#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "menu.hpp" #include "types.h" #include "banner/BannerWindow.hpp" #include "booter/external_booter.hpp" #include "channel/channel_launcher.h" #include "channel/channels.h" #include "channel/nand.hpp" #include "channel/identify.h" #include "devicemounter/DeviceHandler.hpp" #include "devicemounter/sdhc.h" #include "devicemounter/usbstorage.h" #include "gc/gc.hpp" #include "gc/gcdisc.hpp" #include "gui/WiiMovie.hpp" #include "gui/GameTDB.hpp" #include "homebrew/homebrew.h" #include "loader/alt_ios.h" #include "loader/wdvd.h" //#include "loader/alt_ios.h" #include "loader/playlog.h" #include "loader/wbfs.h" #include "loader/wip.h" #include "loader/frag.h" #include "loader/fst.h" #include "loader/cios.h" #include "loader/nk.h" #include "memory/memory.h" #include "network/http.h" #include "network/gcard.h" //sounds extern const u8 gc_ogg[]; extern const u32 gc_ogg_size; bool m_zoom_banner = false; s16 m_gameBtnPlayFull; s16 m_gameBtnBackFull; s16 m_gameBtnToggle; s16 m_gameBtnToggleFull; const CMenu::SOption CMenu::_languages[11] = { { "lngdef", L"Default" }, { "lngjap", L"Japanese" }, { "lngeng", L"English" }, { "lngger", L"German" }, { "lngfre", L"French" }, { "lngspa", L"Spanish" }, { "lngita", L"Italian" }, { "lngdut", L"Dutch" }, { "lngsch", L"S. Chinese" }, { "lngtch", L"T. Chinese" }, { "lngkor", L"Korean" } }; const CMenu::SOption CMenu::_GlobalVideoModes[6] = { { "vidgame", L"Game" }, { "vidsys", L"System" }, { "vidp50", L"PAL 50Hz" }, { "vidp60", L"PAL 60Hz" }, { "vidntsc", L"NTSC" }, { "vidprog", L"Progressive" }, }; const CMenu::SOption CMenu::_VideoModes[7] = { { "viddef", L"Default" }, { "vidgame", L"Game" }, { "vidsys", L"System" }, { "vidp50", L"PAL 50Hz" }, { "vidp60", L"PAL 60Hz" }, { "vidntsc", L"NTSC" }, { "vidprog", L"Progressive" }, }; const CMenu::SOption CMenu::_GlobalGCvideoModes[8] = { { "DMLdefG", L"Game" }, { "DMLpal", L"PAL 576i" }, { "DMLntsc", L"NTSC 480i" }, { "DMLpal60", L"PAL 480i" }, { "DMLprog", L"NTSC 480p" }, { "DMLprogP", L"PAL 480p" }, { "DMLmpal", L"MPAL" }, { "DMLmpalP", L"MPAL-P" } }; const CMenu::SOption CMenu::_GCvideoModes[9] = { { "DMLdef", L"Default" }, { "DMLdefG", L"Game" }, { "DMLpal", L"PAL 576i" }, { "DMLntsc", L"NTSC 480i" }, { "DMLpal60", L"PAL 480i" }, { "DMLprog", L"NTSC 480p" }, { "DMLprogP", L"PAL 480p" }, { "DMLmpal", L"MPAL" }, { "DMLmpalP", L"MPAL-P" } }; const CMenu::SOption CMenu::_GlobalGClanguages[7] = { { "lngsys", L"System" }, { "lngeng", L"English" }, { "lngger", L"German" }, { "lngfre", L"French" }, { "lngspa", L"Spanish" }, { "lngita", L"Italian" }, { "lngdut", L"Dutch" } }; const CMenu::SOption CMenu::_GClanguages[8] = { { "lngdef", L"Default" }, { "lngsys", L"System" }, { "lngeng", L"English" }, { "lngger", L"German" }, { "lngfre", L"French" }, { "lngspa", L"Spanish" }, { "lngita", L"Italian" }, { "lngdut", L"Dutch" } }; const CMenu::SOption CMenu::_NandEmu[2] = { //{ "SaveOff", L"Off" }, { "NANDpart", L"Partial" }, { "NANDfull", L"Full" }, }; const CMenu::SOption CMenu::_GlobalSaveEmu[4] = { { "SaveOffG", L"Off" }, { "SavePartG", L"Game save" }, { "SaveRegG", L"Regionswitch" }, { "SaveFullG", L"Full" }, }; const CMenu::SOption CMenu::_SaveEmu[5] = { { "SaveDef", L"Default" }, { "SaveOff", L"Off" }, { "SavePart", L"Game save" }, { "SaveReg", L"Regionswitch" }, { "SaveFull", L"Full" }, }; const CMenu::SOption CMenu::_AspectRatio[3] = { { "aspectDef", L"Default" }, { "aspect43", L"Force 4:3" }, { "aspect169", L"Force 16:9" }, }; //still need to change the NMM's const CMenu::SOption CMenu::_NinEmuCard[5] = { { "NMMDef", L"Default" }, { "NMMOff", L"Disabled" }, { "NMMon", L"Enabled" }, { "NMMMulti", L"Multi Saves" }, { "NMMdebug", L"Debug" }, }; const CMenu::SOption CMenu::_GlobalGCLoaders[2] = { { "GC_Devo", L"Devolution" }, { "GC_Nindnt", L"Nintendont" }, }; const CMenu::SOption CMenu::_GCLoader[3] = { { "GC_Def", L"Default" }, { "GC_Devo", L"Devolution" }, { "GC_Nindnt", L"Nintendont" }, }; const CMenu::SOption CMenu::_vidModePatch[4] = { { "vmpnone", L"None" }, { "vmpnormal", L"Normal" }, { "vmpmore", L"More" }, { "vmpall", L"All" } }; const CMenu::SOption CMenu::_hooktype[8] = { { "hook_auto", L"AUTO" }, { "hooktype1", L"VBI" }, { "hooktype2", L"KPAD read" }, { "hooktype3", L"Joypad" }, { "hooktype4", L"GXDraw" }, { "hooktype5", L"GXFlush" }, { "hooktype6", L"OSSleepThread" }, { "hooktype7", L"AXNextFrame" }, }; const CMenu::SOption CMenu::_debugger[3] = { { "disabled", L"Disabled" }, { "dbg_gecko", L"Gecko" }, { "dbgfwrite", L"OSReport" }, }; /* 0 No Hook 1 VBI 2 KPAD read 3 Joypad Hook 4 GXDraw Hook 5 GXFlush Hook 6 OSSleepThread Hook 7 AXNextFrame Hook */ map CMenu::_installed_cios; u8 banner_title[84]; static inline int loopNum(int i, int s) { return (i + s) % s; } static void _extractBannerTitle(int language) { memset(banner_title, 0, 84); CurrentBanner.GetName(banner_title, language); } static void _extractChannelBnr(const u64 chantitle) { ChannelHandle.GetBanner(chantitle); } static void _extractBnr(const dir_discHdr *hdr) { u32 size = 0; DeviceHandle.OpenWBFS(currentPartition); wbfs_disc_t *disc = WBFS_OpenDisc((u8 *) &hdr->id, (char *) hdr->path); if(disc != NULL) { void *bnr = NULL; size = wbfs_extract_file(disc, (char*)"opening.bnr", &bnr); if(size > 0) CurrentBanner.SetBanner((u8*)bnr, size, false, true); WBFS_CloseDisc(disc); } WBFS_Close(); } static int GetLanguage(const char *lang) { if (strncmp(lang, "JP", 2) == 0) return CONF_LANG_JAPANESE; else if (strncmp(lang, "EN", 2) == 0) return CONF_LANG_ENGLISH; else if (strncmp(lang, "DE", 2) == 0) return CONF_LANG_GERMAN; else if (strncmp(lang, "FR", 2) == 0) return CONF_LANG_FRENCH; else if (strncmp(lang, "ES", 2) == 0) return CONF_LANG_SPANISH; else if (strncmp(lang, "IT", 2) == 0) return CONF_LANG_ITALIAN; else if (strncmp(lang, "NL", 2) == 0) return CONF_LANG_DUTCH; else if (strncmp(lang, "ZHTW", 4) == 0) return CONF_LANG_TRAD_CHINESE; else if (strncmp(lang, "ZH", 2) == 0) return CONF_LANG_SIMP_CHINESE; else if (strncmp(lang, "KO", 2) == 0) return CONF_LANG_KOREAN; return CONF_LANG_ENGLISH; // Default to EN } static u8 GetRequestedGameIOS(dir_discHdr *hdr) { u8 IOS = 0; DeviceHandle.OpenWBFS(currentPartition); wbfs_disc_t *disc = WBFS_OpenDisc((u8*)&hdr->id, hdr->path); if(disc != NULL) { void *titleTMD = NULL; u32 tmd_size = wbfs_extract_file(disc, (char*)"TMD", &titleTMD); if(titleTMD != NULL) { if(tmd_size > 0x18B) IOS = *((u8*)titleTMD + 0x18B); MEM2_free(titleTMD); } WBFS_CloseDisc(disc); } WBFS_Close(); return IOS; } void CMenu::_hideGame(bool instant) { m_gameSelected = false; _cleanupVideo(); m_fa.unload(); CoverFlow.showCover(); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnPlay, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnBack, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnPlayFull, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnBackFull, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnDelete, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnSettings, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnToggle, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnToggleFull, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnFavoriteOn, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnFavoriteOff, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnAdultOn, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnAdultOff, instant); for(u8 i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(m_gameLblUser); ++i) if(m_gameLblUser[i] != -1) m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameLblUser[i], instant); } void CMenu::_showGame(void) { CoverFlow.showCover(); if(m_fa.load(m_cfg, m_fanartDir.c_str(), CoverFlow.getId())) { const TexData *bg = NULL; const TexData *bglq = NULL; m_fa.getBackground(bg, bglq); if(bg != NULL && bglq != NULL) _setBg(*bg, *bglq); if (m_fa.hideCover()) CoverFlow.hideCover(); } else _setBg(m_gameBg, m_gameBgLQ); if(!m_zoom_banner) { for(u8 i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(m_gameLblUser) - 1; ++i) { if(m_gameLblUser[i] != -1) m_btnMgr.show(m_gameLblUser[i]); } m_btnMgr.show(m_gameBtnPlay); m_btnMgr.show(m_gameBtnBack); m_btnMgr.show(m_gameBtnToggle); } else { m_btnMgr.show(m_gameBtnPlayFull); m_btnMgr.show(m_gameBtnBackFull); m_btnMgr.show(m_gameBtnToggleFull); } } static void setLanguage(int l) { if (l > 0 && l <= 10) configbytes[0] = l - 1; else configbytes[0] = 0xCD; } void CMenu::_cleanupBanner(bool gamechange) { //banner m_gameSound.FreeMemory(); CheckGameSoundThread(); m_banner.DeleteBanner(gamechange); //movie _cleanupVideo(); //fanart m_fa.unload(); } void CMenu::_cleanupVideo() { m_video_playing = false; movie.DeInit(); } static const char *getVideoPath(const string &videoDir, const char *videoId) { const char *coverDir = m_plugin.GetCoverFolderName(CoverFlow.getHdr()->settings[0]); const char *videoPath = NULL; if(coverDir == NULL || strlen(coverDir) == 0) videoPath = fmt("%s/%s", videoDir.c_str(), videoId); else videoPath = fmt("%s/%s/%s", videoDir.c_str(), coverDir, videoId); return videoPath; } static const char *getVideoDefaultPath(const string &videoDir) { strncpy(m_plugin.PluginMagicWord, fmt("%08x", CoverFlow.getHdr()->settings[0]), 8); const char *videoPath = fmt("%s/%s", videoDir.c_str(), m_plugin.PluginMagicWord); return videoPath; } bool CMenu::_startVideo() { char curId3[4]; memset(curId3, 0, 4); const char *videoId = CoverFlow.getPathId(CoverFlow.getHdr()); if(!NoGameID(CoverFlow.getHdr()->type)) { //id3 memcpy(curId3, CoverFlow.getId(), 3); videoId = curId3; } const char *videoPath = getVideoPath(m_videoDir, videoId); const char *THP_Path = fmt("%s.thp", videoPath); if(!fsop_FileExist(THP_Path)) { if(m_current_view == COVERFLOW_PLUGIN) { videoPath = getVideoDefaultPath(m_videoDir); THP_Path = fmt("%s.thp", videoPath); } else if(!NoGameID(CoverFlow.getHdr()->type)) { videoPath = getVideoPath(m_videoDir, CoverFlow.getId()); THP_Path = fmt("%s.thp", videoPath); } } if(fsop_FileExist(THP_Path)) { m_gameSound.FreeMemory(); CheckGameSoundThread(); m_banner.SetShowBanner(false); /* Lets play the movie */ movie.Init(THP_Path); m_gameSound.Load(fmt("%s.ogg", videoPath)); m_gameSound.SetVolume(m_cfg.getInt("GENERAL", "sound_volume_bnr", 255)); m_video_playing = true; m_gameSound.Play(); movie.Play(true); //video loops sound doesnt return true; } return false; } void CMenu::_game(bool launch) { m_zoom_banner = m_cfg.getBool(_domainFromView(), "show_full_banner", false); if(NoGameID(CoverFlow.getHdr()->type)) { bool video_available = (m_current_view == COVERFLOW_PLUGIN && fsop_FileExist(fmt("%s.thp", getVideoDefaultPath(m_videoDir)))) || fsop_FileExist(fmt("%s.thp", getVideoPath(m_videoDir, CoverFlow.getPathId(CoverFlow.getHdr())))); m_zoom_banner = m_zoom_banner && video_available; m_cfg.setBool(_domainFromView(), "show_full_banner", m_zoom_banner); } currentMoviePos = (m_zoom_banner ? zoomedMoviePos : normalMoviePos); if(m_banner.GetZoomSetting() != m_zoom_banner) m_banner.ToggleZoom(); m_gcfg1.load(fmt("%s/" GAME_SETTINGS1_FILENAME, m_settingsDir.c_str())); s8 startGameSound = -7; SetupInput(); while(!m_exit) { if(startGameSound < 1) startGameSound++; if(startGameSound == -5) _showGame(); if(!launch) _mainLoopCommon(true); if(startGameSound == 0) { m_gameSelected = true; startGameSound = 1; _playGameSound(); } if(BTN_B_PRESSED && !m_locked && (m_btnMgr.selected(m_gameBtnFavoriteOn) || m_btnMgr.selected(m_gameBtnFavoriteOff))) { _hideGame(); m_banner.SetShowBanner(false); _CategorySettings(true); _showGame(); m_banner.SetShowBanner(true); if(!m_gameSound.IsPlaying()) startGameSound = -6; continue; } if(BTN_HOME_PRESSED || BTN_B_PRESSED) { _cleanupBanner(); break; } else if(BTN_PLUS_PRESSED && m_GameTDBAvailable && (CoverFlow.getHdr()->type == TYPE_WII_GAME || CoverFlow.getHdr()->type == TYPE_GC_GAME || CoverFlow.getHdr()->type == TYPE_CHANNEL)) { _hideGame(); m_banner.SetShowBanner(false); m_gameSelected = true; _gameinfo(); _showGame(); m_banner.SetShowBanner(true); if(!m_gameSound.IsPlaying()) startGameSound = -6; } else if(BTN_MINUS_PRESSED) { if(m_video_playing) { m_video_playing = false; movie.DeInit(); m_gameSound.FreeMemory(); m_banner.SetShowBanner(true); if(!m_gameSound.IsPlaying()) startGameSound = -6; } else _startVideo(); } else if((BTN_1_PRESSED) || (BTN_2_PRESSED)) { s8 direction = BTN_1_PRESSED ? 