#include <algorithm> #include "text.hpp" #include "memory/mem2.hpp" #include "fileOps/fileOps.h" static char general_buffer[MAX_MSG_SIZE * 2]; string sfmt(const char *format, ...) { va_list va; va_start(va, format); size_t len = vsnprintf(general_buffer, MAX_MSG_SIZE - 1, format, va); general_buffer[MAX_MSG_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; va_end(va); return string(general_buffer, len); } static inline bool fmtCount(const wstringEx &format, int &i, int &s) { int state = 0; i = 0; s = 0; for (u32 k = 0; k < format.size(); ++k) { if (state == 0) { if (format[k] == L'%') state = 1; } else if (state == 1) { switch (format[k]) { case L'%': state = 0; break; case L'i': case L'd': state = 0; ++i; break; case L's': state = 0; ++s; break; default: return false; } } } return true; } // Only handles the cases i need for translations : plain %i and %s bool checkFmt(const wstringEx &ref, const wstringEx &format) { int s; int i; int refs; int refi; if (!fmtCount(ref, refi, refs)) return false; if (!fmtCount(format, i, s)) return false; return i == refi && s == refs; } wstringEx wfmt(const wstringEx &format, ...) { va_list va; va_start(va, format); vsnprintf(general_buffer, MAX_MSG_SIZE - 1, format.toUTF8().c_str(), va); general_buffer[MAX_MSG_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; va_end(va); wstringEx wide_buffer; wide_buffer.fromUTF8(general_buffer); return wide_buffer; } string vectorToString(const vector<string> &vect, string sep) { string s; for (u32 i = 0; i < vect.size(); ++i) { if (i > 0) s.append(sep); s.append(vect[i]); } return s; } wstringEx vectorToString(const vector<wstringEx> &vect, char sep) { wstringEx s; for (u32 i = 0; i < vect.size(); ++i) { if (i > 0) s.push_back(sep); s.append(vect[i]); } return s; } vector<string> stringToVector(const string &text, char sep) { vector<string> v; if (text.empty()) return v; u32 count = 1; for (u32 i = 0; i < text.size(); ++i) if (text[i] == sep) ++count; v.reserve(count); string::size_type off = 0; string::size_type i = 0; do { i = text.find_first_of(sep, off); if (i != string::npos) { string ws(text.substr(off, i - off)); v.push_back(ws); off = i + 1; } else v.push_back(text.substr(off)); } while (i != string::npos); return v; } vector<wstringEx> stringToVector(const wstringEx &text, char sep) { vector<wstringEx> v; if (text.empty()) return v; u32 count = 1; for (u32 i = 0; i < text.size(); ++i) if (text[i] == sep) ++count; v.reserve(count); wstringEx::size_type off = 0; wstringEx::size_type i = 0; do { i = text.find_first_of(sep, off); if (i != wstringEx::npos) { wstringEx ws(text.substr(off, i - off)); v.push_back(ws); off = i + 1; } else v.push_back(text.substr(off)); } while (i != wstringEx::npos); return v; } void SFont::ClearData(void) { if(font != NULL) delete font; font = NULL; if(data != NULL) free(data); data = NULL; dataSize = 0; } bool SFont::fromBuffer(const u8 *buffer, const u32 bufferSize, u32 size, u32 lspacing, u32 w, u32 idx, const char *fontname) { if(buffer == NULL) return false; fSize = min(max(6u, size), 1000u); lineSpacing = min(max(6u, lspacing), 1000u); weight = min(w, 32u); index = idx; if(data != NULL) free(data); data = (u8*)MEM2_alloc(bufferSize); if(data == NULL) return false; dataSize = bufferSize; memcpy(data, buffer, bufferSize); DCFlushRange(data, dataSize); memcpy(name, fontname, 127); font = new FreeTypeGX(); font->loadFont(data, dataSize, fSize, weight, index, false); return true; } bool SFont::fromFile(const char *path, u32 size, u32 lspacing, u32 w, u32 idx, const char *fontname) { fSize = min(max(6u, size), 1000u); weight = min(w, 32u); index = idx = 0; lineSpacing = min(max(6u, lspacing), 1000u); if(data != NULL) free(data); data = fsop_ReadFile(path, &dataSize); if(data == NULL) return false; DCFlushRange(data, dataSize); memcpy(name, fontname, 127); font = new FreeTypeGX(); font->loadFont(data, dataSize, fSize, weight, index, false); return true; } static const wchar_t *g_whitespaces = L" \f\n\r\t\v"; void CText::setText(const SFont &font, const wstringEx &t) { SWord w; m_lines.clear(); if(font.font == NULL) return; m_font = font; firstLine = 0; // Don't care about performance vector<wstringEx> lines = stringToVector(t, L'\n'); m_lines.reserve(lines.size()); // for (u32 k = 0; k < lines.size(); ++k) { wstringEx &l = lines[k]; m_lines.push_back(CLine()); m_lines.back().reserve(32); wstringEx::size_type i = l.find_first_not_of(g_whitespaces); wstringEx::size_type j; while (i != wstringEx::npos) { j = l.find_first_of(g_whitespaces, i); if (j != wstringEx::npos && j > i) { w.text.assign(l, i, j - i); m_lines.back().push_back(w); i = l.find_first_not_of(g_whitespaces, j); } else if (j == wstringEx::npos) { w.text.assign(l, i, l.size() - i); m_lines.back().push_back(w); i = wstringEx::npos; } } } } void CText::setText(const SFont &font, const wstringEx &t, u32 startline) { SWord w; totalHeight = 0; m_lines.clear(); if(font.font != NULL) m_font = font; if(m_font.font == NULL) return; firstLine = startline; // Don't care about performance vector<wstringEx> lines = stringToVector(t, L'\n'); m_lines.reserve(lines.size()); // for (u32 k = 0; k < lines.size(); ++k) { wstringEx &l = lines[k]; m_lines.push_back(CLine()); m_lines.back().reserve(32); wstringEx::size_type i = l.find_first_not_of(g_whitespaces); wstringEx::size_type j; while (i != wstringEx::npos) { j = l.find_first_of(g_whitespaces, i); if (j != wstringEx::npos && j > i) { w.text.assign(l, i, j - i); m_lines.back().push_back(w); i = l.find_first_not_of(g_whitespaces, j); } else if (j == wstringEx::npos) { w.text.assign(l, i, l.size() - i); m_lines.back().push_back(w); i = wstringEx::npos; } } } } void CText::setFrame(float width, u16 style, bool ignoreNewlines, bool instant) { if(m_font.font == NULL) return; float shift; totalHeight = 0; float space = m_font.font->getWidth(L" "); float posX = 0.f; float posY = 0.f; u32 lineBeg = 0; if(firstLine > m_lines.size()) firstLine = 0; for (u32 k = firstLine; k < m_lines.size(); ++k) { CLine &words = m_lines[k]; if (words.empty()) { posY += (float)m_font.lineSpacing; continue; } for (u32 i = 0; i < words.size(); ++i) { float wordWidth = m_font.font->getWidth(words[i].text.c_str()); if (posX == 0.f || posX + (float)wordWidth + space * 2 <= width) { words[i].targetPos = Vector3D(posX, posY, 0.f); posX += wordWidth + space; } else { posY += (float)m_font.lineSpacing; words[i].targetPos = Vector3D(0.f, posY, 0.f); if ((style & (FTGX_JUSTIFY_CENTER | FTGX_JUSTIFY_RIGHT)) != 0) { posX -= space; shift = (style & FTGX_JUSTIFY_CENTER) != 0 ? -posX * 0.5f : -posX; for (u32 j = lineBeg; j < i; ++j) words[j].targetPos.x += shift; } posX = wordWidth + space; lineBeg = i; } } // Quick patch for newline support if (!ignoreNewlines && k + 1 < m_lines.size()) posX = 9999999.f; } totalHeight = posY + m_font.lineSpacing; if ((style & (FTGX_JUSTIFY_CENTER | FTGX_JUSTIFY_RIGHT)) != 0) { posX -= space; shift = (style & FTGX_JUSTIFY_CENTER) != 0 ? -posX * 0.5f : -posX; for (u32 k = firstLine; k < m_lines.size(); ++k) for (u32 j = lineBeg; j < m_lines[k].size(); ++j) m_lines[k][j].targetPos.x += shift; } if ((style & (FTGX_ALIGN_MIDDLE | FTGX_ALIGN_BOTTOM)) != 0) { posY += (float)m_font.lineSpacing; shift = (style & FTGX_ALIGN_MIDDLE) != 0 ? -posY * 0.5f : -posY; for (u32 k = firstLine; k < m_lines.size(); ++k) for (u32 j = 0; j < m_lines[k].size(); ++j) m_lines[k][j].targetPos.y += shift; } if (instant) for (u32 k = firstLine; k < m_lines.size(); ++k) for (u32 i = 0; i < m_lines[k].size(); ++i) m_lines[k][i].pos = m_lines[k][i].targetPos; } void CText::setColor(const CColor &c) { m_color = c; } void CText::tick(void) { for (u32 k = 0; k < m_lines.size(); ++k) for (u32 i = 0; i < m_lines[k].size(); ++i) m_lines[k][i].pos += (m_lines[k][i].targetPos - m_lines[k][i].pos) * 0.05f; } void CText::draw(void) { if(m_font.font == NULL) return; for (u32 k = firstLine; k < m_lines.size(); ++k) for (u32 i = 0; i < m_lines[k].size(); ++i) { m_font.font->setX(m_lines[k][i].pos.x); m_font.font->setY(m_lines[k][i].pos.y); m_font.font->drawText(0, m_font.lineSpacing, m_lines[k][i].text.c_str(), m_color); } } int CText::getTotalHeight(void) { return totalHeight; } string upperCase(string text) { char c; for (string::size_type i = 0; i < text.size(); ++i) { c = text[i]; if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') text[i] = c & 0xDF; } return text; } string lowerCase(string text) { char c; for (string::size_type i = 0; i < text.size(); ++i) { c = text[i]; if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') text[i] = c | 0x20; } return text; } // trim from start string ltrim(string s) { s.erase(s.begin(), find_if(s.begin(), s.end(), not1(ptr_fun<int, int>(isspace)))); return s; } // trim from end string rtrim(string s) { s.erase(find_if(s.rbegin(), s.rend(), not1(ptr_fun<int, int>(isspace))).base(), s.end()); return s; } bool wchar_cmp(const wchar_t *first, const wchar_t *second, u32 first_len, u32 second_len) { u32 i = 0; while((i < first_len) && (i < second_len)) { if(tolower(first[i]) < tolower(second[i])) return true; else if(tolower(first[i]) > tolower(second[i])) return false; ++i; } return first_len < second_len; } bool char_cmp(const char *first, const char *second, u32 first_len, u32 second_len) { u32 i = 0; while((i < first_len) && (i < second_len)) { if(tolower(first[i]) < tolower(second[i])) return true; else if(tolower(first[i]) > tolower(second[i])) return false; ++i; } return first_len < second_len; }