#include "menu.hpp" #include "svnrev.h" #include "loader/sys.h" #include "loader/wbfs.h" #include "http.h" #include "pngu.h" #include "defines.h" #include "loader/fs.h" #include "loader/wdvd.h" #include "usbstorage.h" #include "unzip/ZipFile.h" #include #include "gecko.h" #include "wifi_gecko.h" #include #include "lockMutex.hpp" #include #include #define TAG_GAME_ID "{gameid}" #define TAG_LOC "{loc}" #define TITLES_URL "http://www.gametdb.com/titles.txt?LANG=%s" #define GAMETDB_URL "http://www.gametdb.com/wiitdb.zip?LANG=%s&FALLBACK=TRUE&WIIWARE=TRUE" #define UPDATE_URL_VERSION "http://update.wiiflow.org/txt/versions.txt" using namespace std; static const char FMT_BPIC_URL[] = "http://art.gametdb.com/wii/coverfullHQ/{loc}/{gameid}.png"\ "|http://art.gametdb.com/wii/coverfull/{loc}/{gameid}.png"; static const char FMT_PIC_URL[] = "http://art.gametdb.com/wii/cover/{loc}/{gameid}.png"; static block download = { 0, 0 }; static string countryCode(const string &gameId) { switch (gameId[3]) { case 'E': return "US"; case 'J': return "JA"; case 'W': return "ZH"; case 'K': return "KO"; case 'R': return "RU"; case 'P': case 'D': case 'F': case 'I': case 'S': case 'H': case 'X': case 'Y': case 'Z': switch (CONF_GetArea()) { case CONF_AREA_BRA: return "PT"; case CONF_AREA_AUS: return "AU"; } switch (CONF_GetLanguage()) { case CONF_LANG_ENGLISH: return "EN"; case CONF_LANG_GERMAN: return "DE"; case CONF_LANG_FRENCH: return "FR"; case CONF_LANG_SPANISH: return "ES"; case CONF_LANG_ITALIAN: return "IT"; case CONF_LANG_DUTCH: return "NL"; } case 'A': switch (CONF_GetArea()) { case CONF_AREA_USA: return "US"; case CONF_AREA_JPN: return "JA"; case CONF_AREA_CHN: case CONF_AREA_HKG: case CONF_AREA_TWN: return "ZH"; case CONF_AREA_KOR: return "KO"; case CONF_AREA_BRA: return "PT"; case CONF_AREA_AUS: return "AU"; } switch (CONF_GetLanguage()) { case CONF_LANG_ENGLISH: return "EN"; case CONF_LANG_GERMAN: return "DE"; case CONF_LANG_FRENCH: return "FR"; case CONF_LANG_SPANISH: return "ES"; case CONF_LANG_ITALIAN: return "IT"; case CONF_LANG_DUTCH: return "NL"; } } return "other"; } static string makeURL(const string format, const string gameId, const string country) { string url = format; url.replace(url.find(TAG_LOC), strlen(TAG_LOC), country.c_str()); url.replace(url.find(TAG_GAME_ID), strlen(TAG_GAME_ID), gameId.c_str()); return url; } void CMenu::_hideDownload(bool instant) { m_btnMgr.hide(m_downloadLblTitle, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_downloadBtnCancel, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_downloadBtnAll, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_downloadBtnMissing, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_downloadBtnGameTDBDownload, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_downloadPBar, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_downloadLblMessage[0], 0, 0, -2.f, 0.f, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_downloadLblMessage[1], 0, 0, -2.f, 0.f, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_downloadLblCovers, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_downloadLblGameTDBDownload, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_downloadLblGameTDB, instant); for (u32 i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(m_downloadLblUser); ++i) if (m_downloadLblUser[i] != -1u) m_btnMgr.hide(m_downloadLblUser[i], instant); } void CMenu::_showDownload(void) { _setBg(m_downloadBg, m_downloadBg); m_btnMgr.show(m_downloadLblGameTDB); m_btnMgr.show(m_downloadLblTitle); m_btnMgr.show(m_downloadBtnCancel); m_btnMgr.show(m_downloadBtnAll); m_btnMgr.show(m_downloadBtnMissing); m_btnMgr.show(m_downloadLblCovers); if (!m_locked) { m_btnMgr.show(m_downloadLblGameTDBDownload); m_btnMgr.show(m_downloadBtnGameTDBDownload); } for (u32 i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(m_downloadLblUser); ++i) if (m_downloadLblUser[i] != -1u) m_btnMgr.show(m_downloadLblUser[i]); } void CMenu::_setThrdMsg(const wstringEx &msg, float progress) { if (m_thrdStop) return; if (msg != L"...") m_thrdMessage = msg; m_thrdMessageAdded = true; m_thrdProgress = progress; } bool CMenu::_downloadProgress(void *obj, int size, int position) { CMenu *m = (CMenu *)obj; LWP_MutexLock(m->m_mutex); m->_setThrdMsg(L"...", m->m_thrdStep + m->m_thrdStepLen * ((float)position / (float)size)); LWP_MutexUnlock(m->m_mutex); return !m->m_thrdStop; } int CMenu::_coverDownloaderAll(CMenu *m) { if (!m->m_thrdWorking) return 0; m->_coverDownloader(false); m->m_thrdWorking = false; return 0; } int CMenu::_coverDownloaderMissing(CMenu *m) { if (!m->m_thrdWorking) return 0; m->_coverDownloader(true); m->m_thrdWorking = false; return 0; } static bool checkPNGBuf(u8 *data) { PNGUPROP imgProp; IMGCTX ctx = PNGU_SelectImageFromBuffer(data); if (ctx == NULL) return false; int ret = PNGU_GetImageProperties(ctx, &imgProp); PNGU_ReleaseImageContext(ctx); return ret == PNGU_OK; } static bool checkPNGFile(const char *filename) { SmartBuf buffer; FILE *file = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (file == NULL) return false; fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); long fileSize = ftell(file); fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); if (fileSize > 0) { buffer = smartAnyAlloc(fileSize); if (!!buffer) fread(buffer.get(), 1, fileSize, file); } SAFE_CLOSE(file); return !buffer ? false : checkPNGBuf(buffer.get()); } void CMenu::_initAsyncNetwork() { if (!_isNetworkAvailable()) return; m_thrdNetwork = true; net_init_async(_networkComplete, this); } bool CMenu::_isNetworkAvailable() { bool retval = false; u32 size; u8 *buf = ISFS_GetFile((u8 *) "/shared2/sys/net/02/config.dat", &size, -1); if (buf && size > 4) { retval = buf[4] > 0; // There is a valid connection defined. SAFE_FREE(buf); } return retval; } s32 CMenu::_networkComplete(s32 ok, void *usrData) { CMenu *m = (CMenu *) usrData; m->m_networkInit = ok == 0; m->m_thrdNetwork = false; bool wifigecko = m->m_cfg.getBool("GENERAL", "wifi_gecko", false); gprintf("NET: Network init complete, enabled wifi_gecko: %s\n", wifigecko ? "yes" : "no"); if (wifigecko) { // Get ip std::string ip = m->m_cfg.getString("GENERAL", "wifi_gecko_ip"); u16 port = m->m_cfg.getInt("GENERAL", "wifi_gecko_port"); if (ip.size() > 0 && port != 0) { gprintf("NET: WIFI Gecko to %s:%d\n", ip.c_str(), port); WifiGecko_Init(ip.c_str(), port); } } return 0; } int CMenu::_initNetwork() { while (net_get_status() == -EBUSY || m_thrdNetwork) {}; // Async initialization may be busy, wait to see if it succeeds. if (m_networkInit) return 0; if (!_isNetworkAvailable()) return -2; char ip[16]; int val = if_config(ip, NULL, NULL, true); m_networkInit = !val; return val; } #define STACK_ALIGN(type, name, cnt, alignment) \ u8 _al__##name[((sizeof(type)*(cnt)) + (alignment) + \ (((sizeof(type)*(cnt))%(alignment)) > 0 ? ((alignment) - \ ((sizeof(type)*(cnt))%(alignment))) : 0))]; \ type *name = (type*)(((u32)(_al__##name)) + ((alignment) - (( \ (u32)(_al__##name))&((alignment)-1)))) void CMenu::_deinitNetwork() { net_wc24cleanup(); net_deinit(); m_networkInit = false; } int CMenu::_coverDownloader(bool missingOnly) { string path; safe_vector coverList; int count = 0, countFlat = 0; float listWeight = missingOnly ? 