#include "video.hpp" #include "menu/menu.hpp" #include "loader/disc.h" #include "loader/alt_ios.h" #include "loader/sys.h" #include "loader/wbfs.h" #include "text.hpp" #include #include #include "DeviceHandler.hpp" #include "homebrew.h" #include "gecko.h" #include "wifi_gecko.h" #include "cios.hpp" #include "nand.hpp" #include "defines.h" #include "svnrev.h" CMenu *mainMenu; extern "C" { extern void __exception_setreload(int t); void ShowError(const wstringEx &error) { mainMenu->error(error); } void HideWaitMessage() { mainMenu->_hideWaitMessage(); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { __exception_setreload(5); MEM1_init((void*)0x80003f00, (void*)0x80b00000); // Init video CVideo vid; vid.init(); geckoinit = InitGecko(); gprintf(" \nWelcome to %s (%s-r%s)!\nThis is the debug output.\n", APP_NAME, APP_VERSION, SVN_REV); MEM2_init(49); //Thats everything we can get anyways vid.waitMessage(0.2f); char *gameid = NULL; bool Emulator_boot = false; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (argv[i] != NULL && strcasestr(argv[i], "ios=") != NULL && strlen(argv[i]) > 4) { while(argv[i][0] && !isdigit(argv[i][0])) argv[i]++; if (atoi(argv[i]) < 254 && atoi(argv[i]) > 0) mainIOS = atoi(argv[i]); } else if (strlen(argv[i]) == 6) { gameid = argv[i]; for (int i=0; i < 5; i++) if (!isalnum(gameid[i])) gameid = NULL; } else if (argv[i] != NULL && strcasestr(argv[i], "EMULATOR_MAGIC") != NULL) Emulator_boot = true; } gprintf("Loading cIOS: %d\n", mainIOS); // Load Custom IOS bool iosOK = loadIOS(mainIOS, false); ISFS_Initialize(); u8 mainIOSBase = 0; iosOK = iosOK && cIOSInfo::D2X(mainIOS, &mainIOSBase); gprintf("Loaded cIOS: %u has base %u\n", mainIOS, mainIOSBase); Open_Inputs(); //init wiimote early // Init Sys_Init(); Sys_ExitTo(EXIT_TO_HBC); int ret = 0; do { bool deviceAvailable = false; u8 timeout = 0; while(!deviceAvailable && timeout++ != 20) { DeviceHandler::Instance()->MountAll(); sleep(1); for(u8 device = USB1; device <= USB8; device++) { if(DeviceHandler::Instance()->IsInserted(device)) deviceAvailable = true; } } if(DeviceHandler::Instance()->IsInserted(SD)) deviceAvailable = true; if(!deviceAvailable) Sys_Exit(); bool dipOK = Disc_Init() >= 0; CMenu menu(vid); menu.init(); mainMenu = &menu; if (!iosOK) { menu.error(sfmt("d2x cIOS %i rev6 or later is required", mainIOS)); break; } else if (!dipOK) { menu.error(L"Could not initialize the DIP module!"); break; } else { if (gameid != NULL && strlen(gameid) == 6) menu._directlaunch(gameid); else { if(Emulator_boot) menu.m_Emulator_boot = true; ret = menu.main(); } } Open_Inputs(); //reinit wiimote } while (ret == 1); WifiGecko_Close(); Nand::Instance()->Disable_Emu(); Nand::DestroyInstance(); Sys_Exit(); return 0; };