 * Copyright (C) 2010
 * by thakis
 * Modification and adjustment for the Wii by Dimok
 * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
 * warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
 * damages arising from the use of this software.
 * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
 * purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
 * redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
 * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
 * must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
 * this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
 * documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
 * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
 * must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
 * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
 * distribution.
 * gcvid.cpp

#include <cstdlib> //NULL
#include <cstring> //memcmp
#include <string>
#include <cassert>
#include <turbojpeg.h>
#include "gecko/gecko.hpp"
#include "gcvid.h"
#include "loader/utils.h"
#include "memory/mem2.hpp"

using namespace std;

void readThpHeader(FILE* f, ThpHeader& h)
	fread(&h, sizeof(h), 1, f);

void readThpComponents(FILE* f, ThpComponents& c)
	fread(&c, sizeof(c), 1, f);

void readThpVideoInfo(FILE* f, ThpVideoInfo& i, bool isVersion11)
	fread(&i, sizeof(i), 1, f);
		i.unknown = 0;
		fseek(f, -4, SEEK_CUR);

void readThpAudioInfo(FILE* f, ThpAudioInfo& i, bool isVersion11)
	fread(&i, sizeof(i), 1, f);
		i.numData = 1;
		fseek(f, -4, SEEK_CUR);

void readMthHeader(FILE* f, MthHeader& h)
	fread(&h, sizeof(h), 1, f);

struct DecStruct
	const u8* currSrcByte;
	u32 blockCount;
	u8 index;
	u8 shift;

void thpAudioInitialize(DecStruct& s, const u8* srcStart)
	s.currSrcByte = srcStart;
	s.blockCount = 2;
	s.index = (*s.currSrcByte >> 4) & 0x7;
	s.shift = *s.currSrcByte & 0xf;

s32 thpAudioGetNewSample(DecStruct& s)
	//the following if is executed all 14 calls
	//to thpAudioGetNewSample() (once for each
	//microblock) because mask & 0xf can contain
	//16 different values and starts with 2
	if((s.blockCount & 0xf) == 0)
		s.index = (*s.currSrcByte >> 4) & 0x7;
		s.shift = *s.currSrcByte & 0xf;
		s.blockCount += 2;

	s32 ret;
	if((s.blockCount & 1) != 0)
		s32 t = (*s.currSrcByte	<< 28) & 0xf0000000;
		ret = t >> 28; //this has to be an arithmetic shift
		s32 t = (*s.currSrcByte << 24) & 0xf0000000;
		ret = t >> 28; //this has to be an arithmetic shift

	return ret;

int thpAudioDecode(s16 * destBuffer, const u8* srcBuffer, bool separateChannelsInOutput, bool isInputStereo)
	if(destBuffer == NULL || srcBuffer == NULL)
		return 0;

	ThpAudioBlockHeader* head = (ThpAudioBlockHeader*)srcBuffer;

	u32 channelInSize = head->channelSize;
	u32 numSamples = head->numSamples;

	const u8* srcChannel1 = srcBuffer + sizeof(ThpAudioBlockHeader);
	const u8* srcChannel2 = srcChannel1 + channelInSize;

	s16* table1 = head->table1;
	s16* table2 = head->table2;

	s16* destChannel1, * destChannel2;
	u32 delta;

		//separated channels in output
		destChannel1 = destBuffer;
		destChannel2 = destBuffer + numSamples;
		delta = 1;
		//interleaved channels in output
		destChannel1 = destBuffer;
		destChannel2 = destBuffer + 1;
		delta = 2;

	DecStruct s;
		//mono channel in input

		thpAudioInitialize(s, srcChannel1);

		s16 prev1 = *(s16*)(srcBuffer + 72);
		s16 prev2 = *(s16*)(srcBuffer + 74);

		for(u32 i = 0; i < numSamples; ++i)
			s64 res = (s64)thpAudioGetNewSample(s);
			res = ((res << s.shift) << 11); //convert to 53.11 fixedpoint

			//these values are 53.11 fixed point numbers
			s64 val1 = table1[2*s.index];
			s64 val2 = table1[2*s.index + 1];

			//convert to 48.16 fixed point
			res = (val1*prev1 + val2*prev2 + res) << 5;

			u16 decimalPlaces = res & 0xffff;
			if(decimalPlaces > 0x8000) //i.e. > 0.5
				//round up
			else if(decimalPlaces == 0x8000) //i.e. == 0.5
				if((res & 0x10000) != 0)
					//round up every other number

