
typedef unsigned int FT_UFast;
#elif FT_SIZEOF_LONG >= 4
typedef long FT_Fast;
typedef unsigned long FT_UFast;
/* determine whether we have a 64-bit int type for platforms without */
/* Autoconf */
/* FT_LONG64 must be defined if a 64-bit type is available */
#define FT_LONG64
#define FT_INT64 long
#elif defined( _MSC_VER ) && _MSC_VER >= 900 /* Visual C++ (and Intel C++) */
/* this compiler provides the __int64 type */
#define FT_LONG64
#define FT_INT64 __int64
#elif defined( __BORLANDC__ ) /* Borland C++ */
/* XXXX: We should probably check the value of __BORLANDC__ in order */
/* to test the compiler version. */
/* this compiler provides the __int64 type */
#define FT_LONG64
#define FT_INT64 __int64
#elif defined( __WATCOMC__ ) /* Watcom C++ */
/* Watcom doesn't provide 64-bit data types */
#elif defined( __MWERKS__ ) /* Metrowerks CodeWarrior */
#define FT_LONG64
#define FT_INT64 long long int
#elif defined( __GNUC__ )
/* GCC provides the `long long' type */
#define FT_LONG64
#define FT_INT64 long long int
#endif /* FT_SIZEOF_LONG == 8 */
/* */
/* A 64-bit data type will create compilation problems if you compile */
/* in strict ANSI mode. To avoid them, we disable its use if __STDC__ */
/* is defined. You can however ignore this rule by defining the */
/* FT_CONFIG_OPTION_FORCE_INT64 configuration macro. */
/* */
#if defined( FT_LONG64 ) && !defined( FT_CONFIG_OPTION_FORCE_INT64 )
#ifdef __STDC__
/* Undefine the 64-bit macros in strict ANSI compilation mode. */
/* Since `#undef' doesn't survive in configuration header files */
/* we use the postprocessing facility of AC_CONFIG_HEADERS to */
/* replace the leading `/' with `#'. */
#undef FT_LONG64
#undef FT_INT64
#endif /* __STDC__ */
#define FT_BEGIN_STMNT do {
#define FT_END_STMNT } while ( 0 )
/* Provide assembler fragments for performance-critical functions. */
/* These must be defined `static __inline__' with GCC. */
#ifdef __GNUC__
#if defined( __arm__ ) && !defined( __thumb__ )
static __inline__ FT_Int32
FT_MulFix_arm( FT_Int32 a,
FT_Int32 b )
register FT_Int32 t, t2;
__asm__ __volatile__ (
"smull %1, %2, %4, %3\n\t" /* (lo=%1,hi=%2) = a*b */
"mov %0, %2, asr #31\n\t" /* %0 = (hi >> 31) */
"add %0, %0, #0x8000\n\t" /* %0 += 0x8000 */
"adds %1, %1, %0\n\t" /* %1 += %0 */
"adc %2, %2, #0\n\t" /* %2 += carry */
"mov %0, %1, lsr #16\n\t" /* %0 = %1 >> 16 */
"orr %0, %0, %2, lsl #16\n\t" /* %0 |= %2 << 16 */
: "=r"(a), "=&r"(t2), "=&r"(t)
: "r"(a), "r"(b) );
return a;
#endif /* __arm__ && !__thumb__ */
#if defined( __i386__ )
#define FT_MULFIX_ASSEMBLER FT_MulFix_i386
static __inline__ FT_Int32
FT_MulFix_i386( FT_Int32 a,
FT_Int32 b )
register FT_Int32 result;
__asm__ __volatile__ (
"imul %%edx\n"
"movl %%edx, %%ecx\n"
"sarl $31, %%ecx\n"
"addl $0x8000, %%ecx\n"
"addl %%ecx, %%eax\n"
"adcl $0, %%edx\n"
"shrl $16, %%eax\n"
"shll $16, %%edx\n"
"addl %%edx, %%eax\n"
: "=a"(result), "+d"(b)
: "a"(a)
: "%ecx" );
return result;
#endif /* i386 */
#endif /* __GNUC__ */
#define FT_LOCAL( x ) static x
#define FT_LOCAL_DEF( x ) static x
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define FT_LOCAL( x ) extern "C" x
#define FT_LOCAL_DEF( x ) extern "C" x
#define FT_LOCAL( x ) extern x
#define FT_LOCAL_DEF( x ) x
#ifndef FT_BASE
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define FT_BASE( x ) extern "C" x
#define FT_BASE( x ) extern x
#endif /* !FT_BASE */
#ifndef FT_BASE_DEF
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define FT_BASE_DEF( x ) x
#define FT_BASE_DEF( x ) x
#endif /* !FT_BASE_DEF */
#ifndef FT_EXPORT
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define FT_EXPORT( x ) extern "C" x
#define FT_EXPORT( x ) extern x
#endif /* !FT_EXPORT */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define FT_EXPORT_DEF( x ) extern "C" x
#define FT_EXPORT_DEF( x ) extern x
#endif /* !FT_EXPORT_DEF */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define FT_EXPORT_VAR( x ) extern "C" x
#define FT_EXPORT_VAR( x ) extern x
#endif /* !FT_EXPORT_VAR */
/* The following macros are needed to compile the library with a */
/* C++ compiler and with 16bit compilers. */
/* */
/* This is special. Within C++, you must specify `extern "C"' for */
/* functions which are used via function pointers, and you also */
/* must do that for structures which contain function pointers to */
/* assure C linkage -- it's not possible to have (local) anonymous */
/* functions which are accessed by (global) function pointers. */
/* */
/* */
/* FT_CALLBACK_DEF is used to _define_ a callback function. */
/* */
/* FT_CALLBACK_TABLE is used to _declare_ a constant variable that */
/* contains pointers to callback functions. */
/* */
/* FT_CALLBACK_TABLE_DEF is used to _define_ a constant variable */
/* that contains pointers to callback functions. */
/* */
/* */
/* Some 16bit compilers have to redefine these macros to insert */
/* the infamous `_cdecl' or `__fastcall' declarations. */
/* */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define FT_CALLBACK_DEF( x ) extern "C" x
#define FT_CALLBACK_DEF( x ) static x
#endif /* FT_CALLBACK_DEF */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define FT_CALLBACK_TABLE extern "C"
#define FT_CALLBACK_TABLE_DEF extern "C"
#define FT_CALLBACK_TABLE extern
#define FT_CALLBACK_TABLE_DEF /* nothing */
#endif /* FT_CALLBACK_TABLE */
#endif /* __FTCONFIG_H__ */
/* END */
@ -1,780 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* ftheader.h */
/* */
/* Build macros of the FreeType 2 library. */
/* */
/* Copyright 1996-2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
#ifndef __FT_HEADER_H__
#define __FT_HEADER_H__
/* */
/* <Macro> */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* This macro is used in association with @FT_END_HEADER in header */
/* files to ensure that the declarations within are properly */
/* encapsulated in an `extern "C" { .. }' block when included from a */
/* C++ compiler. */
/* */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define FT_BEGIN_HEADER extern "C" {
#define FT_BEGIN_HEADER /* nothing */
/* */
/* <Macro> */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* This macro is used in association with @FT_BEGIN_HEADER in header */
/* files to ensure that the declarations within are properly */
/* encapsulated in an `extern "C" { .. }' block when included from a */
/* C++ compiler. */
/* */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define FT_END_HEADER }
#define FT_END_HEADER /* nothing */
/* */
/* Aliases for the FreeType 2 public and configuration files. */
/* */
/* */
/* <Section> */
/* header_file_macros */
/* */
/* <Title> */
/* Header File Macros */
/* */
/* <Abstract> */
/* Macro definitions used to #include specific header files. */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* The following macros are defined to the name of specific */
/* FreeType~2 header files. They can be used directly in #include */
/* statements as in: */
/* */
/* { */
/* #include FT_FREETYPE_H */
/* #include FT_MULTIPLE_MASTERS_H */
/* #include FT_GLYPH_H */
/* } */
/* */
/* There are several reasons why we are now using macros to name */
/* public header files. The first one is that such macros are not */
/* limited to the infamous 8.3~naming rule required by DOS (and */
/* `FT_MULTIPLE_MASTERS_H' is a lot more meaningful than `ftmm.h'). */
/* */
/* The second reason is that it allows for more flexibility in the */
/* way FreeType~2 is installed on a given system. */
/* */
/* configuration files */
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing
* FreeType~2 configuration data.
#define FT_CONFIG_CONFIG_H <freetype/config/ftconfig.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing
* FreeType~2 interface to the standard C library functions.
#define FT_CONFIG_STANDARD_LIBRARY_H <freetype/config/ftstdlib.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing
* FreeType~2 project-specific configuration options.
#define FT_CONFIG_OPTIONS_H <freetype/config/ftoption.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* list of FreeType~2 modules that are statically linked to new library
* instances in @FT_Init_FreeType.
#define FT_CONFIG_MODULES_H <freetype/config/ftmodule.h>
/* */
/* public headers */
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* base FreeType~2 API.
#define FT_FREETYPE_H <freetype/freetype.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* list of FreeType~2 error codes (and messages).
* It is included by @FT_FREETYPE_H.
#define FT_ERRORS_H <freetype/fterrors.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* list of FreeType~2 module error offsets (and messages).
#define FT_MODULE_ERRORS_H <freetype/ftmoderr.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* FreeType~2 interface to low-level operations (i.e., memory management
* and stream i/o).
* It is included by @FT_FREETYPE_H.
#define FT_SYSTEM_H <freetype/ftsystem.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing type
* definitions related to glyph images (i.e., bitmaps, outlines,
* scan-converter parameters).
* It is included by @FT_FREETYPE_H.
#define FT_IMAGE_H <freetype/ftimage.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* basic data types defined by FreeType~2.
* It is included by @FT_FREETYPE_H.
#define FT_TYPES_H <freetype/fttypes.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* list management API of FreeType~2.
* (Most applications will never need to include this file.)
#define FT_LIST_H <freetype/ftlist.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* scalable outline management API of FreeType~2.
#define FT_OUTLINE_H <freetype/ftoutln.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* API which manages multiple @FT_Size objects per face.
#define FT_SIZES_H <freetype/ftsizes.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* module management API of FreeType~2.
#define FT_MODULE_H <freetype/ftmodapi.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* renderer module management API of FreeType~2.
#define FT_RENDER_H <freetype/ftrender.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* types and API specific to the Type~1 format.
#define FT_TYPE1_TABLES_H <freetype/t1tables.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* enumeration values which identify name strings, languages, encodings,
* etc. This file really contains a _large_ set of constant macro
* definitions, taken from the TrueType and OpenType specifications.
#define FT_TRUETYPE_IDS_H <freetype/ttnameid.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* types and API specific to the TrueType (as well as OpenType) format.
#define FT_TRUETYPE_TABLES_H <freetype/tttables.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* definitions of TrueType four-byte `tags' which identify blocks in
* SFNT-based font formats (i.e., TrueType and OpenType).
#define FT_TRUETYPE_TAGS_H <freetype/tttags.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* definitions of an API which accesses BDF-specific strings from a
* face.
#define FT_BDF_H <freetype/ftbdf.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* definitions of an API which access CID font information from a
* face.
#define FT_CID_H <freetype/ftcid.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* definitions of an API which supports gzip-compressed files.
#define FT_GZIP_H <freetype/ftgzip.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* definitions of an API which supports LZW-compressed files.
#define FT_LZW_H <freetype/ftlzw.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* definitions of an API which supports Windows FNT files.
#define FT_WINFONTS_H <freetype/ftwinfnt.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* API of the optional glyph management component.
#define FT_GLYPH_H <freetype/ftglyph.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* API of the optional bitmap conversion component.
#define FT_BITMAP_H <freetype/ftbitmap.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* API of the optional exact bounding box computation routines.
#define FT_BBOX_H <freetype/ftbbox.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* API of the optional FreeType~2 cache sub-system.
#define FT_CACHE_H <freetype/ftcache.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* `glyph image' API of the FreeType~2 cache sub-system.
* It is used to define a cache for @FT_Glyph elements. You can also
* use the API defined in @FT_CACHE_SMALL_BITMAPS_H if you only need to
* store small glyph bitmaps, as it will use less memory.
* This macro is deprecated. Simply include @FT_CACHE_H to have all
* glyph image-related cache declarations.
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* `small bitmaps' API of the FreeType~2 cache sub-system.
* It is used to define a cache for small glyph bitmaps in a relatively
* memory-efficient way. You can also use the API defined in
* @FT_CACHE_IMAGE_H if you want to cache arbitrary glyph images,
* including scalable outlines.
* This macro is deprecated. Simply include @FT_CACHE_H to have all
* small bitmaps-related cache declarations.
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* `charmap' API of the FreeType~2 cache sub-system.
* This macro is deprecated. Simply include @FT_CACHE_H to have all
* charmap-based cache declarations.
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* Macintosh-specific FreeType~2 API. The latter is used to access
* fonts embedded in resource forks.
* This header file must be explicitly included by client applications
* compiled on the Mac (note that the base API still works though).
#define FT_MAC_H <freetype/ftmac.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* optional multiple-masters management API of FreeType~2.
#define FT_MULTIPLE_MASTERS_H <freetype/ftmm.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* optional FreeType~2 API which accesses embedded `name' strings in
* SFNT-based font formats (i.e., TrueType and OpenType).
#define FT_SFNT_NAMES_H <freetype/ftsnames.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* optional FreeType~2 API which validates OpenType tables (BASE, GDEF,
#define FT_OPENTYPE_VALIDATE_H <freetype/ftotval.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* optional FreeType~2 API which validates TrueTypeGX/AAT tables (feat,
* mort, morx, bsln, just, kern, opbd, trak, prop).
#define FT_GX_VALIDATE_H <freetype/ftgxval.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* FreeType~2 API which accesses PFR-specific data.
#define FT_PFR_H <freetype/ftpfr.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* FreeType~2 API which provides functions to stroke outline paths.
#define FT_STROKER_H <freetype/ftstroke.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* FreeType~2 API which performs artificial obliquing and emboldening.
#define FT_SYNTHESIS_H <freetype/ftsynth.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* FreeType~2 API which provides functions specific to the XFree86 and
* X.Org X11 servers.
#define FT_XFREE86_H <freetype/ftxf86.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* FreeType~2 API which performs trigonometric computations (e.g.,
* cosines and arc tangents).
#define FT_TRIGONOMETRY_H <freetype/fttrigon.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* FreeType~2 API which performs color filtering for subpixel rendering.
#define FT_LCD_FILTER_H <freetype/ftlcdfil.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* FreeType~2 API which performs color filtering for subpixel rendering.
#define FT_UNPATENTED_HINTING_H <freetype/ttunpat.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* FreeType~2 API which performs color filtering for subpixel rendering.
#define FT_INCREMENTAL_H <freetype/ftincrem.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* FreeType~2 API which returns entries from the TrueType GASP table.
#define FT_GASP_H <freetype/ftgasp.h>
* @macro:
* @description:
* A macro used in #include statements to name the file containing the
* FreeType~2 API which returns individual and ranged glyph advances.
#define FT_ADVANCES_H <freetype/ftadvanc.h>
/* */
#define FT_ERROR_DEFINITIONS_H <freetype/fterrdef.h>
/* The internals of the cache sub-system are no longer exposed. We */
/* default to FT_CACHE_H at the moment just in case, but we know of */
/* no rogue client that uses them. */
/* */
#define FT_CACHE_MANAGER_H <freetype/ftcache.h>
#define FT_CACHE_INTERNAL_MRU_H <freetype/ftcache.h>
#define FT_CACHE_INTERNAL_MANAGER_H <freetype/ftcache.h>
#define FT_CACHE_INTERNAL_CACHE_H <freetype/ftcache.h>
#define FT_CACHE_INTERNAL_GLYPH_H <freetype/ftcache.h>
#define FT_CACHE_INTERNAL_IMAGE_H <freetype/ftcache.h>
#define FT_CACHE_INTERNAL_SBITS_H <freetype/ftcache.h>
#define FT_INCREMENTAL_H <freetype/ftincrem.h>
#define FT_TRUETYPE_UNPATENTED_H <freetype/ttunpat.h>
* Include internal headers definitions from <freetype/internal/...>
* only when building the library.
#define FT_INTERNAL_INTERNAL_H <freetype/internal/internal.h>
#endif /* FT2_BUILD_LIBRARY */
#endif /* __FT2_BUILD_H__ */
/* END */
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
/* This is a generated file. */
FT_USE_MODULE( FT_Driver_ClassRec, tt_driver_class )
FT_USE_MODULE( FT_Driver_ClassRec, t1_driver_class )
FT_USE_MODULE( FT_Driver_ClassRec, cff_driver_class )
FT_USE_MODULE( FT_Driver_ClassRec, t1cid_driver_class )
FT_USE_MODULE( FT_Driver_ClassRec, pfr_driver_class )
FT_USE_MODULE( FT_Driver_ClassRec, t42_driver_class )
FT_USE_MODULE( FT_Driver_ClassRec, winfnt_driver_class )
FT_USE_MODULE( FT_Driver_ClassRec, pcf_driver_class )
FT_USE_MODULE( FT_Driver_ClassRec, bdf_driver_class )
FT_USE_MODULE( FT_Module_Class, sfnt_module_class )
FT_USE_MODULE( FT_Module_Class, autofit_module_class )
FT_USE_MODULE( FT_Module_Class, pshinter_module_class )
FT_USE_MODULE( FT_Renderer_Class, ft_raster1_renderer_class )
FT_USE_MODULE( FT_Renderer_Class, ft_smooth_renderer_class )
FT_USE_MODULE( FT_Renderer_Class, ft_smooth_lcd_renderer_class )
FT_USE_MODULE( FT_Renderer_Class, ft_smooth_lcdv_renderer_class )
FT_USE_MODULE( FT_Module_Class, psaux_module_class )
FT_USE_MODULE( FT_Module_Class, psnames_module_class )
/* EOF */
@ -1,733 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* ftoption.h */
/* */
/* User-selectable configuration macros (specification only). */
/* */
/* Copyright 1996-2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, */
/* 2010 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
#ifndef __FTOPTION_H__
#define __FTOPTION_H__
#include <ft2build.h>
/* */
/* */
/* This file contains the default configuration macro definitions for */
/* a standard build of the FreeType library. There are three ways to */
/* use this file to build project-specific versions of the library: */
/* */
/* - You can modify this file by hand, but this is not recommended in */
/* cases where you would like to build several versions of the */
/* library from a single source directory. */
/* */
/* - You can put a copy of this file in your build directory, more */
/* precisely in `$BUILD/freetype/config/ftoption.h', where `$BUILD' */
/* is the name of a directory that is included _before_ the FreeType */
/* include path during compilation. */
/* */
/* The default FreeType Makefiles and Jamfiles use the build */
/* directory `builds/<system>' by default, but you can easily change */
/* that for your own projects. */
/* */
/* - Copy the file <ft2build.h> to `$BUILD/ft2build.h' and modify it */
/* slightly to pre-define the macro FT_CONFIG_OPTIONS_H used to */
/* locate this file during the build. For example, */
/* */
/* #define FT_CONFIG_OPTIONS_H <myftoptions.h> */
/* #include <freetype/config/ftheader.h> */
/* */
/* will use `$BUILD/myftoptions.h' instead of this file for macro */
/* definitions. */
/* */
/* Note also that you can similarly pre-define the macro */
/* FT_CONFIG_MODULES_H used to locate the file listing of the modules */
/* that are statically linked to the library at compile time. By */
/* default, this file is <freetype/config/ftmodule.h>. */
/* */
/* We highly recommend using the third method whenever possible. */
/* */
/**** ****/
/**** G E N E R A L F R E E T Y P E 2 C O N F I G U R A T I O N ****/
/**** ****/
/* */
/* Uncomment the line below if you want to activate sub-pixel rendering */
/* (a.k.a. LCD rendering, or ClearType) in this build of the library. */
/* */
/* Note that this feature is covered by several Microsoft patents */
/* and should not be activated in any default build of the library. */
/* */
/* This macro has no impact on the FreeType API, only on its */
/* _implementation_. For example, using FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD when calling */
/* FT_Render_Glyph still generates a bitmap that is 3 times wider than */
/* the original size in case this macro isn't defined; however, each */
/* triplet of subpixels has R=G=B. */
/* */
/* This is done to allow FreeType clients to run unmodified, forcing */
/* them to display normal gray-level anti-aliased glyphs. */
/* */
/* */
/* Many compilers provide a non-ANSI 64-bit data type that can be used */
/* by FreeType to speed up some computations. However, this will create */
/* some problems when compiling the library in strict ANSI mode. */
/* */
/* For this reason, the use of 64-bit integers is normally disabled when */
/* the __STDC__ macro is defined. You can however disable this by */
/* defining the macro FT_CONFIG_OPTION_FORCE_INT64 here. */
/* */
/* For most compilers, this will only create compilation warnings when */
/* building the library. */
/* */
/* ObNote: The compiler-specific 64-bit integers are detected in the */
/* file `ftconfig.h' either statically or through the */
/* `configure' script on supported platforms. */
/* */
/* */
/* If this macro is defined, do not try to use an assembler version of */
/* performance-critical functions (e.g. FT_MulFix). You should only do */
/* that to verify that the assembler function works properly, or to */
/* execute benchmark tests of the various implementations. */
/* */
/* If this macro is defined, try to use an inlined assembler version of */
/* the `FT_MulFix' function, which is a `hotspot' when loading and */
/* hinting glyphs, and which should be executed as fast as possible. */
/* */
/* Note that if your compiler or CPU is not supported, this will default */
/* to the standard and portable implementation found in `ftcalc.c'. */
/* */
/* */
/* LZW-compressed file support. */
/* */
/* FreeType now handles font files that have been compressed with the */
/* `compress' program. This is mostly used to parse many of the PCF */
/* files that come with various X11 distributions. The implementation */
/* uses NetBSD's `zopen' to partially uncompress the file on the fly */
/* (see src/lzw/ftgzip.c). */
/* */
/* Define this macro if you want to enable this `feature'. */
/* */
/* */
/* Gzip-compressed file support. */
/* */
/* FreeType now handles font files that have been compressed with the */
/* `gzip' program. This is mostly used to parse many of the PCF files */
/* that come with XFree86. The implementation uses `zlib' to */
/* partially uncompress the file on the fly (see src/gzip/ftgzip.c). */
/* */
/* Define this macro if you want to enable this `feature'. See also */
/* the macro FT_CONFIG_OPTION_SYSTEM_ZLIB below. */
/* */
/* */
/* ZLib library selection */
/* */
/* This macro is only used when FT_CONFIG_OPTION_USE_ZLIB is defined. */
/* It allows FreeType's `ftgzip' component to link to the system's */
/* installation of the ZLib library. This is useful on systems like */
/* Unix or VMS where it generally is already available. */
/* */
/* If you let it undefined, the component will use its own copy */
/* of the zlib sources instead. These have been modified to be */
/* included directly within the component and *not* export external */
/* function names. This allows you to link any program with FreeType */
/* _and_ ZLib without linking conflicts. */
/* */
/* Do not #undef this macro here since the build system might define */
/* it for certain configurations only. */
/* */
/* */
/* DLL export compilation */
/* */
/* When compiling FreeType as a DLL, some systems/compilers need a */
/* special keyword in front OR after the return type of function */
/* declarations. */
/* */
/* Two macros are used within the FreeType source code to define */
/* exported library functions: FT_EXPORT and FT_EXPORT_DEF. */
/* */
/* FT_EXPORT( return_type ) */
/* */
/* is used in a function declaration, as in */
/* */
/* FT_EXPORT( FT_Error ) */
/* FT_Init_FreeType( FT_Library* alibrary ); */
/* */
/* */
/* FT_EXPORT_DEF( return_type ) */
/* */
/* is used in a function definition, as in */
/* */
/* FT_EXPORT_DEF( FT_Error ) */
/* FT_Init_FreeType( FT_Library* alibrary ) */
/* { */
/* ... some code ... */
/* return FT_Err_Ok; */
/* } */
/* */
/* You can provide your own implementation of FT_EXPORT and */
/* FT_EXPORT_DEF here if you want. If you leave them undefined, they */
/* will be later automatically defined as `extern return_type' to */
/* allow normal compilation. */
/* */
/* Do not #undef these macros here since the build system might define */
/* them for certain configurations only. */
/* */
/* #define FT_EXPORT(x) extern x */
/* #define FT_EXPORT_DEF(x) x */
/* */
/* Glyph Postscript Names handling */
/* */
/* By default, FreeType 2 is compiled with the `psnames' module. This */
/* module is in charge of converting a glyph name string into a */
/* Unicode value, or return a Macintosh standard glyph name for the */
/* use with the TrueType `post' table. */
/* */
/* Undefine this macro if you do not want `psnames' compiled in your */
/* build of FreeType. This has the following effects: */
/* */
/* - The TrueType driver will provide its own set of glyph names, */
/* if you build it to support postscript names in the TrueType */
/* `post' table. */
/* */
/* - The Type 1 driver will not be able to synthesize a Unicode */
/* charmap out of the glyphs found in the fonts. */
/* */
/* You would normally undefine this configuration macro when building */
/* a version of FreeType that doesn't contain a Type 1 or CFF driver. */
/* */
/* */
/* Postscript Names to Unicode Values support */
/* */
/* By default, FreeType 2 is built with the `PSNames' module compiled */
/* in. Among other things, the module is used to convert a glyph name */
/* into a Unicode value. This is especially useful in order to */
/* synthesize on the fly a Unicode charmap from the CFF/Type 1 driver */
/* through a big table named the `Adobe Glyph List' (AGL). */
/* */
/* Undefine this macro if you do not want the Adobe Glyph List */
/* compiled in your `PSNames' module. The Type 1 driver will not be */
/* able to synthesize a Unicode charmap out of the glyphs found in the */
/* fonts. */
/* */
/* */
/* Support for Mac fonts */
/* */
/* Define this macro if you want support for outline fonts in Mac */
/* format (mac dfont, mac resource, macbinary containing a mac */
/* resource) on non-Mac platforms. */
/* */
/* Note that the `FOND' resource isn't checked. */
/* */
/* */
/* Guessing methods to access embedded resource forks */
/* */
/* Enable extra Mac fonts support on non-Mac platforms (e.g. */
/* GNU/Linux). */
/* */
/* Resource forks which include fonts data are stored sometimes in */
/* locations which users or developers don't expected. In some cases, */
/* resource forks start with some offset from the head of a file. In */
/* other cases, the actual resource fork is stored in file different */
/* from what the user specifies. If this option is activated, */
/* FreeType tries to guess whether such offsets or different file */
/* names must be used. */
/* */
/* Note that normal, direct access of resource forks is controlled via */
/* the FT_CONFIG_OPTION_MAC_FONTS option. */
/* */
/* */
/* Allow the use of FT_Incremental_Interface to load typefaces that */
/* contain no glyph data, but supply it via a callback function. */
/* This is required by clients supporting document formats which */
/* supply font data incrementally as the document is parsed, such */
/* as the Ghostscript interpreter for the PostScript language. */
/* */
/* */
/* The size in bytes of the render pool used by the scan-line converter */
/* to do all of its work. */
/* */
/* This must be greater than 4KByte if you use FreeType to rasterize */
/* glyphs; otherwise, you may set it to zero to avoid unnecessary */
/* allocation of the render pool. */
/* */
#define FT_RENDER_POOL_SIZE 16384L
/* */
/* */
/* The maximum number of modules that can be registered in a single */
/* FreeType library object. 32 is the default. */
/* */
#define FT_MAX_MODULES 32
/* */
/* Debug level */
/* */
/* FreeType can be compiled in debug or trace mode. In debug mode, */
/* errors are reported through the `ftdebug' component. In trace */
/* mode, additional messages are sent to the standard output during */
/* execution. */
/* */
/* Define FT_DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR to build the library in debug mode. */
/* Define FT_DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE to build it in trace mode. */
/* */
/* Don't define any of these macros to compile in `release' mode! */
/* */
/* Do not #undef these macros here since the build system might define */
/* them for certain configurations only. */
/* */
/* #define FT_DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR */
/* #define FT_DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE */
/* */
/* Memory Debugging */
/* */
/* FreeType now comes with an integrated memory debugger that is */
/* capable of detecting simple errors like memory leaks or double */
/* deletes. To compile it within your build of the library, you */
/* should define FT_DEBUG_MEMORY here. */
/* */
/* Note that the memory debugger is only activated at runtime when */
/* when the _environment_ variable `FT2_DEBUG_MEMORY' is defined also! */
/* */
/* Do not #undef this macro here since the build system might define */
/* it for certain configurations only. */
/* */
/* #define FT_DEBUG_MEMORY */
/* */
/* Module errors */
/* */
/* If this macro is set (which is _not_ the default), the higher byte */
/* of an error code gives the module in which the error has occurred, */
/* while the lower byte is the real error code. */
/* */
/* Setting this macro makes sense for debugging purposes only, since */
/* it would break source compatibility of certain programs that use */
/* FreeType 2. */
/* */
/* More details can be found in the files ftmoderr.h and fterrors.h. */
/* */
/* */
/* Position Independent Code */
/* */
/* If this macro is set (which is _not_ the default), FreeType2 will */
/* avoid creating constants that require address fixups. Instead the */
/* constants will be moved into a struct and additional intialization */
/* code will be used. */
/* */
/* Setting this macro is needed for systems that prohibit address */
/* fixups, such as BREW. */
/* */
/* #define FT_CONFIG_OPTION_PIC */
/**** ****/
/**** S F N T D R I V E R C O N F I G U R A T I O N ****/
/**** ****/
/* */
/* Define TT_CONFIG_OPTION_EMBEDDED_BITMAPS if you want to support */
/* embedded bitmaps in all formats using the SFNT module (namely */
/* TrueType & OpenType). */
/* */
/* */
/* Define TT_CONFIG_OPTION_POSTSCRIPT_NAMES if you want to be able to */
/* load and enumerate the glyph Postscript names in a TrueType or */
/* OpenType file. */
/* */
/* Note that when you do not compile the `PSNames' module by undefining */
/* the above FT_CONFIG_OPTION_POSTSCRIPT_NAMES, the `sfnt' module will */
/* contain additional code used to read the PS Names table from a font. */
/* */
/* (By default, the module uses `PSNames' to extract glyph names.) */
/* */
/* */
/* Define TT_CONFIG_OPTION_SFNT_NAMES if your applications need to */
/* access the internal name table in a SFNT-based format like TrueType */
/* or OpenType. The name table contains various strings used to */
/* describe the font, like family name, copyright, version, etc. It */
/* does not contain any glyph name though. */
/* */
/* Accessing SFNT names is done through the functions declared in */
/* `freetype/ftsnames.h'. */
/* */
/* */
/* TrueType CMap support */
/* */
/* Here you can fine-tune which TrueType CMap table format shall be */
/* supported. */
/**** ****/
/**** T R U E T Y P E D R I V E R C O N F I G U R A T I O N ****/
/**** ****/
/* */
/* Define TT_CONFIG_OPTION_BYTECODE_INTERPRETER if you want to compile */
/* a bytecode interpreter in the TrueType driver. */
/* */
/* By undefining this, you will only compile the code necessary to load */
/* TrueType glyphs without hinting. */
/* */
/* Do not #undef this macro here, since the build system might */
/* define it for certain configurations only. */
/* */
/* */
/* If you define TT_CONFIG_OPTION_UNPATENTED_HINTING, a special version */
/* of the TrueType bytecode interpreter is used that doesn't implement */
/* any of the patented opcodes and algorithms. The patents related to */
/* TrueType hinting have expired worldwide since May 2010; this option */
/* is now deprecated. */
/* */
/* Note that the TT_CONFIG_OPTION_UNPATENTED_HINTING macro is *ignored* */
/* if you define TT_CONFIG_OPTION_BYTECODE_INTERPRETER; in other words, */
/* TT_CONFIG_OPTION_UNPATENTED_HINTING but not both at the same time. */
/* */
/* This macro is only useful for a small number of font files (mostly */
/* for Asian scripts) that require bytecode interpretation to properly */
/* load glyphs. For all other fonts, this produces unpleasant results, */
/* thus the unpatented interpreter is never used to load glyphs from */
/* TrueType fonts unless one of the following two options is used. */
/* */
/* - The unpatented interpreter is explicitly activated by the user */
/* through the FT_PARAM_TAG_UNPATENTED_HINTING parameter tag */
/* when opening the FT_Face. */
/* */
/* - FreeType detects that the FT_Face corresponds to one of the */
/* `trick' fonts (e.g., `Mingliu') it knows about. The font engine */
/* contains a hard-coded list of font names and other matching */
/* parameters (see function `tt_face_init' in file */
/* `src/truetype/ttobjs.c'). */
/* */
/* Here a sample code snippet for using FT_PARAM_TAG_UNPATENTED_HINTING. */
/* */
/* { */
/* FT_Parameter parameter; */
/* FT_Open_Args open_args; */
/* */
/* */
/* parameter.tag = FT_PARAM_TAG_UNPATENTED_HINTING; */
/* */
/* open_args.flags = FT_OPEN_PATHNAME | FT_OPEN_PARAMS; */
/* open_args.pathname = my_font_pathname; */
/* open_args.num_params = 1; */
/* open_args.params = ¶meter; */
/* */
/* error = FT_Open_Face( library, &open_args, index, &face ); */
/* ... */
/* } */
/* */
/* */
/* Define TT_CONFIG_OPTION_INTERPRETER_SWITCH to compile the TrueType */
/* bytecode interpreter with a huge switch statement, rather than a call */
/* table. This results in smaller and faster code for a number of */
/* architectures. */
/* */
/* Note however that on some compiler/processor combinations, undefining */
/* this macro will generate faster, though larger, code. */
/* */
/* */
/* TrueType glyph loader to use Apple's definition of how to handle */
/* component offsets in composite glyphs. */
/* */
/* Apple and MS disagree on the default behavior of component offsets */
/* in composites. Apple says that they should be scaled by the scaling */
/* factors in the transformation matrix (roughly, it's more complex) */
/* while MS says they should not. OpenType defines two bits in the */
/* composite flags array which can be used to disambiguate, but old */
/* fonts will not have them. */
/* */
/* http://partners.adobe.com/asn/developer/opentype/glyf.html */
/* http://fonts.apple.com/TTRefMan/RM06/Chap6glyf.html */
/* */
/* */
/* Define TT_CONFIG_OPTION_GX_VAR_SUPPORT if you want to include */
/* support for Apple's distortable font technology (fvar, gvar, cvar, */
/* and avar tables). This has many similarities to Type 1 Multiple */
/* Masters support. */
/* */
/* */
/* Define TT_CONFIG_OPTION_BDF if you want to include support for */
/* an embedded `BDF ' table within SFNT-based bitmap formats. */
/* */
/**** ****/
/**** T Y P E 1 D R I V E R C O N F I G U R A T I O N ****/
/**** ****/
/* */
/* T1_MAX_DICT_DEPTH is the maximal depth of nest dictionaries and */
/* arrays in the Type 1 stream (see t1load.c). A minimum of 4 is */
/* required. */
/* */
#define T1_MAX_DICT_DEPTH 5
/* */
/* T1_MAX_SUBRS_CALLS details the maximum number of nested sub-routine */
/* calls during glyph loading. */
/* */
#define T1_MAX_SUBRS_CALLS 16
/* */
/* T1_MAX_CHARSTRING_OPERANDS is the charstring stack's capacity. A */
/* minimum of 16 is required. */
/* */
/* The Chinese font MingTiEG-Medium (CNS 11643 character set) needs 256. */
/* */
/* */
/* Define this configuration macro if you want to prevent the */
/* compilation of `t1afm', which is in charge of reading Type 1 AFM */
/* files into an existing face. Note that if set, the T1 driver will be */
/* unable to produce kerning distances. */
/* */
/* */
/* Define this configuration macro if you want to prevent the */
/* compilation of the Multiple Masters font support in the Type 1 */
/* driver. */
/* */
/**** ****/
/**** A U T O F I T M O D U L E C O N F I G U R A T I O N ****/
/**** ****/
/* */
/* Compile autofit module with CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) script */
/* support. */
/* */
/* */
/* Compile autofit module with Indic script support. */
/* */
/* */
* Define this variable if you want to keep the layout of internal
* structures that was used prior to FreeType 2.2. This also compiles in
* a few obsolete functions to avoid linking problems on typical Unix
* distributions.
* For embedded systems or building a new distribution from scratch, it
* is recommended to disable the macro since it reduces the library's code
* size and activates a few memory-saving optimizations as well.
* To detect legacy cache-lookup call from a rogue client (<= 2.1.7),
* we restrict the number of charmaps in a font. The current API of
* FTC_CMapCache_Lookup() takes cmap_index & charcode, but old API
* takes charcode only. To determine the passed value is for cmap_index
* or charcode, the possible cmap_index is restricted not to exceed
* the minimum possible charcode by a rogue client. It is also very
* unlikely that a rogue client is interested in Unicode values 0 to 15.
* NOTE: The original threshold was 4 deduced from popular number of
* cmap subtables in UCS-4 TrueType fonts, but now it is not
* irregular for OpenType fonts to have more than 4 subtables,
* because variation selector subtables are available for Apple
* and Microsoft platforms.
* This macro is defined if either unpatented or native TrueType
* hinting is requested by the definitions above.
#endif /* __FTOPTION_H__ */
/* END */
@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* ftstdlib.h */
/* */
/* ANSI-specific library and header configuration file (specification */
/* only). */
/* */
/* Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
/* */
/* This file is used to group all #includes to the ANSI C library that */
/* FreeType normally requires. It also defines macros to rename the */
/* standard functions within the FreeType source code. */
/* */
/* Load a file which defines __FTSTDLIB_H__ before this one to override */
/* it. */
/* */
#ifndef __FTSTDLIB_H__
#define __FTSTDLIB_H__
#include <stddef.h>
#define ft_ptrdiff_t ptrdiff_t
/* */
/* integer limits */
/* */
/* UINT_MAX and ULONG_MAX are used to automatically compute the size */
/* of `int' and `long' in bytes at compile-time. So far, this works */
/* for all platforms the library has been tested on. */
/* */
/* Note that on the extremely rare platforms that do not provide */
/* integer types that are _exactly_ 16 and 32 bits wide (e.g. some */
/* old Crays where `int' is 36 bits), we do not make any guarantee */
/* about the correct behaviour of FT2 with all fonts. */
/* */
/* In these case, `ftconfig.h' will refuse to compile anyway with a */
/* message like `couldn't find 32-bit type' or something similar. */
/* */
#include <limits.h>
/* */
/* character and string processing */
/* */
#include <string.h>
#define ft_memchr memchr
#define ft_memcmp memcmp
#define ft_memcpy memcpy
#define ft_memmove memmove
#define ft_memset memset
#define ft_strcat strcat
#define ft_strcmp strcmp
#define ft_strcpy strcpy
#define ft_strlen strlen
#define ft_strncmp strncmp
#define ft_strncpy strncpy
#define ft_strrchr strrchr
#define ft_strstr strstr
/* */
/* file handling */
/* */
#include <stdio.h>
#define FT_FILE FILE
#define ft_fclose fclose
#define ft_fopen fopen
#define ft_fread fread
#define ft_fseek fseek
#define ft_ftell ftell
#define ft_sprintf sprintf
/* */
/* sorting */
/* */
#include <stdlib.h>
#define ft_qsort qsort
/* */
/* memory allocation */
/* */
#define ft_scalloc calloc
#define ft_sfree free
#define ft_smalloc malloc
#define ft_srealloc realloc
/* */
/* miscellaneous */
/* */
#define ft_atol atol
#define ft_labs labs
/* */
/* execution control */
/* */
#include <setjmp.h>
#define ft_jmp_buf jmp_buf /* note: this cannot be a typedef since */
/* jmp_buf is defined as a macro */
/* on certain platforms */
#define ft_longjmp longjmp
#define ft_setjmp( b ) setjmp( *(jmp_buf*) &(b) ) /* same thing here */
/* the following is only used for debugging purposes, i.e., if */
#include <stdarg.h>
#endif /* __FTSTDLIB_H__ */
/* END */
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* ftadvanc.h */
/* */
/* Quick computation of advance widths (specification only). */
/* */
/* Copyright 2008 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
#ifndef __FTADVANC_H__
#define __FTADVANC_H__
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#error "freetype.h of FreeType 1 has been loaded!"
#error "Please fix the directory search order for header files"
#error "so that freetype.h of FreeType 2 is found first."
* @section:
* quick_advance
* @title:
* Quick retrieval of advance values
* @abstract:
* Retrieve horizontal and vertical advance values without processing
* glyph outlines, if possible.
* @description:
* This section contains functions to quickly extract advance values
* without handling glyph outlines, if possible.
/* */
/* <Const> */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A bit-flag to be OR-ed with the `flags' parameter of the */
/* @FT_Get_Advance and @FT_Get_Advances functions. */
/* */
/* If set, it indicates that you want these functions to fail if the */
/* corresponding hinting mode or font driver doesn't allow for very */
/* quick advance computation. */
/* */
/* Typically, glyphs which are either unscaled, unhinted, bitmapped, */
/* or light-hinted can have their advance width computed very */
/* quickly. */
/* */
/* Normal and bytecode hinted modes, which require loading, scaling, */
/* and hinting of the glyph outline, are extremely slow by */
/* comparison. */
/* */
#define FT_ADVANCE_FLAG_FAST_ONLY 0x20000000UL
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Get_Advance */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Retrieve the advance value of a given glyph outline in an */
/* @FT_Face. By default, the unhinted advance is returned in font */
/* units. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* face :: The source @FT_Face handle. */
/* */
/* gindex :: The glyph index. */
/* */
/* load_flags :: A set of bit flags similar to those used when */
/* calling @FT_Load_Glyph, used to determine what kind */
/* of advances you need. */
/* <Output> */
/* padvance :: The advance value, in either font units or 16.16 */
/* format. */
/* */
/* If @FT_LOAD_VERTICAL_LAYOUT is set, this is the */
/* vertical advance corresponding to a vertical layout. */
/* Otherwise, it is the horizontal advance in a */
/* horizontal layout. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0 means success. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* This function may fail if you use @FT_ADVANCE_FLAG_FAST_ONLY and */
/* if the corresponding font backend doesn't have a quick way to */
/* retrieve the advances. */
/* */
/* A scaled advance is returned in 16.16 format but isn't transformed */
/* by the affine transformation specified by @FT_Set_Transform. */
/* */
FT_Get_Advance( FT_Face face,
FT_UInt gindex,
FT_Int32 load_flags,
FT_Fixed *padvance );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Get_Advances */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Retrieve the advance values of several glyph outlines in an */
/* @FT_Face. By default, the unhinted advances are returned in font */
/* units. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* face :: The source @FT_Face handle. */
/* */
/* start :: The first glyph index. */
/* */
/* count :: The number of advance values you want to retrieve. */
/* */
/* load_flags :: A set of bit flags similar to those used when */
/* calling @FT_Load_Glyph. */
/* */
/* <Output> */
/* padvance :: The advances, in either font units or 16.16 format. */
/* This array must contain at least `count' elements. */
/* */
/* If @FT_LOAD_VERTICAL_LAYOUT is set, these are the */
/* vertical advances corresponding to a vertical layout. */
/* Otherwise, they are the horizontal advances in a */
/* horizontal layout. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0 means success. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* This function may fail if you use @FT_ADVANCE_FLAG_FAST_ONLY and */
/* if the corresponding font backend doesn't have a quick way to */
/* retrieve the advances. */
/* */
/* Scaled advances are returned in 16.16 format but aren't */
/* transformed by the affine transformation specified by */
/* @FT_Set_Transform. */
/* */
FT_Get_Advances( FT_Face face,
FT_UInt start,
FT_UInt count,
FT_Int32 load_flags,
FT_Fixed *padvances );
/* */
#endif /* __FTADVANC_H__ */
/* END */
@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* ftbbox.h */
/* */
/* FreeType exact bbox computation (specification). */
/* */
/* Copyright 1996-2001, 2003, 2007 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
/* */
/* This component has a _single_ role: to compute exact outline bounding */
/* boxes. */
/* */
/* It is separated from the rest of the engine for various technical */
/* reasons. It may well be integrated in `ftoutln' later. */
/* */
#ifndef __FTBBOX_H__
#define __FTBBOX_H__
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#error "freetype.h of FreeType 1 has been loaded!"
#error "Please fix the directory search order for header files"
#error "so that freetype.h of FreeType 2 is found first."
/* */
/* <Section> */
/* outline_processing */
/* */
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Outline_Get_BBox */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Compute the exact bounding box of an outline. This is slower */
/* than computing the control box. However, it uses an advanced */
/* algorithm which returns _very_ quickly when the two boxes */
/* coincide. Otherwise, the outline Bézier arcs are traversed to */
/* extract their extrema. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* outline :: A pointer to the source outline. */
/* */
/* <Output> */
/* abbox :: The outline's exact bounding box. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
FT_Outline_Get_BBox( FT_Outline* outline,
FT_BBox *abbox );
/* */
#endif /* __FTBBOX_H__ */
/* END */
/* Local Variables: */
/* coding: utf-8 */
/* End: */
@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* ftbdf.h */
/* */
/* FreeType API for accessing BDF-specific strings (specification). */
/* */
/* Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2009 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
#ifndef __FTBDF_H__
#define __FTBDF_H__
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#error "freetype.h of FreeType 1 has been loaded!"
#error "Please fix the directory search order for header files"
#error "so that freetype.h of FreeType 2 is found first."
/* */
/* <Section> */
/* bdf_fonts */
/* */
/* <Title> */
/* BDF and PCF Files */
/* */
/* <Abstract> */
/* BDF and PCF specific API. */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* This section contains the declaration of functions specific to BDF */
/* and PCF fonts. */
/* */
* @enum:
* FT_PropertyType
* @description:
* A list of BDF property types.
* @values:
* Value~0 is used to indicate a missing property.
* Property is a string atom.
* Property is a 32-bit signed integer.
* Property is a 32-bit unsigned integer.
typedef enum BDF_PropertyType_
} BDF_PropertyType;
* @type:
* BDF_Property
* @description:
* A handle to a @BDF_PropertyRec structure to model a given
* BDF/PCF property.
typedef struct BDF_PropertyRec_* BDF_Property;
* @struct:
* BDF_PropertyRec
* @description:
* This structure models a given BDF/PCF property.
* @fields:
* type ::
* The property type.
* u.atom ::
* The atom string, if type is @BDF_PROPERTY_TYPE_ATOM.
* u.integer ::
* A signed integer, if type is @BDF_PROPERTY_TYPE_INTEGER.
* u.cardinal ::
* An unsigned integer, if type is @BDF_PROPERTY_TYPE_CARDINAL.
typedef struct BDF_PropertyRec_
BDF_PropertyType type;
union {
const char* atom;
FT_Int32 integer;
FT_UInt32 cardinal;
} u;
} BDF_PropertyRec;
* @function:
* FT_Get_BDF_Charset_ID
* @description:
* Retrieve a BDF font character set identity, according to
* the BDF specification.
* @input:
* face ::
* A handle to the input face.
* @output:
* acharset_encoding ::
* Charset encoding, as a C~string, owned by the face.
* acharset_registry ::
* Charset registry, as a C~string, owned by the face.
* @return:
* FreeType error code. 0~means success.
* @note:
* This function only works with BDF faces, returning an error otherwise.
FT_Get_BDF_Charset_ID( FT_Face face,
const char* *acharset_encoding,
const char* *acharset_registry );
* @function:
* FT_Get_BDF_Property
* @description:
* Retrieve a BDF property from a BDF or PCF font file.
* @input:
* face :: A handle to the input face.
* name :: The property name.
* @output:
* aproperty :: The property.
* @return:
* FreeType error code. 0~means success.
* @note:
* This function works with BDF _and_ PCF fonts. It returns an error
* otherwise. It also returns an error if the property is not in the
* font.
* A `property' is a either key-value pair within the STARTPROPERTIES
* ... ENDPROPERTIES block of a BDF font or a key-value pair from the
* `info->props' array within a `FontRec' structure of a PCF font.
* Integer properties are always stored as `signed' within PCF fonts;
* consequently, @BDF_PROPERTY_TYPE_CARDINAL is a possible return value
* for BDF fonts only.
