#include #include #include "menu.hpp" #include "defines.h" // Source menu s16 m_sourceLblNotice; s16 m_sourceLblPage; s16 m_sourceBtnPageM; s16 m_sourceBtnPageP; s16 m_sourceBtnBack; s16 m_sourceBtnClear; s16 m_sourceLblTitle; s16 m_sourceBtnSource[12]; s16 m_sourceLblUser[4]; TexData m_sourceBg; string source, themeName; bool exitSource = false; u8 sourceBtn; u8 selectedBtns; static u8 i, j, k; int curPage; int numPages; vector magicNums; char btn_selected[16]; char current_btn[16]; void CMenu::_sourceFlow() { const dir_discHdr *hdr = CoverFlow.getHdr(); if(m_cfg.getBool("SOURCEFLOW", "remember_last_item", true)) m_cfg.setString("SOURCEFLOW", "current_item", strrchr(hdr->path, '/') + 1); else m_cfg.remove("SOURCEFLOW", "current_item"); memset(btn_selected, 0, 16); strncpy(btn_selected, fmt("BUTTON_%i", hdr->settings[0]), 15); source = m_source.getString(btn_selected, "source", ""); cf_domain = "_COVERFLOW"; _clearSources();// may have to move this /*if(source == "wii") { m_cfg.setBool(WII_DOMAIN, "source", true); if(sf_mode == 0) { m_current_view = COVERFLOW_WII; m_catStartPage = m_source.getInt(btn_selected, "cat_page", 1); } }*/ if(source == "wii") { m_current_view = COVERFLOW_WII; m_cfg.setBool(WII_DOMAIN, "source", true); } else if(source == "dml") { m_current_view = COVERFLOW_GAMECUBE; m_cfg.setBool(GC_DOMAIN, "source", true); } else if(source == "emunand") { m_current_view = COVERFLOW_CHANNEL; m_cfg.setBool(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "source", true); m_cfg.setBool(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "emu_nand", true); m_cfg.setBool(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "real_nand", false); } else if(source == "realnand") { m_current_view = COVERFLOW_CHANNEL; m_cfg.setBool(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "source", true); m_cfg.setBool(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "real_nand", true); m_cfg.setBool(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "emu_nand", false); } else if(source == "homebrew") { m_current_view = COVERFLOW_HOMEBREW; m_cfg.setBool(HOMEBREW_DOMAIN, "source", true); if(m_cfg.getBool(HOMEBREW_DOMAIN, "smallbox", true)) cf_domain = "_SMALLFLOW"; } else if(source == "allplugins") { m_current_view = COVERFLOW_PLUGIN; m_cfg.setBool(PLUGIN_DOMAIN, "source", true); for(k = 0; k < m_numPlugins; ++k) m_plugin.SetEnablePlugin(m_cfg, k, 2); /* force enable */ } else if(source == "plugin") { magicNums.clear(); magicNums = m_source.getStrings(btn_selected, "magic", ','); if(magicNums.size() > 0 ) { m_current_view = COVERFLOW_PLUGIN; m_cfg.setBool(PLUGIN_DOMAIN, "source", true); for(k = 0; k < m_numPlugins; ++k) m_plugin.SetEnablePlugin(m_cfg, k, 1); /* force disable */ for(vector::iterator itr = magicNums.begin(); itr != magicNums.end(); itr++) { s8 exist = m_plugin.GetPluginPosition(strtoul(itr->c_str(), NULL, 16)); if(exist >= 0) m_plugin.SetEnablePlugin(m_cfg, exist, 2); } } } m_sourceflow = false;// do something with this when in muilti //no autoboot if multi mode. may have to make sure autoboot plugins are hidden from flow when multi is on. _setSrcOptions(); } void CMenu::_hideSource(bool instant) { m_btnMgr.hide(m_sourceLblTitle, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_sourceLblNotice, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_sourceLblPage, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_sourceBtnPageM, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_sourceBtnPageP, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_sourceBtnBack, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_sourceBtnClear, instant); for(i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(m_sourceLblUser); ++i) { if(m_sourceLblUser[i] != -1) m_btnMgr.hide(m_sourceLblUser[i], instant); } for(i = 0; i < 12; ++i) { m_btnMgr.hide(m_sourceBtnSource[i], instant); m_btnMgr.freeBtnTexture(m_sourceBtnSource[i]); } } void CMenu::_showSource(void) { _setBg(m_sourceBg, m_sourceBg); for(i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(m_sourceLblUser); ++i) { if(m_sourceLblUser[i] != -1) m_btnMgr.show(m_sourceLblUser[i]); } m_btnMgr.show(m_sourceLblTitle); m_btnMgr.show(m_sourceBtnBack); if(m_multisource) m_btnMgr.show(m_sourceBtnClear); } void CMenu::_updateSourceBtns(void) { if(numPages > 1) { m_btnMgr.setText(m_sourceLblPage, wfmt(L"%i / %i", curPage, numPages)); m_btnMgr.show(m_sourceLblPage); m_btnMgr.show(m_sourceBtnPageM); m_btnMgr.show(m_sourceBtnPageP); } j = (curPage - 1) * 12; sourceBtn = 0; selectedBtns = 0; for(i = 0; i < ((numPages - 1) * 12 + 12); ++i) { //if(i < 12) // m_btnMgr.hide(m_sourceBtnSource[i], true); memset(current_btn, 0, 16); strncpy(current_btn, fmt("BUTTON_%i", i), 15); string btnSource = m_source.getString(current_btn, "source", ""); const char *btn_image = m_source.getString(current_btn,"image", "").c_str(); const char *btn_imageSel = m_source.getString(current_btn,"image_s", "").c_str(); if(btnSource == "") continue; if(m_multisource) { if(btnSource == "allplugins") { const vector &EnabledPlugins = m_plugin.GetEnabledPlugins(m_cfg, &enabledPluginsCount); if(EnabledPlugins.size() == 0)//all plugns enabled { sourceBtn = i; selectedBtns++; btn_image = btn_imageSel; } } else if(btnSource == "plugin") { magicNums.clear(); magicNums = m_source.getStrings(current_btn, "magic", ','); u32 magic = strtoul(magicNums.at(0).c_str(), NULL, 16); if(m_plugin.GetEnableStatus(m_cfg, magic)) { m_cfg.setBool(PLUGIN_DOMAIN, "source", true); sourceBtn = i; selectedBtns++; btn_image = btn_imageSel; } } else if((btnSource == "realnand" && m_cfg.getBool(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "real_nand", false)) || (btnSource == "emunand" && m_cfg.getBool(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "emu_nand", false))) { m_cfg.setBool(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "source", true); sourceBtn = i; selectedBtns++; btn_image = btn_imageSel; } else if(btnSource == "dml" || btnSource == "homebrew" || btnSource == "wii") { string domain = (btnSource == "dml" ? GC_DOMAIN : (btnSource == "homebrew" ? HOMEBREW_DOMAIN : WII_DOMAIN)); if(m_cfg.getBool(domain, "source", false)) { sourceBtn = i; selectedBtns++; btn_image = btn_imageSel; } } } if(i >= j && i < (j + 12)) { TexData texConsoleImg; TexData texConsoleImgs; if(TexHandle.fromImageFile(texConsoleImg, fmt("%s/%s/%s", m_sourceDir.c_str(), themeName.c_str(), btn_image)) != TE_OK) { if(TexHandle.fromImageFile(texConsoleImg, fmt("%s/%s", m_sourceDir.c_str(), btn_image)) != TE_OK) TexHandle.fromImageFile(texConsoleImg, fmt("%s/favoriteson.png", m_imgsDir.c_str())); } if(TexHandle.fromImageFile(texConsoleImgs, fmt("%s/%s/%s", m_sourceDir.c_str(), themeName.c_str(), btn_image)) != TE_OK) { if(TexHandle.fromImageFile(texConsoleImgs, fmt("%s/%s", m_sourceDir.c_str(), btn_image)) != TE_OK) TexHandle.fromImageFile(texConsoleImgs, fmt("%s/favoritesons.png", m_imgsDir.c_str())); } m_btnMgr.setBtnTexture(m_sourceBtnSource[i - j], texConsoleImg, texConsoleImgs); m_btnMgr.show(m_sourceBtnSource[i - j]); } } } void CMenu::_showSourceNotice(void) { m_showtimer = 90; m_btnMgr.show(m_sourceLblNotice); exitSource = false; } bool CMenu::_Source() { bool newSource = false; bool updateSource = false; exitSource = false; m_showtimer = 0; curPage = 1; numPages = 1; SetupInput(); _showSource(); //set number of pages based on highest source btn number used for(i = m_cfg.getInt("GENERAL", "max_source_buttons", 71); i > 11; --i) { string source = m_source.getString(fmt("BUTTON_%i", i), "source", ""); if(!source.empty()) { numPages = (i / 12) + 1; break; } } _updateSourceBtns(); while(!m_exit) { updateSource = false; _mainLoopCommon(); if(BTN_HOME_PRESSED) { _hideSource(); _CfgSrc(); if(m_cfg.getBool("SOURCEFLOW", "enabled")) return true; if(m_multisource) newSource = true; _showSource(); _updateSourceBtns(); } if((BTN_A_PRESSED && m_btnMgr.selected(m_sourceBtnBack)) || BTN_B_PRESSED) { if(!m_multisource) break; cf_domain = "_COVERFLOW"; m_combined_view = false; if(selectedBtns == 0) { m_cfg.setBool(WII_DOMAIN, "source", true); m_current_view = COVERFLOW_WII; break; } if(selectedBtns == 1) { memset(btn_selected, 0, 16); strncpy(btn_selected, fmt("BUTTON_%i", sourceBtn), 15); _setSrcOptions(); //break; } u8 sourceCount = 0; if(m_cfg.getBool(WII_DOMAIN, "source", false)) { sourceCount++; m_current_view = COVERFLOW_WII; } if(m_cfg.getBool(GC_DOMAIN, "source", false)) { sourceCount++; m_current_view = COVERFLOW_GAMECUBE; } if(m_cfg.getBool(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "source", false)) { sourceCount++; m_current_view = COVERFLOW_CHANNEL; } if(m_cfg.getBool(HOMEBREW_DOMAIN, "source", false)) { sourceCount++; m_current_view = COVERFLOW_HOMEBREW; } if(m_cfg.getBool(PLUGIN_DOMAIN, "source", false)) { sourceCount++; m_current_view = COVERFLOW_PLUGIN; } if(sourceCount > 1) { m_combined_view = true; m_current_view = COVERFLOW_MAX; } break; } else if(BTN_UP_PRESSED) m_btnMgr.up(); else if(BTN_DOWN_PRESSED) m_btnMgr.down(); else if(((BTN_LEFT_PRESSED || BTN_MINUS_PRESSED) && numPages > 1) || (BTN_A_PRESSED && m_btnMgr.selected(m_sourceBtnPageM))) { curPage--; if(curPage < 1) curPage = numPages; if(!BTN_A_PRESSED) m_btnMgr.click(m_sourceBtnPageM); _updateSourceBtns(); } else if(((BTN_RIGHT_PRESSED || BTN_PLUS_PRESSED) && numPages > 1) || (BTN_A_PRESSED && m_btnMgr.selected(m_sourceBtnPageP))) { curPage++; if(curPage > numPages) curPage = 1; if(!BTN_A_PRESSED) m_btnMgr.click(m_sourceBtnPageP); _updateSourceBtns(); } else if(BTN_A_PRESSED && m_btnMgr.selected(m_sourceBtnClear)) { _clearSources(); for(u8 j = 0; m_plugin.PluginExist(j); j++) m_plugin.SetEnablePlugin(m_cfg, j, 1); m_cfg.setBool(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "emu_nand", false); m_cfg.setBool(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "real_nand", false); updateSource = true; } else if(BTN_A_PRESSED) { j = (curPage - 1) * 12; for(i = 0; i < 12; ++i) { if(m_btnMgr.selected(m_sourceBtnSource[i])) { memset(btn_selected, 0, 16); strncpy(btn_selected, fmt("BUTTON_%i", i + j), 15); source = m_source.getString(btn_selected, "source", ""); break; } } if(!m_multisource && i <12) { _clearSources(); exitSource = true; m_catStartPage = 1; if(source == "dml") { if(!show_gamecube) _showSourceNotice(); else { m_cfg.setBool(GC_DOMAIN, "source", true); m_current_view = COVERFLOW_GAMECUBE; _setSrcOptions(); } } else if(source == "emunand" || source == "realnand") { if(!show_channel) _showSourceNotice(); else { if(source == "emunand") { m_current_view = COVERFLOW_CHANNEL; m_cfg.setBool(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "source", true); m_cfg.setBool(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "emu_nand", true); m_cfg.setBool(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "real_nand", false); } else { m_current_view = COVERFLOW_CHANNEL; m_cfg.setBool(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "source", true); m_cfg.setBool(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "emu_nand", false); m_cfg.setBool(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "real_nand", true); } m_current_view = COVERFLOW_CHANNEL; _setSrcOptions(); } } else if(source == "homebrew") { if(!show_homebrew) _showSourceNotice(); else { m_cfg.setBool(HOMEBREW_DOMAIN, "source", true); m_current_view = COVERFLOW_HOMEBREW; _setSrcOptions(); } } else if(source == "allplugins") { if(!show_plugin) _showSourceNotice(); else { m_cfg.setBool(PLUGIN_DOMAIN, "source", true); m_current_view = COVERFLOW_PLUGIN; for(k = 0; k < m_numPlugins; ++k) m_plugin.SetEnablePlugin(m_cfg, k, 2); /* force enable */ _setSrcOptions(); } } else if(source == "plugin") { if(!show_plugin) _showSourceNotice(); else { m_cfg.setBool(PLUGIN_DOMAIN, "source", true); m_current_view = COVERFLOW_PLUGIN; _setSrcOptions(); for(k = 0; k < m_numPlugins; ++k) m_plugin.SetEnablePlugin(m_cfg, k, 1); /* force disable */ magicNums.clear(); magicNums = m_source.getStrings(btn_selected, "magic", ','); if(magicNums.size() > 0) { for(vector::iterator itr = magicNums.begin(); itr != magicNums.end(); itr++) { s8 exist = m_plugin.GetPluginPosition(strtoul(itr->c_str(), NULL, 16));// make sure magic# is valid if(exist >= 0) m_plugin.SetEnablePlugin(m_cfg, exist, 2); } } m_plugin.GetEnabledPlugins(m_cfg, &enabledPluginsCount); if(enabledPluginsCount == 0) // zero magic #'s or invalid ones so default to first plugin in list m_plugin.SetEnablePlugin(m_cfg, 0, 2); } } else //if(source == "wii") or source is invalid or empty default to wii { m_cfg.setBool(WII_DOMAIN, "source", true); m_current_view = COVERFLOW_WII; _setSrcOptions(); } } if(m_multisource && i < 12) /* m_multisource */ { updateSource = true; if(source == "wii") { m_cfg.setBool(WII_DOMAIN, "source", !m_cfg.getBool(WII_DOMAIN, "source")); } else if(source == "dml") { if(show_gamecube) m_cfg.setBool(GC_DOMAIN, "source", !m_cfg.getBool(GC_DOMAIN, "source")); } else if(source == "emunand" || source == "realnand") { if(show_channel) { if(source == "realnand") m_cfg.setBool(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "real_nand", !m_cfg.getBool(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "real_nand")); else m_cfg.setBool(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "emu_nand", !m_cfg.getBool(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "emu_nand")); if(m_cfg.getBool(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "emu_nand") || m_cfg.getBool(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "real_nand")) m_cfg.setBool(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "source", true); else m_cfg.setBool(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "source", false); } } else if(source == "homebrew") { if(show_homebrew) m_cfg.setBool(HOMEBREW_DOMAIN, "source", !m_cfg.getBool(HOMEBREW_DOMAIN, "source")); } else if(source == "allplugins") { if(show_plugin) { m_plugin.GetEnabledPlugins(m_cfg, &enabledPluginsCount); for(j = 0; m_plugin.PluginExist(j); ++j) /* opposite */ m_plugin.SetEnablePlugin(m_cfg, j, (enabledPluginsCount == 0) ? 