			//get nonfractional parts of number, clamp to [-32768, 32767]
			s32 final = (res >> 16);
			if(final > 32767) final = 32767;
			else if(final < -32768) final = -32768;

			prev2 = prev1;
			prev1 = final;
			*destChannel1 = (s16)final;
			*destChannel2 = (s16)final;
			destChannel1 += delta;
			destChannel2 += delta;
		//two channels in input - nearly the same as for one channel,
		//so no comments here (different lines are marked with XXX)

		thpAudioInitialize(s, srcChannel1);
		s16 prev1 = *(s16*)(srcBuffer + 72);
		s16 prev2 = *(s16*)(srcBuffer + 74);
		for(u32 i = 0; i < numSamples; ++i)
			s64 res = (s64)thpAudioGetNewSample(s);
			res = ((res << s.shift) << 11);
			s64 val1 = table1[2*s.index];
			s64 val2 = table1[2*s.index + 1];
			res = (val1*prev1 + val2*prev2 + res) << 5;
			u16 decimalPlaces = res & 0xffff;
			if(decimalPlaces > 0x8000)
			else if(decimalPlaces == 0x8000)
				if((res & 0x10000) != 0)
			s32 final = (res >> 16);
			if(final > 32767) final = 32767;
			else if(final < -32768) final = -32768;
			prev2 = prev1;
			prev1 = final;
			*destChannel1 = (s16)final;
			destChannel1 += delta;

		thpAudioInitialize(s, srcChannel2);//XXX
		prev1 = *(s16*)(srcBuffer + 76);//XXX
		prev2 = *(s16*)(srcBuffer + 78);//XXX
		for(u32 j = 0; j < numSamples; ++j)
			s64 res = (s64)thpAudioGetNewSample(s);
			res = ((res << s.shift) << 11);
			s64 val1 = table2[2*s.index];//XXX
			s64 val2 = table2[2*s.index + 1];//XXX
			res = (val1*prev1 + val2*prev2 + res) << 5;
			u16 decimalPlaces = res & 0xffff;
			if(decimalPlaces > 0x8000)
			else if(decimalPlaces == 0x8000)
				if((res & 0x10000) != 0)
			s32 final = (res >> 16);
			if(final > 32767) final = 32767;
			else if(final < -32768) final = -32768;
			prev2 = prev1;
			prev1 = final;
			*destChannel2 = (s16)final;
			destChannel2 += delta;

	return numSamples;

void VideoFrame::resize(int width, int height)
	if(width == _w && height == _h)

	_w = width;
	_h = height;

	//32 bpp, 4 byte padding
	_p = 4*width;
	_p += (4 - _p%4)%4;

	data = (u8 *)MEM2_alloc(_p * _h);

int VideoFrame::getWidth() const
{ return _w; }

int VideoFrame::getHeight() const
{ return _h; }

int VideoFrame::getPitch() const
{ return _p; }

void VideoFrame::dealloc()
	if(data != NULL)
	data = NULL;
	_w = _h = _p = 0;


FILETYPE getFiletype(FILE* f)
	long t = ftell(f);
	fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);

	u8 buff[4];
	fread(buff, 1, 4, f);

	if(memcmp("THP\0", buff, 4) == 0)
		ret = THP;
	else if(memcmp("MTHP", buff, 4) == 0)
		ret = MTH;
	else if(buff[0] == 0xff && buff[1] == 0xd8)
		ret = JPG;

	fseek(f, t, SEEK_SET);
	return ret;

long getFilesize(FILE* f)
	long t = ftell(f);
	fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
	long ret = ftell(f);
	fseek(f, t, SEEK_SET);
	return ret;

VideoFile::VideoFile(FILE* f)
: loop(true), _f(f)


int VideoFile::getWidth() const
{ return 0; }

int VideoFile::getHeight() const
{ return 0; }

float VideoFile::getFps() const
{ return 0.f; }

int VideoFile::getFrameCount() const
{ return 0; }

int VideoFile::getCurrentFrameNr() const
{ return 0; }

bool VideoFile::hasSound() const
{ return false; }

int VideoFile::getNumChannels() const
{ return 0; }

int VideoFile::getFrequency() const
{ return 0; }

int VideoFile::getMaxAudioSamples() const
{ return 0; }

int VideoFile::getCurrentBuffer(s16*) const
{ return 0; }

void VideoFile::loadFrame(VideoFrame& frame, const u8* src, int src_size)
	//convert format so jpeglib understands it...
	int start, end;
	int newSize = countRequiredSize(src, src_size, start, end);
	u8 *buff = (u8*)MEM2_alloc(newSize);
	if(buff != NULL)
		convertToRealJpeg(buff, src, src_size, start, end);
		//...and feed it to jpeglib
		decodeRealJpeg(buff, newSize, frame);

bool ThpVideoFile::Init(FILE *f)
	_f = f;
	loop = false;
	readThpHeader(_f, _head);