* In case of error, `aproperty->type' is always set to
FT_Get_BDF_Property( FT_Face face,
const char* prop_name,
BDF_PropertyRec *aproperty );
/* */
#endif /* __FTBDF_H__ */
/* END */
@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* ftbitmap.h */
/* */
/* FreeType utility functions for bitmaps (specification). */
/* */
/* Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
#ifndef __FTBITMAP_H__
#define __FTBITMAP_H__
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#error "freetype.h of FreeType 1 has been loaded!"
#error "Please fix the directory search order for header files"
#error "so that freetype.h of FreeType 2 is found first."
/* */
/* <Section> */
/* bitmap_handling */
/* */
/* <Title> */
/* Bitmap Handling */
/* */
/* <Abstract> */
/* Handling FT_Bitmap objects. */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* This section contains functions for converting FT_Bitmap objects. */
/* */
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Bitmap_New */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Initialize a pointer to an @FT_Bitmap structure. */
/* */
/* <InOut> */
/* abitmap :: A pointer to the bitmap structure. */
/* */
FT_EXPORT( void )
FT_Bitmap_New( FT_Bitmap *abitmap );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Bitmap_Copy */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Copy a bitmap into another one. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* library :: A handle to a library object. */
/* */
/* source :: A handle to the source bitmap. */
/* */
/* <Output> */
/* target :: A handle to the target bitmap. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
FT_Bitmap_Copy( FT_Library library,
const FT_Bitmap *source,
FT_Bitmap *target);
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Bitmap_Embolden */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Embolden a bitmap. The new bitmap will be about `xStrength' */
/* pixels wider and `yStrength' pixels higher. The left and bottom */
/* borders are kept unchanged. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* library :: A handle to a library object. */
/* */
/* xStrength :: How strong the glyph is emboldened horizontally. */
/* Expressed in 26.6 pixel format. */
/* */
/* yStrength :: How strong the glyph is emboldened vertically. */
/* Expressed in 26.6 pixel format. */
/* */
/* <InOut> */
/* bitmap :: A handle to the target bitmap. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* The current implementation restricts `xStrength' to be less than */
/* or equal to~8 if bitmap is of pixel_mode @FT_PIXEL_MODE_MONO. */
/* */
/* If you want to embolden the bitmap owned by a @FT_GlyphSlotRec, */
/* you should call @FT_GlyphSlot_Own_Bitmap on the slot first. */
/* */
FT_Bitmap_Embolden( FT_Library library,
FT_Bitmap* bitmap,
FT_Pos xStrength,
FT_Pos yStrength );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Bitmap_Convert */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Convert a bitmap object with depth 1bpp, 2bpp, 4bpp, or 8bpp to a */
/* bitmap object with depth 8bpp, making the number of used bytes per */
/* line (a.k.a. the `pitch') a multiple of `alignment'. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* library :: A handle to a library object. */
/* */
/* source :: The source bitmap. */
/* */
/* alignment :: The pitch of the bitmap is a multiple of this */
/* parameter. Common values are 1, 2, or 4. */
/* */
/* <Output> */
/* target :: The target bitmap. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* It is possible to call @FT_Bitmap_Convert multiple times without */
/* calling @FT_Bitmap_Done (the memory is simply reallocated). */
/* */
/* Use @FT_Bitmap_Done to finally remove the bitmap object. */
/* */
/* The `library' argument is taken to have access to FreeType's */
/* memory handling functions. */
/* */
FT_Bitmap_Convert( FT_Library library,
const FT_Bitmap *source,
FT_Bitmap *target,
FT_Int alignment );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_GlyphSlot_Own_Bitmap */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Make sure that a glyph slot owns `slot->bitmap'. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* slot :: The glyph slot. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* This function is to be used in combination with */
/* @FT_Bitmap_Embolden. */
/* */
FT_GlyphSlot_Own_Bitmap( FT_GlyphSlot slot );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Bitmap_Done */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Destroy a bitmap object created with @FT_Bitmap_New. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* library :: A handle to a library object. */
/* */
/* bitmap :: The bitmap object to be freed. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* The `library' argument is taken to have access to FreeType's */
/* memory handling functions. */
/* */
FT_Bitmap_Done( FT_Library library,
FT_Bitmap *bitmap );
/* */
#endif /* __FTBITMAP_H__ */
/* END */
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* This file defines the structure of the FreeType reference. */
/* It is used by the python script which generates the HTML files. */
/* */
/* */
/* <Chapter> */
/* general_remarks */
/* */
/* <Title> */
/* General Remarks */
/* */
/* <Sections> */
/* user_allocation */
/* */
/* */
/* <Chapter> */
/* core_api */
/* */
/* <Title> */
/* Core API */
/* */
/* <Sections> */
/* version */
/* basic_types */
/* base_interface */
/* glyph_variants */
/* glyph_management */
/* mac_specific */
/* sizes_management */
/* header_file_macros */
/* */
/* */
/* <Chapter> */
/* format_specific */
/* */
/* <Title> */
/* Format-Specific API */
/* */
/* <Sections> */
/* multiple_masters */
/* truetype_tables */
/* type1_tables */
/* sfnt_names */
/* bdf_fonts */
/* cid_fonts */
/* pfr_fonts */
/* winfnt_fonts */
/* font_formats */
/* gasp_table */
/* */
/* */
/* <Chapter> */
/* cache_subsystem */
/* */
/* <Title> */
/* Cache Sub-System */
/* */
/* <Sections> */
/* cache_subsystem */
/* */
/* */
/* <Chapter> */
/* support_api */
/* */
/* <Title> */
/* Support API */
/* */
/* <Sections> */
/* computations */
/* list_processing */
/* outline_processing */
/* quick_advance */
/* bitmap_handling */
/* raster */
/* glyph_stroker */
/* system_interface */
/* module_management */
/* gzip */
/* lzw */
/* lcd_filtering */
/* */
@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* ftcid.h */
/* */
/* FreeType API for accessing CID font information (specification). */
/* */
/* Copyright 2007, 2009 by Dereg Clegg, Michael Toftdal. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
#ifndef __FTCID_H__
#define __FTCID_H__
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#error "freetype.h of FreeType 1 has been loaded!"
#error "Please fix the directory search order for header files"
#error "so that freetype.h of FreeType 2 is found first."
/* */
/* <Section> */
/* cid_fonts */
/* */
/* <Title> */
/* CID Fonts */
/* */
/* <Abstract> */
/* CID-keyed font specific API. */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* This section contains the declaration of CID-keyed font specific */
/* functions. */
/* */
* @function:
* FT_Get_CID_Registry_Ordering_Supplement
* @description:
* Retrieve the Registry/Ordering/Supplement triple (also known as the
* "R/O/S") from a CID-keyed font.
* @input:
* face ::
* A handle to the input face.
* @output:
* registry ::
* The registry, as a C~string, owned by the face.
* ordering ::
* The ordering, as a C~string, owned by the face.
* supplement ::
* The supplement.
* @return:
* FreeType error code. 0~means success.
* @note:
* This function only works with CID faces, returning an error
* otherwise.
* @since:
* 2.3.6
FT_Get_CID_Registry_Ordering_Supplement( FT_Face face,
const char* *registry,
const char* *ordering,
FT_Int *supplement);
* @function:
* FT_Get_CID_Is_Internally_CID_Keyed
* @description:
* Retrieve the type of the input face, CID keyed or not. In
* constrast to the @FT_IS_CID_KEYED macro this function returns
* successfully also for CID-keyed fonts in an SNFT wrapper.
* @input:
* face ::
* A handle to the input face.
* @output:
* is_cid ::
* The type of the face as an @FT_Bool.
* @return:
* FreeType error code. 0~means success.
* @note:
* This function only works with CID faces and OpenType fonts,
* returning an error otherwise.
* @since:
* 2.3.9
FT_Get_CID_Is_Internally_CID_Keyed( FT_Face face,
FT_Bool *is_cid );
* @function:
* FT_Get_CID_From_Glyph_Index
* @description:
* Retrieve the CID of the input glyph index.
* @input:
* face ::
* A handle to the input face.
* glyph_index ::
* The input glyph index.
* @output:
* cid ::
* The CID as an @FT_UInt.
* @return:
* FreeType error code. 0~means success.
* @note:
* This function only works with CID faces and OpenType fonts,
* returning an error otherwise.
* @since:
* 2.3.9
FT_Get_CID_From_Glyph_Index( FT_Face face,
FT_UInt glyph_index,
FT_UInt *cid );
/* */
#endif /* __FTCID_H__ */
/* END */
@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* fterrdef.h */
/* */
/* FreeType error codes (specification). */
/* */
/* Copyright 2002, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2010 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
/***** *****/
/***** *****/
/* You need to define both FT_ERRORDEF_ and FT_NOERRORDEF_ before */
/* including this file. */
/* generic errors */
FT_NOERRORDEF_( Ok, 0x00, \
"no error" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Cannot_Open_Resource, 0x01, \
"cannot open resource" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Unknown_File_Format, 0x02, \
"unknown file format" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_File_Format, 0x03, \
"broken file" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Version, 0x04, \
"invalid FreeType version" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Lower_Module_Version, 0x05, \
"module version is too low" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Argument, 0x06, \
"invalid argument" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Unimplemented_Feature, 0x07, \
"unimplemented feature" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Table, 0x08, \
"broken table" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Offset, 0x09, \
"broken offset within table" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Array_Too_Large, 0x0A, \
"array allocation size too large" )
/* glyph/character errors */
FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Glyph_Index, 0x10, \
"invalid glyph index" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Character_Code, 0x11, \
"invalid character code" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Glyph_Format, 0x12, \
"unsupported glyph image format" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Cannot_Render_Glyph, 0x13, \
"cannot render this glyph format" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Outline, 0x14, \
"invalid outline" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Composite, 0x15, \
"invalid composite glyph" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Too_Many_Hints, 0x16, \
"too many hints" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Pixel_Size, 0x17, \
"invalid pixel size" )
/* handle errors */
FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Handle, 0x20, \
"invalid object handle" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Library_Handle, 0x21, \
"invalid library handle" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Driver_Handle, 0x22, \
"invalid module handle" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Face_Handle, 0x23, \
"invalid face handle" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Size_Handle, 0x24, \
"invalid size handle" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Slot_Handle, 0x25, \
"invalid glyph slot handle" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_CharMap_Handle, 0x26, \
"invalid charmap handle" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Cache_Handle, 0x27, \
"invalid cache manager handle" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Stream_Handle, 0x28, \
"invalid stream handle" )
/* driver errors */
FT_ERRORDEF_( Too_Many_Drivers, 0x30, \
"too many modules" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Too_Many_Extensions, 0x31, \
"too many extensions" )
/* memory errors */
FT_ERRORDEF_( Out_Of_Memory, 0x40, \
"out of memory" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Unlisted_Object, 0x41, \
"unlisted object" )
/* stream errors */
FT_ERRORDEF_( Cannot_Open_Stream, 0x51, \
"cannot open stream" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Stream_Seek, 0x52, \
"invalid stream seek" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Stream_Skip, 0x53, \
"invalid stream skip" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Stream_Read, 0x54, \
"invalid stream read" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Stream_Operation, 0x55, \
"invalid stream operation" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Frame_Operation, 0x56, \
"invalid frame operation" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Nested_Frame_Access, 0x57, \
"nested frame access" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Frame_Read, 0x58, \
"invalid frame read" )
/* raster errors */
FT_ERRORDEF_( Raster_Uninitialized, 0x60, \
"raster uninitialized" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Raster_Corrupted, 0x61, \
"raster corrupted" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Raster_Overflow, 0x62, \
"raster overflow" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Raster_Negative_Height, 0x63, \
"negative height while rastering" )
/* cache errors */
FT_ERRORDEF_( Too_Many_Caches, 0x70, \
"too many registered caches" )
/* TrueType and SFNT errors */
FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Opcode, 0x80, \
"invalid opcode" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Too_Few_Arguments, 0x81, \
"too few arguments" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Stack_Overflow, 0x82, \
"stack overflow" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Code_Overflow, 0x83, \
"code overflow" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Bad_Argument, 0x84, \
"bad argument" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Divide_By_Zero, 0x85, \
"division by zero" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Reference, 0x86, \
"invalid reference" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Debug_OpCode, 0x87, \
"found debug opcode" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( ENDF_In_Exec_Stream, 0x88, \
"found ENDF opcode in execution stream" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Nested_DEFS, 0x89, \
"nested DEFS" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_CodeRange, 0x8A, \
"invalid code range" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Execution_Too_Long, 0x8B, \
"execution context too long" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Too_Many_Function_Defs, 0x8C, \
"too many function definitions" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Too_Many_Instruction_Defs, 0x8D, \
"too many instruction definitions" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Table_Missing, 0x8E, \
"SFNT font table missing" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Horiz_Header_Missing, 0x8F, \
"horizontal header (hhea) table missing" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Locations_Missing, 0x90, \
"locations (loca) table missing" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Name_Table_Missing, 0x91, \
"name table missing" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( CMap_Table_Missing, 0x92, \
"character map (cmap) table missing" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Hmtx_Table_Missing, 0x93, \
"horizontal metrics (hmtx) table missing" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Post_Table_Missing, 0x94, \
"PostScript (post) table missing" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Horiz_Metrics, 0x95, \
"invalid horizontal metrics" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_CharMap_Format, 0x96, \
"invalid character map (cmap) format" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_PPem, 0x97, \
"invalid ppem value" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Vert_Metrics, 0x98, \
"invalid vertical metrics" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Could_Not_Find_Context, 0x99, \
"could not find context" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Post_Table_Format, 0x9A, \
"invalid PostScript (post) table format" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Invalid_Post_Table, 0x9B, \
"invalid PostScript (post) table" )
/* CFF, CID, and Type 1 errors */
FT_ERRORDEF_( Syntax_Error, 0xA0, \
"opcode syntax error" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Stack_Underflow, 0xA1, \
"argument stack underflow" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Ignore, 0xA2, \
"ignore" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( No_Unicode_Glyph_Name, 0xA3, \
"no Unicode glyph name found" )
/* BDF errors */
FT_ERRORDEF_( Missing_Startfont_Field, 0xB0, \
"`STARTFONT' field missing" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Missing_Font_Field, 0xB1, \
"`FONT' field missing" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Missing_Size_Field, 0xB2, \
"`SIZE' field missing" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Missing_Fontboundingbox_Field, 0xB3, \
"`FONTBOUNDINGBOX' field missing" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Missing_Chars_Field, 0xB4, \
"`CHARS' field missing" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Missing_Startchar_Field, 0xB5, \
"`STARTCHAR' field missing" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Missing_Encoding_Field, 0xB6, \
"`ENCODING' field missing" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Missing_Bbx_Field, 0xB7, \
"`BBX' field missing" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Bbx_Too_Big, 0xB8, \
"`BBX' too big" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Corrupted_Font_Header, 0xB9, \
"Font header corrupted or missing fields" )
FT_ERRORDEF_( Corrupted_Font_Glyphs, 0xBA, \
"Font glyphs corrupted or missing fields" )
/* END */
@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* fterrors.h */
/* */
/* FreeType error code handling (specification). */
/* */
/* Copyright 1996-2001, 2002, 2004, 2007 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
/* */
/* This special header file is used to define the handling of FT2 */
/* enumeration constants. It can also be used to generate error message */
/* strings with a small macro trick explained below. */
/* */
/* I - Error Formats */
/* ----------------- */
/* */
/* The configuration macro FT_CONFIG_OPTION_USE_MODULE_ERRORS can be */
/* defined in ftoption.h in order to make the higher byte indicate */
/* the module where the error has happened (this is not compatible */
/* with standard builds of FreeType 2). You can then use the macro */
/* FT_ERROR_BASE macro to extract the generic error code from an */
/* FT_Error value. */
/* */
/* */
/* II - Error Message strings */
/* -------------------------- */
/* */
/* The error definitions below are made through special macros that */
/* allow client applications to build a table of error message strings */
/* if they need it. The strings are not included in a normal build of */
/* FreeType 2 to save space (most client applications do not use */
/* them). */
/* */
/* To do so, you have to define the following macros before including */
/* this file: */
/* */
/* This macro is called before anything else to define the start of */
/* the error list. It is followed by several FT_ERROR_DEF calls */
/* (see below). */
/* */
/* FT_ERROR_DEF( e, v, s ) :: */
/* This macro is called to define one single error. */
/* `e' is the error code identifier (e.g. FT_Err_Invalid_Argument). */
/* `v' is the error numerical value. */
/* `s' is the corresponding error string. */
/* */
/* This macro ends the list. */
/* */
/* Additionally, you have to undefine __FTERRORS_H__ before #including */
/* this file. */
/* */
/* Here is a simple example: */
/* */
/* { */
/* #undef __FTERRORS_H__ */
/* #define FT_ERRORDEF( e, v, s ) { e, s }, */
/* #define FT_ERROR_START_LIST { */
/* #define FT_ERROR_END_LIST { 0, 0 } }; */
/* */
/* const struct */
/* { */
/* int err_code; */
/* const char* err_msg; */
/* } ft_errors[] = */
/* */
/* #include FT_ERRORS_H */
/* } */
/* */
#ifndef __FTERRORS_H__
#define __FTERRORS_H__
/* include module base error codes */
/***** *****/
/***** SETUP MACROS *****/
/***** *****/
#undef FT_ERR_XCAT
#undef FT_ERR_CAT
#define FT_ERR_XCAT( x, y ) x ## y
#define FT_ERR_CAT( x, y ) FT_ERR_XCAT( x, y )
/* FT_ERR_PREFIX is used as a prefix for error identifiers. */
/* By default, we use `FT_Err_'. */
/* */
#define FT_ERR_PREFIX FT_Err_
/* FT_ERR_BASE is used as the base for module-specific errors. */
/* */
#ifndef FT_ERR_BASE
#define FT_ERR_BASE FT_Mod_Err_Base
#undef FT_ERR_BASE
#define FT_ERR_BASE 0
/* If FT_ERRORDEF is not defined, we need to define a simple */
/* enumeration type. */
/* */
#define FT_ERRORDEF( e, v, s ) e = v,
#define FT_ERROR_START_LIST enum {
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* !FT_ERRORDEF */
/* this macro is used to define an error */
#define FT_ERRORDEF_( e, v, s ) \
/* this is only used for <module>_Err_Ok, which must be 0! */
#define FT_NOERRORDEF_( e, v, s ) \
/* now include the error codes */
/***** *****/
/***** SIMPLE CLEANUP *****/
/***** *****/
#undef FT_ERR_BASE
/* FT_KEEP_ERR_PREFIX is needed for ftvalid.h */
#endif /* __FTERRORS_H__ */
/* END */
@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* ftgasp.h */
/* */
/* Access of TrueType's `gasp' table (specification). */
/* */
/* Copyright 2007, 2008 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
#ifndef _FT_GASP_H_
#define _FT_GASP_H_
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#error "freetype.h of FreeType 1 has been loaded!"
#error "Please fix the directory search order for header files"
#error "so that freetype.h of FreeType 2 is found first."
* @section:
* gasp_table
* @title:
* Gasp Table
* @abstract:
* Retrieving TrueType `gasp' table entries.
* @description:
* The function @FT_Get_Gasp can be used to query a TrueType or OpenType
* font for specific entries in its `gasp' table, if any. This is
* mainly useful when implementing native TrueType hinting with the
* bytecode interpreter to duplicate the Windows text rendering results.
* @enum:
* @description:
* A list of values and/or bit-flags returned by the @FT_Get_Gasp
* function.
* @values:
* This special value means that there is no GASP table in this face.
* It is up to the client to decide what to do.
* Grid-fitting and hinting should be performed at the specified ppem.
* This *really* means TrueType bytecode interpretation.
* Anti-aliased rendering should be performed at the specified ppem.
* Smoothing along multiple axes must be used with ClearType.
* Grid-fitting must be used with ClearType's symmetric smoothing.
* @note:
* `ClearType' is Microsoft's implementation of LCD rendering, partly
* protected by patents.
* @since:
* 2.3.0
#define FT_GASP_NO_TABLE -1
#define FT_GASP_DO_GRIDFIT 0x01
#define FT_GASP_DO_GRAY 0x02
* @func:
* FT_Get_Gasp
* @description:
* Read the `gasp' table from a TrueType or OpenType font file and
* return the entry corresponding to a given character pixel size.
* @input:
* face :: The source face handle.
* ppem :: The vertical character pixel size.
* @return:
* Bit flags (see @FT_GASP_XXX), or @FT_GASP_NO_TABLE if there is no
* `gasp' table in the face.
* @since:
* 2.3.0
FT_Get_Gasp( FT_Face face,
FT_UInt ppem );
/* */
#endif /* _FT_GASP_H_ */
/* END */
@ -1,613 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* ftglyph.h */
/* */
/* FreeType convenience functions to handle glyphs (specification). */
/* */
/* Copyright 1996-2001, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2009 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
/* */
/* This file contains the definition of several convenience functions */
/* that can be used by client applications to easily retrieve glyph */
/* bitmaps and outlines from a given face. */
/* */
/* These functions should be optional if you are writing a font server */
/* or text layout engine on top of FreeType. However, they are pretty */
/* handy for many other simple uses of the library. */
/* */
#ifndef __FTGLYPH_H__
#define __FTGLYPH_H__
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#error "freetype.h of FreeType 1 has been loaded!"
#error "Please fix the directory search order for header files"
#error "so that freetype.h of FreeType 2 is found first."
/* */
/* <Section> */
/* glyph_management */
/* */
/* <Title> */
/* Glyph Management */
/* */
/* <Abstract> */
/* Generic interface to manage individual glyph data. */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* This section contains definitions used to manage glyph data */
/* through generic FT_Glyph objects. Each of them can contain a */
/* bitmap, a vector outline, or even images in other formats. */
/* */
/* forward declaration to a private type */
typedef struct FT_Glyph_Class_ FT_Glyph_Class;
/* */
/* <Type> */
/* FT_Glyph */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Handle to an object used to model generic glyph images. It is a */
/* pointer to the @FT_GlyphRec structure and can contain a glyph */
/* bitmap or pointer. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* Glyph objects are not owned by the library. You must thus release */
/* them manually (through @FT_Done_Glyph) _before_ calling */
/* @FT_Done_FreeType. */
/* */
typedef struct FT_GlyphRec_* FT_Glyph;
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* FT_GlyphRec */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* The root glyph structure contains a given glyph image plus its */
/* advance width in 16.16 fixed float format. */
/* */
/* <Fields> */
/* library :: A handle to the FreeType library object. */
/* */
/* clazz :: A pointer to the glyph's class. Private. */
/* */
/* format :: The format of the glyph's image. */
/* */
/* advance :: A 16.16 vector that gives the glyph's advance width. */
/* */
typedef struct FT_GlyphRec_
FT_Library library;
const FT_Glyph_Class* clazz;
FT_Glyph_Format format;
FT_Vector advance;
} FT_GlyphRec;
/* */
/* <Type> */
/* FT_BitmapGlyph */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A handle to an object used to model a bitmap glyph image. This is */
/* a sub-class of @FT_Glyph, and a pointer to @FT_BitmapGlyphRec. */
/* */
typedef struct FT_BitmapGlyphRec_* FT_BitmapGlyph;
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* FT_BitmapGlyphRec */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A structure used for bitmap glyph images. This really is a */
/* `sub-class' of @FT_GlyphRec. */
/* */
/* <Fields> */
/* root :: The root @FT_Glyph fields. */
/* */
/* left :: The left-side bearing, i.e., the horizontal distance */
/* from the current pen position to the left border of the */
/* glyph bitmap. */
/* */
/* top :: The top-side bearing, i.e., the vertical distance from */
/* the current pen position to the top border of the glyph */
/* bitmap. This distance is positive for upwards~y! */
/* */
/* bitmap :: A descriptor for the bitmap. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* You can typecast an @FT_Glyph to @FT_BitmapGlyph if you have */
/* `glyph->format == FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_BITMAP'. This lets you access */
/* the bitmap's contents easily. */
/* */
/* The corresponding pixel buffer is always owned by @FT_BitmapGlyph */
/* and is thus created and destroyed with it. */
/* */
typedef struct FT_BitmapGlyphRec_
FT_GlyphRec root;
FT_Int left;
FT_Int top;
FT_Bitmap bitmap;
} FT_BitmapGlyphRec;
/* */
/* <Type> */
/* FT_OutlineGlyph */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A handle to an object used to model an outline glyph image. This */
/* is a sub-class of @FT_Glyph, and a pointer to @FT_OutlineGlyphRec. */
/* */
typedef struct FT_OutlineGlyphRec_* FT_OutlineGlyph;
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* FT_OutlineGlyphRec */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A structure used for outline (vectorial) glyph images. This */
/* really is a `sub-class' of @FT_GlyphRec. */
/* */
/* <Fields> */
/* root :: The root @FT_Glyph fields. */
/* */
/* outline :: A descriptor for the outline. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* You can typecast an @FT_Glyph to @FT_OutlineGlyph if you have */
/* `glyph->format == FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_OUTLINE'. This lets you access */
/* the outline's content easily. */
/* */
/* As the outline is extracted from a glyph slot, its coordinates are */
/* expressed normally in 26.6 pixels, unless the flag */
/* @FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE was used in @FT_Load_Glyph() or @FT_Load_Char(). */
/* */
/* The outline's tables are always owned by the object and are */
/* destroyed with it. */
/* */
typedef struct FT_OutlineGlyphRec_
FT_GlyphRec root;
FT_Outline outline;
} FT_OutlineGlyphRec;
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Get_Glyph */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A function used to extract a glyph image from a slot. Note that */
/* the created @FT_Glyph object must be released with @FT_Done_Glyph. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* slot :: A handle to the source glyph slot. */
/* */
/* <Output> */
/* aglyph :: A handle to the glyph object. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
FT_Get_Glyph( FT_GlyphSlot slot,
FT_Glyph *aglyph );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Glyph_Copy */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A function used to copy a glyph image. Note that the created */
/* @FT_Glyph object must be released with @FT_Done_Glyph. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* source :: A handle to the source glyph object. */
/* */
/* <Output> */
/* target :: A handle to the target glyph object. 0~in case of */
/* error. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
FT_Glyph_Copy( FT_Glyph source,
FT_Glyph *target );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Glyph_Transform */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Transform a glyph image if its format is scalable. */
/* */
/* <InOut> */
/* glyph :: A handle to the target glyph object. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* matrix :: A pointer to a 2x2 matrix to apply. */
/* */
/* delta :: A pointer to a 2d vector to apply. Coordinates are */
/* expressed in 1/64th of a pixel. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code (if not 0, the glyph format is not scalable). */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* The 2x2 transformation matrix is also applied to the glyph's */
/* advance vector. */
/* */
FT_Glyph_Transform( FT_Glyph glyph,
FT_Matrix* matrix,
FT_Vector* delta );
/* */
/* <Enum> */
/* FT_Glyph_BBox_Mode */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* The mode how the values of @FT_Glyph_Get_CBox are returned. */
/* */
/* <Values> */
/* Return unscaled font units. */
/* */
/* Return unfitted 26.6 coordinates. */
/* */
/* Return grid-fitted 26.6 coordinates. */
/* */
/* Return coordinates in integer pixels. */
/* */
/* Return grid-fitted pixel coordinates. */
/* */
typedef enum FT_Glyph_BBox_Mode_
} FT_Glyph_BBox_Mode;
/* */
/* <Enum> */
/* ft_glyph_bbox_xxx */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* These constants are deprecated. Use the corresponding */
/* @FT_Glyph_BBox_Mode values instead. */
/* */
/* <Values> */
/* ft_glyph_bbox_unscaled :: See @FT_GLYPH_BBOX_UNSCALED. */
/* ft_glyph_bbox_subpixels :: See @FT_GLYPH_BBOX_SUBPIXELS. */
/* ft_glyph_bbox_gridfit :: See @FT_GLYPH_BBOX_GRIDFIT. */
/* ft_glyph_bbox_truncate :: See @FT_GLYPH_BBOX_TRUNCATE. */
/* ft_glyph_bbox_pixels :: See @FT_GLYPH_BBOX_PIXELS. */
/* */
#define ft_glyph_bbox_unscaled FT_GLYPH_BBOX_UNSCALED
#define ft_glyph_bbox_subpixels FT_GLYPH_BBOX_SUBPIXELS
#define ft_glyph_bbox_gridfit FT_GLYPH_BBOX_GRIDFIT
#define ft_glyph_bbox_truncate FT_GLYPH_BBOX_TRUNCATE
#define ft_glyph_bbox_pixels FT_GLYPH_BBOX_PIXELS
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Glyph_Get_CBox */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Return a glyph's `control box'. The control box encloses all the */
/* outline's points, including Bézier control points. Though it */
/* coincides with the exact bounding box for most glyphs, it can be */
/* slightly larger in some situations (like when rotating an outline */
/* which contains Bézier outside arcs). */
/* */
/* Computing the control box is very fast, while getting the bounding */
/* box can take much more time as it needs to walk over all segments */
/* and arcs in the outline. To get the latter, you can use the */
/* `ftbbox' component which is dedicated to this single task. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* glyph :: A handle to the source glyph object. */
/* */
/* mode :: The mode which indicates how to interpret the returned */
/* bounding box values. */
/* */
/* <Output> */
/* acbox :: The glyph coordinate bounding box. Coordinates are */
/* expressed in 1/64th of pixels if it is grid-fitted. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* Coordinates are relative to the glyph origin, using the y~upwards */
/* convention. */
/* */
/* If the glyph has been loaded with @FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE, `bbox_mode' */
/* must be set to @FT_GLYPH_BBOX_UNSCALED to get unscaled font */
/* units in 26.6 pixel format. The value @FT_GLYPH_BBOX_SUBPIXELS */
/* is another name for this constant. */
/* */
/* Note that the maximum coordinates are exclusive, which means that */
/* one can compute the width and height of the glyph image (be it in */
/* integer or 26.6 pixels) as: */
/* */
/* { */
/* width = bbox.xMax - bbox.xMin; */
/* height = bbox.yMax - bbox.yMin; */
/* } */
/* */
/* Note also that for 26.6 coordinates, if `bbox_mode' is set to */
/* @FT_GLYPH_BBOX_GRIDFIT, the coordinates will also be grid-fitted, */
/* which corresponds to: */
/* */
/* { */
/* bbox.xMin = FLOOR(bbox.xMin); */
/* bbox.yMin = FLOOR(bbox.yMin); */
/* bbox.xMax = CEILING(bbox.xMax); */
/* bbox.yMax = CEILING(bbox.yMax); */
/* } */
/* */
/* To get the bbox in pixel coordinates, set `bbox_mode' to */
/* */
/* To get the bbox in grid-fitted pixel coordinates, set `bbox_mode' */
/* */
FT_EXPORT( void )
FT_Glyph_Get_CBox( FT_Glyph glyph,
FT_UInt bbox_mode,
FT_BBox *acbox );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Convert a given glyph object to a bitmap glyph object. */
/* */
/* <InOut> */
/* the_glyph :: A pointer to a handle to the target glyph. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* render_mode :: An enumeration that describes how the data is */
/* rendered. */
/* */
/* origin :: A pointer to a vector used to translate the glyph */
/* image before rendering. Can be~0 (if no */
/* translation). The origin is expressed in */
/* 26.6 pixels. */
/* */
/* destroy :: A boolean that indicates that the original glyph */
/* image should be destroyed by this function. It is */
/* never destroyed in case of error. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* This function does nothing if the glyph format isn't scalable. */
/* */
/* The glyph image is translated with the `origin' vector before */
/* rendering. */
/* */
/* The first parameter is a pointer to an @FT_Glyph handle, that will */
/* be _replaced_ by this function (with newly allocated data). */
/* Typically, you would use (omitting error handling): */
/* */
/* */
/* { */
/* FT_Glyph glyph; */
/* FT_BitmapGlyph glyph_bitmap; */
/* */
/* */
/* // load glyph */
/* error = FT_Load_Char( face, glyph_index, FT_LOAD_DEFAUT ); */
/* */
/* // extract glyph image */
/* error = FT_Get_Glyph( face->glyph, &glyph ); */
/* */
/* // convert to a bitmap (default render mode + destroying old) */
/* if ( glyph->format != FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_BITMAP ) */
/* { */
/* error = FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap( &glyph, FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL, */
/* 0, 1 ); */
/* if ( error ) // `glyph' unchanged */
/* ... */
/* } */
/* */
/* // access bitmap content by typecasting */
/* glyph_bitmap = (FT_BitmapGlyph)glyph; */
/* */
/* // do funny stuff with it, like blitting/drawing */
/* ... */
/* */
/* // discard glyph image (bitmap or not) */
/* FT_Done_Glyph( glyph ); */
/* } */
/* */
/* */
/* Here another example, again without error handling: */
/* */
/* */
/* { */
/* FT_Glyph glyphs[MAX_GLYPHS] */
/* */
/* */
/* ... */
/* */
/* for ( idx = 0; i < MAX_GLYPHS; i++ ) */
/* error = FT_Load_Glyph( face, idx, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT ) || */
/* FT_Get_Glyph ( face->glyph, &glyph[idx] ); */
/* */
/* ... */
/* */
/* for ( idx = 0; i < MAX_GLYPHS; i++ ) */
/* { */
/* FT_Glyph bitmap = glyphs[idx]; */
/* */
/* */
/* ... */
/* */
/* // after this call, `bitmap' no longer points into */
/* // the `glyphs' array (and the old value isn't destroyed) */
/* FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap( &bitmap, FT_RENDER_MODE_MONO, 0, 0 ); */
/* */
/* ... */
/* */
/* FT_Done_Glyph( bitmap ); */
/* } */
/* */
/* ... */
/* */
/* for ( idx = 0; i < MAX_GLYPHS; i++ ) */
/* FT_Done_Glyph( glyphs[idx] ); */
/* } */
/* */
FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap( FT_Glyph* the_glyph,
FT_Render_Mode render_mode,
FT_Vector* origin,
FT_Bool destroy );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Done_Glyph */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Destroy a given glyph. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* glyph :: A handle to the target glyph object. */
/* */
FT_EXPORT( void )
FT_Done_Glyph( FT_Glyph glyph );
/* */
/* other helpful functions */
/* */
/* <Section> */
/* computations */
/* */
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Matrix_Multiply */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Perform the matrix operation `b = a*b'. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* a :: A pointer to matrix `a'. */
/* */
/* <InOut> */
/* b :: A pointer to matrix `b'. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* The result is undefined if either `a' or `b' is zero. */
/* */
FT_EXPORT( void )
FT_Matrix_Multiply( const FT_Matrix* a,
FT_Matrix* b );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Matrix_Invert */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Invert a 2x2 matrix. Return an error if it can't be inverted. */
/* */
/* <InOut> */
/* matrix :: A pointer to the target matrix. Remains untouched in */
/* case of error. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
FT_Matrix_Invert( FT_Matrix* matrix );
/* */
#endif /* __FTGLYPH_H__ */
/* END */
/* Local Variables: */
/* coding: utf-8 */
/* End: */
@ -1,358 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* ftgxval.h */
/* */
/* FreeType API for validating TrueTypeGX/AAT tables (specification). */
/* */
/* Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006 by */
/* Masatake YAMATO, Redhat K.K, */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
/* */
/* gxvalid is derived from both gxlayout module and otvalid module. */
/* Development of gxlayout is supported by the Information-technology */
/* Promotion Agency(IPA), Japan. */
/* */
#ifndef __FTGXVAL_H__
#define __FTGXVAL_H__
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#error "freetype.h of FreeType 1 has been loaded!"
#error "Please fix the directory search order for header files"
#error "so that freetype.h of FreeType 2 is found first."
/* */
/* <Section> */
/* gx_validation */
/* */
/* <Title> */
/* TrueTypeGX/AAT Validation */
/* */
/* <Abstract> */
/* An API to validate TrueTypeGX/AAT tables. */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* This section contains the declaration of functions to validate */
/* some TrueTypeGX tables (feat, mort, morx, bsln, just, kern, opbd, */
/* trak, prop, lcar). */
/* */
/* */
/* */
/* Warning: Use FT_VALIDATE_XXX to validate a table. */
/* Following definitions are for gxvalid developers. */
/* */
/* */
#define FT_VALIDATE_feat_INDEX 0
#define FT_VALIDATE_mort_INDEX 1
#define FT_VALIDATE_morx_INDEX 2
#define FT_VALIDATE_bsln_INDEX 3
#define FT_VALIDATE_just_INDEX 4
#define FT_VALIDATE_kern_INDEX 5
#define FT_VALIDATE_opbd_INDEX 6
#define FT_VALIDATE_trak_INDEX 7
#define FT_VALIDATE_prop_INDEX 8
#define FT_VALIDATE_lcar_INDEX 9
* @macro:
* @description:
* The number of tables checked in this module. Use it as a parameter
* for the `table-length' argument of function @FT_TrueTypeGX_Validate.
/* */
/* Up to 0x1000 is used by otvalid.
Ox2xxx is reserved for feature OT extension. */
#define FT_VALIDATE_GX_START 0x4000
#define FT_VALIDATE_GX_BITFIELD( tag ) \
* @enum:
* @description:
* A list of bit-field constants used with @FT_TrueTypeGX_Validate to
* indicate which TrueTypeGX/AAT Type tables should be validated.
* @values:
* FT_VALIDATE_feat ::
* Validate `feat' table.
* FT_VALIDATE_mort ::
* Validate `mort' table.
* FT_VALIDATE_morx ::
* Validate `morx' table.
* FT_VALIDATE_bsln ::
* Validate `bsln' table.
* FT_VALIDATE_just ::
* Validate `just' table.
* FT_VALIDATE_kern ::
* Validate `kern' table.
* FT_VALIDATE_opbd ::
* Validate `opbd' table.
* FT_VALIDATE_trak ::
* Validate `trak' table.
* FT_VALIDATE_prop ::
* Validate `prop' table.
* FT_VALIDATE_lcar ::
* Validate `lcar' table.
* Validate all TrueTypeGX tables (feat, mort, morx, bsln, just, kern,
* opbd, trak, prop and lcar).
#define FT_VALIDATE_GX ( FT_VALIDATE_feat | \
FT_VALIDATE_mort | \
FT_VALIDATE_morx | \
FT_VALIDATE_bsln | \
FT_VALIDATE_just | \
FT_VALIDATE_kern | \
FT_VALIDATE_opbd | \
FT_VALIDATE_trak | \
FT_VALIDATE_prop | \
/* */
* @function:
* FT_TrueTypeGX_Validate
* @description:
* Validate various TrueTypeGX tables to assure that all offsets and
* indices are valid. The idea is that a higher-level library which
* actually does the text layout can access those tables without
* error checking (which can be quite time consuming).
* @input:
* face ::
* A handle to the input face.
* validation_flags ::
* A bit field which specifies the tables to be validated. See
* @FT_VALIDATE_GXXXX for possible values.
* table_length ::
* The size of the `tables' array. Normally, @FT_VALIDATE_GX_LENGTH
* should be passed.
* @output:
* tables ::
* The array where all validated sfnt tables are stored.
* The array itself must be allocated by a client.
* @return:
* FreeType error code. 0~means success.
* @note:
* This function only works with TrueTypeGX fonts, returning an error
* otherwise.
* After use, the application should deallocate the buffers pointed to by
* each `tables' element, by calling @FT_TrueTypeGX_Free. A NULL value
* indicates that the table either doesn't exist in the font, the
* application hasn't asked for validation, or the validator doesn't have
* the ability to validate the sfnt table.
FT_TrueTypeGX_Validate( FT_Face face,
FT_UInt validation_flags,
FT_UInt table_length );
/* */
* @function:
* FT_TrueTypeGX_Free
* @description:
* Free the buffer allocated by TrueTypeGX validator.
* @input:
* face ::
* A handle to the input face.
* table ::
* The pointer to the buffer allocated by
* @FT_TrueTypeGX_Validate.
* @note:
* This function must be used to free the buffer allocated by
* @FT_TrueTypeGX_Validate only.
FT_EXPORT( void )
FT_TrueTypeGX_Free( FT_Face face,
FT_Bytes table );
/* */
* @enum:
* @description:
* A list of bit-field constants used with @FT_ClassicKern_Validate
* to indicate the classic kern dialect or dialects. If the selected
* type doesn't fit, @FT_ClassicKern_Validate regards the table as
* invalid.
* @values:
* Handle the `kern' table as a classic Microsoft kern table.
* Handle the `kern' table as a classic Apple kern table.
* Handle the `kern' as either classic Apple or Microsoft kern table.
/* */
* @function:
* FT_ClassicKern_Validate
* @description:
* Validate classic (16-bit format) kern table to assure that the offsets
* and indices are valid. The idea is that a higher-level library which
* actually does the text layout can access those tables without error
* checking (which can be quite time consuming).
* The `kern' table validator in @FT_TrueTypeGX_Validate deals with both
* the new 32-bit format and the classic 16-bit format, while
* FT_ClassicKern_Validate only supports the classic 16-bit format.
* @input:
* face ::
* A handle to the input face.
* validation_flags ::
* A bit field which specifies the dialect to be validated. See
* @FT_VALIDATE_CKERNXXX for possible values.
* @output:
* ckern_table ::
* A pointer to the kern table.
* @return:
* FreeType error code. 0~means success.
* @note:
* After use, the application should deallocate the buffers pointed to by
* `ckern_table', by calling @FT_ClassicKern_Free. A NULL value
* indicates that the table doesn't exist in the font.
FT_ClassicKern_Validate( FT_Face face,
FT_UInt validation_flags,
FT_Bytes *ckern_table );
/* */
* @function:
* FT_ClassicKern_Free
* @description:
* Free the buffer allocated by classic Kern validator.
* @input:
* face ::
* A handle to the input face.
* table ::
* The pointer to the buffer that is allocated by
* @FT_ClassicKern_Validate.
* @note:
* This function must be used to free the buffer allocated by
* @FT_ClassicKern_Validate only.
FT_EXPORT( void )
FT_ClassicKern_Free( FT_Face face,
FT_Bytes table );
/* */
#endif /* __FTGXVAL_H__ */
/* END */
@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* ftgzip.h */
/* */
/* Gzip-compressed stream support. */
/* */
/* Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
#ifndef __FTGZIP_H__
#define __FTGZIP_H__
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#error "freetype.h of FreeType 1 has been loaded!"
#error "Please fix the directory search order for header files"
#error "so that freetype.h of FreeType 2 is found first."
/* */
/* <Section> */
/* gzip */
/* */
/* <Title> */
/* GZIP Streams */
/* */
/* <Abstract> */
/* Using gzip-compressed font files. */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* This section contains the declaration of Gzip-specific functions. */
/* */
* @function:
* FT_Stream_OpenGzip
* @description:
* Open a new stream to parse gzip-compressed font files. This is
* mainly used to support the compressed `*.pcf.gz' fonts that come
* with XFree86.
* @input:
* stream ::
* The target embedding stream.
* source ::
* The source stream.
* @return:
* FreeType error code. 0~means success.
* @note:
* The source stream must be opened _before_ calling this function.
* Calling the internal function `FT_Stream_Close' on the new stream will
* *not* call `FT_Stream_Close' on the source stream. None of the stream
* objects will be released to the heap.
* The stream implementation is very basic and resets the decompression
* process each time seeking backwards is needed within the stream.
* In certain builds of the library, gzip compression recognition is
* automatically handled when calling @FT_New_Face or @FT_Open_Face.
* This means that if no font driver is capable of handling the raw
* compressed file, the library will try to open a gzipped stream from
* it and re-open the face with it.
* This function may return `FT_Err_Unimplemented_Feature' if your build
* of FreeType was not compiled with zlib support.
FT_Stream_OpenGzip( FT_Stream stream,
FT_Stream source );
/* */
#endif /* __FTGZIP_H__ */
/* END */
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* ftincrem.h */
/* */
/* FreeType incremental loading (specification). */
/* */
/* Copyright 2002, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
#ifndef __FTINCREM_H__
#define __FTINCREM_H__
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#error "freetype.h of FreeType 1 has been loaded!"
#error "Please fix the directory search order for header files"
#error "so that freetype.h of FreeType 2 is found first."
* @section:
* incremental
* @title:
* Incremental Loading
* @abstract:
* Custom Glyph Loading.
* @description:
* This section contains various functions used to perform so-called
* `incremental' glyph loading. This is a mode where all glyphs loaded
* from a given @FT_Face are provided by the client application,
* Apart from that, all other tables are loaded normally from the font
* file. This mode is useful when FreeType is used within another
* engine, e.g., a PostScript Imaging Processor.
* To enable this mode, you must use @FT_Open_Face, passing an
* @FT_Parameter with the @FT_PARAM_TAG_INCREMENTAL tag and an
* @FT_Incremental_Interface value. See the comments for
* @FT_Incremental_InterfaceRec for an example.
* @type:
* FT_Incremental
* @description:
* An opaque type describing a user-provided object used to implement
* `incremental' glyph loading within FreeType. This is used to support
* embedded fonts in certain environments (e.g., PostScript interpreters),
* where the glyph data isn't in the font file, or must be overridden by
* different values.
* @note:
* It is up to client applications to create and implement @FT_Incremental
* objects, as long as they provide implementations for the methods
* @FT_Incremental_GetGlyphDataFunc, @FT_Incremental_FreeGlyphDataFunc
* and @FT_Incremental_GetGlyphMetricsFunc.
* See the description of @FT_Incremental_InterfaceRec to understand how
* to use incremental objects with FreeType.
typedef struct FT_IncrementalRec_* FT_Incremental;
* @struct:
* FT_Incremental_MetricsRec
* @description:
* A small structure used to contain the basic glyph metrics returned
* by the @FT_Incremental_GetGlyphMetricsFunc method.
* @fields:
* bearing_x ::
* Left bearing, in font units.
* bearing_y ::
* Top bearing, in font units.
* advance ::
* Horizontal component of glyph advance, in font units.
* advance_v ::
* Vertical component of glyph advance, in font units.
* @note:
* These correspond to horizontal or vertical metrics depending on the
* value of the `vertical' argument to the function
* @FT_Incremental_GetGlyphMetricsFunc.
typedef struct FT_Incremental_MetricsRec_
FT_Long bearing_x;
FT_Long bearing_y;
FT_Long advance;
FT_Long advance_v; /* since 2.3.12 */
} FT_Incremental_MetricsRec;
* @struct:
* FT_Incremental_Metrics
* @description:
* A handle to an @FT_Incremental_MetricsRec structure.
typedef struct FT_Incremental_MetricsRec_* FT_Incremental_Metrics;
* @type:
* FT_Incremental_GetGlyphDataFunc
* @description:
* A function called by FreeType to access a given glyph's data bytes
* during @FT_Load_Glyph or @FT_Load_Char if incremental loading is
* enabled.
* Note that the format of the glyph's data bytes depends on the font
* file format. For TrueType, it must correspond to the raw bytes within
* the `glyf' table. For PostScript formats, it must correspond to the
* *unencrypted* charstring bytes, without any `lenIV' header. It is
* undefined for any other format.
* @input:
* incremental ::
* Handle to an opaque @FT_Incremental handle provided by the client
* application.
* glyph_index ::
* Index of relevant glyph.
* @output:
* adata ::
* A structure describing the returned glyph data bytes (which will be
* accessed as a read-only byte block).
* @return:
* FreeType error code. 0~means success.
* @note:
* If this function returns successfully the method
* @FT_Incremental_FreeGlyphDataFunc will be called later to release
* the data bytes.
* Nested calls to @FT_Incremental_GetGlyphDataFunc can happen for
* compound glyphs.
typedef FT_Error
(*FT_Incremental_GetGlyphDataFunc)( FT_Incremental incremental,
FT_UInt glyph_index,
FT_Data* adata );
* @type:
* FT_Incremental_FreeGlyphDataFunc
* @description:
* A function used to release the glyph data bytes returned by a
* successful call to @FT_Incremental_GetGlyphDataFunc.
* @input:
* incremental ::
* A handle to an opaque @FT_Incremental handle provided by the client
* application.
* data ::
* A structure describing the glyph data bytes (which will be accessed
* as a read-only byte block).
typedef void
(*FT_Incremental_FreeGlyphDataFunc)( FT_Incremental incremental,
FT_Data* data );
* @type:
* FT_Incremental_GetGlyphMetricsFunc
* @description:
* A function used to retrieve the basic metrics of a given glyph index
* before accessing its data. This is necessary because, in certain
* formats like TrueType, the metrics are stored in a different place from
* the glyph images proper.
