#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "menu.hpp" #include "types.h" #include "banner/BannerWindow.hpp" #include "booter/external_booter.hpp" #include "channel/channel_launcher.h" #include "channel/channels.h" #include "channel/nand.hpp" #include "channel/identify.h" #include "devicemounter/DeviceHandler.hpp" #include "devicemounter/sdhc.h" #include "devicemounter/usbstorage.h" #include "gc/gc.hpp" #include "gc/gcdisc.hpp" #include "gui/WiiMovie.hpp" #include "gui/GameTDB.hpp" #include "homebrew/homebrew.h" #include "loader/alt_ios.h" #include "loader/wdvd.h" //#include "loader/alt_ios.h" #include "loader/playlog.h" #include "loader/wbfs.h" #include "loader/wip.h" #include "loader/frag.h" #include "loader/fst.h" #include "loader/cios.h" #include "loader/nk.h" #include "memory/memory.h" #include "network/http.h" #include "network/gcard.h" //sounds extern const u8 gc_ogg[]; extern const u32 gc_ogg_size; bool m_zoom_banner = false; s16 m_gameBtnPlayFull; s16 m_gameBtnBackFull; s16 m_gameBtnToggle; s16 m_gameBtnToggleFull; const CMenu::SOption CMenu::_languages[11] = { { "lngdef", L"Default" }, { "lngjap", L"Japanese" }, { "lngeng", L"English" }, { "lngger", L"German" }, { "lngfre", L"French" }, { "lngspa", L"Spanish" }, { "lngita", L"Italian" }, { "lngdut", L"Dutch" }, { "lngsch", L"S. Chinese" }, { "lngtch", L"T. Chinese" }, { "lngkor", L"Korean" } }; const CMenu::SOption CMenu::_GlobalVideoModes[6] = { { "vidgame", L"Game" }, { "vidsys", L"System" }, { "vidp50", L"PAL 50Hz" }, { "vidp60", L"PAL 60Hz" }, { "vidntsc", L"NTSC" }, { "vidprog", L"Progressive" }, }; const CMenu::SOption CMenu::_VideoModes[7] = { { "viddef", L"Default" }, { "vidgame", L"Game" }, { "vidsys", L"System" }, { "vidp50", L"PAL 50Hz" }, { "vidp60", L"PAL 60Hz" }, { "vidntsc", L"NTSC" }, { "vidprog", L"Progressive" }, }; const CMenu::SOption CMenu::_GlobalGCvideoModes[8] = { { "DMLdefG", L"Game" }, { "DMLpal", L"PAL 576i" }, { "DMLntsc", L"NTSC 480i" }, { "DMLpal60", L"PAL 480i" }, { "DMLprog", L"NTSC 480p" }, { "DMLprogP", L"PAL 480p" }, { "DMLmpal", L"MPAL" }, { "DMLmpalP", L"MPAL-P" } }; const CMenu::SOption CMenu::_GCvideoModes[9] = { { "DMLdef", L"Default" }, { "DMLdefG", L"Game" }, { "DMLpal", L"PAL 576i" }, { "DMLntsc", L"NTSC 480i" }, { "DMLpal60", L"PAL 480i" }, { "DMLprog", L"NTSC 480p" }, { "DMLprogP", L"PAL 480p" }, { "DMLmpal", L"MPAL" }, { "DMLmpalP", L"MPAL-P" } }; const CMenu::SOption CMenu::_GlobalGClanguages[7] = { { "lngsys", L"System" }, { "lngeng", L"English" }, { "lngger", L"German" }, { "lngfre", L"French" }, { "lngspa", L"Spanish" }, { "lngita", L"Italian" }, { "lngdut", L"Dutch" } }; const CMenu::SOption CMenu::_GClanguages[8] = { { "lngdef", L"Default" }, { "lngsys", L"System" }, { "lngeng", L"English" }, { "lngger", L"German" }, { "lngfre", L"French" }, { "lngspa", L"Spanish" }, { "lngita", L"Italian" }, { "lngdut", L"Dutch" } }; const CMenu::SOption CMenu::_NandEmu[2] = { { "NANDpart", L"Partial" }, { "NANDfull", L"Full" }, }; const CMenu::SOption CMenu::_GlobalSaveEmu[4] = { { "SaveOffG", L"Off" }, { "SavePartG", L"Game save" }, { "SaveRegG", L"Regionswitch" }, { "SaveFullG", L"Full" }, }; const CMenu::SOption CMenu::_SaveEmu[5] = { { "SaveDef", L"Default" }, { "SaveOff", L"Off" }, { "SavePart", L"Game save" }, { "SaveReg", L"Regionswitch" }, { "SaveFull", L"Full" }, }; const CMenu::SOption CMenu::_AspectRatio[3] = { { "aspectDef", L"Default" }, { "aspect43", L"Force 4:3" }, { "aspect169", L"Force 16:9" }, }; //still need to change the NMM's const CMenu::SOption CMenu::_NinEmuCard[5] = { { "NMMDef", L"Default" }, { "NMMOff", L"Disabled" }, { "NMMon", L"Enabled" }, { "NMMMulti", L"Multi Saves" }, { "NMMdebug", L"Debug" }, }; const CMenu::SOption CMenu::_GlobalGCLoaders[2] = { { "GC_Devo", L"Devolution" }, { "GC_Nindnt", L"Nintendont" }, }; const CMenu::SOption CMenu::_GCLoader[3] = { { "GC_Def", L"Default" }, { "GC_Devo", L"Devolution" }, { "GC_Nindnt", L"Nintendont" }, }; const CMenu::SOption CMenu::_vidModePatch[4] = { { "vmpnone", L"None" }, { "vmpnormal", L"Normal" }, { "vmpmore", L"More" }, { "vmpall", L"All" } }; const CMenu::SOption CMenu::_hooktype[8] = { { "hook_auto", L"AUTO" }, { "hooktype1", L"VBI" }, { "hooktype2", L"KPAD read" }, { "hooktype3", L"Joypad" }, { "hooktype4", L"GXDraw" }, { "hooktype5", L"GXFlush" }, { "hooktype6", L"OSSleepThread" }, { "hooktype7", L"AXNextFrame" }, }; const CMenu::SOption CMenu::_debugger[3] = { { "disabled", L"Disabled" }, { "dbg_gecko", L"Gecko" }, { "dbgfwrite", L"OSReport" }, }; /* 0 No Hook 1 VBI 2 KPAD read 3 Joypad Hook 4 GXDraw Hook 5 GXFlush Hook 6 OSSleepThread Hook 7 AXNextFrame Hook */ map CMenu::_installed_cios; u8 banner_title[84]; static inline int loopNum(int i, int s) { return i < 0 ? (s - (-i % s)) % s : i % s; } static void _extractBannerTitle(int language) { memset(banner_title, 0, 84); CurrentBanner.GetName(banner_title, language); } static void _extractChannelBnr(const u64 chantitle) { ChannelHandle.GetBanner(chantitle); } static void _extractBnr(const dir_discHdr *hdr) { u32 size = 0; DeviceHandle.OpenWBFS(currentPartition); wbfs_disc_t *disc = WBFS_OpenDisc((u8 *) &hdr->id, (char *) hdr->path); if(disc != NULL) { void *bnr = NULL; size = wbfs_extract_file(disc, (char*)"opening.bnr", &bnr); if(size > 0) CurrentBanner.SetBanner((u8*)bnr, size, false, true); WBFS_CloseDisc(disc); } WBFS_Close(); } static int GetLanguage(const char *lang) { if (strncmp(lang, "JP", 2) == 0) return CONF_LANG_JAPANESE; else if (strncmp(lang, "EN", 2) == 0) return CONF_LANG_ENGLISH; else if (strncmp(lang, "DE", 2) == 0) return CONF_LANG_GERMAN; else if (strncmp(lang, "FR", 2) == 0) return CONF_LANG_FRENCH; else if (strncmp(lang, "ES", 2) == 0) return CONF_LANG_SPANISH; else if (strncmp(lang, "IT", 2) == 0) return CONF_LANG_ITALIAN; else if (strncmp(lang, "NL", 2) == 0) return CONF_LANG_DUTCH; else if (strncmp(lang, "ZHTW", 4) == 0) return CONF_LANG_TRAD_CHINESE; else if (strncmp(lang, "ZH", 2) == 0) return CONF_LANG_SIMP_CHINESE; else if (strncmp(lang, "KO", 2) == 0) return CONF_LANG_KOREAN; return CONF_LANG_ENGLISH; // Default to EN } static u8 GetRequestedGameIOS(dir_discHdr *hdr) { u8 IOS = 0; DeviceHandle.OpenWBFS(currentPartition); wbfs_disc_t *disc = WBFS_OpenDisc((u8*)&hdr->id, hdr->path); if(disc != NULL) { void *titleTMD = NULL; u32 tmd_size = wbfs_extract_file(disc, (char*)"TMD", &titleTMD); if(titleTMD != NULL) { if(tmd_size > 0x18B) IOS = *((u8*)titleTMD + 0x18B); MEM2_free(titleTMD); } WBFS_CloseDisc(disc); } WBFS_Close(); return IOS; } void CMenu::_hideGame(bool instant) { m_gameSelected = false; _cleanupVideo(); m_fa.unload(); CoverFlow.showCover(); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnPlay, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnBack, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnPlayFull, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnBackFull, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnDelete, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnSettings, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnToggle, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnToggleFull, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnFavoriteOn, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnFavoriteOff, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnAdultOn, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnAdultOff, instant); for(u8 i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(m_gameLblUser); ++i) if(m_gameLblUser[i] != -1) m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameLblUser[i], instant); } void CMenu::_showGame(void) { CoverFlow.showCover(); if(m_fa.load(m_cfg, m_fanartDir.c_str(), CoverFlow.getId())) { const TexData *bg = NULL; const TexData *bglq = NULL; m_fa.getBackground(bg, bglq); if(bg != NULL && bglq != NULL) _setBg(*bg, *bglq); if (m_fa.hideCover()) CoverFlow.hideCover(); } else _setBg(m_gameBg, m_gameBgLQ); if(!m_zoom_banner) { for(u8 i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(m_gameLblUser) - 1; ++i) { if(m_gameLblUser[i] != -1) m_btnMgr.show(m_gameLblUser[i]); } m_btnMgr.show(m_gameBtnPlay); m_btnMgr.show(m_gameBtnBack); m_btnMgr.show(m_gameBtnToggle); } else { m_btnMgr.show(m_gameBtnPlayFull); m_btnMgr.show(m_gameBtnBackFull); m_btnMgr.show(m_gameBtnToggleFull); } } static void setLanguage(int l) { if (l > 0 && l <= 10) configbytes[0] = l - 1; else configbytes[0] = 0xCD; } void CMenu::_cleanupBanner(bool gamechange) { //banner m_gameSound.FreeMemory(); CheckGameSoundThread(); m_banner.DeleteBanner(gamechange); //movie _cleanupVideo(); //fanart m_fa.unload(); } void CMenu::_cleanupVideo() { m_video_playing = false; movie.DeInit(); } static const char *getVideoPath(const string &videoDir, const char *videoId) { const char *coverDir = m_plugin.GetCoverFolderName(CoverFlow.getHdr()->settings[0]); const char *videoPath = NULL; if(coverDir == NULL || strlen(coverDir) == 0) videoPath = fmt("%s/%s", videoDir.c_str(), videoId); else videoPath = fmt("%s/%s/%s", videoDir.c_str(), coverDir, videoId); return videoPath; } static const char *getVideoDefaultPath(const string &videoDir) { char PluginMagicWord[9]; memset(PluginMagicWord, 0, sizeof(PluginMagicWord)); strncpy(PluginMagicWord, fmt("%08x", CoverFlow.getHdr()->settings[0]), 8); const char *videoPath = fmt("%s/%s", videoDir.c_str(), PluginMagicWord); return videoPath; } bool CMenu::_startVideo() { char curId3[4]; memset(curId3, 0, 4); const char *videoId = CoverFlow.getPathId(CoverFlow.getHdr()); if(!NoGameID(CoverFlow.getHdr()->type)) { //id3 memcpy(curId3, CoverFlow.getId(), 3); videoId = curId3; } const char *videoPath = getVideoPath(m_videoDir, videoId); const char *THP_Path = fmt("%s.thp", videoPath); if(!fsop_FileExist(THP_Path)) { if(m_current_view == COVERFLOW_PLUGIN) { videoPath = getVideoDefaultPath(m_videoDir); THP_Path = fmt("%s.thp", videoPath); } else if(!NoGameID(CoverFlow.getHdr()->type)) { videoPath = getVideoPath(m_videoDir, CoverFlow.getId()); THP_Path = fmt("%s.thp", videoPath); } } if(fsop_FileExist(THP_Path)) { m_gameSound.FreeMemory(); CheckGameSoundThread(); m_banner.SetShowBanner(false); /* Lets play the movie */ movie.Init(THP_Path); m_gameSound.Load(fmt("%s.ogg", videoPath)); m_gameSound.SetVolume(m_cfg.getInt("GENERAL", "sound_volume_bnr", 255)); m_video_playing = true; m_gameSound.Play(); movie.Play(true); //video loops sound doesnt return true; } return false; } void CMenu::_game(bool launch) { m_gcfg1.load(fmt("%s/" GAME_SETTINGS1_FILENAME, m_settingsDir.c_str())); m_zoom_banner = m_cfg.getBool(_domainFromView(), "show_full_banner", false); if(NoGameID(CoverFlow.getHdr()->type)) { bool video_available = (m_current_view == COVERFLOW_PLUGIN && fsop_FileExist(fmt("%s.thp", getVideoDefaultPath(m_videoDir)))) || fsop_FileExist(fmt("%s.thp", getVideoPath(m_videoDir, CoverFlow.getPathId(CoverFlow.getHdr())))); m_zoom_banner = m_zoom_banner && video_available; m_cfg.setBool(_domainFromView(), "show_full_banner", m_zoom_banner); } currentMoviePos = (m_zoom_banner ? zoomedMoviePos : normalMoviePos); if(m_banner.GetZoomSetting() != m_zoom_banner) m_banner.ToggleZoom(); if(!launch) { SetupInput(); _showGame(); m_gameSelected = true; _playGameSound(); } s8 startGameSound = 1; while(!m_exit) { if(startGameSound < 1) startGameSound++; if(startGameSound == -5) _showGame(); _mainLoopCommon(true); if(startGameSound == 0) { m_gameSelected = true; startGameSound = 1; _playGameSound(); } if(BTN_B_PRESSED && !m_locked && (m_btnMgr.selected(m_gameBtnFavoriteOn) || m_btnMgr.selected(m_gameBtnFavoriteOff))) { _hideGame(); m_banner.SetShowBanner(false); _CategorySettings(true); _showGame(); m_banner.SetShowBanner(true); if(!m_gameSound.IsPlaying()) startGameSound = -6; continue; } if(BTN_HOME_PRESSED || BTN_B_PRESSED) { _cleanupBanner(); break; } else if(BTN_PLUS_PRESSED && m_GameTDBLoaded && (CoverFlow.getHdr()->type == TYPE_WII_GAME || CoverFlow.getHdr()->type == TYPE_GC_GAME || CoverFlow.getHdr()->type == TYPE_CHANNEL)) { _hideGame(); m_banner.SetShowBanner(false); m_gameSelected = true; _gameinfo(); _showGame(); m_banner.SetShowBanner(true); if(!m_gameSound.IsPlaying()) startGameSound = -6; } else if(BTN_MINUS_PRESSED) { if(m_video_playing) { m_video_playing = false; movie.DeInit(); m_gameSound.FreeMemory(); m_banner.SetShowBanner(true); if(!m_gameSound.IsPlaying()) startGameSound = -6; } else _startVideo(); } else if((BTN_1_PRESSED) || (BTN_2_PRESSED)) { s8 direction = BTN_1_PRESSED ? 