0.125f : 0.f; // 1/8 of the progress bar for testing the PNGs we already have float dlWeight = 1.f - listWeight; u32 bufferSize = 0x280000; // Maximum download size 2 MB SmartBuf buffer = smartAnyAlloc(bufferSize); if (!buffer) { LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(L"Not enough memory!", 1.f); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); m_thrdWorking = false; return 0; } bool savePNG = m_cfg.getBool("GENERAL", "keep_png", true); safe_vector fmtURLBox = stringToVector(m_cfg.getString("GENERAL", "url_full_covers", FMT_BPIC_URL), '|'); safe_vector fmtURLFlat = stringToVector(m_cfg.getString("GENERAL", "url_flat_covers", FMT_PIC_URL), '|'); u32 nbSteps = m_gameList.size(); u32 step = 0; if (m_coverDLGameId.empty()) { coverList.reserve(m_gameList.size()); for (u32 i = 0; i < m_gameList.size() && !m_thrdStop; ++i) { LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg7", L"Listing covers to download..."), listWeight * (float)step / (float)nbSteps); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); ++step; string id((const char *)m_gameList[i].hdr.id, sizeof m_gameList[i].hdr.id); path = sfmt("%s/%s.png", m_boxPicDir.c_str(), id.c_str()); if (!missingOnly || (!m_cf.fullCoverCached(id.c_str()) && !checkPNGFile(path.c_str()))) coverList.push_back(id); } } else coverList.push_back(m_coverDLGameId); u32 n = coverList.size(); if (n > 0 && !m_thrdStop) { step = 0; nbSteps = 1 + n * 2; LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg1", L"Initializing network..."), listWeight + dlWeight * (float)step / (float)nbSteps); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); if (_initNetwork() < 0) { LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg2", L"Network initialization failed!"), 1.f); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); m_thrdWorking = false; return 0; } m_thrdStepLen = dlWeight / (float)nbSteps; Config m_newID; m_newID.load(sfmt("%s/newid.ini", m_settingsDir.c_str()).c_str()); m_newID.setString("CHANNELS", "WFSF", "DWFA"); for (u32 i = 0; i < coverList.size() && !m_thrdStop; ++i) { // Try to get the full cover string url; const char *domain = _domainFromView(); bool success = false; FILE *file = NULL; string newID = m_newID.getString(domain, coverList[i], coverList[i]); if(!newID.empty() && strncasecmp(newID.c_str(), coverList[i].c_str(), m_current_view != COVERFLOW_USB ? 4 : 6) == 0) m_newID.remove(domain, coverList[i]); else if(!newID.empty()) { gprintf("old id = %s\nnew id = %s\n", coverList[i].c_str(), newID.c_str()); } for (u32 j = 0; !success && j < fmtURLBox.size() && !m_thrdStop; ++j) { url = makeURL(fmtURLBox[j], newID, countryCode(newID)); if (j == 0) ++step; m_thrdStep = listWeight + dlWeight * (float)step / (float)nbSteps; LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(wfmt(_fmt("dlmsg3", L"Downloading from %s"), url.c_str()), m_thrdStep); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); download = downloadfile(buffer.get(), bufferSize, url.c_str(), CMenu::_downloadProgress, this); if (download.data == NULL && newID[3] == 'E') { url = makeURL(fmtURLBox[j], newID, "US"); LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(wfmt(_fmt("dlmsg3", L"Downloading from %s"), url.c_str()), m_thrdStep); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); download = downloadfile(buffer.get(), bufferSize, url.c_str(), CMenu::_downloadProgress, this); } if (download.data != NULL) { if (savePNG) { path = sfmt("%s/%s.png", m_boxPicDir.c_str(), coverList[i].c_str()); LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(wfmt(_fmt("dlmsg4", L"Saving %s"), path.c_str()), listWeight + dlWeight * (float)(step + 1) / (float)nbSteps); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); file = fopen(path.c_str(), "wb"); if (file != NULL) { fwrite(download.data, download.size, 1, file); SAFE_CLOSE(file); } } LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(wfmt(_fmt("dlmsg10", L"Making %s"), sfmt("%s.wfc", coverList[i].c_str()).c_str()), listWeight + dlWeight * (float)(step + 