* @input:
* incremental ::
* A handle to an opaque @FT_Incremental handle provided by the client
* application.
* glyph_index ::
* Index of relevant glyph.
* vertical ::
* If true, return vertical metrics.
* ametrics ::
* This parameter is used for both input and output.
* The original glyph metrics, if any, in font units. If metrics are
* not available all the values must be set to zero.
* @output:
* ametrics ::
* The replacement glyph metrics in font units.
typedef FT_Error
( FT_Incremental incremental,
FT_UInt glyph_index,
FT_Bool vertical,
FT_Incremental_MetricsRec *ametrics );
* @struct:
* FT_Incremental_FuncsRec
* @description:
* A table of functions for accessing fonts that load data
* incrementally. Used in @FT_Incremental_InterfaceRec.
* @fields:
* get_glyph_data ::
* The function to get glyph data. Must not be null.
* free_glyph_data ::
* The function to release glyph data. Must not be null.
* get_glyph_metrics ::
* The function to get glyph metrics. May be null if the font does
* not provide overriding glyph metrics.
typedef struct FT_Incremental_FuncsRec_
FT_Incremental_GetGlyphDataFunc get_glyph_data;
FT_Incremental_FreeGlyphDataFunc free_glyph_data;
FT_Incremental_GetGlyphMetricsFunc get_glyph_metrics;
} FT_Incremental_FuncsRec;
* @struct:
* FT_Incremental_InterfaceRec
* @description:
* A structure to be used with @FT_Open_Face to indicate that the user
* wants to support incremental glyph loading. You should use it with
* @FT_PARAM_TAG_INCREMENTAL as in the following example:
* {
* FT_Incremental_InterfaceRec inc_int;
* FT_Parameter parameter;
* FT_Open_Args open_args;
* // set up incremental descriptor
* inc_int.funcs = my_funcs;
* inc_int.object = my_object;
* // set up optional parameter
* parameter.tag = FT_PARAM_TAG_INCREMENTAL;
* parameter.data = &inc_int;
* // set up FT_Open_Args structure
* open_args.flags = FT_OPEN_PATHNAME | FT_OPEN_PARAMS;
* open_args.pathname = my_font_pathname;
* open_args.num_params = 1;
* open_args.params = ¶meter; // we use one optional argument
* // open the font
* error = FT_Open_Face( library, &open_args, index, &face );
* ...
* }
typedef struct FT_Incremental_InterfaceRec_
const FT_Incremental_FuncsRec* funcs;
FT_Incremental object;
} FT_Incremental_InterfaceRec;
* @type:
* FT_Incremental_Interface
* @description:
* A pointer to an @FT_Incremental_InterfaceRec structure.
typedef FT_Incremental_InterfaceRec* FT_Incremental_Interface;
* @constant:
* @description:
* A constant used as the tag of @FT_Parameter structures to indicate
* an incremental loading object to be used by FreeType.
#define FT_PARAM_TAG_INCREMENTAL FT_MAKE_TAG( 'i', 'n', 'c', 'r' )
/* */
#endif /* __FTINCREM_H__ */
/* END */
@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* ftlcdfil.h */
/* */
/* FreeType API for color filtering of subpixel bitmap glyphs */
/* (specification). */
/* */
/* Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
#ifndef __FT_LCD_FILTER_H__
#define __FT_LCD_FILTER_H__
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#error "freetype.h of FreeType 1 has been loaded!"
#error "Please fix the directory search order for header files"
#error "so that freetype.h of FreeType 2 is found first."
* @section:
* lcd_filtering
* @title:
* LCD Filtering
* @abstract:
* Reduce color fringes of LCD-optimized bitmaps.
* @description:
* The @FT_Library_SetLcdFilter API can be used to specify a low-pass
* filter which is then applied to LCD-optimized bitmaps generated
* through @FT_Render_Glyph. This is useful to reduce color fringes
* which would occur with unfiltered rendering.
* Note that no filter is active by default, and that this function is
* *not* implemented in default builds of the library. You need to
* #define FT_CONFIG_OPTION_SUBPIXEL_RENDERING in your `ftoption.h' file
* in order to activate it.
* @enum:
* FT_LcdFilter
* @description:
* A list of values to identify various types of LCD filters.
* @values:
* Do not perform filtering. When used with subpixel rendering, this
* results in sometimes severe color fringes.
* The default filter reduces color fringes considerably, at the cost
* of a slight blurriness in the output.
* The light filter is a variant that produces less blurriness at the
* cost of slightly more color fringes than the default one. It might
* be better, depending on taste, your monitor, or your personal vision.
* This filter corresponds to the original libXft color filter. It
* provides high contrast output but can exhibit really bad color
* fringes if glyphs are not extremely well hinted to the pixel grid.
* In other words, it only works well if the TrueType bytecode
* interpreter is enabled *and* high-quality hinted fonts are used.
* This filter is only provided for comparison purposes, and might be
* disabled or stay unsupported in the future.
* @since:
* 2.3.0
typedef enum FT_LcdFilter_
FT_LCD_FILTER_MAX /* do not remove */
} FT_LcdFilter;
* @func:
* FT_Library_SetLcdFilter
* @description:
* This function is used to apply color filtering to LCD decimated
* bitmaps, like the ones used when calling @FT_Render_Glyph with
* @input:
* library ::
* A handle to the target library instance.
* filter ::
* The filter type.
* You can use @FT_LCD_FILTER_NONE here to disable this feature, or
* @FT_LCD_FILTER_DEFAULT to use a default filter that should work
* well on most LCD screens.
* @return:
* FreeType error code. 0~means success.
* @note:
* This feature is always disabled by default. Clients must make an
* explicit call to this function with a `filter' value other than
* @FT_LCD_FILTER_NONE in order to enable it.
* Due to *PATENTS* covering subpixel rendering, this function doesn't
* do anything except returning `FT_Err_Unimplemented_Feature' if the
* configuration macro FT_CONFIG_OPTION_SUBPIXEL_RENDERING is not
* defined in your build of the library, which should correspond to all
* default builds of FreeType.
* The filter affects glyph bitmaps rendered through @FT_Render_Glyph,
* @FT_Outline_Get_Bitmap, @FT_Load_Glyph, and @FT_Load_Char.
* It does _not_ affect the output of @FT_Outline_Render and
* @FT_Outline_Get_Bitmap.
* If this feature is activated, the dimensions of LCD glyph bitmaps are
* either larger or taller than the dimensions of the corresponding
* outline with regards to the pixel grid. For example, for
* @FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD, the filter adds up to 3~pixels to the left, and
* up to 3~pixels to the right.
* The bitmap offset values are adjusted correctly, so clients shouldn't
* need to modify their layout and glyph positioning code when enabling
* the filter.
* @since:
* 2.3.0
FT_Library_SetLcdFilter( FT_Library library,
FT_LcdFilter filter );
* @func:
* FT_Library_SetLcdFilterWeights
* @description:
* Use this function to override the filter weights selected by
* @FT_Library_SetLcdFilter. By default, FreeType uses the quintuple
* (0x00, 0x55, 0x56, 0x55, 0x00) for FT_LCD_FILTER_LIGHT, and (0x10,
* 0x40, 0x70, 0x40, 0x10) for FT_LCD_FILTER_DEFAULT and
* @input:
* library ::
* A handle to the target library instance.
* weights ::
* A pointer to an array; the function copies the first five bytes and
* uses them to specify the filter weights.
* @return:
* FreeType error code. 0~means success.
* @note:
* Due to *PATENTS* covering subpixel rendering, this function doesn't
* do anything except returning `FT_Err_Unimplemented_Feature' if the
* configuration macro FT_CONFIG_OPTION_SUBPIXEL_RENDERING is not
* defined in your build of the library, which should correspond to all
* default builds of FreeType.
* This function must be called after @FT_Library_SetLcdFilter to have
* any effect.
* @since:
* 2.4.0
FT_Library_SetLcdFilterWeights( FT_Library library,
unsigned char *weights );
/* */
#endif /* __FT_LCD_FILTER_H__ */
/* END */
@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* ftlist.h */
/* */
/* Generic list support for FreeType (specification). */
/* */
/* Copyright 1996-2001, 2003, 2007, 2010 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
/* */
/* This file implements functions relative to list processing. Its */
/* data structures are defined in `freetype.h'. */
/* */
#ifndef __FTLIST_H__
#define __FTLIST_H__
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#error "freetype.h of FreeType 1 has been loaded!"
#error "Please fix the directory search order for header files"
#error "so that freetype.h of FreeType 2 is found first."
/* */
/* <Section> */
/* list_processing */
/* */
/* <Title> */
/* List Processing */
/* */
/* <Abstract> */
/* Simple management of lists. */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* This section contains various definitions related to list */
/* processing using doubly-linked nodes. */
/* */
/* <Order> */
/* FT_List */
/* FT_ListNode */
/* FT_ListRec */
/* FT_ListNodeRec */
/* */
/* FT_List_Add */
/* FT_List_Insert */
/* FT_List_Find */
/* FT_List_Remove */
/* FT_List_Up */
/* FT_List_Iterate */
/* FT_List_Iterator */
/* FT_List_Finalize */
/* FT_List_Destructor */
/* */
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_List_Find */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Find the list node for a given listed object. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* list :: A pointer to the parent list. */
/* data :: The address of the listed object. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* List node. NULL if it wasn't found. */
/* */
FT_EXPORT( FT_ListNode )
FT_List_Find( FT_List list,
void* data );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_List_Add */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Append an element to the end of a list. */
/* */
/* <InOut> */
/* list :: A pointer to the parent list. */
/* node :: The node to append. */
/* */
FT_EXPORT( void )
FT_List_Add( FT_List list,
FT_ListNode node );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_List_Insert */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Insert an element at the head of a list. */
/* */
/* <InOut> */
/* list :: A pointer to parent list. */
/* node :: The node to insert. */
/* */
FT_EXPORT( void )
FT_List_Insert( FT_List list,
FT_ListNode node );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_List_Remove */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Remove a node from a list. This function doesn't check whether */
/* the node is in the list! */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* node :: The node to remove. */
/* */
/* <InOut> */
/* list :: A pointer to the parent list. */
/* */
FT_EXPORT( void )
FT_List_Remove( FT_List list,
FT_ListNode node );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_List_Up */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Move a node to the head/top of a list. Used to maintain LRU */
/* lists. */
/* */
/* <InOut> */
/* list :: A pointer to the parent list. */
/* node :: The node to move. */
/* */
FT_EXPORT( void )
FT_List_Up( FT_List list,
FT_ListNode node );
/* */
/* <FuncType> */
/* FT_List_Iterator */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* An FT_List iterator function which is called during a list parse */
/* by @FT_List_Iterate. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* node :: The current iteration list node. */
/* */
/* user :: A typeless pointer passed to @FT_List_Iterate. */
/* Can be used to point to the iteration's state. */
/* */
typedef FT_Error
(*FT_List_Iterator)( FT_ListNode node,
void* user );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_List_Iterate */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Parse a list and calls a given iterator function on each element. */
/* Note that parsing is stopped as soon as one of the iterator calls */
/* returns a non-zero value. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* list :: A handle to the list. */
/* iterator :: An iterator function, called on each node of the list. */
/* user :: A user-supplied field which is passed as the second */
/* argument to the iterator. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* The result (a FreeType error code) of the last iterator call. */
/* */
FT_List_Iterate( FT_List list,
FT_List_Iterator iterator,
void* user );
/* */
/* <FuncType> */
/* FT_List_Destructor */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* An @FT_List iterator function which is called during a list */
/* finalization by @FT_List_Finalize to destroy all elements in a */
/* given list. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* system :: The current system object. */
/* */
/* data :: The current object to destroy. */
/* */
/* user :: A typeless pointer passed to @FT_List_Iterate. It can */
/* be used to point to the iteration's state. */
/* */
typedef void
(*FT_List_Destructor)( FT_Memory memory,
void* data,
void* user );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_List_Finalize */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Destroy all elements in the list as well as the list itself. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* list :: A handle to the list. */
/* */
/* destroy :: A list destructor that will be applied to each element */
/* of the list. */
/* */
/* memory :: The current memory object which handles deallocation. */
/* */
/* user :: A user-supplied field which is passed as the last */
/* argument to the destructor. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* This function expects that all nodes added by @FT_List_Add or */
/* @FT_List_Insert have been dynamically allocated. */
/* */
FT_EXPORT( void )
FT_List_Finalize( FT_List list,
FT_List_Destructor destroy,
FT_Memory memory,
void* user );
/* */
#endif /* __FTLIST_H__ */
/* END */
@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* ftlzw.h */
/* */
/* LZW-compressed stream support. */
/* */
/* Copyright 2004, 2006 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
#ifndef __FTLZW_H__
#define __FTLZW_H__
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#error "freetype.h of FreeType 1 has been loaded!"
#error "Please fix the directory search order for header files"
#error "so that freetype.h of FreeType 2 is found first."
/* */
/* <Section> */
/* lzw */
/* */
/* <Title> */
/* LZW Streams */
/* */
/* <Abstract> */
/* Using LZW-compressed font files. */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* This section contains the declaration of LZW-specific functions. */
/* */
* @function:
* FT_Stream_OpenLZW
* @description:
* Open a new stream to parse LZW-compressed font files. This is
* mainly used to support the compressed `*.pcf.Z' fonts that come
* with XFree86.
* @input:
* stream :: The target embedding stream.
* source :: The source stream.
* @return:
* FreeType error code. 0~means success.
* @note:
* The source stream must be opened _before_ calling this function.
* Calling the internal function `FT_Stream_Close' on the new stream will
* *not* call `FT_Stream_Close' on the source stream. None of the stream
* objects will be released to the heap.
* The stream implementation is very basic and resets the decompression
* process each time seeking backwards is needed within the stream
* In certain builds of the library, LZW compression recognition is
* automatically handled when calling @FT_New_Face or @FT_Open_Face.
* This means that if no font driver is capable of handling the raw
* compressed file, the library will try to open a LZW stream from it
* and re-open the face with it.
* This function may return `FT_Err_Unimplemented_Feature' if your build
* of FreeType was not compiled with LZW support.
FT_Stream_OpenLZW( FT_Stream stream,
FT_Stream source );
/* */
#endif /* __FTLZW_H__ */
/* END */
@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* ftmac.h */
/* */
/* Additional Mac-specific API. */
/* */
/* Copyright 1996-2001, 2004, 2006, 2007 by */
/* Just van Rossum, David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
/* */
/* NOTE: Include this file after <freetype/freetype.h> and after any */
/* Mac-specific headers (because this header uses Mac types such as */
/* Handle, FSSpec, FSRef, etc.) */
/* */
#ifndef __FTMAC_H__
#define __FTMAC_H__
#include <ft2build.h>
/* gcc-3.4.1 and later can warn about functions tagged as deprecated */
#if defined(__GNUC__) && \
((__GNUC__ >= 4) || ((__GNUC__ == 3) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1)))
#define FT_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE __attribute__((deprecated))
/* */
/* <Section> */
/* mac_specific */
/* */
/* <Title> */
/* Mac Specific Interface */
/* */
/* <Abstract> */
/* Only available on the Macintosh. */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* The following definitions are only available if FreeType is */
/* compiled on a Macintosh. */
/* */
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_New_Face_From_FOND */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Create a new face object from a FOND resource. */
/* */
/* <InOut> */
/* library :: A handle to the library resource. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* fond :: A FOND resource. */
/* */
/* face_index :: Only supported for the -1 `sanity check' special */
/* case. */
/* */
/* <Output> */
/* aface :: A handle to a new face object. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
/* <Notes> */
/* This function can be used to create @FT_Face objects from fonts */
/* that are installed in the system as follows. */
/* */
/* { */
/* fond = GetResource( 'FOND', fontName ); */
/* error = FT_New_Face_From_FOND( library, fond, 0, &face ); */
/* } */
/* */
FT_New_Face_From_FOND( FT_Library library,
Handle fond,
FT_Long face_index,
FT_Face *aface )
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_GetFile_From_Mac_Name */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Return an FSSpec for the disk file containing the named font. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* fontName :: Mac OS name of the font (e.g., Times New Roman */
/* Bold). */
/* */
/* <Output> */
/* pathSpec :: FSSpec to the file. For passing to */
/* @FT_New_Face_From_FSSpec. */
/* */
/* face_index :: Index of the face. For passing to */
/* @FT_New_Face_From_FSSpec. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
FT_GetFile_From_Mac_Name( const char* fontName,
FSSpec* pathSpec,
FT_Long* face_index )
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_GetFile_From_Mac_ATS_Name */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Return an FSSpec for the disk file containing the named font. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* fontName :: Mac OS name of the font in ATS framework. */
/* */
/* <Output> */
/* pathSpec :: FSSpec to the file. For passing to */
/* @FT_New_Face_From_FSSpec. */
/* */
/* face_index :: Index of the face. For passing to */
/* @FT_New_Face_From_FSSpec. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
FT_GetFile_From_Mac_ATS_Name( const char* fontName,
FSSpec* pathSpec,
FT_Long* face_index )
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_GetFilePath_From_Mac_ATS_Name */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Return a pathname of the disk file and face index for given font */
/* name which is handled by ATS framework. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* fontName :: Mac OS name of the font in ATS framework. */
/* */
/* <Output> */
/* path :: Buffer to store pathname of the file. For passing */
/* to @FT_New_Face. The client must allocate this */
/* buffer before calling this function. */
/* */
/* maxPathSize :: Lengths of the buffer `path' that client allocated. */
/* */
/* face_index :: Index of the face. For passing to @FT_New_Face. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
FT_GetFilePath_From_Mac_ATS_Name( const char* fontName,
UInt8* path,
UInt32 maxPathSize,
FT_Long* face_index )
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_New_Face_From_FSSpec */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Create a new face object from a given resource and typeface index */
/* using an FSSpec to the font file. */
/* */
/* <InOut> */
/* library :: A handle to the library resource. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* spec :: FSSpec to the font file. */
/* */
/* face_index :: The index of the face within the resource. The */
/* first face has index~0. */
/* <Output> */
/* aface :: A handle to a new face object. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* @FT_New_Face_From_FSSpec is identical to @FT_New_Face except */
/* it accepts an FSSpec instead of a path. */
/* */
FT_New_Face_From_FSSpec( FT_Library library,
const FSSpec *spec,
FT_Long face_index,
FT_Face *aface )
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_New_Face_From_FSRef */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Create a new face object from a given resource and typeface index */
/* using an FSRef to the font file. */
/* */
/* <InOut> */
/* library :: A handle to the library resource. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* spec :: FSRef to the font file. */
/* */
/* face_index :: The index of the face within the resource. The */
/* first face has index~0. */
/* <Output> */
/* aface :: A handle to a new face object. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* @FT_New_Face_From_FSRef is identical to @FT_New_Face except */
/* it accepts an FSRef instead of a path. */
/* */
FT_New_Face_From_FSRef( FT_Library library,
const FSRef *ref,
FT_Long face_index,
FT_Face *aface )
/* */
#endif /* __FTMAC_H__ */
/* END */
@ -1,378 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* ftmm.h */
/* */
/* FreeType Multiple Master font interface (specification). */
/* */
/* Copyright 1996-2001, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2009 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
#ifndef __FTMM_H__
#define __FTMM_H__
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_TYPE1_TABLES_H
/* */
/* <Section> */
/* multiple_masters */
/* */
/* <Title> */
/* Multiple Masters */
/* */
/* <Abstract> */
/* How to manage Multiple Masters fonts. */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* The following types and functions are used to manage Multiple */
/* Master fonts, i.e., the selection of specific design instances by */
/* setting design axis coordinates. */
/* */
/* George Williams has extended this interface to make it work with */
/* both Type~1 Multiple Masters fonts and GX distortable (var) */
/* fonts. Some of these routines only work with MM fonts, others */
/* will work with both types. They are similar enough that a */
/* consistent interface makes sense. */
/* */
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* FT_MM_Axis */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A simple structure used to model a given axis in design space for */
/* Multiple Masters fonts. */
/* */
/* This structure can't be used for GX var fonts. */
/* */
/* <Fields> */
/* name :: The axis's name. */
/* */
/* minimum :: The axis's minimum design coordinate. */
/* */
/* maximum :: The axis's maximum design coordinate. */
/* */
typedef struct FT_MM_Axis_
FT_String* name;
FT_Long minimum;
FT_Long maximum;
} FT_MM_Axis;
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* FT_Multi_Master */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A structure used to model the axes and space of a Multiple Masters */
/* font. */
/* */
/* This structure can't be used for GX var fonts. */
/* */
/* <Fields> */
/* num_axis :: Number of axes. Cannot exceed~4. */
/* */
/* num_designs :: Number of designs; should be normally 2^num_axis */
/* even though the Type~1 specification strangely */
/* allows for intermediate designs to be present. This */
/* number cannot exceed~16. */
/* */
/* axis :: A table of axis descriptors. */
/* */
typedef struct FT_Multi_Master_
FT_UInt num_axis;
FT_UInt num_designs;
FT_MM_Axis axis[T1_MAX_MM_AXIS];
} FT_Multi_Master;
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* FT_Var_Axis */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A simple structure used to model a given axis in design space for */
/* Multiple Masters and GX var fonts. */
/* */
/* <Fields> */
/* name :: The axis's name. */
/* Not always meaningful for GX. */
/* */
/* minimum :: The axis's minimum design coordinate. */
/* */
/* def :: The axis's default design coordinate. */
/* FreeType computes meaningful default values for MM; it */
/* is then an integer value, not in 16.16 format. */
/* */
/* maximum :: The axis's maximum design coordinate. */
/* */
/* tag :: The axis's tag (the GX equivalent to `name'). */
/* FreeType provides default values for MM if possible. */
/* */
/* strid :: The entry in `name' table (another GX version of */
/* `name'). */
/* Not meaningful for MM. */
/* */
typedef struct FT_Var_Axis_
FT_String* name;
FT_Fixed minimum;
FT_Fixed def;
FT_Fixed maximum;
FT_ULong tag;
FT_UInt strid;
} FT_Var_Axis;
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* FT_Var_Named_Style */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A simple structure used to model a named style in a GX var font. */
/* */
/* This structure can't be used for MM fonts. */
/* */
/* <Fields> */
/* coords :: The design coordinates for this style. */
/* This is an array with one entry for each axis. */
/* */
/* strid :: The entry in `name' table identifying this style. */
/* */
typedef struct FT_Var_Named_Style_
FT_Fixed* coords;
FT_UInt strid;
} FT_Var_Named_Style;
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* FT_MM_Var */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A structure used to model the axes and space of a Multiple Masters */
/* or GX var distortable font. */
/* */
/* Some fields are specific to one format and not to the other. */
/* */
/* <Fields> */
/* num_axis :: The number of axes. The maximum value is~4 for */
/* MM; no limit in GX. */
/* */
/* num_designs :: The number of designs; should be normally */
/* 2^num_axis for MM fonts. Not meaningful for GX */
/* (where every glyph could have a different */
/* number of designs). */
/* */
/* num_namedstyles :: The number of named styles; only meaningful for */
/* GX which allows certain design coordinates to */
/* have a string ID (in the `name' table) */
/* associated with them. The font can tell the */
/* user that, for example, Weight=1.5 is `Bold'. */
/* */
/* axis :: A table of axis descriptors. */
/* GX fonts contain slightly more data than MM. */
/* */
/* namedstyles :: A table of named styles. */
/* Only meaningful with GX. */
/* */
typedef struct FT_MM_Var_
FT_UInt num_axis;
FT_UInt num_designs;
FT_UInt num_namedstyles;
FT_Var_Axis* axis;
FT_Var_Named_Style* namedstyle;
} FT_MM_Var;
/* */
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Get_Multi_Master */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Retrieve the Multiple Master descriptor of a given font. */
/* */
/* This function can't be used with GX fonts. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* face :: A handle to the source face. */
/* */
/* <Output> */
/* amaster :: The Multiple Masters descriptor. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
FT_Get_Multi_Master( FT_Face face,
FT_Multi_Master *amaster );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Get_MM_Var */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Retrieve the Multiple Master/GX var descriptor of a given font. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* face :: A handle to the source face. */
/* */
/* <Output> */
/* amaster :: The Multiple Masters/GX var descriptor. */
/* Allocates a data structure, which the user must free */
/* (a single call to FT_FREE will do it). */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
FT_Get_MM_Var( FT_Face face,
FT_MM_Var* *amaster );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Set_MM_Design_Coordinates */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* For Multiple Masters fonts, choose an interpolated font design */
/* through design coordinates. */
/* */
/* This function can't be used with GX fonts. */
/* */
/* <InOut> */
/* face :: A handle to the source face. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* num_coords :: The number of design coordinates (must be equal to */
/* the number of axes in the font). */
/* */
/* coords :: An array of design coordinates. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
FT_Set_MM_Design_Coordinates( FT_Face face,
FT_UInt num_coords,
FT_Long* coords );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Set_Var_Design_Coordinates */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* For Multiple Master or GX Var fonts, choose an interpolated font */
/* design through design coordinates. */
/* */
/* <InOut> */
/* face :: A handle to the source face. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* num_coords :: The number of design coordinates (must be equal to */
/* the number of axes in the font). */
/* */
/* coords :: An array of design coordinates. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
FT_Set_Var_Design_Coordinates( FT_Face face,
FT_UInt num_coords,
FT_Fixed* coords );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Set_MM_Blend_Coordinates */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* For Multiple Masters and GX var fonts, choose an interpolated font */
/* design through normalized blend coordinates. */
/* */
/* <InOut> */
/* face :: A handle to the source face. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* num_coords :: The number of design coordinates (must be equal to */
/* the number of axes in the font). */
/* */
/* coords :: The design coordinates array (each element must be */
/* between 0 and 1.0). */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
FT_Set_MM_Blend_Coordinates( FT_Face face,
FT_UInt num_coords,
FT_Fixed* coords );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Set_Var_Blend_Coordinates */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* This is another name of @FT_Set_MM_Blend_Coordinates. */
/* */
FT_Set_Var_Blend_Coordinates( FT_Face face,
FT_UInt num_coords,
FT_Fixed* coords );
/* */
#endif /* __FTMM_H__ */
/* END */
@ -1,483 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* ftmodapi.h */
/* */
/* FreeType modules public interface (specification). */
/* */
/* Copyright 1996-2001, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
#ifndef __FTMODAPI_H__
#define __FTMODAPI_H__
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#error "freetype.h of FreeType 1 has been loaded!"
#error "Please fix the directory search order for header files"
#error "so that freetype.h of FreeType 2 is found first."
/* */
/* <Section> */
/* module_management */
/* */
/* <Title> */
/* Module Management */
/* */
/* <Abstract> */
/* How to add, upgrade, and remove modules from FreeType. */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* The definitions below are used to manage modules within FreeType. */
/* Modules can be added, upgraded, and removed at runtime. */
/* */
/* module bit flags */
#define FT_MODULE_FONT_DRIVER 1 /* this module is a font driver */
#define FT_MODULE_RENDERER 2 /* this module is a renderer */
#define FT_MODULE_HINTER 4 /* this module is a glyph hinter */
#define FT_MODULE_STYLER 8 /* this module is a styler */
#define FT_MODULE_DRIVER_SCALABLE 0x100 /* the driver supports */
/* scalable fonts */
#define FT_MODULE_DRIVER_NO_OUTLINES 0x200 /* the driver does not */
/* support vector outlines */
#define FT_MODULE_DRIVER_HAS_HINTER 0x400 /* the driver provides its */
/* own hinter */
/* deprecated values */
#define ft_module_font_driver FT_MODULE_FONT_DRIVER
#define ft_module_renderer FT_MODULE_RENDERER
#define ft_module_hinter FT_MODULE_HINTER
#define ft_module_styler FT_MODULE_STYLER
#define ft_module_driver_scalable FT_MODULE_DRIVER_SCALABLE
#define ft_module_driver_no_outlines FT_MODULE_DRIVER_NO_OUTLINES
#define ft_module_driver_has_hinter FT_MODULE_DRIVER_HAS_HINTER
typedef FT_Pointer FT_Module_Interface;
/* */
/* <FuncType> */
/* FT_Module_Constructor */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A function used to initialize (not create) a new module object. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* module :: The module to initialize. */
/* */
typedef FT_Error
(*FT_Module_Constructor)( FT_Module module );
/* */
/* <FuncType> */
/* FT_Module_Destructor */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A function used to finalize (not destroy) a given module object. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* module :: The module to finalize. */
/* */
typedef void
(*FT_Module_Destructor)( FT_Module module );
/* */
/* <FuncType> */
/* FT_Module_Requester */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A function used to query a given module for a specific interface. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* module :: The module to finalize. */
/* */
/* name :: The name of the interface in the module. */
/* */
typedef FT_Module_Interface
(*FT_Module_Requester)( FT_Module module,
const char* name );
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* FT_Module_Class */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* The module class descriptor. */
/* */
/* <Fields> */
/* module_flags :: Bit flags describing the module. */
/* */
/* module_size :: The size of one module object/instance in */
/* bytes. */
/* */
/* module_name :: The name of the module. */
/* */
/* module_version :: The version, as a 16.16 fixed number */
/* (major.minor). */
/* */
/* module_requires :: The version of FreeType this module requires, */
/* as a 16.16 fixed number (major.minor). Starts */
/* at version 2.0, i.e., 0x20000. */
/* */
/* module_init :: The initializing function. */
/* */
/* module_done :: The finalizing function. */
/* */
/* get_interface :: The interface requesting function. */
/* */
typedef struct FT_Module_Class_
FT_ULong module_flags;
FT_Long module_size;
const FT_String* module_name;
FT_Fixed module_version;
FT_Fixed module_requires;
const void* module_interface;
FT_Module_Constructor module_init;
FT_Module_Destructor module_done;
FT_Module_Requester get_interface;
} FT_Module_Class;
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Add_Module */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Add a new module to a given library instance. */
/* */
/* <InOut> */
/* library :: A handle to the library object. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* clazz :: A pointer to class descriptor for the module. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* An error will be returned if a module already exists by that name, */
/* or if the module requires a version of FreeType that is too great. */
/* */
FT_Add_Module( FT_Library library,
const FT_Module_Class* clazz );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Get_Module */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Find a module by its name. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* library :: A handle to the library object. */
/* */
/* module_name :: The module's name (as an ASCII string). */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* A module handle. 0~if none was found. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* FreeType's internal modules aren't documented very well, and you */
/* should look up the source code for details. */
/* */
FT_EXPORT( FT_Module )
FT_Get_Module( FT_Library library,
const char* module_name );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Remove_Module */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Remove a given module from a library instance. */
/* */
/* <InOut> */
/* library :: A handle to a library object. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* module :: A handle to a module object. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* The module object is destroyed by the function in case of success. */
/* */
FT_Remove_Module( FT_Library library,
FT_Module module );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Reference_Library */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A counter gets initialized to~1 at the time an @FT_Library */
/* structure is created. This function increments the counter. */
/* @FT_Done_Library then only destroys a library if the counter is~1, */
/* otherwise it simply decrements the counter. */
/* */
/* This function helps in managing life-cycles of structures which */
/* reference @FT_Library objects. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* library :: A handle to a target library object. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
/* <Since> */
/* 2.4.2 */
/* */
FT_Reference_Library( FT_Library library );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_New_Library */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* This function is used to create a new FreeType library instance */
/* from a given memory object. It is thus possible to use libraries */
/* with distinct memory allocators within the same program. */
/* */
/* Normally, you would call this function (followed by a call to */
/* @FT_Add_Default_Modules or a series of calls to @FT_Add_Module) */
/* instead of @FT_Init_FreeType to initialize the FreeType library. */
/* */
/* Don't use @FT_Done_FreeType but @FT_Done_Library to destroy a */
/* library instance. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* memory :: A handle to the original memory object. */
/* */
/* <Output> */
/* alibrary :: A pointer to handle of a new library object. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* See the discussion of reference counters in the description of */
/* @FT_Reference_Library. */
/* */
FT_New_Library( FT_Memory memory,
FT_Library *alibrary );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Done_Library */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Discard a given library object. This closes all drivers and */
/* discards all resource objects. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* library :: A handle to the target library. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* See the discussion of reference counters in the description of */
/* @FT_Reference_Library. */
/* */
FT_Done_Library( FT_Library library );
/* */
typedef void
(*FT_DebugHook_Func)( void* arg );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Set_Debug_Hook */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Set a debug hook function for debugging the interpreter of a font */
/* format. */
/* */
/* <InOut> */
/* library :: A handle to the library object. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* hook_index :: The index of the debug hook. You should use the */
/* values defined in `ftobjs.h', e.g., */
/* */
/* debug_hook :: The function used to debug the interpreter. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* Currently, four debug hook slots are available, but only two (for */
/* the TrueType and the Type~1 interpreter) are defined. */
/* */
/* Since the internal headers of FreeType are no longer installed, */
/* the symbol `FT_DEBUG_HOOK_TRUETYPE' isn't available publicly. */
/* This is a bug and will be fixed in a forthcoming release. */
/* */
FT_EXPORT( void )
FT_Set_Debug_Hook( FT_Library library,
FT_UInt hook_index,
FT_DebugHook_Func debug_hook );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Add_Default_Modules */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Add the set of default drivers to a given library object. */
/* This is only useful when you create a library object with */
/* @FT_New_Library (usually to plug a custom memory manager). */
/* */
/* <InOut> */
/* library :: A handle to a new library object. */
/* */
FT_EXPORT( void )
FT_Add_Default_Modules( FT_Library library );
* @section:
* truetype_engine
* @title:
* The TrueType Engine
* @abstract:
* TrueType bytecode support.
* @description:
* This section contains a function used to query the level of TrueType
* bytecode support compiled in this version of the library.
* @enum:
* FT_TrueTypeEngineType
* @description:
* A list of values describing which kind of TrueType bytecode
* engine is implemented in a given FT_Library instance. It is used
* by the @FT_Get_TrueType_Engine_Type function.
* @values:
* The library doesn't implement any kind of bytecode interpreter.
* The library implements a bytecode interpreter that doesn't
* support the patented operations of the TrueType virtual machine.
* Its main use is to load certain Asian fonts which position and
* scale glyph components with bytecode instructions. It produces
* bad output for most other fonts.
* The library implements a bytecode interpreter that covers
* the full instruction set of the TrueType virtual machine (this
* was governed by patents until May 2010, hence the name).
* @since:
* 2.2
typedef enum FT_TrueTypeEngineType_
} FT_TrueTypeEngineType;
* @func:
* FT_Get_TrueType_Engine_Type
* @description:
* Return an @FT_TrueTypeEngineType value to indicate which level of
* the TrueType virtual machine a given library instance supports.
* @input:
* library ::
* A library instance.
* @return:
* A value indicating which level is supported.
* @since:
* 2.2
FT_EXPORT( FT_TrueTypeEngineType )
FT_Get_TrueType_Engine_Type( FT_Library library );
/* */
#endif /* __FTMODAPI_H__ */
/* END */
@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* ftmoderr.h */
/* */
/* FreeType module error offsets (specification). */
/* */
/* Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
/* */
/* This file is used to define the FreeType module error offsets. */
/* */
/* The lower byte gives the error code, the higher byte gives the */
/* module. The base module has error offset 0. For example, the error */
/* `FT_Err_Invalid_File_Format' has value 0x003, the error */
/* `TT_Err_Invalid_File_Format' has value 0x1103, the error */
/* `T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format' has value 0x1203, etc. */
/* */
/* Undefine the macro FT_CONFIG_OPTION_USE_MODULE_ERRORS in ftoption.h */
/* to make the higher byte always zero (disabling the module error */
/* mechanism). */
/* */
/* It can also be used to create a module error message table easily */
/* with something like */
/* */
/* { */
/* #undef __FTMODERR_H__ */
/* #define FT_MODERRDEF( e, v, s ) { FT_Mod_Err_ ## e, s }, */
/* #define FT_MODERR_START_LIST { */
/* #define FT_MODERR_END_LIST { 0, 0 } }; */
/* */
/* const struct */
/* { */
/* int mod_err_offset; */
/* const char* mod_err_msg */
/* } ft_mod_errors[] = */
/* */
/* #include FT_MODULE_ERRORS_H */
/* } */
/* */
/* To use such a table, all errors must be ANDed with 0xFF00 to remove */
/* the error code. */
/* */
#ifndef __FTMODERR_H__
#define __FTMODERR_H__
/***** *****/
/***** SETUP MACROS *****/
/***** *****/
#define FT_MODERRDEF( e, v, s ) FT_Mod_Err_ ## e = v,
#define FT_MODERRDEF( e, v, s ) FT_Mod_Err_ ## e = 0,
#define FT_MODERR_START_LIST enum {
#define FT_MODERR_END_LIST FT_Mod_Err_Max };
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* !FT_MODERRDEF */
/***** *****/
/***** *****/
FT_MODERRDEF( Base, 0x000, "base module" )
FT_MODERRDEF( Autofit, 0x100, "autofitter module" )
FT_MODERRDEF( BDF, 0x200, "BDF module" )
FT_MODERRDEF( Cache, 0x300, "cache module" )
FT_MODERRDEF( CFF, 0x400, "CFF module" )
FT_MODERRDEF( CID, 0x500, "CID module" )
FT_MODERRDEF( Gzip, 0x600, "Gzip module" )
FT_MODERRDEF( LZW, 0x700, "LZW module" )
FT_MODERRDEF( OTvalid, 0x800, "OpenType validation module" )
FT_MODERRDEF( PCF, 0x900, "PCF module" )
FT_MODERRDEF( PFR, 0xA00, "PFR module" )
FT_MODERRDEF( PSaux, 0xB00, "PS auxiliary module" )
FT_MODERRDEF( PShinter, 0xC00, "PS hinter module" )
FT_MODERRDEF( PSnames, 0xD00, "PS names module" )
FT_MODERRDEF( Raster, 0xE00, "raster module" )
FT_MODERRDEF( SFNT, 0xF00, "SFNT module" )
FT_MODERRDEF( Smooth, 0x1000, "smooth raster module" )
FT_MODERRDEF( TrueType, 0x1100, "TrueType module" )
FT_MODERRDEF( Type1, 0x1200, "Type 1 module" )
FT_MODERRDEF( Type42, 0x1300, "Type 42 module" )
FT_MODERRDEF( Winfonts, 0x1400, "Windows FON/FNT module" )
/***** *****/
/***** CLEANUP *****/
/***** *****/
#endif /* __FTMODERR_H__ */
/* END */
@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* ftotval.h */
/* */
/* FreeType API for validating OpenType tables (specification). */
/* */
/* Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
/* */
/* */
/* Warning: This module might be moved to a different library in the */
/* future to avoid a tight dependency between FreeType and the */
/* OpenType specification. */
/* */
/* */
#ifndef __FTOTVAL_H__
#define __FTOTVAL_H__
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#error "freetype.h of FreeType 1 has been loaded!"
#error "Please fix the directory search order for header files"
#error "so that freetype.h of FreeType 2 is found first."
/* */
/* <Section> */
/* ot_validation */
/* */
/* <Title> */
/* OpenType Validation */
/* */
/* <Abstract> */
/* An API to validate OpenType tables. */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* This section contains the declaration of functions to validate */
/* some OpenType tables (BASE, GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, JSTF, MATH). */
/* */
* @enum:
* @description:
* A list of bit-field constants used with @FT_OpenType_Validate to
* indicate which OpenType tables should be validated.
* @values:
* Validate BASE table.
* Validate GDEF table.
* Validate GPOS table.
* Validate GSUB table.
* Validate JSTF table.
* Validate MATH table.
* Validate all OpenType tables (BASE, GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, JSTF, MATH).
#define FT_VALIDATE_BASE 0x0100
#define FT_VALIDATE_GDEF 0x0200
#define FT_VALIDATE_GPOS 0x0400
#define FT_VALIDATE_GSUB 0x0800
#define FT_VALIDATE_JSTF 0x1000
#define FT_VALIDATE_MATH 0x2000
/* */
* @function:
* FT_OpenType_Validate
* @description:
* Validate various OpenType tables to assure that all offsets and
* indices are valid. The idea is that a higher-level library which
* actually does the text layout can access those tables without
* error checking (which can be quite time consuming).
* @input:
* face ::
* A handle to the input face.
* validation_flags ::
* A bit field which specifies the tables to be validated. See
* @FT_VALIDATE_OTXXX for possible values.
* @output:
* BASE_table ::
* A pointer to the BASE table.
* GDEF_table ::
* A pointer to the GDEF table.
* GPOS_table ::
* A pointer to the GPOS table.
* GSUB_table ::
* A pointer to the GSUB table.
* JSTF_table ::
* A pointer to the JSTF table.
* @return:
* FreeType error code. 0~means success.
* @note:
* This function only works with OpenType fonts, returning an error
* otherwise.
* After use, the application should deallocate the five tables with
* @FT_OpenType_Free. A NULL value indicates that the table either
* doesn't exist in the font, or the application hasn't asked for
* validation.
FT_OpenType_Validate( FT_Face face,
FT_UInt validation_flags,
FT_Bytes *BASE_table,
FT_Bytes *GDEF_table,
FT_Bytes *GPOS_table,
FT_Bytes *GSUB_table,
FT_Bytes *JSTF_table );
/* */
* @function:
* FT_OpenType_Free
* @description:
* Free the buffer allocated by OpenType validator.
* @input:
* face ::
* A handle to the input face.
* table ::
* The pointer to the buffer that is allocated by
* @FT_OpenType_Validate.
* @note:
* This function must be used to free the buffer allocated by
* @FT_OpenType_Validate only.
FT_EXPORT( void )
FT_OpenType_Free( FT_Face face,
FT_Bytes table );
/* */
#endif /* __FTOTVAL_H__ */
/* END */
@ -1,537 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* ftoutln.h */
/* */
/* Support for the FT_Outline type used to store glyph shapes of */
/* most scalable font formats (specification). */
/* */
/* Copyright 1996-2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
#ifndef __FTOUTLN_H__
#define __FTOUTLN_H__
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#error "freetype.h of FreeType 1 has been loaded!"
#error "Please fix the directory search order for header files"
#error "so that freetype.h of FreeType 2 is found first."
/* */
/* <Section> */
/* outline_processing */
/* */
/* <Title> */
/* Outline Processing */
/* */
/* <Abstract> */
/* Functions to create, transform, and render vectorial glyph images. */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* This section contains routines used to create and destroy scalable */
/* glyph images known as `outlines'. These can also be measured, */
/* transformed, and converted into bitmaps and pixmaps. */
/* */
/* <Order> */
/* FT_Outline */
/* FT_Outline_New */
/* FT_Outline_Done */
/* FT_Outline_Copy */
/* FT_Outline_Translate */
/* FT_Outline_Transform */
/* FT_Outline_Embolden */
/* FT_Outline_Reverse */
/* FT_Outline_Check */
/* */
/* FT_Outline_Get_CBox */
/* FT_Outline_Get_BBox */
/* */
/* FT_Outline_Get_Bitmap */
/* FT_Outline_Render */
/* */
/* FT_Outline_Decompose */
/* FT_Outline_Funcs */
/* FT_Outline_MoveTo_Func */
/* FT_Outline_LineTo_Func */
/* FT_Outline_ConicTo_Func */
/* FT_Outline_CubicTo_Func */
/* */
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Outline_Decompose */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Walk over an outline's structure to decompose it into individual */
/* segments and Bézier arcs. This function also emits `move to' */
/* operations to indicate the start of new contours in the outline. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* outline :: A pointer to the source target. */
/* */
/* func_interface :: A table of `emitters', i.e., function pointers */
/* called during decomposition to indicate path */
/* operations. */
/* */
/* <InOut> */
/* user :: A typeless pointer which is passed to each */
/* emitter during the decomposition. It can be */
/* used to store the state during the */
/* decomposition. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
FT_Outline_Decompose( FT_Outline* outline,
const FT_Outline_Funcs* func_interface,
void* user );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Outline_New */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Create a new outline of a given size. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* library :: A handle to the library object from where the */
/* outline is allocated. Note however that the new */
/* outline will *not* necessarily be *freed*, when */
/* destroying the library, by @FT_Done_FreeType. */
/* */
/* numPoints :: The maximal number of points within the outline. */
/* */
/* numContours :: The maximal number of contours within the outline. */
/* */
/* <Output> */
/* anoutline :: A handle to the new outline. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* The reason why this function takes a `library' parameter is simply */
/* to use the library's memory allocator. */
/* */
FT_Outline_New( FT_Library library,
FT_UInt numPoints,
FT_Int numContours,
FT_Outline *anoutline );
FT_Outline_New_Internal( FT_Memory memory,
FT_UInt numPoints,
FT_Int numContours,
FT_Outline *anoutline );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Outline_Done */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Destroy an outline created with @FT_Outline_New. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* library :: A handle of the library object used to allocate the */
/* outline. */
/* */
/* outline :: A pointer to the outline object to be discarded. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* If the outline's `owner' field is not set, only the outline */
/* descriptor will be released. */
/* */
/* The reason why this function takes an `library' parameter is */
/* simply to use ft_mem_free(). */
/* */
FT_Outline_Done( FT_Library library,
FT_Outline* outline );
FT_Outline_Done_Internal( FT_Memory memory,
FT_Outline* outline );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Outline_Check */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Check the contents of an outline descriptor. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* outline :: A handle to a source outline. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
FT_Outline_Check( FT_Outline* outline );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Outline_Get_CBox */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Return an outline's `control box'. The control box encloses all */
/* the outline's points, including Bézier control points. Though it */
/* coincides with the exact bounding box for most glyphs, it can be */
/* slightly larger in some situations (like when rotating an outline */
/* which contains Bézier outside arcs). */
/* */
/* Computing the control box is very fast, while getting the bounding */
/* box can take much more time as it needs to walk over all segments */
/* and arcs in the outline. To get the latter, you can use the */
/* `ftbbox' component which is dedicated to this single task. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* outline :: A pointer to the source outline descriptor. */
/* */
/* <Output> */
/* acbox :: The outline's control box. */
/* */
FT_EXPORT( void )
FT_Outline_Get_CBox( const FT_Outline* outline,
FT_BBox *acbox );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Outline_Translate */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Apply a simple translation to the points of an outline. */
/* */
/* <InOut> */
/* outline :: A pointer to the target outline descriptor. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* xOffset :: The horizontal offset. */
/* */
/* yOffset :: The vertical offset. */
/* */
FT_EXPORT( void )
FT_Outline_Translate( const FT_Outline* outline,
FT_Pos xOffset,
FT_Pos yOffset );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Outline_Copy */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Copy an outline into another one. Both objects must have the */
/* same sizes (number of points & number of contours) when this */
/* function is called. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* source :: A handle to the source outline. */
/* */
/* <Output> */
/* target :: A handle to the target outline. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
FT_Outline_Copy( const FT_Outline* source,
FT_Outline *target );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Outline_Transform */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Apply a simple 2x2 matrix to all of an outline's points. Useful */
/* for applying rotations, slanting, flipping, etc. */
/* */
/* <InOut> */
/* outline :: A pointer to the target outline descriptor. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* matrix :: A pointer to the transformation matrix. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* You can use @FT_Outline_Translate if you need to translate the */
/* outline's points. */
/* */
FT_EXPORT( void )
FT_Outline_Transform( const FT_Outline* outline,
const FT_Matrix* matrix );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Outline_Embolden */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Embolden an outline. The new outline will be at most 4~times */
/* `strength' pixels wider and higher. You may think of the left and */
/* bottom borders as unchanged. */
/* */
/* Negative `strength' values to reduce the outline thickness are */
/* possible also. */
/* */
/* <InOut> */
/* outline :: A handle to the target outline. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* strength :: How strong the glyph is emboldened. Expressed in */
/* 26.6 pixel format. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* The used algorithm to increase or decrease the thickness of the */
/* glyph doesn't change the number of points; this means that certain */
/* situations like acute angles or intersections are sometimes */
/* handled incorrectly. */
/* */
/* If you need `better' metrics values you should call */
/* @FT_Outline_Get_CBox ot @FT_Outline_Get_BBox. */
/* */
/* Example call: */
/* */
/* { */
/* FT_Load_Glyph( face, index, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT ); */
/* if ( face->slot->format == FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_OUTLINE ) */
/* FT_Outline_Embolden( &face->slot->outline, strength ); */
/* } */
/* */
FT_Outline_Embolden( FT_Outline* outline,
FT_Pos strength );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Outline_Reverse */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Reverse the drawing direction of an outline. This is used to */
/* ensure consistent fill conventions for mirrored glyphs. */
/* */
/* <InOut> */
/* outline :: A pointer to the target outline descriptor. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* This function toggles the bit flag @FT_OUTLINE_REVERSE_FILL in */
/* the outline's `flags' field. */
/* */
/* It shouldn't be used by a normal client application, unless it */
/* knows what it is doing. */
/* */
FT_EXPORT( void )
FT_Outline_Reverse( FT_Outline* outline );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Outline_Get_Bitmap */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Render an outline within a bitmap. The outline's image is simply */
/* OR-ed to the target bitmap. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* library :: A handle to a FreeType library object. */
/* */
/* outline :: A pointer to the source outline descriptor. */
/* */
/* <InOut> */
/* abitmap :: A pointer to the target bitmap descriptor. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* This function does NOT CREATE the bitmap, it only renders an */
/* outline image within the one you pass to it! Consequently, the */
/* various fields in `abitmap' should be set accordingly. */
/* */
/* It will use the raster corresponding to the default glyph format. */
/* */
/* The value of the `num_grays' field in `abitmap' is ignored. If */
/* you select the gray-level rasterizer, and you want less than 256 */
/* gray levels, you have to use @FT_Outline_Render directly. */
/* */
FT_Outline_Get_Bitmap( FT_Library library,
FT_Outline* outline,
const FT_Bitmap *abitmap );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Outline_Render */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Render an outline within a bitmap using the current scan-convert. */
/* This function uses an @FT_Raster_Params structure as an argument, */
/* allowing advanced features like direct composition, translucency, */
/* etc. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* library :: A handle to a FreeType library object. */
/* */
/* outline :: A pointer to the source outline descriptor. */
/* */
/* <InOut> */
/* params :: A pointer to an @FT_Raster_Params structure used to */
/* describe the rendering operation. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* You should know what you are doing and how @FT_Raster_Params works */
/* to use this function. */
/* */
/* The field `params.source' will be set to `outline' before the scan */
/* converter is called, which means that the value you give to it is */
/* actually ignored. */
/* */
/* The gray-level rasterizer always uses 256 gray levels. If you */
/* want less gray levels, you have to provide your own span callback. */
/* See the @FT_RASTER_FLAG_DIRECT value of the `flags' field in the */
/* @FT_Raster_Params structure for more details. */
/* */
FT_Outline_Render( FT_Library library,
FT_Outline* outline,
FT_Raster_Params* params );
* @enum:
* FT_Orientation
* @description:
* A list of values used to describe an outline's contour orientation.