1 : -1; const char *domain = _domainFromView(); int cfVersion = 1+loopNum((m_cfg.getInt(domain, "last_cf_mode", 1)-1) + direction, m_numCFVersions); _loadCFLayout(cfVersion); CoverFlow.applySettings(); m_cfg.setInt(domain, "last_cf_mode" , cfVersion); } else if(launch || BTN_A_PRESSED) { if(m_btnMgr.selected(m_mainBtnQuit)) break; else if(m_btnMgr.selected(m_gameBtnDelete)) { if(!m_locked) { _hideGame(); m_banner.SetShowBanner(false); if(_wbfsOp(WO_REMOVE_GAME)) { _cleanupBanner(); break; } m_banner.SetShowBanner(true); if(!m_gameSound.IsPlaying()) startGameSound = -6; _showGame(); } } else if(m_btnMgr.selected(m_gameBtnFavoriteOn) || m_btnMgr.selected(m_gameBtnFavoriteOff)) m_gcfg1.setBool("FAVORITES", _getId(), !m_gcfg1.getBool("FAVORITES", _getId(), false)); else if(m_btnMgr.selected(m_gameBtnAdultOn) || m_btnMgr.selected(m_gameBtnAdultOff)) m_gcfg1.setBool("ADULTONLY", _getId(), !m_gcfg1.getBool("ADULTONLY", _getId(), false)); else if(m_btnMgr.selected(m_gameBtnBack) || m_btnMgr.selected(m_gameBtnBackFull)) { _cleanupBanner(); break; } else if((m_btnMgr.selected(m_gameBtnToggle) || m_btnMgr.selected(m_gameBtnToggleFull)) && (!NoGameID(CoverFlow.getHdr()->type) || m_video_playing)) { m_zoom_banner = m_banner.ToggleZoom(); m_cfg.setBool(_domainFromView(), "show_full_banner", m_zoom_banner); currentMoviePos = (m_zoom_banner ? zoomedMoviePos : normalMoviePos); m_show_zone_game = false; m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnPlayFull); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnBackFull); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnToggleFull); } else if(m_btnMgr.selected(m_gameBtnSettings) && (CoverFlow.getHdr()->type == TYPE_WII_GAME || CoverFlow.getHdr()->type == TYPE_GC_GAME || CoverFlow.getHdr()->type == TYPE_CHANNEL)) { _hideGame(); m_gameSelected = true; m_banner.ToggleGameSettings(); _gameSettings(); m_banner.ToggleGameSettings(); _showGame(); if(!m_gameSound.IsPlaying()) startGameSound = -6; } else if(launch || m_btnMgr.selected(m_gameBtnPlay) || m_btnMgr.selected(m_gameBtnPlayFull) || !ShowPointer()) { _hideGame(); MusicPlayer.Stop(); _cleanupBanner(); dir_discHdr *hdr = (dir_discHdr*)MEM2_alloc(sizeof(dir_discHdr)); memcpy(hdr, CoverFlow.getHdr(), sizeof(dir_discHdr)); m_gcfg2.load(fmt("%s/" GAME_SETTINGS2_FILENAME, m_settingsDir.c_str())); // change to current games partition and set last_view for recall later m_cfg.setInt("GENERAL", "last_view", m_current_view); m_cfg.setInt("GENERAL", "cat_startpage", m_catStartPage); switch(hdr->type) { case TYPE_CHANNEL: currentPartition = m_cfg.getInt(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "partition", 1); break; case TYPE_HOMEBREW: currentPartition = m_cfg.getInt(HOMEBREW_DOMAIN, "partition", 1); break; case TYPE_GC_GAME: currentPartition = m_cfg.getInt(GC_DOMAIN, "partition", 1); break; case TYPE_WII_GAME: currentPartition = m_cfg.getInt(WII_DOMAIN, "partition", 1); break; default: m_plugin.GetEnabledPlugins(m_cfg, &enabledPluginsCount); if(enabledPluginsCount == 1) { strncpy(m_plugin.PluginMagicWord, fmt("%08x", hdr->settings[0]), 8); currentPartition = m_cfg.getInt("PLUGINS_PARTITION", m_plugin.PluginMagicWord, 1); m_cfg.setInt(PLUGIN_DOMAIN, "partition", currentPartition); } currentPartition = m_cfg.getInt(PLUGIN_DOMAIN, "partition", 1); break; } /* Get Banner Title for Playlog */ CurrentBanner.ClearBanner(); if(hdr->type == TYPE_CHANNEL) { u64 chantitle = CoverFlow.getChanTitle(); _extractChannelBnr(chantitle); } else if(hdr->type == TYPE_WII_GAME) _extractBnr(hdr); if(CurrentBanner.IsValid()) _extractBannerTitle(GetLanguage(m_loc.getString(m_curLanguage, "gametdb_code", "EN").c_str())); if(hdr->type == TYPE_WII_GAME || hdr->type == TYPE_CHANNEL) { if(Playlog_Update(hdr->id, banner_title) < 0) Playlog_Delete(); } gprintf("Launching game %s\n", hdr->id); CurrentBanner.ClearBanner(); /* Finally boot it */ _launch(hdr); if(m_exit) break; _hideWaitMessage(); launch = false; for(int chan = WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES-1; chan >= 0; chan--) WPAD_SetVRes(chan, m_vid.width() + m_cursor[chan].width(), m_vid.height() + m_cursor[chan].height()); m_gcfg2.unload(); _showGame(); //_initCF(); //CoverFlow.select(); } else { for(int chan = WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES-1; chan >= 0; chan--) if (CoverFlow.mouseOver(m_cursor[chan].x(), m_cursor[chan].y())) CoverFlow.flip(); } } if((startGameSound == 1 || startGameSound < -8) && (BTN_UP_REPEAT || RIGHT_STICK_UP)) { _cleanupBanner(true); CoverFlow.up(); startGameSound = -10; } if((startGameSound == 1 || startGameSound < -8) && (BTN_RIGHT_REPEAT || RIGHT_STICK_RIGHT)) { _cleanupBanner(true); CoverFlow.right(); startGameSound = -10; } if((startGameSound == 1 || startGameSound < -8) && (BTN_DOWN_REPEAT || RIGHT_STICK_DOWN)) { _cleanupBanner(true); CoverFlow.down(); startGameSound = -10; } if((startGameSound == 1 || startGameSound < -8) && (BTN_LEFT_REPEAT || RIGHT_STICK_LEFT)) { _cleanupBanner(true); CoverFlow.left(); startGameSound = -10; } if(startGameSound == -10) { m_gameSelected = false; _setBg(m_gameBg, m_gameBgLQ); } if(m_show_zone_game && !m_zoom_banner) { bool b = m_gcfg1.getBool("FAVORITES", _getId(), false); m_btnMgr.show(b ? m_gameBtnFavoriteOn : m_gameBtnFavoriteOff); m_btnMgr.hide(b ? m_gameBtnFavoriteOff : m_gameBtnFavoriteOn); m_btnMgr.show(m_gameBtnPlay); m_btnMgr.show(m_gameBtnBack); if(!m_fa.isLoaded()) m_btnMgr.show(m_gameBtnToggle); else m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnToggle); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnPlayFull); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnBackFull); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnToggleFull); if(m_gameLblUser[4] != -1 && !NoGameID(CoverFlow.getHdr()->type) && !m_fa.isLoaded()) m_btnMgr.show(m_gameLblUser[4]); else m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameLblUser[4]); for(u8 i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(m_gameLblUser) - 1; ++i) { if(m_gameLblUser[i] != -1) m_btnMgr.show(m_gameLblUser[i]); } if(!m_locked) { b = m_gcfg1.getBool("ADULTONLY", _getId(), false); m_btnMgr.show(b ? m_gameBtnAdultOn : m_gameBtnAdultOff); m_btnMgr.hide(b ? m_gameBtnAdultOff : m_gameBtnAdultOn); m_btnMgr.show(m_gameBtnSettings); } if((CoverFlow.getHdr()->type != TYPE_HOMEBREW && (CoverFlow.getHdr()->type != TYPE_CHANNEL || (m_cfg.getBool(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "emu_nand", false) && CoverFlow.getHdr()->type == TYPE_CHANNEL))) && !m_locked) m_btnMgr.show(m_gameBtnDelete); } else { if(m_zoom_banner && !m_fa.isLoaded()) { m_btnMgr.show(m_gameBtnPlayFull); m_btnMgr.show(m_gameBtnBackFull); m_btnMgr.show(m_gameBtnToggleFull); } m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnFavoriteOn); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnFavoriteOff); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnAdultOn); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnAdultOff); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnSettings); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnDelete); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnPlay); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnBack); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameBtnToggle); if(m_gameLblUser[4] != -1) { if(!NoGameID(CoverFlow.getHdr()->type) && !m_zoom_banner && !m_fa.isLoaded()) m_btnMgr.show(m_gameLblUser[4]); else m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameLblUser[4], true); } for(u8 i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(m_gameLblUser) - 1; ++i) if (m_gameLblUser[i] != -1) m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameLblUser[i]); } } m_gcfg1.save(true); _hideGame(); } void CMenu::directlaunch(const char *GameID) { m_directLaunch = true; for(currentPartition = SD; currentPartition < USB8; currentPartition++) { if(!DeviceHandle.IsInserted(currentPartition)) continue; DeviceHandle.OpenWBFS(currentPartition); string gameDir(fmt(wii_games_dir, DeviceName[currentPartition])); string cacheDir(fmt("%s/%s_wii.db", m_listCacheDir.c_str(), DeviceName[currentPartition])); m_gameList.CreateList(COVERFLOW_WII, currentPartition, gameDir, stringToVector(".wbfs|.iso", '|'), cacheDir, false); WBFS_Close(); for(u32 i = 0; i < m_gameList.size(); i++) { if(strncasecmp(GameID, m_gameList[i].id, 6) == 0) { _launchGame(&m_gameList[i], false); // Launch will exit wiiflow break; } } } error(wfmt(_fmt("errgame1", L"Cannot find the game with ID: %s"), GameID)); } void CMenu::_launchShutdown() { CoverFlow.clear(); _showWaitMessage(); exitHandler(PRIILOADER_DEF); //Making wiiflow ready to boot something } bool gcLaunchFail = false; void CMenu::_launch(const dir_discHdr *hdr) { dir_discHdr launchHdr; memcpy(&launchHdr, hdr, sizeof(dir_discHdr)); /* Lets boot that shit */ if(launchHdr.type == TYPE_WII_GAME) _launchGame(&launchHdr, false); else if(launchHdr.type == TYPE_GC_GAME) { gcLaunchFail = false; _launchGC(&launchHdr, false); if(gcLaunchFail) return; } else if(launchHdr.type == TYPE_CHANNEL) _launchChannel(&launchHdr); else if(launchHdr.type == TYPE_PLUGIN) { //get dol name and length const char *plugin_dol_name = m_plugin.GetDolName(launchHdr.settings[0]); u8 plugin_dol_len = strlen(plugin_dol_name); //get title and path from hdr char title[101]; memset(&title, 0, sizeof(title)); u32 title_len_no_ext = 0; const char *path = NULL; //example rom path - sd:/roms/super mario bros.zip //example scummvm path - games/monkey island.exe if(strchr(launchHdr.path, ':') != NULL)//it's a rom path { //check if music player plugin, if so launch wiiflow's music player if(plugin_dol_len == strlen(MUSIC_DOMAIN) && strcmp(plugin_dol_name, MUSIC_DOMAIN) == 0) { MusicPlayer.LoadFile(launchHdr.path, false); m_exit = false; return; } //get rom title after last '/' strncpy(title, strrchr(launchHdr.path, '/') + 1, 100); if(strchr(launchHdr.path, '.') != NULL) // if there's extension get length of title without extension title_len_no_ext = strlen(title) - strlen(strrchr(title, '.')); //get path *strrchr(launchHdr.path, '/') = '\0'; //cut title off end of path path = strchr(launchHdr.path, '/') + 1; //cut sd:/ off of path } else //it's a scummvm game { path = launchHdr.path; wcstombs(title, launchHdr.title, 63); } m_cfg.setString(PLUGIN_DOMAIN, "current_item", title); const char *device = (currentPartition == 0 ? "sd" : (DeviceHandle.GetFSType(currentPartition) == PART_FS_NTFS ? "ntfs" : "usb")); /* this is weird - he sets the return to loader to be dev:/wiiflow/plugins/WiiFlowLoader.dol but there is no such dol in the plugins directory and WiiFlowLoader.dol is really a hidden channel on the system menu. This is set because some plugins require a arg for loader dol and even though this isn't real it fills the argument needed. */ const char *loader = fmt("%s:/%s/WiiFlowLoader.dol", device, strchr(m_pluginsDir.c_str(), '/') + 1); vector arguments = m_plugin.CreateArgs(device, path, title, loader, title_len_no_ext, launchHdr.settings[0]); const char *plugin_file = plugin_dol_name; /* try full path */ if(strchr(plugin_file, ':') == NULL || !fsop_FileExist(plugin_file)) /* try universal plugin folder */ { plugin_file = fmt("%s/%s", m_pluginsDir.c_str(), plugin_dol_name); if(!fsop_FileExist(plugin_file)) /* try device search */ { for(u8 i = SD; i < MAXDEVICES; ++i) { plugin_file = fmt("%s:/%s", DeviceName[i], plugin_dol_name); if(fsop_FileExist(plugin_file)) break; } } } _launchHomebrew(plugin_file, arguments); } else if(launchHdr.type == TYPE_HOMEBREW) { const char *gamepath = fmt("%s/boot.dol", launchHdr.path); if(!fsop_FileExist(gamepath)) gamepath = fmt("%s/boot.elf", launchHdr.path); if(fsop_FileExist(gamepath)) { m_cfg.setString(HOMEBREW_DOMAIN, "current_item", strrchr(launchHdr.path, '/') + 1); _launchHomebrew(gamepath, m_homebrewArgs); /*m_homebrewArgs is basically an empty vector string not needed for homebrew but used by plugins when _launchHomebrew is called */ } } ShutdownBeforeExit(); Sys_Exit(); } void CMenu::_launchGC(dir_discHdr *hdr, bool disc) { const char *id = hdr->id; memcpy((u8*)Disc_ID, id, 6); DCFlushRange((u8*)Disc_ID, 32); const char *path = hdr->path; u8 loader = min((u32)m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "gc_loader", 0), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_GCLoader) - 1u); loader = (loader == 0) ? min((u32)m_cfg.getInt(GC_DOMAIN, "default_loader", 1), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_GlobalGCLoaders) - 1u) : loader-1; if(disc) loader = 1; if((loader == 1 && !m_nintendont_installed) || (loader == 0 && !m_devo_installed)) { error(_t("errgame11", L"GameCube Loader not found! Can't launch game.")); gcLaunchFail = true; return; } _launchShutdown(); m_gcfg1.setInt("PLAYCOUNT", id, m_gcfg1.getInt("PLAYCOUNT", id, 0) + 1); m_gcfg1.setUInt("LASTPLAYED", id, time(NULL)); m_cfg.setString(GC_DOMAIN, "current_item", id); if(has_enabled_providers() && _initNetwork() == 0) add_game_to_card(id); u8 GClanguage = min((u32)m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "gc_language", 0), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_GClanguages) - 1u); GClanguage = (GClanguage == 0) ? min((u32)m_cfg.getInt(GC_DOMAIN, "game_language", 0), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_GlobalGClanguages) - 1u) : GClanguage-1; if(id[3] == 'E' || id[3] == 'J') GClanguage = 1; //=english u8 videoMode = min((u32)m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "gc_video_mode", 0), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_GCvideoModes) - 1u); videoMode = (videoMode == 0) ? min((u32)m_cfg.getInt(GC_DOMAIN, "video_mode", 0), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_GlobalGCvideoModes) - 1u) : videoMode-1; if(disc || videoMode == 0) { if(id[3] == 'E' || id[3] == 'J') videoMode = 2; //NTSC 480i else videoMode = 1; //PAL 576i } bool widescreen = m_gcfg2.getBool(id, "widescreen", false); if(loader == 0) { bool memcard_emu = m_gcfg2.getBool(id, "devo_memcard_emu", false); bool activity_led = m_gcfg2.getBool(id, "led", false); DEVO_GetLoader(m_dataDir.c_str()); DEVO_SetOptions(path, id, memcard_emu, widescreen, activity_led, m_use_wifi_gecko); } else if(loader == 1) { u8 emuMC = min((u32)m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "emu_memcard", m_cfg.getInt(GC_DOMAIN, "emu_memcard", 