// Copyright 2010 Joseph Jordan // This code is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2; // see file COPYING or http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.txt #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gui/fmt.h" #include "gecko/gecko.hpp" #include "defines.h" #include "svnrev.h" #include "FTP_Dir.hpp" #include "ftp.h" #include "net.h" #define FTP_BUFFER_SIZE 1024 #define MAX_CLIENTS 2 static const u16 SRC_PORT = 20; static const s32 EQUIT = 696969; static const char *CRLF = "\r\n"; static const u32 CRLF_LENGTH = 2; static u8 num_clients = 0; static u16 passive_port = 1024; static char *password = NULL; typedef s32 (*data_connection_callback)(s32 data_socket, void *arg); struct client_struct { s32 socket; char representation_type; s32 passive_socket; s32 data_socket; char cwd[MAXPATHLEN]; char pending_rename[MAXPATHLEN]; off_t restart_marker; struct sockaddr_in address; bool authenticated; char buf[FTP_BUFFER_SIZE]; s32 offset; bool data_connection_connected; data_connection_callback data_callback; void *data_connection_callback_arg; void (*data_connection_cleanup)(void *arg); u64 data_connection_timer; }; typedef struct client_struct client_t; static client_t *clients[MAX_CLIENTS] = { NULL }; void set_ftp_password(char *new_password) { if (password) free(password); if (new_password) { password = malloc(strlen(new_password) + 1); if (!password) return;//die("Unable to allocate memory for password", errno); strcpy((char *)password, new_password); } else { password = NULL; } } static bool compare_ftp_password(char *password_attempt) { return !password || !strcmp((char *)password, password_attempt); } /* TODO: support multi-line reply */ static s32 write_reply(client_t *client, u16 code, char *msg) { u32 msglen = 4 + strlen(msg) + CRLF_LENGTH; char msgbuf[msglen + 1]; if (msgbuf == NULL) return -ENOMEM; strncpy(msgbuf, fmt("%u %s\r\n", code, msg), msglen + 1); gprintf("Wrote reply: %s", msgbuf); return send_exact(client->socket, msgbuf, msglen); } static void close_passive_socket(client_t *client) { if (client->passive_socket >= 0) { net_close_blocking(client->passive_socket); client->passive_socket = -1; } } /* result must be able to hold up to maxsplit+1 null-terminated strings of length strlen(s) returns the number of strings stored in the result array (up to maxsplit+1) */ static u32 split(char *s, char sep, u32 maxsplit, char *result[]) { u32 num_results = 0; u32 result_pos = 0; u32 trim_pos = 0; bool in_word = false; for (; *s; s++) { if (*s == sep) { if (num_results <= maxsplit) { in_word = false; continue; } else if (!trim_pos) { trim_pos = result_pos; } } else if (trim_pos) { trim_pos = 0; } if (!in_word) { in_word = true; if (num_results <= maxsplit) { num_results++; result_pos = 0; } } result[num_results - 1][result_pos++] = *s; result[num_results - 1][result_pos] = '\0'; } if (trim_pos) { result[num_results - 1][trim_pos] = '\0'; } u32 i = num_results; for (i = num_results; i <= maxsplit; i++) { result[i][0] = '\0'; } return num_results; } static s32 ftp_USER(client_t *client, char *username __attribute__((unused))) { return write_reply(client, 331, "User name okay, need password."); } static s32 ftp_PASS(client_t *client, char *password_attempt) { if (compare_ftp_password(password_attempt)) { client->authenticated = true; return write_reply(client, 230, "User logged in, proceed."); } else { return write_reply(client, 530, "Login incorrect."); } } static s32 ftp_REIN(client_t *client, char *rest __attribute__((unused))) { close_passive_socket(client); strcpy(client->cwd, "/"); client->representation_type = 'A'; client->authenticated = false; return write_reply(client, 220, "Service ready for new user."); } static s32 ftp_QUIT(client_t *client, char *rest __attribute__((unused))) { // TODO: dont quit if xfer in progress s32 result = write_reply(client, 221, "Service closing control connection."); /* reset