* The TrueType and PostScript specifications use different conventions
* to determine whether outline contours should be filled or unfilled.
* @values:
* According to the TrueType specification, clockwise contours must
* be filled, and counter-clockwise ones must be unfilled.
* According to the PostScript specification, counter-clockwise contours
* must be filled, and clockwise ones must be unfilled.
* This is identical to @FT_ORIENTATION_TRUETYPE, but is used to
* remember that in TrueType, everything that is to the right of
* the drawing direction of a contour must be filled.
* This is identical to @FT_ORIENTATION_POSTSCRIPT, but is used to
* remember that in PostScript, everything that is to the left of
* the drawing direction of a contour must be filled.
* The orientation cannot be determined. That is, different parts of
* the glyph have different orientation.
typedef enum FT_Orientation_
} FT_Orientation;
* @function:
* FT_Outline_Get_Orientation
* @description:
* This function analyzes a glyph outline and tries to compute its
* fill orientation (see @FT_Orientation). This is done by computing
* the direction of each global horizontal and/or vertical extrema
* within the outline.
* Note that this will return @FT_ORIENTATION_TRUETYPE for empty
* outlines.
* @input:
* outline ::
* A handle to the source outline.
* @return:
* The orientation.
FT_EXPORT( FT_Orientation )
FT_Outline_Get_Orientation( FT_Outline* outline );
/* */
#endif /* __FTOUTLN_H__ */
/* END */
/* Local Variables: */
/* coding: utf-8 */
/* End: */
@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* ftpfr.h */
/* */
/* FreeType API for accessing PFR-specific data (specification only). */
/* */
/* Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2009 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
#ifndef __FTPFR_H__
#define __FTPFR_H__
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#error "freetype.h of FreeType 1 has been loaded!"
#error "Please fix the directory search order for header files"
#error "so that freetype.h of FreeType 2 is found first."
/* */
/* <Section> */
/* pfr_fonts */
/* */
/* <Title> */
/* PFR Fonts */
/* */
/* <Abstract> */
/* PFR/TrueDoc specific API. */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* This section contains the declaration of PFR-specific functions. */
/* */
* @function:
* FT_Get_PFR_Metrics
* @description:
* Return the outline and metrics resolutions of a given PFR face.
* @input:
* face :: Handle to the input face. It can be a non-PFR face.
* @output:
* aoutline_resolution ::
* Outline resolution. This is equivalent to `face->units_per_EM'
* for non-PFR fonts. Optional (parameter can be NULL).
* ametrics_resolution ::
* Metrics resolution. This is equivalent to `outline_resolution'
* for non-PFR fonts. Optional (parameter can be NULL).
* ametrics_x_scale ::
* A 16.16 fixed-point number used to scale distance expressed
* in metrics units to device sub-pixels. This is equivalent to
* `face->size->x_scale', but for metrics only. Optional (parameter
* can be NULL).
* ametrics_y_scale ::
* Same as `ametrics_x_scale' but for the vertical direction.
* optional (parameter can be NULL).
* @return:
* FreeType error code. 0~means success.
* @note:
* If the input face is not a PFR, this function will return an error.
* However, in all cases, it will return valid values.
FT_Get_PFR_Metrics( FT_Face face,
FT_UInt *aoutline_resolution,
FT_UInt *ametrics_resolution,
FT_Fixed *ametrics_x_scale,
FT_Fixed *ametrics_y_scale );
* @function:
* FT_Get_PFR_Kerning
* @description:
* Return the kerning pair corresponding to two glyphs in a PFR face.
* The distance is expressed in metrics units, unlike the result of
* @FT_Get_Kerning.
* @input:
* face :: A handle to the input face.
* left :: Index of the left glyph.
* right :: Index of the right glyph.
* @output:
* avector :: A kerning vector.
* @return:
* FreeType error code. 0~means success.
* @note:
* This function always return distances in original PFR metrics
* units. This is unlike @FT_Get_Kerning with the @FT_KERNING_UNSCALED
* mode, which always returns distances converted to outline units.
* You can use the value of the `x_scale' and `y_scale' parameters
* returned by @FT_Get_PFR_Metrics to scale these to device sub-pixels.
FT_Get_PFR_Kerning( FT_Face face,
FT_UInt left,
FT_UInt right,
FT_Vector *avector );
* @function:
* FT_Get_PFR_Advance
* @description:
* Return a given glyph advance, expressed in original metrics units,
* from a PFR font.
* @input:
* face :: A handle to the input face.
* gindex :: The glyph index.
* @output:
* aadvance :: The glyph advance in metrics units.
* @return:
* FreeType error code. 0~means success.
* @note:
* You can use the `x_scale' or `y_scale' results of @FT_Get_PFR_Metrics
* to convert the advance to device sub-pixels (i.e., 1/64th of pixels).
FT_Get_PFR_Advance( FT_Face face,
FT_UInt gindex,
FT_Pos *aadvance );
/* */
#endif /* __FTPFR_H__ */
/* END */
@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* ftrender.h */
/* */
/* FreeType renderer modules public interface (specification). */
/* */
/* Copyright 1996-2001, 2005, 2006, 2010 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
#ifndef __FTRENDER_H__
#define __FTRENDER_H__
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_MODULE_H
#include FT_GLYPH_H
/* */
/* <Section> */
/* module_management */
/* */
/* create a new glyph object */
typedef FT_Error
(*FT_Glyph_InitFunc)( FT_Glyph glyph,
FT_GlyphSlot slot );
/* destroys a given glyph object */
typedef void
(*FT_Glyph_DoneFunc)( FT_Glyph glyph );
typedef void
(*FT_Glyph_TransformFunc)( FT_Glyph glyph,
const FT_Matrix* matrix,
const FT_Vector* delta );
typedef void
(*FT_Glyph_GetBBoxFunc)( FT_Glyph glyph,
FT_BBox* abbox );
typedef FT_Error
(*FT_Glyph_CopyFunc)( FT_Glyph source,
FT_Glyph target );
typedef FT_Error
(*FT_Glyph_PrepareFunc)( FT_Glyph glyph,
FT_GlyphSlot slot );
/* deprecated */
#define FT_Glyph_Init_Func FT_Glyph_InitFunc
#define FT_Glyph_Done_Func FT_Glyph_DoneFunc
#define FT_Glyph_Transform_Func FT_Glyph_TransformFunc
#define FT_Glyph_BBox_Func FT_Glyph_GetBBoxFunc
#define FT_Glyph_Copy_Func FT_Glyph_CopyFunc
#define FT_Glyph_Prepare_Func FT_Glyph_PrepareFunc
struct FT_Glyph_Class_
FT_Long glyph_size;
FT_Glyph_Format glyph_format;
FT_Glyph_InitFunc glyph_init;
FT_Glyph_DoneFunc glyph_done;
FT_Glyph_CopyFunc glyph_copy;
FT_Glyph_TransformFunc glyph_transform;
FT_Glyph_GetBBoxFunc glyph_bbox;
FT_Glyph_PrepareFunc glyph_prepare;
typedef FT_Error
(*FT_Renderer_RenderFunc)( FT_Renderer renderer,
FT_GlyphSlot slot,
FT_UInt mode,
const FT_Vector* origin );
typedef FT_Error
(*FT_Renderer_TransformFunc)( FT_Renderer renderer,
FT_GlyphSlot slot,
const FT_Matrix* matrix,
const FT_Vector* delta );
typedef void
(*FT_Renderer_GetCBoxFunc)( FT_Renderer renderer,
FT_GlyphSlot slot,
FT_BBox* cbox );
typedef FT_Error
(*FT_Renderer_SetModeFunc)( FT_Renderer renderer,
FT_ULong mode_tag,
FT_Pointer mode_ptr );
/* deprecated identifiers */
#define FTRenderer_render FT_Renderer_RenderFunc
#define FTRenderer_transform FT_Renderer_TransformFunc
#define FTRenderer_getCBox FT_Renderer_GetCBoxFunc
#define FTRenderer_setMode FT_Renderer_SetModeFunc
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* FT_Renderer_Class */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* The renderer module class descriptor. */
/* */
/* <Fields> */
/* root :: The root @FT_Module_Class fields. */
/* */
/* glyph_format :: The glyph image format this renderer handles. */
/* */
/* render_glyph :: A method used to render the image that is in a */
/* given glyph slot into a bitmap. */
/* */
/* transform_glyph :: A method used to transform the image that is in */
/* a given glyph slot. */
/* */
/* get_glyph_cbox :: A method used to access the glyph's cbox. */
/* */
/* set_mode :: A method used to pass additional parameters. */
/* */
/* raster_class :: For @FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_OUTLINE renderers only. */
/* This is a pointer to its raster's class. */
/* */
typedef struct FT_Renderer_Class_
FT_Module_Class root;
FT_Glyph_Format glyph_format;
FT_Renderer_RenderFunc render_glyph;
FT_Renderer_TransformFunc transform_glyph;
FT_Renderer_GetCBoxFunc get_glyph_cbox;
FT_Renderer_SetModeFunc set_mode;
FT_Raster_Funcs* raster_class;
} FT_Renderer_Class;
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Get_Renderer */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Retrieve the current renderer for a given glyph format. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* library :: A handle to the library object. */
/* */
/* format :: The glyph format. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* A renderer handle. 0~if none found. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* An error will be returned if a module already exists by that name, */
/* or if the module requires a version of FreeType that is too great. */
/* */
/* To add a new renderer, simply use @FT_Add_Module. To retrieve a */
/* renderer by its name, use @FT_Get_Module. */
/* */
FT_EXPORT( FT_Renderer )
FT_Get_Renderer( FT_Library library,
FT_Glyph_Format format );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Set_Renderer */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Set the current renderer to use, and set additional mode. */
/* */
/* <InOut> */
/* library :: A handle to the library object. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* renderer :: A handle to the renderer object. */
/* */
/* num_params :: The number of additional parameters. */
/* */
/* parameters :: Additional parameters. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* In case of success, the renderer will be used to convert glyph */
/* images in the renderer's known format into bitmaps. */
/* */
/* This doesn't change the current renderer for other formats. */
/* */
FT_Set_Renderer( FT_Library library,
FT_Renderer renderer,
FT_UInt num_params,
FT_Parameter* parameters );
/* */
#endif /* __FTRENDER_H__ */
/* END */
@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* ftsizes.h */
/* */
/* FreeType size objects management (specification). */
/* */
/* Copyright 1996-2001, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2009 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
/* */
/* Typical application would normally not need to use these functions. */
/* However, they have been placed in a public API for the rare cases */
/* where they are needed. */
/* */
#ifndef __FTSIZES_H__
#define __FTSIZES_H__
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#error "freetype.h of FreeType 1 has been loaded!"
#error "Please fix the directory search order for header files"
#error "so that freetype.h of FreeType 2 is found first."
/* */
/* <Section> */
/* sizes_management */
/* */
/* <Title> */
/* Size Management */
/* */
/* <Abstract> */
/* Managing multiple sizes per face. */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* When creating a new face object (e.g., with @FT_New_Face), an */
/* @FT_Size object is automatically created and used to store all */
/* pixel-size dependent information, available in the `face->size' */
/* field. */
/* */
/* It is however possible to create more sizes for a given face, */
/* mostly in order to manage several character pixel sizes of the */
/* same font family and style. See @FT_New_Size and @FT_Done_Size. */
/* */
/* Note that @FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes and @FT_Set_Char_Size only */
/* modify the contents of the current `active' size; you thus need */
/* to use @FT_Activate_Size to change it. */
/* */
/* 99% of applications won't need the functions provided here, */
/* especially if they use the caching sub-system, so be cautious */
/* when using these. */
/* */
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_New_Size */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Create a new size object from a given face object. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* face :: A handle to a parent face object. */
/* */
/* <Output> */
/* asize :: A handle to a new size object. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* You need to call @FT_Activate_Size in order to select the new size */
/* for upcoming calls to @FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes, @FT_Set_Char_Size, */
/* @FT_Load_Glyph, @FT_Load_Char, etc. */
/* */
FT_New_Size( FT_Face face,
FT_Size* size );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Done_Size */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Discard a given size object. Note that @FT_Done_Face */
/* automatically discards all size objects allocated with */
/* @FT_New_Size. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* size :: A handle to a target size object. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
FT_Done_Size( FT_Size size );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Activate_Size */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Even though it is possible to create several size objects for a */
/* given face (see @FT_New_Size for details), functions like */
/* @FT_Load_Glyph or @FT_Load_Char only use the one which has been */
/* activated last to determine the `current character pixel size'. */
/* */
/* This function can be used to `activate' a previously created size */
/* object. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* size :: A handle to a target size object. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* If `face' is the size's parent face object, this function changes */
/* the value of `face->size' to the input size handle. */
/* */
FT_Activate_Size( FT_Size size );
/* */
#endif /* __FTSIZES_H__ */
/* END */
@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* ftsnames.h */
/* */
/* Simple interface to access SFNT name tables (which are used */
/* to hold font names, copyright info, notices, etc.) (specification). */
/* */
/* This is _not_ used to retrieve glyph names! */
/* */
/* Copyright 1996-2001, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2009, 2010 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
#ifndef __FT_SFNT_NAMES_H__
#define __FT_SFNT_NAMES_H__
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#error "freetype.h of FreeType 1 has been loaded!"
#error "Please fix the directory search order for header files"
#error "so that freetype.h of FreeType 2 is found first."
/* */
/* <Section> */
/* sfnt_names */
/* */
/* <Title> */
/* SFNT Names */
/* */
/* <Abstract> */
/* Access the names embedded in TrueType and OpenType files. */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* The TrueType and OpenType specifications allow the inclusion of */
/* a special `names table' in font files. This table contains */
/* textual (and internationalized) information regarding the font, */
/* like family name, copyright, version, etc. */
/* */
/* The definitions below are used to access them if available. */
/* */
/* Note that this has nothing to do with glyph names! */
/* */
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* FT_SfntName */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A structure used to model an SFNT `name' table entry. */
/* */
/* <Fields> */
/* platform_id :: The platform ID for `string'. */
/* */
/* encoding_id :: The encoding ID for `string'. */
/* */
/* language_id :: The language ID for `string'. */
/* */
/* name_id :: An identifier for `string'. */
/* */
/* string :: The `name' string. Note that its format differs */
/* depending on the (platform,encoding) pair. It can */
/* be a Pascal String, a UTF-16 one, etc. */
/* */
/* Generally speaking, the string is not */
/* zero-terminated. Please refer to the TrueType */
/* specification for details. */
/* */
/* string_len :: The length of `string' in bytes. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* Possible values for `platform_id', `encoding_id', `language_id', */
/* and `name_id' are given in the file `ttnameid.h'. For details */
/* please refer to the TrueType or OpenType specification. */
/* */
/* @TT_ISO_ID_XXX, and @TT_MS_ID_XXX. */
/* */
typedef struct FT_SfntName_
FT_UShort platform_id;
FT_UShort encoding_id;
FT_UShort language_id;
FT_UShort name_id;
FT_Byte* string; /* this string is *not* null-terminated! */
FT_UInt string_len; /* in bytes */
} FT_SfntName;
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Get_Sfnt_Name_Count */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Retrieve the number of name strings in the SFNT `name' table. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* face :: A handle to the source face. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* The number of strings in the `name' table. */
/* */
FT_Get_Sfnt_Name_Count( FT_Face face );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Get_Sfnt_Name */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Retrieve a string of the SFNT `name' table for a given index. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* face :: A handle to the source face. */
/* */
/* idx :: The index of the `name' string. */
/* */
/* <Output> */
/* aname :: The indexed @FT_SfntName structure. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* FreeType error code. 0~means success. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* The `string' array returned in the `aname' structure is not */
/* null-terminated. The application should deallocate it if it is no */
/* longer in use. */
/* */
/* Use @FT_Get_Sfnt_Name_Count to get the total number of available */
/* `name' table entries, then do a loop until you get the right */
/* platform, encoding, and name ID. */
/* */
FT_Get_Sfnt_Name( FT_Face face,
FT_UInt idx,
FT_SfntName *aname );
* @constant:
* @description:
* A constant used as the tag of @FT_Parameter structures to make
* FT_Open_Face() ignore preferred family subfamily names in `name'
* table since OpenType version 1.4. For backwards compatibility with
* legacy systems which has 4-face-per-family restriction.
* @constant:
* @description:
* A constant used as the tag of @FT_Parameter structures to make
* FT_Open_Face() ignore preferred subfamily names in `name' table since
* OpenType version 1.4. For backwards compatibility with legacy
* systems which has 4-face-per-family restriction.
/* */
#endif /* __FT_SFNT_NAMES_H__ */
/* END */
@ -1,716 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* ftstroke.h */
/* */
/* FreeType path stroker (specification). */
/* */
/* Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
#ifndef __FT_STROKE_H__
#define __FT_STROKE_H__
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_OUTLINE_H
#include FT_GLYPH_H
* @section:
* glyph_stroker
* @title:
* Glyph Stroker
* @abstract:
* Generating bordered and stroked glyphs.
* @description:
* This component generates stroked outlines of a given vectorial
* glyph. It also allows you to retrieve the `outside' and/or the
* `inside' borders of the stroke.
* This can be useful to generate `bordered' glyph, i.e., glyphs
* displayed with a coloured (and anti-aliased) border around their
* shape.
* @type:
* FT_Stroker
* @description:
* Opaque handler to a path stroker object.
typedef struct FT_StrokerRec_* FT_Stroker;
* @enum:
* FT_Stroker_LineJoin
* @description:
* These values determine how two joining lines are rendered
* in a stroker.
* @values:
* Used to render rounded line joins. Circular arcs are used
* to join two lines smoothly.
* Used to render beveled line joins; i.e., the two joining lines
* are extended until they intersect.
* Same as beveled rendering, except that an additional line
* break is added if the angle between the two joining lines
* is too closed (this is useful to avoid unpleasant spikes
* in beveled rendering).
typedef enum FT_Stroker_LineJoin_
} FT_Stroker_LineJoin;
* @enum:
* FT_Stroker_LineCap
* @description:
* These values determine how the end of opened sub-paths are
* rendered in a stroke.
* @values:
* The end of lines is rendered as a full stop on the last
* point itself.
* The end of lines is rendered as a half-circle around the
* last point.
* The end of lines is rendered as a square around the
* last point.
typedef enum FT_Stroker_LineCap_
} FT_Stroker_LineCap;
* @enum:
* FT_StrokerBorder
* @description:
* These values are used to select a given stroke border
* in @FT_Stroker_GetBorderCounts and @FT_Stroker_ExportBorder.
* @values:
* Select the left border, relative to the drawing direction.
* Select the right border, relative to the drawing direction.
* @note:
* Applications are generally interested in the `inside' and `outside'
* borders. However, there is no direct mapping between these and the
* `left' and `right' ones, since this really depends on the glyph's
* drawing orientation, which varies between font formats.
* You can however use @FT_Outline_GetInsideBorder and
* @FT_Outline_GetOutsideBorder to get these.
typedef enum FT_StrokerBorder_
} FT_StrokerBorder;
* @function:
* FT_Outline_GetInsideBorder
* @description:
* Retrieve the @FT_StrokerBorder value corresponding to the
* `inside' borders of a given outline.
* @input:
* outline ::
* The source outline handle.
* @return:
* The border index. @FT_STROKER_BORDER_RIGHT for empty or invalid
* outlines.
FT_EXPORT( FT_StrokerBorder )
FT_Outline_GetInsideBorder( FT_Outline* outline );
* @function:
* FT_Outline_GetOutsideBorder
* @description:
* Retrieve the @FT_StrokerBorder value corresponding to the
* `outside' borders of a given outline.
* @input:
* outline ::
* The source outline handle.
* @return:
* The border index. @FT_STROKER_BORDER_LEFT for empty or invalid
* outlines.
FT_EXPORT( FT_StrokerBorder )
FT_Outline_GetOutsideBorder( FT_Outline* outline );
* @function:
* FT_Stroker_New
* @description:
* Create a new stroker object.
* @input:
* library ::
* FreeType library handle.
* @output:
* astroker ::
* A new stroker object handle. NULL in case of error.
* @return:
* FreeType error code. 0~means success.
FT_Stroker_New( FT_Library library,
FT_Stroker *astroker );
* @function:
* FT_Stroker_Set
* @description:
* Reset a stroker object's attributes.
* @input:
* stroker ::
* The target stroker handle.
* radius ::
* The border radius.
* line_cap ::
* The line cap style.
* line_join ::
* The line join style.
* miter_limit ::
* The miter limit for the FT_STROKER_LINEJOIN_MITER style,
* expressed as 16.16 fixed point value.
* @note:
* The radius is expressed in the same units as the outline
* coordinates.
FT_EXPORT( void )
FT_Stroker_Set( FT_Stroker stroker,
FT_Fixed radius,
FT_Stroker_LineCap line_cap,
FT_Stroker_LineJoin line_join,
FT_Fixed miter_limit );
* @function:
* FT_Stroker_Rewind
* @description:
* Reset a stroker object without changing its attributes.
* You should call this function before beginning a new
* series of calls to @FT_Stroker_BeginSubPath or
* @FT_Stroker_EndSubPath.
* @input:
* stroker ::
* The target stroker handle.
FT_EXPORT( void )
FT_Stroker_Rewind( FT_Stroker stroker );
* @function:
* FT_Stroker_ParseOutline
* @description:
* A convenience function used to parse a whole outline with
* the stroker. The resulting outline(s) can be retrieved
* later by functions like @FT_Stroker_GetCounts and @FT_Stroker_Export.
* @input:
* stroker ::
* The target stroker handle.
* outline ::
* The source outline.
* opened ::
* A boolean. If~1, the outline is treated as an open path instead
* of a closed one.
* @return:
* FreeType error code. 0~means success.
* @note:
* If `opened' is~0 (the default), the outline is treated as a closed
* path, and the stroker generates two distinct `border' outlines.
* If `opened' is~1, the outline is processed as an open path, and the
* stroker generates a single `stroke' outline.
* This function calls @FT_Stroker_Rewind automatically.
FT_Stroker_ParseOutline( FT_Stroker stroker,
FT_Outline* outline,
FT_Bool opened );
* @function:
* FT_Stroker_BeginSubPath
* @description:
* Start a new sub-path in the stroker.
* @input:
* stroker ::
* The target stroker handle.
* to ::
* A pointer to the start vector.
* open ::
* A boolean. If~1, the sub-path is treated as an open one.
* @return:
* FreeType error code. 0~means success.
* @note:
* This function is useful when you need to stroke a path that is
* not stored as an @FT_Outline object.
FT_Stroker_BeginSubPath( FT_Stroker stroker,
FT_Vector* to,
FT_Bool open );
* @function:
* FT_Stroker_EndSubPath
* @description:
* Close the current sub-path in the stroker.
* @input:
* stroker ::
* The target stroker handle.
* @return:
* FreeType error code. 0~means success.
* @note:
* You should call this function after @FT_Stroker_BeginSubPath.
* If the subpath was not `opened', this function `draws' a
* single line segment to the start position when needed.
FT_Stroker_EndSubPath( FT_Stroker stroker );
* @function:
* FT_Stroker_LineTo
* @description:
* `Draw' a single line segment in the stroker's current sub-path,
* from the last position.
* @input:
* stroker ::
* The target stroker handle.
* to ::
* A pointer to the destination point.
* @return:
* FreeType error code. 0~means success.
* @note:
* You should call this function between @FT_Stroker_BeginSubPath and
* @FT_Stroker_EndSubPath.
FT_Stroker_LineTo( FT_Stroker stroker,
FT_Vector* to );
* @function:
* FT_Stroker_ConicTo
* @description:
* `Draw' a single quadratic Bézier in the stroker's current sub-path,
* from the last position.
* @input:
* stroker ::
* The target stroker handle.
* control ::
* A pointer to a Bézier control point.
* to ::
* A pointer to the destination point.
* @return:
* FreeType error code. 0~means success.
* @note:
* You should call this function between @FT_Stroker_BeginSubPath and
* @FT_Stroker_EndSubPath.
FT_Stroker_ConicTo( FT_Stroker stroker,
FT_Vector* control,
FT_Vector* to );
* @function:
* FT_Stroker_CubicTo
* @description:
* `Draw' a single cubic Bézier in the stroker's current sub-path,
* from the last position.
* @input:
* stroker ::
* The target stroker handle.
* control1 ::
* A pointer to the first Bézier control point.
* control2 ::
* A pointer to second Bézier control point.
* to ::
* A pointer to the destination point.
* @return:
* FreeType error code. 0~means success.
* @note:
* You should call this function between @FT_Stroker_BeginSubPath and
* @FT_Stroker_EndSubPath.
FT_Stroker_CubicTo( FT_Stroker stroker,
FT_Vector* control1,
FT_Vector* control2,
FT_Vector* to );
* @function:
* FT_Stroker_GetBorderCounts
* @description:
* Call this function once you have finished parsing your paths
* with the stroker. It returns the number of points and
* contours necessary to export one of the `border' or `stroke'
* outlines generated by the stroker.
* @input:
* stroker ::
* The target stroker handle.
* border ::
* The border index.
* @output:
* anum_points ::
* The number of points.
* anum_contours ::
* The number of contours.
* @return:
* FreeType error code. 0~means success.
* @note:
* When an outline, or a sub-path, is `closed', the stroker generates
* two independent `border' outlines, named `left' and `right'.
* When the outline, or a sub-path, is `opened', the stroker merges
* the `border' outlines with caps. The `left' border receives all
* points, while the `right' border becomes empty.
* Use the function @FT_Stroker_GetCounts instead if you want to
* retrieve the counts associated to both borders.
FT_Stroker_GetBorderCounts( FT_Stroker stroker,
FT_StrokerBorder border,
FT_UInt *anum_points,
FT_UInt *anum_contours );
* @function:
* FT_Stroker_ExportBorder
* @description:
* Call this function after @FT_Stroker_GetBorderCounts to
* export the corresponding border to your own @FT_Outline
* structure.
* Note that this function appends the border points and
* contours to your outline, but does not try to resize its
* arrays.
* @input:
* stroker ::
* The target stroker handle.
* border ::
* The border index.
* outline ::
* The target outline handle.
* @note:
* Always call this function after @FT_Stroker_GetBorderCounts to
* get sure that there is enough room in your @FT_Outline object to
* receive all new data.
* When an outline, or a sub-path, is `closed', the stroker generates
* two independent `border' outlines, named `left' and `right'
* When the outline, or a sub-path, is `opened', the stroker merges
* the `border' outlines with caps. The `left' border receives all
* points, while the `right' border becomes empty.
* Use the function @FT_Stroker_Export instead if you want to
* retrieve all borders at once.
FT_EXPORT( void )
FT_Stroker_ExportBorder( FT_Stroker stroker,
FT_StrokerBorder border,
FT_Outline* outline );
* @function:
* FT_Stroker_GetCounts
* @description:
* Call this function once you have finished parsing your paths
* with the stroker. It returns the number of points and
* contours necessary to export all points/borders from the stroked
* outline/path.
* @input:
* stroker ::
* The target stroker handle.
* @output:
* anum_points ::
* The number of points.
* anum_contours ::
* The number of contours.
* @return:
* FreeType error code. 0~means success.
FT_Stroker_GetCounts( FT_Stroker stroker,
FT_UInt *anum_points,
FT_UInt *anum_contours );
* @function:
* FT_Stroker_Export
* @description:
* Call this function after @FT_Stroker_GetBorderCounts to
* export all borders to your own @FT_Outline structure.
* Note that this function appends the border points and
* contours to your outline, but does not try to resize its
* arrays.
* @input:
* stroker ::
* The target stroker handle.
* outline ::
* The target outline handle.
FT_EXPORT( void )
FT_Stroker_Export( FT_Stroker stroker,
FT_Outline* outline );
* @function:
* FT_Stroker_Done
* @description:
* Destroy a stroker object.
* @input:
* stroker ::
* A stroker handle. Can be NULL.
FT_EXPORT( void )
FT_Stroker_Done( FT_Stroker stroker );
* @function:
* FT_Glyph_Stroke
* @description:
* Stroke a given outline glyph object with a given stroker.
* @inout:
* pglyph ::
* Source glyph handle on input, new glyph handle on output.
* @input:
* stroker ::
* A stroker handle.
* destroy ::
* A Boolean. If~1, the source glyph object is destroyed
* on success.
* @return:
* FreeType error code. 0~means success.
* @note:
* The source glyph is untouched in case of error.
FT_Glyph_Stroke( FT_Glyph *pglyph,
FT_Stroker stroker,
FT_Bool destroy );
* @function:
* FT_Glyph_StrokeBorder
* @description:
* Stroke a given outline glyph object with a given stroker, but
* only return either its inside or outside border.
* @inout:
* pglyph ::
* Source glyph handle on input, new glyph handle on output.
* @input:
* stroker ::
* A stroker handle.
* inside ::
* A Boolean. If~1, return the inside border, otherwise
* the outside border.
* destroy ::
* A Boolean. If~1, the source glyph object is destroyed
* on success.
* @return:
* FreeType error code. 0~means success.
* @note:
* The source glyph is untouched in case of error.
FT_Glyph_StrokeBorder( FT_Glyph *pglyph,
FT_Stroker stroker,
FT_Bool inside,
FT_Bool destroy );
/* */
#endif /* __FT_STROKE_H__ */
/* END */
/* Local Variables: */
/* coding: utf-8 */
/* End: */
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* ftsynth.h */
/* */
/* FreeType synthesizing code for emboldening and slanting */
/* (specification). */
/* */
/* Copyright 2000-2001, 2003, 2006, 2008 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
/********* *********/
/********* WARNING, THIS IS ALPHA CODE! THIS API *********/
/********* FREETYPE DEVELOPMENT TEAM *********/
/********* *********/
/* Main reason for not lifting the functions in this module to a */
/* `standard' API is that the used parameters for emboldening and */
/* slanting are not configurable. Consider the functions as a */
/* code resource which should be copied into the application and */
/* adapted to the particular needs. */
#ifndef __FTSYNTH_H__
#define __FTSYNTH_H__
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#error "freetype.h of FreeType 1 has been loaded!"
#error "Please fix the directory search order for header files"
#error "so that freetype.h of FreeType 2 is found first."
/* Embolden a glyph by a `reasonable' value (which is highly a matter of */
/* taste). This function is actually a convenience function, providing */
/* a wrapper for @FT_Outline_Embolden and @FT_Bitmap_Embolden. */
/* */
/* For emboldened outlines the metrics are estimates only; if you need */
/* precise values you should call @FT_Outline_Get_CBox. */
FT_EXPORT( void )
FT_GlyphSlot_Embolden( FT_GlyphSlot slot );
/* Slant an outline glyph to the right by about 12 degrees. */
FT_EXPORT( void )
FT_GlyphSlot_Oblique( FT_GlyphSlot slot );
/* */
#endif /* __FTSYNTH_H__ */
/* END */
@ -1,347 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* ftsystem.h */
/* */
/* FreeType low-level system interface definition (specification). */
/* */
/* Copyright 1996-2001, 2002, 2005, 2010 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
#ifndef __FTSYSTEM_H__
#define __FTSYSTEM_H__
#include <ft2build.h>
/* */
/* <Section> */
/* system_interface */
/* */
/* <Title> */
/* System Interface */
/* */
/* <Abstract> */
/* How FreeType manages memory and i/o. */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* This section contains various definitions related to memory */
/* management and i/o access. You need to understand this */
/* information if you want to use a custom memory manager or you own */
/* i/o streams. */
/* */
/* */
/* M E M O R Y M A N A G E M E N T */
/* */
* @type:
* FT_Memory
* @description:
* A handle to a given memory manager object, defined with an
* @FT_MemoryRec structure.
typedef struct FT_MemoryRec_* FT_Memory;
* @functype:
* FT_Alloc_Func
* @description:
* A function used to allocate `size' bytes from `memory'.
* @input:
* memory ::
* A handle to the source memory manager.
* size ::
* The size in bytes to allocate.
* @return:
* Address of new memory block. 0~in case of failure.
typedef void*
(*FT_Alloc_Func)( FT_Memory memory,
long size );
* @functype:
* FT_Free_Func
* @description:
* A function used to release a given block of memory.
* @input:
* memory ::
* A handle to the source memory manager.
* block ::
* The address of the target memory block.
typedef void
(*FT_Free_Func)( FT_Memory memory,
void* block );
* @functype:
* FT_Realloc_Func
* @description:
* A function used to re-allocate a given block of memory.
* @input:
* memory ::
* A handle to the source memory manager.
* cur_size ::
* The block's current size in bytes.
* new_size ::
* The block's requested new size.
* block ::
* The block's current address.
* @return:
* New block address. 0~in case of memory shortage.
* @note:
* In case of error, the old block must still be available.
typedef void*
(*FT_Realloc_Func)( FT_Memory memory,
long cur_size,
long new_size,
void* block );
* @struct:
* FT_MemoryRec
* @description:
* A structure used to describe a given memory manager to FreeType~2.
* @fields:
* user ::
* A generic typeless pointer for user data.
* alloc ::
* A pointer type to an allocation function.
* free ::
* A pointer type to an memory freeing function.
* realloc ::
* A pointer type to a reallocation function.
struct FT_MemoryRec_
void* user;
FT_Alloc_Func alloc;
FT_Free_Func free;
FT_Realloc_Func realloc;
/* */
/* I / O M A N A G E M E N T */
/* */
* @type:
* FT_Stream
* @description:
* A handle to an input stream.
typedef struct FT_StreamRec_* FT_Stream;
* @struct:
* FT_StreamDesc
* @description:
* A union type used to store either a long or a pointer. This is used
* to store a file descriptor or a `FILE*' in an input stream.
typedef union FT_StreamDesc_
long value;
void* pointer;
} FT_StreamDesc;
* @functype:
* FT_Stream_IoFunc
* @description:
* A function used to seek and read data from a given input stream.
* @input:
* stream ::
* A handle to the source stream.
* offset ::
* The offset of read in stream (always from start).
* buffer ::
* The address of the read buffer.
* count ::
* The number of bytes to read from the stream.
* @return:
* The number of bytes effectively read by the stream.
* @note:
* This function might be called to perform a seek or skip operation
* with a `count' of~0. A non-zero return value then indicates an
* error.
typedef unsigned long
(*FT_Stream_IoFunc)( FT_Stream stream,
unsigned long offset,
unsigned char* buffer,
unsigned long count );
* @functype:
* FT_Stream_CloseFunc
* @description:
* A function used to close a given input stream.
* @input:
* stream ::
* A handle to the target stream.
typedef void
(*FT_Stream_CloseFunc)( FT_Stream stream );
* @struct:
* FT_StreamRec
* @description:
* A structure used to describe an input stream.
* @input:
* base ::
* For memory-based streams, this is the address of the first stream
* byte in memory. This field should always be set to NULL for
* disk-based streams.
* size ::
* The stream size in bytes.
* pos ::
* The current position within the stream.
* descriptor ::
* This field is a union that can hold an integer or a pointer. It is
* used by stream implementations to store file descriptors or `FILE*'
* pointers.
* pathname ::
* This field is completely ignored by FreeType. However, it is often
* useful during debugging to use it to store the stream's filename
* (where available).
* read ::
* The stream's input function.
* close ::
* The stream's close function.
* memory ::
* The memory manager to use to preload frames. This is set
* internally by FreeType and shouldn't be touched by stream
* implementations.
* cursor ::
* This field is set and used internally by FreeType when parsing
* frames.
* limit ::
* This field is set and used internally by FreeType when parsing
* frames.
typedef struct FT_StreamRec_
unsigned char* base;
unsigned long size;
unsigned long pos;
FT_StreamDesc descriptor;
FT_StreamDesc pathname;
FT_Stream_IoFunc read;
FT_Stream_CloseFunc close;
FT_Memory memory;
unsigned char* cursor;
unsigned char* limit;
} FT_StreamRec;
/* */
#endif /* __FTSYSTEM_H__ */
/* END */
@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* fttrigon.h */
/* */
/* FreeType trigonometric functions (specification). */
/* */
/* Copyright 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
#ifndef __FTTRIGON_H__
#define __FTTRIGON_H__
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#error "freetype.h of FreeType 1 has been loaded!"
#error "Please fix the directory search order for header files"
#error "so that freetype.h of FreeType 2 is found first."
/* */
/* <Section> */
/* computations */
/* */
* @type:
* FT_Angle
* @description:
* This type is used to model angle values in FreeType. Note that the
* angle is a 16.16 fixed float value expressed in degrees.
typedef FT_Fixed FT_Angle;
* @macro:
* @description:
* The angle pi expressed in @FT_Angle units.
#define FT_ANGLE_PI ( 180L << 16 )
* @macro:
* @description:
* The angle 2*pi expressed in @FT_Angle units.
#define FT_ANGLE_2PI ( FT_ANGLE_PI * 2 )
* @macro:
* @description:
* The angle pi/2 expressed in @FT_Angle units.
#define FT_ANGLE_PI2 ( FT_ANGLE_PI / 2 )
* @macro:
* @description:
* The angle pi/4 expressed in @FT_Angle units.
#define FT_ANGLE_PI4 ( FT_ANGLE_PI / 4 )
* @function:
* FT_Sin
* @description:
* Return the sinus of a given angle in fixed point format.
* @input:
* angle ::
* The input angle.
* @return:
* The sinus value.
* @note:
* If you need both the sinus and cosinus for a given angle, use the
* function @FT_Vector_Unit.
FT_Sin( FT_Angle angle );
* @function:
* FT_Cos
* @description:
* Return the cosinus of a given angle in fixed point format.
* @input:
* angle ::
* The input angle.
* @return:
* The cosinus value.
* @note:
* If you need both the sinus and cosinus for a given angle, use the
* function @FT_Vector_Unit.
FT_Cos( FT_Angle angle );
* @function:
* FT_Tan
* @description:
* Return the tangent of a given angle in fixed point format.
* @input:
* angle ::
* The input angle.
* @return:
* The tangent value.
FT_Tan( FT_Angle angle );
* @function:
* FT_Atan2
* @description:
* Return the arc-tangent corresponding to a given vector (x,y) in
* the 2d plane.
* @input:
* x ::
* The horizontal vector coordinate.
* y ::
* The vertical vector coordinate.
* @return:
* The arc-tangent value (i.e. angle).
FT_Atan2( FT_Fixed x,
FT_Fixed y );
* @function:
* FT_Angle_Diff
* @description:
* Return the difference between two angles. The result is always
* constrained to the ]-PI..PI] interval.
* @input:
* angle1 ::
* First angle.
* angle2 ::
* Second angle.
* @return:
* Constrained value of `value2-value1'.
FT_Angle_Diff( FT_Angle angle1,
FT_Angle angle2 );
* @function:
* FT_Vector_Unit
* @description:
* Return the unit vector corresponding to a given angle. After the
* call, the value of `vec.x' will be `sin(angle)', and the value of
* `vec.y' will be `cos(angle)'.
* This function is useful to retrieve both the sinus and cosinus of a
* given angle quickly.
* @output:
* vec ::
* The address of target vector.
* @input:
* angle ::
* The address of angle.
FT_EXPORT( void )
FT_Vector_Unit( FT_Vector* vec,
FT_Angle angle );
* @function:
* FT_Vector_Rotate
* @description:
* Rotate a vector by a given angle.
* @inout:
* vec ::
* The address of target vector.
* @input:
* angle ::
* The address of angle.
FT_EXPORT( void )
FT_Vector_Rotate( FT_Vector* vec,
FT_Angle angle );
* @function:
* FT_Vector_Length
* @description:
* Return the length of a given vector.
* @input:
* vec ::
* The address of target vector.
* @return:
* The vector length, expressed in the same units that the original
* vector coordinates.
FT_Vector_Length( FT_Vector* vec );
* @function:
* FT_Vector_Polarize
* @description:
* Compute both the length and angle of a given vector.
* @input:
* vec ::
* The address of source vector.
* @output:
* length ::
* The vector length.
* angle ::
* The vector angle.
FT_EXPORT( void )
FT_Vector_Polarize( FT_Vector* vec,
FT_Fixed *length,
FT_Angle *angle );
* @function:
* FT_Vector_From_Polar
* @description:
* Compute vector coordinates from a length and angle.
* @output:
* vec ::
* The address of source vector.
* @input:
* length ::
* The vector length.
* angle ::
* The vector angle.
FT_EXPORT( void )
FT_Vector_From_Polar( FT_Vector* vec,
FT_Fixed length,
FT_Angle angle );
/* */
#endif /* __FTTRIGON_H__ */
/* END */
@ -1,588 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* fttypes.h */
/* */
/* FreeType simple types definitions (specification only). */
/* */
/* Copyright 1996-2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
#ifndef __FTTYPES_H__
#define __FTTYPES_H__
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_SYSTEM_H
#include FT_IMAGE_H
#include <stddef.h>
/* */
/* <Section> */
/* basic_types */
/* */
/* <Title> */
/* Basic Data Types */
/* */
/* <Abstract> */
/* The basic data types defined by the library. */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* This section contains the basic data types defined by FreeType~2, */
/* ranging from simple scalar types to bitmap descriptors. More */
/* font-specific structures are defined in a different section. */
/* */
/* <Order> */
/* FT_Byte */
/* FT_Bytes */
/* FT_Char */
/* FT_Int */
/* FT_UInt */
/* FT_Int16 */
/* FT_UInt16 */
/* FT_Int32 */
/* FT_UInt32 */
/* FT_Short */
/* FT_UShort */
/* FT_Long */
/* FT_ULong */
/* FT_Bool */
/* FT_Offset */
/* FT_PtrDist */
/* FT_String */
/* FT_Tag */
/* FT_Error */
/* FT_Fixed */
/* FT_Pointer */
/* FT_Pos */
/* FT_Vector */
/* FT_BBox */
/* FT_Matrix */
/* FT_FWord */
/* FT_UFWord */
/* FT_F2Dot14 */
/* FT_UnitVector */
/* FT_F26Dot6 */
/* */
/* */
/* FT_Generic */
/* FT_Generic_Finalizer */
/* */
/* FT_Bitmap */
/* FT_Pixel_Mode */
/* FT_Palette_Mode */
/* FT_Glyph_Format */
/* */
/* */
/* <Type> */
/* FT_Bool */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A typedef of unsigned char, used for simple booleans. As usual, */
/* values 1 and~0 represent true and false, respectively. */
/* */
typedef unsigned char FT_Bool;
/* */
/* <Type> */
/* FT_FWord */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A signed 16-bit integer used to store a distance in original font */
/* units. */
/* */
typedef signed short FT_FWord; /* distance in FUnits */
/* */
/* <Type> */
/* FT_UFWord */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* An unsigned 16-bit integer used to store a distance in original */
/* font units. */
/* */
typedef unsigned short FT_UFWord; /* unsigned distance */
/* */
/* <Type> */
/* FT_Char */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A simple typedef for the _signed_ char type. */
/* */
typedef signed char FT_Char;
/* */
/* <Type> */
/* FT_Byte */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A simple typedef for the _unsigned_ char type. */
/* */
typedef unsigned char FT_Byte;
/* */
/* <Type> */
/* FT_Bytes */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A typedef for constant memory areas. */
/* */
typedef const FT_Byte* FT_Bytes;
/* */
/* <Type> */
/* FT_Tag */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A typedef for 32-bit tags (as used in the SFNT format). */
/* */
typedef FT_UInt32 FT_Tag;
/* */
/* <Type> */
/* FT_String */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A simple typedef for the char type, usually used for strings. */
/* */
typedef char FT_String;
/* */
/* <Type> */
/* FT_Short */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A typedef for signed short. */
/* */
typedef signed short FT_Short;
/* */
/* <Type> */
/* FT_UShort */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A typedef for unsigned short. */
/* */
typedef unsigned short FT_UShort;
/* */
/* <Type> */
/* FT_Int */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A typedef for the int type. */
/* */
typedef signed int FT_Int;
/* */
/* <Type> */
/* FT_UInt */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A typedef for the unsigned int type. */
/* */
typedef unsigned int FT_UInt;
/* */
/* <Type> */
/* FT_Long */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A typedef for signed long. */
/* */
typedef signed long FT_Long;
/* */
/* <Type> */
/* FT_ULong */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A typedef for unsigned long. */
/* */
typedef unsigned long FT_ULong;
/* */
/* <Type> */
/* FT_F2Dot14 */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A signed 2.14 fixed float type used for unit vectors. */
/* */
typedef signed short FT_F2Dot14;
/* */
/* <Type> */
/* FT_F26Dot6 */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A signed 26.6 fixed float type used for vectorial pixel */
/* coordinates. */
/* */
typedef signed long FT_F26Dot6;
/* */
/* <Type> */
/* FT_Fixed */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* This type is used to store 16.16 fixed float values, like scaling */
/* values or matrix coefficients. */
/* */
typedef signed long FT_Fixed;
/* */
/* <Type> */
/* FT_Error */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* The FreeType error code type. A value of~0 is always interpreted */
/* as a successful operation. */
/* */
typedef int FT_Error;
/* */
/* <Type> */
/* FT_Pointer */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A simple typedef for a typeless pointer. */
/* */
typedef void* FT_Pointer;
/* */
/* <Type> */
/* FT_Offset */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* This is equivalent to the ANSI~C `size_t' type, i.e., the largest */
/* _unsigned_ integer type used to express a file size or position, */
/* or a memory block size. */
/* */
typedef size_t FT_Offset;
/* */
/* <Type> */
/* FT_PtrDist */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* This is equivalent to the ANSI~C `ptrdiff_t' type, i.e., the */
/* largest _signed_ integer type used to express the distance */
/* between two pointers. */
/* */
typedef ft_ptrdiff_t FT_PtrDist;
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* FT_UnitVector */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A simple structure used to store a 2D vector unit vector. Uses */
/* FT_F2Dot14 types. */
/* */
/* <Fields> */
/* x :: Horizontal coordinate. */
/* */
/* y :: Vertical coordinate. */
/* */
typedef struct FT_UnitVector_
FT_F2Dot14 x;
FT_F2Dot14 y;
} FT_UnitVector;
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* FT_Matrix */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A simple structure used to store a 2x2 matrix. Coefficients are */
/* in 16.16 fixed float format. The computation performed is: */
/* */
/* { */
/* x' = x*xx + y*xy */
/* y' = x*yx + y*yy */
/* } */
/* */
/* <Fields> */
/* xx :: Matrix coefficient. */
/* */
/* xy :: Matrix coefficient. */
/* */
/* yx :: Matrix coefficient. */
/* */
/* yy :: Matrix coefficient. */
/* */
typedef struct FT_Matrix_
FT_Fixed xx, xy;
FT_Fixed yx, yy;
} FT_Matrix;
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* FT_Data */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Read-only binary data represented as a pointer and a length. */
/* */
/* <Fields> */
/* pointer :: The data. */
/* */
/* length :: The length of the data in bytes. */
/* */
typedef struct FT_Data_
const FT_Byte* pointer;
FT_Int length;
} FT_Data;
/* */
/* <FuncType> */
/* FT_Generic_Finalizer */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Describe a function used to destroy the `client' data of any */
/* FreeType object. See the description of the @FT_Generic type for */
/* details of usage. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* The address of the FreeType object which is under finalization. */
/* Its client data is accessed through its `generic' field. */
/* */
typedef void (*FT_Generic_Finalizer)(void* object);
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* FT_Generic */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Client applications often need to associate their own data to a */
/* variety of FreeType core objects. For example, a text layout API */
/* might want to associate a glyph cache to a given size object. */
/* */
/* Most FreeType object contains a `generic' field, of type */
/* FT_Generic, which usage is left to client applications and font */
/* servers. */
/* */
/* It can be used to store a pointer to client-specific data, as well */
/* as the address of a `finalizer' function, which will be called by */
/* FreeType when the object is destroyed (for example, the previous */
/* client example would put the address of the glyph cache destructor */
/* in the `finalizer' field). */
/* */
/* <Fields> */
/* data :: A typeless pointer to any client-specified data. This */
/* field is completely ignored by the FreeType library. */
/* */
/* finalizer :: A pointer to a `generic finalizer' function, which */
/* will be called when the object is destroyed. If this */
/* field is set to NULL, no code will be called. */
/* */
typedef struct FT_Generic_
void* data;
FT_Generic_Finalizer finalizer;
} FT_Generic;
/* */
/* <Macro> */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* This macro converts four-letter tags which are used to label */
/* TrueType tables into an unsigned long to be used within FreeType. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* The produced values *must* be 32-bit integers. Don't redefine */
/* this macro. */
/* */
#define FT_MAKE_TAG( _x1, _x2, _x3, _x4 ) \
(FT_Tag) \
( ( (FT_ULong)_x1 << 24 ) | \
( (FT_ULong)_x2 << 16 ) | \
( (FT_ULong)_x3 << 8 ) | \
(FT_ULong)_x4 )
/* */
/* L I S T M A N A G E M E N T */
/* */
/* */
/* <Section> */
/* list_processing */
/* */
/* */
/* <Type> */
/* FT_ListNode */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Many elements and objects in FreeType are listed through an */
/* @FT_List record (see @FT_ListRec). As its name suggests, an */
/* FT_ListNode is a handle to a single list element. */
/* */
typedef struct FT_ListNodeRec_* FT_ListNode;
/* */
/* <Type> */
/* FT_List */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A handle to a list record (see @FT_ListRec). */
/* */
typedef struct FT_ListRec_* FT_List;
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* FT_ListNodeRec */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A structure used to hold a single list element. */
/* */
/* <Fields> */
/* prev :: The previous element in the list. NULL if first. */
/* */
/* next :: The next element in the list. NULL if last. */
/* */
/* data :: A typeless pointer to the listed object. */
/* */
typedef struct FT_ListNodeRec_
FT_ListNode prev;
FT_ListNode next;
void* data;
} FT_ListNodeRec;
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* FT_ListRec */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A structure used to hold a simple doubly-linked list. These are */
/* used in many parts of FreeType. */
/* */
/* <Fields> */
/* head :: The head (first element) of doubly-linked list. */
/* */
/* tail :: The tail (last element) of doubly-linked list. */
/* */
typedef struct FT_ListRec_
FT_ListNode head;
FT_ListNode tail;
} FT_ListRec;
/* */
#define FT_IS_EMPTY( list ) ( (list).head == 0 )
/* return base error code (without module-specific prefix) */
#define FT_ERROR_BASE( x ) ( (x) & 0xFF )
/* return module error code */
#define FT_ERROR_MODULE( x ) ( (x) & 0xFF00U )
#define FT_BOOL( x ) ( (FT_Bool)( x ) )
#endif /* __FTTYPES_H__ */
/* END */
@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* ftwinfnt.h */
/* */
/* FreeType API for accessing Windows fnt-specific data. */
/* */
/* Copyright 2003, 2004, 2008 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
#ifndef __FTWINFNT_H__
#define __FTWINFNT_H__
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#error "freetype.h of FreeType 1 has been loaded!"
