/**************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2012 FIX94 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . ****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "ListGenerator.hpp" #include "cache.hpp" #include "channel/channels.h" #include "devicemounter/DeviceHandler.hpp" #include "fileOps/fileOps.h" #include "gui/coverflow.hpp" #include "gui/text.hpp" #include "loader/sys.h" ListGenerator m_cacheList;// needed by the static void functions since they are not part of ListGenerator class. dir_discHdr ListElement; Config CustomTitles; GameTDB gameTDB; Config romNamesDB; string platformName; string pluginsDataDir; std::regex fileNameSkipRegex; void ListGenerator::Init(const char *settingsDir, const char *Language, const char *plgnsDataDir, const std::string& fileNameSkipPattern) { if(settingsDir != NULL) { gameTDB_Path = fmt("%s/wiitdb.xml", settingsDir); CustomTitlesPath = fmt("%s/" CTITLES_FILENAME, settingsDir); } if(Language != NULL) gameTDB_Language = Language; if(plgnsDataDir != NULL) pluginsDataDir = fmt("%s", plgnsDataDir); fileNameSkipRegex = std::regex(fileNameSkipPattern, std::regex_constants::extended | std::regex_constants::icase); } void ListGenerator::Clear(void) { m_cacheList.clear(); vector().swap(m_cacheList); } void ListGenerator::OpenConfigs() { gameTDB.OpenFile(gameTDB_Path.c_str()); if(gameTDB.IsLoaded()) gameTDB.SetLanguageCode(gameTDB_Language.c_str()); CustomTitles.load(CustomTitlesPath.c_str()); CustomTitles.groupCustomTitles(); } void ListGenerator::CloseConfigs() { if(gameTDB.IsLoaded()) gameTDB.CloseFile(); if(CustomTitles.loaded()) CustomTitles.unload(); } /* static const u32 LIST_TMP_SIZE = 5000; dir_discHdr *tmpList = NULL; u32 tmpListPos = 0; static void AddToList(const dir_discHdr *element) { } */ /* used for adding wii games to the list */ static void AddISO(const char *GameID, const char *GameTitle, const char *GamePath, u32 GameColor, u8 Type) { memset((void*)&ListElement, 0, sizeof(dir_discHdr)); ListElement.index = m_cacheList.size(); if(GameID != NULL) strncpy(ListElement.id, GameID, 6); if(GamePath != NULL) strncpy(ListElement.path, GamePath, sizeof(ListElement.path) - 1); ListElement.casecolor = CustomTitles.getColor("COVERS", ListElement.id, GameColor).intVal(); char CustomTitle[64]; memset(CustomTitle, 0, sizeof(CustomTitle)); strncpy(CustomTitle, CustomTitles.getString("TITLES", ListElement.id).c_str(), 63); const char *gameTDB_Title = NULL; if(gameTDB.IsLoaded()) { if(ListElement.casecolor == GameColor) ListElement.casecolor = gameTDB.GetCaseColor(ListElement.id); ListElement.wifi = gameTDB.GetWifiPlayers(ListElement.id); ListElement.players = gameTDB.GetPlayers(ListElement.id); if(strlen(CustomTitle) == 0) gameTDB.GetTitle(ListElement.id, gameTDB_Title); } if(!ValidColor(ListElement.casecolor)) ListElement.casecolor = CoverFlow.InternalCoverColor(ListElement.id, GameColor); if(strlen(CustomTitle) > 0) mbstowcs(ListElement.title, CustomTitle, 63); else if(gameTDB_Title != NULL && gameTDB_Title[0] != '\0') mbstowcs(ListElement.title, gameTDB_Title, 63); else if(GameTitle != NULL) mbstowcs(ListElement.title, GameTitle, 63); Asciify(ListElement.title); ListElement.type = Type; m_cacheList.push_back(ListElement); } /* read wbfs partition to add wii games to the list */ static void Create_Wii_WBFS_List(wbfs_t *handle) { for(u32 i = 0; i < wbfs_count_discs(handle); i++) { memset((void*)&wii_hdr, 0, sizeof(discHdr)); s32 ret = wbfs_get_disc_info(handle, i, (u8*)&wii_hdr, sizeof(discHdr), NULL); if(ret == 0 && wii_hdr.magic == WII_MAGIC) AddISO((const char*)wii_hdr.id, (const char*)wii_hdr.title, NULL, 0xFFFFFF, TYPE_WII_GAME); } } /* add wii game iso(ntfs) or wbfs(fat) to the list. wbf1 and wbf2 are skipped and not added. */ static void Add_Wii_Game(char *FullPath) { FILE *fp = fopen(FullPath, "rb"); if(fp) { fseek(fp, strcasestr(FullPath, ".wbfs") != NULL ? 512 : 0, SEEK_SET); fread((void*)&wii_hdr, 1, sizeof(discHdr), fp); if(wii_hdr.magic == WII_MAGIC) AddISO((const char*)wii_hdr.id, (const char*)wii_hdr.title, FullPath, 0xFFFFFF, TYPE_WII_GAME); fclose(fp); } } /* add gamecube game to the list */ u8 gc_disc[1]; const char *FST_APPEND = "sys/boot.bin"; const u8 FST_APPEND_SIZE = strlen(FST_APPEND); static const u8 CISO_MAGIC[8] = {'C','I','S','O',0x00,0x00,0x20,0x00}; static void Add_GameCube_Game(char *FullPath) { u32 hdr_offset = 0x00; FILE *fp = fopen(FullPath, "rb"); if(!fp && strstr(FullPath, "/root") != NULL) //fst folder (extracted game) { *(strstr(FullPath, "/root") + 1) = '\0'; if(strlen(FullPath) + FST_APPEND_SIZE < MAX_MSG_SIZE) strcat(FullPath, FST_APPEND);// append "sys/boot.bin" to end of path fp = fopen(FullPath, "rb"); } if(fp) { fread((void*)&gc_hdr, 1, sizeof(gc_discHdr), fp); //check for CISO disc image and change offset to read the true header if(!memcmp((void*)&gc_hdr, CISO_MAGIC, sizeof(CISO_MAGIC))) { hdr_offset = 0x8000; fseek(fp, hdr_offset, SEEK_SET); fread((void*)&gc_hdr, 1, sizeof(gc_discHdr), fp); } if(gc_hdr.magic == GC_MAGIC) { /* Check for disc 2 */ fseek(fp, hdr_offset + 0x06, SEEK_SET); fread(gc_disc, 1, 1, fp); if(!gc_disc[0])// If not disc 2 add game iso AddISO((const char*)gc_hdr.id, (const char*)gc_hdr.title, FullPath, 0x000000, TYPE_GC_GAME); } fclose(fp); } } /* add homebrew boot.dol to the list */ static void Add_Homebrew_Dol(char *FullPath) { if(strcasestr(FullPath, "boot.") == NULL) return; memset((void*)&ListElement, 0, sizeof(dir_discHdr)); ListElement.index = m_cacheList.size(); *strrchr(FullPath, '/') = '\0'; strncpy(ListElement.path, FullPath, sizeof(ListElement.path) - 1); memcpy(ListElement.id, "HB_APP", 6); const char *FolderTitle = strrchr(FullPath, '/') + 1; ListElement.casecolor = CustomTitles.getColor("COVERS", FolderTitle, 0xFFFFFF).intVal(); const string &CustomTitle = CustomTitles.getString("TITLES", FolderTitle); if(CustomTitle.size() > 0) mbstowcs(ListElement.title, CustomTitle.c_str(), 63); else mbstowcs(ListElement.title, FolderTitle, 63); Asciify(ListElement.title); ListElement.type = TYPE_HOMEBREW; m_cacheList.push_back(ListElement); } /* create channel list from nand or emu nand */ Channel *chan = NULL; static void Create_Channel_List() { for(u32 i = 0; i < ChannelHandle.Count(); i++) { chan = ChannelHandle.GetChannel(i); if(chan->id == NULL) continue; // Skip invalid channels memset((void*)&ListElement, 0, sizeof(dir_discHdr)); ListElement.index = m_cacheList.size(); ListElement.settings[0] = TITLE_UPPER(chan->title); ListElement.settings[1] = TITLE_LOWER(chan->title); if(chan->title == HBC_108) memcpy(ListElement.id, "JODI", 4); else strncpy(ListElement.id, chan->id, 4); ListElement.casecolor = CustomTitles.getColor("COVERS", ListElement.id, 0xFFFFFF).intVal(); char CustomTitle[64]; memset(CustomTitle, 