1 : -1; const char *domain = _domainFromView(); int cfVersion = 1+loopNum((m_cfg.getInt(domain, "last_cf_mode", 1)-1) + direction, m_numCFVersions); _loadCFLayout(cfVersion); CoverFlow.applySettings(); m_cfg.setInt(domain, "last_cf_mode" , cfVersion); } else if(launch || BTN_A_PRESSED) { if(m_btnMgr.selected(m_mainBtnQuit)) break; else if(m_btnMgr.selected(m_gameBtnDelete)) { if(!m_locked) { _hideGame(); m_banner.SetShowBanner(false); if(_wbfsOp(WO_REMOVE_GAME)) { _cleanupBanner(); break; } m_banner.SetShowBanner(true); if(!m_gameSound.IsPlaying()) startGameSound = -6; _showGame(); } } else if(m_btnMgr.selected(m_gameBtnFavoriteOn) || m_btnMgr.selected(m_gameBtnFavoriteOff)) m_gcfg1.setBool("FAVORITES", _getId(), !m_gcfg1.getBool("FAVORITES", _getId(), false)); else if(m_btnMgr.selected(m_gameBtnAdultOn) || m_btnMgr.selected(m_gameBtnAdultOff)) m_gcfg1.setBool("ADULTONLY", _getId(), !m_gcfg1.getBool("ADULTONLY", _getId(), false)); else if(m_btnMgr.selected(m_gameBtnBack) || m_btnMgr.selected(m_gameBtnBackFull)) { _cleanupBanner(); break; } else if((m_btnMgr.selected(m_gameBtnToggle) || m_btnMgr.selected(m_gameBtnToggleFull)) && (!NoGameID(CoverFlow.getHdr()->type) || m_video_playing)) { m_zoom_banner = m_banner.ToggleZoom(); m_cfg.setBool(_domainFromView(), "show_full_banner", m_zoom_banner); currentMoviePos = (m_zoom_banner ? zoomedMoviePos : normalMoviePos); m_show_zone_game = false; m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnPlayFull); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnBackFull); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnToggleFull); } else if(m_btnMgr.selected(m_gameBtnSettings) && (CoverFlow.getHdr()->type == TYPE_WII_GAME || CoverFlow.getHdr()->type == TYPE_GC_GAME || CoverFlow.getHdr()->type == TYPE_CHANNEL)) { _hideGame(); m_gameSelected = true; m_banner.ToggleGameSettings(); _gameSettings(); m_banner.ToggleGameSettings(); _showGame(); if(!m_gameSound.IsPlaying()) startGameSound = -6; } else if(launch || m_btnMgr.selected(m_gameBtnPlay) || m_btnMgr.selected(m_gameBtnPlayFull) || !ShowPointer()) { _hideGame(); MusicPlayer.Stop(); _cleanupBanner(); dir_discHdr *hdr = (dir_discHdr*)MEM2_alloc(sizeof(dir_discHdr)); memcpy(hdr, CoverFlow.getHdr(), sizeof(dir_discHdr)); m_gcfg2.load(fmt("%s/" GAME_SETTINGS2_FILENAME, m_settingsDir.c_str())); // change to current games partition and set last_view for recall later m_cfg.setInt("GENERAL", "last_view", m_current_view); m_cfg.setInt("GENERAL", "cat_startpage", m_catStartPage); switch(hdr->type) { case TYPE_CHANNEL: currentPartition = m_cfg.getInt(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "partition", 1); break; case TYPE_HOMEBREW: currentPartition = m_cfg.getInt(HOMEBREW_DOMAIN, "partition", 1); break; case TYPE_GC_GAME: currentPartition = m_cfg.getInt(GC_DOMAIN, "partition", 1); break; case TYPE_WII_GAME: currentPartition = m_cfg.getInt(WII_DOMAIN, "partition", 1); break; default: m_plugin.GetEnabledPlugins(m_cfg, &enabledPluginsCount); if(enabledPluginsCount == 1) { char PluginMagicWord[9]; memset(PluginMagicWord, 0, sizeof(PluginMagicWord)); strncpy(PluginMagicWord, fmt("%08x", hdr->settings[0]), 8); currentPartition = m_cfg.getInt("PLUGINS_PARTITION", PluginMagicWord, 1); m_cfg.setInt(PLUGIN_DOMAIN, "partition", currentPartition); } currentPartition = m_cfg.getInt(PLUGIN_DOMAIN, "partition", 1); break; } /* Get Banner Title for Playlog */ CurrentBanner.ClearBanner(); if(hdr->type == TYPE_CHANNEL) { u64 chantitle = CoverFlow.getChanTitle(); _extractChannelBnr(chantitle); } else if(hdr->type == TYPE_WII_GAME) _extractBnr(hdr); if(CurrentBanner.IsValid()) _extractBannerTitle(GetLanguage(m_loc.getString(m_curLanguage, "gametdb_code", "EN").c_str())); if(hdr->type != TYPE_HOMEBREW && hdr->type != TYPE_PLUGIN) { if(Playlog_Update(hdr->id, banner_title) < 0) Playlog_Delete(); } gprintf("Launching game %s\n", hdr->id); CurrentBanner.ClearBanner(); /* Finally boot it */ _launch(hdr); if(m_exit) break; _hideWaitMessage(); launch = false; for(int chan = WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES-1; chan >= 0; chan--) WPAD_SetVRes(chan, m_vid.width() + m_cursor[chan].width(), m_vid.height() + m_cursor[chan].height()); m_gcfg2.unload(); _showGame(); //_initCF(); //CoverFlow.select(); } else { for(int chan = WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES-1; chan >= 0; chan--) if (CoverFlow.mouseOver(m_cursor[chan].x(), m_cursor[chan].y())) CoverFlow.flip(); } } if((startGameSound == 1 || startGameSound < -8) && (BTN_UP_REPEAT || RIGHT_STICK_UP)) { _cleanupBanner(true); CoverFlow.up(); startGameSound = -10; } if((startGameSound == 1 || startGameSound < -8) && (BTN_RIGHT_REPEAT || RIGHT_STICK_RIGHT)) { _cleanupBanner(true); CoverFlow.right(); startGameSound = -10; } if((startGameSound == 1 || startGameSound < -8) && (BTN_DOWN_REPEAT || RIGHT_STICK_DOWN)) { _cleanupBanner(true); CoverFlow.down(); startGameSound = -10; } if((startGameSound == 1 || startGameSound < -8) && (BTN_LEFT_REPEAT || RIGHT_STICK_LEFT)) { _cleanupBanner(true); CoverFlow.left(); startGameSound = -10; } if(startGameSound == -10) { m_gameSelected = false; _setBg(m_gameBg, m_gameBgLQ); } if(m_show_zone_game && !m_zoom_banner) { bool b = m_gcfg1.getBool("FAVORITES", _getId(), false); m_btnMgr.show(b ? m_gameBtnFavoriteOn : m_gameBtnFavoriteOff); m_btnMgr.hide(b ? m_gameBtnFavoriteOff : m_gameBtnFavoriteOn); m_btnMgr.show(m_gameBtnPlay); m_btnMgr.show(m_gameBtnBack); if(!m_fa.isLoaded()) m_btnMgr.show(m_gameBtnToggle); else m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnToggle); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnPlayFull); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnBackFull); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnToggleFull); if(m_gameLblUser[4] != -1 && !NoGameID(CoverFlow.getHdr()->type) && !m_fa.isLoaded()) m_btnMgr.show(m_gameLblUser[4]); else m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameLblUser[4]); for(u8 i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(m_gameLblUser) - 1; ++i) { if(m_gameLblUser[i] != -1) m_btnMgr.show(m_gameLblUser[i]); } if(!m_locked) { b = m_gcfg1.getBool("ADULTONLY", _getId(), false); m_btnMgr.show(b ? m_gameBtnAdultOn : m_gameBtnAdultOff); m_btnMgr.hide(b ? m_gameBtnAdultOff : m_gameBtnAdultOn); m_btnMgr.show(m_gameBtnSettings); } if((CoverFlow.getHdr()->type != TYPE_HOMEBREW && (CoverFlow.getHdr()->type != TYPE_CHANNEL || (!m_cfg.getBool(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "disable", true) && CoverFlow.getHdr()->type == TYPE_CHANNEL))) && !m_locked) m_btnMgr.show(m_gameBtnDelete); } else { if(m_zoom_banner && !m_fa.isLoaded()) { m_btnMgr.show(m_gameBtnPlayFull); m_btnMgr.show(m_gameBtnBackFull); m_btnMgr.show(m_gameBtnToggleFull); } m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnFavoriteOn); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnFavoriteOff); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnAdultOn); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnAdultOff); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnSettings); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnDelete); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnPlay); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnBack); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnToggle); if(m_gameLblUser[4] != -1) { if(!NoGameID(CoverFlow.getHdr()->type) && !m_zoom_banner && !m_fa.isLoaded()) m_btnMgr.show(m_gameLblUser[4]); else m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameLblUser[4], true); } for(u8 i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(m_gameLblUser) - 1; ++i) if (m_gameLblUser[i] != -1) m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameLblUser[i]); } } m_gcfg1.save(true); _hideGame(); } void CMenu::directlaunch(const char *GameID) { m_directLaunch = true; for(currentPartition = SD; currentPartition < USB8; currentPartition++) { if(!DeviceHandle.IsInserted(currentPartition)) continue; DeviceHandle.OpenWBFS(currentPartition); string gameDir(fmt(wii_games_dir, DeviceName[currentPartition])); string cacheDir(fmt("%s/%s_wii.db", m_listCacheDir.c_str(), DeviceName[currentPartition])); m_gameList.CreateList(COVERFLOW_WII, currentPartition, gameDir, stringToVector(".wbfs|.iso", '|'), cacheDir, false); WBFS_Close(); for(u32 i = 0; i < m_gameList.size(); i++) { if(strncasecmp(GameID, m_gameList[i].id, 6) == 0) { _launchGame(&m_gameList[i], false); // Launch will exit wiiflow break; } } } error(wfmt(_fmt("errgame1", L"Cannot find the game with ID: %s"), GameID)); } void CMenu::_launchShutdown() { CoverFlow.clear(); _showWaitMessage(); exitHandler(PRIILOADER_DEF); //Making wiiflow ready to boot something } bool gcLaunchFail = false; void CMenu::_launch(const dir_discHdr *hdr) { dir_discHdr launchHdr; memcpy(&launchHdr, hdr, sizeof(dir_discHdr)); /* Lets boot that shit */ if(launchHdr.type == TYPE_WII_GAME) _launchGame(&launchHdr, false); else if(launchHdr.type == TYPE_GC_GAME) { gcLaunchFail = false; _launchGC(&launchHdr, false); if(gcLaunchFail) return; } else if(launchHdr.type == TYPE_CHANNEL) _launchChannel(&launchHdr); else if(launchHdr.type == TYPE_PLUGIN) { //get dol name and length const char *plugin_dol_name = m_plugin.GetDolName(launchHdr.settings[0]); u8 plugin_dol_len = strlen(plugin_dol_name); //get title and path from hdr char title[101]; memset(&title, 0, sizeof(title)); u32 title_len_no_ext = 0; const char *path = NULL; //example rom path - sd:/roms/super mario bros.zip //example scummvm path - games/monkey island.exe if(strchr(launchHdr.path, ':') != NULL)//it's a rom path { //check if music player plugin, if so launch wiiflow's music player if(plugin_dol_len == strlen(MUSIC_DOMAIN) && strcmp(plugin_dol_name, MUSIC_DOMAIN) == 0) { MusicPlayer.LoadFile(launchHdr.path, false); m_exit = false; return; } //get rom title after last '/' strncpy(title, strrchr(launchHdr.path, '/') + 1, 100); if(strchr(launchHdr.path, '.') != NULL) // if there's extension get length of title without extension title_len_no_ext = strlen(title) - strlen(strrchr(title, '.')); //get path *strrchr(launchHdr.path, '/') = '\0'; //cut title off end of path path = strchr(launchHdr.path, '/') + 1; //cut sd:/ off of path } else //it's a scummvm game { path = launchHdr.path; wcstombs(title, launchHdr.title, 63); } m_cfg.setString(PLUGIN_DOMAIN, "current_item", title); const char *device = (currentPartition == 0 ? "sd" : (DeviceHandle.GetFSType(currentPartition) == PART_FS_NTFS ? "ntfs" : "usb")); /* this is weird - he sets the return to loader to be dev:/wiiflow/plugins/WiiFlowLoader.dol but there is no such dol in the plugins directory and WiiFlowLoader.dol is really a hidden channel on the system menu. This is set because some plugins require a arg for loader dol and even though this isn't real it fills the argument needed. */ const char *loader = fmt("%s:/%s/WiiFlowLoader.dol", device, strchr(m_pluginsDir.c_str(), '/') + 1); vector arguments = m_plugin.CreateArgs(device, path, title, loader, title_len_no_ext, launchHdr.settings[0]); const char *plugin_file = plugin_dol_name; /* try full path */ if(strchr(plugin_file, ':') == NULL || !fsop_FileExist(plugin_file)) /* try universal plugin folder */ { plugin_file = fmt("%s/%s", m_pluginsDir.c_str(), plugin_dol_name); if(!fsop_FileExist(plugin_file)) /* try device search */ { for(u8 i = SD; i < MAXDEVICES; ++i) { plugin_file = fmt("%s:/%s", DeviceName[i], plugin_dol_name); if(fsop_FileExist(plugin_file)) break; } } } _launchHomebrew(plugin_file, arguments); } else if(launchHdr.type == TYPE_HOMEBREW) { const char *gamepath = fmt("%s/boot.dol", launchHdr.path); if(!fsop_FileExist(gamepath)) gamepath = fmt("%s/boot.elf", launchHdr.path); if(fsop_FileExist(gamepath)) { m_cfg.setString(HOMEBREW_DOMAIN, "current_item", strrchr(launchHdr.path, '/') + 1); _launchHomebrew(gamepath, m_homebrewArgs); /*m_homebrewArgs is basically an empty vector string not needed for homebrew but used by plugins when _launchHomebrew is called */ } } ShutdownBeforeExit(); Sys_Exit(); } void CMenu::_launchGC(dir_discHdr *hdr, bool disc) { const char *id = hdr->id; memcpy((u8*)Disc_ID, id, 6); DCFlushRange((u8*)Disc_ID, 32); const char *path = hdr->path; u8 loader = min((u32)m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "gc_loader", 0), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_GCLoader) - 1u); loader = (loader == 0) ? min((u32)m_cfg.getInt(GC_DOMAIN, "default_loader", 1), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_GlobalGCLoaders) - 1u) : loader-1; if(disc) loader = 1; if((loader == 1 && !m_nintendont_installed) || (loader == 0 && !m_devo_installed)) { error(_t("errgame11", L"GameCube Loader not found! Can't launch game.")); gcLaunchFail = true; return; } _launchShutdown(); m_gcfg1.setInt("PLAYCOUNT", id, m_gcfg1.getInt("PLAYCOUNT", id, 0) + 1); m_gcfg1.setUInt("LASTPLAYED", id, time(NULL)); m_cfg.setString(GC_DOMAIN, "current_item", id); if(has_enabled_providers() && _initNetwork() == 0) add_game_to_card(id); u8 GClanguage = min((u32)m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "gc_language", 0), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_GClanguages) - 1u); GClanguage = (GClanguage == 0) ? min((u32)m_cfg.getInt(GC_DOMAIN, "game_language", 0), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_GlobalGClanguages) - 1u) : GClanguage-1; if(id[3] == 'E' || id[3] == 'J') GClanguage = 1; //=english u8 videoMode = min((u32)m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "gc_video_mode", 0), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_GCvideoModes) - 1u); videoMode = (videoMode == 0) ? min((u32)m_cfg.getInt(GC_DOMAIN, "video_mode", 0), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_GlobalGCvideoModes) - 1u) : videoMode-1; if(disc || videoMode == 0) { if(id[3] == 'E' || id[3] == 'J') videoMode = 2; //NTSC 480i else videoMode = 1; //PAL 576i } bool widescreen = m_gcfg2.getBool(id, "widescreen", false); if(loader == 0) { bool memcard_emu = m_gcfg2.getBool(id, "devo_memcard_emu", false); bool activity_led = m_gcfg2.getBool(id, "led", false); DEVO_GetLoader(m_dataDir.c_str()); DEVO_SetOptions(path, id, memcard_emu, widescreen, activity_led, m_use_wifi_gecko); } else if(loader == 1) { u8 emuMC = min((u32)m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "emu_memcard", m_cfg.getInt(GC_DOMAIN, "emu_memcard", 1)), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_NinEmuCard) - 1u); emuMC = (emuMC == 0) ? m_cfg.getInt(GC_DOMAIN, "emu_memcard", 1) : emuMC-1; bool usb_hid = m_gcfg2.getBool(id, "USB_HID", m_cfg.getBool(GC_DOMAIN, "USB_HID", false)); bool native_ctl = m_gcfg2.getBool(id, "NATIVE_CTL", m_cfg.getBool(GC_DOMAIN, "NATIVE_CTL", false)); bool deflicker = m_gcfg2.getBool(id, "Deflicker", m_cfg.getBool(GC_DOMAIN, "Deflicker", false)); if(disc == true) { emuMC = m_cfg.getInt(GC_DOMAIN, "emu_memcard", 1); Nintendont_BootDisc(emuMC, widescreen, usb_hid, native_ctl, deflicker); } else { bool NIN_Debugger = (m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "debugger", 0) == 2); bool wiiu_widescreen = m_gcfg2.getBool(id, "wiiu_widescreen", false); bool cheats = m_gcfg2.testOptBool(id, "cheat", m_cfg.getBool(GC_DOMAIN, "cheat", false)); /* Generate gct path */ char GC_Path[256]; GC_Path[255] = '\0'; strncpy(GC_Path, path, 255); if(strcasestr(path, "boot.bin") != NULL)//games/title [id]/sys/boot.bin { *strrchr(GC_Path, '/') = '\0'; //erase /boot.bin *(strrchr(GC_Path, '/')+1) = '\0'; //erase sys folder } else //games/title [id]/game.iso *(strrchr(GC_Path, '/')+1) = '\0'; //erase game.iso char CheatPath[256];// wiiflow cheats path - sd:/wiiflow/cheats/id.gct char NewCheatPath[256];// nintendont cheat path - games/title [id]/id.gct snprintf(CheatPath, sizeof(CheatPath), "%s/%s", m_cheatDir.c_str(), fmt("%s.gct", id)); snprintf(NewCheatPath, sizeof(NewCheatPath), "%s%s.gct",GC_Path,id); Nintendont_SetOptions(path, id, CheatPath, NewCheatPath, DeviceName[currentPartition], cheats, emuMC, videoMode, widescreen, usb_hid, native_ctl, deflicker, wiiu_widescreen, NIN_Debugger); } } m_gcfg1.save(true); m_gcfg2.save(true); m_cat.save(true); m_cfg.save(true); cleanup(); GC_SetVideoMode(videoMode, loader); GC_SetLanguage(GClanguage, loader); /* NTSC-J Patch by FIX94 */ if(id[3] == 'J') *HW_PPCSPEED = 0x0002A9E0; if(loader == 0) { if(AHBRPOT_Patched()) loadIOS(58, false); else //use cIOS instead to make sure Devolution works anyways loadIOS(mainIOS, false); ShutdownBeforeExit(); DEVO_Boot(); } else { bool ret = (Nintendont_GetLoader() && LoadAppBooter(fmt("%s/app_booter.bin", m_binsDir.c_str()))); Nintendont_WriteOptions(); ShutdownBeforeExit(); if(ret == true) { loadIOS(58, false); //nintendont NEEDS ios58 BootHomebrew(); //regular dol } } Sys_Exit(); } void CMenu::_launchHomebrew(const char *filepath, vector arguments) { _launchShutdown(); m_gcfg1.save(true); m_gcfg2.save(true); m_cat.save(true); m_cfg.save(true); Playlog_Delete(); cleanup(); // wifi and sd gecko doesnt work anymore after cleanup bool ret = (LoadHomebrew(filepath) && LoadAppBooter(fmt("%s/app_booter.bin", m_binsDir.c_str()))); AddBootArgument(filepath); for(u32 i = 0; i < arguments.size(); ++i) { gprintf("Argument: %s\n", arguments[i].c_str()); AddBootArgument(arguments[i].c_str()); } ShutdownBeforeExit(); if(ret == true) { loadIOS(58, false); BootHomebrew(); } Sys_Exit(); } int CMenu::_loadIOS(u8 gameIOS, int userIOS, string id, bool RealNAND_Channels) { gprintf("Game ID# %s requested IOS %d. User selected %d\n", id.c_str(), gameIOS, userIOS); if(neek2o() || (RealNAND_Channels && IOS_GetType(mainIOS) == IOS_TYPE_STUB)) { bool ret = loadIOS(gameIOS, false); _netInit(); if(ret == false) { error(wfmt(_fmt("errgame4", L"Couldn't load IOS %i"), gameIOS)); return LOAD_IOS_FAILED; } return LOAD_IOS_SUCCEEDED; } if(userIOS) { for(CIOSItr itr = _installed_cios.begin(); itr != _installed_cios.end(); itr++) { if(itr->second == userIOS || itr->first == userIOS) { gameIOS = itr->first; break; } } } else if(gameIOS != 57) gameIOS = mainIOS; gprintf("Changed requested IOS to %d.\n", gameIOS); // remap IOS to CIOS if(gameIOS < 0x64) { if(_installed_cios.size() <= 0) { error(_t("errgame2", L"No cIOS found!")); Sys_Exit(); } u8 IOS[3]; IOS[0] = gameIOS; IOS[1] = 56; IOS[2] = 57; bool found = false; for(u8 num = 0; num < 3; num++) { if(found) break; if(IOS[num] == 0) continue; for(CIOSItr itr = _installed_cios.begin(); itr != _installed_cios.end(); itr++) { if(itr->second == IOS[num] || itr->first == IOS[num]) { gameIOS = itr->first; found = true; break; } } } if(!found) return LOAD_IOS_FAILED; } if(gameIOS != CurrentIOS.Version) { gprintf("Reloading IOS into %d\n", gameIOS); bool ret = loadIOS(gameIOS, true); _netInit(); if(ret == false) { error(wfmt(_fmt("errgame4", L"Couldn't load IOS %i"), gameIOS)); return LOAD_IOS_FAILED; } return LOAD_IOS_SUCCEEDED; } return LOAD_IOS_NOT_NEEDED; } void CMenu::_launchChannel(dir_discHdr *hdr) { _launchShutdown(); string id = string(hdr->id); bool NAND_Emu = !m_cfg.getBool(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "disable", true); bool WII_Launch = (m_gcfg2.getBool(id, "custom", false) && (!NAND_Emu || neek2o())); bool use_dol = !m_gcfg2.getBool(id, "apploader", false); bool vipatch = m_gcfg2.testOptBool(id, "vipatch", m_cfg.getBool("GENERAL", "vipatch", false)); bool cheat = m_gcfg2.testOptBool(id, "cheat", m_cfg.getBool(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "cheat", false)); bool countryPatch = m_gcfg2.testOptBool(id, "country_patch", m_cfg.getBool("GENERAL", "country_patch", false)); u8 videoMode = (u8)min((u32)m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "video_mode", 0), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_VideoModes) - 1u); videoMode = (videoMode == 0) ? (u8)min((u32)m_cfg.getInt("GENERAL", "video_mode", 0), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_GlobalVideoModes) - 1) : videoMode-1; int language = min((u32)m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "language", 0), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_languages) - 1u); language = (language == 0) ? min((u32)m_cfg.getInt("GENERAL", "game_language", 0), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_languages) - 1) : language; const char *rtrn = m_gcfg2.getBool(id, "returnto", true) ? m_cfg.getString("GENERAL", "returnto").c_str() : NULL; u8 patchVidMode = min((u32)m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "patch_video_modes", 0), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_vidModePatch) - 1u); int aspectRatio = min((u32)m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "aspect_ratio", 0), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_AspectRatio) - 1u)-1; u32 