#error "Please fix the directory search order for header files"
#error "so that freetype.h of FreeType 2 is found first."
/* */
/* <Section> */
/* winfnt_fonts */
/* */
/* <Title> */
/* Window FNT Files */
/* */
/* <Abstract> */
/* Windows FNT specific API. */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* This section contains the declaration of Windows FNT specific */
/* functions. */
/* */
* @enum:
* @description:
* A list of valid values for the `charset' byte in
* @FT_WinFNT_HeaderRec. Exact mapping tables for the various cpXXXX
* encodings (except for cp1361) can be found at ftp://ftp.unicode.org
* in the MAPPINGS/VENDORS/MICSFT/WINDOWS subdirectory. cp1361 is
* @values:
* This is used for font enumeration and font creation as a
* `don't care' value. Valid font files don't contain this value.
* When querying for information about the character set of the font
* that is currently selected into a specified device context, this
* return value (of the related Windows API) simply denotes failure.
* There is no known mapping table available.
* Mac Roman encoding.
* From Michael Pöttgen <michael@poettgen.de>:
* The `Windows Font Mapping' article says that FT_WinFNT_ID_OEM
* is used for the charset of vector fonts, like `modern.fon',
* `roman.fon', and `script.fon' on Windows.
* The `CreateFont' documentation says: The FT_WinFNT_ID_OEM value
* specifies a character set that is operating-system dependent.
* The `IFIMETRICS' documentation from the `Windows Driver
* Development Kit' says: This font supports an OEM-specific
* character set. The OEM character set is system dependent.
* In general OEM, as opposed to ANSI (i.e., cp1252), denotes the
* second default codepage that most international versions of
* Windows have. It is one of the OEM codepages from
* http://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/reference/cphome.mspx,
* and is used for the `DOS boxes', to support legacy applications.
* A German Windows version for example usually uses ANSI codepage
* 1252 and OEM codepage 850.
* FT_WinFNT_ID_CP874 ::
* A superset of Thai TIS 620 and ISO 8859-11.
* FT_WinFNT_ID_CP932 ::
* A superset of Japanese Shift-JIS (with minor deviations).
* FT_WinFNT_ID_CP936 ::
* A superset of simplified Chinese GB 2312-1980 (with different
* ordering and minor deviations).
* FT_WinFNT_ID_CP949 ::
* A superset of Korean Hangul KS~C 5601-1987 (with different
* ordering and minor deviations).
* FT_WinFNT_ID_CP950 ::
* A superset of traditional Chinese Big~5 ETen (with different
* ordering and minor deviations).
* FT_WinFNT_ID_CP1250 ::
* A superset of East European ISO 8859-2 (with slightly different
* ordering).
* FT_WinFNT_ID_CP1251 ::
* A superset of Russian ISO 8859-5 (with different ordering).
* FT_WinFNT_ID_CP1252 ::
* ANSI encoding. A superset of ISO 8859-1.
* FT_WinFNT_ID_CP1253 ::
* A superset of Greek ISO 8859-7 (with minor modifications).
* FT_WinFNT_ID_CP1254 ::
* A superset of Turkish ISO 8859-9.
* FT_WinFNT_ID_CP1255 ::
* A superset of Hebrew ISO 8859-8 (with some modifications).
* FT_WinFNT_ID_CP1256 ::
* A superset of Arabic ISO 8859-6 (with different ordering).
* FT_WinFNT_ID_CP1257 ::
* A superset of Baltic ISO 8859-13 (with some deviations).
* FT_WinFNT_ID_CP1258 ::
* For Vietnamese. This encoding doesn't cover all necessary
* characters.
* FT_WinFNT_ID_CP1361 ::
* Korean (Johab).
#define FT_WinFNT_ID_CP1252 0
#define FT_WinFNT_ID_DEFAULT 1
#define FT_WinFNT_ID_SYMBOL 2
#define FT_WinFNT_ID_MAC 77
#define FT_WinFNT_ID_CP932 128
#define FT_WinFNT_ID_CP949 129
#define FT_WinFNT_ID_CP1361 130
#define FT_WinFNT_ID_CP936 134
#define FT_WinFNT_ID_CP950 136
#define FT_WinFNT_ID_CP1253 161
#define FT_WinFNT_ID_CP1254 162
#define FT_WinFNT_ID_CP1258 163
#define FT_WinFNT_ID_CP1255 177
#define FT_WinFNT_ID_CP1256 178
#define FT_WinFNT_ID_CP1257 186
#define FT_WinFNT_ID_CP1251 204
#define FT_WinFNT_ID_CP874 222
#define FT_WinFNT_ID_CP1250 238
#define FT_WinFNT_ID_OEM 255
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* FT_WinFNT_HeaderRec */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Windows FNT Header info. */
/* */
typedef struct FT_WinFNT_HeaderRec_
FT_UShort version;
FT_ULong file_size;
FT_Byte copyright[60];
FT_UShort file_type;
FT_UShort nominal_point_size;
FT_UShort vertical_resolution;
FT_UShort horizontal_resolution;
FT_UShort ascent;
FT_UShort internal_leading;
FT_UShort external_leading;
FT_Byte italic;
FT_Byte underline;
FT_Byte strike_out;
FT_UShort weight;
FT_Byte charset;
FT_UShort pixel_width;
FT_UShort pixel_height;
FT_Byte pitch_and_family;
FT_UShort avg_width;
FT_UShort max_width;
FT_Byte first_char;
FT_Byte last_char;
FT_Byte default_char;
FT_Byte break_char;
FT_UShort bytes_per_row;
FT_ULong device_offset;
FT_ULong face_name_offset;
FT_ULong bits_pointer;
FT_ULong bits_offset;
FT_Byte reserved;
FT_ULong flags;
FT_UShort A_space;
FT_UShort B_space;
FT_UShort C_space;
FT_UShort color_table_offset;
FT_ULong reserved1[4];
} FT_WinFNT_HeaderRec;
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* FT_WinFNT_Header */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A handle to an @FT_WinFNT_HeaderRec structure. */
/* */
typedef struct FT_WinFNT_HeaderRec_* FT_WinFNT_Header;
* @function:
* FT_Get_WinFNT_Header
* @description:
* Retrieve a Windows FNT font info header.
* @input:
* face :: A handle to the input face.
* @output:
* aheader :: The WinFNT header.
* @return:
* FreeType error code. 0~means success.
* @note:
* This function only works with Windows FNT faces, returning an error
* otherwise.
FT_Get_WinFNT_Header( FT_Face face,
FT_WinFNT_HeaderRec *aheader );
/* */
#endif /* __FTWINFNT_H__ */
/* END */
/* Local Variables: */
/* coding: utf-8 */
/* End: */
@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* ftxf86.h */
/* */
/* Support functions for X11. */
/* */
/* Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
#ifndef __FTXF86_H__
#define __FTXF86_H__
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#error "freetype.h of FreeType 1 has been loaded!"
#error "Please fix the directory search order for header files"
#error "so that freetype.h of FreeType 2 is found first."
/* */
/* <Section> */
/* font_formats */
/* */
/* <Title> */
/* Font Formats */
/* */
/* <Abstract> */
/* Getting the font format. */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* The single function in this section can be used to get the font */
/* format. Note that this information is not needed normally; */
/* however, there are special cases (like in PDF devices) where it is */
/* important to differentiate, in spite of FreeType's uniform API. */
/* */
/* This function is in the X11/xf86 namespace for historical reasons */
/* and in no way depends on that windowing system. */
/* */
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Get_X11_Font_Format */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Return a string describing the format of a given face, using values */
/* which can be used as an X11 FONT_PROPERTY. Possible values are */
/* `TrueType', `Type~1', `BDF', `PCF', `Type~42', `CID~Type~1', `CFF', */
/* `PFR', and `Windows~FNT'. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* face :: */
/* Input face handle. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* Font format string. NULL in case of error. */
/* */
FT_EXPORT( const char* )
FT_Get_X11_Font_Format( FT_Face face );
/* */
#endif /* __FTXF86_H__ */
@ -1,504 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* t1tables.h */
/* */
/* Basic Type 1/Type 2 tables definitions and interface (specification */
/* only). */
/* */
/* Copyright 1996-2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2009 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
#ifndef __T1TABLES_H__
#define __T1TABLES_H__
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#error "freetype.h of FreeType 1 has been loaded!"
#error "Please fix the directory search order for header files"
#error "so that freetype.h of FreeType 2 is found first."
/* */
/* <Section> */
/* type1_tables */
/* */
/* <Title> */
/* Type 1 Tables */
/* */
/* <Abstract> */
/* Type~1 (PostScript) specific font tables. */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* This section contains the definition of Type 1-specific tables, */
/* including structures related to other PostScript font formats. */
/* */
/* Note that we separate font data in PS_FontInfoRec and PS_PrivateRec */
/* structures in order to support Multiple Master fonts. */
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* PS_FontInfoRec */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A structure used to model a Type~1 or Type~2 FontInfo dictionary. */
/* Note that for Multiple Master fonts, each instance has its own */
/* FontInfo dictionary. */
/* */
typedef struct PS_FontInfoRec_
FT_String* version;
FT_String* notice;
FT_String* full_name;
FT_String* family_name;
FT_String* weight;
FT_Long italic_angle;
FT_Bool is_fixed_pitch;
FT_Short underline_position;
FT_UShort underline_thickness;
} PS_FontInfoRec;
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* PS_FontInfo */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A handle to a @PS_FontInfoRec structure. */
/* */
typedef struct PS_FontInfoRec_* PS_FontInfo;
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* T1_FontInfo */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* This type is equivalent to @PS_FontInfoRec. It is deprecated but */
/* kept to maintain source compatibility between various versions of */
/* FreeType. */
/* */
typedef PS_FontInfoRec T1_FontInfo;
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* PS_PrivateRec */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A structure used to model a Type~1 or Type~2 private dictionary. */
/* Note that for Multiple Master fonts, each instance has its own */
/* Private dictionary. */
/* */
typedef struct PS_PrivateRec_
FT_Int unique_id;
FT_Int lenIV;
FT_Byte num_blue_values;
FT_Byte num_other_blues;
FT_Byte num_family_blues;
FT_Byte num_family_other_blues;
FT_Short blue_values[14];
FT_Short other_blues[10];
FT_Short family_blues [14];
FT_Short family_other_blues[10];
FT_Fixed blue_scale;
FT_Int blue_shift;
FT_Int blue_fuzz;
FT_UShort standard_width[1];
FT_UShort standard_height[1];
FT_Byte num_snap_widths;
FT_Byte num_snap_heights;
FT_Bool force_bold;
FT_Bool round_stem_up;
FT_Short snap_widths [13]; /* including std width */
FT_Short snap_heights[13]; /* including std height */
FT_Fixed expansion_factor;
FT_Long language_group;
FT_Long password;
FT_Short min_feature[2];
} PS_PrivateRec;
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* PS_Private */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A handle to a @PS_PrivateRec structure. */
/* */
typedef struct PS_PrivateRec_* PS_Private;
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* T1_Private */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* This type is equivalent to @PS_PrivateRec. It is deprecated but */
/* kept to maintain source compatibility between various versions of */
/* FreeType. */
/* */
typedef PS_PrivateRec T1_Private;
/* */
/* <Enum> */
/* T1_Blend_Flags */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A set of flags used to indicate which fields are present in a */
/* given blend dictionary (font info or private). Used to support */
/* Multiple Masters fonts. */
/* */
typedef enum T1_Blend_Flags_
/*# required fields in a FontInfo blend dictionary */
/*# required fields in a Private blend dictionary */
/*# never remove */
} T1_Blend_Flags;
/* */
/*# backwards compatible definitions */
#define t1_blend_underline_position T1_BLEND_UNDERLINE_POSITION
#define t1_blend_underline_thickness T1_BLEND_UNDERLINE_THICKNESS
#define t1_blend_italic_angle T1_BLEND_ITALIC_ANGLE
#define t1_blend_blue_values T1_BLEND_BLUE_VALUES
#define t1_blend_other_blues T1_BLEND_OTHER_BLUES
#define t1_blend_standard_widths T1_BLEND_STANDARD_WIDTH
#define t1_blend_standard_height T1_BLEND_STANDARD_HEIGHT
#define t1_blend_stem_snap_widths T1_BLEND_STEM_SNAP_WIDTHS
#define t1_blend_stem_snap_heights T1_BLEND_STEM_SNAP_HEIGHTS
#define t1_blend_blue_scale T1_BLEND_BLUE_SCALE
#define t1_blend_blue_shift T1_BLEND_BLUE_SHIFT
#define t1_blend_family_blues T1_BLEND_FAMILY_BLUES
#define t1_blend_family_other_blues T1_BLEND_FAMILY_OTHER_BLUES
#define t1_blend_force_bold T1_BLEND_FORCE_BOLD
#define t1_blend_max T1_BLEND_MAX
/* maximum number of Multiple Masters designs, as defined in the spec */
#define T1_MAX_MM_DESIGNS 16
/* maximum number of Multiple Masters axes, as defined in the spec */
#define T1_MAX_MM_AXIS 4
/* maximum number of elements in a design map */
#define T1_MAX_MM_MAP_POINTS 20
/* this structure is used to store the BlendDesignMap entry for an axis */
typedef struct PS_DesignMap_
FT_Byte num_points;
FT_Long* design_points;
FT_Fixed* blend_points;
} PS_DesignMapRec, *PS_DesignMap;
/* backwards-compatible definition */
typedef PS_DesignMapRec T1_DesignMap;
typedef struct PS_BlendRec_
FT_UInt num_designs;
FT_UInt num_axis;
FT_String* axis_names[T1_MAX_MM_AXIS];
FT_Fixed* design_pos[T1_MAX_MM_DESIGNS];
PS_DesignMapRec design_map[T1_MAX_MM_AXIS];
FT_Fixed* weight_vector;
FT_Fixed* default_weight_vector;
PS_FontInfo font_infos[T1_MAX_MM_DESIGNS + 1];
PS_Private privates [T1_MAX_MM_DESIGNS + 1];
FT_ULong blend_bitflags;
FT_BBox* bboxes [T1_MAX_MM_DESIGNS + 1];
/* since 2.3.0 */
/* undocumented, optional: the default design instance; */
/* corresponds to default_weight_vector -- */
/* num_default_design_vector == 0 means it is not present */
/* in the font and associated metrics files */
FT_UInt default_design_vector[T1_MAX_MM_DESIGNS];
FT_UInt num_default_design_vector;
} PS_BlendRec, *PS_Blend;
/* backwards-compatible definition */
typedef PS_BlendRec T1_Blend;
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* CID_FaceDictRec */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A structure used to represent data in a CID top-level dictionary. */
/* */
typedef struct CID_FaceDictRec_
PS_PrivateRec private_dict;
FT_UInt len_buildchar;
FT_Fixed forcebold_threshold;
FT_Pos stroke_width;
FT_Fixed expansion_factor;
FT_Byte paint_type;
FT_Byte font_type;
FT_Matrix font_matrix;
FT_Vector font_offset;
FT_UInt num_subrs;
FT_ULong subrmap_offset;
FT_Int sd_bytes;
} CID_FaceDictRec;
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* CID_FaceDict */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A handle to a @CID_FaceDictRec structure. */
/* */
typedef struct CID_FaceDictRec_* CID_FaceDict;
/* */
/* backwards-compatible definition */
typedef CID_FaceDictRec CID_FontDict;
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* CID_FaceInfoRec */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A structure used to represent CID Face information. */
/* */
typedef struct CID_FaceInfoRec_
FT_String* cid_font_name;
FT_Fixed cid_version;
FT_Int cid_font_type;
FT_String* registry;
FT_String* ordering;
FT_Int supplement;
PS_FontInfoRec font_info;
FT_BBox font_bbox;
FT_ULong uid_base;
FT_Int num_xuid;
FT_ULong xuid[16];
FT_ULong cidmap_offset;
FT_Int fd_bytes;
FT_Int gd_bytes;
FT_ULong cid_count;
FT_Int num_dicts;
CID_FaceDict font_dicts;
FT_ULong data_offset;
} CID_FaceInfoRec;
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* CID_FaceInfo */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A handle to a @CID_FaceInfoRec structure. */
/* */
typedef struct CID_FaceInfoRec_* CID_FaceInfo;
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* CID_Info */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* This type is equivalent to @CID_FaceInfoRec. It is deprecated but */
/* kept to maintain source compatibility between various versions of */
/* FreeType. */
/* */
typedef CID_FaceInfoRec CID_Info;
* @function:
* FT_Has_PS_Glyph_Names
* @description:
* Return true if a given face provides reliable PostScript glyph
* names. This is similar to using the @FT_HAS_GLYPH_NAMES macro,
* except that certain fonts (mostly TrueType) contain incorrect
* glyph name tables.
* When this function returns true, the caller is sure that the glyph
* names returned by @FT_Get_Glyph_Name are reliable.
* @input:
* face ::
* face handle
* @return:
* Boolean. True if glyph names are reliable.
FT_Has_PS_Glyph_Names( FT_Face face );
* @function:
* FT_Get_PS_Font_Info
* @description:
* Retrieve the @PS_FontInfoRec structure corresponding to a given
* PostScript font.
* @input:
* face ::
* PostScript face handle.
* @output:
* afont_info ::
* Output font info structure pointer.
* @return:
* FreeType error code. 0~means success.
* @note:
* The string pointers within the font info structure are owned by
* the face and don't need to be freed by the caller.
* If the font's format is not PostScript-based, this function will
* return the `FT_Err_Invalid_Argument' error code.
FT_Get_PS_Font_Info( FT_Face face,
PS_FontInfo afont_info );
* @function:
* FT_Get_PS_Font_Private
* @description:
* Retrieve the @PS_PrivateRec structure corresponding to a given
* PostScript font.
* @input:
* face ::
* PostScript face handle.
* @output:
* afont_private ::
* Output private dictionary structure pointer.
* @return:
* FreeType error code. 0~means success.
* @note:
* The string pointers within the @PS_PrivateRec structure are owned by
* the face and don't need to be freed by the caller.
* If the font's format is not PostScript-based, this function returns
* the `FT_Err_Invalid_Argument' error code.
FT_Get_PS_Font_Private( FT_Face face,
PS_Private afont_private );
/* */
#endif /* __T1TABLES_H__ */
/* END */
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,759 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* tttables.h */
/* */
/* Basic SFNT/TrueType tables definitions and interface */
/* (specification only). */
/* */
/* Copyright 1996-2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2010 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
#ifndef __TTTABLES_H__
#define __TTTABLES_H__
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#error "freetype.h of FreeType 1 has been loaded!"
#error "Please fix the directory search order for header files"
#error "so that freetype.h of FreeType 2 is found first."
/* */
/* <Section> */
/* truetype_tables */
/* */
/* <Title> */
/* TrueType Tables */
/* */
/* <Abstract> */
/* TrueType specific table types and functions. */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* This section contains the definition of TrueType-specific tables */
/* as well as some routines used to access and process them. */
/* */
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* TT_Header */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A structure used to model a TrueType font header table. All */
/* fields follow the TrueType specification. */
/* */
typedef struct TT_Header_
FT_Fixed Table_Version;
FT_Fixed Font_Revision;
FT_Long CheckSum_Adjust;
FT_Long Magic_Number;
FT_UShort Flags;
FT_UShort Units_Per_EM;
FT_Long Created [2];
FT_Long Modified[2];
FT_Short xMin;
FT_Short yMin;
FT_Short xMax;
FT_Short yMax;
FT_UShort Mac_Style;
FT_UShort Lowest_Rec_PPEM;
FT_Short Font_Direction;
FT_Short Index_To_Loc_Format;
FT_Short Glyph_Data_Format;
} TT_Header;
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* TT_HoriHeader */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A structure used to model a TrueType horizontal header, the `hhea' */
/* table, as well as the corresponding horizontal metrics table, */
/* i.e., the `hmtx' table. */
/* */
/* <Fields> */
/* Version :: The table version. */
/* */
/* Ascender :: The font's ascender, i.e., the distance */
/* from the baseline to the top-most of all */
/* glyph points found in the font. */
/* */
/* This value is invalid in many fonts, as */
/* it is usually set by the font designer, */
/* and often reflects only a portion of the */
/* glyphs found in the font (maybe ASCII). */
/* */
/* You should use the `sTypoAscender' field */
/* of the OS/2 table instead if you want */
/* the correct one. */
/* */
/* Descender :: The font's descender, i.e., the distance */
/* from the baseline to the bottom-most of */
/* all glyph points found in the font. It */
/* is negative. */
/* */
/* This value is invalid in many fonts, as */
/* it is usually set by the font designer, */
/* and often reflects only a portion of the */
/* glyphs found in the font (maybe ASCII). */
/* */
/* You should use the `sTypoDescender' */
/* field of the OS/2 table instead if you */
/* want the correct one. */
/* */
/* Line_Gap :: The font's line gap, i.e., the distance */
/* to add to the ascender and descender to */
/* get the BTB, i.e., the */
/* baseline-to-baseline distance for the */
/* font. */
/* */
/* advance_Width_Max :: This field is the maximum of all advance */
/* widths found in the font. It can be */
/* used to compute the maximum width of an */
/* arbitrary string of text. */
/* */
/* min_Left_Side_Bearing :: The minimum left side bearing of all */
/* glyphs within the font. */
/* */
/* min_Right_Side_Bearing :: The minimum right side bearing of all */
/* glyphs within the font. */
/* */
/* xMax_Extent :: The maximum horizontal extent (i.e., the */
/* `width' of a glyph's bounding box) for */
/* all glyphs in the font. */
/* */
/* caret_Slope_Rise :: The rise coefficient of the cursor's */
/* slope of the cursor (slope=rise/run). */
/* */
/* caret_Slope_Run :: The run coefficient of the cursor's */
/* slope. */
/* */
/* Reserved :: 8~reserved bytes. */
/* */
/* metric_Data_Format :: Always~0. */
/* */
/* number_Of_HMetrics :: Number of HMetrics entries in the `hmtx' */
/* table -- this value can be smaller than */
/* the total number of glyphs in the font. */
/* */
/* long_metrics :: A pointer into the `hmtx' table. */
/* */
/* short_metrics :: A pointer into the `hmtx' table. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* IMPORTANT: The TT_HoriHeader and TT_VertHeader structures should */
/* be identical except for the names of their fields which */
/* are different. */
/* */
/* This ensures that a single function in the `ttload' */
/* module is able to read both the horizontal and vertical */
/* headers. */
/* */
typedef struct TT_HoriHeader_
FT_Fixed Version;
FT_Short Ascender;
FT_Short Descender;
FT_Short Line_Gap;
FT_UShort advance_Width_Max; /* advance width maximum */
FT_Short min_Left_Side_Bearing; /* minimum left-sb */
FT_Short min_Right_Side_Bearing; /* minimum right-sb */
FT_Short xMax_Extent; /* xmax extents */
FT_Short caret_Slope_Rise;
FT_Short caret_Slope_Run;
FT_Short caret_Offset;
FT_Short Reserved[4];
FT_Short metric_Data_Format;
FT_UShort number_Of_HMetrics;
/* The following fields are not defined by the TrueType specification */
/* but they are used to connect the metrics header to the relevant */
/* `HMTX' table. */
void* long_metrics;
void* short_metrics;
} TT_HoriHeader;
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* TT_VertHeader */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A structure used to model a TrueType vertical header, the `vhea' */
/* table, as well as the corresponding vertical metrics table, i.e., */
/* the `vmtx' table. */
/* */
/* <Fields> */
/* Version :: The table version. */
/* */
/* Ascender :: The font's ascender, i.e., the distance */
/* from the baseline to the top-most of */
/* all glyph points found in the font. */
/* */
/* This value is invalid in many fonts, as */
/* it is usually set by the font designer, */
/* and often reflects only a portion of */
/* the glyphs found in the font (maybe */
/* ASCII). */
/* */
/* You should use the `sTypoAscender' */
/* field of the OS/2 table instead if you */
/* want the correct one. */
/* */
/* Descender :: The font's descender, i.e., the */
/* distance from the baseline to the */
/* bottom-most of all glyph points found */
/* in the font. It is negative. */
/* */
/* This value is invalid in many fonts, as */
/* it is usually set by the font designer, */
/* and often reflects only a portion of */
/* the glyphs found in the font (maybe */
/* ASCII). */
/* */
/* You should use the `sTypoDescender' */
/* field of the OS/2 table instead if you */
/* want the correct one. */
/* */
/* Line_Gap :: The font's line gap, i.e., the distance */
/* to add to the ascender and descender to */
/* get the BTB, i.e., the */
/* baseline-to-baseline distance for the */
/* font. */
/* */
/* advance_Height_Max :: This field is the maximum of all */
/* advance heights found in the font. It */
/* can be used to compute the maximum */
/* height of an arbitrary string of text. */
/* */
/* min_Top_Side_Bearing :: The minimum top side bearing of all */
/* glyphs within the font. */
/* */
/* min_Bottom_Side_Bearing :: The minimum bottom side bearing of all */
/* glyphs within the font. */
/* */
/* yMax_Extent :: The maximum vertical extent (i.e., the */
/* `height' of a glyph's bounding box) for */
/* all glyphs in the font. */
/* */
/* caret_Slope_Rise :: The rise coefficient of the cursor's */
/* slope of the cursor (slope=rise/run). */
/* */
/* caret_Slope_Run :: The run coefficient of the cursor's */
/* slope. */
/* */
/* caret_Offset :: The cursor's offset for slanted fonts. */
/* This value is `reserved' in vmtx */
/* version 1.0. */
/* */
/* Reserved :: 8~reserved bytes. */
/* */
/* metric_Data_Format :: Always~0. */
/* */
/* number_Of_HMetrics :: Number of VMetrics entries in the */
/* `vmtx' table -- this value can be */
/* smaller than the total number of glyphs */
/* in the font. */
/* */
/* long_metrics :: A pointer into the `vmtx' table. */
/* */
/* short_metrics :: A pointer into the `vmtx' table. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* IMPORTANT: The TT_HoriHeader and TT_VertHeader structures should */
/* be identical except for the names of their fields which */
/* are different. */
/* */
/* This ensures that a single function in the `ttload' */
/* module is able to read both the horizontal and vertical */
/* headers. */
/* */
typedef struct TT_VertHeader_
FT_Fixed Version;
FT_Short Ascender;
FT_Short Descender;
FT_Short Line_Gap;
FT_UShort advance_Height_Max; /* advance height maximum */
FT_Short min_Top_Side_Bearing; /* minimum left-sb or top-sb */
FT_Short min_Bottom_Side_Bearing; /* minimum right-sb or bottom-sb */
FT_Short yMax_Extent; /* xmax or ymax extents */
FT_Short caret_Slope_Rise;
FT_Short caret_Slope_Run;
FT_Short caret_Offset;
FT_Short Reserved[4];
FT_Short metric_Data_Format;
FT_UShort number_Of_VMetrics;
/* The following fields are not defined by the TrueType specification */
/* but they're used to connect the metrics header to the relevant */
/* `HMTX' or `VMTX' table. */
void* long_metrics;
void* short_metrics;
} TT_VertHeader;
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* TT_OS2 */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A structure used to model a TrueType OS/2 table. This is the long */
/* table version. All fields comply to the TrueType specification. */
/* */
/* Note that we now support old Mac fonts which do not include an */
/* OS/2 table. In this case, the `version' field is always set to */
/* 0xFFFF. */
/* */
typedef struct TT_OS2_
FT_UShort version; /* 0x0001 - more or 0xFFFF */
FT_Short xAvgCharWidth;
FT_UShort usWeightClass;
FT_UShort usWidthClass;
FT_Short fsType;
FT_Short ySubscriptXSize;
FT_Short ySubscriptYSize;
FT_Short ySubscriptXOffset;
FT_Short ySubscriptYOffset;
FT_Short ySuperscriptXSize;
FT_Short ySuperscriptYSize;
FT_Short ySuperscriptXOffset;
FT_Short ySuperscriptYOffset;
FT_Short yStrikeoutSize;
FT_Short yStrikeoutPosition;
FT_Short sFamilyClass;
FT_Byte panose[10];
FT_ULong ulUnicodeRange1; /* Bits 0-31 */
FT_ULong ulUnicodeRange2; /* Bits 32-63 */
FT_ULong ulUnicodeRange3; /* Bits 64-95 */
FT_ULong ulUnicodeRange4; /* Bits 96-127 */
FT_Char achVendID[4];
FT_UShort fsSelection;
FT_UShort usFirstCharIndex;
FT_UShort usLastCharIndex;
FT_Short sTypoAscender;
FT_Short sTypoDescender;
FT_Short sTypoLineGap;
FT_UShort usWinAscent;
FT_UShort usWinDescent;
/* only version 1 tables: */
FT_ULong ulCodePageRange1; /* Bits 0-31 */
FT_ULong ulCodePageRange2; /* Bits 32-63 */
/* only version 2 tables: */
FT_Short sxHeight;
FT_Short sCapHeight;
FT_UShort usDefaultChar;
FT_UShort usBreakChar;
FT_UShort usMaxContext;
} TT_OS2;
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* TT_Postscript */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A structure used to model a TrueType PostScript table. All fields */
/* comply to the TrueType specification. This structure does not */
/* reference the PostScript glyph names, which can be nevertheless */
/* accessed with the `ttpost' module. */
/* */
typedef struct TT_Postscript_
FT_Fixed FormatType;
FT_Fixed italicAngle;
FT_Short underlinePosition;
FT_Short underlineThickness;
FT_ULong isFixedPitch;
FT_ULong minMemType42;
FT_ULong maxMemType42;
FT_ULong minMemType1;
FT_ULong maxMemType1;
/* Glyph names follow in the file, but we don't */
/* load them by default. See the ttpost.c file. */
} TT_Postscript;
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* TT_PCLT */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* A structure used to model a TrueType PCLT table. All fields */
/* comply to the TrueType specification. */
/* */
typedef struct TT_PCLT_
FT_Fixed Version;
FT_ULong FontNumber;
FT_UShort Pitch;
FT_UShort xHeight;
FT_UShort Style;
FT_UShort TypeFamily;
FT_UShort CapHeight;
FT_UShort SymbolSet;
FT_Char TypeFace[16];
FT_Char CharacterComplement[8];
FT_Char FileName[6];
FT_Char StrokeWeight;
FT_Char WidthType;
FT_Byte SerifStyle;
FT_Byte Reserved;
/* */
/* <Struct> */
/* TT_MaxProfile */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* The maximum profile is a table containing many max values which */
/* can be used to pre-allocate arrays. This ensures that no memory */
/* allocation occurs during a glyph load. */
/* */
/* <Fields> */
/* version :: The version number. */
/* */
/* numGlyphs :: The number of glyphs in this TrueType */
/* font. */
/* */
/* maxPoints :: The maximum number of points in a */
/* non-composite TrueType glyph. See also */
/* the structure element */
/* `maxCompositePoints'. */
/* */
/* maxContours :: The maximum number of contours in a */
/* non-composite TrueType glyph. See also */
/* the structure element */
/* `maxCompositeContours'. */
/* */
/* maxCompositePoints :: The maximum number of points in a */
/* composite TrueType glyph. See also the */
/* structure element `maxPoints'. */
/* */
/* maxCompositeContours :: The maximum number of contours in a */
/* composite TrueType glyph. See also the */
/* structure element `maxContours'. */
/* */
/* maxZones :: The maximum number of zones used for */
/* glyph hinting. */
/* */
/* maxTwilightPoints :: The maximum number of points in the */
/* twilight zone used for glyph hinting. */
/* */
/* maxStorage :: The maximum number of elements in the */
/* storage area used for glyph hinting. */
/* */
/* maxFunctionDefs :: The maximum number of function */
/* definitions in the TrueType bytecode for */
/* this font. */
/* */
/* maxInstructionDefs :: The maximum number of instruction */
/* definitions in the TrueType bytecode for */
/* this font. */
/* */
/* maxStackElements :: The maximum number of stack elements used */
/* during bytecode interpretation. */
/* */
/* maxSizeOfInstructions :: The maximum number of TrueType opcodes */
/* used for glyph hinting. */
/* */
/* maxComponentElements :: The maximum number of simple (i.e., non- */
/* composite) glyphs in a composite glyph. */
/* */
/* maxComponentDepth :: The maximum nesting depth of composite */
/* glyphs. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* This structure is only used during font loading. */
/* */
typedef struct TT_MaxProfile_
FT_Fixed version;
FT_UShort numGlyphs;
FT_UShort maxPoints;
FT_UShort maxContours;
FT_UShort maxCompositePoints;
FT_UShort maxCompositeContours;
FT_UShort maxZones;
FT_UShort maxTwilightPoints;
FT_UShort maxStorage;
FT_UShort maxFunctionDefs;
FT_UShort maxInstructionDefs;
FT_UShort maxStackElements;
FT_UShort maxSizeOfInstructions;
FT_UShort maxComponentElements;
FT_UShort maxComponentDepth;
} TT_MaxProfile;
/* */
/* <Enum> */
/* FT_Sfnt_Tag */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* An enumeration used to specify the index of an SFNT table. */
/* Used in the @FT_Get_Sfnt_Table API function. */
/* */
typedef enum FT_Sfnt_Tag_
ft_sfnt_head = 0, /* TT_Header */
ft_sfnt_maxp = 1, /* TT_MaxProfile */
ft_sfnt_os2 = 2, /* TT_OS2 */
ft_sfnt_hhea = 3, /* TT_HoriHeader */
ft_sfnt_vhea = 4, /* TT_VertHeader */
ft_sfnt_post = 5, /* TT_Postscript */
ft_sfnt_pclt = 6, /* TT_PCLT */
sfnt_max /* internal end mark */
} FT_Sfnt_Tag;
/* */
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Get_Sfnt_Table */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Return a pointer to a given SFNT table within a face. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* face :: A handle to the source. */
/* */
/* tag :: The index of the SFNT table. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* A type-less pointer to the table. This will be~0 in case of */
/* error, or if the corresponding table was not found *OR* loaded */
/* from the file. */
/* */
/* Use a typecast according to `tag' to access the structure */
/* elements. */
/* */
/* <Note> */
/* The table is owned by the face object and disappears with it. */
/* */
/* This function is only useful to access SFNT tables that are loaded */
/* by the sfnt, truetype, and opentype drivers. See @FT_Sfnt_Tag for */
/* a list. */
/* */
FT_EXPORT( void* )
FT_Get_Sfnt_Table( FT_Face face,
FT_Sfnt_Tag tag );
* @function:
* FT_Load_Sfnt_Table
* @description:
* Load any font table into client memory.
* @input:
* face ::
* A handle to the source face.
* tag ::
* The four-byte tag of the table to load. Use the value~0 if you want
* to access the whole font file. Otherwise, you can use one of the
* definitions found in the @FT_TRUETYPE_TAGS_H file, or forge a new
* one with @FT_MAKE_TAG.
* offset ::
* The starting offset in the table (or file if tag == 0).
* @output:
* buffer ::
* The target buffer address. The client must ensure that the memory
* array is big enough to hold the data.
* @inout:
* length ::
* If the `length' parameter is NULL, then try to load the whole table.
* Return an error code if it fails.
* Else, if `*length' is~0, exit immediately while returning the
* table's (or file) full size in it.
* Else the number of bytes to read from the table or file, from the
* starting offset.
* @return:
* FreeType error code. 0~means success.
* @note:
* If you need to determine the table's length you should first call this
* function with `*length' set to~0, as in the following example:
* {
* FT_ULong length = 0;
* error = FT_Load_Sfnt_Table( face, tag, 0, NULL, &length );
* if ( error ) { ... table does not exist ... }
* buffer = malloc( length );
* if ( buffer == NULL ) { ... not enough memory ... }
* error = FT_Load_Sfnt_Table( face, tag, 0, buffer, &length );
* if ( error ) { ... could not load table ... }
* }
FT_Load_Sfnt_Table( FT_Face face,
FT_ULong tag,
FT_Long offset,
FT_Byte* buffer,
FT_ULong* length );
* @function:
* FT_Sfnt_Table_Info
* @description:
* Return information on an SFNT table.
* @input:
* face ::
* A handle to the source face.
* table_index ::
* The index of an SFNT table. The function returns
* FT_Err_Table_Missing for an invalid value.
* @output:
* tag ::
* The name tag of the SFNT table.
* length ::
* The length of the SFNT table.
* @return:
* FreeType error code. 0~means success.
* @note:
* SFNT tables with length zero are treated as missing.
FT_Sfnt_Table_Info( FT_Face face,
FT_UInt table_index,
FT_ULong *tag,
FT_ULong *length );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Get_CMap_Language_ID */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Return TrueType/sfnt specific cmap language ID. Definitions of */
/* language ID values are in `freetype/ttnameid.h'. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* charmap :: */
/* The target charmap. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* The language ID of `charmap'. If `charmap' doesn't belong to a */
/* TrueType/sfnt face, just return~0 as the default value. */
/* */
FT_Get_CMap_Language_ID( FT_CharMap charmap );
/* */
/* <Function> */
/* FT_Get_CMap_Format */
/* */
/* <Description> */
/* Return TrueType/sfnt specific cmap format. */
/* */
/* <Input> */
/* charmap :: */
/* The target charmap. */
/* */
/* <Return> */
/* The format of `charmap'. If `charmap' doesn't belong to a */
/* TrueType/sfnt face, return -1. */
/* */
FT_Get_CMap_Format( FT_CharMap charmap );
/* */
#endif /* __TTTABLES_H__ */
/* END */
@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* tttags.h */
/* */
/* Tags for TrueType and OpenType tables (specification only). */
/* */
/* Copyright 1996-2001, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
#ifndef __TTAGS_H__
#define __TTAGS_H__
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#error "freetype.h of FreeType 1 has been loaded!"
#error "Please fix the directory search order for header files"
#error "so that freetype.h of FreeType 2 is found first."
#define TTAG_avar FT_MAKE_TAG( 'a', 'v', 'a', 'r' )
#define TTAG_BASE FT_MAKE_TAG( 'B', 'A', 'S', 'E' )
#define TTAG_bdat FT_MAKE_TAG( 'b', 'd', 'a', 't' )
#define TTAG_BDF FT_MAKE_TAG( 'B', 'D', 'F', ' ' )
#define TTAG_bhed FT_MAKE_TAG( 'b', 'h', 'e', 'd' )
#define TTAG_bloc FT_MAKE_TAG( 'b', 'l', 'o', 'c' )
#define TTAG_bsln FT_MAKE_TAG( 'b', 's', 'l', 'n' )
#define TTAG_CFF FT_MAKE_TAG( 'C', 'F', 'F', ' ' )
#define TTAG_CID FT_MAKE_TAG( 'C', 'I', 'D', ' ' )
#define TTAG_cmap FT_MAKE_TAG( 'c', 'm', 'a', 'p' )
#define TTAG_cvar FT_MAKE_TAG( 'c', 'v', 'a', 'r' )
#define TTAG_cvt FT_MAKE_TAG( 'c', 'v', 't', ' ' )
#define TTAG_DSIG FT_MAKE_TAG( 'D', 'S', 'I', 'G' )
#define TTAG_EBDT FT_MAKE_TAG( 'E', 'B', 'D', 'T' )
#define TTAG_EBLC FT_MAKE_TAG( 'E', 'B', 'L', 'C' )
#define TTAG_EBSC FT_MAKE_TAG( 'E', 'B', 'S', 'C' )
#define TTAG_feat FT_MAKE_TAG( 'f', 'e', 'a', 't' )
#define TTAG_FOND FT_MAKE_TAG( 'F', 'O', 'N', 'D' )
#define TTAG_fpgm FT_MAKE_TAG( 'f', 'p', 'g', 'm' )
#define TTAG_fvar FT_MAKE_TAG( 'f', 'v', 'a', 'r' )
#define TTAG_gasp FT_MAKE_TAG( 'g', 'a', 's', 'p' )
#define TTAG_GDEF FT_MAKE_TAG( 'G', 'D', 'E', 'F' )
#define TTAG_glyf FT_MAKE_TAG( 'g', 'l', 'y', 'f' )
#define TTAG_GPOS FT_MAKE_TAG( 'G', 'P', 'O', 'S' )
#define TTAG_GSUB FT_MAKE_TAG( 'G', 'S', 'U', 'B' )
#define TTAG_gvar FT_MAKE_TAG( 'g', 'v', 'a', 'r' )
#define TTAG_hdmx FT_MAKE_TAG( 'h', 'd', 'm', 'x' )
#define TTAG_head FT_MAKE_TAG( 'h', 'e', 'a', 'd' )
#define TTAG_hhea FT_MAKE_TAG( 'h', 'h', 'e', 'a' )
#define TTAG_hmtx FT_MAKE_TAG( 'h', 'm', 't', 'x' )
#define TTAG_JSTF FT_MAKE_TAG( 'J', 'S', 'T', 'F' )
#define TTAG_just FT_MAKE_TAG( 'j', 'u', 's', 't' )
#define TTAG_kern FT_MAKE_TAG( 'k', 'e', 'r', 'n' )
#define TTAG_lcar FT_MAKE_TAG( 'l', 'c', 'a', 'r' )
#define TTAG_loca FT_MAKE_TAG( 'l', 'o', 'c', 'a' )
#define TTAG_LTSH FT_MAKE_TAG( 'L', 'T', 'S', 'H' )
#define TTAG_LWFN FT_MAKE_TAG( 'L', 'W', 'F', 'N' )
#define TTAG_MATH FT_MAKE_TAG( 'M', 'A', 'T', 'H' )
#define TTAG_maxp FT_MAKE_TAG( 'm', 'a', 'x', 'p' )
#define TTAG_META FT_MAKE_TAG( 'M', 'E', 'T', 'A' )
#define TTAG_MMFX FT_MAKE_TAG( 'M', 'M', 'F', 'X' )
#define TTAG_MMSD FT_MAKE_TAG( 'M', 'M', 'S', 'D' )
#define TTAG_mort FT_MAKE_TAG( 'm', 'o', 'r', 't' )
#define TTAG_morx FT_MAKE_TAG( 'm', 'o', 'r', 'x' )
#define TTAG_name FT_MAKE_TAG( 'n', 'a', 'm', 'e' )
#define TTAG_opbd FT_MAKE_TAG( 'o', 'p', 'b', 'd' )
#define TTAG_OS2 FT_MAKE_TAG( 'O', 'S', '/', '2' )
#define TTAG_OTTO FT_MAKE_TAG( 'O', 'T', 'T', 'O' )
#define TTAG_PCLT FT_MAKE_TAG( 'P', 'C', 'L', 'T' )
#define TTAG_POST FT_MAKE_TAG( 'P', 'O', 'S', 'T' )
#define TTAG_post FT_MAKE_TAG( 'p', 'o', 's', 't' )
#define TTAG_prep FT_MAKE_TAG( 'p', 'r', 'e', 'p' )
#define TTAG_prop FT_MAKE_TAG( 'p', 'r', 'o', 'p' )
#define TTAG_sfnt FT_MAKE_TAG( 's', 'f', 'n', 't' )
#define TTAG_SING FT_MAKE_TAG( 'S', 'I', 'N', 'G' )
#define TTAG_trak FT_MAKE_TAG( 't', 'r', 'a', 'k' )
#define TTAG_true FT_MAKE_TAG( 't', 'r', 'u', 'e' )
#define TTAG_ttc FT_MAKE_TAG( 't', 't', 'c', ' ' )
#define TTAG_ttcf FT_MAKE_TAG( 't', 't', 'c', 'f' )
#define TTAG_TYP1 FT_MAKE_TAG( 'T', 'Y', 'P', '1' )
#define TTAG_typ1 FT_MAKE_TAG( 't', 'y', 'p', '1' )
#define TTAG_VDMX FT_MAKE_TAG( 'V', 'D', 'M', 'X' )
#define TTAG_vhea FT_MAKE_TAG( 'v', 'h', 'e', 'a' )
#define TTAG_vmtx FT_MAKE_TAG( 'v', 'm', 't', 'x' )
#endif /* __TTAGS_H__ */
/* END */
@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* ttunpat.h */
/* */
/* Definitions for the unpatented TrueType hinting system */
/* */
/* Copyright 2003, 2006 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* Written by Graham Asher <graham.asher@btinternet.com> */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
#ifndef __TTUNPAT_H__
#define __TTUNPAT_H__
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#error "freetype.h of FreeType 1 has been loaded!"