0, sizeof(CustomTitle)); strncpy(CustomTitle, CustomTitles.getString("TITLES", ListElement.id).c_str(), 63); const char *gameTDB_Title = NULL; if(gameTDB.IsLoaded()) { if(ListElement.casecolor == 0xFFFFFF) ListElement.casecolor = gameTDB.GetCaseColor(ListElement.id); ListElement.wifi = gameTDB.GetWifiPlayers(ListElement.id); ListElement.players = gameTDB.GetPlayers(ListElement.id); if(strlen(CustomTitle) == 0) gameTDB.GetTitle(ListElement.id, gameTDB_Title); } if(strlen(CustomTitle) > 0) mbstowcs(ListElement.title, CustomTitle, 63); else if(gameTDB_Title != NULL && gameTDB_Title[0] != '\0') mbstowcs(ListElement.title, gameTDB_Title, 63); else wcsncpy(ListElement.title, chan->name, 64); if(!NANDemuView) ListElement.type = TYPE_CHANNEL; else ListElement.type = TYPE_EMUCHANNEL; m_cacheList.push_back(ListElement); } } /* add plugin rom, song, or video to the list. */ static void Add_Plugin_Game(char *FullPath) { /* Get roms's title without the extra ()'s or []'s */ string ShortName = m_plugin.GetRomName(FullPath); //gprintf("Add_Plugin_Game: fullName=%s, shortName=%s\n", FullPath, ShortName.c_str()); /* only add disc 1 of multi disc games */ const char *RomFilename = strrchr(FullPath, '/') + 1; if (std::regex_search(std::string(FullPath), fileNameSkipRegex)) { //gprintf("Add_Plugin_Game: skipping '%s'\n", FullPath); return; } /* get rom's ID */ string romID = ""; if(gameTDB.IsLoaded()) { /* Get 6 character unique romID (from Screenscraper.fr) using shortName. if fails then use CRC or CD serial to get romID */ romID = m_plugin.GetRomId(FullPath, m_cacheList.Magic, romNamesDB, pluginsDataDir.c_str(), platformName.c_str(), ShortName.c_str()); } if(romID.empty()) romID = "PLUGIN"; //gprintf("romID=%s\n", romID.c_str()); /* add rom to list */ memset((void*)&ListElement, 0, sizeof(dir_discHdr)); strncpy(ListElement.path, FullPath, sizeof(ListElement.path) - 1); strncpy(ListElement.id, romID.c_str(), 6); /* Get titles - Rom filename, custom title, and database xml title */ *strrchr(RomFilename, '.') = '\0';// remove extension string customTitle = CustomTitles.getStringCustomTitles(m_plugin.PluginMagicWord, RomFilename, ""); const char *gameTDB_Title = NULL; if(gameTDB.IsLoaded() && customTitle.empty() && m_cacheList.usePluginDBTitles) gameTDB.GetTitle(ListElement.id, gameTDB_Title, true); /* set the roms title */ if(!customTitle.empty()) mbstowcs(ListElement.title, customTitle.c_str(), 63); else if(gameTDB_Title != NULL && gameTDB_Title[0] != '\0') mbstowcs(ListElement.title, gameTDB_Title, 63); else mbstowcs(ListElement.title, RomFilename, 63); Asciify(ListElement.title); ListElement.settings[0] = m_cacheList.Magic; //Plugin magic ListElement.casecolor = m_cacheList.Color; ListElement.type = TYPE_PLUGIN; m_cacheList.push_back(ListElement); } /* notes: "description" is used as the title because it basically is the title */ /* the [GameDomain] is used as the path even though it isn't the path */ /* the [GameDomain] is usually short without any '/' */ /* in scummvm.ini the path is the path without the exe or main app file added on */ void ListGenerator::ParseScummvmINI(Config &ini, const char *Device, const char *datadir, const char *platform, const string& DBName, bool UpdateCache) { Clear(); if(!DBName.empty()) { if(UpdateCache) fsop_deleteFile(DBName.c_str()); else { CCache(*this, DBName, LOAD); if(!this->empty()) return; fsop_deleteFile(DBName.c_str()); } } gprintf("Parsing