paths for some strange clients */ ftp_init(); return result < 0 ? result : -EQUIT; } static s32 ftp_SYST(client_t *client, char *rest __attribute__((unused))) { return write_reply(client, 215, "UNIX Type: L8 Version: wiiflow-ftpii"); } static s32 ftp_TYPE(client_t *client, char *rest) { char representation_type[FTP_BUFFER_SIZE], param[FTP_BUFFER_SIZE]; char *args[] = { representation_type, param }; u32 num_args = split(rest, ' ', 1, args); if (num_args == 0) { return write_reply(client, 501, "Syntax error in parameters."); } else if ((!strcasecmp("A", representation_type) && (!*param || !strcasecmp("N", param))) || (!strcasecmp("I", representation_type) && num_args == 1)) { client->representation_type = *representation_type; } else { return write_reply(client, 501, "Syntax error in parameters."); } char msg[15]; strncpy(msg, fmt("Type set to %s.", representation_type), 15); return write_reply(client, 200, msg); } static s32 ftp_MODE(client_t *client, char *rest) { if (!strcasecmp("S", rest)) { return write_reply(client, 200, "Mode S ok."); } else { return write_reply(client, 501, "Syntax error in parameters."); } } static s32 ftp_PWD(client_t *client, char *rest __attribute__((unused))) { char msg[MAXPATHLEN + 24]; // TODO: escape double-quotes strncpy(msg, fmt("\"%s\" is current directory.", ftp_getpath()), MAXPATHLEN + 24); return write_reply(client, 257, msg); } static s32 ftp_CWD(client_t *client, char *path) { s32 result; if (ftp_changedir(path) == 0) { result = write_reply(client, 250, "CWD command successful."); } else { result = write_reply(client, 550, strerror(errno)); } return result; } static s32 ftp_CDUP(client_t *client, char *rest __attribute__((unused))) { s32 result; if (ftp_changedir("..") == 0) { result = write_reply(client, 250, "CDUP command successful."); } else { result = write_reply(client, 550, strerror(errno)); } return result; } static s32 ftp_DELE(client_t *client, char *path) { if (ftp_delete(path) == 0) { return write_reply(client, 250, "File or directory removed."); } else { return write_reply(client, 550, strerror(errno)); } } static s32 ftp_MKD(client_t *client, char *path) { if (!*path) { return write_reply(client, 501, "Syntax error in parameters."); } if (ftp_makedir(path) == 0) { char msg[MAXPATHLEN + 21]; // TODO: escape double-quotes strncpy(msg, fmt("\"%s\" directory created.", path), MAXPATHLEN + 21); return write_reply(client, 257, msg); } else { return write_reply(client, 550, strerror(errno)); } } static s32 ftp_RNFR(client_t *client, char *path) { strcpy(client->pending_rename, path); return write_reply(client, 350, "Ready for RNTO."); } static s32 ftp_RNTO(client_t *client, char *path) { if (!*client->pending_rename) { return write_reply(client, 503, "RNFR required first."); } s32 result; if (ftp_rename(client->pending_rename, path) == 0) { result = write_reply(client, 250, "Rename successful."); } else { result = write_reply(client, 550, strerror(errno)); } *client->pending_rename = '\0'; return result; } static s32 ftp_SIZE(client_t *client, char *path) { struct stat st; if (ftp_stat(path, &st) == 0) { char size_buf[12]; strncpy(size_buf, fmt("%llu", st.st_size), 12); return write_reply(client, 213, size_buf); } else { return write_reply(client, 550, strerror(errno)); } } static s32 ftp_PASV(client_t *client, char *rest __attribute__((unused))) { close_passive_socket(client); client->passive_socket = net_socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_IP); if (client->passive_socket < 0) { return write_reply(client, 520, "Unable to create listening socket."); } set_blocking(client->passive_socket, false); struct sockaddr_in bindAddress; memset(&bindAddress, 0, sizeof(bindAddress)); bindAddress.sin_family = AF_INET; if (passive_port < 1024) passive_port = 1024; bindAddress.sin_port = htons(passive_port++); bindAddress.