#error "Please fix the directory search order for header files"
#error "so that freetype.h of FreeType 2 is found first."
* @constant:
* @description:
* A constant used as the tag of an @FT_Parameter structure to indicate
* that unpatented methods only should be used by the TrueType bytecode
* interpreter for a typeface opened by @FT_Open_Face.
#define FT_PARAM_TAG_UNPATENTED_HINTING FT_MAKE_TAG( 'u', 'n', 'p', 'a' )
/* */
#endif /* __TTUNPAT_H__ */
/* END */
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* ft2build.h */
/* */
/* Build macros of the FreeType 2 library. */
/* */
/* Copyright 1996-2001, 2003, 2006 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
/* */
/* This is a Unix-specific version of <ft2build.h> that should be used */
/* exclusively *after* installation of the library. */
/* */
/* It assumes that `/usr/local/include/freetype2' (or whatever is */
/* returned by the `freetype-config --cflags' or `pkg-config --cflags' */
/* command) is in your compilation include path. */
/* */
/* We don't need to do anything special in this release. However, for */
/* a future FreeType 2 release, the following installation changes will */
/* be performed: */
/* */
/* - The contents of `freetype-2.x/include/freetype' will be installed */
/* to `/usr/local/include/freetype2' instead of */
/* `/usr/local/include/freetype2/freetype'. */
/* */
/* - This file will #include <freetype2/config/ftheader.h>, instead */
/* of <freetype/config/ftheader.h>. */
/* */
/* - The contents of `ftheader.h' will be processed with `sed' to */
/* replace all `<freetype/xxx>' with `<freetype2/xxx>'. */
/* */
/* - Adding `/usr/local/include/freetype2' to your compilation include */
/* path will not be necessary anymore. */
/* */
/* These changes will be transparent to client applications which use */
/* freetype-config (or pkg-config). No modifications will be necessary */
/* to compile with the new scheme. */
/* */
#ifndef __FT2_BUILD_UNIX_H__
#define __FT2_BUILD_UNIX_H__
/* `<prefix>/include/freetype2' must be in your current inclusion path */
#include <freetype/config/ftheader.h>
#endif /* __FT2_BUILD_UNIX_H__ */
/* END */
@ -1,889 +0,0 @@
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifndef GD_H
#define GD_H 1
#define GD_EXTRA_VERSION "alpha"
#define GD_VERSION_STRING "2.1.0-alpha"
/* Do the DLL dance: dllexport when building the DLL,
dllimport when importing from it, nothing when
not on Silly Silly Windows (tm Aardman Productions). */
/* 2.0.20: for headers */
/* 2.0.24: __stdcall also needed for Visual BASIC
and other languages. This breaks ABI compatibility
with previous DLL revs, but it's necessary. */
/* 2.0.29: WIN32 programmers can declare the NONDLL macro if they
wish to build gd as a static library or by directly including
the gd sources in a project. */
#if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(_WIN32_WCE)
#define NONDLL 1
#endif /* WIN32 */
#ifdef NONDLL
#define BGD_DECLARE(rt) extern rt
#ifdef BGDWIN32
#define BGD_DECLARE(rt) __declspec(dllexport) rt __stdcall
#define BGD_DECLARE(rt) __declspec(dllimport) rt _stdcall
#endif /* BGDWIN32 */
#endif /* NONDLL */
/* 2.0.20: for actual storage of exported data, functions don't need this,
currently needed only for font pointers */
#ifdef NONDLL
/* 2.0.25: bring back extern */
#define BGD_EXPORT_DATA_PROT extern
#ifdef BGDWIN32
#define BGD_EXPORT_DATA_PROT __declspec(dllexport) extern
#define BGD_EXPORT_DATA_IMPL __declspec(dllexport)
#define BGD_EXPORT_DATA_PROT __declspec(dllimport) extern
#define BGD_EXPORT_DATA_IMPL __declspec(dllimport)
#endif /* BGDWIN32 */
#endif /* NONDLL */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
/* some might want to set DEFAULT_FONTPATH from configure in config.h */
#ifdef NETWARE
/* default fontpath for netware systems, could probably be handled in configure for 2.1 */
#define DEFAULT_FONTPATH "sys:/java/nwgfx/lib/x11/fonts/ttf;."
/* 2.0.23: more Type 1 fonts */
/* default fontpath for unix systems - whatever happened to standards ! */
#define DEFAULT_FONTPATH "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType:/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype:/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF:/usr/share/fonts/TrueType:/usr/share/fonts/truetype:/usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType:/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1:/usr/lib/X11/fonts/Type1:/usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts/Type1"
/* gd.h: declarations file for the graphic-draw module.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
* documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
* that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
* documentation. This software is provided "AS IS." Thomas Boutell and
* Boutell.Com, Inc. disclaim all warranties, either express or implied,
* including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and
* fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to this code and accompanying
* documentation. */
/* stdio is needed for file I/O. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include "gd_io.h"
/* The maximum number of palette entries in palette-based images.
In the wonderful new world of gd 2.0, you can of course have
many more colors when using truecolor mode. */
#define gdMaxColors 256
/* Image type. See functions below; you will not need to change
the elements directly. Use the provided macros to
access sx, sy, the color table, and colorsTotal for
read-only purposes. */
/* If 'truecolor' is set true, the image is truecolor;
pixels are represented by integers, which
must be 32 bits wide or more.
True colors are repsented as follows:
Where 'A' (alpha channel) occupies only the
LOWER 7 BITS of the MSB. This very small
loss of alpha channel resolution allows gd 2.x
to keep backwards compatibility by allowing
signed integers to be used to represent colors,
and negative numbers to represent special cases,
just as in gd 1.x. */
#define gdAlphaMax 127
#define gdAlphaOpaque 0
#define gdAlphaTransparent 127
#define gdRedMax 255
#define gdGreenMax 255
#define gdBlueMax 255
#define gdTrueColorGetAlpha(c) (((c) & 0x7F000000) >> 24)
#define gdTrueColorGetRed(c) (((c) & 0xFF0000) >> 16)
#define gdTrueColorGetGreen(c) (((c) & 0x00FF00) >> 8)
#define gdTrueColorGetBlue(c) ((c) & 0x0000FF)
enum gdCropMode {
/* This function accepts truecolor pixel values only. The
source color is composited with the destination color
based on the alpha channel value of the source color.
The resulting color is opaque. */
BGD_DECLARE(int) gdAlphaBlend (int dest, int src);
typedef struct gdImageStruct
/* Palette-based image pixels */
unsigned char **pixels;
int sx;
int sy;
/* These are valid in palette images only. See also
'alpha', which appears later in the structure to
preserve binary backwards compatibility */
int colorsTotal;
int red[gdMaxColors];
int green[gdMaxColors];
int blue[gdMaxColors];
int open[gdMaxColors];
/* For backwards compatibility, this is set to the
first palette entry with 100% transparency,
and is also set and reset by the
gdImageColorTransparent function. Newer
applications can allocate palette entries
with any desired level of transparency; however,
bear in mind that many viewers, notably
many web browsers, fail to implement
full alpha channel for PNG and provide
support for full opacity or transparency only. */
int transparent;
int *polyInts;
int polyAllocated;
struct gdImageStruct *brush;
struct gdImageStruct *tile;
int brushColorMap[gdMaxColors];
int tileColorMap[gdMaxColors];
int styleLength;
int stylePos;
int *style;
int interlace;
/* New in 2.0: thickness of line. Initialized to 1. */
int thick;
/* New in 2.0: alpha channel for palettes. Note that only
Macintosh Internet Explorer and (possibly) Netscape 6
really support multiple levels of transparency in
palettes, to my knowledge, as of 2/15/01. Most
common browsers will display 100% opaque and
100% transparent correctly, and do something
unpredictable and/or undesirable for levels
in between. TBB */
int alpha[gdMaxColors];
/* Truecolor flag and pixels. New 2.0 fields appear here at the
end to minimize breakage of existing object code. */
int trueColor;
int **tpixels;
/* Should alpha channel be copied, or applied, each time a
pixel is drawn? This applies to truecolor images only.
No attempt is made to alpha-blend in palette images,
even if semitransparent palette entries exist.
To do that, build your image as a truecolor image,
then quantize down to 8 bits. */
int alphaBlendingFlag;
/* Should the alpha channel of the image be saved? This affects
PNG at the moment; other future formats may also
have that capability. JPEG doesn't. */
int saveAlphaFlag;
part of the structure can be safely changed in new releases. */
/* 2.0.12: anti-aliased globals. 2.0.26: just a few vestiges after
switching to the fast, memory-cheap implementation from PHP-gd. */
int AA;
int AA_color;
int AA_dont_blend;
/* 2.0.12: simple clipping rectangle. These values
must be checked for safety when set; please use
gdImageSetClip */
int cx1;
int cy1;
int cx2;
int cy2;
/* 2.1.0: allows to specify resolution in dpi */
unsigned int res_x;
unsigned int res_y;
typedef gdImage *gdImagePtr;
typedef struct
/* # of characters in font */
int nchars;
/* First character is numbered... (usually 32 = space) */
int offset;
/* Character width and height */
int w;
int h;
/* Font data; array of characters, one row after another.
Easily included in code, also easily loaded from
data files. */
char *data;
/* Text functions take these. */
typedef gdFont *gdFontPtr;
/* For backwards compatibility only. Use gdImageSetStyle()
for MUCH more flexible line drawing. Also see
gdImageSetBrush(). */
#define gdDashSize 4
/* Special colors. */
#define gdStyled (-2)
#define gdBrushed (-3)
#define gdStyledBrushed (-4)
#define gdTiled (-5)
/* NOT the same as the transparent color index.
This is used in line styles only. */
#define gdTransparent (-6)
#define gdAntiAliased (-7)
/* Functions to manipulate images. */
/* Creates a palette-based image (up to 256 colors). */
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreate (int sx, int sy);
/* An alternate name for the above (2.0). */
#define gdImageCreatePalette gdImageCreate
/* Creates a truecolor image (millions of colors). */
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateTrueColor (int sx, int sy);
/* Creates an image from various file types. These functions
return a palette or truecolor image based on the
nature of the file being loaded. Truecolor PNG
stays truecolor; palette PNG stays palette-based;
JPEG is always truecolor. */
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateFromPng (FILE * fd);
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateFromPngCtx (gdIOCtxPtr in);
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateFromPngPtr (int size, void *data);
/* These read the first frame only */
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateFromGif (FILE * fd);
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateFromGifCtx (gdIOCtxPtr in);
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateFromGifPtr (int size, void *data);
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateFromWBMP (FILE * inFile);
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateFromWBMPCtx (gdIOCtx * infile);
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateFromWBMPPtr (int size, void *data);
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateFromJpeg (FILE * infile);
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateFromJpegCtx (gdIOCtx * infile);
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateFromJpegPtr (int size, void *data);
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateFromTiff(FILE *inFile);
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateFromTiffCtx(gdIOCtx *infile);
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateFromTiffPtr(int size, void *data);
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateFromTga( FILE * fp );
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateFromTgaCtx(gdIOCtx* ctx);
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateFromTgaPtr(int size, void *data);
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateFromBmp (FILE * inFile);
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateFromBmpPtr (int size, void *data);
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateFromBmpCtx (gdIOCtxPtr infile);
/* A custom data source. */
/* The source function must return -1 on error, otherwise the number
of bytes fetched. 0 is EOF, not an error! */
/* context will be passed to your source function. */
typedef struct
int (*source) (void *context, char *buffer, int len);
void *context;
gdSource, *gdSourcePtr;
/* Deprecated in favor of gdImageCreateFromPngCtx */
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateFromPngSource (gdSourcePtr in);
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateFromGd (FILE * in);
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateFromGdCtx (gdIOCtxPtr in);
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateFromGdPtr (int size, void *data);
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateFromGd2 (FILE * in);
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateFromGd2Ctx (gdIOCtxPtr in);
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateFromGd2Ptr (int size, void *data);
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateFromGd2Part (FILE * in, int srcx, int srcy, int w,
int h);
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateFromGd2PartCtx (gdIOCtxPtr in, int srcx, int srcy,
int w, int h);
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateFromGd2PartPtr (int size, void *data, int srcx, int srcy,
int w, int h);
/* 2.0.10: prototype was missing */
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateFromXbm (FILE * in);
/* NOTE: filename, not FILE */
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateFromXpm (char *filename);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageDestroy (gdImagePtr im);
/* Replaces or blends with the background depending on the
most recent call to gdImageAlphaBlending and the
alpha channel value of 'color'; default is to overwrite.
Tiling and line styling are also implemented
here. All other gd drawing functions pass through this call,
allowing for many useful effects. */
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageSetPixel (gdImagePtr im, int x, int y, int color);
/* FreeType 2 text output with hook to extra flags */
BGD_DECLARE(int) gdImageGetPixel (gdImagePtr im, int x, int y);
BGD_DECLARE(int) gdImageGetTrueColorPixel (gdImagePtr im, int x, int y);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageAABlend (gdImagePtr im);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageLine (gdImagePtr im, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color);
/* For backwards compatibility only. Use gdImageSetStyle()
for much more flexible line drawing. */
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageDashedLine (gdImagePtr im, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
int color);
/* Corners specified (not width and height). Upper left first, lower right
second. */
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageRectangle (gdImagePtr im, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
int color);
/* Solid bar. Upper left corner first, lower right corner second. */
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageFilledRectangle (gdImagePtr im, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
int color);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageSetClip(gdImagePtr im, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageGetClip(gdImagePtr im, int *x1P, int *y1P, int *x2P, int *y2P);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageSetResolution(gdImagePtr im, const unsigned int res_x, const unsigned int res_y);
BGD_DECLARE(int) gdImageBoundsSafe (gdImagePtr im, int x, int y);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageChar (gdImagePtr im, gdFontPtr f, int x, int y, int c,
int color);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageCharUp (gdImagePtr im, gdFontPtr f, int x, int y, int c,
int color);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageString (gdImagePtr im, gdFontPtr f, int x, int y,
unsigned char *s, int color);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageStringUp (gdImagePtr im, gdFontPtr f, int x, int y,
unsigned char *s, int color);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageString16 (gdImagePtr im, gdFontPtr f, int x, int y,
unsigned short *s, int color);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageStringUp16 (gdImagePtr im, gdFontPtr f, int x, int y,
unsigned short *s, int color);
/* 2.0.16: for thread-safe use of gdImageStringFT and friends,
call this before allowing any thread to call gdImageStringFT.
Otherwise it is invoked by the first thread to invoke
gdImageStringFT, with a very small but real risk of a race condition.
Return 0 on success, nonzero on failure to initialize freetype. */
BGD_DECLARE(int) gdFontCacheSetup (void);
/* Optional: clean up after application is done using fonts in
gdImageStringFT(). */
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdFontCacheShutdown (void);
/* 2.0.20: for backwards compatibility. A few applications did start calling
this function when it first appeared although it was never documented.
Simply invokes gdFontCacheShutdown. */
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdFreeFontCache (void);
/* Calls gdImageStringFT. Provided for backwards compatibility only. */
BGD_DECLARE(char *) gdImageStringTTF (gdImage * im, int *brect, int fg, char *fontlist,
double ptsize, double angle, int x, int y,
char *string);
/* FreeType 2 text output */
BGD_DECLARE(char *) gdImageStringFT (gdImage * im, int *brect, int fg, char *fontlist,
double ptsize, double angle, int x, int y,
char *string);
/* 2.0.5: provides an extensible way to pass additional parameters.
Thanks to Wez Furlong, sorry for the delay. */
typedef struct
int flags; /* Logical OR of gdFTEX_ values */
double linespacing; /* fine tune line spacing for '\n' */
int charmap; /* TBB: 2.0.12: may be gdFTEX_Unicode,
gdFTEX_Shift_JIS, gdFTEX_Big5,
or gdFTEX_Adobe_Custom;
when not specified, maps are searched
for in the above order. */
int hdpi; /* if (flags & gdFTEX_RESOLUTION) */
int vdpi; /* if (flags & gdFTEX_RESOLUTION) */
char *xshow; /* if (flags & gdFTEX_XSHOW)
then, on return, xshow is a malloc'ed
string containing xshow position data for
the last string.
NB. The caller is responsible for gdFree'ing
the xshow string.
char *fontpath; /* if (flags & gdFTEX_RETURNFONTPATHNAME)
then, on return, fontpath is a malloc'ed
string containing the actual font file path name
used, which can be interesting when fontconfig
is in use.
The caller is responsible for gdFree'ing the
fontpath string.
gdFTStringExtra, *gdFTStringExtraPtr;
#define gdFTEX_LINESPACE 1
#define gdFTEX_CHARMAP 2
#define gdFTEX_XSHOW 16
/* The default unless gdFTUseFontConfig(1); has been called:
fontlist is a full or partial font file pathname or list thereof
(i.e. just like before 2.0.29) */
/* Necessary to use fontconfig patterns instead of font pathnames
as the fontlist argument, unless gdFTUseFontConfig(1); has
been called. New in 2.0.29 */
#define gdFTEX_FONTCONFIG 64
/* Sometimes interesting when fontconfig is used: the fontpath
element of the structure above will contain a gdMalloc'd string
copy of the actual font file pathname used, if this flag is set
when the call is made */
/* If flag is nonzero, the fontlist parameter to gdImageStringFT
and gdImageStringFTEx shall be assumed to be a fontconfig font pattern
if fontconfig was compiled into gd. This function returns zero
if fontconfig is not available, nonzero otherwise. */
BGD_DECLARE(int) gdFTUseFontConfig(int flag);
/* These are NOT flags; set one in 'charmap' if you set the
gdFTEX_CHARMAP bit in 'flags'. */
#define gdFTEX_Unicode 0
#define gdFTEX_Shift_JIS 1
#define gdFTEX_Big5 2
#define gdFTEX_Adobe_Custom 3
BGD_DECLARE(char *) gdImageStringFTEx (gdImage * im, int *brect, int fg, char *fontlist,
double ptsize, double angle, int x, int y,
char *string, gdFTStringExtraPtr strex);
/* Point type for use in polygon drawing. */
typedef struct
int x, y;
gdPoint, *gdPointPtr;
typedef struct
int x, y;
int width, height;
gdRect, *gdRectPtr;
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImagePolygon (gdImagePtr im, gdPointPtr p, int n, int c);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageOpenPolygon (gdImagePtr im, gdPointPtr p, int n, int c);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageFilledPolygon (gdImagePtr im, gdPointPtr p, int n, int c);
/* These functions still work with truecolor images,
for which they never return error. */
BGD_DECLARE(int) gdImageColorAllocate (gdImagePtr im, int r, int g, int b);
/* gd 2.0: palette entries with non-opaque transparency are permitted. */
BGD_DECLARE(int) gdImageColorAllocateAlpha (gdImagePtr im, int r, int g, int b, int a);
/* Assumes opaque is the preferred alpha channel value */
BGD_DECLARE(int) gdImageColorClosest (gdImagePtr im, int r, int g, int b);
/* Closest match taking all four parameters into account.
A slightly different color with the same transparency
beats the exact same color with radically different
transparency */
BGD_DECLARE(int) gdImageColorClosestAlpha (gdImagePtr im, int r, int g, int b, int a);
/* An alternate method */
BGD_DECLARE(int) gdImageColorClosestHWB (gdImagePtr im, int r, int g, int b);
/* Returns exact, 100% opaque matches only */
BGD_DECLARE(int) gdImageColorExact (gdImagePtr im, int r, int g, int b);
/* Returns an exact match only, including alpha */
BGD_DECLARE(int) gdImageColorExactAlpha (gdImagePtr im, int r, int g, int b, int a);
/* Opaque only */
BGD_DECLARE(int) gdImageColorResolve (gdImagePtr im, int r, int g, int b);
/* Based on gdImageColorExactAlpha and gdImageColorClosestAlpha */
BGD_DECLARE(int) gdImageColorResolveAlpha (gdImagePtr im, int r, int g, int b, int a);
/* A simpler way to obtain an opaque truecolor value for drawing on a
truecolor image. Not for use with palette images! */
#define gdTrueColor(r, g, b) (((r) << 16) + \
((g) << 8) + \
/* Returns a truecolor value with an alpha channel component.
gdAlphaMax (127, **NOT 255**) is transparent, 0 is completely
opaque. */
#define gdTrueColorAlpha(r, g, b, a) (((a) << 24) + \
((r) << 16) + \
((g) << 8) + \
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageColorDeallocate (gdImagePtr im, int color);
/* Converts a truecolor image to a palette-based image,
using a high-quality two-pass quantization routine
which attempts to preserve alpha channel information
as well as R/G/B color information when creating
a palette. If ditherFlag is set, the image will be
dithered to approximate colors better, at the expense
of some obvious "speckling." colorsWanted can be
anything up to 256. If the original source image
includes photographic information or anything that
came out of a JPEG, 256 is strongly recommended.
Better yet, don't use these function -- write real
truecolor PNGs and JPEGs. The disk space gain of
conversion to palette is not great (for small images
it can be negative) and the quality loss is ugly.
DIFFERENCES: gdImageCreatePaletteFromTrueColor creates and
returns a new image. gdImageTrueColorToPalette modifies
an existing image, and the truecolor pixels are discarded. */
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreatePaletteFromTrueColor (gdImagePtr im, int ditherFlag,
int colorsWanted);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageTrueColorToPalette (gdImagePtr im, int ditherFlag,
int colorsWanted);
/* Specifies a color index (if a palette image) or an
RGB color (if a truecolor image) which should be
considered 100% transparent. FOR TRUECOLOR IMAGES,
SAVED. Use gdImageSaveAlpha(im, 0); to
turn off the saving of a full alpha channel in
a truecolor image. Note that gdImageColorTransparent
is usually compatible with older browsers that
do not understand full alpha channels well. TBB */
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageColorTransparent (gdImagePtr im, int color);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImagePaletteCopy (gdImagePtr dst, gdImagePtr src);
typedef int (*gdCallbackImageColor)(gdImagePtr im, int src);
BGD_DECLARE(int) gdImageColorReplace(gdImagePtr im, int src, int dst);
BGD_DECLARE(int) gdImageColorReplaceThreshold(gdImagePtr im, int src, int dst, float threshold);
BGD_DECLARE(int) gdImageColorReplaceArray(gdImagePtr im, int len, int *src, int *dst);
BGD_DECLARE(int) gdImageColorReplaceCallback(gdImagePtr im, gdCallbackImageColor callback);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageGif (gdImagePtr im, FILE * out);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImagePng (gdImagePtr im, FILE * out);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImagePngCtx (gdImagePtr im, gdIOCtx * out);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageGifCtx (gdImagePtr im, gdIOCtx * out);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageTiff(gdImagePtr im, FILE *outFile);
BGD_DECLARE(void *) gdImageTiffPtr(gdImagePtr im, int *size);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageTiffCtx(gdImagePtr image, gdIOCtx *out);
BGD_DECLARE(void *) gdImageBmpPtr(gdImagePtr im, int *size, int compression);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageBmp(gdImagePtr im, FILE *outFile, int compression);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageBmpCtx(gdImagePtr im, gdIOCtxPtr out, int compression);
/* 2.0.12: Compression level: 0-9 or -1, where 0 is NO COMPRESSION at all,
1 is FASTEST but produces larger files, 9 provides the best
compression (smallest files) but takes a long time to compress, and
-1 selects the default compiled into the zlib library. */
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImagePngEx (gdImagePtr im, FILE * out, int level);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImagePngCtxEx (gdImagePtr im, gdIOCtx * out, int level);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageWBMP (gdImagePtr image, int fg, FILE * out);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageWBMPCtx (gdImagePtr image, int fg, gdIOCtx * out);
/* Guaranteed to correctly free memory returned
by the gdImage*Ptr functions */
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdFree (void *m);
/* Best to free this memory with gdFree(), not free() */
BGD_DECLARE(void *) gdImageWBMPPtr (gdImagePtr im, int *size, int fg);
/* 100 is highest quality (there is always a little loss with JPEG).
0 is lowest. 10 is about the lowest useful setting. */
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageJpeg (gdImagePtr im, FILE * out, int quality);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageJpegCtx (gdImagePtr im, gdIOCtx * out, int quality);
/* Best to free this memory with gdFree(), not free() */
BGD_DECLARE(void *) gdImageJpegPtr (gdImagePtr im, int *size, int quality);
/* Legal values for Disposal. gdDisposalNone is always used by
the built-in optimizer if previm is passed. */
enum {
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageGifAnimBegin(gdImagePtr im, FILE *outFile, int GlobalCM, int Loops);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageGifAnimAdd(gdImagePtr im, FILE *outFile, int LocalCM, int LeftOfs, int TopOfs, int Delay, int Disposal, gdImagePtr previm);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageGifAnimEnd(FILE *outFile);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageGifAnimBeginCtx(gdImagePtr im, gdIOCtx *out, int GlobalCM, int Loops);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageGifAnimAddCtx(gdImagePtr im, gdIOCtx *out, int LocalCM, int LeftOfs, int TopOfs, int Delay, int Disposal, gdImagePtr previm);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageGifAnimEndCtx(gdIOCtx *out);
BGD_DECLARE(void *) gdImageGifAnimBeginPtr(gdImagePtr im, int *size, int GlobalCM, int Loops);
BGD_DECLARE(void *) gdImageGifAnimAddPtr(gdImagePtr im, int *size, int LocalCM, int LeftOfs, int TopOfs, int Delay, int Disposal, gdImagePtr previm);
BGD_DECLARE(void *) gdImageGifAnimEndPtr(int *size);
/* A custom data sink. For backwards compatibility. Use
gdIOCtx instead. */
/* The sink function must return -1 on error, otherwise the number
of bytes written, which must be equal to len. */
/* context will be passed to your sink function. */
typedef struct
int (*sink) (void *context, const char *buffer, int len);
void *context;
gdSink, *gdSinkPtr;
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImagePngToSink (gdImagePtr im, gdSinkPtr out);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageGd (gdImagePtr im, FILE * out);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageGd2 (gdImagePtr im, FILE * out, int cs, int fmt);
/* Best to free this memory with gdFree(), not free() */
BGD_DECLARE(void *) gdImageGifPtr (gdImagePtr im, int *size);
/* Best to free this memory with gdFree(), not free() */
BGD_DECLARE(void *) gdImagePngPtr (gdImagePtr im, int *size);
BGD_DECLARE(void *) gdImagePngPtrEx (gdImagePtr im, int *size, int level);
/* Best to free this memory with gdFree(), not free() */
BGD_DECLARE(void *) gdImageGdPtr (gdImagePtr im, int *size);
/* Best to free this memory with gdFree(), not free() */
BGD_DECLARE(void *) gdImageGd2Ptr (gdImagePtr im, int cs, int fmt, int *size);
/* Style is a bitwise OR ( | operator ) of these.
gdArc and gdChord are mutually exclusive;
gdChord just connects the starting and ending
angles with a straight line, while gdArc produces
a rounded edge. gdPie is a synonym for gdArc.
gdNoFill indicates that the arc or chord should be
outlined, not filled. gdEdged, used together with
gdNoFill, indicates that the beginning and ending
angles should be connected to the center; this is
a good way to outline (rather than fill) a
'pie slice'. */
#define gdArc 0
#define gdPie gdArc
#define gdChord 1
#define gdNoFill 2
#define gdEdged 4
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageFilledArc (gdImagePtr im, int cx, int cy, int w, int h, int s,
int e, int color, int style);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageArc (gdImagePtr im, int cx, int cy, int w, int h, int s, int e,
int color);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageEllipse(gdImagePtr im, int cx, int cy, int w, int h, int color);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageFilledEllipse (gdImagePtr im, int cx, int cy, int w, int h,
int color);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageFillToBorder (gdImagePtr im, int x, int y, int border,
int color);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageFill (gdImagePtr im, int x, int y, int color);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageCopy (gdImagePtr dst, gdImagePtr src, int dstX, int dstY,
int srcX, int srcY, int w, int h);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageCopyMerge (gdImagePtr dst, gdImagePtr src, int dstX, int dstY,
int srcX, int srcY, int w, int h, int pct);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageCopyMergeGray (gdImagePtr dst, gdImagePtr src, int dstX,
int dstY, int srcX, int srcY, int w, int h,
int pct);
/* Stretches or shrinks to fit, as needed. Does NOT attempt
to average the entire set of source pixels that scale down onto the
destination pixel. */
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageCopyResized (gdImagePtr dst, gdImagePtr src, int dstX, int dstY,
int srcX, int srcY, int dstW, int dstH, int srcW,
int srcH);
/* gd 2.0: stretches or shrinks to fit, as needed. When called with a
truecolor destination image, this function averages the
entire set of source pixels that scale down onto the
destination pixel, taking into account what portion of the
destination pixel each source pixel represents. This is a
floating point operation, but this is not a performance issue
on modern hardware, except for some embedded devices. If the
destination is a palette image, gdImageCopyResized is
substituted automatically. */
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageCopyResampled (gdImagePtr dst, gdImagePtr src, int dstX,
int dstY, int srcX, int srcY, int dstW, int dstH,
int srcW, int srcH);
/* gd 2.0.8: gdImageCopyRotated is added. Source
is a rectangle, with its upper left corner at
srcX and srcY. Destination is the *center* of
the rotated copy. Angle is in degrees, same as
gdImageArc. Floating point destination center
coordinates allow accurate rotation of
objects of odd-numbered width or height. */
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageCopyRotated (gdImagePtr dst,
gdImagePtr src,
double dstX, double dstY,
int srcX, int srcY,
int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int angle);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageSetBrush (gdImagePtr im, gdImagePtr brush);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageSetTile (gdImagePtr im, gdImagePtr tile);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageSetAntiAliased (gdImagePtr im, int c);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageSetAntiAliasedDontBlend (gdImagePtr im, int c, int dont_blend);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageSetStyle (gdImagePtr im, int *style, int noOfPixels);
/* Line thickness (defaults to 1). Affects lines, ellipses,
rectangles, polygons and so forth. */
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageSetThickness (gdImagePtr im, int thickness);
/* On or off (1 or 0) for all three of these. */
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageInterlace (gdImagePtr im, int interlaceArg);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageAlphaBlending (gdImagePtr im, int alphaBlendingArg);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageSaveAlpha (gdImagePtr im, int saveAlphaArg);
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCrop(gdImagePtr src, const gdRect *crop);
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageAutoCrop(gdImagePtr im, const unsigned int mode);
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageThresholdCrop(gdImagePtr im, const unsigned int color, const float threshold);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageFlipHorizontal(gdImagePtr im);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageFlipVertical(gdImagePtr im);
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageFlipBoth(gdImagePtr im);
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageNeuQuant(gdImagePtr im, const int max_color, int sample_factor);
enum gdPixelateMode {
BGD_DECLARE(int) gdImagePixelate(gdImagePtr im, int block_size, const unsigned int mode);
typedef struct {
int sub;
int plus;
unsigned int num_colors;
int *colors;
unsigned int seed;
} gdScatter, *gdScatterPtr;
BGD_DECLARE(int) gdImageScatter(gdImagePtr im, int sub, int plus);
BGD_DECLARE(int) gdImageScatterColor(gdImagePtr im, int sub, int plus, int colors[], unsigned int num_colors);
BGD_DECLARE(int) gdImageScatterEx(gdImagePtr im, gdScatterPtr s);
/* Macros to access information about images. */
/* Returns nonzero if the image is a truecolor image,
zero for a palette image. */
#define gdImageTrueColor(im) ((im)->trueColor)
#define gdImageSX(im) ((im)->sx)
#define gdImageSY(im) ((im)->sy)
#define gdImageColorsTotal(im) ((im)->colorsTotal)
#define gdImageRed(im, c) ((im)->trueColor ? (int) gdTrueColorGetRed(c) : \
#define gdImageGreen(im, c) ((im)->trueColor ? (int) gdTrueColorGetGreen(c) : \
#define gdImageBlue(im, c) ((im)->trueColor ? (int) gdTrueColorGetBlue(c) : \
#define gdImageAlpha(im, c) ((im)->trueColor ? (int) gdTrueColorGetAlpha(c) : \
#define gdImageGetTransparent(im) ((im)->transparent)
#define gdImageGetInterlaced(im) ((im)->interlace)
/* These macros provide direct access to pixels in
palette-based and truecolor images, respectively.
If you use these macros, you must perform your own
bounds checking. Use of the macro for the correct type
of image is also your responsibility. */
#define gdImagePalettePixel(im, x, y) (im)->pixels[(y)][(x)]
#define gdImageTrueColorPixel(im, x, y) (im)->tpixels[(y)][(x)]
#define gdImageResolutionX(im) (im)->res_x
#define gdImageResolutionY(im) (im)->res_y
/* I/O Support routines. */
BGD_DECLARE(gdIOCtx *) gdNewFileCtx (FILE *);
/* If data is null, size is ignored and an initial data buffer is
allocated automatically. NOTE: this function assumes gd has the right
to free or reallocate "data" at will! Also note that gd will free
"data" when the IO context is freed. If data is not null, it must point
to memory allocated with gdMalloc, or by a call to gdImage[something]Ptr.
If not, see gdNewDynamicCtxEx for an alternative. */
BGD_DECLARE(gdIOCtx *) gdNewDynamicCtx (int size, void *data);
/* 2.0.21: if freeFlag is nonzero, gd will free and/or reallocate "data" as
needed as described above. If freeFlag is zero, gd will never free
or reallocate "data", which means that the context should only be used
for *reading* an image from a memory buffer, or writing an image to a
memory buffer which is already large enough. If the memory buffer is
not large enough and an image write is attempted, the write operation
will fail. Those wishing to write an image to a buffer in memory have
a much simpler alternative in the gdImage[something]Ptr functions. */
BGD_DECLARE(gdIOCtx *) gdNewDynamicCtxEx (int size, void *data, int freeFlag);
BGD_DECLARE(gdIOCtx *) gdNewSSCtx (gdSourcePtr in, gdSinkPtr out);
BGD_DECLARE(void *) gdDPExtractData (struct gdIOCtx *ctx, int *size);
#define GD2_CHUNKSIZE 128
#define GD2_CHUNKSIZE_MIN 64
#define GD2_CHUNKSIZE_MAX 4096
#define GD2_VERS 2
#define GD2_ID "gd2"
#define GD2_FMT_RAW 1
/* Image comparison definitions */
BGD_DECLARE(int) gdImageCompare (gdImagePtr im1, gdImagePtr im2);
#define GD_CMP_IMAGE 1 /* Actual image IS different */
#define GD_CMP_NUM_COLORS 2 /* Number of Colours in pallette differ */
#define GD_CMP_COLOR 4 /* Image colours differ */
#define GD_CMP_SIZE_X 8 /* Image width differs */
#define GD_CMP_SIZE_Y 16 /* Image heights differ */
#define GD_CMP_TRANSPARENT 32 /* Transparent colour */
#define GD_CMP_BACKGROUND 64 /* Background colour */
#define GD_CMP_INTERLACE 128 /* Interlaced setting */
#define GD_CMP_TRUECOLOR 256 /* Truecolor vs palette differs */
#define GD_RESOLUTION 96 /* dots per inch */
#ifdef __cplusplus
/* newfangled special effects */
#include "gdfx.h"
#endif /* GD_H */
#ifdef __cplusplus
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifndef GD_IO_H
#define GD_IO_H 1
#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef VMS
# define Putchar gdPutchar
typedef struct gdIOCtx
int (*getC)(struct gdIOCtx *);
int (*getBuf)(struct gdIOCtx *, void *, int);
void (*putC)(struct gdIOCtx *, int);
int (*putBuf)(struct gdIOCtx *, const void *, int);
/* seek must return 1 on SUCCESS, 0 on FAILURE. Unlike fseek! */
int (*seek)(struct gdIOCtx *, const int);
long (*tell)(struct gdIOCtx *);
void (*gd_free)(struct gdIOCtx *);
typedef struct gdIOCtx *gdIOCtxPtr;
void Putword(int w, gdIOCtx *ctx);
void Putchar(int c, gdIOCtx *ctx);
void gdPutC(const unsigned char c, gdIOCtx *ctx);
int gdPutBuf(const void *, int, gdIOCtx *);
void gdPutWord(int w, gdIOCtx *ctx);
void gdPutInt(int w, gdIOCtx *ctx);
int gdGetC(gdIOCtx *ctx);
int gdGetBuf(void *, int, gdIOCtx *);
int gdGetByte(int *result, gdIOCtx *ctx);
int gdGetWord(int *result, gdIOCtx *ctx);
int gdGetWordLSB(signed short int *result, gdIOCtx *ctx);
int gdGetInt(int *result, gdIOCtx *ctx);
int gdGetIntLSB(signed int *result, gdIOCtx *ctx);
int gdSeek(gdIOCtx *ctx, const int offset);
long gdTell(gdIOCtx *ctx);
#ifdef __cplusplus
@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifndef GDFX_H
#define GDFX_H 1
#include "gd.h"
/* im MUST be square, but can have any size. Returns a new image
of width and height radius * 2, in which the X axis of
the original has been remapped to theta (angle) and the Y axis
of the original has been remapped to rho (distance from center).
This is known as a "polar coordinate transform." */
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageSquareToCircle(gdImagePtr im, int radius);
/* Draws the text 'top' and 'bottom' on 'im', curved along the
edge of a circle of radius 'radius', with its
center at 'cx' and 'cy'. 'top' is written clockwise
along the top; 'bottom' is written counterclockwise
along the bottom. 'textRadius' determines the 'height'
of each character; if 'textRadius' is 1/2 of 'radius',
characters extend halfway from the edge to the center.
'fillPortion' varies from 0 to 1.0, with useful values
from about 0.4 to 0.9, and determines how much of the
180 degrees of arc assigned to each section of text
is actually occupied by text; 0.9 looks better than
1.0 which is rather crowded. 'font' is a freetype
font; see gdImageStringFT. 'points' is passed to the
freetype engine and has an effect on hinting; although
the size of the text is determined by radius, textRadius,
and fillPortion, you should pass a point size that
'hints' appropriately -- if you know the text will be
large, pass a large point size such as 24.0 to get the
best results. 'fgcolor' can be any color, and may have
an alpha component, do blending, etc.
Returns 0 on success, or an error string. */
BGD_DECLARE(char *) gdImageStringFTCircle(
gdImagePtr im,
int cx,
int cy,
double radius,
double textRadius,
double fillPortion,
char *font,
double points,
char *top,
char *bottom,
int fgcolor);
/* 2.0.16:
* Sharpen function added on 2003-11-19
* by Paul Troughton (paul<dot>troughton<at>ieee<dot>org)
* Simple 3x3 convolution kernel
* Makes use of seperability
* Faster, but less flexible, than full-blown unsharp masking
* pct is sharpening percentage, and can be greater than 100
* Silently does nothing to non-truecolor images
* Silently does nothing for pct<0, as not a useful blurring function
* Leaves transparency/alpha-channel untouched
BGD_DECLARE(void) gdImageSharpen (gdImagePtr im, int pct);
#endif /* GDFX_H */
#ifdef __cplusplus
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* jconfig.h. Generated automatically by configure. */
/* jconfig.cfg --- source file edited by configure script */
/* see jconfig.doc for explanations */
#undef void
#undef const
#undef NEED_FAR_POINTERS /* DJGPP uses flat 32-bit addressing */
/* Define this if you get warnings about undefined structures. */
#define INLINE __inline__
/* These are for configuring the JPEG memory manager. */
#undef NO_MKTEMP
#endif /* JPEG_INTERNALS */
#define BMP_SUPPORTED /* BMP image file format */
#define GIF_SUPPORTED /* GIF image file format */
#define PPM_SUPPORTED /* PBMPLUS PPM/PGM image file format */
#undef RLE_SUPPORTED /* Utah RLE image file format */
#define TARGA_SUPPORTED /* Targa image file format */
#undef TWO_FILE_COMMANDLINE /* optional */
#undef USE_SETMODE /* Needed to make one-file style work in DJGPP */
#undef NEED_SIGNAL_CATCHER /* Define this if you use jmemname.c */
#undef PROGRESS_REPORT /* optional */
#endif /* JPEG_CJPEG_DJPEG */
@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
* jerror.h
* Copyright (C) 1994-1997, Thomas G. Lane.
* Modified 1997-2009 by Guido Vollbeding.
* This file is part of the Independent JPEG Group's software.
* For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying README file.
* This file defines the error and message codes for the JPEG library.
* Edit this file to add new codes, or to translate the message strings to
* some other language.
* A set of error-reporting macros are defined too. Some applications using
* the JPEG library may wish to include this file to get the error codes
* and/or the macros.
* To define the enum list of message codes, include this file without
* defining macro JMESSAGE. To create a message string table, include it
* again with a suitable JMESSAGE definition (see jerror.c for an example).
#ifndef JMESSAGE
#ifndef JERROR_H
/* First time through, define the enum list */
/* Repeated inclusions of this file are no-ops unless JMESSAGE is defined */
#define JMESSAGE(code,string)
#endif /* JERROR_H */
#endif /* JMESSAGE */
typedef enum {
#define JMESSAGE(code,string) code ,
#endif /* JMAKE_ENUM_LIST */
JMESSAGE(JMSG_NOMESSAGE, "Bogus message code %d") /* Must be first entry! */
/* For maintenance convenience, list is alphabetical by message code name */
JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_BUFFER_MODE, "Bogus buffer control mode")
JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_COMPONENT_ID, "Invalid component ID %d in SOS")
JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_CROP_SPEC, "Invalid crop request")
JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_DCT_COEF, "DCT coefficient out of range")
JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_DCTSIZE, "DCT scaled block size %dx%d not supported")
"Component index %d: mismatching sampling ratio %d:%d, %d:%d, %c")
JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_HUFF_TABLE, "Bogus Huffman table definition")
JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_IN_COLORSPACE, "Bogus input colorspace")
JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_LENGTH, "Bogus marker length")
"Wrong JPEG library version: library is %d, caller expects %d")
JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_MCU_SIZE, "Sampling factors too large for interleaved scan")
JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_POOL_ID, "Invalid memory pool code %d")
JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_PRECISION, "Unsupported JPEG data precision %d")
"Invalid progressive parameters Ss=%d Se=%d Ah=%d Al=%d")
"Invalid progressive parameters at scan script entry %d")
JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_SAMPLING, "Bogus sampling factors")
JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_SCAN_SCRIPT, "Invalid scan script at entry %d")
JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_STATE, "Improper call to JPEG library in state %d")
"JPEG parameter struct mismatch: library thinks size is %u, caller expects %u")
JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_VIRTUAL_ACCESS, "Bogus virtual array access")
JMESSAGE(JERR_BUFFER_SIZE, "Buffer passed to JPEG library is too small")
JMESSAGE(JERR_CANT_SUSPEND, "Suspension not allowed here")
JMESSAGE(JERR_CCIR601_NOTIMPL, "CCIR601 sampling not implemented yet")
JMESSAGE(JERR_COMPONENT_COUNT, "Too many color components: %d, max %d")
JMESSAGE(JERR_CONVERSION_NOTIMPL, "Unsupported color conversion request")
JMESSAGE(JERR_DAC_VALUE, "Bogus DAC value 0x%x")
JMESSAGE(JERR_EMPTY_IMAGE, "Empty JPEG image (DNL not supported)")
JMESSAGE(JERR_EMS_READ, "Read from EMS failed")
JMESSAGE(JERR_EOI_EXPECTED, "Didn't expect more than one scan")
JMESSAGE(JERR_FILE_READ, "Input file read error")
JMESSAGE(JERR_FILE_WRITE, "Output file write error --- out of disk space?")
JMESSAGE(JERR_FRACT_SAMPLE_NOTIMPL, "Fractional sampling not implemented yet")
JMESSAGE(JERR_HUFF_CLEN_OVERFLOW, "Huffman code size table overflow")
JMESSAGE(JERR_HUFF_MISSING_CODE, "Missing Huffman code table entry")
JMESSAGE(JERR_IMAGE_TOO_BIG, "Maximum supported image dimension is %u pixels")
JMESSAGE(JERR_INPUT_EMPTY, "Empty input file")
JMESSAGE(JERR_INPUT_EOF, "Premature end of input file")
"Cannot transcode due to multiple use of quantization table %d")
JMESSAGE(JERR_MISSING_DATA, "Scan script does not transmit all data")
JMESSAGE(JERR_MODE_CHANGE, "Invalid color quantization mode change")
JMESSAGE(JERR_NOTIMPL, "Not implemented yet")
JMESSAGE(JERR_NOT_COMPILED, "Requested feature was omitted at compile time")
JMESSAGE(JERR_NO_ARITH_TABLE, "Arithmetic table 0x%02x was not defined")
JMESSAGE(JERR_NO_BACKING_STORE, "Backing store not supported")
JMESSAGE(JERR_NO_HUFF_TABLE, "Huffman table 0x%02x was not defined")
JMESSAGE(JERR_NO_IMAGE, "JPEG datastream contains no image")
JMESSAGE(JERR_NO_QUANT_TABLE, "Quantization table 0x%02x was not defined")
JMESSAGE(JERR_NO_SOI, "Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x%02x 0x%02x")
JMESSAGE(JERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Insufficient memory (case %d)")
"Cannot quantize more than %d color components")
JMESSAGE(JERR_QUANT_FEW_COLORS, "Cannot quantize to fewer than %d colors")
JMESSAGE(JERR_QUANT_MANY_COLORS, "Cannot quantize to more than %d colors")
JMESSAGE(JERR_SOF_DUPLICATE, "Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOF markers")
JMESSAGE(JERR_SOF_NO_SOS, "Invalid JPEG file structure: missing SOS marker")
JMESSAGE(JERR_SOF_UNSUPPORTED, "Unsupported JPEG process: SOF type 0x%02x")
JMESSAGE(JERR_SOI_DUPLICATE, "Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers")
JMESSAGE(JERR_SOS_NO_SOF, "Invalid JPEG file structure: SOS before SOF")
JMESSAGE(JERR_TFILE_CREATE, "Failed to create temporary file %s")
JMESSAGE(JERR_TFILE_READ, "Read failed on temporary file")
JMESSAGE(JERR_TFILE_SEEK, "Seek failed on temporary file")
"Write failed on temporary file --- out of disk space?")
