/**************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2010 * by Dimok * modified for Debugging, GPT, WBFS, and EXT by Miigotu * * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied * warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any * damages arising from the use of this software. * * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any * purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and * redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: * * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you * must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use * this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product * documentation would be appreciated but is not required. * * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and * must not be misrepresented as being the original software. * * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source * distribution. * * By Dimok for WiiXplorer 2010 * By Miigotu for WiiFlow 2010 ***************************************************************************/ #include <gccore.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <malloc.h> #include "PartitionHandle.h" #include "utils.h" #include "ntfs.h" #include "fat.h" #include "ext2.h" #include "wbfs.h" #include <sdcard/gcsd.h> #define PARTITION_TYPE_DOS33_EXTENDED 0x05 /* DOS 3.3+ extended partition */ #define PARTITION_TYPE_WIN95_EXTENDED 0x0F /* Windows 95 extended partition */ #define PARTITION_TYPE_GPT_TABLE 0xEE /* New Standard */ #define CACHE 8 #define SECTORS 64 extern const DISC_INTERFACE __io_sdhc; extern u32 sector_size; static inline const char * PartFromType(int type) { switch (type) { case 0x00: return "Unused"; //Or WBFS case 0x01: return "FAT12"; case 0x04: return "FAT16"; case 0x05: return "Extended"; case 0x06: return "FAT16"; case 0x07: return "NTFS"; case 0x0b: return "FAT32"; case 0x0c: return "FAT32"; case 0x0e: return "FAT16"; case 0x0f: return "Extended"; case 0x82: return "LxSWP"; case 0x83: return "LINUX"; case 0x8e: return "LxLVM"; case 0xa8: return "OSX"; case 0xab: return "OSXBT"; case 0xaf: return "OSXHF"; case 0xe8: return "LUKS"; case 0xee: return "GPT"; default: return "Unknown"; } } PartitionHandle::PartitionHandle(const DISC_INTERFACE *discio) { interface = discio; // Sanity check if(!interface) return; // Start the device and check that it is inserted if(!interface->startup()) return; if(!interface->isInserted()) return; FindPartitions(); } PartitionHandle::~PartitionHandle() { UnMountAll(); //shutdown device interface->shutdown(); } bool PartitionHandle::IsMounted(int pos) { if(pos < 0 || pos >= (int) MountNameList.size()) return false; if(MountNameList[pos].size() == 0) return false; return true; } bool PartitionHandle::Mount(int pos, const char * name) { if(!valid(pos)) return false; if(!name) return false; UnMount(pos); if(pos >= (int) MountNameList.size()) MountNameList.resize(GetPartitionCount()); MountNameList[pos] = name; SetWbfsHandle(pos, NULL); if(strncmp(GetFSName(pos), "FAT", 3) == 0) { if(fatMount(MountNameList[pos].c_str(), interface, GetLBAStart(pos), CACHE, SECTORS)) return true; } else if(strncmp(GetFSName(pos), "NTFS", 4) == 0) { if(ntfsMount(MountNameList[pos].c_str(), interface, GetLBAStart(pos), CACHE, SECTORS, NTFS_SU | NTFS_RECOVER | NTFS_IGNORE_CASE)) return true; } else if(strncmp(GetFSName(pos), "LINUX", 5) == 0) { if(ext2Mount(MountNameList[pos].c_str(), interface, GetLBAStart(pos), CACHE, SECTORS, EXT2_FLAG_DEFAULT)) return true; } else if(strncmp(GetFSName(pos), "WBFS", 4) == 0) { if (interface == &__io_usbstorage) SetWbfsHandle(pos, wbfs_open_partition(__WBFS_ReadUSB, __WBFS_WriteUSB, NULL, sector_size, GetSecCount(pos), GetLBAStart(pos), 0)); else if (interface == &__io_sdhc) SetWbfsHandle(pos, wbfs_open_partition(__WBFS_ReadSDHC, __WBFS_WriteSDHC, NULL, sector_size, GetSecCount(pos), GetLBAStart(pos), 0)); if(GetWbfsHandle(pos)) return true; } MountNameList[pos].clear(); return false; } void PartitionHandle::UnMount(int pos) { if(!interface) return; if(pos >= (int) MountNameList.size()) return; if(MountNameList[pos].size() == 0) return; char DeviceName[20]; snprintf(DeviceName, sizeof(DeviceName), "%s:", MountNameList[pos].c_str()); wbfs_t* wbfshandle = GetWbfsHandle(pos); if(wbfshandle) wbfs_close(wbfshandle); SetWbfsHandle(pos, NULL); WBFS_Close(); fatUnmount(DeviceName); ntfsUnmount(DeviceName, true); ext2Unmount(DeviceName); //Remove mount name from the list MountNameList[pos].clear(); } int PartitionHandle::FindPartitions() { MASTER_BOOT_RECORD mbr; // Read the first sector on the device if(!interface->readSectors(0, 1, &mbr)) return 0; // Check if it's a RAW disc, without a partition table if(CheckRAW((VOLUME_BOOT_RECORD *)&mbr)) return 1; // Verify this is the device's master boot record if(mbr.signature != MBR_SIGNATURE) return 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { PARTITION_RECORD * partition = (PARTITION_RECORD *) &mbr.partitions[i]; VOLUME_BOOT_RECORD vbr; if (le32(partition->lba_start) == 0) continue; // Invalid partition if(!interface->readSectors(le32(partition->lba_start), 1, &vbr)) continue; // Check if the partition is WBFS bool isWBFS = memcmp((u8 *)&vbr, WBFS_SIGNATURE, sizeof(WBFS_SIGNATURE)) == 0; if(!isWBFS && i == 0 && partition->type == PARTITION_TYPE_GPT_TABLE) return CheckGPT() ? PartitionList.size() : 0; if(!isWBFS && vbr.Signature != VBR_SIGNATURE && partition->type != 0x83) continue; if(!isWBFS && (partition->type == PARTITION_TYPE_DOS33_EXTENDED || partition->type == PARTITION_TYPE_WIN95_EXTENDED)) { CheckEBR(i, le32(partition->lba_start)); continue; } if(isWBFS || le32(partition->block_count) > 0) { PartitionFS PartitionEntry = {"0",0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; PartitionEntry.FSName = isWBFS ? "WBFS" : PartFromType(partition->type); PartitionEntry.LBA_Start = le32(partition->lba_start); PartitionEntry.SecCount = isWBFS ? ((wbfs_head_t *)&vbr)->n_hd_sec : le32(partition->block_count); PartitionEntry.Bootable = (partition->status == PARTITION_BOOTABLE); PartitionEntry.PartitionType = partition->type; PartitionEntry.PartitionNum = i; PartitionEntry.EBR_Sector = 0; PartitionList.push_back(PartitionEntry); } } return PartitionList.size(); } void PartitionHandle::CheckEBR(u8 PartNum, sec_t ebr_lba) { EXTENDED_BOOT_RECORD ebr; sec_t next_erb_lba = 0; do { // Read and validate the extended boot record if(!interface->readSectors(ebr_lba + next_erb_lba, 1, &ebr)) return; // Check if the partition is WBFS bool isWBFS = memcmp((u8 *)&ebr, WBFS_SIGNATURE, sizeof(WBFS_SIGNATURE)) == 0; if(!isWBFS && ebr.signature != EBR_SIGNATURE) return; if(isWBFS || le32(ebr.partition.block_count) > 0) { PartitionFS PartitionEntry = {"0",0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; PartitionEntry.FSName = isWBFS ? "WBFS" : PartFromType(ebr.partition.type); PartitionEntry.LBA_Start = ebr_lba + next_erb_lba + le32(ebr.partition.lba_start); PartitionEntry.SecCount = isWBFS ? ((wbfs_head_t *)&ebr)->n_hd_sec : le32(ebr.partition.block_count); PartitionEntry.Bootable = (ebr.partition.status == PARTITION_BOOTABLE); PartitionEntry.PartitionType = ebr.partition.type; PartitionEntry.PartitionNum = PartNum; PartitionEntry.EBR_Sector = ebr_lba + next_erb_lba; PartitionList.push_back(PartitionEntry); } // Get the start sector of the current partition // and the next extended boot record in the chain next_erb_lba = le32(ebr.next_ebr.lba_start); } while(next_erb_lba > 0); } bool