1)), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_NinEmuCard) - 1u); emuMC = (emuMC == 0) ? m_cfg.getInt(GC_DOMAIN, "emu_memcard", 1) : emuMC-1; bool usb_hid = m_gcfg2.getBool(id, "usb_hid", m_cfg.getBool(GC_DOMAIN, "usb_hid", false)); bool native_ctl = m_gcfg2.getBool(id, "native_ctl", m_cfg.getBool(GC_DOMAIN, "native_ctl", false)); bool deflicker = m_gcfg2.getBool(id, "Deflicker", m_cfg.getBool(GC_DOMAIN, "Deflicker", false)); if(disc == true) { emuMC = m_cfg.getInt(GC_DOMAIN, "emu_memcard", 1); Nintendont_BootDisc(emuMC, widescreen, usb_hid, native_ctl, deflicker); } else { bool NIN_Debugger = (m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "debugger", 0) == 2); bool wiiu_widescreen = m_gcfg2.getBool(id, "wiiu_widescreen", false); bool cheats = m_gcfg2.testOptBool(id, "cheat", m_cfg.getBool(GC_DOMAIN, "cheat", false)); /* Generate gct path */ char GC_Path[256]; GC_Path[255] = '\0'; strncpy(GC_Path, path, 255); if(strcasestr(path, "boot.bin") != NULL)//games/title [id]/sys/boot.bin { *strrchr(GC_Path, '/') = '\0'; //erase /boot.bin *(strrchr(GC_Path, '/')+1) = '\0'; //erase sys folder } else //games/title [id]/game.iso *(strrchr(GC_Path, '/')+1) = '\0'; //erase game.iso char CheatPath[256];// wiiflow cheats path - sd:/wiiflow/cheats/id.gct char NewCheatPath[256];// nintendont cheat path - games/title [id]/id.gct snprintf(CheatPath, sizeof(CheatPath), "%s/%s", m_cheatDir.c_str(), fmt("%s.gct", id)); snprintf(NewCheatPath, sizeof(NewCheatPath), "%s%s.gct",GC_Path,id); Nintendont_SetOptions(path, id, CheatPath, NewCheatPath, DeviceName[currentPartition], cheats, emuMC, videoMode, widescreen, usb_hid, native_ctl, deflicker, wiiu_widescreen, NIN_Debugger); } } m_gcfg1.save(true); m_gcfg2.save(true); m_cat.save(true); m_cfg.save(true); cleanup(); GC_SetVideoMode(videoMode, loader); GC_SetLanguage(GClanguage, loader); /* NTSC-J Patch by FIX94 */ if(id[3] == 'J') *HW_PPCSPEED = 0x0002A9E0; if(loader == 0) { if(AHBRPOT_Patched()) loadIOS(58, false); else //use cIOS instead to make sure Devolution works anyways loadIOS(mainIOS, false); ShutdownBeforeExit(); DEVO_Boot(); } else { bool ret = (Nintendont_GetLoader() && LoadAppBooter(fmt("%s/app_booter.bin", m_binsDir.c_str()))); Nintendont_WriteOptions(); ShutdownBeforeExit(); if(ret == true) { loadIOS(58, false); //nintendont NEEDS ios58 BootHomebrew(); //regular dol } } Sys_Exit(); } void CMenu::_launchHomebrew(const char *filepath, vector arguments) { _launchShutdown(); m_gcfg1.save(true); m_gcfg2.save(true); m_cat.save(true); m_cfg.save(true); Playlog_Delete(); cleanup(); // wifi and sd gecko doesnt work anymore after cleanup bool ret = (LoadHomebrew(filepath) && LoadAppBooter(fmt("%s/app_booter.bin", m_binsDir.c_str()))); AddBootArgument(filepath); for(u32 i = 0; i < arguments.size(); ++i) { gprintf("Argument: %s\n", arguments[i].c_str()); AddBootArgument(arguments[i].c_str()); } ShutdownBeforeExit(); if(ret == true) { loadIOS(58, false); BootHomebrew(); } Sys_Exit(); } int CMenu::_loadIOS(u8 gameIOS, int userIOS, string id, bool RealNAND_Channels) { gprintf("Game ID# %s requested IOS %d. User selected %d\n", id.c_str(), gameIOS, userIOS); if(neek2o() || (RealNAND_Channels && IOS_GetType(mainIOS) == IOS_TYPE_STUB)) { bool ret = loadIOS(gameIOS, false); _netInit(); if(ret == false) { error(wfmt(_fmt("errgame4", L"Couldn't load IOS %i"), gameIOS)); return LOAD_IOS_FAILED; } return LOAD_IOS_SUCCEEDED; } if(userIOS) { for(CIOSItr itr = _installed_cios.begin(); itr != _installed_cios.end(); itr++) { if(itr->second == userIOS || itr->first == userIOS) { gameIOS = itr->first; break; } } } else if(gameIOS != 57) gameIOS = mainIOS; gprintf("Changed requested IOS to %d.\n", gameIOS); // remap IOS to CIOS if(gameIOS < 0x64) { if(_installed_cios.size() <= 0) { error(_t("errgame2", L"No cIOS found!")); Sys_Exit(); } u8 IOS[3]; IOS[0] = gameIOS; IOS[1] = 56; IOS[2] = 57; bool found = false; for(u8 num = 0; num < 3; num++) { if(found) break; if(IOS[num] == 0) continue; for(CIOSItr itr = _installed_cios.begin(); itr != _installed_cios.end(); itr++) { if(itr->second == IOS[num] || itr->first == IOS[num]) { gameIOS = itr->first; found = true; break; } } } if(!found) return LOAD_IOS_FAILED; } if(gameIOS != CurrentIOS.Version) { gprintf("Reloading IOS into %d\n", gameIOS); bool ret = loadIOS(gameIOS, true); _netInit(); if(ret == false) { error(wfmt(_fmt("errgame4", L"Couldn't load IOS %i"), gameIOS)); return LOAD_IOS_FAILED; } return LOAD_IOS_SUCCEEDED; } return LOAD_IOS_NOT_NEEDED; } void CMenu::_launchChannel(dir_discHdr *hdr) { _launchShutdown(); string id = string(hdr->id); bool NAND_Emu = m_cfg.getBool(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "emu_nand", false); bool WII_Launch = (m_gcfg2.getBool(id, "custom", false) && (!NAND_Emu || neek2o())); bool use_dol = !m_gcfg2.getBool(id, "apploader", false); bool vipatch = m_gcfg2.testOptBool(id, "vipatch", m_cfg.getBool("GENERAL", "vipatch", false)); bool cheat = m_gcfg2.testOptBool(id, "cheat", m_cfg.getBool(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "cheat", false)); bool countryPatch = m_gcfg2.testOptBool(id, "country_patch", m_cfg.getBool("GENERAL", "country_patch", false)); u8 videoMode = (u8)min((u32)m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "video_mode", 0), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_VideoModes) - 1u); videoMode = (videoMode == 0) ? (u8)min((u32)m_cfg.getInt("GENERAL", "video_mode", 0), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_GlobalVideoModes) - 1) : videoMode-1; int language = min((u32)m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "language", 0), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_languages) - 1u); language = (language == 0) ? min((u32)m_cfg.getInt("GENERAL", "game_language", 0), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_languages) - 1) : language; const char *rtrn = m_gcfg2.getBool(id, "returnto", true) ? m_cfg.getString("GENERAL", "returnto").c_str() : NULL; u8 patchVidMode = min((u32)m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "patch_video_modes", 0), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_vidModePatch) - 1u); int aspectRatio = min((u32)m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "aspect_ratio", 0), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_AspectRatio) - 1u)-1; u32 returnTo = rtrn[0] << 24 | rtrn[1] << 16 | rtrn[2] << 8 | rtrn[3]; u8 *cheatFile = NULL; u32 cheatSize = 0; if(!WII_Launch) { hooktype = (u32) m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "hooktype", 0); debuggerselect = m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "debugger", 