returnTo = rtrn[0] << 24 | rtrn[1] << 16 | rtrn[2] << 8 | rtrn[3]; u8 *cheatFile = NULL; u32 cheatSize = 0; if(!WII_Launch) { hooktype = (u32) m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "hooktype", 0); debuggerselect = m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "debugger", 0); if((cheat || debuggerselect == 1) && hooktype == 0) hooktype = 1; else if(!cheat && debuggerselect != 1) hooktype = 0; if(cheat) _loadFile(cheatFile, cheatSize, m_cheatDir.c_str(), fmt("%s.gct", id.c_str())); if(has_enabled_providers() && _initNetwork() == 0) add_game_to_card(id.c_str()); } m_cfg.setString(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "current_item", id); m_gcfg1.setInt("PLAYCOUNT", id, m_gcfg1.getInt("PLAYCOUNT", id, 0) + 1); m_gcfg1.setUInt("LASTPLAYED", id, time(NULL)); string emuPath = m_cfg.getString(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "path"); int emulate_mode = min(max(0, m_cfg.getInt(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "emulation", 1)), (int)ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_NandEmu) - 1); int userIOS = m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "ios", 0); u64 gameTitle = TITLE_ID(hdr->settings[0],hdr->settings[1]); bool useNK2o = (m_gcfg2.getBool(id, "useneek", false) && !neek2o()); bool use_led = m_gcfg2.getBool(id, "led", false); u32 gameIOS = ChannelHandle.GetRequestedIOS(gameTitle); m_gcfg1.save(true); m_gcfg2.save(true); m_cat.save(true); m_cfg.save(true); cleanup(); if(NAND_Emu && !neek2o()) { NANDemuView = true; if(useNK2o) { if(!Load_Neek2o_Kernel()) { error(_t("errneek1", L"Cannot launch neek2o. Verify your neek2o setup")); Sys_Exit(); } ShutdownBeforeExit(); Launch_nk(gameTitle, NandHandle.Get_NandPath(), returnTo ? (((u64)(0x00010001) << 32) | (returnTo & 0xFFFFFFFF)) : 0); while(1) usleep(500); } } if(WII_Launch == false && ExternalBooter_LoadBins(m_binsDir.c_str()) == false) Sys_Exit(); if(_loadIOS(gameIOS, userIOS, id, !NAND_Emu) == LOAD_IOS_FAILED) Sys_Exit(); if((CurrentIOS.Type == IOS_TYPE_D2X || neek2o()) && returnTo != 0) { if(D2X_PatchReturnTo(returnTo) >= 0) memset(&returnTo, 0, sizeof(u32)); } if(NAND_Emu && !neek2o()) { /* Enable our Emu NAND */ DeviceHandle.UnMountAll(); if(emulate_mode == 1) NandHandle.Set_FullMode(true); else NandHandle.Set_FullMode(false); if(NandHandle.Enable_Emu() < 0) { NandHandle.Disable_Emu(); error(_t("errgame5", L"Enabling emu failed!")); Sys_Exit(); } DeviceHandle.MountAll(); } if(WII_Launch) { ShutdownBeforeExit(); WII_Initialize(); WII_LaunchTitle(gameTitle); } else { setLanguage(language); ocarina_load_code(cheatFile, cheatSize); NandHandle.Patch_AHB(); /* Identify may takes it */ PatchIOS(true); /* Patch for everything */ Identify(gameTitle); ExternalBooter_ChannelSetup(gameTitle, use_dol); WiiFlow_ExternalBooter(videoMode, vipatch, countryPatch, patchVidMode, aspectRatio, 0, TYPE_CHANNEL, use_led); } Sys_Exit(); } void CMenu::_launchGame(dir_discHdr *hdr, bool dvd) { _launchShutdown(); string id(hdr->id); string path(hdr->path); if(neek2o()) { int discID = id.c_str()[0] << 24 | id.c_str()[1] << 16 | id.c_str()[2] << 8 | id.c_str()[3]; if(WDVD_NEEK_LoadDisc((discID&0xFFFFFFFF), 0x5D1C9EA3) > 0) { dvd = true; sleep(3); } } if(dvd) { u32 cover = 0; if(!neek2o() && !Sys_DolphinMode()) { if(WDVD_GetCoverStatus(&cover) < 0) { error(_t("errgame7", L"WDVDGetCoverStatus Failed!")); Sys_Exit(); } if(!(cover & 0x2)) { error(_t("errgame8", L"Please insert a game disc.")); do { WDVD_GetCoverStatus(&cover); if(BTN_B_PRESSED) return; } while(!(cover & 0x2)); } } TempLoadIOS(); /* Open Disc */ if(Disc_Open(true) < 0) { error(_t("wbfsoperr2", L"Disc_Open failed")); Sys_Exit(); } /* Check disc */ if(Disc_IsWii() < 0) { if(Disc_IsGC() < 0) { error(_t("errgame9", L"This is not a Wii or GC disc")); Sys_Exit(); } else { /* Read GC disc header */ Disc_ReadGCHeader(&gc_hdr); memcpy(hdr->id, gc_hdr.id, 6); /* Launching GC Game */ if(m_nintendont_installed) _launchGC(hdr, true); else error(_t("errgame12", L"Nintendont not found! Can't launch GC Disc.")); return; } } else { /* Read header */ Disc_ReadHeader(&wii_hdr); id = string((const char*)wii_hdr.id, 6); } gprintf("Game ID: %s\n", id.c_str()); } bool vipatch = m_gcfg2.testOptBool(id, "vipatch", m_cfg.getBool("GENERAL", "vipatch", false)); bool countryPatch = m_gcfg2.testOptBool(id, "country_patch", m_cfg.getBool("GENERAL", "country_patch", false)); bool private_server = m_gcfg2.testOptBool(id, "private_server", m_cfg.getBool("GENERAL", "private_server", false)); u8 patchVidMode = min((u32)m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "patch_video_modes", 0), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_vidModePatch) - 1u); u8 videoMode = (u8)min((u32)m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "video_mode", 0), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_VideoModes) - 1u); videoMode = (videoMode == 0) ? (u8)min((u32)m_cfg.getInt("GENERAL", "video_mode", 0), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_GlobalVideoModes) - 1) : videoMode-1; int language = min((u32)m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "language", 0), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_languages) - 1u); language = (language == 0) ? min((u32)m_cfg.getInt("GENERAL", "game_language", 0), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_languages) - 1) : language; const char *rtrn = m_cfg.getString("GENERAL", "returnto", "").c_str(); int aspectRatio = min((u32)m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "aspect_ratio", 0), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_AspectRatio) - 1u)-1; string emuPath; int emuPartition = 0; u8 emulate_mode = min((u32)m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "emulate_save", 0), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_SaveEmu) - 1u); if(emulate_mode == 0) { emulate_mode = min(max(0, m_cfg.getInt(WII_DOMAIN, "save_emulation", 0)), (int)ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_GlobalSaveEmu) - 1); if(emulate_mode != 0) emulate_mode++; } else if(emulate_mode == 1) emulate_mode = 0; m_current_view = COVERFLOW_WII; // used for _FindEmuPart() if(emulate_mode && !dvd && !neek2o()) { emuPartition = _FindEmuPart(emuPath, false); if(emuPartition < 0) { if(emulate_mode == 4) { _hideWaitMessage(); while(true) { _AutoCreateNand(); if(_TestEmuNand(m_cfg.getInt(WII_DOMAIN, "savepartition", 0), emuPath.c_str(), true)) { emuPartition = m_cfg.getInt(WII_DOMAIN, "savepartition", -1); emuPath = m_cfg.getString(WII_DOMAIN, "savepath", m_cfg.getString(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "path", "")); break; } } _showWaitMessage(); } else { emuPartition = _FindEmuPart(emuPath, true); NandHandle.CreatePath(fmt("%s:/%s", DeviceName[emuPartition], APPDATA_DIR)); NandHandle.CreatePath(fmt("%s:/%s/nandemu", DeviceName[emuPartition], APPDATA_DIR)); } } /* Set them */ NANDemuView = true; m_cfg.setInt(WII_DOMAIN, "savepartition", emuPartition); m_cfg.setString(WII_DOMAIN, "savepath", emuPath); if(emulate_mode == 2) { m_forceext = false; _hideWaitMessage(); if(!