JMESSAGE(JERR_TOO_LITTLE_DATA, "Application transferred too few scanlines")
JMESSAGE(JERR_UNKNOWN_MARKER, "Unsupported marker type 0x%02x")
JMESSAGE(JERR_VIRTUAL_BUG, "Virtual array controller messed up")
JMESSAGE(JERR_WIDTH_OVERFLOW, "Image too wide for this implementation")
JMESSAGE(JERR_XMS_READ, "Read from XMS failed")
"Caution: quantization tables are too coarse for baseline JPEG")
"Adobe APP14 marker: version %d, flags 0x%04x 0x%04x, transform %d")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_APP0, "Unknown APP0 marker (not JFIF), length %u")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_APP14, "Unknown APP14 marker (not Adobe), length %u")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_DAC, "Define Arithmetic Table 0x%02x: 0x%02x")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_DHT, "Define Huffman Table 0x%02x")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_DQT, "Define Quantization Table %d precision %d")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_DRI, "Define Restart Interval %u")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_EMS_OPEN, "Obtained EMS handle %u")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_HUFFBITS, " %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_JFIF, "JFIF APP0 marker: version %d.%02d, density %dx%d %d")
"Warning: thumbnail image size does not match data length %u")
"JFIF extension marker: type 0x%02x, length %u")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_JFIF_THUMBNAIL, " with %d x %d thumbnail image")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_MISC_MARKER, "Miscellaneous marker 0x%02x, length %u")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_PARMLESS_MARKER, "Unexpected marker 0x%02x")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_QUANTVALS, " %4u %4u %4u %4u %4u %4u %4u %4u")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_QUANT_3_NCOLORS, "Quantizing to %d = %d*%d*%d colors")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_QUANT_NCOLORS, "Quantizing to %d colors")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_QUANT_SELECTED, "Selected %d colors for quantization")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_RECOVERY_ACTION, "At marker 0x%02x, recovery action %d")
"Smoothing not supported with nonstandard sampling ratios")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_SOF, "Start Of Frame 0x%02x: width=%u, height=%u, components=%d")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_SOF_COMPONENT, " Component %d: %dhx%dv q=%d")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_SOI, "Start of Image")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_SOS, "Start Of Scan: %d components")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_SOS_COMPONENT, " Component %d: dc=%d ac=%d")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_SOS_PARAMS, " Ss=%d, Se=%d, Ah=%d, Al=%d")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_TFILE_CLOSE, "Closed temporary file %s")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_TFILE_OPEN, "Opened temporary file %s")
"JFIF extension marker: JPEG-compressed thumbnail image, length %u")
"JFIF extension marker: palette thumbnail image, length %u")
"JFIF extension marker: RGB thumbnail image, length %u")
"Unrecognized component IDs %d %d %d, assuming YCbCr")
JMESSAGE(JTRC_XMS_OPEN, "Obtained XMS handle %u")
JMESSAGE(JWRN_ADOBE_XFORM, "Unknown Adobe color transform code %d")
JMESSAGE(JWRN_ARITH_BAD_CODE, "Corrupt JPEG data: bad arithmetic code")
"Inconsistent progression sequence for component %d coefficient %d")
"Corrupt JPEG data: %u extraneous bytes before marker 0x%02x")
JMESSAGE(JWRN_HIT_MARKER, "Corrupt JPEG data: premature end of data segment")
JMESSAGE(JWRN_HUFF_BAD_CODE, "Corrupt JPEG data: bad Huffman code")
JMESSAGE(JWRN_JFIF_MAJOR, "Warning: unknown JFIF revision number %d.%02d")
JMESSAGE(JWRN_JPEG_EOF, "Premature end of JPEG file")
"Corrupt JPEG data: found marker 0x%02x instead of RST%d")
JMESSAGE(JWRN_NOT_SEQUENTIAL, "Invalid SOS parameters for sequential JPEG")
JMESSAGE(JWRN_TOO_MUCH_DATA, "Application transferred too many scanlines")
#endif /* JMAKE_ENUM_LIST */
/* Zap JMESSAGE macro so that future re-inclusions do nothing by default */
#ifndef JERROR_H
#define JERROR_H
/* Macros to simplify using the error and trace message stuff */
/* The first parameter is either type of cinfo pointer */
/* Fatal errors (print message and exit) */
#define ERREXIT(cinfo,code) \
((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
(*(cinfo)->err->error_exit) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo)))
#define ERREXIT1(cinfo,code,p1) \
((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
(cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[0] = (p1), \
(*(cinfo)->err->error_exit) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo)))
#define ERREXIT2(cinfo,code,p1,p2) \
((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
(cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[0] = (p1), \
(cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[1] = (p2), \
(*(cinfo)->err->error_exit) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo)))
#define ERREXIT3(cinfo,code,p1,p2,p3) \
((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
(cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[0] = (p1), \
(cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[1] = (p2), \
(cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[2] = (p3), \
(*(cinfo)->err->error_exit) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo)))
#define ERREXIT4(cinfo,code,p1,p2,p3,p4) \
((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
(cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[0] = (p1), \
(cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[1] = (p2), \
(cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[2] = (p3), \
(cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[3] = (p4), \
(*(cinfo)->err->error_exit) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo)))
#define ERREXIT6(cinfo,code,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) \
((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
(cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[0] = (p1), \
(cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[1] = (p2), \
(cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[2] = (p3), \
(cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[3] = (p4), \
(cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[4] = (p5), \
(cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[5] = (p6), \
(*(cinfo)->err->error_exit) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo)))
#define ERREXITS(cinfo,code,str) \
((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
strncpy((cinfo)->err->msg_parm.s, (str), JMSG_STR_PARM_MAX), \
(*(cinfo)->err->error_exit) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo)))
#define MAKESTMT(stuff) do { stuff } while (0)
/* Nonfatal errors (we can keep going, but the data is probably corrupt) */
#define WARNMS(cinfo,code) \
((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
(*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), -1))
#define WARNMS1(cinfo,code,p1) \
((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
(cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[0] = (p1), \
(*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), -1))
#define WARNMS2(cinfo,code,p1,p2) \
((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
(cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[0] = (p1), \
(cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[1] = (p2), \
(*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), -1))
/* Informational/debugging messages */
#define TRACEMS(cinfo,lvl,code) \
((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
(*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), (lvl)))
#define TRACEMS1(cinfo,lvl,code,p1) \
((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
(cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[0] = (p1), \
(*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), (lvl)))
#define TRACEMS2(cinfo,lvl,code,p1,p2) \
((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
(cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[0] = (p1), \
(cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[1] = (p2), \
(*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), (lvl)))
#define TRACEMS3(cinfo,lvl,code,p1,p2,p3) \
MAKESTMT(int * _mp = (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i; \
_mp[0] = (p1); _mp[1] = (p2); _mp[2] = (p3); \
(cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code); \
(*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), (lvl)); )
#define TRACEMS4(cinfo,lvl,code,p1,p2,p3,p4) \
MAKESTMT(int * _mp = (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i; \
_mp[0] = (p1); _mp[1] = (p2); _mp[2] = (p3); _mp[3] = (p4); \
(cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code); \
(*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), (lvl)); )
#define TRACEMS5(cinfo,lvl,code,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5) \
MAKESTMT(int * _mp = (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i; \
_mp[0] = (p1); _mp[1] = (p2); _mp[2] = (p3); _mp[3] = (p4); \
_mp[4] = (p5); \
(cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code); \
(*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), (lvl)); )
#define TRACEMS8(cinfo,lvl,code,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8) \
MAKESTMT(int * _mp = (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i; \
_mp[0] = (p1); _mp[1] = (p2); _mp[2] = (p3); _mp[3] = (p4); \
_mp[4] = (p5); _mp[5] = (p6); _mp[6] = (p7); _mp[7] = (p8); \
(cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code); \
(*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), (lvl)); )
#define TRACEMSS(cinfo,lvl,code,str) \
((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
strncpy((cinfo)->err->msg_parm.s, (str), JMSG_STR_PARM_MAX), \
(*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), (lvl)))
#endif /* JERROR_H */
@ -1,369 +0,0 @@
* jmorecfg.h
* Copyright (C) 1991-1997, Thomas G. Lane.
* Modified 1997-2011 by Guido Vollbeding.
* This file is part of the Independent JPEG Group's software.
* For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying README file.
* This file contains additional configuration options that customize the
* JPEG software for special applications or support machine-dependent
* optimizations. Most users will not need to touch this file.
* Define BITS_IN_JSAMPLE as either
* 8 for 8-bit sample values (the usual setting)
* 12 for 12-bit sample values
* Only 8 and 12 are legal data precisions for lossy JPEG according to the
* JPEG standard, and the IJG code does not support anything else!
* We do not support run-time selection of data precision, sorry.
#define BITS_IN_JSAMPLE 8 /* use 8 or 12 */
* Maximum number of components (color channels) allowed in JPEG image.
* To meet the letter of the JPEG spec, set this to 255. However, darn
* few applications need more than 4 channels (maybe 5 for CMYK + alpha
* mask). We recommend 10 as a reasonable compromise; use 4 if you are
* really short on memory. (Each allowed component costs a hundred or so
* bytes of storage, whether actually used in an image or not.)
#define MAX_COMPONENTS 10 /* maximum number of image components */
* Basic data types.
* You may need to change these if you have a machine with unusual data
* type sizes; for example, "char" not 8 bits, "short" not 16 bits,
* or "long" not 32 bits. We don't care whether "int" is 16 or 32 bits,
* but it had better be at least 16.
/* Representation of a single sample (pixel element value).
* We frequently allocate large arrays of these, so it's important to keep
* them small. But if you have memory to burn and access to char or short
* arrays is very slow on your hardware, you might want to change these.
/* JSAMPLE should be the smallest type that will hold the values 0..255.
* You can use a signed char by having GETJSAMPLE mask it with 0xFF.
typedef unsigned char JSAMPLE;
#define GETJSAMPLE(value) ((int) (value))
#else /* not HAVE_UNSIGNED_CHAR */
typedef char JSAMPLE;
#define GETJSAMPLE(value) ((int) (value))
#define GETJSAMPLE(value) ((int) (value) & 0xFF)
#endif /* CHAR_IS_UNSIGNED */
#define MAXJSAMPLE 255
#endif /* BITS_IN_JSAMPLE == 8 */
/* JSAMPLE should be the smallest type that will hold the values 0..4095.
* On nearly all machines "short" will do nicely.
typedef short JSAMPLE;
#define GETJSAMPLE(value) ((int) (value))
#define MAXJSAMPLE 4095
#define CENTERJSAMPLE 2048
#endif /* BITS_IN_JSAMPLE == 12 */
/* Representation of a DCT frequency coefficient.
* This should be a signed value of at least 16 bits; "short" is usually OK.
* Again, we allocate large arrays of these, but you can change to int
* if you have memory to burn and "short" is really slow.
typedef short JCOEF;
/* Compressed datastreams are represented as arrays of JOCTET.
* These must be EXACTLY 8 bits wide, at least once they are written to
* external storage. Note that when using the stdio data source/destination
* managers, this is also the data type passed to fread/fwrite.
typedef unsigned char JOCTET;
#define GETJOCTET(value) (value)
#else /* not HAVE_UNSIGNED_CHAR */
typedef char JOCTET;
#define GETJOCTET(value) (value)
#define GETJOCTET(value) ((value) & 0xFF)
#endif /* CHAR_IS_UNSIGNED */
/* These typedefs are used for various table entries and so forth.
* They must be at least as wide as specified; but making them too big
* won't cost a huge amount of memory, so we don't provide special
* extraction code like we did for JSAMPLE. (In other words, these
* typedefs live at a different point on the speed/space tradeoff curve.)
/* UINT8 must hold at least the values 0..255. */
typedef unsigned char UINT8;
#else /* not HAVE_UNSIGNED_CHAR */
typedef char UINT8;
#else /* not CHAR_IS_UNSIGNED */
typedef short UINT8;
#endif /* CHAR_IS_UNSIGNED */
/* UINT16 must hold at least the values 0..65535. */
typedef unsigned short UINT16;
#else /* not HAVE_UNSIGNED_SHORT */
typedef unsigned int UINT16;
/* INT16 must hold at least the values -32768..32767. */
#ifndef XMD_H /* X11/xmd.h correctly defines INT16 */
typedef short INT16;
/* INT32 must hold at least signed 32-bit values. */
#ifndef XMD_H /* X11/xmd.h correctly defines INT32 */
#ifndef _BASETSD_H_ /* Microsoft defines it in basetsd.h */
#ifndef _BASETSD_H /* MinGW is slightly different */
#ifndef QGLOBAL_H /* Qt defines it in qglobal.h */
typedef long INT32;
/* Datatype used for image dimensions. The JPEG standard only supports
* images up to 64K*64K due to 16-bit fields in SOF markers. Therefore
* "unsigned int" is sufficient on all machines. However, if you need to
* handle larger images and you don't mind deviating from the spec, you
* can change this datatype.
typedef unsigned int JDIMENSION;
#define JPEG_MAX_DIMENSION 65500L /* a tad under 64K to prevent overflows */
/* These macros are used in all function definitions and extern declarations.
* You could modify them if you need to change function linkage conventions;
* in particular, you'll need to do that to make the library a Windows DLL.
* Another application is to make all functions global for use with debuggers
* or code profilers that require it.
/* a function called through method pointers: */
#define METHODDEF(type) static type
/* a function used only in its module: */
#define LOCAL(type) static type
/* a function referenced thru EXTERNs: */
#define GLOBAL(type) type
/* a reference to a GLOBAL function: */
#define EXTERN(type) extern type
/* This macro is used to declare a "method", that is, a function pointer.
* We want to supply prototype parameters if the compiler can cope.
* Note that the arglist parameter must be parenthesized!
* Again, you can customize this if you need special linkage keywords.
#define JMETHOD(type,methodname,arglist) type (*methodname) arglist
#define JMETHOD(type,methodname,arglist) type (*methodname) ()
/* Here is the pseudo-keyword for declaring pointers that must be "far"
* on 80x86 machines. Most of the specialized coding for 80x86 is handled
* by just saying "FAR *" where such a pointer is needed. In a few places
* explicit coding is needed; see uses of the NEED_FAR_POINTERS symbol.
#ifndef FAR
#define FAR far
#define FAR
* On a few systems, type boolean and/or its values FALSE, TRUE may appear
* in standard header files. Or you may have conflicts with application-
* specific header files that you want to include together with these files.
* Defining HAVE_BOOLEAN before including jpeglib.h should make it work.
typedef int boolean;
#ifndef FALSE /* in case these macros already exist */
#define FALSE 0 /* values of boolean */
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1
* The remaining options affect code selection within the JPEG library,
* but they don't need to be visible to most applications using the library.
* To minimize application namespace pollution, the symbols won't be
* defined unless JPEG_INTERNALS or JPEG_INTERNAL_OPTIONS has been defined.
* These defines indicate whether to include various optional functions.
* Undefining some of these symbols will produce a smaller but less capable
* library. Note that you can leave certain source files out of the
* compilation/linking process if you've #undef'd the corresponding symbols.
* (You may HAVE to do that if your compiler doesn't like null source files.)
/* Capability options common to encoder and decoder: */
#define DCT_ISLOW_SUPPORTED /* slow but accurate integer algorithm */
#define DCT_IFAST_SUPPORTED /* faster, less accurate integer method */
#define DCT_FLOAT_SUPPORTED /* floating-point: accurate, fast on fast HW */
/* Encoder capability options: */
#define C_ARITH_CODING_SUPPORTED /* Arithmetic coding back end? */
#define C_MULTISCAN_FILES_SUPPORTED /* Multiple-scan JPEG files? */
#define C_PROGRESSIVE_SUPPORTED /* Progressive JPEG? (Requires MULTISCAN)*/
#define DCT_SCALING_SUPPORTED /* Input rescaling via DCT? (Requires DCT_ISLOW)*/
#define ENTROPY_OPT_SUPPORTED /* Optimization of entropy coding parms? */
/* Note: if you selected 12-bit data precision, it is dangerous to turn off
* ENTROPY_OPT_SUPPORTED. The standard Huffman tables are only good for 8-bit
* precision, so jchuff.c normally uses entropy optimization to compute
* usable tables for higher precision. If you don't want to do optimization,
* you'll have to supply different default Huffman tables.
* The exact same statements apply for progressive JPEG: the default tables
* don't work for progressive mode. (This may get fixed, however.)
#define INPUT_SMOOTHING_SUPPORTED /* Input image smoothing option? */
/* Decoder capability options: */
#define D_ARITH_CODING_SUPPORTED /* Arithmetic coding back end? */
#define D_MULTISCAN_FILES_SUPPORTED /* Multiple-scan JPEG files? */
#define D_PROGRESSIVE_SUPPORTED /* Progressive JPEG? (Requires MULTISCAN)*/
#define IDCT_SCALING_SUPPORTED /* Output rescaling via IDCT? */
#define SAVE_MARKERS_SUPPORTED /* jpeg_save_markers() needed? */
#define BLOCK_SMOOTHING_SUPPORTED /* Block smoothing? (Progressive only) */
#undef UPSAMPLE_SCALING_SUPPORTED /* Output rescaling at upsample stage? */
#define UPSAMPLE_MERGING_SUPPORTED /* Fast path for sloppy upsampling? */
#define QUANT_1PASS_SUPPORTED /* 1-pass color quantization? */
#define QUANT_2PASS_SUPPORTED /* 2-pass color quantization? */
/* more capability options later, no doubt */
* Ordering of RGB data in scanlines passed to or from the application.
* If your application wants to deal with data in the order B,G,R, just
* change these macros. You can also deal with formats such as R,G,B,X
* (one extra byte per pixel) by changing RGB_PIXELSIZE. Note that changing
* the offsets will also change the order in which colormap data is organized.
* 1. The sample applications cjpeg,djpeg do NOT support modified RGB formats.
* 2. The color quantizer modules will not behave desirably if RGB_PIXELSIZE
* is not 3 (they don't understand about dummy color components!). So you
* can't use color quantization if you change that value.
#define RGB_RED 0 /* Offset of Red in an RGB scanline element */
#define RGB_GREEN 1 /* Offset of Green */
#define RGB_BLUE 2 /* Offset of Blue */
#define RGB_PIXELSIZE 3 /* JSAMPLEs per RGB scanline element */
/* Definitions for speed-related optimizations. */
/* If your compiler supports inline functions, define INLINE
* as the inline keyword; otherwise define it as empty.
#ifndef INLINE
#ifdef __GNUC__ /* for instance, GNU C knows about inline */
#define INLINE __inline__
#ifndef INLINE
#define INLINE /* default is to define it as empty */
/* On some machines (notably 68000 series) "int" is 32 bits, but multiplying
* two 16-bit shorts is faster than multiplying two ints. Define MULTIPLIER
* as short on such a machine. MULTIPLIER must be at least 16 bits wide.
#define MULTIPLIER int /* type for fastest integer multiply */
/* FAST_FLOAT should be either float or double, whichever is done faster
* by your compiler. (Note that this type is only used in the floating point
* DCT routines, so it only matters if you've defined DCT_FLOAT_SUPPORTED.)
* Typically, float is faster in ANSI C compilers, while double is faster in
* pre-ANSI compilers (because they insist on converting to double anyway).
* The code below therefore chooses float if we have ANSI-style prototypes.
#ifndef FAST_FLOAT
#define FAST_FLOAT float
#define FAST_FLOAT double
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
#ifndef _RAR_ARCHIVE_
#define _RAR_ARCHIVE_
class Pack;
class Archive:public File
bool IsSignature(byte *D);
void UpdateLatestTime(FileHeader *CurBlock);
void ConvertNameCase(char *Name);
void ConvertNameCase(wchar *Name);
void ConvertUnknownHeader();
size_t ReadOldHeader();
void UnexpEndArcMsg();
#if !defined(SHELL_EXT) && !defined(NOCRYPT)
CryptData HeadersCrypt;
byte HeadersSalt[SALT_SIZE];
#ifndef SHELL_EXT
ComprDataIO SubDataIO;
byte SubDataSalt[SALT_SIZE];
RAROptions *Cmd,DummyCmd;
MarkHeader MarkHead;
OldMainHeader OldMhd;
int RecoverySectors;
int64 RecoveryPos;
RarTime LatestTime;
int LastReadBlock;
int CurHeaderType;
bool SilentOpen;
Archive(RAROptions *InitCmd=NULL);
bool IsArchive(bool EnableBroken);
size_t SearchBlock(int BlockType);
size_t SearchSubBlock(const char *Type);
int ReadBlock(int BlockType);
void WriteBlock(int BlockType,BaseBlock *wb=NULL);
int PrepareNamesToWrite(char *Name,wchar *NameW,char *DestName,byte *DestNameW);
void SetLhdSize();
size_t ReadHeader();
void CheckArc(bool EnableBroken);
void CheckOpen(char *Name,wchar *NameW=NULL);
bool WCheckOpen(char *Name,wchar *NameW=NULL);
bool TestLock(int Mode);
void MakeTemp();
void CopyMainHeader(Archive &Src,bool CopySFX=true,char *NameToDisplay=NULL);
bool ProcessToFileHead(Archive &Src,bool LastBlockAdded,
Pack *Pack=NULL,const char *SkipName=NULL);
void TmpToArc(Archive &Src);
void CloseNew(int AdjustRecovery,bool CloseVolume);
void WriteEndBlock(bool CloseVolume);
void CopyFileRecord(Archive &Src);
void CopyArchiveData(Archive &Src);
bool GetComment(Array<byte> *CmtData,Array<wchar> *CmtDataW);
void ViewComment();
void ViewFileComment();
void SetLatestTime(RarTime *NewTime);
void SeekToNext();
bool CheckAccess();
bool IsArcDir();
bool IsArcLabel();
void ConvertAttributes();
int GetRecoverySize(bool Required);
void VolSubtractHeaderSize(size_t SubSize);
void AddSubData(byte *SrcData,size_t DataSize,File *SrcFile,const char *Name,bool AllowSplit);
bool ReadSubData(Array<byte> *UnpData,File *DestFile);
int GetHeaderType() {return(CurHeaderType);};
size_t ReadCommentData(Array<byte> *CmtData,Array<wchar> *CmtDataW);
void WriteCommentData(byte *Data,size_t DataSize,bool FileComment);
RAROptions* GetRAROptions() {return(Cmd);}
void SetSilentOpen(bool Mode) {SilentOpen=Mode;}
BaseBlock ShortBlock;
MainHeader NewMhd;
FileHeader NewLhd;
EndArcHeader EndArcHead;
SubBlockHeader SubBlockHead;
FileHeader SubHead;
CommentHeader CommHead;
ProtectHeader ProtectHead;
AVHeader AVHead;
SignHeader SignHead;
UnixOwnersHeader UOHead;
MacFInfoHeader MACHead;
EAHeader EAHead;
StreamHeader StreamHead;
int64 CurBlockPos;
int64 NextBlockPos;
bool OldFormat;
bool Solid;
bool Volume;
bool MainComment;
bool Locked;
bool Signed;
bool NotFirstVolume;
bool Protected;
bool Encrypted;
size_t SFXSize;
bool BrokenFileHeader;
bool Splitting;
ushort HeaderCRC;
int64 VolWrite;
int64 AddingFilesSize;
size_t AddingHeadersSize;
bool NewArchive;
char FirstVolumeName[NM];
wchar FirstVolumeNameW[NM];
@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
#ifndef _RAR_ARRAY_
#define _RAR_ARRAY_
extern ErrorHandler ErrHandler;
template <class T> class Array
T *Buffer;
size_t BufSize;
size_t AllocSize;
Array(size_t Size);
inline void CleanData();
inline T& operator [](size_t Item);
inline size_t Size();
void Add(size_t Items);
void Alloc(size_t Items);
void Reset();
void operator = (Array<T> &Src);
void Push(T Item);
T* Addr() {return(Buffer);}
template <class T> void Array<T>::CleanData()
template <class T> Array<T>::Array()
template <class T> Array<T>::Array(size_t Size)
Buffer=(T *)rarmalloc(sizeof(T)*Size);
if (Buffer==NULL && Size!=0)
template <class T> Array<T>::~Array()
if (Buffer!=NULL)
template <class T> inline T& Array<T>::operator [](size_t Item)
template <class T> inline size_t Array<T>::Size()
template <class T> void Array<T>::Add(size_t Items)
if (BufSize>AllocSize)
size_t Suggested=AllocSize+AllocSize/4+32;
size_t NewSize=Max(BufSize,Suggested);
Buffer=(T *)rarrealloc(Buffer,NewSize*sizeof(T));
if (Buffer==NULL)
template <class T> void Array<T>::Alloc(size_t Items)
if (Items>AllocSize)
template <class T> void Array<T>::Reset()
if (Buffer!=NULL)
template <class T> void Array<T>::operator =(Array<T> &Src)
if (Src.BufSize!=0)
memcpy((void *)Buffer,(void *)Src.Buffer,Src.BufSize*sizeof(T));
template <class T> void Array<T>::Push(T Item)
@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
#ifndef _RAR_CMDDATA_
#define _RAR_CMDDATA_
#define DefaultStoreList "7z;ace;arj;bz2;cab;gz;jpeg;jpg;lha;lzh;mp3;rar;taz;tgz;z;zip"
class CommandData:public RAROptions
void ProcessSwitchesString(char *Str);
void ProcessSwitch(char *Switch,wchar *SwitchW=NULL);
void BadSwitch(char *Switch);
bool ExclCheckArgs(StringList *Args,char *CheckName,bool CheckFullPath,int MatchMode);
uint GetExclAttr(char *Str);
bool FileLists;
bool NoMoreSwitches;
bool BareOutput;
void Init();
void Close();
void ParseArg(char *Arg,wchar *ArgW);
void ParseDone();
void ParseEnvVar();
void ReadConfig(int argc,char *argv[]);
bool IsConfigEnabled(int argc,char *argv[]);
void OutTitle();
void OutHelp();
bool IsSwitch(int Ch);
bool ExclCheck(char *CheckName,bool CheckFullPath,bool CheckInclList);
bool StoreCheck(char *CheckName);
bool TimeCheck(RarTime &ft);
bool SizeCheck(int64 Size);
bool AnyFiltersActive();
int IsProcessFile(FileHeader &NewLhd,bool *ExactMatch=NULL,int MatchType=MATCH_WILDSUBPATH);
void ProcessCommand();
void AddArcName(char *Name,wchar *NameW);
bool GetArcName(char *Name,wchar *NameW,int MaxSize);
bool CheckWinSize();
int GetRecoverySize(char *Str,int DefSize);
char Command[NM+16];
wchar CommandW[NM+16];
char ArcName[NM];
wchar ArcNameW[NM];
StringList *FileArgs;
StringList *ExclArgs;
StringList *InclArgs;
StringList *ArcNames;
StringList *StoreArgs;
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
* Contents: 'Carryless rangecoder' by Dmitry Subbotin *
const uint TOP=1 << 24, BOT=1 << 15;
class RangeCoder
void InitDecoder(Unpack *UnpackRead);
inline int GetCurrentCount();
inline uint GetCurrentShiftCount(uint SHIFT);
inline void Decode();
inline void PutChar(unsigned int c);
inline unsigned int GetChar();
uint low, code, range;
uint LowCount, HighCount, scale;
} SubRange;
Unpack *UnpackRead;
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
#ifndef _RAR_COMPRESS_
#define _RAR_COMPRESS_
class ComprDataIO;
class PackingFileTable;
#define CODEBUFSIZE 0x4000
#define MAXWINSIZE 0x400000
#define NC 299 /* alphabet = {0, 1, 2, ..., NC - 1} */
#define DC 60
#define LDC 17
#define RC 28
#define BC 20
#define NC20 298 /* alphabet = {0, 1, 2, ..., NC - 1} */
#define DC20 48
#define RC20 28
#define BC20 19
#define MC20 257
enum FilterType {
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
#ifndef _RAR_CONSIO_
#define _RAR_CONSIO_
#if !defined(SILENT) && !defined(SFX_MODULE)
void InitConsoleOptions(MESSAGE_TYPE MsgStream,bool Sound);
#ifndef SILENT
void mprintf(const char *fmt,...);
void eprintf(const char *fmt,...);
void Alarm();
void GetPasswordText(char *Str,int MaxLength);
bool GetPassword(PASSWORD_TYPE Type,const char *FileName,char *Password,int MaxLength);
int Ask(const char *AskStr);
void OutComment(char *Comment,size_t Size);
#ifdef SILENT
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define mprintf(args...)
#define eprintf(args...)
#ifdef _MSC_VER
inline void mprintf(const char *fmt,...) {}
inline void mprintf(const char *fmt,const char *a=NULL,const char *b=NULL) {}
inline void eprintf(const char *fmt,const char *a=NULL,const char *b=NULL) {}
inline void mprintf(const char *fmt,int b) {}
inline void eprintf(const char *fmt,int b) {}
inline void mprintf(const char *fmt,const char *a,int b) {}
inline void eprintf(const char *fmt,const char *a,int b) {}
inline void Alarm() {}
inline void GetPasswordText(char *Str,int MaxLength) {}
inline unsigned int GetKey() {return(0);}
inline bool GetPassword(PASSWORD_TYPE Type,const char *FileName,char *Password,int MaxLength) {return(false);}
inline int Ask(const char *AskStr) {return(0);}
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
#ifndef _RAR_CRC_
#define _RAR_CRC_
extern uint CRCTab[256];
void InitCRC();
uint CRC(uint StartCRC,const void *Addr,size_t Size);
ushort OldCRC(ushort StartCRC,const void *Addr,size_t Size);
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
#ifndef _RAR_CRYPT_
#define _RAR_CRYPT_
struct CryptKeyCacheItem
#ifndef _SFX_RTL_
byte AESKey[16],AESInit[16];
char Password[MAXPASSWORD];
bool SaltPresent;
byte Salt[SALT_SIZE];
bool HandsOffHash;
class CryptData
void Encode13(byte *Data,uint Count);
void Decode13(byte *Data,uint Count);
void Crypt15(byte *Data,uint Count);
void UpdKeys(byte *Buf);
void Swap(byte *Ch1,byte *Ch2);
void SetOldKeys(const char *Password);
Rijndael rin;
byte SubstTable[256];
uint Key[4];
ushort OldKey[4];
byte PN1,PN2,PN3;
byte AESKey[16],AESInit[16];
static CryptKeyCacheItem Cache[4];
static int CachePos;
void SetCryptKeys(const char *Password,const byte *Salt,bool Encrypt,bool OldOnly,bool HandsOffHash);
void SetAV15Encryption();
void SetCmt13Encryption();
void EncryptBlock20(byte *Buf);
void DecryptBlock20(byte *Buf);
void EncryptBlock(byte *Buf,size_t Size);
void DecryptBlock(byte *Buf,size_t Size);
void Crypt(byte *Data,uint Count,int Method);
static void SetSalt(byte *Salt,int SaltSize);
@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
#ifndef _UNRAR_DLL_
#define _UNRAR_DLL_
#define ERAR_NO_MEMORY 11
#define ERAR_BAD_DATA 12
#define ERAR_EOPEN 15
#define ERAR_ECREATE 16
#define ERAR_ECLOSE 17
#define ERAR_EREAD 18
#define ERAR_EWRITE 19
#define ERAR_SMALL_BUF 20
#define ERAR_UNKNOWN 21
#define RAR_OM_LIST 0
#define RAR_OM_EXTRACT 1
#define RAR_SKIP 0
#define RAR_TEST 1
#define RAR_EXTRACT 2
#define RAR_VOL_ASK 0
#define RAR_VOL_NOTIFY 1
#ifdef _UNIX
#define CALLBACK
#define PASCAL
#define LONG long
#define HANDLE void *
#define LPARAM long
#define UINT unsigned int
struct RARHeaderData
char ArcName[260];
char FileName[260];
unsigned int Flags;
unsigned int PackSize;
unsigned int UnpSize;
unsigned int HostOS;
unsigned int FileCRC;
unsigned int FileTime;
unsigned int UnpVer;
unsigned int Method;
unsigned int FileAttr;
char *CmtBuf;
unsigned int CmtBufSize;
unsigned int CmtSize;
unsigned int CmtState;
struct RARHeaderDataEx
char ArcName[1024];
wchar_t ArcNameW[1024];
char FileName[1024];
wchar_t FileNameW[1024];
unsigned int Flags;
unsigned int PackSize;
unsigned int PackSizeHigh;
unsigned int UnpSize;
unsigned int UnpSizeHigh;
unsigned int HostOS;
unsigned int FileCRC;
unsigned int FileTime;
unsigned int UnpVer;
unsigned int Method;
unsigned int FileAttr;
char *CmtBuf;
unsigned int CmtBufSize;
unsigned int CmtSize;
unsigned int CmtState;
unsigned int Reserved[1024];
struct RAROpenArchiveData
char *ArcName;
unsigned int OpenMode;
unsigned int OpenResult;
char *CmtBuf;
unsigned int CmtBufSize;
unsigned int CmtSize;
unsigned int CmtState;
struct RAROpenArchiveDataEx
char *ArcName;
wchar_t *ArcNameW;
unsigned int OpenMode;
unsigned int OpenResult;
char *CmtBuf;
unsigned int CmtBufSize;
unsigned int CmtSize;
unsigned int CmtState;
unsigned int Flags;
unsigned int Reserved[32];
typedef int (PASCAL *CHANGEVOLPROC)(char *ArcName,int Mode);
typedef int (PASCAL *PROCESSDATAPROC)(unsigned char *Addr,int Size);
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
HANDLE PASCAL RAROpenArchive(struct RAROpenArchiveData *ArchiveData);
HANDLE PASCAL RAROpenArchiveEx(struct RAROpenArchiveDataEx *ArchiveData);
int PASCAL RARCloseArchive(HANDLE hArcData);
int PASCAL RARReadHeader(HANDLE hArcData,struct RARHeaderData *HeaderData);
int PASCAL RARReadHeaderEx(HANDLE hArcData,struct RARHeaderDataEx *HeaderData);
int PASCAL RARProcessFile(HANDLE hArcData,int Operation,char *DestPath,char *DestName);
int PASCAL RARProcessFileW(HANDLE hArcData,int Operation,wchar_t *DestPath,wchar_t *DestName);
void PASCAL RARSetCallback(HANDLE hArcData,UNRARCALLBACK Callback,LPARAM UserData);
void PASCAL RARSetChangeVolProc(HANDLE hArcData,CHANGEVOLPROC ChangeVolProc);
void PASCAL RARSetProcessDataProc(HANDLE hArcData,PROCESSDATAPROC ProcessDataProc);
void PASCAL RARSetPassword(HANDLE hArcData,char *Password);
int PASCAL RARGetDllVersion();
#ifdef __cplusplus
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
#ifndef _RAR_ENCNAME_
#define _RAR_ENCNAME_
class EncodeFileName
void AddFlags(int Value);
byte *EncName;
byte Flags;
uint FlagBits;
size_t FlagsPos;
size_t DestSize;
size_t Encode(char *Name,wchar *NameW,byte *EncName);
void Decode(char *Name,byte *EncName,size_t EncSize,wchar *NameW,size_t MaxDecSize);
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
#if (defined(GUI) || !defined(_WIN_32)) && !defined(SFX_MODULE) && !defined(_WIN_CE) || defined(RARDLL)
#define rarmalloc malloc
#define rarcalloc calloc
#define rarrealloc realloc
#define rarfree free
#define rarstrdup strdup
#define rarstrdupw strdupw
class ErrorHandler
void ErrMsg(const char *ArcName,const char *fmt,...);
int ExitCode;
int ErrCount;
bool EnableBreak;
bool Silent;
bool DoShutdown;
void Clean();
void MemoryError();
void OpenError(const char *FileName);
void CloseError(const char *FileName);
void ReadError(const char *FileName);
bool AskRepeatRead(const char *FileName);
void WriteError(const char *ArcName,const char *FileName);
void WriteErrorFAT(const char *FileName);
bool AskRepeatWrite(const char *FileName,bool DiskFull);
void SeekError(const char *FileName);
void GeneralErrMsg(const char *Msg);
void MemoryErrorMsg();
void OpenErrorMsg(const char *FileName);
void OpenErrorMsg(const char *ArcName,const char *FileName);
void CreateErrorMsg(const char *FileName);
void CreateErrorMsg(const char *ArcName,const char *FileName);
void ReadErrorMsg(const char *ArcName,const char *FileName);
void WriteErrorMsg(const char *ArcName,const char *FileName);
void Exit(int ExitCode);
void SetErrorCode(int Code);
int GetErrorCode() {return(ExitCode);}
int GetErrorCount() {return(ErrCount);}
void SetSignalHandlers(bool Enable);
void Throw(int Code);
void SetSilent(bool Mode) {Silent=Mode;};
void SetShutdown(bool Mode) {DoShutdown=Mode;};
void SysErrMsg();
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
#ifndef _RAR_EXTINFO_
#define _RAR_EXTINFO_
void SetExtraInfo(CommandData *Cmd,Archive &Arc,char *Name,wchar *NameW);
void SetExtraInfoNew(CommandData *Cmd,Archive &Arc,char *Name,wchar *NameW);
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
#ifndef _RAR_EXTRACT_
#define _RAR_EXTRACT_
class CmdExtract
EXTRACT_ARC_CODE ExtractArchive(CommandData *Cmd);
RarTime StartTime; // time when extraction started
ComprDataIO DataIO;
Unpack *Unp;
unsigned long TotalFileCount;
unsigned long FileCount;
unsigned long MatchedArgs;
bool FirstFile;
bool AllMatchesExact;
bool ReconstructDone;
char ArcName[NM];
wchar ArcNameW[NM];
char Password[MAXPASSWORD];
bool PasswordAll;
bool PrevExtracted;
char DestFileName[NM];
wchar DestFileNameW[NM];
bool PasswordCancelled;
void DoExtract(CommandData *Cmd);
void ExtractArchiveInit(CommandData *Cmd,Archive &Arc);
bool ExtractCurrentFile(CommandData *Cmd,Archive &Arc,size_t HeaderSize,
bool &Repeat);
static void UnstoreFile(ComprDataIO &DataIO,int64 DestUnpSize);
bool SignatureFound;
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
bool FileCreate(RAROptions *Cmd,File *NewFile,char *Name,wchar *NameW,
OVERWRITE_MODE Mode,bool *UserReject,int64 FileSize=INT64NDF,
uint FileTime=0);
bool GetAutoRenamedName(char *Name);
#if defined(_WIN_32) && !defined(_WIN_CE)
bool UpdateExistingShortName(char *Name,wchar *NameW);
@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
#ifndef _RAR_FILE_
#define _RAR_FILE_
#ifdef _WIN_32
typedef HANDLE FileHandle;
typedef FILE* FileHandle;
class RAROptions;
struct FileStat
uint FileAttr;
uint FileTime;
int64 FileSize;
bool IsDir;
class File
void AddFileToList(FileHandle hFile);
FileHandle hFile;
bool LastWrite;
bool SkipClose;
bool IgnoreReadErrors;
bool NewFile;
bool AllowDelete;
bool AllowExceptions;
#ifdef _WIN_32
bool NoSequentialRead;
bool OpenShared;
char FileName[NM];
wchar FileNameW[NM];
uint CloseCount;
virtual ~File();
void operator = (File &SrcFile);
bool Open(const char *Name,const wchar *NameW=NULL,bool OpenShared=false,bool Update=false);
void TOpen(const char *Name,const wchar *NameW=NULL);
bool WOpen(const char *Name,const wchar *NameW=NULL);
bool Create(const char *Name,const wchar *NameW=NULL,bool ShareRead=true);
void TCreate(const char *Name,const wchar *NameW=NULL,bool ShareRead=true);
bool WCreate(const char *Name,const wchar *NameW=NULL,bool ShareRead=true);
bool Close();
void Flush();
bool Delete();
bool Rename(const char *NewName,const wchar *NewNameW=NULL);
void Write(const void *Data,size_t Size);
int Read(void *Data,size_t Size);
int DirectRead(void *Data,size_t Size);
void Seek(int64 Offset,int Method);
bool RawSeek(int64 Offset,int Method);
int64 Tell();
void Prealloc(int64 Size);
byte GetByte();
void PutByte(byte Byte);
bool Truncate();
void SetOpenFileTime(RarTime *ftm,RarTime *ftc=NULL,RarTime *fta=NULL);
void SetCloseFileTime(RarTime *ftm,RarTime *fta=NULL);
static void SetCloseFileTimeByName(const char *Name,RarTime *ftm,RarTime *fta);
void GetOpenFileTime(RarTime *ft);
bool IsOpened() {return(hFile!=BAD_HANDLE);};
int64 FileLength();
void SetHandleType(FILE_HANDLETYPE Type);
FILE_HANDLETYPE GetHandleType() {return(HandleType);};
bool IsDevice();
void fprintf(const char *fmt,...);
static bool RemoveCreated();
FileHandle GetHandle() {return(hFile);};
void SetIgnoreReadErrors(bool Mode) {IgnoreReadErrors=Mode;};
char *GetName() {return(FileName);}
int64 Copy(File &Dest,int64 Length=INT64NDF);
void SetAllowDelete(bool Allow) {AllowDelete=Allow;}
void SetExceptions(bool Allow) {AllowExceptions=Allow;}
#ifdef _WIN_32
void RemoveSequentialFlag() {NoSequentialRead=true;}
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
#ifndef _RAR_FILEFN_
#define _RAR_FILEFN_
MKDIR_CODE MakeDir(const char *Name,const wchar *NameW,bool SetAttr,uint Attr);
bool CreatePath(const char *Path,const wchar *PathW,bool SkipLastName);
void SetDirTime(const char *Name,const wchar *NameW,RarTime *ftm,RarTime *ftc,RarTime *fta);
bool IsRemovable(const char *Name);
int64 GetFreeDisk(const char *Name);
bool FileExist(const char *Name,const wchar *NameW=NULL);
bool WildFileExist(const char *Name,const wchar *NameW=NULL);
bool IsDir(uint Attr);
bool IsUnreadable(uint Attr);
bool IsLabel(uint Attr);
bool IsLink(uint Attr);
void SetSFXMode(const char *FileName);
void EraseDiskContents(const char *FileName);
bool IsDeleteAllowed(uint FileAttr);
void PrepareToDelete(const char *Name,const wchar *NameW=NULL);
uint GetFileAttr(const char *Name,const wchar *NameW=NULL);
bool SetFileAttr(const char *Name,const wchar *NameW,uint Attr);
void ConvertNameToFull(const char *Src,char *Dest);
void ConvertNameToFull(const wchar *Src,wchar *Dest);
char* MkTemp(char *Name);
uint CalcFileCRC(File *SrcFile,int64 Size=INT64NDF,CALCCRC_SHOWMODE ShowMode=CALCCRC_SHOWNONE);
bool RenameFile(const char *SrcName,const wchar *SrcNameW,const char *DestName,const wchar *DestNameW);
bool DelFile(const char *Name);
bool DelFile(const char *Name,const wchar *NameW);
bool DelDir(const char *Name);
bool DelDir(const char *Name,const wchar *NameW);
#if defined(_WIN_32) && !defined(_WIN_CE)
bool SetFileCompression(char *Name,wchar *NameW,bool State);
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
#ifndef _RAR_FILESTR_
#define _RAR_FILESTR_
bool ReadTextFile(const char *Name,StringList *List,bool Config,
bool AbortOnError=false,RAR_CHARSET SrcCharset=RCH_DEFAULT,
bool Unquote=false,bool SkipComments=false,
bool ExpandEnvStr=false);
@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
#ifndef _RAR_FINDDATA_
#define _RAR_FINDDATA_
FDDF_SECONDDIR=1 // Second encounter of same directory in SCAN_GETDIRSTWICE ScanTree mode
struct FindData
char Name[NM];
wchar NameW[NM];
int64 Size;
uint FileAttr;
uint FileTime;
bool IsDir;
RarTime mtime;
RarTime ctime;
RarTime atime;
#ifdef _WIN_32
char ShortName[NM];
FILETIME ftCreationTime;
FILETIME ftLastAccessTime;
FILETIME ftLastWriteTime;
uint Flags;
bool Error;
class FindFile
#ifdef _WIN_32
static HANDLE Win32Find(HANDLE hFind,const char *Mask,const wchar *MaskW,struct FindData *fd);
char FindMask[NM];
wchar FindMaskW[NM];
bool FirstCall;
#ifdef _WIN_32
DIR *dirp;
void SetMask(const char *FindMask);
void SetMaskW(const wchar *FindMaskW);
bool Next(struct FindData *fd,bool GetSymLink=false);
static bool FastFind(const char *FindMask,const wchar *FindMaskW,struct FindData *fd,bool GetSymLink=false);
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
#ifndef _RAR_GETBITS_
#define _RAR_GETBITS_
class BitInput
enum BufferSize {MAX_SIZE=0x8000}; // Size of input buffer.
int InAddr; // Curent byte position in the buffer.
int InBit; // Current bit position in the current byte.
byte *InBuf; // Dynamically allocated input buffer.
void InitBitInput()
// Move forward by 'Bits' bits.
void addbits(uint Bits)
// Return 16 bits from current position in the buffer.
// Bit at (InAddr,InBit) has the highest position in returning data.
uint getbits()
uint BitField=(uint)InBuf[InAddr] << 16;
BitField|=(uint)InBuf[InAddr+1] << 8;
BitField >>= (8-InBit);
return(BitField & 0xffff);
void faddbits(uint Bits);
uint fgetbits();
// Check if buffer has enough space for IncPtr bytes. Returns 'true'
// if buffer will be overflown.
bool Overflow(uint IncPtr)
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
#ifndef _RAR_GLOBAL_
#define _RAR_GLOBAL_
#define EXTVAR
#define EXTVAR extern
EXTVAR ErrorHandler ErrHandler;
@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
#ifndef _RAR_HEADERS_
#define _RAR_HEADERS_
#define SIZEOF_NEWMHD 13
#define SIZEOF_OLDLHD 21
#define SIZEOF_NEWLHD 32
#define SIZEOF_AVHEAD 14
#define SIZEOF_UOHEAD 18
#define SIZEOF_EAHEAD 24
#define PACK_VER 29
#define PACK_CRYPT_VER 29
#define UNP_VER 36
#define CRYPT_VER 29
#define AV_VER 20
#define PROTECT_VER 20
#define MHD_VOLUME 0x0001U
#define MHD_COMMENT 0x0002U
#define MHD_LOCK 0x0004U
#define MHD_SOLID 0x0008U
#define MHD_PACK_COMMENT 0x0010U
#define MHD_NEWNUMBERING 0x0010U
#define MHD_AV 0x0020U
#define MHD_PROTECT 0x0040U
#define MHD_PASSWORD 0x0080U
#define MHD_FIRSTVOLUME 0x0100U
#define MHD_ENCRYPTVER 0x0200U
#define LHD_SPLIT_BEFORE 0x0001U
#define LHD_SPLIT_AFTER 0x0002U
#define LHD_PASSWORD 0x0004U
#define LHD_COMMENT 0x0008U
#define LHD_SOLID 0x0010U
#define LHD_WINDOWMASK 0x00e0U
#define LHD_WINDOW64 0x0000U
#define LHD_WINDOW128 0x0020U
#define LHD_WINDOW256 0x0040U
#define LHD_WINDOW512 0x0060U
#define LHD_WINDOW1024 0x0080U
#define LHD_WINDOW2048 0x00a0U
#define LHD_WINDOW4096 0x00c0U
#define LHD_DIRECTORY 0x00e0U
#define LHD_LARGE 0x0100U
#define LHD_UNICODE 0x0200U
#define LHD_SALT 0x0400U
#define LHD_VERSION 0x0800U
#define LHD_EXTTIME 0x1000U
#define LHD_EXTFLAGS 0x2000U
#define SKIP_IF_UNKNOWN 0x4000U
#define LONG_BLOCK 0x8000U
#define EARC_NEXT_VOLUME 0x0001U // not last volume
#define EARC_DATACRC 0x0002U // store CRC32 of RAR archive (now used only in volumes)
#define EARC_REVSPACE 0x0004U // reserve space for end of REV file 7 byte record
#define EARC_VOLNUMBER 0x0008U // store a number of current volume
enum { EA_HEAD=0x100,UO_HEAD=0x101,MAC_HEAD=0x102,BEEA_HEAD=0x103,
/* new file inherits a subblock when updating a host file */
#define SUBHEAD_FLAGS_INHERITED 0x80000000
#define SUBHEAD_FLAGS_CMT_UNICODE 0x00000001
struct OldMainHeader
byte Mark[4];
ushort HeadSize;
byte Flags;
struct OldFileHeader
uint PackSize;
uint UnpSize;
ushort FileCRC;
ushort HeadSize;
uint FileTime;
byte FileAttr;
byte Flags;
byte UnpVer;
byte NameSize;
byte Method;
struct MarkHeader
byte Mark[7];
struct BaseBlock
ushort HeadCRC;
HEADER_TYPE HeadType;//byte
ushort Flags;
ushort HeadSize;
bool IsSubBlock()
if (HeadType==SUB_HEAD)
if (HeadType==NEWSUB_HEAD && (Flags & LHD_SOLID)!=0)
struct BlockHeader:BaseBlock
union {
uint DataSize;
uint PackSize;
struct MainHeader:BaseBlock
ushort HighPosAV;
uint PosAV;
byte EncryptVer;
#define SALT_SIZE 8
struct FileHeader:BlockHeader
uint UnpSize;
byte HostOS;
uint FileCRC;
uint FileTime;
byte UnpVer;
byte Method;
ushort NameSize;
union {
uint FileAttr;
uint SubFlags;
/* optional */
uint HighPackSize;
uint HighUnpSize;
/* names */
char FileName[NM];
wchar FileNameW[NM];
/* optional */
Array<byte> SubData;
byte Salt[SALT_SIZE];
RarTime mtime;
RarTime ctime;
RarTime atime;
RarTime arctime;
/* dummy */
int64 FullPackSize;
int64 FullUnpSize;
void Clear(size_t SubDataSize)
bool CmpName(const char *Name)
FileHeader& operator = (FileHeader &hd)
struct EndArcHeader:BaseBlock
uint ArcDataCRC; // optional archive CRC32
ushort VolNumber; // optional current volume number
// SubBlockHeader and its successors were used in RAR 2.x format.