0); if((cheat || debuggerselect == 1) && hooktype == 0) hooktype = 1; else if(!cheat && debuggerselect != 1) hooktype = 0; if(cheat) _loadFile(cheatFile, cheatSize, m_cheatDir.c_str(), fmt("%s.gct", id.c_str())); if(has_enabled_providers() && _initNetwork() == 0) add_game_to_card(id.c_str()); } m_cfg.setString(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "current_item", id); m_gcfg1.setInt("PLAYCOUNT", id, m_gcfg1.getInt("PLAYCOUNT", id, 0) + 1); m_gcfg1.setUInt("LASTPLAYED", id, time(NULL)); string emuPath = fmt("/%s/%s", EMU_NANDS_DIR, m_cfg.getString(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "current_emunand", "default").c_str()); int emulate_mode = min(max(0, m_cfg.getInt(CHANNEL_DOMAIN, "emulation", 1)), (int)ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_NandEmu) - 1); int userIOS = m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "ios", 0); u64 gameTitle = TITLE_ID(hdr->settings[0],hdr->settings[1]); bool useNK2o = (m_gcfg2.getBool(id, "useneek", false) && !neek2o()); bool use_led = m_gcfg2.getBool(id, "led", false); u32 gameIOS = ChannelHandle.GetRequestedIOS(gameTitle); m_gcfg1.save(true); m_gcfg2.save(true); m_cat.save(true); m_cfg.save(true); cleanup(); if(NAND_Emu && !neek2o()) { NANDemuView = true; if(useNK2o) { if(!Load_Neek2o_Kernel()) { error(_t("errneek1", L"Cannot launch neek2o. Verify your neek2o setup")); Sys_Exit(); } ShutdownBeforeExit(); Launch_nk(gameTitle, NandHandle.Get_NandPath(), returnTo ? (((u64)(0x00010001) << 32) | (returnTo & 0xFFFFFFFF)) : 0); while(1) usleep(500); } } if(WII_Launch == false && ExternalBooter_LoadBins(m_binsDir.c_str()) == false) Sys_Exit(); if(_loadIOS(gameIOS, userIOS, id, !NAND_Emu) == LOAD_IOS_FAILED) Sys_Exit(); if((CurrentIOS.Type == IOS_TYPE_D2X || neek2o()) && returnTo != 0) { if(D2X_PatchReturnTo(returnTo) >= 0) memset(&returnTo, 0, sizeof(u32)); } if(NAND_Emu && !neek2o()) { /* Enable our Emu NAND */ DeviceHandle.UnMountAll(); if(emulate_mode == 1) NandHandle.Set_FullMode(true); else NandHandle.Set_FullMode(false); if(NandHandle.Enable_Emu() < 0) { NandHandle.Disable_Emu(); error(_t("errgame5", L"Enabling emu failed!")); Sys_Exit(); } DeviceHandle.MountAll(); } if(WII_Launch) { ShutdownBeforeExit(); WII_Initialize(); WII_LaunchTitle(gameTitle); } else { setLanguage(language); ocarina_load_code(cheatFile, cheatSize); NandHandle.Patch_AHB(); /* Identify may takes it */ PatchIOS(true); /* Patch for everything */ Identify(gameTitle); ExternalBooter_ChannelSetup(gameTitle, use_dol); WiiFlow_ExternalBooter(videoMode, vipatch, countryPatch, patchVidMode, aspectRatio, 0, TYPE_CHANNEL, use_led); } Sys_Exit(); } void CMenu::_launchGame(dir_discHdr *hdr, bool dvd) { _launchShutdown(); string id(hdr->id); string path(hdr->path); if(neek2o()) { int discID = id.c_str()[0] << 24 | id.c_str()[1] << 16 | id.c_str()[2] << 8 | id.c_str()[3]; if(WDVD_NEEK_LoadDisc((discID&0xFFFFFFFF), 0x5D1C9EA3) > 0) { dvd = true; sleep(3); } } if(dvd) { u32 cover = 0; if(!neek2o() && !Sys_DolphinMode()) { if(WDVD_GetCoverStatus(&cover) < 0) { error(_t("errgame7", L"WDVDGetCoverStatus Failed!")); Sys_Exit(); } if(!(cover & 0x2)) { error(_t("errgame8", L"Please insert a game disc.")); do { WDVD_GetCoverStatus(&cover); if(BTN_B_PRESSED) return; } while(!(cover & 0x2)); } } TempLoadIOS(); /* Open Disc */ if(Disc_Open(true) < 0) { error(_t("wbfsoperr2", L"Disc_Open failed")); Sys_Exit(); } /* Check disc */ if(Disc_IsWii() < 0) { if(Disc_IsGC() < 0) { error(_t("errgame9", L"This is not a Wii or GC disc")); Sys_Exit(); } else { /* Read GC disc header */ Disc_ReadGCHeader(&gc_hdr); memcpy(hdr->id, gc_hdr.id, 6); /* Launching GC Game */ if(m_nintendont_installed) _launchGC(hdr, true); else error(_t("errgame12", L"Nintendont not found! Can't launch GC Disc.")); return; } } else { /* Read header */ Disc_ReadHeader(&wii_hdr); id = string((const char*)wii_hdr.id, 6); } gprintf("Game ID: %s\n", id.c_str()); } bool vipatch = m_gcfg2.testOptBool(id, "vipatch", m_cfg.getBool("GENERAL", "vipatch", false)); bool countryPatch = m_gcfg2.testOptBool(id, "country_patch", m_cfg.getBool("GENERAL", "country_patch", false)); bool private_server = m_gcfg2.testOptBool(id, "private_server", m_cfg.getBool("GENERAL", "private_server", false)); u8 patchVidMode = min((u32)m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "patch_video_modes", 0), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_vidModePatch) - 1u); u8 videoMode = (u8)min((u32)m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "video_mode", 0), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_VideoModes) - 1u); videoMode = (videoMode == 0) ? (u8)min((u32)m_cfg.getInt("GENERAL", "video_mode", 0), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_GlobalVideoModes) - 1) : videoMode-1; int language = min((u32)m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "language", 0), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_languages) - 1u); language = (language == 0) ? min((u32)m_cfg.getInt("GENERAL", "game_language", 0), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_languages) - 1) : language; const char *rtrn = m_cfg.getString("GENERAL", "returnto", "").c_str(); int aspectRatio = min((u32)m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "aspect_ratio", 0), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_AspectRatio) - 1u)-1; string emuPath; int emuPartition = 0; u8 emulate_mode = min((u32)m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "emulate_save", 0), ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_SaveEmu) - 1u); if(emulate_mode == 0)// default then use global emulate_mode = min(max(0, m_cfg.getInt(WII_DOMAIN, "save_emulation", 0)), (int)ARRAY_SIZE(CMenu::_GlobalSaveEmu) - 1); else emulate_mode--; m_current_view = COVERFLOW_WII; //set this in case of multisource mode if(emulate_mode && !dvd && !neek2o()) { emuPartition = _FindEmuPart(emuPath, false); if(emuPartition < 0)//if savepartition and/or nand folder no good { _hideWaitMessage(); while(true) { if(!_AutoCreateNand())//change partition, extract nand, or disable emunand save {//if disable emulate_mode = 0; m_gcfg2.setInt(id, "emulate_save", 1); break; } emuPartition = m_cfg.getInt(WII_DOMAIN, "savepartition"); if(emulate_mode == 3)//full { if(_TestEmuNand(m_cfg.getInt(WII_DOMAIN, "savepartition"), emuPath.c_str(), true)) { //emuPartition = m_cfg.getInt(WII_DOMAIN, "savepartition"); break; } } else//gamesave or regionswitch { if(!