2 : 1); m_cfg.setBool(PLUGIN_DOMAIN, "source", (enabledPluginsCount == 0) ? true : false); } } else if(source == "plugin") { if(show_plugin) { magicNums.clear(); magicNums = m_source.getStrings(btn_selected, "magic", ','); if(!magicNums.empty()) { for(vector::iterator itr = magicNums.begin(); itr != magicNums.end(); itr++) { s8 exist = m_plugin.GetPluginPosition(strtoul(itr->c_str(), NULL, 16)); if(exist >= 0) { bool enabled = m_plugin.GetEnableStatus(m_cfg, strtoul(itr->c_str(), NULL, 16)); m_plugin.SetEnablePlugin(m_cfg, exist, enabled ? 1 : 2); //break; } } } m_plugin.GetEnabledPlugins(m_cfg, &enabledPluginsCount); m_cfg.setBool(PLUGIN_DOMAIN, "source", enabledPluginsCount > 0 ? true : false); } } } } if(exitSource) { m_combined_view = false; newSource = true; break; } if(updateSource) { newSource = true; _updateSourceBtns(); } if(m_showtimer > 0) { if(--m_showtimer == 0) m_btnMgr.hide(m_sourceLblNotice); } } _hideSource(true); return newSource; } //letters in lower case only static const char sideCovers[4][9] = { "534e5854", //Snes9X-Next "534e4553", //SNES9xGX "4e4f3634", //Not64 "57493634" //Wii64 }; static const char shortCovers[12][9] = { "474d4254", //Gambatte "474d4264", //Gambatte GB "474d4274", //Gambatte GBC "56425854", //VBA-Next "56424158", //VbaGX "56424168", //VbaGX GB "56424178", //VbaGX GBC "56424188", //VbaGX GBA "4d45445e", //WiiMednafen GB "4d45446e", //WiiMednafen GBC "4d45447e", //WiiMednafen GBA "57495358" //WiiSX - playstation }; bool CMenu::_sideCover(const char *magic) { if(magic == NULL) return false; for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if(memcmp(magic, sideCovers[i], 9) == 0) return true; } return false; } bool CMenu::_shortCover(const char *magic) { if(magic == NULL) return false; for(i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if(memcmp(magic, shortCovers[i], 9) == 0) return true; } return false; } void CMenu::_setSrcOptions(void) { m_catStartPage = m_source.getInt(btn_selected, "cat_page", 1); int category = m_source.getInt(btn_selected, "category", 0); if(category > 0) { m_cat.remove("GENERAL", "selected_categories"); m_cat.remove("GENERAL", "required_categories"); char cCh = static_cast(category + 32); string newSelCats(1, cCh); m_cat.setString("GENERAL", "selected_categories", newSelCats); m_clearCats = false; } if(m_multisource) return; /* autoboot */ const char *autoboot = m_source.getString(btn_selected, "autoboot", "").c_str(); if(autoboot != NULL && autoboot[0] != '\0') { m_source_autoboot = true; memset(&m_autoboot_hdr, 0, sizeof(dir_discHdr)); if(source == "emunand" || source == "realnand") { if(source == "realnand") m_autoboot_hdr.type = TYPE_CHANNEL; else m_autoboot_hdr.type = TYPE_EMUCHANNEL; memcpy(m_autoboot_hdr.id, autoboot, 4); } else if(source == "wii") { m_autoboot_hdr.type = TYPE_WII_GAME; memcpy(m_autoboot_hdr.id, autoboot, 6); } else if(source == "dml") { m_autoboot_hdr.type = TYPE_GC_GAME; memcpy(m_autoboot_hdr.id, autoboot, 6); } else if(source == "homebrew") { m_autoboot_hdr.type = TYPE_HOMEBREW; mbstowcs(m_autoboot_hdr.title, autoboot, 63); } else if(source == "plugin") { m_autoboot_hdr.type = TYPE_PLUGIN; mbstowcs(m_autoboot_hdr.title, autoboot, 63); } else m_source_autoboot = false; } } void