_AutoExtractSave(id)) NandHandle.CreateTitleTMD(hdr); _showWaitMessage(); } else if(emulate_mode > 2) { NandHandle.CreateConfig(); NandHandle.Do_Region_Change(id, false); } } else emulate_mode = 0; bool use_led = m_gcfg2.getBool(id, "led", false); bool cheat = m_gcfg2.testOptBool(id, "cheat", m_cfg.getBool(WII_DOMAIN, "cheat", false)); debuggerselect = m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "debugger", 0); // debuggerselect is defined in fst.h if((id == "RPWE41" || id == "RPWZ41" || id == "SPXP41") && debuggerselect == 1) // Prince of Persia, Rival Swords debuggerselect = 0; hooktype = (u32)m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "hooktype", 0); // hooktype is defined in patchcode.h if((cheat || debuggerselect == 1) && hooktype == 0) hooktype = 1; else if(!cheat && debuggerselect != 1) hooktype = 0; u8 *cheatFile = NULL; u8 *gameconfig = NULL; u32 cheatSize = 0, gameconfigSize = 0, returnTo = 0; m_cfg.setString(WII_DOMAIN, "current_item", id); m_gcfg1.setInt("PLAYCOUNT", id, m_gcfg1.getInt("PLAYCOUNT", id, 0) + 1); m_gcfg1.setUInt("LASTPLAYED", id, time(NULL)); if(has_enabled_providers() && _initNetwork() == 0) add_game_to_card(id.c_str()); setLanguage(language); load_wip_patches((u8 *)m_wipDir.c_str(), (u8 *) &id); if(cheat) _loadFile(cheatFile, cheatSize, m_cheatDir.c_str(), fmt("%s.gct", id.c_str())); _loadFile(gameconfig, gameconfigSize, m_txtCheatDir.c_str(), "gameconfig.txt"); if(strlen(rtrn) == 4) returnTo = rtrn[0] << 24 | rtrn[1] << 16 | rtrn[2] << 8 | rtrn[3]; int userIOS = m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "ios", 0); int gameIOS = dvd && !neek2o() ? userIOS : GetRequestedGameIOS(hdr); m_gcfg1.save(true); m_gcfg2.save(true); m_cat.save(true); m_cfg.save(true); cleanup(); // wifi and sd gecko doesnt work anymore after cleanup bool patchregion = false; if(emulate_mode <= 2 && !neek2o() && m_cfg.getBool("GENERAL", "tempregionrn", false)) { gprintf("Check\n"); patchregion = NandHandle.Do_Region_Change(id, true); } if(ExternalBooter_LoadBins(m_binsDir.c_str()) == false) Sys_Exit(); if((!dvd || neek2o()) && !Sys_DolphinMode()) { if(_loadIOS(gameIOS, userIOS, id) == LOAD_IOS_FAILED) Sys_Exit(); } if(CurrentIOS.Type == IOS_TYPE_D2X) { if(returnTo != 0 && !m_directLaunch && D2X_PatchReturnTo(returnTo) >= 0) memset(&returnTo, 0, sizeof(u32)); if(emulate_mode) { /* Enable our Emu NAND */ DeviceHandle.UnMountAll(); if(emulate_mode == 3) NandHandle.Set_RCMode(true); else if(emulate_mode == 4) NandHandle.Set_FullMode(true); else NandHandle.Set_FullMode(false); if(NandHandle.Enable_Emu() < 0) { NandHandle.Disable_Emu(); error(_t("errgame6", L"Enabling emu after reload failed!")); Sys_Exit(); } DeviceHandle.MountAll(); } } bool wbfs_partition = false; if(!dvd) { DeviceHandle.OpenWBFS(currentPartition); wbfs_partition = (DeviceHandle.GetFSType(currentPartition) == PART_FS_WBFS); if(!wbfs_partition && get_frag_list((u8 *)id.c_str(), (char*)path.c_str(), currentPartition == 0 ? 0x200 : USBStorage2_GetSectorSize()) < 0) Sys_Exit(); WBFS_Close(); } if(cheatFile != NULL) { ocarina_load_code(cheatFile, cheatSize); free(cheatFile); } if(gameconfig != NULL) { app_gameconfig_load(id.c_str(), gameconfig, gameconfigSize); free(gameconfig); } ExternalBooter_WiiGameSetup(wbfs_partition, dvd, patchregion, private_server, id.c_str()); WiiFlow_ExternalBooter(videoMode, vipatch, countryPatch, patchVidMode, aspectRatio, returnTo, TYPE_WII_GAME, use_led); Sys_Exit(); } void CMenu::_initGameMenu() { CColor fontColor(0xD0BFDFFF); TexData texGameFavOn; TexData texGameFavOnSel; TexData texGameFavOff; TexData texGameFavOffSel; TexData texAdultOn; TexData texAdultOnSel; TexData texAdultOff; TexData texAdultOffSel; TexData texDelete; TexData texDeleteSel; TexData texSettings; TexData texSettingsSel; TexData texToggleBanner; TexData bgLQ; TexHandle.fromImageFile(texGameFavOn, fmt("%s/gamefavon.png", m_imgsDir.c_str())); TexHandle.fromImageFile(texGameFavOnSel, fmt("%s/gamefavons.png", m_imgsDir.c_str())); TexHandle.fromImageFile(texGameFavOff, fmt("%s/gamefavoff.png", m_imgsDir.c_str())); TexHandle.fromImageFile(texGameFavOffSel, fmt("%s/gamefavoffs.png", m_imgsDir.c_str())); TexHandle.fromImageFile(texAdultOn, fmt("%s/stopkidon.png", m_imgsDir.c_str())); TexHandle.fromImageFile(texAdultOnSel, fmt("%s/stopkidons.png", m_imgsDir.c_str())); TexHandle.fromImageFile(texAdultOff, fmt("%s/stopkidoff.png", m_imgsDir.c_str())); TexHandle.fromImageFile(texAdultOffSel, fmt("%s/stopkidoffs.png", m_imgsDir.c_str())); TexHandle.fromImageFile(texDelete, fmt("%s/delete.png", m_imgsDir.c_str())); TexHandle.fromImageFile(texDeleteSel, fmt("%s/deletes.png", m_imgsDir.c_str())); TexHandle.fromImageFile(texSettings, fmt("%s/btngamecfg.png", m_imgsDir.c_str())); TexHandle.fromImageFile(texSettingsSel, fmt("%s/btngamecfgs.png", m_imgsDir.c_str())); TexHandle.fromImageFile(texToggleBanner, fmt("%s/blank.png", m_imgsDir.c_str())); _addUserLabels(m_gameLblUser, ARRAY_SIZE(m_gameLblUser), "GAME"); m_gameBg = _texture("GAME/BG", "texture", theme.bg, false); if(m_theme.loaded() && TexHandle.fromImageFile(bgLQ, fmt("%s/%s", m_themeDataDir.c_str(), m_theme.getString("GAME/BG", "texture").c_str()), GX_TF_CMPR, 64, 64) == TE_OK) m_gameBgLQ = bgLQ; m_gameBtnPlay = _addButton("GAME/PLAY_BTN", theme.btnFont, L"", 420, 344, 200, 48, theme.btnFontColor); m_gameBtnBack = _addButton("GAME/BACK_BTN", theme.btnFont, L"", 420, 400, 200, 48, theme.btnFontColor); m_gameBtnFavoriteOn = _addPicButton("GAME/FAVORITE_ON", texGameFavOn, texGameFavOnSel, 460, 200, 48, 48); m_gameBtnFavoriteOff = _addPicButton("GAME/FAVORITE_OFF", texGameFavOff, texGameFavOffSel, 460, 200, 48, 48); m_gameBtnAdultOn = _addPicButton("GAME/ADULTONLY_ON", texAdultOn, texAdultOnSel, 532, 200, 48, 48); m_gameBtnAdultOff = _addPicButton("GAME/ADULTONLY_OFF", texAdultOff, texAdultOffSel, 532, 200, 48, 48); m_gameBtnSettings = _addPicButton("GAME/SETTINGS_BTN", texSettings, texSettingsSel, 460, 272, 48, 48); m_gameBtnDelete = _addPicButton("GAME/DELETE_BTN", texDelete, texDeleteSel, 532, 272, 48, 48); m_gameBtnBackFull = _addButton("GAME/BACK_FULL_BTN", theme.btnFont, L"", 100, 390, 200, 56, theme.btnFontColor); m_gameBtnPlayFull = _addButton("GAME/PLAY_FULL_BTN", theme.btnFont, L"", 340, 390, 200, 56, theme.btnFontColor); m_gameBtnToggle = _addPicButton("GAME/TOOGLE_BTN", texToggleBanner, texToggleBanner, 385, 31, 236, 127); m_gameBtnToggleFull = _addPicButton("GAME/TOOGLE_FULL_BTN", texToggleBanner, texToggleBanner, 20, 12, 608, 344); m_gameButtonsZone.x = m_theme.getInt("GAME/ZONES", "buttons_x", 0); m_gameButtonsZone.y = m_theme.getInt("GAME/ZONES", "buttons_y", 0); m_gameButtonsZone.w = m_theme.getInt("GAME/ZONES", "buttons_w", 640); m_gameButtonsZone.h = m_theme.getInt("GAME/ZONES", "buttons_h", 480); m_gameButtonsZone.hide = m_theme.getBool("GAME/ZONES", "buttons_hide", true); _setHideAnim(m_gameBtnPlay, "GAME/PLAY_BTN", 0, 0, 1.f, -1.f); _setHideAnim(m_gameBtnBack, "GAME/BACK_BTN", 0, 0, 1.f, -1.f); _setHideAnim(m_gameBtnFavoriteOn, "GAME/FAVORITE_ON", 0, 0, 1.f, -1.f); _setHideAnim(m_gameBtnFavoriteOff, "GAME/FAVORITE_OFF", 0, 0, 1.f, -1.f); _setHideAnim(m_gameBtnAdultOn, "GAME/ADULTONLY_ON", 0, 0, 1.f, -1.f); _setHideAnim(m_gameBtnAdultOff, "GAME/ADULTONLY_OFF", 0, 0, 1.f, -1.f); _setHideAnim(m_gameBtnSettings, "GAME/SETTINGS_BTN", 0, 0, 1.f, -1.f); _setHideAnim(m_gameBtnDelete, "GAME/DELETE_BTN", 0, 0, 1.f, -1.f); _setHideAnim(m_gameBtnPlayFull, "GAME/PLAY_FULL_BTN", 0, 0, 1.f, 0.f); _setHideAnim(m_gameBtnBackFull, "GAME/BACK_FULL_BTN", 0, 0, 1.f, 0.f); _setHideAnim(m_gameBtnToggle, "GAME/TOOGLE_BTN", 200, 0, 1.f, 0.f); _setHideAnim(m_gameBtnToggleFull, "GAME/TOOGLE_FULL_BTN", 200, 0, 1.f, 0.f); _hideGame(true); _textGame(); } void CMenu::_textGame(void) { m_btnMgr.setText(m_gameBtnPlay, _t("gm1", L"Play")); m_btnMgr.setText(m_gameBtnBack, _t("gm2", L"Back")); m_btnMgr.setText(m_gameBtnPlayFull, _t("gm1", L"Play")); m_btnMgr.setText(m_gameBtnBackFull, _t("gm2", L"Back")); } struct IMD5Header { u32 fcc; u32 filesize; u8 zeroes[8]; u8 crypto[16]; } ATTRIBUTE_PACKED; void CMenu::_gameSoundThread(CMenu *m) { m->m_soundThrdBusy = true; m->m_gamesound_changed = false; CurrentBanner.ClearBanner(); const dir_discHdr *GameHdr = CoverFlow.getHdr(); if(GameHdr->type == TYPE_PLUGIN) { m_banner.DeleteBanner(); m->m_gameSound.Load(m_plugin.GetBannerSound(GameHdr->settings[0]), m_plugin.GetBannerSoundSize()); if(m->m_gameSound.IsLoaded()) m->m_gamesound_changed = true; m->m_soundThrdBusy = false; return; } u8 *custom_bnr_file = NULL; u32 custom_bnr_size = 0; u8 *cached_bnr_file = NULL; u32 cached_bnr_size = 0; char cached_banner[256]; cached_banner[255] = '\0'; char custom_banner[256]; custom_banner[255] = '\0'; /* check custom ID6 first */ strncpy(custom_banner, fmt("%s/%s.bnr", m->m_customBnrDir.c_str(), GameHdr->id), 255); fsop_GetFileSizeBytes(custom_banner, &custom_bnr_size); if(custom_bnr_size > 0) { custom_bnr_file = (u8*)MEM2_lo_alloc(custom_bnr_size); if(custom_bnr_file != NULL) fsop_ReadFileLoc(custom_banner, custom_bnr_size, (void*)custom_bnr_file); } else /* no custom ID6 or too big, try ID3 */ { strncpy(custom_banner, fmt("%s/%.3s.bnr", m->m_customBnrDir.c_str(), GameHdr->id), 255); fsop_GetFileSizeBytes(custom_banner, &custom_bnr_size); if(custom_bnr_size > 0) { custom_bnr_file = (u8*)MEM2_lo_alloc(custom_bnr_size); if(custom_bnr_file != NULL) fsop_ReadFileLoc(custom_banner, custom_bnr_size, (void*)custom_bnr_file); } } if(custom_bnr_file == NULL && GameHdr->type == TYPE_GC_GAME) { GC_Disc_Reader.init(GameHdr->path); u8 *opening_bnr = GC_Disc_Reader.GetGameCubeBanner(); if(opening_bnr != NULL) m_banner.CreateGCBanner(opening_bnr, m->m_wbf1_font, m->m_wbf2_font, GameHdr->title); GC_Disc_Reader.clear(); m->m_gameSound.Load(gc_ogg, gc_ogg_size, false); if(m->m_gameSound.IsLoaded()) m->m_gamesound_changed = true; m->m_soundThrdBusy = false; return; } if(custom_bnr_file == NULL)/* no custom and not GC game try cached banner*/ { strncpy(cached_banner, fmt("%s/%s.bnr", m->m_bnrCacheDir.c_str(), GameHdr->id), 255); fsop_GetFileSizeBytes(cached_banner, &cached_bnr_size); if(cached_bnr_size > 0) { cached_bnr_file = (u8*)MEM2_lo_alloc(cached_bnr_size); if(cached_bnr_file != NULL) fsop_ReadFileLoc(cached_banner, cached_bnr_size, (void*)cached_bnr_file); } } if(custom_bnr_file != NULL) CurrentBanner.SetBanner(custom_bnr_file, custom_bnr_size, true, true); else if(cached_bnr_file != NULL) CurrentBanner.SetBanner(cached_bnr_file, cached_bnr_size, false, true); else if(GameHdr->type == TYPE_WII_GAME) _extractBnr(GameHdr); else if(GameHdr->type == TYPE_CHANNEL) _extractChannelBnr(TITLE_ID(GameHdr->settings[0], GameHdr->settings[1])); if(!CurrentBanner.IsValid()) { m->m_gameSound.FreeMemory(); m_banner.DeleteBanner(); CurrentBanner.ClearBanner(); m->m_soundThrdBusy = false; return; } if(cached_bnr_file == NULL && custom_bnr_file == NULL) fsop_WriteFile(cached_banner, CurrentBanner.GetBannerFile(), CurrentBanner.GetBannerFileSize()); u32 sndSize = 0; m_banner.LoadBanner(m->m_wbf1_font, m->m_wbf2_font); u8 *soundBin = CurrentBanner.GetFile("sound.bin", &sndSize); CurrentBanner.ClearBanner(); if(soundBin != NULL) { if(memcmp(&((IMD5Header *)soundBin)->fcc, "IMD5", 4) == 0) { u32 newSize = 0; u8 *newSound = DecompressCopy(soundBin, sndSize, &newSize); if(newSound == NULL || newSize == 0 || !m->m_gameSound.Load(newSound, newSize)) { free(soundBin); m->m_gameSound.FreeMemory(); m_banner.DeleteBanner(); m->m_soundThrdBusy = false; return; } } else m->m_gameSound.Load(soundBin, sndSize); if(m->m_gameSound.IsLoaded()) m->m_gamesound_changed = true; else { m->m_gameSound.FreeMemory(); m_banner.DeleteBanner(); } } else { gprintf("WARNING: No sound found in banner!\n"); m->m_gamesound_changed = true; m->m_gameSound.FreeMemory(); } m->m_soundThrdBusy = false; } u8 *GameSoundStack = NULL; u32 GameSoundSize = 0x10000; //64kb void CMenu::_playGameSound(void) { if(NoGameID(CoverFlow.getHdr()->type)) { if(_startVideo()) return; if(m_zoom_banner == true) { m_zoom_banner = m_banner.ToggleZoom(); m_cfg.setBool(_domainFromView(), "show_full_banner", m_zoom_banner); currentMoviePos = normalMoviePos; } } m_gamesound_changed = false; if(m_bnrSndVol == 0) return; if(m_gameSoundThread != LWP_THREAD_NULL) CheckGameSoundThread(); GameSoundStack = (u8*)MEM2_lo_alloc(GameSoundSize); LWP_CreateThread(&m_gameSoundThread, (void *(*)(void *))CMenu::_gameSoundThread, (void*)this, GameSoundStack, GameSoundSize, 60); } void CMenu::CheckGameSoundThread() { if(m_gameSoundThread == LWP_THREAD_NULL) return; if(LWP_ThreadIsSuspended(m_gameSoundThread)) LWP_ResumeThread(m_gameSoundThread); while(m_soundThrdBusy) usleep(500); LWP_JoinThread(m_gameSoundThread, NULL); m_gameSoundThread = LWP_THREAD_NULL; if(GameSoundStack) MEM2_lo_free(GameSoundStack); GameSoundStack = NULL; }