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); s32 result; if ((result = net_bind(client->passive_socket, (struct sockaddr *)&bindAddress, sizeof(bindAddress))) < 0) { close_passive_socket(client); return write_reply(client, 520, "Unable to bind listening socket."); } if ((result = net_listen(client->passive_socket, 1)) < 0) { close_passive_socket(client); return write_reply(client, 520, "Unable to listen on socket."); } char reply[49]; u16 port = bindAddress.sin_port; u32 ip = net_gethostip(); struct in_addr addr; addr.s_addr = ip; gprintf("Listening for data connections at %s:%u...\n", inet_ntoa(addr), port); strncpy(reply, fmt("Entering Passive Mode (%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u).", (ip >> 24) & 0xff, (ip >> 16) & 0xff, (ip >> 8) & 0xff, ip & 0xff, (port >> 8) & 0xff, port & 0xff), 49); return write_reply(client, 227, reply); } static s32 ftp_PORT(client_t *client, char *portspec) { u32 h1, h2, h3, h4, p1, p2; if (sscanf(portspec, "%3u,%3u,%3u,%3u,%3u,%3u", &h1, &h2, &h3, &h4, &p1, &p2) < 6) { return write_reply(client, 501, "Syntax error in parameters."); } char addr_str[44]; strncpy(addr_str, fmt("%u.%u.%u.%u", h1, h2, h3, h4), 44); struct in_addr sin_addr; if (!inet_aton(addr_str, &sin_addr)) { return write_reply(client, 501, "Syntax error in parameters."); } close_passive_socket(client); u16 port = ((p1 &0xff) << 8) | (p2 & 0xff); client->address.sin_addr = sin_addr; client->address.sin_port = htons(port); gprintf("Set client address to %s:%u\n", addr_str, port); return write_reply(client, 200, "PORT command successful."); } typedef s32 (*data_connection_handler)(client_t *client); static s32 prepare_data_connection_active(client_t *client) { s32 data_socket = net_socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_IP); if (data_socket < 0) return data_socket; set_blocking(data_socket, false); struct sockaddr_in bindAddress; memset(&bindAddress, 0, sizeof(bindAddress)); bindAddress.sin_family = AF_INET; bindAddress.sin_port = htons(SRC_PORT); bindAddress.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); s32 result; if ((result = net_bind(data_socket, (struct sockaddr *)&bindAddress, sizeof(bindAddress))) < 0) { net_close(data_socket); return result; } client->data_socket = data_socket; gprintf("Attempting to connect to client at %s:%u\n", inet_ntoa(client->address.sin_addr), ntohs(client->address.sin_port)); return 0; } static s32 prepare_data_connection_passive(client_t *client) { client->data_socket = client->passive_socket; gprintf("Waiting for data connections...\n"); return 0; } static s32 prepare_data_connection(client_t *client, void *callback, void *arg, void *cleanup) { s32 result = write_reply(client, 150, "Transferring data."); if (result >= 0) { data_connection_handler handler = prepare_data_connection_active; if (client->passive_socket >= 0) handler = prepare_data_connection_passive; result = handler(client); if (result < 0) { result = write_reply(client, 520, "Closing data connection, error occurred during transfer."); } else { client->data_connection_connected = false; client->data_callback = callback; client->data_connection_callback_arg = arg; client->data_connection_cleanup = cleanup; client->data_connection_timer = gettime() + secs_to_ticks(30); } } return result; } static s32 send_nlst(s32 data_socket, DIR *dir) { s32 result = 0; char filename[MAXPATHLEN + 2]; while (ftp_dirnext(dir, filename) == 0) { size_t end_index = strlen(filename); filename[end_index] = CRLF[0]; filename[end_index + 1] = CRLF[1]; filename[end_index + 2] = '\0'; if ((result = send_exact(data_socket, filename, strlen(filename))) < 0) { break; } } return result < 0 ? result : 0; } static s32 send_list(s32 data_socket, DIR *dir) { s32 result = 0; char filename[MAXPATHLEN]; struct stat st; char line[MAXPATHLEN + 56 + CRLF_LENGTH + 1]; while (ftp_dirnext(dir, filename) == 0) { char timestamp[13]; ftp_stat(filename, &st); strftime(timestamp, sizeof(timestamp), "%b %d %Y", localtime(&st.st_mtime)); strncpy(line, fmt("%crwxr-xr-x 1 0 0 %10llu %s %s\r\n", (st.st_mode & S_IFDIR) ? 