1) / (float)nbSteps); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); if (m_cf.preCacheCover(coverList[i].c_str(), download.data, true)) { ++count; success = true; } } } if (!success && !m_thrdStop) { path = sfmt("%s/%s.png", m_picDir.c_str(), coverList[i].c_str()); if (!checkPNGFile(path.c_str())) { // Try to get the front cover if (m_thrdStop) break; for (u32 j = 0; !success && j < fmtURLFlat.size() && !m_thrdStop; ++j) { url = makeURL(fmtURLFlat[j], newID, countryCode(newID)); LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(wfmt(_fmt("dlmsg8", L"Full cover not found. Downloading from %s"), url.c_str()), listWeight + dlWeight * (float)step / (float)nbSteps); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); download = downloadfile(buffer.get(), bufferSize, url.c_str(), CMenu::_downloadProgress, this); if (download.data == NULL && newID[3] != 'E') { url = makeURL(fmtURLFlat[j], newID, "EN"); LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(wfmt(_fmt("dlmsg3", L"Downloading from %s"), url.c_str()), m_thrdStep); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); download = downloadfile(buffer.get(), bufferSize, url.c_str(), CMenu::_downloadProgress, this); } if (download.data != NULL) { if (savePNG) { LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(wfmt(_fmt("dlmsg4", L"Saving %s"), path.c_str()), listWeight + dlWeight * (float)(step + 1) / (float)nbSteps); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); file = fopen(path.c_str(), "wb"); if (file != NULL) { fwrite(download.data, download.size, 1, file); SAFE_CLOSE(file); } } LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(wfmt(_fmt("dlmsg10", L"Making %s"), sfmt("%s.wfc", coverList[i].c_str()).c_str()), listWeight + dlWeight * (float)(step + 1) / (float)nbSteps); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); if (m_cf.preCacheCover(coverList[i].c_str(), download.data, false)) { ++countFlat; success = true; } } } } } newID.clear(); ++step; } coverList.clear(); m_newID.unload(); } LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); if (countFlat == 0) _setThrdMsg(wfmt(_fmt("dlmsg5", L"%i/%i files downloaded."), count, n), 1.f); else _setThrdMsg(wfmt(_fmt("dlmsg9", L"%i/%i files downloaded. %i are front covers only."), count + countFlat, n, countFlat), 1.f); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); m_thrdWorking = false; return 0; } void CMenu::_download(string gameId) { lwp_t thread = LWP_THREAD_NULL; int msg = 0; wstringEx prevMsg; bool _updateGametdb = false; SetupInput(); _showDownload(); m_btnMgr.setText(m_downloadBtnCancel, _t("dl1", L"Cancel")); m_thrdStop = false; m_thrdMessageAdded = false; m_coverDLGameId = gameId; while (true) { _mainLoopCommon(false, m_thrdWorking); if ((BTN_HOME_PRESSED || BTN_B_PRESSED) && !m_thrdWorking) break; else if (BTN_UP_PRESSED) m_btnMgr.up(); else if (BTN_DOWN_PRESSED) m_btnMgr.down(); if ((BTN_A_PRESSED || !gameId.empty()) && !(m_thrdWorking && m_thrdStop)) { if ((m_btnMgr.selected(m_downloadBtnAll) || m_btnMgr.selected(m_downloadBtnMissing) || !gameId.empty()) && !m_thrdWorking) { bool dlAll = m_btnMgr.selected(m_downloadBtnAll); m_btnMgr.show(m_downloadPBar); m_btnMgr.setProgress(m_downloadPBar, 0.f); m_btnMgr.hide(m_downloadBtnAll); m_btnMgr.hide(m_downloadBtnMissing); m_btnMgr.hide(m_downloadBtnGameTDBDownload); m_btnMgr.hide(m_downloadLblCovers); m_btnMgr.hide(m_downloadLblGameTDBDownload); m_thrdStop = false; m_thrdWorking = true; gameId.clear(); if (dlAll) LWP_CreateThread(&thread, (void *(*)(void *))CMenu::_coverDownloaderAll, (void *)this, 0, 8192, 40); else LWP_CreateThread(&thread, (void *(*)(void *))CMenu::_coverDownloaderMissing, (void *)this, 0, 8192, 40); } else if (m_btnMgr.selected(m_downloadBtnGameTDBDownload) && !m_thrdWorking) { // bool dlAll = m_btnMgr.selected(m_downloadBtnAllTitles); m_btnMgr.show(m_downloadPBar); m_btnMgr.setProgress(m_downloadPBar, 0.f); m_btnMgr.hide(m_downloadBtnAll); m_btnMgr.hide(m_downloadBtnMissing); m_btnMgr.hide(m_downloadBtnGameTDBDownload); m_btnMgr.hide(m_downloadLblCovers); m_btnMgr.hide(m_downloadLblGameTDBDownload); m_thrdStop = false; m_thrdWorking = true; _updateGametdb = true; LWP_CreateThread(&thread, (void *(*)(void *))CMenu::_gametdbDownloader, (void *)this, 0, 8192, 40); } else if (m_btnMgr.selected(m_downloadBtnCancel)) { LockMutex lock(m_mutex); m_thrdStop = true; m_thrdMessageAdded = true; m_thrdMessage = _t("dlmsg6", L"Canceling..."); } } if (Sys_Exiting()) { LockMutex lock(m_mutex); m_thrdStop = true; m_thrdMessageAdded = true; m_thrdMessage = _t("dlmsg6", L"Canceling..."); m_thrdWorking = false; } // if (m_thrdMessageAdded) { LockMutex lock(m_mutex); m_thrdMessageAdded = false; m_btnMgr.setProgress(m_downloadPBar, m_thrdProgress); if (m_thrdProgress == 1.f) { if (_updateGametdb) break; m_btnMgr.setText(m_downloadBtnCancel, _t("dl2", L"Back")); } if (prevMsg != m_thrdMessage) { prevMsg = m_thrdMessage; m_btnMgr.setText(m_downloadLblMessage[msg], m_thrdMessage, false); m_btnMgr.hide(m_downloadLblMessage[msg], 0, 0, -1.f, -1.f, true); m_btnMgr.show(m_downloadLblMessage[msg]); msg ^= 1; m_btnMgr.hide(m_downloadLblMessage[msg], 0, 0, -1.f, -1.f); } } if (m_thrdStop && !m_thrdWorking) break; } if (thread != LWP_THREAD_NULL) { LWP_JoinThread(thread, NULL); thread = LWP_THREAD_NULL; } _hideDownload(); } void CMenu::_initDownloadMenu(CMenu::SThemeData &theme) { _addUserLabels(theme, m_downloadLblUser, ARRAY_SIZE(m_downloadLblUser), "DOWNLOAD"); m_downloadBg = _texture(theme.texSet, "DOWNLOAD/BG", "texture", theme.bg); m_downloadLblTitle = _addLabel(theme, "DOWNLOAD/TITLE", theme.titleFont, L"", 20, 30, 600, 60, theme.titleFontColor, FTGX_JUSTIFY_CENTER | FTGX_ALIGN_MIDDLE); m_downloadPBar = _addProgressBar(theme, "DOWNLOAD/PROGRESS_BAR", 40, 200, 560, 20); m_downloadBtnCancel = _addButton(theme, "DOWNLOAD/CANCEL_BTN", theme.btnFont, L"", 420, 410, 200, 56, theme.btnFontColor); m_downloadLblCovers = _addLabel(theme, "DOWNLOAD/COVERS", theme.btnFont, L"", 40, 150, 320, 56, theme.lblFontColor, FTGX_JUSTIFY_LEFT | FTGX_ALIGN_MIDDLE); m_downloadBtnAll = _addButton(theme, "DOWNLOAD/ALL_BTN", theme.btnFont, L"", 370, 150, 230, 56, theme.btnFontColor); m_downloadBtnMissing = _addButton(theme, "DOWNLOAD/MISSING_BTN", theme.btnFont, L"", 370, 210, 230, 56, theme.btnFontColor); m_downloadLblGameTDBDownload = _addLabel(theme, "DOWNLOAD/GAMETDB_DOWNLOAD", theme.btnFont, L"", 40, 270, 320, 56, theme.lblFontColor, FTGX_JUSTIFY_LEFT | FTGX_ALIGN_MIDDLE); m_downloadBtnGameTDBDownload = _addButton(theme, "DOWNLOAD/GAMETDB_DOWNLOAD_BTN", theme.btnFont, L"", 370, 270, 230, 56, theme.btnFontColor); m_downloadLblGameTDB = _addLabel(theme, "DOWNLOAD/GAMETDB", theme.btnFont, L"", 40, 400, 370, 60, theme.txtFontColor, FTGX_JUSTIFY_LEFT | FTGX_ALIGN_MIDDLE); m_downloadLblMessage[0] = _addLabel(theme, "DOWNLOAD/MESSAGE1", theme.lblFont, L"", 40, 228, 560, 100, theme.txtFontColor, FTGX_JUSTIFY_LEFT | FTGX_ALIGN_TOP); m_downloadLblMessage[1] = _addLabel(theme, "DOWNLOAD/MESSAGE2", theme.lblFont, L"", 40, 228, 560, 100, theme.txtFontColor, FTGX_JUSTIFY_LEFT | FTGX_ALIGN_TOP); // _setHideAnim(m_downloadLblTitle, "DOWNLOAD/TITLE", 0, 0, -2.f, 0.f); _setHideAnim(m_downloadPBar, "DOWNLOAD/PROGRESS_BAR", 0, 0, -2.f, 0.f); _setHideAnim(m_downloadLblCovers, "DOWNLOAD/COVERS", 0, 0, -2.f, 0.f); _setHideAnim(m_downloadBtnCancel, "DOWNLOAD/CANCEL_BTN", 0, 0, -2.f, 0.f); _setHideAnim(m_downloadBtnAll, "DOWNLOAD/ALL_BTN", 0, 0, -2.f, 0.f); _setHideAnim(m_downloadBtnMissing, "DOWNLOAD/MISSING_BTN", 0, 0, -2.f, 