CMenu::_clearSources(void) { m_cfg.setBool(WII_DOMAIN, "source", false); m_cfg.setBool(GC_DOMAIN, "source", false); m_cfg.setBool(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "source", false); m_cfg.setBool(HOMEBREW_DOMAIN, "source", false); m_cfg.setBool(PLUGIN_DOMAIN, "source", false); } void CMenu::_initSourceMenu() { m_use_source = false; themeName = m_cfg.getString("GENERAL", "theme", "default"); if(!m_source.load(fmt("%s/%s/%s", m_sourceDir.c_str(), themeName.c_str(), SOURCE_FILENAME))) { if(!m_source.load(fmt("%s/%s", m_sourceDir.c_str(), SOURCE_FILENAME))) return; } else m_sourceDir = fmt("%s/%s", m_sourceDir.c_str(), themeName.c_str()); m_use_source = true; _addUserLabels(m_sourceLblUser, ARRAY_SIZE(m_sourceLblUser), "SOURCE"); m_sourceBg = _texture("SOURCE/BG", "texture", theme.bg, false); m_sourceLblTitle = _addTitle("SOURCE/TITLE", theme.titleFont, L"", 0, 10, 640, 60, theme.titleFontColor, FTGX_JUSTIFY_CENTER | FTGX_ALIGN_MIDDLE); m_sourceLblNotice = _addLabel("SOURCE/NOTICE", theme.btnFont, L"", 20, 400, 600, 56, theme.btnFontColor, FTGX_JUSTIFY_CENTER | FTGX_ALIGN_TOP); m_sourceLblPage = _addLabel("SOURCE/PAGE_BTN", theme.btnFont, L"", 68, 400, 104, 48, theme.btnFontColor, FTGX_JUSTIFY_CENTER | FTGX_ALIGN_MIDDLE, theme.btnTexC); m_sourceBtnPageM = _addPicButton("SOURCE/PAGE_MINUS", theme.btnTexMinus, theme.btnTexMinusS, 20, 400, 48, 48); m_sourceBtnPageP = _addPicButton("SOURCE/PAGE_PLUS", theme.btnTexPlus, theme.btnTexPlusS, 172, 400, 48, 48); m_sourceBtnBack = _addButton("SOURCE/BACK_BTN", theme.btnFont, L"", 420, 400, 200, 48, theme.btnFontColor); m_sourceBtnClear = _addButton("SOURCE/ALL_BTN", theme.btnFont, L"", 270, 400, 100, 48, theme.btnFontColor); int row; int col; string ImgName; for(i = 0; i < 12; ++i) { TexData texConsoleImg; TexData texConsoleImgs; ImgName = m_source.getString(fmt("BUTTON_%i", i),"image", ""); if(TexHandle.fromImageFile(texConsoleImg, fmt("%s/%s", m_themeDataDir.c_str(), ImgName.c_str())) != TE_OK) { if(TexHandle.fromImageFile(texConsoleImg, fmt("%s/%s", m_sourceDir.c_str(), ImgName.c_str())) != TE_OK) TexHandle.fromImageFile(texConsoleImg, fmt("%s/favoriteson.png", m_imgsDir.c_str())); } ImgName = m_source.getString(fmt("BUTTON_%i", i),"image_s", ""); if(TexHandle.fromImageFile(texConsoleImgs, fmt("%s/%s", m_themeDataDir.c_str(), ImgName.c_str())) != TE_OK) { if(TexHandle.fromImageFile(texConsoleImgs, fmt("%s/%s", m_sourceDir.c_str(), ImgName.c_str())) != TE_OK) TexHandle.fromImageFile(texConsoleImgs, fmt("%s/favoritesons.png", m_imgsDir.c_str())); } row = i / 4; col = i - (row * 4); m_sourceBtnSource[i] = _addPicButton(fmt("SOURCE/SOURCE_BTN_%i", i), texConsoleImg, texConsoleImgs, (100 + 120 * col), (90 + 100 * row), 80, 80); _setHideAnim(m_sourceBtnSource[i], fmt("SOURCE/SOURCE_BTN_%i", i), 0, 0, -2.f, 0.f); } _setHideAnim(m_sourceLblTitle, "SOURCE/TITLE", 0, 0, -2.f, 0.f); _setHideAnim(m_sourceLblNotice, "SOURCE/NOTICE", 0, 0, 1.f, 0.f); _setHideAnim(m_sourceLblPage, "SOURCE/PAGE_BTN", 0, 0, 1.f, -1.f); _setHideAnim(m_sourceBtnPageM, "SOURCE/PAGE_MINUS", 0, 0, 1.f, -1.f); _setHideAnim(m_sourceBtnPageP, "SOURCE/PAGE_PLUS", 0, 0, 1.f, -1.f); _setHideAnim(m_sourceBtnBack, "SOURCE/BACK_BTN", 0, 0, 1.f, -1.f); _setHideAnim(m_sourceBtnClear, "SOURCE/ALL_BTN", 0, 0, 1.f, -1.f); _textSource(); _hideSource(true); } void CMenu::_textSource(void) { m_btnMgr.setText(m_sourceLblTitle, _t("stup1", L"Select Source")); m_btnMgr.setText(m_sourceLblNotice, _t("stup2", L"** DISABLED **")); m_btnMgr.setText(m_sourceBtnBack, _t("cfg10", L"Back")); m_btnMgr.setText(m_sourceBtnClear, _t("cat2", L"Clear")); }