'd' : '-', st.st_size, timestamp, filename), MAXPATHLEN + 56 + CRLF_LENGTH + 1); if ((result = send_exact(data_socket, line, strlen(line))) < 0) { break; } } return result < 0 ? result : 0; } static s32 ftp_NLST(client_t *client, char *path) { if (!*path) { path = "."; } DIR *dir = ftp_diropen(); if (dir == NULL) { return write_reply(client, 550, strerror(errno)); } s32 result = prepare_data_connection(client, send_nlst, dir, ftp_dirclose); if (result < 0) ftp_dirclose(dir); return result; } static s32 ftp_LIST(client_t *client, char *path) { if (*path == '-') { // handle buggy clients that use "LIST -aL" or similar, at the expense of breaking paths that begin with '-' char flags[FTP_BUFFER_SIZE]; char rest[FTP_BUFFER_SIZE]; char *args[] = { flags, rest }; split(path, ' ', 1, args); path = rest; } if (!*path) { path = "."; } //s32 result = -1; DIR *dir = ftp_diropen(); /*if (dir == NULL) { return write_reply(client, 550, strerror(errno)); }*/ s32 result = prepare_data_connection(client, send_list, dir, ftp_dirclose); if (result < 0) ftp_dirclose(dir); return result; } static s32 ftp_RETR(client_t *client, char *path) { FILE *f = ftp_fopen(path, "rb"); if (!f) { return write_reply(client, 550, strerror(errno)); } int fd = fileno(f); if (client->restart_marker && lseek(fd, client->restart_marker, SEEK_SET) != client->restart_marker) { s32 lseek_error = errno; ftp_fclose(f); client->restart_marker = 0; return write_reply(client, 550, strerror(lseek_error)); } client->restart_marker = 0; s32 result = prepare_data_connection(client, send_from_file, f, ftp_fclose); if (result < 0) ftp_fclose(f); return result; } static s32 stor_or_append(client_t *client, FILE *f) { if (!f) { return write_reply(client, 550, strerror(errno)); } s32 result = prepare_data_connection(client, recv_to_file, f, ftp_fclose); if (result < 0) ftp_fclose(f); return result; } static s32 ftp_STOR(client_t *client, char *path __attribute__((unused))) { FILE *f = ftp_fopen(path, "wb"); int fd; if (f) fd = fileno(f); if (f && client->restart_marker && lseek(fd, client->restart_marker, SEEK_SET) != client->restart_marker) { s32 lseek_error = errno; ftp_fclose(f); client->restart_marker = 0; return write_reply(client, 550, strerror(lseek_error)); } client->restart_marker = 0; return stor_or_append(client, f); } static s32 ftp_APPE(client_t *client, char *path __attribute__((unused))) { return stor_or_append(client, ftp_fopen(path, "ab")); } static s32 ftp_REST(client_t *client, char *offset_str) { off_t offset; if (sscanf(offset_str, "%lli", &offset) < 1 || offset < 0) { return write_reply(client, 501, "Syntax error in parameters."); } client->restart_marker = offset; char msg[FTP_BUFFER_SIZE]; strncpy(msg, fmt("Restart position accepted (%lli).", offset), FTP_BUFFER_SIZE); return write_reply(client, 350, msg); } typedef s32 (*ftp_command_handler)(client_t *client, char *args); static s32 dispatch_to_handler(client_t *client, char *cmd_line, const char **commands, const ftp_command_handler *handlers) { char cmd[FTP_BUFFER_SIZE], rest[FTP_BUFFER_SIZE]; char *args[] = { cmd, rest }; split(cmd_line, ' ', 1, args); s32 i; for (i = 0; commands[i]; i++) { if (!strcasecmp(commands[i], cmd)) break; } return handlers[i](client, rest); } static s32 ftp_NOOP(client_t *client, char *rest __attribute__((unused))) { return write_reply(client, 200, "NOOP command successful."); } static s32 ftp_SUPERFLUOUS(client_t *client, char *rest __attribute__((unused))) { return write_reply(client, 202, "Command not implemented, superfluous at this site."); } static s32 ftp_NEEDAUTH(client_t *client, char *rest __attribute__((unused))) { return write_reply(client, 530, "Please login with USER and PASS."); } static s32 ftp_UNKNOWN(client_t *client, char *rest __attribute__((unused))) { return write_reply(client, 