0.f); _setHideAnim(m_downloadLblGameTDBDownload, "DOWNLOAD/GAMETDB_DOWNLOAD", 0, 0, -2.f, 0.f); _setHideAnim(m_downloadBtnGameTDBDownload, "DOWNLOAD/GAMETDB_DOWNLOAD_BTN", 0, 0, -2.f, 0.f); _setHideAnim(m_downloadLblGameTDB, "DOWNLOAD/GAMETDB", 0, 0, -2.f, 0.f); _hideDownload(true); _textDownload(); } void CMenu::_textDownload(void) { m_btnMgr.setText(m_downloadBtnCancel, _t("dl1", L"Cancel")); m_btnMgr.setText(m_downloadBtnAll, _t("dl3", L"All")); m_btnMgr.setText(m_downloadBtnMissing, _t("dl4", L"Missing")); m_btnMgr.setText(m_downloadLblTitle, _t("dl5", L"Download")); m_btnMgr.setText(m_downloadBtnGameTDBDownload, _t("dl6", L"Download")); m_btnMgr.setText(m_downloadLblCovers, _t("dl8", L"Covers")); m_btnMgr.setText(m_downloadLblGameTDBDownload, _t("dl12", L"GameTDB")); m_btnMgr.setText(m_downloadLblGameTDB, _t("dl10", L"Please donate\nto GameTDB.com")); } s8 CMenu::_versionTxtDownloaderInit(CMenu *m) //Handler to download versions txt file { if (!m->m_thrdWorking) return 0; return m->_versionTxtDownloader(); } s8 CMenu::_versionTxtDownloader() // code to download new version txt file { u32 bufferSize = 0x001000; // Maximum download size 4kb SmartBuf buffer = smartAnyAlloc(bufferSize); if (!buffer) { LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(L"Not enough memory", 1.f); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); m_thrdWorking = false; return 0; } LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg1", L"Initializing network..."), 0.f); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); if (_initNetwork() < 0) { LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg2", L"Network initialization failed!"), 1.f); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); } else { // DLoad txt file LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg11", L"Downloading..."), 0.2f); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); m_thrdStep = 0.2f; m_thrdStepLen = 0.9f - 0.2f; gprintf("TXT update URL: %s\n\n", m_cfg.getString("GENERAL", "updatetxturl", UPDATE_URL_VERSION).c_str()); download = downloadfile(buffer.get(), bufferSize, m_cfg.getString("GENERAL", "updatetxturl", UPDATE_URL_VERSION).c_str(),CMenu::_downloadProgress, this); if (download.data == 0 || download.size < 19) { LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg20", L"No version information found."), 1.f); // TODO: Check for 16 LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); } else { // txt download finished, now save file LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg13", L"Saving..."), 0.9f); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); FILE *file = fopen(m_ver.c_str(), "wb"); if (file != NULL) { fwrite(download.data, 1, download.size, file); SAFE_CLOSE(file); // version file valid, check for version with SVN_REV int svnrev = atoi(SVN_REV); gprintf("Installed Version: %d\n", svnrev); m_version.load(m_ver.c_str()); int rev = m_version.getInt("GENERAL", "version", 0); gprintf("Latest available Version: %d\n", rev); if (svnrev < rev) { // new version available LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg19", L"New update available!"), 1.f); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); } else { // no new version available LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg17", L"No new updates found."), 1.f); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); } } else { LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg15", L"Saving failed!"), 1.f); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); } } } m_thrdWorking = false; return 0; } s8 CMenu::_versionDownloaderInit(CMenu *m) //Handler to download new dol { if (!m->m_thrdWorking) return 0; return m->_versionDownloader(); } s8 CMenu::_versionDownloader() // code to download new version { char