PartitionHandle::CheckGPT(void) { GPT_PARTITION_TABLE gpt; bool success = false; // To return false unless at least 1 partition is verified if(!interface->readSectors(1, 33, &gpt)) return false; // To read all 128 possible partitions // Verify this is the Primary GPT entry if(strncmp(gpt.magic, GPT_SIGNATURE, 8) != 0) return false; if(le32(gpt.Entry_Size) != 128) return false; if(le64(gpt.Table_LBA) != 2) return false; if(le64(gpt.Header_LBA) != 1) return false; if(le64(gpt.First_Usable_LBA) != 34) return false; if(gpt.Reserved != 0) return false; VOLUME_BOOT_RECORD * vbr = new VOLUME_BOOT_RECORD; for(u8 i = 0; i < le32(gpt.Num_Entries) && PartitionList.size() <= 8; i++) { GUID_PARTITION_ENTRY * entry = (GUID_PARTITION_ENTRY *) &gpt.partitions[i]; int Start = le64(entry->First_LBA); int End = le64(entry->Last_LBA); int Size = End - Start; if(!interface->readSectors(Start, 1, vbr)) continue; PartitionFS PartitionEntry = {"0",0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; if(memcmp((u8 *)vbr + BPB_NTFS_ADDR, NTFS_SIGNATURE, sizeof(NTFS_SIGNATURE)) == 0) { PartitionEntry.FSName = "NTFS"; PartitionEntry.PartitionType = 0x07; PartitionEntry.SecCount = le64(vbr->Number_of_Sectors); } else if(memcmp((u8 *)vbr + BPB_FAT32_ADDR, FAT_SIGNATURE, sizeof(FAT_SIGNATURE)) == 0) { PartitionEntry.FSName = "FAT32"; PartitionEntry.PartitionType = 0x0c; PartitionEntry.SecCount = le16(vbr->bpb.FatSectors); if (PartitionEntry.SecCount == 0) PartitionEntry.SecCount = le32(vbr->bpb.Large_Sectors); } else if(memcmp((u8 *)vbr + BPB_FAT16_ADDR, FAT_SIGNATURE, sizeof(FAT_SIGNATURE)) == 0) { PartitionEntry.FSName = "FAT16"; PartitionEntry.PartitionType = 0x0e; PartitionEntry.SecCount = le16(vbr->bpb.FatSectors); if (PartitionEntry.SecCount == 0) PartitionEntry.SecCount = le32(vbr->bpb.Large_Sectors); } else if(memcmp((u8 *)vbr, WBFS_SIGNATURE, sizeof(WBFS_SIGNATURE)) == 0) { PartitionEntry.FSName = "WBFS"; PartitionEntry.SecCount = ((wbfs_head_t *)vbr)->n_hd_sec; } else { bzero(&PartitionEntry, sizeof(PartitionFS)); if(interface->readSectors(Start + 1, 1, vbr)) { if(memcmp((u8 *)vbr + BPB_EXT2_ADDR, EXT_SIGNATURE, sizeof(EXT_SIGNATURE)) == 0) { PartitionEntry.FSName = "LINUX"; PartitionEntry.PartitionType = 0x83; PartitionEntry.SecCount = Size; } else continue; } else continue; } if(PartitionEntry.SecCount != 0 && PartitionEntry.FSName[0] != '0') { PartitionEntry.LBA_Start = Start; PartitionEntry.PartitionNum = i; success = true; PartitionList.push_back(PartitionEntry); } } return success; } bool PartitionHandle::CheckRAW(VOLUME_BOOT_RECORD * vbr) { PartitionFS PartitionEntry = {"0",0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; if(memcmp((u8 *)vbr + BPB_NTFS_ADDR, NTFS_SIGNATURE, sizeof(NTFS_SIGNATURE)) == 0) { PartitionEntry.FSName = "NTFS"; PartitionEntry.PartitionType = 0x07; PartitionEntry.SecCount = le64(vbr->Number_of_Sectors); } else if(memcmp((u8 *)vbr + BPB_FAT32_ADDR, FAT_SIGNATURE, sizeof(FAT_SIGNATURE)) == 0) { PartitionEntry.FSName = "FAT32"; PartitionEntry.PartitionType = 0x0c; PartitionEntry.SecCount = le16(vbr->bpb.FatSectors); if (PartitionEntry.SecCount == 0) PartitionEntry.SecCount = le32(vbr->bpb.Large_Sectors); } else if(memcmp((u8 *)vbr + BPB_FAT16_ADDR, FAT_SIGNATURE, sizeof(FAT_SIGNATURE)) == 0) { PartitionEntry.FSName = "FAT16"; PartitionEntry.PartitionType = 0x0e; PartitionEntry.SecCount = le16(vbr->bpb.FatSectors); if (PartitionEntry.SecCount == 0) PartitionEntry.SecCount = le32(vbr->bpb.Large_Sectors); } else if(memcmp((u8 *)vbr, WBFS_SIGNATURE, sizeof(WBFS_SIGNATURE)) == 0) { PartitionEntry.FSName = "WBFS"; PartitionEntry.SecCount = ((wbfs_head_t *)vbr)->n_hd_sec; } if(PartitionEntry.FSName[0] != '0') { PartitionList.push_back(PartitionEntry); return true; } return false; }