502, "Command not implemented."); } static const char *unauthenticated_commands[] = { "USER", "PASS", "QUIT", "REIN", "NOOP", NULL }; static const ftp_command_handler unauthenticated_handlers[] = { ftp_USER, ftp_PASS, ftp_QUIT, ftp_REIN, ftp_NOOP, ftp_NEEDAUTH }; static const char *authenticated_commands[] = { "USER", "PASS", "LIST", "PWD", "CWD", "CDUP", "SIZE", "PASV", "PORT", "TYPE", "SYST", "MODE", "RETR", "STOR", "APPE", "REST", "DELE", "MKD", "RMD", "RNFR", "RNTO", "NLST", "QUIT", "REIN", "NOOP", "ALLO", NULL }; static const ftp_command_handler authenticated_handlers[] = { ftp_USER, ftp_PASS, ftp_LIST, ftp_PWD, ftp_CWD, ftp_CDUP, ftp_SIZE, ftp_PASV, ftp_PORT, ftp_TYPE, ftp_SYST, ftp_MODE, ftp_RETR, ftp_STOR, ftp_APPE, ftp_REST, ftp_DELE, ftp_MKD, ftp_DELE, ftp_RNFR, ftp_RNTO, ftp_NLST, ftp_QUIT, ftp_REIN, ftp_NOOP, ftp_SUPERFLUOUS, ftp_UNKNOWN }; /* returns negative to signal an error that requires closing the connection */ static s32 process_command(client_t *client, char *cmd_line) { if (strlen(cmd_line) == 0) { return 0; } gprintf("Got command: %s\n", cmd_line); const char **commands = unauthenticated_commands; const ftp_command_handler *handlers = unauthenticated_handlers; if (client->authenticated) { commands = authenticated_commands; handlers = authenticated_handlers; } return dispatch_to_handler(client, cmd_line, commands, handlers); } static void cleanup_data_resources(client_t *client) { if (client->data_socket >= 0 && client->data_socket != client->passive_socket) { net_close_blocking(client->data_socket); } client->data_socket = -1; client->data_connection_connected = false; client->data_callback = NULL; if (client->data_connection_cleanup) { client->data_connection_cleanup(client->data_connection_callback_arg); } client->data_connection_callback_arg = NULL; client->data_connection_cleanup = NULL; client->data_connection_timer = 0; } static void cleanup_client(client_t *client) { net_close_blocking(client->socket); cleanup_data_resources(client); close_passive_socket(client); int client_index; for (client_index = 0; client_index < MAX_CLIENTS; client_index++) { if (clients[client_index] == client) { clients[client_index] = NULL; break; } } free(client); num_clients--; if(num_clients == 0) ftp_init(); /* reinit for new clients */ gprintf("Client disconnected.\n"); } void cleanup_ftp() { int client_index; for (client_index = 0; client_index < MAX_CLIENTS; client_index++) { client_t *client = clients[client_index]; if (client) { write_reply(client, 421, "Service not available, closing control connection."); cleanup_client(client); } } } static bool process_accept_events(s32 server) { s32 peer; struct sockaddr_in client_address; socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(client_address); while ((peer = net_accept(server, (struct sockaddr *)&client_address, &addrlen)) != -EAGAIN) { if (peer < 0) { gprintf("Error accepting connection: [%i] %s\n", -peer, strerror(-peer)); return false; } gprintf("Accepted connection from %s!\n", inet_ntoa(client_address.sin_addr)); if (num_clients == MAX_CLIENTS) { gprintf("Maximum of %u clients reached, not accepting client.\n", MAX_CLIENTS); net_close(peer); return true; } client_t *client = malloc(sizeof(client_t)); if (!client) { gprintf("Could not allocate memory for client state, not accepting client.\n"); net_close(peer); return true; } client->socket = peer; client->representation_type = 'A'; client->passive_socket = -1; client->data_socket = -1; strcpy(client->cwd, "/"); *client->pending_rename = '\0'; client->restart_marker = 0; client->authenticated = false; client->offset = 0; client->data_connection_connected = false; client->data_callback = NULL; client->data_connection_callback_arg = NULL; client->data_connection_cleanup = NULL; client->data_connection_timer = 0; memcpy(&client->address, &client_address, sizeof(client_address)); int client_index; char *welcome = fmt("Welcome to %s (%s-r%s)! This is the ftpii server core.", APP_NAME, APP_VERSION, SVN_REV); if (write_reply(client, 220, welcome) < 0) { gprintf("Error writing greeting.