dol_backup[33]; strcpy(dol_backup, m_dol.c_str()); strcat(dol_backup, ".backup"); if (m_app_update_size == 0) m_app_update_size = 0x400000; if (m_data_update_size == 0) m_data_update_size = 0x400000; // check for existing dol ifstream filestr; gprintf("DOL Path: %s\n", m_dol.c_str()); filestr.open(m_dol.c_str()); if (filestr.fail()) { filestr.close(); rename(dol_backup, m_dol.c_str()); filestr.open(m_dol.c_str()); if (filestr.fail()) { LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg18", L"boot.dol not found at default path!"), 1.f); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); } filestr.close(); sleep(3); m_thrdWorking = false; return 0; } filestr.close(); u32 bufferSize = max(m_app_update_size, m_data_update_size); // Buffer for size of the biggest file. SmartBuf buffer = smartAnyAlloc(bufferSize); if (!buffer) { LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(L"Not enough memory!", 1.f); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); sleep(3); m_thrdWorking = false; return 0; } LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg1", L"Initializing network..."), 0.f); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); if (_initNetwork() < 0) { LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg2", L"Network initialization failed!"), 1.f); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); sleep(3); m_thrdWorking = false; return 0; } // Load actual file LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg22", L"Updating application directory..."), 0.2f); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); m_thrdStep = 0.2f; m_thrdStepLen = 0.9f - 0.2f; gprintf("App Update URL: %s\n", m_app_update_url); gprintf("Data Update URL: %s\n", m_app_update_url); download = downloadfile(buffer.get(), bufferSize, m_app_update_url, CMenu::_downloadProgress, this); if (download.data == 0 || download.size < m_app_update_size) { LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg12", L"Download failed!"), 1.f); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); sleep(3); m_thrdWorking = false; return 0; } // download finished, backup boot.dol and write new files. LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg13", L"Saving..."), 0.8f); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); remove(dol_backup); rename(m_dol.c_str(), dol_backup); remove(m_app_update_zip.c_str()); FILE *file = fopen(m_app_update_zip.c_str(), "wb"); if (file != NULL) { fwrite(download.data, 1, download.size, file); SAFE_CLOSE(file); LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg24", L"Extracting..."), 0.8f); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); ZipFile zFile(m_app_update_zip.c_str()); bool result = zFile.ExtractAll(m_appDir.c_str()); remove(m_app_update_zip.c_str()); if (!result) goto fail; //Update apps dir succeeded, try to update the data dir. download.data = NULL; download.size = 0; //memset(&buffer, 0, bufferSize); should we be clearing the buffer of any possible data before downloading? LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg23", L"Updating data directory..."), 0.2f); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); download = downloadfile(buffer.get(), bufferSize, m_data_update_url, CMenu::_downloadProgress, this); if (download.data == 0 || download.size < m_data_update_size) { LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg12", L"Download failed!"), 1.f); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); goto success; } // download finished, write new files. LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg13", L"Saving..."), 0.9f); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); remove(m_data_update_zip.c_str()); file = fopen(m_data_update_zip.c_str(), "wb"); if (file != NULL) { fwrite(download.data, 