// RAR 3.x uses FileHeader with NEWSUB_HEAD HeadType for subblocks.
struct SubBlockHeader:BlockHeader
ushort SubType;
byte Level;
struct CommentHeader:BaseBlock
ushort UnpSize;
byte UnpVer;
byte Method;
ushort CommCRC;
struct ProtectHeader:BlockHeader
byte Version;
ushort RecSectors;
uint TotalBlocks;
byte Mark[8];
struct AVHeader:BaseBlock
byte UnpVer;
byte Method;
byte AVVer;
uint AVInfoCRC;
struct SignHeader:BaseBlock
uint CreationTime;
ushort ArcNameSize;
ushort UserNameSize;
struct UnixOwnersHeader:SubBlockHeader
ushort OwnerNameSize;
ushort GroupNameSize;
/* dummy */
char OwnerName[NM];
char GroupName[NM];
struct EAHeader:SubBlockHeader
uint UnpSize;
byte UnpVer;
byte Method;
uint EACRC;
struct StreamHeader:SubBlockHeader
uint UnpSize;
byte UnpVer;
byte Method;
uint StreamCRC;
ushort StreamNameSize;
/* dummy */
byte StreamName[NM];
struct MacFInfoHeader:SubBlockHeader
uint fileType;
uint fileCreator;
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
#ifndef _RAR_ISNT_
#define _RAR_ISNT_
int WinNT();
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
#ifndef _RAR_LIST_
#define _RAR_LIST_
void ListArchive(CommandData *Cmd);
@ -1,354 +0,0 @@
#define MYesNo "_Yes_No"
#define MYesNoAll "_Yes_No_All"
#define MYesNoAllQ "_Yes_No_All_nEver_Quit"
#define MYesNoAllRenQ "_Yes_No_All_nEver_Rename_Quit"
#define MContinueQuit "_Continue_Quit"
#define MRetryAbort "_Retry_Abort"
#define MCopyright "\nRAR %s Copyright (c) 1993-%d Alexander Roshal %d %s %d"
#define MRegTo "\nRegistered to %s\n"
#define MShare "\nShareware version Type RAR -? for help\n"
#define MUCopyright "\nUNRAR %s freeware Copyright (c) 1993-%d Alexander Roshal\n"
#define MBeta "beta"
#define MMonthJan "Jan"
#define MMonthFeb "Feb"
#define MMonthMar "Mar"
#define MMonthApr "Apr"
#define MMonthMay "May"
#define MMonthJun "Jun"
#define MMonthJul "Jul"
#define MMonthAug "Aug"
#define MMonthSep "Sep"
#define MMonthOct "Oct"
#define MMonthNov "Nov"
#define MMonthDec "Dec"
#define MRARTitle1 "\nUsage: rar <command> -<switch 1> -<switch N> <archive> <files...>"
#define MUNRARTitle1 "\nUsage: unrar <command> -<switch 1> -<switch N> <archive> <files...>"
#define MRARTitle2 "\n <@listfiles...> <path_to_extract\\>"
#define MCHelpCmd "\n\n<Commands>"
#define MCHelpCmdA "\n a Add files to archive"
#define MCHelpCmdC "\n c Add archive comment"
#define MCHelpCmdCF "\n cf Add files comment"
#define MCHelpCmdCH "\n ch Change archive parameters"
#define MCHelpCmdCW "\n cw Write archive comment to file"
#define MCHelpCmdD "\n d Delete files from archive"
#define MCHelpCmdE "\n e Extract files to current directory"
#define MCHelpCmdF "\n f Freshen files in archive"
#define MCHelpCmdI "\n i[par]=<str> Find string in archives"
#define MCHelpCmdK "\n k Lock archive"
#define MCHelpCmdL "\n l[t,b] List archive [technical, bare]"
#define MCHelpCmdM "\n m[f] Move to archive [files only]"
#define MCHelpCmdP "\n p Print file to stdout"
#define MCHelpCmdR "\n r Repair archive"
#define MCHelpCmdRC "\n rc Reconstruct missing volumes"
#define MCHelpCmdRN "\n rn Rename archived files"
#define MCHelpCmdRR "\n rr[N] Add data recovery record"
#define MCHelpCmdRV "\n rv[N] Create recovery volumes"
#define MCHelpCmdS "\n s[name|-] Convert archive to or from SFX"
#define MCHelpCmdT "\n t Test archive files"
#define MCHelpCmdU "\n u Update files in archive"
#define MCHelpCmdV "\n v[t,b] Verbosely list archive [technical,bare]"
#define MCHelpCmdX "\n x Extract files with full path"
#define MCHelpSw "\n\n<Switches>"
#define MCHelpSwm "\n - Stop switches scanning"
#define MCHelpSwAC "\n ac Clear Archive attribute after compression or extraction"
#define MCHelpSwAD "\n ad Append archive name to destination path"
#define MCHelpSwAG "\n ag[format] Generate archive name using the current date"
#define MCHelpSwAI "\n ai Ignore file attributes"
#define MCHelpSwAO "\n ao Add files with Archive attribute set"
#define MCHelpSwAP "\n ap<path> Set path inside archive"
#define MCHelpSwAS "\n as Synchronize archive contents"
#define MCHelpSwAV "\n av Put authenticity verification (registered versions only)"
#define MCHelpSwAVm "\n av- Disable authenticity verification check"
#define MCHelpSwCm "\n c- Disable comments show"
#define MCHelpSwCFGm "\n cfg- Disable read configuration"
#define MCHelpSwCL "\n cl Convert names to lower case"
#define MCHelpSwCU "\n cu Convert names to upper case"
#define MCHelpSwDF "\n df Delete files after archiving"
#define MCHelpSwDH "\n dh Open shared files"
#define MCHelpSwDR "\n dr Delete files to Recycle Bin"
#define MCHelpSwDS "\n ds Disable name sort for solid archive"
#define MCHelpSwDW "\n dw Wipe files after archiving"
#define MCHelpSwEa "\n e[+]<attr> Set file exclude and include attributes"
#define MCHelpSwED "\n ed Do not add empty directories"
#define MCHelpSwEE "\n ee Do not save and extract extended attributes"
#define MCHelpSwEN "\n en Do not put 'end of archive' block"
#define MCHelpSwEP "\n ep Exclude paths from names"
#define MCHelpSwEP1 "\n ep1 Exclude base directory from names"
#define MCHelpSwEP2 "\n ep2 Expand paths to full"
#define MCHelpSwEP3 "\n ep3 Expand paths to full including the drive letter"
#define MCHelpSwF "\n f Freshen files"
#define MCHelpSwHP "\n hp[password] Encrypt both file data and headers"
#define MCHelpSwIDP "\n id[c,d,p,q] Disable messages"
#define MCHelpSwIEML "\n ieml[addr] Send archive by email"
#define MCHelpSwIERR "\n ierr Send all messages to stderr"
#define MCHelpSwILOG "\n ilog[name] Log errors to file (registered versions only)"
#define MCHelpSwINUL "\n inul Disable all messages"
#define MCHelpSwIOFF "\n ioff Turn PC off after completing an operation"
#define MCHelpSwISND "\n isnd Enable sound"
#define MCHelpSwK "\n k Lock archive"
#define MCHelpSwKB "\n kb Keep broken extracted files"
#define MCHelpSwMn "\n m<0..5> Set compression level (0-store...3-default...5-maximal)"
#define MCHelpSwMC "\n mc<par> Set advanced compression parameters"
#define MCHelpSwMD "\n md<size> Dictionary size in KB (64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096 or A-G)"
#define MCHelpSwMS "\n ms[ext;ext] Specify file types to store"
#define MCHelpSwMT "\n mt<threads> Set the number of threads"
#define MCHelpSwN "\n n<file> Include only specified file"
#define MCHelpSwNa "\n n@ Read file names to include from stdin"
#define MCHelpSwNal "\n n@<list> Include files listed in specified list file"
#define MCHelpSwO "\n o[+|-] Set the overwrite mode"
#define MCHelpSwOC "\n oc Set NTFS Compressed attribute"
#define MCHelpSwOL "\n ol Save symbolic links as the link instead of the file"
#define MCHelpSwOR "\n or Rename files automatically"
#define MCHelpSwOS "\n os Save NTFS streams"
#define MCHelpSwOW "\n ow Save or restore file owner and group"
#define MCHelpSwP "\n p[password] Set password"
#define MCHelpSwPm "\n p- Do not query password"
#define MCHelpSwR "\n r Recurse subdirectories"
#define MCHelpSwRm "\n r- Disable recursion"
#define MCHelpSwR0 "\n r0 Recurse subdirectories for wildcard names only"
#define MCHelpSwRI "\n ri<P>[:<S>] Set priority (0-default,1-min..15-max) and sleep time in ms"
#define MCHelpSwRR "\n rr[N] Add data recovery record"
#define MCHelpSwRV "\n rv[N] Create recovery volumes"
#define MCHelpSwS "\n s[<N>,v[-],e] Create solid archive"
#define MCHelpSwSm "\n s- Disable solid archiving"
#define MCHelpSwSC "\n sc<chr>[obj] Specify the character set"
#define MCHelpSwSFX "\n sfx[name] Create SFX archive"
#define MCHelpSwSI "\n si[name] Read data from standard input (stdin)"
#define MCHelpSwSL "\n sl<size> Process files with size less than specified"
#define MCHelpSwSM "\n sm<size> Process files with size more than specified"
#define MCHelpSwT "\n t Test files after archiving"
#define MCHelpSwTK "\n tk Keep original archive time"
#define MCHelpSwTL "\n tl Set archive time to latest file"
#define MCHelpSwTN "\n tn<time> Process files newer than <time>"
#define MCHelpSwTO "\n to<time> Process files older than <time>"
#define MCHelpSwTA "\n ta<date> Process files modified after <date> in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format"
#define MCHelpSwTB "\n tb<date> Process files modified before <date> in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format"
#define MCHelpSwTS "\n ts<m,c,a>[N] Save or restore file time (modification, creation, access)"
#define MCHelpSwU "\n u Update files"
#define MCHelpSwV "\n v Create volumes with size autodetection or list all volumes"
#define MCHelpSwVUnr "\n v List all volumes"
#define MCHelpSwVn "\n v<size>[k,b] Create volumes with size=<size>*1000 [*1024, *1]"
#define MCHelpSwVD "\n vd Erase disk contents before creating volume"
#define MCHelpSwVER "\n ver[n] File version control"
#define MCHelpSwVN "\n vn Use the old style volume naming scheme"
#define MCHelpSwVP "\n vp Pause before each volume"
#define MCHelpSwW "\n w<path> Assign work directory"
#define MCHelpSwX "\n x<file> Exclude specified file"
#define MCHelpSwXa "\n x@ Read file names to exclude from stdin"
#define MCHelpSwXal "\n x@<list> Exclude files listed in specified list file"
#define MCHelpSwY "\n y Assume Yes on all queries"
#define MCHelpSwZ "\n z[file] Read archive comment from file"
#define MBadArc "\nERROR: Bad archive %s\n"
#define MAskPsw "Enter password (will not be echoed)"
#define MAskPswEcho "Enter password"
#define MReAskPsw "\nReenter password: "
#define MFor " for "
#define MNotMatchPsw "\nERROR: Passwords do not match\n"
#define MErrWrite "Write error in the file %s"
#define MErrRead "Read error in the file %s"
#define MErrSeek "Seek error in the file %s"
#define MErrFClose "Cannot close the file %s"
#define MErrOutMem "Not enough memory"
#define MErrBrokenArc "Corrupt archive - use 'Repair' command"
#define MProgAborted "Program aborted"
#define MErrRename "\nCannot rename %s to %s"
#define MAbsNextVol "\nCannot find volume %s"
#define MBreak "\nUser break\n"
#define MAskCreatVol "\nCreate next volume ?"
#define MAskNextDisk "\nDisk full. Insert next"
#define MCreatVol "\n\nCreating %sarchive %s\n"
#define MAskNextVol "\nInsert disk with %s"
#define MTestVol "\n\nTesting archive %s\n"
#define MExtrVol "\n\nExtracting from %s\n"
#define MConverting "\nConverting %s"
#define MCvtToSFX "\nConvert archives to SFX"
#define MCvtFromSFX "\nRemoving SFX module"
#define MNotSFX "\n%s is not SFX archive"
#define MNotRAR "\n%s is not RAR archive"
#define MNotFirstVol "\n%s is not the first volume"
#define MCvtOldFormat "\n%s - cannot convert to SFX archive with old format"
#define MCannotCreate "\nCannot create %s"
#define MCannotOpen "\nCannot open %s"
#define MUnknownMeth "\nUnknown method in %s"
#define MVerRequired "\nYou need RAR %d.%d to unpack it"
#define MOk " OK"
#define MDone "\nDone"
#define MLockingArc "\nLocking archive"
#define MNotMdfOld "\n\nERROR: Cannot modify old format archive"
#define MNotMdfLock "\n\nERROR: Locked archive"
#define MNotMdfVol "\n\nERROR: Cannot modify volume"
#define MVerifyAV "\nVerifying authenticity information ... "
#define MFailedAV " Failed\n"
#define MStrAV1 "\n\nArchive %s"
#define MStrAV2 "\ncreated at %s"
#define MStrAV3 "\nby %s\n"
#define MLogFailedAV "Invalid authenticity information"
#define MAddingAV "\nAdding authenticity verification "
#define MAVOldStyle "\n\nOld style authenticity information"
#define MPackAskReg "\nEvaluation copy. Please register.\n"
#define MCreateArchive "\nCreating %sarchive %s\n"
#define MUpdateArchive "\nUpdating %sarchive %s\n"
#define MAddSolid "solid "
#define MAddFile "\nAdding %-58s "
#define MUpdFile "\nUpdating %-58s "
#define MAddPoints "\n... %-58s "
#define MCannotUpdPswSolid "\nERROR: Cannot update solid archives with password\n"
#define MMoveDelFiles "\n\nDeleting files %s..."
#define MMoveDelDirs "and directories"
#define MMoveDelFile "\nDeleting %-30s"
#define MMoveDeleted " deleted"
#define MMoveNotDeleted " NOT DELETED"
#define MClearAttrib "\n\nClearing attributes..."
#define MMoveDelDir "\nDeleting directory %-30s"
#define MWarErrFOpen "\nWARNING: Cannot open %d %s"
#define MErrOpenFiles "files"
#define MErrOpenFile "file"
#define MAddNoFiles "\nWARNING: No files"
#define MMdfEncrSol "\n%s: encrypted"
#define MCannotMdfEncrSol "\nCannot modify solid archive containing encrypted files"
#define MAddAnalyze "\nAnalyzing archived files: "
#define MRepacking "\nRepacking archived files: "
#define MCRCFailed "\n%-20s - CRC failed"
#define MExtrTest "\n\nTesting archive %s\n"
#define MExtracting "\n\nExtracting from %s\n"
#define MUseCurPsw "\n%s - use current password ?"
#define MCreatDir "\nCreating %-56s"
#define MExtrSkipFile "\nSkipping %-56s"
#define MExtrTestFile "\nTesting %-56s"
#define MExtrFile "\nExtracting %-56s"
#define MExtrPoints "\n... %-56s"
#define MExtrErrMkDir "\nCannot create directory %s"
#define MExtrPrinting "\n------ Printing %s\n\n"
#define MEncrBadCRC "\nEncrypted file: CRC failed in %s (password incorrect ?)"
#define MExtrNoFiles "\nNo files to extract"
#define MExtrAllOk "\nAll OK"
#define MExtrTotalErr "\nTotal errors: %ld"
#define MFileExists "\n\n%s already exists. Overwrite it ?"
#define MAskOverwrite "\nOverwrite %s ?"
#define MAskNewName "\nEnter new name: "
#define MLogMainHead "\nThe archive header is corrupt"
#define MLogFileHead "\n%s - the file header is corrupt"
#define MLogCommHead "\nThe comment header is corrupt\n"
#define MLogProtectHead "The data recovery header is corrupt"
#define MReadStdinCmt "\nReading comment from stdin\n"
#define MReadCommFrom "\nReading comment from %s"
#define MDelComment "\nDeleting comment from %s"
#define MAddComment "\nAdding comment to %s"
#define MFCommAdd "\nAdding file comments"
#define MAskFComm "\n\nReading comment for %s : %s from stdin\n"
#define MLogCommBrk "\nThe archive comment is corrupt"
#define MCommAskCont "\nPress 'Enter' to continue or 'Q' to quit:"
#define MLogBrokFCmt "\nThe file comment is corrupt"
#define MWriteCommTo "\nWrite comment to %s"
#define MCommNotPres "\nComment is not present"
#define MDelFrom "\nDeleting from %s"
#define MDeleting "\nDeleting %s"
#define MEraseArc "\nErasing empty archive %s"
#define MNoDelFiles "\nNo files to delete"
#define MLogTitle "\n\n-------- %2d %s %d, archive %s\n"
#define MPathTooLong "\nERROR: Path too long\n"
#define MListSolid "Solid "
#define MListSFX "SFX "
#define MListVol1 "volume"
#define MListVol2 "Volume"
#define MListArc1 "archive"
#define MListArc2 "Archive"
#define MListRecRec "\nRecovery record is present\n"
#define MListLock "\nLock is present\n"
#define MListPathComm "\nPathname/Comment\n "
#define MListName "\n Name "
#define MListTitle " Size Packed Ratio Date Time Attr CRC Meth Ver\n"
#define MListTechTitle " Host OS Solid Old\n"
#define MListEAHead "\n OS/2 extended attributes"
#define MListUOHead "\n Unix Owner/Group data: %-14s %-14s"
#define MListBeEAHead "\n BeOS extended attributes"
#define MListNTACLHead "\n NTFS security data"
#define MListStrmHead "\n NTFS stream: %s"
#define MListUnkHead "\n Unknown subheader type: 0x%04x"
#define MFileComment "\nComment: "
#define MYes "Yes"
#define MNo "No"
#define MListNoFiles " 0 files\n"
#define MRprReconstr "\nReconstructing %s"
#define MRprBuild "\nBuilding %s"
#define MRprOldFormat "\nCannot repair archive with old format"
#define MRprFind "\nFound %s"
#define MRprAskIsSol "\nThe archive header is corrupt. Mark archive as solid ?"
#define MRprNoFiles "\nNo files found"
#define MRprSuspEntry "\n\nSuspicious entry %s"
#define MRprDir "\nDirectory"
#define MRprSuspSize "\nSize %ld Packed %ld"
#define MRprSuspAdd "\nAdd it to archive ?"
#define MLogUnexpEOF "\nUnexpected end of archive"
#define MRepAskReconst "\nReconstruct archive structure ?"
#define MRecScanning "\nScanning..."
#define MRecRNotFound "\nData recovery record not found"
#define MRecRFound "\nData recovery record found"
#define MRecSecDamage "\nSector %ld (offsets %lX...%lX) damaged"
#define MRecCorrected " - data recovered"
#define MRecFailed " - cannot recover data"
#define MAddRecRec "\nAdding data recovery record"
#define MEraseForVolume "\n\nErasing contents of drive %c:\n"
#define MGetOwnersError "\nWARNING: Cannot get %s owner and group\n"
#define MErrGetOwnerID "\nWARNING: Cannot get owner %s ID\n"
#define MErrGetGroupID "\nWARNING: Cannot get group %s ID\n"
#define MOwnersBroken "\nERROR: %s group and owner data are corrupt\n"
#define MSetOwnersError "\nWARNING: Cannot set %s owner and group\n"
#define MErrLnkRead "\nWARNING: Cannot read symbolic link %s"
#define MErrCreateLnk "\nWARNING: Cannot create link %s"
#define MSymLinkExists "\nWARNING: Symbolic link %s already exists"
#define MAskRetryCreate "\nCannot create %s. Retry ?"
#define MListMACHead1 "\n MacOS file type: %c%c%c%c ; "
#define MListMACHead2 "file creator: %c%c%c%c\n"
#define MDataBadCRC "\n%-20s : packed data CRC failed in volume %s"
#define MFileRO "\n%s is read-only"
#define MACLGetError "\nWARNING: Cannot get %s security data\n"
#define MACLSetError "\nWARNING: Cannot set %s security data\n"
#define MACLBroken "\nERROR: %s security data are corrupt\n"
#define MACLUnknown "\nWARNING: Unknown format of %s security data\n"
#define MStreamBroken "\nERROR: %s stream data are corrupt\n"
#define MStreamUnknown "\nWARNING: Unknown format of %s stream data\n"
#define MInvalidName "\nERROR: Invalid file name %s"
#define MEABroken "\nERROR: %s extended attributes are corrupt\n"
#define MEAUnknHeader "\nWARNING: %s - unknown format of extended attributes\n"
#define MCannotSetEA "\nWARNING: cannot set extended attributes to %s\n"
#define MCannotGetEA "\nERROR: Cannot get extended attributes of %s\n"
#define MShowEA " (+EA)"
#define MSkipEA "\n...skipping extended attributes"
#define MProcessArc "\n\nProcessing archive %s"
#define MSyncScanError "\nFile search errors, cannot synchronize archive"
#define MCorrectingName "\nWARNING: Attempting to correct the invalid file name"
#define MUnpCannotMerge "\nWARNING: You need to start extraction from a previous volume to unpack %s"
#define MUnknownOption "\nERROR: Unknown option: %s"
#define MSubHeadCorrupt "\nERROR: Corrupt data header found, ignored"
#define MSubHeadUnknown "\nWARNING: Unknown data header format, ignored"
#define MSubHeadDataCRC "\nERROR: Corrupt %s data block"
#define MSubHeadType "\nData header type: %s"
#define MScanError "\nCannot read contents of %s"
#define MNotVolume "\n%s is not volume"
#define MRecVolDiffSets "\nERROR: %s and %s belong to different sets"
#define MRecVolMissing "\n%d volumes missing"
#define MRecVolFound "\n%d recovery volumes found"
#define MRecVolAllExist "\nNothing to reconstruct"
#define MRecVolCannotFix "\nReconstruction impossible"
#define MReconstructing "\nReconstructing..."
#define MCreating "\nCreating %s"
#define MRenaming "\nRenaming %s to %s"
#define MNTFSRequired "\nWrite error: only NTFS file system supports files larger than 4 GB"
#define MErrChangeAttr "\nWARNING: Cannot change attributes of %s"
#define MWrongSFXVer "\nERROR: default SFX module does not support RAR %d.%d archives"
#define MCannotEncName "\nCannot encrypt archive already contained encrypted files"
#define MCannotEmail "\nCannot email the file %s"
#define MCopyrightS "\nRAR SFX archive"
#define MSHelpCmd "\n\n<Commands>"
#define MSHelpCmdE "\n -x Extract from archive (default)"
#define MSHelpCmdT "\n -t Test archive files"
#define MSHelpCmdV "\n -v Verbosely list contents of archive"
#define MMaxPathLimit "\nTotal path and file name length must not exceed %d characters"
#define MRecVolLimit "\nTotal number of usual and recovery volumes must not exceed 255"
#define MVolumeNumber "volume %d"
#define MCannotDelete "\nCannot delete %s"
#define MCalcCRC "\nCalculating the control sum"
#define MTooLargeSFXArc "\nWARNING: Too large SFX archive. Windows cannot run the executable file exceeding 4 GB."
#define MCalcCRCAllVol "\nCalculating control sums of all volumes."
#define MNotEnoughDisk "\nERROR: Not enough disk space for %s."
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
#ifndef _RAR_LOG_
#define _RAR_LOG_
void InitLogOptions(char *LogName);
#ifndef SILENT
void Log(const char *ArcName,const char *Format,...);
#ifdef SILENT
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define Log(args...)
inline void Log(const char *a,const char *b,const char *c=NULL,const char *d=NULL) {}
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
#ifndef _RAR_MATCH_
#define _RAR_MATCH_
enum {
MATCH_NAMES, // Compare names only.
MATCH_PATH, // Compares names and paths. Both must match exactly.
// Unlike MATCH_EXACTPATH, also matches names if
// mask contains path only and this path is a part
// of name path.
MATCH_EXACTPATH, // Compares names and paths. Both must match exactly.
MATCH_SUBPATH, // Names must be the same, but path in mask is allowed
// to be only a part of name path.
MATCH_WILDSUBPATH // Works as MATCH_SUBPATH if mask contains wildcards
// and as MATCH_PATH otherwise.
#define MATCH_MODEMASK 0x0000ffff
bool CmpName(char *Wildcard,char *Name,int CmpPath);
bool CmpName(wchar *Wildcard,wchar *Name,int CmpPath);
@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
#ifndef _RAR_PPMMODEL_
#define _RAR_PPMMODEL_
#include "coder.hpp"
#include "suballoc.hpp"
const int MAX_O=64; /* maximum allowed model order */
#pragma pack(1)
{ // SEE-contexts for PPM-contexts with masked symbols
ushort Summ;
byte Shift, Count;
void init(int InitVal)
Summ=InitVal << (Shift=PERIOD_BITS-4);
uint getMean()
uint RetVal=SHORT16(Summ) >> Shift;
Summ -= RetVal;
return RetVal+(RetVal == 0);
void update()
if (Shift < PERIOD_BITS && --Count == 0)
Summ += Summ;
Count=3 << Shift++;
class ModelPPM;
struct STATE
byte Symbol;
byte Freq;
PPM_CONTEXT* Successor;
struct FreqData
ushort SummFreq;
ushort NumStats;
FreqData U;
STATE OneState;
inline void encodeBinSymbol(ModelPPM *Model,int symbol); // MaxOrder:
inline void encodeSymbol1(ModelPPM *Model,int symbol); // ABCD context
inline void encodeSymbol2(ModelPPM *Model,int symbol); // BCD suffix
inline void decodeBinSymbol(ModelPPM *Model); // BCDE successor
inline bool decodeSymbol1(ModelPPM *Model); // other orders:
inline bool decodeSymbol2(ModelPPM *Model); // BCD context
inline void update1(ModelPPM *Model,STATE* p); // CD suffix
inline void update2(ModelPPM *Model,STATE* p); // BCDE successor
void rescale(ModelPPM *Model);
inline PPM_CONTEXT* createChild(ModelPPM *Model,STATE* pStats,STATE& FirstState);
inline SEE2_CONTEXT* makeEscFreq2(ModelPPM *Model,int Diff);
#ifdef _AIX
#pragma pack(pop)
#pragma pack()
const uint UNIT_SIZE=Max(sizeof(PPM_CONTEXT),sizeof(RAR_MEM_BLK));
const uint FIXED_UNIT_SIZE=12;
NumStats(1), Suffix(ShorterContext) { pStats->Successor=this; }
inline PPM_CONTEXT::PPM_CONTEXT(): NumStats(0) {}
template <class T>
inline void _PPMD_SWAP(T& t1,T& t2) { T tmp=t1; t1=t2; t2=tmp; }
class ModelPPM
friend struct PPM_CONTEXT;
SEE2_CONTEXT SEE2Cont[25][16], DummySEE2Cont;
struct PPM_CONTEXT *MinContext, *MedContext, *MaxContext;
STATE* FoundState; // found next state transition
int NumMasked, InitEsc, OrderFall, MaxOrder, RunLength, InitRL;
byte CharMask[256], NS2Indx[256], NS2BSIndx[256], HB2Flag[256];
byte EscCount, PrevSuccess, HiBitsFlag;
ushort BinSumm[128][64]; // binary SEE-contexts
RangeCoder Coder;
SubAllocator SubAlloc;
void RestartModelRare();
void StartModelRare(int MaxOrder);
inline PPM_CONTEXT* CreateSuccessors(bool Skip,STATE* p1);
inline void UpdateModel();
inline void ClearMask();
void CleanUp(); // reset PPM variables after data error
bool DecodeInit(Unpack *UnpackRead,int &EscChar);
int DecodeChar();
@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
#ifndef _RAR_OPTIONS_
#define _RAR_OPTIONS_
RECURSE_NONE=0, // no recurse switches
RECURSE_DISABLE, // switch -r-
RECURSE_ALWAYS, // switch -r
RECURSE_WILDCARDS, // switch -r0
OVERWRITE_DEFAULT=0, // ask for extraction, silently overwrite for archiving
#define MAX_FILTERS 16
struct FilterMode
FilterState State;
int Param1;
int Param2;
class RAROptions
void Init();
uint ExclFileAttr;
uint InclFileAttr;
bool InclAttrSet;
uint WinSize;
char TempPath[NM];
char SFXModule[NM];
char ExtrPath[NM];
wchar ExtrPathW[NM];
char CommentFile[NM];
RAR_CHARSET CommentCharset;
RAR_CHARSET FilelistCharset;
char ArcPath[NM];
wchar ArcPathW[NM];
char Password[MAXPASSWORD];
bool EncryptHeaders;
char LogName[NM];
bool Sound;
int Method;
int Recovery;
int RecVolNumber;
bool DisablePercentage;
bool DisableCopyright;
bool DisableDone;
int Solid;
int SolidCount;
bool ClearArc;
bool AddArcOnly;
bool AV;
bool DisableComment;
bool FreshFiles;
bool UpdateFiles;
int64 VolSize;
Array<int64> NextVolSizes;
uint CurVolNum;
bool AllYes;
bool DisableViewAV;
bool DisableSortSolid;
int ArcTime;
int ConvertNames;
bool ProcessOwners;
bool SaveLinks;
int Priority;
int SleepTime;
bool KeepBroken;
bool EraseDisk;
bool OpenShared;
bool DeleteFiles;
bool SyncFiles;
bool GenerateArcName;
char GenerateMask[80];
bool ProcessEA;
bool SaveStreams;
bool SetCompressedAttr;
bool IgnoreGeneralAttr;
RarTime FileTimeBefore;
RarTime FileTimeAfter;
int64 FileSizeLess;
int64 FileSizeMore;
bool OldNumbering;
bool Lock;
bool Test;
bool VolumePause;
FilterMode FilterModes[MAX_FILTERS];
char EmailTo[NM];
uint VersionControl;
bool NoEndBlock;
bool AppendArcNameToPath;
bool Shutdown;
EXTTIME_MODE xarctime;
char CompressStdin[NM];
#ifdef PACK_SMP
uint Threads;
#ifdef RARDLL
char DllDestName[NM];
wchar DllDestNameW[NM];
int DllOpMode;
int DllError;
LPARAM UserData;
@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
#ifndef _RAR_OS_
#define _RAR_OS_
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
#ifdef __EMX__
#define INCL_BASE
#if defined(RARDLL) && !defined(SILENT)
#define SILENT
#if defined(_WIN_32) || defined(_EMX)
#if defined(_WIN_32) || defined(_EMX)
#define NM 1024
#ifdef _WIN_32
#define STRICT
#undef WINVER
#undef _WIN32_WINNT
#define WINVER 0x0400
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0300
#include <windows.h>
#include <prsht.h>
#ifndef _WIN_CE
#include <shellapi.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <winioctl.h>
#endif // _WIN_CE
#endif // _WIN_32
#ifndef _WIN_CE
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <dos.h>
#endif // _WIN_CE
#if !defined(_EMX) && !defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_WIN_CE)
#include <dir.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#if _MSC_VER<1500
#define for if (0) ; else for
#ifndef _WIN_CE
#include <direct.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#endif // _MSC_VER
#ifndef _WIN_CE
#include <share.h>
#endif // _WIN_CE
#if defined(ENABLE_BAD_ALLOC) && !defined(_WIN_CE)
#include <new.h>
#ifdef _EMX
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <grp.h>
#include <errno.h>
#ifdef _DJGPP
#include <utime.h>
#include <os2.h>
#include <sys/utime.h>
#include <emx/syscalls.h>
#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__)
#include <exception>
#include <except.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#ifndef _WIN_CE
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <signal.h>
#ifdef _WIN_32
#pragma hdrstop
#endif // _WIN_32
#define DefConfigName "rar.ini"
#define DefLogName "rar.log"
#define PATHDIVIDER "\\"
#define PATHDIVIDERW L"\\"
#define CPATHDIVIDER '\\'
#define MASKALL "*"
#define MASKALLW L"*"
#define READBINARY "rb"
#define READTEXT "rt"
#define UPDATEBINARY "r+b"
#define CREATEBINARY "w+b"
#define APPENDTEXT "at"
#if defined(_WIN_32)
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define _stdfunction __cdecl
#define _stdfunction _USERENTRY
#define _stdfunction
#ifdef _UNIX
#define NM 1024
#ifdef _BEOS
#include <be/kernel/fs_info.h>
#include <be/kernel/fs_attr.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#if defined(__QNXNTO__)
#include <sys/param.h>
#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined (__NetBSD__) || defined (__OpenBSD__) || defined(__APPLE__)
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/mount.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <grp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <utime.h>
#include <locale.h>
#define DefConfigName ".rarrc"
#define DefLogName ".rarlog"
#define PATHDIVIDER "/"
#define CPATHDIVIDER '/'
#define MASKALL "*"
#define MASKALLW L"*"
#define READBINARY "r"
#define READTEXT "r"
#define UPDATEBINARY "r+"
#define CREATEBINARY "w+"
#define APPENDTEXT "a"
#define _stdfunction
#ifdef _APPLE
#if defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__) && !defined(BIG_ENDIAN)
#define BIG_ENDIAN
#if defined(__i386__) && !defined(LITTLE_ENDIAN)
#if defined(__sparc) || defined(sparc) || defined(__hpux)
#ifndef BIG_ENDIAN
#define BIG_ENDIAN
typedef const char* MSGID;
#define safebuf static
#if !defined(LITTLE_ENDIAN) && !defined(BIG_ENDIAN)
#if defined(__i386) || defined(i386) || defined(__i386__)
#define BIG_ENDIAN
#error "Neither LITTLE_ENDIAN nor BIG_ENDIAN are defined. Define one of them."
#if defined(LITTLE_ENDIAN) && defined(BIG_ENDIAN)
#error "Both LITTLE_ENDIAN and BIG_ENDIAN are defined. Undef one of them."
#if !defined(BIG_ENDIAN) && !defined(_WIN_CE) && defined(_WIN_32)
/* allow not aligned integer access, increases speed in some operations */
#if defined(__sparc) || defined(sparc) || defined(__sparcv9)
/* prohibit not aligned access to data structures in text comression
algorithm, increases memory requirements */
#endif // _RAR_OS_
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
#ifndef _RAR_PATHFN_
#define _RAR_PATHFN_
char* PointToName(const char *Path);
wchar* PointToName(const wchar *Path);
char* PointToLastChar(const char *Path);
char* ConvertPath(const char *SrcPath,char *DestPath);
wchar* ConvertPath(const wchar *SrcPath,wchar *DestPath);
void SetExt(char *Name,const char *NewExt);
void SetExt(wchar *Name,const wchar *NewExt);
void SetSFXExt(char *SFXName);
void SetSFXExt(wchar *SFXName);
char *GetExt(const char *Name);
wchar *GetExt(const wchar *Name);
bool CmpExt(const char *Name,const char *Ext);
bool IsWildcard(const char *Str,const wchar *StrW=NULL);
bool IsPathDiv(int Ch);
bool IsDriveDiv(int Ch);
int GetPathDisk(const char *Path);
void AddEndSlash(char *Path);
void AddEndSlash(wchar *Path);
void GetFilePath(const char *FullName,char *Path,int MaxLength);
void GetFilePath(const wchar *FullName,wchar *Path,int MaxLength);
void RemoveNameFromPath(char *Path);
void RemoveNameFromPath(wchar *Path);
void GetAppDataPath(char *Path);
void GetRarDataPath(char *Path);
bool EnumConfigPaths(char *Path,int Number);
void GetConfigName(const char *Name,char *FullName,bool CheckExist);
char* GetVolNumPart(char *ArcName);
void NextVolumeName(char *ArcName,wchar *ArcNameW,uint MaxLength,bool OldNumbering);
bool IsNameUsable(const char *Name);
void MakeNameUsable(char *Name,bool Extended);
char* UnixSlashToDos(char *SrcName,char *DestName=NULL,uint MaxLength=NM);
char* DosSlashToUnix(char *SrcName,char *DestName=NULL,uint MaxLength=NM);
wchar* UnixSlashToDos(wchar *SrcName,wchar *DestName=NULL,uint MaxLength=NM);
bool IsFullPath(const char *Path);
bool IsFullPath(const wchar *Path);
bool IsDiskLetter(const char *Path);
bool IsDiskLetter(const wchar *Path);
void GetPathRoot(const char *Path,char *Root);
int ParseVersionFileName(char *Name,wchar *NameW,bool Truncate);
char* VolNameToFirstName(const char *VolName,char *FirstName,bool NewNumbering);
wchar* GetWideName(const char *Name,const wchar *NameW,wchar *DestW);
inline char* GetOutputName(const char *Name) {return((char *)Name);};
@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
#include "raros.hpp"
#include "os.hpp"
#ifdef RARDLL
#include "dll.hpp"
#ifndef _WIN_CE
#include "version.hpp"
#include "rartypes.hpp"
#include "rardefs.hpp"
#include "rarlang.hpp"
#include "unicode.hpp"
#include "errhnd.hpp"
#include "array.hpp"
#include "timefn.hpp"
#include "options.hpp"
#include "headers.hpp"
#include "pathfn.hpp"
#include "strfn.hpp"
#include "strlist.hpp"
#include "file.hpp"
#include "sha1.hpp"
#include "crc.hpp"
#include "rijndael.hpp"
#include "crypt.hpp"
#include "filefn.hpp"
#include "filestr.hpp"
#include "find.hpp"
#include "scantree.hpp"
#include "savepos.hpp"
#include "getbits.hpp"
#include "rdwrfn.hpp"
#include "archive.hpp"
#include "match.hpp"
#include "cmddata.hpp"
#include "filcreat.hpp"
#include "consio.hpp"
#include "system.hpp"
#include "isnt.hpp"
#include "log.hpp"
#include "rawread.hpp"
#include "encname.hpp"
#include "resource.hpp"
#include "compress.hpp"
#include "rarvm.hpp"
#include "model.hpp"
#include "unpack.hpp"
#include "extinfo.hpp"
#include "extract.hpp"
#include "list.hpp"
#include "rs.hpp"
#include "recvol.hpp"
#include "volume.hpp"
#include "smallfn.hpp"
#include "ulinks.hpp"
#include "global.hpp"
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
#ifndef _RAR_DEFS_
#define _RAR_DEFS_
#define Min(x,y) (((x)<(y)) ? (x):(y))
#define Max(x,y) (((x)>(y)) ? (x):(y))
#define ASIZE(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0]))
#define MAXPASSWORD 128
#define MAXSFXSIZE 0x80000
#define DefSFXName "default.sfx"
#define DefSortListName "rarfiles.lst"
#ifndef FA_RDONLY
#define FA_RDONLY 0x01
#define FA_HIDDEN 0x02
#define FA_SYSTEM 0x04
#define FA_LABEL 0x08
#define FA_DIREC 0x10
#define FA_ARCH 0x20
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
#ifndef _RAR_LANG_
#define _RAR_LANG_
#ifdef USE_RC
#include "rarres.hpp"
#include "loclang.hpp"
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
#ifndef _RAR_RAROS_
#define _RAR_RAROS_
#ifdef __EMX__
#define _EMX
#ifdef __DJGPP__
#define _DJGPP
#define _EMX
#if defined(__WIN32__) || defined(_WIN32)
#define _WIN_32
#ifdef _WIN32_WCE
#define _WIN_32
#define _WIN_CE
#define PC2002
#undef PC2002
#ifdef __BEOS__
#define _UNIX
#define _BEOS
#ifdef __APPLE__
#define _UNIX
#define _APPLE
#if !defined(_EMX) && !defined(_WIN_32) && !defined(_BEOS) && !defined(_APPLE)
#define _UNIX
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
#ifndef _RAR_TYPES_
#define _RAR_TYPES_
typedef unsigned char byte; // unsigned 8 bits
typedef unsigned short ushort; // preferably 16 bits, but can be more
typedef unsigned int uint; // 32 bits or more
#define PRESENT_INT32 // undefine if signed 32 bits is not available
typedef unsigned int uint32; // 32 bits exactly
typedef signed int int32; // signed 32 bits exactly
// If compiler does not support 64 bit variables, we can define
// uint64 and int64 as 32 bit, but it will limit the maximum processed
// file size to 2 GB.
#if defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined(_MSC_VER)
typedef unsigned __int64 uint64; // unsigned 64 bits
typedef signed __int64 int64; // signed 64 bits
typedef unsigned long long uint64; // unsigned 64 bits
typedef signed long long int64; // signed 64 bits
#if defined(_WIN_32) || defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__sgi) || defined(_AIX) || defined(__sun) || defined(__hpux) || defined(_OSF_SOURCE)
typedef wchar_t wchar;
typedef ushort wchar;
// Get lowest 16 bits.
#define SHORT16(x) (sizeof(ushort)==2 ? (ushort)(x):((x)&0xffff))
// Get lowest 32 bits.
#define UINT32(x) (sizeof(uint32)==4 ? (uint32)(x):((x)&0xffffffff))
// Make 64 bit integer from two 32 bit.
#define INT32TO64(high,low) ((((uint64)(high))<<32)+((uint64)low))
// Special int64 value, large enough to be never found in real life.
// We use it in situations, when we need to indicate that parameter
// is not defined and probably should be calculated inside of function.
// Lower part is intentionally 0x7fffffff, not 0xffffffff, to make it
// compatible with 32 bit int64.
#define INT64NDF INT32TO64(0x7fffffff,0x7fffffff)
@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
#ifndef _RAR_VM_
#define _RAR_VM_
#ifndef SFX_MODULE
#define VM_MEMSIZE 0x40000
#define VM_GLOBALMEMADDR 0x3C000
#define VM_GLOBALMEMSIZE 0x2000
enum VM_Commands
enum VM_StandardFilters {
enum VM_Flags {VM_FC=1,VM_FZ=2,VM_FS=0x80000000};
struct VM_PreparedOperand
VM_OpType Type;
uint Data;
uint Base;
uint *Addr;
struct VM_PreparedCommand
VM_Commands OpCode;
bool ByteMode;
VM_PreparedOperand Op1,Op2;
struct VM_PreparedProgram
Array<VM_PreparedCommand> Cmd;
VM_PreparedCommand *AltCmd;
int CmdCount;
Array<byte> GlobalData;
Array<byte> StaticData; // static data contained in DB operators
uint InitR[7];
byte *FilteredData;
uint FilteredDataSize;
class RarVM:private BitInput
inline uint GetValue(bool ByteMode,uint *Addr);
inline void SetValue(bool ByteMode,uint *Addr,uint Value);
inline uint* GetOperand(VM_PreparedOperand *CmdOp);
void DecodeArg(VM_PreparedOperand &Op,bool ByteMode);
void Optimize(VM_PreparedProgram *Prg);
bool ExecuteCode(VM_PreparedCommand *PreparedCode,uint CodeSize);
VM_StandardFilters IsStandardFilter(byte *Code,uint CodeSize);
void ExecuteStandardFilter(VM_StandardFilters FilterType);
uint FilterItanium_GetBits(byte *Data,int BitPos,int BitCount);
void FilterItanium_SetBits(byte *Data,uint BitField,int BitPos,int BitCount);
byte *Mem;
uint R[8];
uint Flags;
void Init();
void Prepare(byte *Code,uint CodeSize,VM_PreparedProgram *Prg);
void Execute(VM_PreparedProgram *Prg);
void SetLowEndianValue(uint *Addr,uint Value);
void SetMemory(uint Pos,byte *Data,uint DataSize);
static uint ReadData(BitInput &Inp);
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
#ifndef _RAR_RAWREAD_
#define _RAR_RAWREAD_
class RawRead
Array<byte> Data;
File *SrcFile;
size_t DataSize;
size_t ReadPos;
#ifndef SHELL_EXT
CryptData *Crypt;
RawRead(File *SrcFile);
void Read(size_t Size);
void Read(byte *SrcData,size_t Size);
void Get(byte &Field);
void Get(ushort &Field);
void Get(uint &Field);
void Get8(int64 &Field);
void Get(byte *Field,size_t Size);
void Get(wchar *Field,size_t Size);
uint GetCRC(bool ProcessedOnly);
size_t Size() {return DataSize;}
size_t PaddedSize() {return Data.Size()-DataSize;}
#ifndef SHELL_EXT
void SetCrypt(CryptData *Crypt) {RawRead::Crypt=Crypt;}
@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
#ifndef _RAR_DATAIO_
#define _RAR_DATAIO_
class CmdAdd;
class Unpack;
class ComprDataIO
void ShowUnpRead(int64 ArcPos,int64 ArcSize);
void ShowUnpWrite();
bool UnpackFromMemory;
size_t UnpackFromMemorySize;
byte *UnpackFromMemoryAddr;
bool UnpackToMemory;
size_t UnpackToMemorySize;
byte *UnpackToMemoryAddr;
size_t UnpWrSize;
byte *UnpWrAddr;
int64 UnpPackedSize;
bool Progress;
bool TestMode;
bool SkipUnpCRC;
File *SrcFile;
File *DestFile;
CmdAdd *Command;
FileHeader *SubHead;
int64 *SubHeadPos;
#ifndef NOCRYPT
CryptData Crypt;
CryptData Decrypt;
int LastPercent;
char CurrentCommand;
virtual ~ComprDataIO() {}
void Init();
virtual int UnpRead(byte *Addr,size_t Count);
virtual void UnpWrite(byte *Addr,size_t Count);
void EnableShowProgress(bool Show) {Progress=Show;}
void GetUnpackedData(byte **Data,size_t *Size);
void SetPackedSizeToRead(int64 Size) {UnpPackedSize=Size;}
void SetTestMode(bool Mode) {TestMode=Mode;}
void SetSkipUnpCRC(bool Skip) {SkipUnpCRC=Skip;}
void SetFiles(File *SrcFile,File *DestFile);
void SetCommand(CmdAdd *Cmd) {Command=Cmd;}
void SetSubHeader(FileHeader *hd,int64 *Pos) {SubHead=hd;SubHeadPos=Pos;}
void SetEncryption(int Method,const char *Password,const byte *Salt,bool Encrypt,bool HandsOffHash);
void SetAV15Encryption();
void SetCmt13Encryption();
void SetUnpackToMemory(byte *Addr,uint Size);
void SetCurrentCommand(char Cmd) {CurrentCommand=Cmd;}
bool PackVolume;
bool UnpVolume;
bool NextVolumeMissing;
int64 TotalPackRead;
int64 UnpArcSize;
int64 CurPackRead,CurPackWrite,CurUnpRead,CurUnpWrite;
// Size of already processed archives.
// Used to calculate the total operation progress.
int64 ProcessedArcSize;
int64 TotalArcSize;
uint PackFileCRC,UnpFileCRC,PackedCRC;
int Encryption;
int Decryption;
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
#ifndef _RAR_RECVOL_
#define _RAR_RECVOL_
class RecVolumes
File *SrcFile[256];
Array<byte> Buf;
void Make(RAROptions *Cmd,char *ArcName,wchar *ArcNameW);
bool Restore(RAROptions *Cmd,const char *Name,const wchar *NameW,bool Silent);
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
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