#ifndef LIBWBFS_H
#define LIBWBFS_H

#include "libwbfs_os.h" // this file is provided by the project wanting to compile libwbfs
#include "wiidisc.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
   extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */

enum {
	WBFS_DEVICE_USB = 1,	/* USB device */
	WBFS_DEVICE_SDHC		/* SDHC device */

typedef u32 be32_t;
typedef u16 be16_t;

extern int wd_last_error;
typedef struct wbfs_head
	be32_t magic;
	// parameters copied in the partition for easy dumping, and bug reports
	be32_t n_hd_sec;	       // total number of hd_sec in this partition
	u8  hd_sec_sz_s;       // sector size in this partition
	u8  wbfs_sec_sz_s;     // size of a wbfs sec
	u8  padding3[2];
	u8  disc_table[0];	// size depends on hd sector size
} ATTRIBUTE_PACKED wbfs_head_t;

typedef struct wbfs_disc_info
	u8 disc_header_copy[0x100];
	be16_t wlba_table[0];

//  WBFS first wbfs_sector structure:
//  -----------
// | wbfs_head |  (hd_sec_sz)
//  -----------
// |	       |
// | disc_info |
// |	       |
//  -----------
// |	       |
// | disc_info |
// |	       |
//  -----------
// |	       |
// | ...       |
// |	       |
//  -----------
// |	       |
// | disc_info |
// |	       |
//  -----------
// |	       |
// |freeblk_tbl|
// |	       |
//  -----------

// callback definition. Return 1 on fatal error (callback is supposed to make retries until no hopes..)
typedef int (*rw_sector_callback_t)(void *fp, u32 lba, u32 count, void *iobuf);
typedef void (*progress_callback_t)(int status, int total, void *user_data);

typedef struct wbfs_s
	wbfs_head_t *head;

	/* hdsectors, the size of the sector provided by the hosting hard drive */
	u32 hd_sec_sz;
	u8  hd_sec_sz_s; // the power of two of the last number
	u32 n_hd_sec;	 // the number of hd sector in the wbfs partition

	/* standard wii sector (0x8000 bytes) */
	u32 wii_sec_sz; 
	u8  wii_sec_sz_s;
	u32 n_wii_sec;
	u32 n_wii_sec_per_disc;
	/* The size of a wbfs sector */
	u32 wbfs_sec_sz;
	u32 wbfs_sec_sz_s; 
	u16 n_wbfs_sec;   // this must fit in 16 bit!
	u16 n_wbfs_sec_per_disc;   // size of the lookup table

	u32 part_lba;
	/* virtual methods to read write the partition */
	rw_sector_callback_t read_hdsector;
	rw_sector_callback_t write_hdsector;
	void *callback_data;

	u16 max_disc;
	u32 freeblks_lba;
	u32 *freeblks;
	u16 disc_info_sz;

	u8  *tmp_buffer;  // pre-allocated buffer for unaligned read
	u32 n_disc_open;

typedef struct wbfs_disc_s
	wbfs_t *p;
	wbfs_disc_info_t  *header;	  // pointer to wii header
	int i;		  		  // disc index in the wbfs header (disc_table)

#define WBFS_MAGIC (('W'<<24)|('B'<<16)|('F'<<8)|('S'))

/*! @brief open a MSDOS partitionned harddrive. This tries to find a wbfs partition into the harddrive 
   @param read_hdsector,write_hdsector: accessors to a harddrive
   @hd_sector_size: size of the hd sector. Can be set to zero if the partition in already initialized
   @num_hd_sector:  number of sectors in this disc. Can be set to zero if the partition in already initialized
   @reset: not implemented, This will format the whole harddrive with one wbfs partition that fits the whole disk.
   calls wbfs_error() to have textual meaning of errors
   @return NULL in case of error
wbfs_t *wbfs_open_hd(rw_sector_callback_t read_hdsector,
					rw_sector_callback_t write_hdsector,
					void *callback_data,
					int hd_sector_size, int num_hd_sector, int reset);

