/*------------------------------------------------------------- usbstorage.c -- Bulk-only USB mass storage support Copyright (C) 2008 Sven Peter (svpe) <svpe@gmx.net> Copyright (C) 2009-2010 tueidj, rodries, Tantric This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. -------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if defined(HW_RVL) #include <gccore.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <errno.h> #include <ogc/lwp_heap.h> #include <malloc.h> #include "memory/mem2.hpp" #include <ogc/machine/asm.h> #include <ogc/machine/processor.h> #include <ogc/disc_io.h> #include <ogc/lwp_watchdog.h> #include "usbstorage_libogc.h" #define ROUNDDOWN32(v) (((u32)(v)-0x1f)&~0x1f) #define HEAP_SIZE (18*1024) #define TAG_START 0x0BADC0DE #define CBW_SIZE 31 #define CBW_SIGNATURE 0x43425355 #define CBW_IN (1 << 7) #define CBW_OUT 0 #define CSW_SIZE 13 #define CSW_SIGNATURE 0x53425355 #define SCSI_TEST_UNIT_READY 0x00 #define SCSI_REQUEST_SENSE 0x03 #define SCSI_INQUIRY 0x12 #define SCSI_START_STOP 0x1B #define SCSI_READ_CAPACITY 0x25 #define SCSI_READ_10 0x28 #define SCSI_WRITE_10 0x2A #define SCSI_SENSE_REPLY_SIZE 18 #define SCSI_SENSE_NOT_READY 0x02 #define SCSI_SENSE_MEDIUM_ERROR 0x03 #define SCSI_SENSE_HARDWARE_ERROR 0x04 #define USB_CLASS_MASS_STORAGE 0x08 #define MASS_STORAGE_RBC_COMMANDS 0x01 #define MASS_STORAGE_ATA_COMMANDS 0x02 #define MASS_STORAGE_QIC_COMMANDS 0x03 #define MASS_STORAGE_UFI_COMMANDS 0x04 #define MASS_STORAGE_SFF8070_COMMANDS 0x05 #define MASS_STORAGE_SCSI_COMMANDS 0x06 #define MASS_STORAGE_BULK_ONLY 0x50 #define USBSTORAGE_GET_MAX_LUN 0xFE #define USBSTORAGE_RESET 0xFF #define USB_ENDPOINT_BULK 0x02 #define USBSTORAGE_CYCLE_RETRIES 3 #define USBSTORAGE_TIMEOUT 2 #define INVALID_LUN -2 #define MAX_TRANSFER_SIZE_V0 4096 #define MAX_TRANSFER_SIZE_V5 (16*1024) #define DEVLIST_MAXSIZE 8 static heap_cntrl __heap; static bool __inited = false; static u64 usb_last_used = 0; static lwpq_t __usbstorage_ogc_waitq = 0; static u32 usbtimeout = USBSTORAGE_TIMEOUT; /* The following is for implementing a DISC_INTERFACE as used by libfat */ static usbstorage_handle __usbfd; static u8 __lun = 0; static bool __mounted = false; static u16 __vid = 0; static u16 __pid = 0; static bool usb2_mode=true; static s32 __usbstorage_ogc_reset(usbstorage_handle *dev); static s32 __usbstorage_ogc_clearerrors(usbstorage_handle *dev, u8 lun); s32 USBStorage_OGC_Inquiry(usbstorage_handle *dev, u8 lun); /* XXX: this is a *really* dirty and ugly way to send a bulkmessage with a timeout * but there's currently no other known way of doing this and it's in my humble * opinion still better than having a function blocking forever while waiting * for the USB data/IOS reply.. */ static s32 __usb_blkmsg_cb(s32 retval, void *dummy) { usbstorage_handle *dev = (usbstorage_handle *)dummy; dev->retval = retval; SYS_CancelAlarm(dev->alarm); LWP_ThreadBroadcast(__usbstorage_ogc_waitq); return 0; } static s32 __usb_deviceremoved_cb(s32 retval __attribute__((unused)), void *arg __attribute__((unused))) { __mounted = false; return 0; } static void __usb_timeouthandler(syswd_t alarm __attribute__((unused)), void *cbarg) { usbstorage_handle *dev = (usbstorage_handle*)cbarg; dev->retval = USBSTORAGE_ETIMEDOUT; LWP_ThreadBroadcast(__usbstorage_ogc_waitq); } static void __usb_settimeout(usbstorage_handle *dev, u32 secs) { struct timespec ts; ts.tv_sec = secs; ts.tv_nsec = 0; SYS_SetAlarm(dev->alarm,&ts,__usb_timeouthandler,dev); } static s32 __USB_BlkMsgTimeout(usbstorage_handle *dev, u8 bEndpoint, u16 wLength, void *rpData, u32 timeout) { s32 retval; dev->retval = USBSTORAGE_PROCESSING; retval = USB_WriteBlkMsgAsync(dev->usb_fd, bEndpoint, wLength, rpData, __usb_blkmsg_cb, (void *)dev); if(retval < 0) return retval; __usb_settimeout(dev, timeout); do { retval = dev->retval; if(retval!=USBSTORAGE_PROCESSING) break; else LWP_ThreadSleep(__usbstorage_ogc_waitq); } while(retval==USBSTORAGE_PROCESSING); if (retval<0) USB_ClearHalt(dev->usb_fd, bEndpoint); return retval; } static s32 __USB_CtrlMsgTimeout(usbstorage_handle *dev, u8 bmRequestType, u8 bmRequest, u16 wValue, u16 wIndex, u16 wLength, void *rpData) { s32 retval; dev->retval = USBSTORAGE_PROCESSING; retval = USB_WriteCtrlMsgAsync(dev->usb_fd, bmRequestType, bmRequest, wValue, wIndex, wLength, rpData, __usb_blkmsg_cb, (void *)dev); if(retval < 0) return retval; __usb_settimeout(dev, usbtimeout); do { retval = dev->retval; if(retval!=USBSTORAGE_PROCESSING) break; else LWP_ThreadSleep(__usbstorage_ogc_waitq); } while(retval==USBSTORAGE_PROCESSING); return retval; } static u8 *arena_ptr=NULL; static u8 *cbw_buffer=NULL; s32 USBStorage_OGC_Initialize() { u32 level; if(__inited) return IPC_OK; _CPU_ISR_Disable(level); LWP_InitQueue(&__usbstorage_ogc_waitq); if(arena_ptr == NULL) arena_ptr = (u8*)MEM2_alloc(HEAP_SIZE); if(arena_ptr == NULL) return IPC_ENOMEM; __lwp_heap_init(&__heap, arena_ptr, HEAP_SIZE, 32); cbw_buffer=(u8*)__lwp_heap_allocate(&__heap, 32); __inited = true; _CPU_ISR_Restore(level); return IPC_OK; } static s32 __send_cbw(usbstorage_handle *dev, u8 lun, u32 len, u8 flags, const u8 *cb, u8 cbLen) { s32 retval = USBSTORAGE_OK; if(cbLen == 0 || cbLen > 16) return IPC_EINVAL; memset(cbw_buffer, 0, CBW_SIZE); __stwbrx(cbw_buffer, 0, CBW_SIGNATURE); __stwbrx(cbw_buffer, 4, ++dev->tag); __stwbrx(cbw_buffer, 8, len); cbw_buffer[12] = flags; cbw_buffer[13] = lun; cbw_buffer[14] = (cbLen > 6 ? 10 : 6); memcpy(cbw_buffer + 15, cb, cbLen); if(dev->suspended == 1) { USB_ResumeDevice(dev->usb_fd); dev->suspended = 0; } retval = __USB_BlkMsgTimeout(dev, dev->ep_out, CBW_SIZE, (void *)cbw_buffer, usbtimeout); if(retval == CBW_SIZE) return USBSTORAGE_OK; else if(retval > 0) return USBSTORAGE_ESHORTWRITE; return retval; } static s32 __read_csw(usbstorage_handle *dev, u8 *status, u32 *dataResidue, u32 timeout) { s32 retval = USBSTORAGE_OK; u32 signature, tag, _dataResidue, _status; memset(cbw_buffer, 0, CSW_SIZE); retval = __USB_BlkMsgTimeout(dev, dev->ep_in, CSW_SIZE, cbw_buffer, timeout); if(retval > 0 && retval != CSW_SIZE) return USBSTORAGE_ESHORTREAD; else if(retval < 0) return retval; signature = __lwbrx(cbw_buffer, 0); tag = __lwbrx(cbw_buffer, 4); _dataResidue = __lwbrx(cbw_buffer, 8); _status = cbw_buffer[12]; if(signature != CSW_SIGNATURE) return USBSTORAGE_ESIGNATURE; if(dataResidue != NULL) *dataResidue = _dataResidue; if(status != NULL) *status = _status; if(tag != dev->tag) return USBSTORAGE_ETAG; return USBSTORAGE_OK; } static s32 __cycle(usbstorage_handle *dev, u8 lun, u8 *buffer, u32 len, u8 *cb, u8 cbLen, u8 write, u8 *_status, u32 *_dataResidue) { s32 retval = USBSTORAGE_OK; u8 status=0; u32 dataResidue = 0; u16 max_size; u8 ep = write ? dev->ep_out : dev->ep_in; s8 retries = USBSTORAGE_CYCLE_RETRIES + 1; if(usb2_mode) max_size=MAX_TRANSFER_SIZE_V5; else max_size=MAX_TRANSFER_SIZE_V0; LWP_MutexLock(dev->lock); do { u8 *_buffer = buffer; u32 _len = len; retries--; if(retval == USBSTORAGE_ETIMEDOUT) break; retval = __send_cbw(dev, lun, len, (write ? CBW_OUT:CBW_IN), cb, cbLen); while(_len > 0 && retval >= 0) { u32 thisLen = _len > max_size ? max_size : _len; if ((u32)_buffer&0x1F || !((u32)_buffer&0x10000000)) { if (write) memcpy(dev->buffer, _buffer, thisLen); retval = __USB_BlkMsgTimeout(dev, ep, thisLen, dev->buffer, usbtimeout); if (!write && retval > 0) memcpy(_buffer, dev->buffer, retval); } else retval = __USB_BlkMsgTimeout(dev, ep, thisLen, _buffer, usbtimeout); if ((u32)retval == thisLen) { _len -= retval; _buffer += retval; } else if (retval != USBSTORAGE_ETIMEDOUT) retval = USBSTORAGE_EDATARESIDUE; } if (retval >= 0) retval = __read_csw(dev, &status, &dataResidue, usbtimeout); if (retval < 0) { if (__usbstorage_ogc_reset(dev) == USBSTORAGE_ETIMEDOUT) retval = USBSTORAGE_ETIMEDOUT; } } while (retval < 0 && retries > 0); LWP_MutexUnlock(dev->lock); if(_status != NULL) *_status = status; if(_dataResidue != NULL) *_dataResidue = dataResidue; return retval; } static s32 __usbstorage_ogc_clearerrors(usbstorage_handle *dev, u8 lun) { s32 retval; u8 cmd[6]; u8 sense[SCSI_SENSE_REPLY_SIZE]; u8 status = 0; memset(cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); cmd[0] = SCSI_TEST_UNIT_READY; retval = __cycle(dev, lun, NULL, 0, cmd, 1, 0, &status, NULL); if (retval < 0) return retval; if (status) { cmd[0] = SCSI_REQUEST_SENSE; cmd[1] = lun << 5; cmd[4] = SCSI_SENSE_REPLY_SIZE; memset(sense, 0, SCSI_SENSE_REPLY_SIZE); retval = __cycle(dev, lun, sense, SCSI_SENSE_REPLY_SIZE, cmd, 6, 0, NULL, NULL); if (retval>=0) { switch (sense[2]&0xF) { case SCSI_SENSE_NOT_READY: return USBSTORAGE_EINIT; case SCSI_SENSE_MEDIUM_ERROR: case SCSI_SENSE_HARDWARE_ERROR: return USBSTORAGE_ESENSE; } } } return retval; } static s32 __usbstorage_ogc_reset(usbstorage_handle *dev) { u32 t = usbtimeout; usbtimeout = 1; s32 retval = __USB_CtrlMsgTimeout(dev, (USB_CTRLTYPE_DIR_HOST2DEVICE | USB_CTRLTYPE_TYPE_CLASS | USB_CTRLTYPE_REC_INTERFACE), USBSTORAGE_RESET, 0, dev->interface, 0, NULL); usbtimeout = t; usleep(60*1000); USB_ClearHalt(dev->usb_fd, dev->ep_in);usleep(10000); //from http://www.usb.org/developers/devclass_docs/usbmassbulk_10.pdf USB_ClearHalt(dev->usb_fd, dev->ep_out);usleep(10000); return retval; } s32 USBStorage_OGC_Open(usbstorage_handle *dev, s32 device_id, u16 vid, u16 pid) { s32 retval = -1; u8 conf = -1; u8 *max_lun; u32 iConf, iInterface, iEp; usb_devdesc udd; usb_configurationdesc *ucd; usb_interfacedesc *uid; usb_endpointdesc *ued; max_lun = __lwp_heap_allocate(&__heap, 1); if (!max_lun) return IPC_ENOMEM; memset(dev, 