	//this is just to find files that have this field != 0, i
	//have no such a file
	assert(_head.offsetsDataOffset == 0);

	readThpComponents(_f, _components);
	for(u32 i = 0; i < _components.numComponents; ++i)
		if(_components.componentTypes[i] == 0) //video
			readThpVideoInfo(_f, _videoInfo, _head.version == 0x00011000);
		else if(_components.componentTypes[i] == 1) //audio
			readThpAudioInfo(_f, _audioInfo, _head.version == 0x00011000);
			assert(_head.maxAudioSamples != 0);

	_numInts = 3;
	if(_head.maxAudioSamples != 0)
		_numInts = 4;

	_currFrameNr = -1;
	_nextFrameOffset = _head.firstFrameOffset;
	_nextFrameSize = _head.firstFrameSize;
	_currFrameData = (u8*)MEM2_alloc(_head.maxBufferSize); //include some padding
	if(_currFrameData == NULL)
		return false;
	_currFrameRealData = (u8*)MEM2_alloc(_head.maxBufferSize * 2); //worst case if a frame has 0xFF
	if(_currFrameRealData == NULL)
		gprintf("couldnt allocate %u bytes!\n", _head.maxBufferSize * 2);
		return false;
	return true;

void ThpVideoFile::DeInit()
	if(_currFrameData != NULL)
	_currFrameData = NULL;
	if(_currFrameRealData != NULL)
	_currFrameRealData = NULL;

int ThpVideoFile::getWidth() const
{ return _videoInfo.width; }

int ThpVideoFile::getHeight() const
{ return _videoInfo.height; }

float ThpVideoFile::getFps() const
{ return _head.fps; }

int ThpVideoFile::getFrameCount() const
{ return _head.numFrames; }

int ThpVideoFile::getCurrentFrameNr() const
{ return _currFrameNr; }

bool ThpVideoFile::loadNextFrame(bool skip)
	if(_currFrameNr >= (int) _head.numFrames)
		if (!loop)
			return false;

		_currFrameNr = 0;
		_nextFrameOffset = _head.firstFrameOffset;
		_nextFrameSize = _head.firstFrameSize;

	fseek(_f, _nextFrameOffset, SEEK_SET);
	fread(_currFrameData, 1, (skip ? 4 : _nextFrameSize), _f);

	_nextFrameOffset += _nextFrameSize;
	_nextFrameSize = *(u32*)_currFrameData;
	return true;

void ThpVideoFile::loadFrame(VideoFrame& frame, const u8* src, int src_size)
	int start, end;
	int newSize = countRequiredSize(src, src_size, start, end);
	convertToRealJpeg(_currFrameRealData, src, src_size, start, end);
	decodeRealJpeg(_currFrameRealData, newSize, frame);

void ThpVideoFile::getCurrentFrame(VideoFrame& f)
	int size = *(u32*)(_currFrameData + 8);
	loadFrame(f, _currFrameData + 4 * _numInts, size);

bool ThpVideoFile::hasSound() const
{ return _head.maxAudioSamples != 0; }

int ThpVideoFile::getNumChannels() const
		return _audioInfo.numChannels;
		return 0;

int ThpVideoFile::getFrequency() const
		return _audioInfo.frequency;
		return 0;

int ThpVideoFile::getMaxAudioSamples() const
{ return _head.maxAudioSamples; }

int ThpVideoFile::getCurrentBuffer(s16* data) const
		return 0;

	int jpegSize = *(u32*)(_currFrameData + 8);
	const u8* src = _currFrameData + _numInts*4 + jpegSize;

	return thpAudioDecode(data, src, false, _audioInfo.numChannels == 2);

MthVideoFile::MthVideoFile(FILE* f)
: VideoFile(f)
	readMthHeader(f, _head);

	_currFrameNr = -1;
	_nextFrameOffset = _head.offset;
	_nextFrameSize = _head.firstFrameSize;
	_thisFrameSize = 0;


int MthVideoFile::getWidth() const
{ return _head.width; }

int MthVideoFile::getHeight() const
{ return _head.height; }

float MthVideoFile::getFps() const
	return (float) 1.0f*_head.fps; //TODO: This has to be in there somewhere

int MthVideoFile::getFrameCount() const
	return _head.numFrames;

int MthVideoFile::getCurrentFrameNr() const
{ return _currFrameNr; }

bool MthVideoFile::loadNextFrame(bool skip)
	if(_currFrameNr >= (int) _head.numFrames)
		if (!loop)
			return false;
		_currFrameNr = 0;
		_nextFrameOffset = _head.offset;
		_nextFrameSize = _head.firstFrameSize;

