#ifndef __TEXT_HPP #define __TEXT_HPP #include "safe_vector.hpp" #include #include "wstringEx.hpp" #include "FreeTypeGX.h" #include "video.hpp" #include "smartptr.hpp" struct SFont { SmartBuf data; size_t dataSize; SmartPtr font; u32 lineSpacing; u32 weight; u32 index; public: bool fromBuffer(const SmartBuf &buffer, u32 bufferSize, u32 size, u32 lspacing, u32 w = 0, u32 idx = 0, const char *genKey = NULL); bool fromFile(const char *filename, u32 size, u32 lspacing, u32 w = 0, u32 idx = 0); SFont(void) : data(SmartBuf(NULL, SmartBuf::SRCALL_MEM2)), dataSize(0), font(SmartPtr(new FreeTypeGX)), lineSpacing(0), weight(0), index(0) { } ~SFont(void) { } }; class CText { public: void setText(SFont font, const wstringEx &t); void setText(SFont font, const wstringEx &t, u32 startline); void setColor(const CColor &c); void setFrame(float width, u16 style, bool ignoreNewlines = false, bool instant = false); void tick(void); void draw(void); int getTotalHeight(); private: struct SWord { wstringEx text; Vector3D pos; Vector3D targetPos; }; private: typedef safe_vector CLine; safe_vector m_lines; SFont m_font; CColor m_color; u32 firstLine; u32 totalHeight; }; // Nothing to do with CText. Q&D helpers for string formating. enum { MAX_MSG_SIZE = 512, MAX_USES = 8 }; const char *fmt(const char *format, ...); std::string sfmt(const char *format, ...); wstringEx wfmt(const wstringEx &format, ...); bool checkFmt(const wstringEx &ref, const wstringEx &format); std::string vectorToString(const safe_vector &vect, std::string sep); wstringEx vectorToString(const safe_vector &vect, char sep); safe_vector stringToVector(const wstringEx &text, char sep); safe_vector stringToVector(const std::string &text, char sep); std::string upperCase(std::string text); std::string lowerCase(std::string text); std::string ltrim(std::string s); std::string rtrim(std::string s); void Asciify( wchar_t *str ); void Asciify2( char *str ); #endif // !defined(__TEXT_HPP)