0, sizeof(*dev)); dev->usb_fd = -1; dev->tag = TAG_START; if (LWP_MutexInit(&dev->lock, false) < 0) goto free_and_return; if (SYS_CreateAlarm(&dev->alarm) < 0) goto free_and_return; retval = USB_OpenDevice(device_id, vid, pid, &dev->usb_fd); if (retval < 0) goto free_and_return; retval = USB_GetDescriptors(dev->usb_fd, &udd); if (retval < 0) goto free_and_return; for (iConf = 0; iConf < udd.bNumConfigurations; iConf++) { ucd = &udd.configurations[iConf]; for (iInterface = 0; iInterface < ucd->bNumInterfaces; iInterface++) { uid = &ucd->interfaces[iInterface]; if(uid->bInterfaceClass == USB_CLASS_MASS_STORAGE && /* (uid->bInterfaceSubClass == MASS_STORAGE_SCSI_COMMANDS || uid->bInterfaceSubClass == MASS_STORAGE_RBC_COMMANDS || uid->bInterfaceSubClass == MASS_STORAGE_ATA_COMMANDS || uid->bInterfaceSubClass == MASS_STORAGE_QIC_COMMANDS || uid->bInterfaceSubClass == MASS_STORAGE_UFI_COMMANDS || uid->bInterfaceSubClass == MASS_STORAGE_SFF8070_COMMANDS) &&*/ uid->bInterfaceProtocol == MASS_STORAGE_BULK_ONLY) { if (uid->bNumEndpoints < 2) continue; dev->ep_in = dev->ep_out = 0; for (iEp = 0; iEp < uid->bNumEndpoints; iEp++) { ued = &uid->endpoints[iEp]; if (ued->bmAttributes != USB_ENDPOINT_BULK) continue; if (ued->bEndpointAddress & USB_ENDPOINT_IN) { dev->ep_in = ued->bEndpointAddress; } else { dev->ep_out = ued->bEndpointAddress; if(ued->wMaxPacketSize > 64 && (dev->usb_fd>=0x20 || dev->usb_fd<-1)) usb2_mode=true; else usb2_mode=false; } } if (dev->ep_in != 0 && dev->ep_out != 0) { dev->configuration = ucd->bConfigurationValue; dev->interface = uid->bInterfaceNumber; dev->altInterface = uid->bAlternateSetting; goto found; } } } } USB_FreeDescriptors(&udd); retval = USBSTORAGE_ENOINTERFACE; goto free_and_return; found: dev->bInterfaceSubClass = uid->bInterfaceSubClass; USB_FreeDescriptors(&udd); retval = USBSTORAGE_EINIT; // some devices return an error, ignore it USB_GetConfiguration(dev->usb_fd, &conf); if (conf != dev->configuration) USB_SetConfiguration(dev->usb_fd, dev->configuration); if (dev->altInterface !=0) USB_SetAlternativeInterface(dev->usb_fd, dev->interface, dev->altInterface); if(!usb2_mode) retval = USBStorage_OGC_Reset(dev); dev->suspended = 0; LWP_MutexLock(dev->lock); retval = __USB_CtrlMsgTimeout(dev, (USB_CTRLTYPE_DIR_DEVICE2HOST | USB_CTRLTYPE_TYPE_CLASS | USB_CTRLTYPE_REC_INTERFACE), USBSTORAGE_GET_MAX_LUN, 0, dev->interface, 1, max_lun); LWP_MutexUnlock(dev->lock); if (retval < 0) dev->max_lun = 1; else dev->max_lun = *max_lun + 1; if (retval == USBSTORAGE_ETIMEDOUT) goto free_and_return; retval = USBSTORAGE_OK; dev->sector_size = (u32 *) calloc(dev->max_lun, sizeof(u32)); if(!dev->sector_size) { retval = IPC_ENOMEM; goto free_and_return; } /* taken from linux usbstorage module (drivers/usb/storage/transport.c) * * Some devices (i.e. Iomega Zip100) need this -- apparently * the bulk pipes get STALLed when the GetMaxLUN request is * processed. This is, in theory, harmless to all other devices * (regardless of if they stall or not). * * 8/9/10: If anyone wants to actually use a Zip100, they can add this back. * But for now, it seems to be breaking things more than it is helping. */ //USB_ClearHalt(dev->usb_fd, dev->ep_in); //USB_ClearHalt(dev->usb_fd, dev->ep_out); if(!dev->buffer) dev->buffer = __lwp_heap_allocate(&__heap, MAX_TRANSFER_SIZE_V5); if(!dev->buffer) { retval = IPC_ENOMEM; } else { USB_DeviceRemovalNotifyAsync(dev->usb_fd,__usb_deviceremoved_cb,dev); retval = USBSTORAGE_OK; } free_and_return: if (max_lun) __lwp_heap_free(&__heap, max_lun); if (retval < 0) { USBStorage_OGC_Close(dev); return retval; } return 0; } s32 USBStorage_OGC_Close(usbstorage_handle *dev) { __mounted = false; __lun = 0; __vid = 0; __pid = 0; if (dev->usb_fd != -1) USB_CloseDevice(&dev->usb_fd); LWP_MutexDestroy(dev->lock); SYS_RemoveAlarm(dev->alarm); if(dev->sector_size) free(dev->sector_size); if (dev->buffer) __lwp_heap_free(&__heap, dev->buffer); memset(dev, 0, sizeof(*dev)); dev->usb_fd = -1; return 0; } s32 USBStorage_OGC_Reset(usbstorage_handle *dev) { s32 retval; LWP_MutexLock(dev->lock); retval = __usbstorage_ogc_reset(dev); LWP_MutexUnlock(dev->lock); return retval; } s32 USBStorage_OGC_GetMaxLUN(usbstorage_handle *dev) { return dev->max_lun; } s32 USBStorage_OGC_MountLUN(usbstorage_handle *dev, u8 lun) { s32 retval; u32 n_sectors; if(lun >= dev->max_lun) return IPC_EINVAL; usleep(50); retval = __usbstorage_ogc_clearerrors(dev, lun); if (retval<0) { USBStorage_OGC_Reset(dev); retval = __usbstorage_ogc_clearerrors(dev, lun); } retval = USBStorage_OGC_Inquiry(dev, lun); retval = USBStorage_OGC_ReadCapacity(dev, lun, &dev->sector_size[lun], &n_sectors); if(retval >= 0 && (dev->sector_size[lun]<512 || n_sectors==0)) return INVALID_LUN; return retval; } s32 USBStorage_OGC_Inquiry(usbstorage_handle *dev, u8 lun) { int n; s32 retval; u8 cmd[] = {SCSI_INQUIRY, lun << 5,0,0,36,0}; u8 response[36]; for(n=0;n<2;n++) { memset(response,0,36); retval = __cycle(dev, lun, response, 36, cmd, 6, 0, NULL, NULL); if(retval>=0) break; } if(retval>=0) retval=*response & 31; /* if(retval>=0) { switch(retval) { // info from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SCSI_Peripheral_Device_Type case 5: // CDROM case 7: // optical memory device (e.g., some optical disks) __dvd_mounted = 1; break; default: __dvd_mounted = 0; break; } } */ return retval; } s32 USBStorage_OGC_ReadCapacity(usbstorage_handle *dev, u8 lun, u32 *sector_size, u32 *n_sectors) { s32 retval; u8 cmd[10] = {SCSI_READ_CAPACITY, lun<<5}; u8 response[8]; retval = __cycle(dev, lun, response, sizeof(response), cmd, sizeof(cmd), 0, NULL, NULL); if(retval >= 0) { if(n_sectors != NULL) memcpy(n_sectors, response, 4); if(sector_size != NULL) memcpy(sector_size, response + 4, 4); retval = USBSTORAGE_OK; } return retval; } s32 USBStorage_OGC_IsDVD() { u32 sectorsize, numSectors; if(!__mounted || __usbfd.sector_size[__lun] != 2048) return 0; if(USBStorage_OGC_ReadCapacity(&__usbfd, __lun, §orsize, &numSectors) < 0) return 0; if(sectorsize == 2048) return 1; return 0; } /* lo_ej = load/eject, controls the tray * start = start(1) or stop(0) the motor (or eject(0), load(1)) * imm = return before the command has completed * it might be a good idea to call this before STM_ShutdownToStandby() so the USB HDD doesn't stay on */ s32 USBStorage_OGC_StartStop(usbstorage_handle *dev, u8 lun, u8 lo_ej, u8 start, u8 