scummvm.ini\n"); if(!ini.loaded()) return; Config m_crc; if(platform != NULL) m_crc.load(fmt("%s/%s/%s.ini", datadir, platform, platform)); const char *GameDomain = ini.firstDomain().c_str(); while(1) { if(strlen(GameDomain) < 2) break; char GameName[64]; memset(GameName, 0, sizeof(GameName)); strncpy(GameName, ini.getString(GameDomain, "description").c_str(), 63); if(strlen(GameName) < 2 || strncasecmp(Device, ini.getString(GameDomain, "path").c_str(), 2) != 0) { GameDomain = ini.nextDomain().c_str(); continue; } /* get shortName */ char *cp; if((cp = strstr(GameName, " (")) != NULL) *cp = '\0'; /* get Game ID */ string GameID = "PLUGIN"; // Get game ID based on GameName if(m_crc.loaded() && m_crc.has(platform, GameName)) { vector searchID = m_crc.getStrings(platform, GameName, '|'); if(!searchID[0].empty()) GameID = searchID[0]; } memset((void*)&ListElement, 0, sizeof(dir_discHdr)); memcpy(ListElement.id, GameID.c_str(), 6); mbstowcs(ListElement.title, GameName, 63); strcpy(ListElement.path, GameDomain); ListElement.settings[0] = m_cacheList.Magic; //scummvm magic ListElement.casecolor = m_cacheList.Color; ListElement.type = TYPE_PLUGIN; m_cacheList.push_back(ListElement); GameDomain = ini.nextDomain().c_str(); } m_crc.unload(); if(!this->empty() && !DBName.empty()) /* Write a new Cache */ CCache(*this, DBName, SAVE); } /* note: scummvm games are parsed above */ void ListGenerator::CreateRomList(Config &platform_cfg, const string& romsDir, const vector& FileTypes, const string& DBName, bool UpdateCache) { Clear(); if(!DBName.empty()) { if(UpdateCache) fsop_deleteFile(DBName.c_str()); else { CCache(*this, DBName, LOAD); if(!this->empty()) return; fsop_deleteFile(DBName.c_str()); } } platformName = ""; if(platform_cfg.loaded()) { /* Search platform.ini to find plugin magic to get platformName */ platformName = platform_cfg.getString("PLUGINS", m_plugin.PluginMagicWord); if(!platformName.empty()) { /* check COMBINED for platform names that mean the same system just different region */ /* some platforms have different names per country (ex. Genesis/Megadrive) */ /* but we use only one platform name for both */ string newName = platform_cfg.getString("COMBINED", platformName); if(newName.empty()) platform_cfg.remove("COMBINED", platformName); else platformName = newName; /* Load rom names and crc database */ romNamesDB.load(fmt("%s/%s/%s.ini", pluginsDataDir.c_str(), platformName.c_str(), platformName.c_str())); /* Load platform name.xml database to get game's info using the gameID */ gameTDB.OpenFile(fmt("%s/%s/%s.xml", pluginsDataDir.c_str(), platformName.c_str(), platformName.c_str())); if(gameTDB.IsLoaded()) gameTDB.SetLanguageCode(gameTDB_Language.c_str()); } } CustomTitles.load(CustomTitlesPath.c_str()); CustomTitles.groupCustomTitles(); GetFiles(romsDir.c_str(), FileTypes, Add_Plugin_Game, false, 30);//wow 30 subfolders! really? CloseConfigs(); romNamesDB.unload(); if(!this->empty() && !DBName.empty()) /* Write a new Cache */ CCache(*this, DBName, SAVE); } void ListGenerator::CreateList(u32 Flow, const string& Path, const vector& FileTypes, const string& DBName, bool UpdateCache) { Clear(); if(!DBName.empty()) { if(UpdateCache) fsop_deleteFile(DBName.c_str()); else { CCache(*this, DBName, LOAD); if(!this->empty()) return; fsop_deleteFile(DBName.c_str()); } } OpenConfigs(); u32 Device = DeviceHandle.PathToDriveType(Path.c_str()); if(Flow == COVERFLOW_WII) { if(DeviceHandle.GetFSType(Device) == PART_FS_WBFS) Create_Wii_WBFS_List(DeviceHandle.GetWbfsHandle(Device)); else GetFiles(Path.c_str(), FileTypes, Add_Wii_Game, false); } else if(Flow == COVERFLOW_CHANNEL) { ChannelHandle.Init(gameTDB_Language); Create_Channel_List(); } else if(DeviceHandle.GetFSType(Device) != PART_FS_WBFS) { if(Flow == COVERFLOW_GAMECUBE) GetFiles(Path.c_str(), FileTypes, Add_GameCube_Game, true);// true means to look for a folder (/root) else if(Flow == COVERFLOW_HOMEBREW) GetFiles(Path.c_str(), FileTypes, Add_Homebrew_Dol, false); } CloseConfigs(); if(!this->empty() && !DBName.empty()) /* Write a new Cache */ CCache(*this, DBName, SAVE); } static inline bool IsFileSupported(const char *File, const vector& FileTypes) { auto fileName = std::string(File); for (auto & fileType : FileTypes) { if (fileName.length() >= fileType.length() && std::equal(fileName.end() - fileType.length(), fileName.end(), fileType.begin(), [](const char & c1, const char & c2) { return (c1 == c2 || std::toupper(c1) == std::toupper(c2)); })) return true; } return false; } const char *NewFileName = NULL; char *FullPathChar = NULL; dirent *pent = NULL; DIR *pdir = NULL; void GetFiles(const char *Path, const vector& FileTypes, FileAdder AddFile, bool CompareFolders, u32 max_depth, u32 depth) { vector SubPaths; pdir = opendir(Path); if(pdir == NULL) return; while((pent = readdir(pdir)) != NULL) { if(pent->d_name[0] == '.') continue; FullPathChar = fmt("%s/%s", Path, pent->d_name); if(pent->d_type == DT_DIR) { if(CompareFolders && IsFileSupported(pent->d_name, FileTypes))//if root folder for extracted gc games { AddFile(FullPathChar); continue; } else if(depth < max_depth && strcmp(pent->d_name, "samples") != 0) //skip samples folder in mame roms folder SubPaths.push_back(FullPathChar); } else if(pent->d_type == DT_REG) { if(IsFileSupported(pent->d_name, FileTypes)) { AddFile(FullPathChar); continue; } } } closedir(pdir); for(vector::const_iterator p = SubPaths.begin(); p != SubPaths.end(); ++p) GetFiles(p->c_str(), FileTypes, AddFile, CompareFolders, max_depth, depth + 1); SubPaths.clear(); } /* create sourceflow list from current source_menu.ini */ void ListGenerator::createSFList(u8 maxBtns, Config &m_sourceMenuCfg, const string& sourceDir) { Clear(); char btn_selected[256]; for(u8 i = 0; i <= maxBtns; i++) { memset(btn_selected, 0, 256); strncpy(btn_selected, fmt("BUTTON_%i", i), 255); const char *source = m_sourceMenuCfg.getString(btn_selected, "source","").c_str(); if(source == NULL) continue; const char *path = fmt("%s/%s", sourceDir.c_str(), m_sourceMenuCfg.getString(btn_selected, "image", "").c_str()); memset((void*)&ListElement, 0, sizeof(dir_discHdr)); ListElement.index = m_cacheList.size(); memcpy(ListElement.id, "SOURCE", 6); strncpy(ListElement.path, path, sizeof(ListElement.path) - 1); ListElement.casecolor = 0xFFFFFF; ListElement.type = TYPE_SOURCE; ListElement.settings[0] = i; //const char *title = m_sourceMenuCfg.getString(btn_selected, "title", fmt("title_%i", i)).c_str(); char SourceTitle[64]; memset(SourceTitle, 0, sizeof(SourceTitle)); strncpy(SourceTitle, m_sourceMenuCfg.getString(btn_selected, "title", fmt("title_%i", i)).c_str(), 63); mbstowcs(ListElement.title, SourceTitle, 63); Asciify(ListElement.title); m_cacheList.push_back(ListElement); } }