\n"); net_close_blocking(peer); free(client); } else { for (client_index = 0; client_index < MAX_CLIENTS; client_index++) { if (!clients[client_index]) { clients[client_index] = client; break; } } num_clients++; } } return true; } static void process_data_events(client_t *client) { s32 result; if (!client->data_connection_connected) { if (client->passive_socket >= 0) { struct sockaddr_in data_peer_address; socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(data_peer_address); result = net_accept(client->passive_socket, (struct sockaddr *)&data_peer_address ,&addrlen); if (result >= 0) { client->data_socket = result; client->data_connection_connected = true; } } else { if ((result = net_connect(client->data_socket, (struct sockaddr *)&client->address, sizeof(client->address))) < 0) { if (result == -EINPROGRESS || result == -EALREADY) result = -EAGAIN; if (result != -EAGAIN && result != -EISCONN) gprintf("Unable to connect to client: [%i] %s\n", -result, strerror(-result)); } if (result >= 0 || result == -EISCONN) { client->data_connection_connected = true; } } if (client->data_connection_connected) { result = 1; gprintf("Connected to client! Transferring data...\n"); } else if (gettime() > client->data_connection_timer) { result = -1; gprintf("Timed out waiting for data connection.\n"); } } else { result = client->data_callback(client->data_socket, client->data_connection_callback_arg); } if (result <= 0 && result != -EAGAIN) { cleanup_data_resources(client); if (result < 0) { result = write_reply(client, 520, "Closing data connection, error occurred during transfer."); } else { result = write_reply(client, 226, "Closing data connection, transfer successful."); } if (result < 0) { cleanup_client(client); } } } static void process_control_events(client_t *client) { s32 bytes_read; while (client->offset < (FTP_BUFFER_SIZE - 1)) { if (client->data_callback) { return; } char *offset_buf = client->buf + client->offset; if ((bytes_read = net_read(client->socket, offset_buf, FTP_BUFFER_SIZE - 1 - client->offset)) < 0) { if (bytes_read != -EAGAIN) { gprintf("Read error %i occurred, closing client.\n", bytes_read); goto recv_loop_end; } return; } else if (bytes_read == 0) { goto recv_loop_end; // EOF from client } client->offset += bytes_read; client->buf[client->offset] = '\0'; if (strchr(offset_buf, '\0') != (client->buf + client->offset)) { gprintf("Received a null byte from client, closing connection ;-)\n"); // i have decided this isn't allowed =P goto recv_loop_end; } char *next; char *end; for (next = client->buf; (end = strstr(next, CRLF)) && !client->data_callback; next = end + CRLF_LENGTH) { *end = '\0'; if (strchr(next, '\n')) { gprintf("Received a line-feed from client without preceding carriage return, closing connection ;-)\n"); // i have decided this isn't allowed =P goto recv_loop_end; } if (*next) { s32 result; if ((result = process_command(client, next)) < 0) { if (result != -EQUIT) { gprintf("Closing connection due to error while processing command: %s\n", next); } goto recv_loop_end; } } } if (next != client->buf) { // some lines were processed client->offset = strlen(next); char tmp_buf[client->offset]; memcpy(tmp_buf, next, client->offset); memcpy(client->buf, tmp_buf, client->offset); } } gprintf("Received line longer than %u bytes, closing client.\n", FTP_BUFFER_SIZE - 1); recv_loop_end: cleanup_client(client); } bool process_ftp_events(s32 server) { bool network_down = !process_accept_events(server); int client_index; for (client_index = 0; client_index < MAX_CLIENTS; client_index++) { client_t *client = clients[client_index]; if (client) { if (client->data_callback) { process_data_events(client); } else { process_control_events(client); } } } return network_down; }