1, download.size, file); SAFE_CLOSE(file); LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg24", L"Extracting..."), 0.8f); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); ZipFile zDataFile(m_data_update_zip.c_str()); result = zDataFile.ExtractAll(m_dataDir.c_str()); remove(m_data_update_zip.c_str()); if (!result) { LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg15", L"Saving failed!"), 1.f); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); } } } else goto fail; success: LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg21", L"WiiFlow will now exit to allow the update to take effect."), 1.f); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); filestr.open(m_dol.c_str()); if (filestr.fail()) { LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg25", L"Extraction must have failed! Renaming the backup to boot.dol"), 1.f); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); rename(dol_backup, m_dol.c_str()); } filestr.close(); m_exit = true; goto out; fail: rename(dol_backup, m_dol.c_str()); LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg15", L"Saving failed!"), 1.f); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); out: sleep(3); m_thrdWorking = false; return 0; } int CMenu::_gametdbDownloader(CMenu *m) { if (!m->m_thrdWorking) return 0; return m->_gametdbDownloaderAsync(); } int CMenu::_gametdbDownloaderAsync() { string langCode; u32 bufferSize = 0x800000; // 8 MB SmartBuf buffer = smartAnyAlloc(bufferSize); if (!buffer) { LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(L"Not enough memory", 1.f); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); return 0; } langCode = m_loc.getString(m_curLanguage, "gametdb_code", "EN"); LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg1", L"Initializing network..."), 0.f); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); if (_initNetwork() < 0) { LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg2", L"Network initialization failed!"), 1.f); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); } else { LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg11", L"Downloading..."), 0.0f); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); m_thrdStep = 0.0f; m_thrdStepLen = 1.0f; download = downloadfile(buffer.get(), bufferSize, sfmt(GAMETDB_URL, langCode.c_str()).c_str(), CMenu::_downloadProgress, this); if (download.data == 0) { LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg12", L"Download failed!"), 1.f); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); } else { string zippath = sfmt("%s/wiitdb.zip", m_settingsDir.c_str()); gprintf("Downloading file to '%s'\n", zippath.c_str()); remove(zippath.c_str()); _setThrdMsg(wfmt(_fmt("dlmsg4", L"Saving %s"), "wiitdb.zip"), 1.f); FILE *file = fopen(zippath.c_str(), "wb"); if (file == NULL) { gprintf("Can't save zip file\n"); LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg15", L"Couldn't save ZIP file"), 1.f); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); } else { fwrite(download.data, download.size, 1, file); SAFE_CLOSE(file); gprintf("Extracting zip file: "); ZipFile zFile(zippath.c_str()); bool zres = zFile.ExtractAll(m_settingsDir.c_str()); gprintf(zres ? "success\n" : "failed\n"); // We don't need the zipfile anymore remove(zippath.c_str()); // We should always remove the offsets file to make sure it's reloaded string offsetspath = sfmt("%s/gametdb_offsets.bin", m_settingsDir.c_str()); remove(offsetspath.c_str()); // Update cache m_gameList.SetLanguage(m_loc.getString(m_curLanguage, "gametdb_code", "EN").c_str()); UpdateCache(); LWP_MutexLock(m_mutex); _setThrdMsg(_t("dlmsg26", L"Updating cache..."), 0.f); LWP_MutexUnlock(m_mutex); _loadList(); _initCF(); } } } m_thrdWorking = false; return 0; }