imm) { u8 status = 0; s32 retval = USBSTORAGE_OK; u8 cmd[] = { SCSI_START_STOP, (lun << 5) | (imm&1), 0, 0, ((lo_ej&1)<<1) | (start&1), 0 }; if(lun >= dev->max_lun) return IPC_EINVAL; LWP_MutexLock(dev->lock); retval = __send_cbw(dev, lun, 0, CBW_IN, cmd, sizeof(cmd)); // if imm==0, wait up to 10secs for spinup to finish if (retval >= 0) retval = __read_csw(dev, &status, NULL, (imm ? USBSTORAGE_TIMEOUT : 10)); LWP_MutexUnlock(dev->lock); if(retval >=0 && status != 0) retval = USBSTORAGE_ESTATUS; return retval; } s32 USBStorage_OGC_Read(usbstorage_handle *dev, u8 lun, u32 sector, u16 n_sectors, u8 *buffer) { u8 status = 0; s32 retval; u8 cmd[] = { SCSI_READ_10, lun << 5, sector >> 24, sector >> 16, sector >> 8, sector, 0, n_sectors >> 8, n_sectors, 0 }; if(lun >= dev->max_lun || dev->sector_size[lun] == 0) return IPC_EINVAL; // more than 60s since last use - make sure drive is awake if(ticks_to_secs(gettime() - usb_last_used) > 60) { usbtimeout = 10; USBStorage_OGC_MountLUN(dev, lun); } retval = __cycle(dev, lun, buffer, n_sectors * dev->sector_size[lun], cmd, sizeof(cmd), 0, &status, NULL); if(retval > 0 && status != 0) retval = USBSTORAGE_ESTATUS; usb_last_used = gettime(); usbtimeout = USBSTORAGE_TIMEOUT; return retval; } s32 USBStorage_OGC_Write(usbstorage_handle *dev, u8 lun, u32 sector, u16 n_sectors, const u8 *buffer) { u8 status = 0; s32 retval; u8 cmd[] = { SCSI_WRITE_10, lun << 5, sector >> 24, sector >> 16, sector >> 8, sector, 0, n_sectors >> 8, n_sectors, 0 }; if(lun >= dev->max_lun || dev->sector_size[lun] == 0) return IPC_EINVAL; // more than 60s since last use - make sure drive is awake if(ticks_to_secs(gettime() - usb_last_used) > 60) { usbtimeout = 10; USBStorage_OGC_MountLUN(dev, lun); } retval = __cycle(dev, lun, (u8 *)buffer, n_sectors * dev->sector_size[lun], cmd, sizeof(cmd), 1, &status, NULL); if(retval > 0 && status != 0) retval = USBSTORAGE_ESTATUS; usb_last_used = gettime(); usbtimeout = USBSTORAGE_TIMEOUT; return retval; } s32 USBStorage_OGC_Suspend(usbstorage_handle *dev) { if(dev->suspended == 1) return USBSTORAGE_OK; USB_SuspendDevice(dev->usb_fd); dev->suspended = 1; return USBSTORAGE_OK; } /* The following is for implementing a DISC_INTERFACE as used by libfat */ static bool __usbstorage_ogc_Startup(void) { if(USB_Initialize() < 0 || USBStorage_OGC_Initialize() < 0) return false; return true; } static bool __usbstorage_ogc_IsInserted(void) { usb_device_entry *buffer; u8 device_count; u8 i, j; u16 vid, pid; s32 maxLun; s32 retval; u32 sectorsize, numSectors; if(__mounted) { // device is not a USB DVD drive - always return true if (__usbfd.sector_size[__lun] != 2048) return true; // check if DVD is inserted if (USBStorage_OGC_ReadCapacity(&__usbfd, __lun, §orsize, &numSectors) < 0) return false; else return true; } if(!