_TestEmuNand(emuPartition, emuPath.c_str(), false)) { NandHandle.CreatePath(fmt("%s:/%s", DeviceName[emuPartition], EMU_NANDS_DIR)); NandHandle.CreatePath(fmt("%s:/%s/%s", DeviceName[emuPartition], EMU_NANDS_DIR, m_cfg.getString(WII_DOMAIN, "current_save_emunand").c_str())); } break; } } m_cfg.setInt(WII_DOMAIN, "savepartition", emuPartition); _showWaitMessage(); } if(emulate_mode == 1)//gamesave { m_forceext = false; _hideWaitMessage(); /*_AutoExtractSave(id) returns true if if save is not on real nand (nothing to extract) if the save is already on emu nand (then no extraction) if the save was successfully extracted false if user chooses to have game create new save*/ if(!_AutoExtractSave(id)) NandHandle.CreateTitleTMD(hdr);//setup emu nand for gamesave _showWaitMessage(); } else if(emulate_mode > 1)//region switch or full { NandHandle.CreateConfig(); NandHandle.Do_Region_Change(id, false); } } bool use_led = m_gcfg2.getBool(id, "led", false); bool cheat = m_gcfg2.testOptBool(id, "cheat", m_cfg.getBool(WII_DOMAIN, "cheat", false)); debuggerselect = m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "debugger", 0); // debuggerselect is defined in fst.h if((id == "RPWE41" || id == "RPWZ41" || id == "SPXP41") && debuggerselect == 1) // Prince of Persia, Rival Swords debuggerselect = 0; hooktype = (u32)m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "hooktype", 0); // hooktype is defined in patchcode.h if((cheat || debuggerselect == 1) && hooktype == 0) hooktype = 1; else if(!cheat && debuggerselect != 1) hooktype = 0; u8 *cheatFile = NULL; u8 *gameconfig = NULL; u32 cheatSize = 0, gameconfigSize = 0, returnTo = 0; m_cfg.setString(WII_DOMAIN, "current_item", id); m_gcfg1.setInt("PLAYCOUNT", id, m_gcfg1.getInt("PLAYCOUNT", id, 0) + 1); m_gcfg1.setUInt("LASTPLAYED", id, time(NULL)); if(has_enabled_providers() && _initNetwork() == 0) add_game_to_card(id.c_str()); setLanguage(language); load_wip_patches((u8 *)m_wipDir.c_str(), (u8 *) &id); if(cheat) _loadFile(cheatFile, cheatSize, m_cheatDir.c_str(), fmt("%s.gct", id.c_str())); _loadFile(gameconfig, gameconfigSize, m_txtCheatDir.c_str(), "gameconfig.txt"); if(strlen(rtrn) == 4) returnTo = rtrn[0] << 24 | rtrn[1] << 16 | rtrn[2] << 8 | rtrn[3]; int userIOS = m_gcfg2.getInt(id, "ios", 0); int gameIOS = dvd && !neek2o() ? userIOS : GetRequestedGameIOS(hdr); m_gcfg1.save(true); m_gcfg2.save(true); m_cat.save(true); m_cfg.save(true); cleanup(); // wifi and sd gecko doesnt work anymore after cleanup bool patchregion = false; if(emulate_mode <= 1 && !neek2o() && m_cfg.getBool("GENERAL", "tempregionrn", false)) { gprintf("Check\n"); patchregion = NandHandle.Do_Region_Change(id, true); } if(ExternalBooter_LoadBins(m_binsDir.c_str()) == false) Sys_Exit(); if((!dvd || neek2o()) && !Sys_DolphinMode()) { if(_loadIOS(gameIOS, userIOS, id) == LOAD_IOS_FAILED) Sys_Exit(); } if(CurrentIOS.Type == IOS_TYPE_D2X) { if(returnTo != 0 && !m_directLaunch && D2X_PatchReturnTo(returnTo) >= 0) memset(&returnTo, 0, sizeof(u32)); if(emulate_mode) { /* Enable our Emu NAND */ DeviceHandle.UnMountAll(); if(emulate_mode == 2) NandHandle.Set_RCMode(true); else if(emulate_mode == 3) NandHandle.Set_FullMode(true); else NandHandle.Set_FullMode(false); if(NandHandle.Enable_Emu() < 0) { NandHandle.Disable_Emu(); error(_t("errgame6", L"Enabling emu after reload failed!")); Sys_Exit(); } DeviceHandle.MountAll(); } } bool wbfs_partition = false; if(!dvd) { DeviceHandle.OpenWBFS(currentPartition); wbfs_partition = (DeviceHandle.GetFSType(currentPartition) == PART_FS_WBFS); if(!wbfs_partition && get_frag_list((u8 *)id.c_str(), (char*)path.c_str(), currentPartition == 0 ? 0x200 : USBStorage2_GetSectorSize()) < 0) Sys_Exit(); WBFS_Close(); } if(cheatFile != NULL) { ocarina_load_code(cheatFile, cheatSize); free(cheatFile); } if(gameconfig != NULL) { app_gameconfig_load(id.c_str(), gameconfig, gameconfigSize); free(gameconfig); } ExternalBooter_WiiGameSetup(wbfs_partition, dvd, patchregion, private_server, id.c_str()); WiiFlow_ExternalBooter(videoMode, vipatch, countryPatch, patchVidMode, aspectRatio, returnTo, TYPE_WII_GAME, use_led); Sys_Exit(); } void CMenu::_initGameMenu() { CColor fontColor(0xD0BFDFFF); TexData texGameFavOn; TexData texGameFavOnSel; TexData texGameFavOff; TexData texGameFavOffSel; TexData texAdultOn; TexData texAdultOnSel; TexData texAdultOff; TexData texAdultOffSel; TexData texDelete; TexData texDeleteSel; TexData texSettings; TexData texSettingsSel; TexData texToggleBanner; TexData bgLQ; TexHandle.fromImageFile(texGameFavOn, fmt("%s/gamefavon.png", m_imgsDir.c_str())); TexHandle.fromImageFile(texGameFavOnSel, fmt("%s/gamefavons.png", m_imgsDir.c_str())); TexHandle.fromImageFile(texGameFavOff, fmt("%s/gamefavoff.png", m_imgsDir.c_str())); TexHandle.fromImageFile(texGameFavOffSel, fmt("%s/gamefavoffs.png", m_imgsDir.c_str())); TexHandle.fromImageFile(texAdultOn, fmt("%s/stopkidon.png", m_imgsDir.c_str())); TexHandle.fromImageFile(texAdultOnSel, fmt("%s/stopkidons.png", m_imgsDir.c_str())); TexHandle.fromImageFile(texAdultOff, fmt("%s/stopkidoff.png", m_imgsDir.c_str())); TexHandle.fromImageFile(texAdultOffSel, fmt("%s/stopkidoffs.png", m_imgsDir.c_str())); TexHandle.fromImageFile(texDelete, fmt("%s/delete.png", m_imgsDir.c_str())); TexHandle.fromImageFile(texDeleteSel, fmt("%s/deletes.png", m_imgsDir.c_str())); TexHandle.fromImageFile(texSettings, fmt("%s/btngamecfg.png", m_imgsDir.c_str())); TexHandle.fromImageFile(texSettingsSel, fmt("%s/btngamecfgs.png", m_imgsDir.c_str())); TexHandle.fromImageFile(texToggleBanner, fmt("%s/blank.png", m_imgsDir.c_str())); _addUserLabels(m_gameLblUser, ARRAY_SIZE(m_gameLblUser), "GAME"); m_gameBg = _texture("GAME/BG", "texture", theme.bg, false); if(m_theme.loaded() && TexHandle.fromImageFile(bgLQ, fmt("%s/%s", m_themeDataDir.c_str(), m_theme.getString("GAME/BG", "texture").c_str()), GX_TF_CMPR, 64, 64) == TE_OK) m_gameBgLQ = bgLQ; m_gameBtnPlay = _addButton("GAME/PLAY_BTN", theme.btnFont, L"", 420, 344, 200, 48, theme.btnFontColor); m_gameBtnBack = _addButton("GAME/BACK_BTN", theme.btnFont, L"", 420, 400, 200, 48, theme.btnFontColor); m_gameBtnFavoriteOn = _addPicButton("GAME/FAVORITE_ON", texGameFavOn, texGameFavOnSel, 460, 200, 48, 48); m_gameBtnFavoriteOff = _addPicButton("GAME/FAVORITE_OFF", texGameFavOff, texGameFavOffSel, 460, 200, 48, 48); m_gameBtnAdultOn = _addPicButton("GAME/ADULTONLY_ON", texAdultOn, texAdultOnSel, 532, 200, 48, 48); m_gameBtnAdultOff = _addPicButton("GAME/ADULTONLY_OFF", texAdultOff, texAdultOffSel, 532, 200, 48, 48); m_gameBtnSettings = _addPicButton("GAME/SETTINGS_BTN", texSettings, texSettingsSel, 460, 272, 48, 48); m_gameBtnDelete = _addPicButton("GAME/DELETE_BTN", texDelete, texDeleteSel, 532, 272, 48, 48); m_gameBtnBackFull = _addButton("GAME/BACK_FULL_BTN", theme.btnFont, L"", 100, 390, 200, 