#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "homebrew.h" #include "banner/AnimatedBanner.h" #include "fileOps/fileOps.h" #include "gecko/gecko.hpp" #define EXECUTE_ADDR ((u8 *)0x92000000) #define BOOTER_ADDR ((u8 *)0x93100000) #define ARGS_ADDR ((u8 *)0x93200000) #define BOOTER_ENTRY ((entry)BOOTER_ADDR) using namespace std; extern const u8 stub_bin[]; extern const u32 stub_bin_size; u8 valid = 0; static vector Arguments; static bool IsDollZ(u8 *buf) { u8 cmp1[] = {0x3C}; return memcmp(&buf[0x100], cmp1, sizeof(cmp1)) == 0; } static bool IsSpecialELF(u8 *buf) { u32 cmp1[] = {0x7F454C46}; u8 cmp2[] = {0x00}; return memcmp(buf, cmp1, sizeof(cmp1)) == 0 && memcmp(&buf[0x24], cmp2, sizeof(cmp2)) == 0; } void AddBootArgument(const char * argv) { string arg(argv); Arguments.push_back(arg); } bool LoadAppBooter(const char *filepath) { u32 filesize = 0; fsop_GetFileSizeBytes(filepath, &filesize); if(filesize > 0) { fsop_ReadFileLoc(filepath, filesize, BOOTER_ADDR); DCFlushRange(BOOTER_ADDR, filesize); return true; } return false; } bool LoadHomebrew(const char *filepath) { if(filepath == NULL) return false; u32 filesize = 0; fsop_GetFileSizeBytes(filepath, &filesize); if(filesize == 0) return false; if(filesize <= ((u32)BOOTER_ADDR - (u32)EXECUTE_ADDR)) { fsop_ReadFileLoc(filepath, filesize, EXECUTE_ADDR); DCFlushRange(EXECUTE_ADDR, filesize); } return true; } int SetupARGV(struct __argv * args) { if(!args) return -1; memset(args, 0, sizeof(struct __argv)); args->argvMagic = ARGV_MAGIC; u32 argc = 0; u32 position = 0; u32 stringlength = 1; /** Append Arguments **/ for(u32 i = 0; i < Arguments.size(); i++) stringlength += Arguments[i].size()+1; args->length = stringlength; //! Put the argument into mem2 too, to avoid overwriting it args->commandLine = (char *) ARGS_ADDR + sizeof(struct __argv); /** Append Arguments **/ for(u32 i = 0; i < Arguments.size(); i++) { strcpy(&args->commandLine[position], Arguments[i].c_str()); position += Arguments[i].size() + 1; argc++; } args->argc = argc; args->commandLine[args->length - 1] = '\0'; args->argv = &args->commandLine; args->endARGV = args->argv + 1; Arguments.clear(); return 0; } void writeStub() { /* Clear potential homebrew channel stub */ memset((void*)0x80001800, 0, 0x1800); /* Extract our stub */ u32 StubSize = 0; u8 *Stub = DecompressCopy(stub_bin, stub_bin_size, &StubSize); /* Copy our own stub into memory */ memcpy((void*)0x80001800, Stub, StubSize); DCFlushRange((void*)0x80001800, StubSize); /* And free the memory again */ free(Stub); } void BootHomebrew() { __argv args; if(!IsDollZ(EXECUTE_ADDR) && !IsSpecialELF(EXECUTE_ADDR)) SetupARGV(&args); else gprintf("Homebrew Boot Arguments disabled\n"); memmove(ARGS_ADDR, &args, sizeof(args)); DCFlushRange(ARGS_ADDR, sizeof(args) + args.length); JumpToEntry(BOOTER_ENTRY); } void JumpToEntry(entry EntryPoint) { gprintf("Jumping to %08x\n", EntryPoint); SYS_ResetSystem(SYS_SHUTDOWN, 0, 0); __lwp_thread_stopmultitasking(EntryPoint); }