__inited) return false; buffer = (usb_device_entry*)__lwp_heap_allocate(&__heap, DEVLIST_MAXSIZE * sizeof(usb_device_entry)); if (!buffer) return false; memset(buffer, 0, DEVLIST_MAXSIZE * sizeof(usb_device_entry)); if (USB_GetDeviceList(buffer, DEVLIST_MAXSIZE, USB_CLASS_MASS_STORAGE, &device_count) < 0) { if (__vid != 0 || __pid != 0) USBStorage_OGC_Close(&__usbfd); __lwp_heap_free(&__heap, buffer); return false; } usleep(100); if (__vid != 0 || __pid != 0) { for(i = 0; i < device_count; i++) { vid = buffer[i].vid; pid = buffer[i].pid; if(vid != 0 || pid != 0) { if((vid == __vid) && (pid == __pid)) { __mounted = true; __lwp_heap_free(&__heap,buffer); usleep(50); // I don't know why I have to wait but it's needed return true; } } } USBStorage_OGC_Close(&__usbfd); // device changed or unplugged, return false the first time to notify to the client that he must unmount devices __lwp_heap_free(&__heap,buffer); return false; } for (i = 0; i < device_count; i++) { vid = buffer[i].vid; pid = buffer[i].pid; if (vid == 0 || pid == 0) continue; if (vid == 0x0b95 && pid == 0x7720) // USB LAN continue; if (USBStorage_OGC_Open(&__usbfd, buffer[i].device_id, vid, pid) < 0) continue; maxLun = USBStorage_OGC_GetMaxLUN(&__usbfd); for (j = 0; j < maxLun; j++) { retval = USBStorage_OGC_MountLUN(&__usbfd, j); if (retval == INVALID_LUN) continue; if (retval < 0) { __usbstorage_ogc_reset(&__usbfd); continue; } __mounted = true; __lun = j; __vid = vid; __pid = pid; usb_last_used = gettime()-secs_to_ticks(100); usleep(10000); break; } if (__mounted) break; USBStorage_OGC_Close(&__usbfd); } __lwp_heap_free(&__heap, buffer); return __mounted; } static bool __usbstorage_ogc_ReadSectors(u32 sector, u32 numSectors, void *buffer) { s32 retval; if (!__mounted) return false; retval = USBStorage_OGC_Read(&__usbfd, __lun, sector, numSectors, buffer); return retval >= 0; } static bool __usbstorage_ogc_WriteSectors(u32 sector, u32 numSectors, const void *buffer) { s32 retval; if (!__mounted) return false; retval = USBStorage_OGC_Write(&__usbfd, __lun, sector, numSectors, buffer); return retval >= 0; } static bool __usbstorage_ogc_ClearStatus(void) { return true; } static bool __usbstorage_ogc_Shutdown(void) { if (__vid != 0 || __pid != 0) USBStorage_OGC_Close(&__usbfd); if(arena_ptr != NULL) MEM2_free(arena_ptr); arena_ptr = NULL; return true; } void USBStorage_OGC_Deinitialize() { __usbstorage_ogc_Shutdown(); LWP_CloseQueue(__usbstorage_ogc_waitq); __inited = false; } int USBStorage_OGC_ioctl(int request, ...) { int retval = 0; va_list ap; if(!__mounted) return -1; va_start(ap, request); switch (request) { case B_RAW_DEVICE_COMMAND: { u8 write; raw_device_command *rdc = va_arg(ap, raw_device_command *); write = (rdc->flags == B_RAW_DEVICE_DATA_IN) ? 0 : 1; retval = __cycle(&__usbfd, __lun, rdc->data, rdc->data_length, rdc->command, rdc->command_length, write, &rdc->scsi_status, NULL); break; } default: retval = -1; break; } va_end(ap); return retval; } DISC_INTERFACE __io_usbstorage_ogc = { DEVICE_TYPE_WII_USB, FEATURE_MEDIUM_CANREAD | FEATURE_MEDIUM_CANWRITE | FEATURE_WII_USB, (FN_MEDIUM_STARTUP)&__usbstorage_ogc_Startup, (FN_MEDIUM_ISINSERTED)&__usbstorage_ogc_IsInserted, (FN_MEDIUM_READSECTORS)&__usbstorage_ogc_ReadSectors, (FN_MEDIUM_WRITESECTORS)&__usbstorage_ogc_WriteSectors, (FN_MEDIUM_CLEARSTATUS)&__usbstorage_ogc_ClearStatus, (FN_MEDIUM_SHUTDOWN)&__usbstorage_ogc_Shutdown }; u32 USB_OGC_GetCapacity(u32 *numSectors, u32 *sectorSize) { return USBStorage_OGC_ReadCapacity(&__usbfd, __lun, sectorSize, numSectors); } #endif /* HW_RVL */