56, theme.btnFontColor); m_gameBtnPlayFull = _addButton("GAME/PLAY_FULL_BTN", theme.btnFont, L"", 340, 390, 200, 56, theme.btnFontColor); m_gameBtnToggle = _addPicButton("GAME/TOOGLE_BTN", texToggleBanner, texToggleBanner, 385, 31, 236, 127); m_gameBtnToggleFull = _addPicButton("GAME/TOOGLE_FULL_BTN", texToggleBanner, texToggleBanner, 20, 12, 608, 344); m_gameButtonsZone.x = m_theme.getInt("GAME/ZONES", "buttons_x", 0); m_gameButtonsZone.y = m_theme.getInt("GAME/ZONES", "buttons_y", 0); m_gameButtonsZone.w = m_theme.getInt("GAME/ZONES", "buttons_w", 640); m_gameButtonsZone.h = m_theme.getInt("GAME/ZONES", "buttons_h", 480); m_gameButtonsZone.hide = m_theme.getBool("GAME/ZONES", "buttons_hide", true); _setHideAnim(m_gameBtnPlay, "GAME/PLAY_BTN", 0, 0, 1.f, -1.f); _setHideAnim(m_gameBtnBack, "GAME/BACK_BTN", 0, 0, 1.f, -1.f); _setHideAnim(m_gameBtnFavoriteOn, "GAME/FAVORITE_ON", 0, 0, 1.f, -1.f); _setHideAnim(m_gameBtnFavoriteOff, "GAME/FAVORITE_OFF", 0, 0, 1.f, -1.f); _setHideAnim(m_gameBtnAdultOn, "GAME/ADULTONLY_ON", 0, 0, 1.f, -1.f); _setHideAnim(m_gameBtnAdultOff, "GAME/ADULTONLY_OFF", 0, 0, 1.f, -1.f); _setHideAnim(m_gameBtnSettings, "GAME/SETTINGS_BTN", 0, 0, 1.f, -1.f); _setHideAnim(m_gameBtnDelete, "GAME/DELETE_BTN", 0, 0, 1.f, -1.f); _setHideAnim(m_gameBtnPlayFull, "GAME/PLAY_FULL_BTN", 0, 0, 1.f, 0.f); _setHideAnim(m_gameBtnBackFull, "GAME/BACK_FULL_BTN", 0, 0, 1.f, 0.f); _setHideAnim(m_gameBtnToggle, "GAME/TOOGLE_BTN", 200, 0, 1.f, 0.f); _setHideAnim(m_gameBtnToggleFull, "GAME/TOOGLE_FULL_BTN", 200, 0, 1.f, 0.f); _hideGame(true); _textGame(); } void CMenu::_textGame(void) { m_btnMgr.setText(m_gameBtnPlay, _t("gm1", L"Play")); m_btnMgr.setText(m_gameBtnBack, _t("gm2", L"Back")); m_btnMgr.setText(m_gameBtnPlayFull, _t("gm1", L"Play")); m_btnMgr.setText(m_gameBtnBackFull, _t("gm2", L"Back")); } struct IMD5Header { u32 fcc; u32 filesize; u8 zeroes[8]; u8 crypto[16]; } ATTRIBUTE_PACKED; void CMenu::_gameSoundThread(CMenu *m) { m->m_soundThrdBusy = true; m->m_gamesound_changed = false; CurrentBanner.ClearBanner(); const dir_discHdr *GameHdr = CoverFlow.getHdr(); if(GameHdr->type == TYPE_PLUGIN) { m_banner.DeleteBanner(); m->m_gameSound.Load(m_plugin.GetBannerSound(GameHdr->settings[0]), m_plugin.GetBannerSoundSize()); if(m->m_gameSound.IsLoaded()) m->m_gamesound_changed = true; m->m_soundThrdBusy = false; return; } u8 *custom_bnr_file = NULL; u32 custom_bnr_size = 0; u8 *cached_bnr_file = NULL; u32 cached_bnr_size = 0; char cached_banner[256]; cached_banner[255] = '\0'; char custom_banner[256]; custom_banner[255] = '\0'; /* check custom ID6 first */ strncpy(custom_banner, fmt("%s/%s.bnr", m->m_customBnrDir.c_str(), GameHdr->id), 255); fsop_GetFileSizeBytes(custom_banner, &custom_bnr_size); if(custom_bnr_size > 0) { custom_bnr_file = (u8*)MEM2_lo_alloc(custom_bnr_size); if(custom_bnr_file != NULL) fsop_ReadFileLoc(custom_banner, custom_bnr_size, (void*)custom_bnr_file); } else /* no custom ID6 or too big, try ID3 */ { strncpy(custom_banner, fmt("%s/%.3s.bnr", m->m_customBnrDir.c_str(), GameHdr->id), 255); fsop_GetFileSizeBytes(custom_banner, &custom_bnr_size); if(custom_bnr_size > 0) { custom_bnr_file = (u8*)MEM2_lo_alloc(custom_bnr_size); if(custom_bnr_file != NULL) fsop_ReadFileLoc(custom_banner, custom_bnr_size, (void*)custom_bnr_file); } } if(custom_bnr_file == NULL && GameHdr->type == TYPE_GC_GAME) { GC_Disc_Reader.init(GameHdr->path); u8 *opening_bnr = GC_Disc_Reader.GetGameCubeBanner(); if(opening_bnr != NULL) m_banner.CreateGCBanner(opening_bnr, m->m_wbf1_font, m->m_wbf2_font, GameHdr->title); GC_Disc_Reader.clear(); m->m_gameSound.Load(gc_ogg, gc_ogg_size, false); if(m->m_gameSound.IsLoaded()) m->m_gamesound_changed = true; m->m_soundThrdBusy = false; return; } if(custom_bnr_file == NULL)/* no custom and not GC game try cached banner*/ { strncpy(cached_banner, fmt("%s/%s.bnr", m->m_bnrCacheDir.c_str(), GameHdr->id), 255); fsop_GetFileSizeBytes(cached_banner, &cached_bnr_size); if(cached_bnr_size > 0) { cached_bnr_file = (u8*)MEM2_lo_alloc(cached_bnr_size); if(cached_bnr_file != NULL) fsop_ReadFileLoc(cached_banner, cached_bnr_size, (void*)cached_bnr_file); } } if(custom_bnr_file != NULL) CurrentBanner.SetBanner(custom_bnr_file, custom_bnr_size, true, true); else if(cached_bnr_file != NULL) CurrentBanner.SetBanner(cached_bnr_file, cached_bnr_size, false, true); else if(GameHdr->type == TYPE_WII_GAME) _extractBnr(GameHdr); else if(GameHdr->type == TYPE_CHANNEL) _extractChannelBnr(TITLE_ID(GameHdr->settings[0], GameHdr->settings[1])); if(!CurrentBanner.IsValid()) { m->m_gameSound.FreeMemory(); m_banner.DeleteBanner(); CurrentBanner.ClearBanner(); m->m_soundThrdBusy = false; return; } if(cached_bnr_file == NULL && custom_bnr_file == NULL) fsop_WriteFile(cached_banner, CurrentBanner.GetBannerFile(), CurrentBanner.GetBannerFileSize()); u32 sndSize = 0; m_banner.LoadBanner(m->m_wbf1_font, m->m_wbf2_font); u8 *soundBin = CurrentBanner.GetFile("sound.bin", &sndSize); CurrentBanner.ClearBanner(); if(soundBin != NULL) { if(memcmp(&((IMD5Header *)soundBin)->fcc, "IMD5", 4) == 0) { u32 newSize = 0; u8 *newSound = DecompressCopy(soundBin, sndSize, &newSize); if(newSound == NULL || newSize == 0 || !m->m_gameSound.Load(newSound, newSize)) { free(soundBin); m->m_gameSound.FreeMemory(); m_banner.DeleteBanner(); m->m_soundThrdBusy = false; return; } } else m->m_gameSound.Load(soundBin, sndSize); if(m->m_gameSound.IsLoaded()) m->m_gamesound_changed = true; else { m->m_gameSound.FreeMemory(); m_banner.DeleteBanner(); } } else { gprintf("WARNING: No sound found in banner!\n"); m->m_gamesound_changed = true; m->m_gameSound.FreeMemory(); } m->m_soundThrdBusy = false; } u8 *GameSoundStack = NULL; u32 GameSoundSize = 0x10000; //64kb void CMenu::_playGameSound(void) { if(NoGameID(CoverFlow.getHdr()->type)) { if(_startVideo()) return; if(m_zoom_banner == true) { m_zoom_banner = m_banner.ToggleZoom(); m_cfg.setBool(_domainFromView(), "show_full_banner", m_zoom_banner); currentMoviePos = normalMoviePos; } } m_gamesound_changed = false; if(m_bnrSndVol == 0) return; if(m_gameSoundThread != LWP_THREAD_NULL) CheckGameSoundThread(); GameSoundStack = (u8*)MEM2_lo_alloc(GameSoundSize); LWP_CreateThread(&m_gameSoundThread, (void *(*)(void *))CMenu::_gameSoundThread, (void*)this, GameSoundStack, GameSoundSize, 60); } void CMenu::CheckGameSoundThread() { if(m_gameSoundThread == LWP_THREAD_NULL) return; if(LWP_ThreadIsSuspended(m_gameSoundThread)) LWP_ResumeThread(m_gameSoundThread); while(m_soundThrdBusy) usleep(500); LWP_JoinThread(m_gameSoundThread, NULL); m_gameSoundThread = LWP_THREAD_NULL; if(GameSoundStack) MEM2_lo_free(GameSoundStack); GameSoundStack = NULL; }