/*! @brief open a wbfs partition
   @param read_hdsector,write_hdsector: accessors to the partition
   @hd_sector_size: size of the hd sector. Can be set to zero if the partition in already initialized
   @num_hd_sector:  number of sectors in this partition. Can be set to zero if the partition in already initialized
   @partition_lba:  The partitio offset if you provided accessors to the whole disc.
   @reset: initialize the partition with an empty wbfs.
   calls wbfs_error() to have textual meaning of errors
   @return NULL in case of error
wbfs_t *wbfs_open_partition(rw_sector_callback_t read_hdsector,
							rw_sector_callback_t write_hdsector,
							void *callback_data,
							int hd_sector_size, int num_hd_sector, u32 partition_lba, int reset);

/*! @brief close a wbfs partition, and sync the metadatas to the disc */
void wbfs_close(wbfs_t*);

/*! @brief open a disc inside a wbfs partition use a 6 char discid+vendorid
  @return NULL if discid is not present
wbfs_disc_t *wbfs_open_disc(wbfs_t* p, const u8 *diskid);

/*! @brief close a already open disc inside a wbfs partition */
void wbfs_close_disc(wbfs_disc_t*d);

u32 wbfs_sector_used(wbfs_t *p,wbfs_disc_info_t *di);
u32 wbfs_sector_used2(wbfs_t *p,wbfs_disc_info_t *di, u32 *last_blk);

/*! @brief accessor to the wii disc
  @param d: a pointer to already open disc
  @param offset: an offset inside the disc, *points 32bit words*, allowing to access 16GB data
  @param len: The length of the data to fetch, in *bytes*
// offset is pointing 32bit words to address the whole dvd, although len is in bytes
int wbfs_disc_read(wbfs_disc_t*d,u32 offset, u32 len, u8 *data);

/*! @return the number of discs inside the paritition */
u32 wbfs_count_discs(wbfs_t*p);
/*! get the disc info of ith disc inside the partition. It correspond to the first 0x100 bytes of the wiidvd
  @param i: index of the disc inside the partition
  @param header: pointer to 0x100 bytes to write the header
  @size: optional pointer to a 32bit word that will get the size in 32bit words of the DVD taken on the partition.
u32 wbfs_get_disc_info(wbfs_t*p, u32 i,u8 *header,int header_size,u32 *size); 

/*! get the number of used block of the partition.
  to be multiplied by p->wbfs_sec_sz (use 64bit multiplication) to have the number in bytes
u32 wbfs_count_usedblocks(wbfs_t*p);

/******************* write access  ******************/

/*! add a wii dvd inside the partition
  @param read_src_wii_disc: a callback to access the wii dvd. offsets are in 32bit, len in bytes!
  @callback_data: private data passed to the callback
  @spinner: a pointer to a function that is regulary called to update a progress bar.
  @sel: selects which partitions to copy.
  @copy_1_1: makes a 1:1 copy, whenever a game would not use the wii disc format, and some data is hidden outside the filesystem.
u32 wbfs_add_disc(wbfs_t*p,read_wiidisc_callback_t read_src_wii_disc, void *callback_data,
			progress_callback_t spinner,void *spinner_data,partition_selector_t sel,int copy_1_1);

/*! remove a wiidvd inside a partition */
u32 wbfs_rm_disc(wbfs_t*p, u8* discid);

/*! trim the file-system to its minimum size
  This allows to use wbfs as a wiidisc container
u32 wbfs_trim(wbfs_t*p);

/*! extract a file from the wii disc filesystem. 
  E.G. Allows to extract the opening.bnr to install a game as a system menu channel
u32 wbfs_extract_file(wbfs_disc_t*d, char *path, void **data);

u64 wbfs_estimate_disc(wbfs_t *p, read_wiidisc_callback_t read_src_wii_disc, void *callback_data, partition_selector_t sel);

// remove some sanity checks
void wbfs_set_force_mode(int force);

u32 wbfs_size_disc(wbfs_t*p,read_wiidisc_callback_t read_src_wii_disc,
                  void *callback_data,partition_selector_t sel,
				  u32 *comp_size, u32 *real_size);

typedef int (*_frag_append_t)(void *ff, u32 offset, u32 sector, u32 count);
int wbfs_get_fragments(wbfs_disc_t *d, _frag_append_t append_fragment, void *callback_data, u32 hdd_sector_size);

extern wbfs_t wbfs_iso_file;
u32 wbfs_disc_sector_used(wbfs_disc_t *d, u32 *num_blk);
int wbfs_iso_file_read(wbfs_disc_t*d,u32 offset, u8 *data, u32 len);

#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