	fseek(_f, _nextFrameOffset, SEEK_SET);
	fread(&_currFrameData[0], 1, (skip ? 4 : _nextFrameSize), _f);
	_thisFrameSize = _nextFrameSize;

	u32 nextSize;
	nextSize = *(u32*)(&_currFrameData[0]);
	_nextFrameOffset += _nextFrameSize;
	_nextFrameSize = nextSize;
	return true;

void MthVideoFile::getCurrentFrame(VideoFrame& f)
	int size = _thisFrameSize;
	loadFrame(f, &_currFrameData[0] + 4, size - 4);

JpgVideoFile::JpgVideoFile(FILE* f)
: VideoFile(f)
	vector<u8> data(getFilesize(f));
	fread(&data[0], 1, getFilesize(f), f);

	loadFrame(_currFrame, &data[0], getFilesize(f));

int JpgVideoFile::getWidth() const
{ return _currFrame.getWidth(); }

int JpgVideoFile::getHeight() const
{ return _currFrame.getHeight(); }

int JpgVideoFile::getFrameCount() const
{ return 1; }

void JpgVideoFile::getCurrentFrame(VideoFrame& f)
	f.resize(_currFrame.getWidth(), _currFrame.getHeight());
	memcpy(f.data, _currFrame.data,f.getPitch()*f.getHeight());

VideoFile* openVideo(const string& fileName)
	FILE* f = fopen(fileName.c_str(), "rb");
	if(f == NULL)
		return NULL;

	FILETYPE type = getFiletype(f);
		case THP:
			return new ThpVideoFile(f);
		case MTH:
			return new MthVideoFile(f);
		case JPG:
			return new JpgVideoFile(f);

			return NULL;

void closeVideo(VideoFile*& vf)
	if(vf != NULL)
		delete vf;
	vf = NULL;

//as mentioned above, we have to convert 0xff to 0xff 0x00
//after the image date has begun (ie, after the 0xff 0xda marker)
//but we must not convert the end-of-image-marker (0xff 0xd9)
//this way. There may be 0xff 0xd9 bytes embedded in the image
//data though, so I add 4 bytes to the input buffer
//and fill them with zeroes and check for 0xff 0xd9 0 0
//as end-of-image marker. this is not correct, but works
//and is easier to code... ;-)
//a better solution would be to patch jpeglib so that this conversion
//is not neccessary

u8 endBytesThp[] = { 0xff, 0xd9, 0, 0 }; //used in thp files
u8 endBytesMth[] = { 0xff, 0xd9, 0xff, 0 }; //used in mth files

int VideoFile::countRequiredSize(const u8* src, int src_size, int& start, int& end)
	start = 2*src_size;
	end = src_size;
	int count = 0;

	int j;
	for(j = src_size - 1; src[j] == 0; --j)
		; //search end of data

	if(src[j] == 0xd9) //thp file
		end = j - 1;
	else if(src[j] == 0xff) //mth file
		end = j - 2;

	for(int i = 0; i < end; ++i)
		if(src[i] == 0xff)
			//if i == srcSize - 1, then this would normally overrun src - that's why 4 padding
			//bytes are included at the end of src
			if(src[i + 1] == 0xda && start == 2*src_size)
				start = i;
			if(i > start)
	return src_size + count;

void VideoFile::convertToRealJpeg(u8* dest, const u8* src, int srcSize, int start, int end)
	int di = 0;
	for(int i = 0; i < srcSize; ++i, ++di)
		dest[di] = src[i];
		//if i == srcSize - 1, then this would normally overrun src - that's why 4 padding
		//bytes are included at the end of src
		if(src[i] == 0xff && i > start && i < end)
			dest[di] = 0;

bool g_isLoading = false;
void decodeRealJpeg(const u8* data, int size, VideoFrame& dest, bool fancy)
	g_isLoading = true;

	/* init turbojpeg */
	u8 *src = (u8*)data;
	int jpegSubsamp, width, height;
	tjhandle _jpegDecompressor = tjInitDecompress();
	tjDecompressHeader2(_jpegDecompressor, src, size, &width, &height, &jpegSubsamp);
	/* decode to buffer */
		width = ALIGN(4, width);
		height = ALIGN(4, height);
		dest.resize(width, height);
		tjDecompress2(_jpegDecompressor, src, size, dest.data, width, 0, height, 
		dest.resize(width, height);
		tjDecompress2(_jpegDecompressor, src, size, dest.data, width, 0, height, 
	g_isLoading = false;