#include #include #include #include "mload_modules.h" #include "apploader.h" #include "wdvd.h" #include "patchcode.h" #include "disc.h" #include "videopatch.h" #include "wip.h" #include "wbfs.h" #include "sys.h" #include "gecko.h" #include "fst.h" #include "cios.h" #include "types.h" /* Apploader function pointers */ typedef int (*app_main)(void **dst, int *size, int *offset); typedef void (*app_init)(void (*report)(const char *fmt, ...)); typedef void *(*app_final)(); typedef void (*app_entry)(void (**init)(void (*report)(const char *fmt, ...)), int (**main)(), void *(**final)()); /* Apploader pointers */ static u8 *appldr = (u8 *)0x81200000; /* Constants */ #define APPLDR_OFFSET 0x2440 /* Variables */ static u32 buffer[0x20] ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(32); void maindolpatches(void *dst, int len, u8 vidMode, GXRModeObj *vmode, bool vipatch, bool countryString, u8 patchVidModes, int aspectRatio, u32 returnTo); static void patch_NoDiscinDrive(void *buffer, u32 len); static void Anti_002_fix(void *Address, int Size); static bool Remove_001_Protection(void *Address, int Size); static bool PrinceOfPersiaPatch(); static bool NewSuperMarioBrosPatch(); bool hookpatched = false; s32 Apploader_Run(entry_point *entry, u8 vidMode, GXRModeObj *vmode, bool vipatch, bool countryString, u8 patchVidModes, int aspectRatio, u32 returnTo) { void *dst = NULL; int len = 0; int offset = 0; u32 appldr_len; s32 ret; app_init appldr_init; app_main appldr_main; app_final appldr_final; /* Read apploader header */ ret = WDVD_Read(buffer, 0x20, APPLDR_OFFSET); if (ret < 0) return ret; /* Calculate apploader length */ appldr_len = buffer[5] + buffer[6]; SYS_SetArena1Hi((void *)0x816FFFF0); //Kills the possibility of codedumps with gprintf /* Read apploader code */ ret = WDVD_Read(appldr, appldr_len, APPLDR_OFFSET + 0x20); if(ret < 0) return ret; DCFlushRange(appldr, appldr_len); /* Set apploader entry function */ app_entry appldr_entry = (app_entry)buffer[4]; /* Call apploader entry */ appldr_entry(&appldr_init, &appldr_main, &appldr_final); /* Initialize apploader */ appldr_init(gprintf); while (appldr_main(&dst, &len, &offset)) { /* Read data from DVD */ WDVD_Read(dst, len, (u64)(offset << 2)); maindolpatches(dst, len, vidMode, vmode, vipatch, countryString, patchVidModes, aspectRatio, returnTo); } free_wip(); if (hooktype != 0) { if(hookpatched) ocarina_do_code(); else gprintf("Error: Could not patch the hook, Ocarina and debugger won't work\n"); } /* Set entry point from apploader */ *entry = appldr_final(); /* ERROR 002 fix (WiiPower) */ *(u32 *)0x80003140 = *(u32 *)0x80003188; DCFlushRange((void*)0x80000000, 0x3f00); return 0; } void maindolpatches(void *dst, int len, u8 vidMode, GXRModeObj *vmode, bool vipatch, bool countryString, u8 patchVidModes, int aspectRatio, u32 returnTo) { PrinceOfPersiaPatch(); NewSuperMarioBrosPatch(); // Patch NoDiscInDrive only for IOS 249 < rev13 or IOS 222/223/224 if((is_ios_type(IOS_TYPE_WANIN, IOS_GetVersion()) && IOS_GetRevision() < 13) || (is_ios_type(IOS_TYPE_HERMES, IOS_GetVersion()))) patch_NoDiscinDrive(dst, len); patchVideoModes(dst, len, vidMode, vmode, patchVidModes); if(hooktype != 0 && dogamehooks(dst, len, false)) hookpatched = true; if(vipatch) vidolpatcher(dst, len); if(configbytes[0] != 0xCD) langpatcher(dst, len); if(is_ios_type(IOS_TYPE_WANIN, IOS_GetVersion()) && IOS_GetRevision() < 13) Anti_002_fix(dst, len); if(countryString) PatchCountryStrings(dst, len); // Country Patch by WiiPower if(aspectRatio != -1) PatchAspectRatio(dst, len, aspectRatio); if(returnTo) PatchReturnTo(dst, len, returnTo); Remove_001_Protection(dst, len); do_wip_code((u8 *)dst, len); DCFlushRange(dst, len); ICInvalidateRange(dst, len); } static void patch_NoDiscinDrive(void *buffer, u32 len) { static const u8 oldcode[] = {0x54, 0x60, 0xF7, 0xFF, 0x40, 0x82, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x54, 0x60, 0x07, 0xFF, 0x41, 0x82, 0x00, 0x0C}; static const u8 newcode[] = {0x54, 0x60, 0xF7, 0xFF, 0x40, 0x82, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x54, 0x60, 0x07, 0xFF, 0x48, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0C}; u32 n; /* Patch cover register */ for(n = 0; n < len - sizeof oldcode; n += 4) // n is not 4 aligned here, so you can get an out of buffer thing { if (memcmp(buffer + n, (void *)oldcode, sizeof oldcode) == 0) memcpy(buffer + n, (void *)newcode, sizeof newcode); } } static void Anti_002_fix(void *Address, int Size) { static const u8 SearchPattern[] = {0x2C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x48, 0x00, 0x02, 0x14, 0x3C, 0x60, 0x80, 0x00}; static const u8 PatchData[] = {0x2C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x82, 0x02, 0x14, 0x3C, 0x60, 0x80, 0x00}; void *Addr = Address; void *Addr_end = Address + Size; while(Addr <= Addr_end - sizeof SearchPattern) { if(memcmp(Addr, SearchPattern, sizeof SearchPattern) == 0) memcpy(Addr, PatchData, sizeof PatchData); Addr += 4; } } static bool PrinceOfPersiaPatch() { if (memcmp("SPX", (char *) 0x80000000, 3) != 0 && memcmp("RPW", (char *) 0x80000000, 3) != 0) return false; WIP_Code * CodeList = malloc(5 * sizeof(WIP_Code)); CodeList[0].offset = 0x007AAC6A; CodeList[0].srcaddress = 0x7A6B6F6A; CodeList[0].dstaddress = 0x6F6A7A6B; CodeList[1].offset = 0x007AAC75; CodeList[1].srcaddress = 0x7C7A6939; CodeList[1].dstaddress = 0x69397C7A; CodeList[2].offset = 0x007AAC82; CodeList[2].srcaddress = 0x7376686B; CodeList[2].dstaddress = 0x686B7376; CodeList[3].offset = 0x007AAC92; CodeList[3].srcaddress = 0x80717570; CodeList[3].dstaddress = 0x75708071; CodeList[4].offset = 0x007AAC9D; CodeList[4].srcaddress = 0x82806F3F; CodeList[4].dstaddress = 0x6F3F8280; if (set_wip_list(CodeList, 5) == false) { free(CodeList); CodeList = NULL; return false; } return true; } static bool NewSuperMarioBrosPatch() { WIP_Code * CodeList = NULL; if (memcmp("SMNE01", (char *) 0x80000000, 6) == 0) { CodeList = malloc(3 * sizeof(WIP_Code)); if(!CodeList) return false; CodeList[0].offset = 0x001AB610; CodeList[0].srcaddress = 0x9421FFD0; CodeList[0].dstaddress = 0x4E800020; CodeList[1].offset = 0x001CED53; CodeList[1].srcaddress = 0xDA000000; CodeList[1].dstaddress = 0x71000000; CodeList[2].offset = 0x001CED6B; CodeList[2].srcaddress = 0xDA000000; CodeList[2].dstaddress = 0x71000000; } else if (memcmp("SMNP01", (char *) 0x80000000, 6) == 0) { CodeList = malloc(3 * sizeof(WIP_Code)); if(!CodeList) return false; CodeList[0].offset = 0x001AB750; CodeList[0].srcaddress = 0x9421FFD0; CodeList[0].dstaddress = 0x4E800020; CodeList[1].offset = 0x001CEE90; CodeList[1].srcaddress = 0x38A000DA; CodeList[1].dstaddress = 0x38A00071; CodeList[2].offset = 0x001CEEA8; CodeList[2].srcaddress = 0x388000DA; CodeList[2].dstaddress = 0x38800071; } else if (memcmp("SMNJ01", (char *) 0x80000000, 6) == 0) { CodeList = malloc(3 * sizeof(WIP_Code)); if(!CodeList) return false; CodeList[0].offset = 0x001AB420; CodeList[0].srcaddress = 0x9421FFD0; CodeList[0].dstaddress = 0x4E800020; CodeList[1].offset = 0x001CEB63; CodeList[1].srcaddress = 0xDA000000; CodeList[1].dstaddress = 0x71000000; CodeList[2].offset = 0x001CEB7B; CodeList[2].srcaddress = 0xDA000000; CodeList[2].dstaddress = 0x71000000; } if (CodeList && set_wip_list(CodeList, 3) == false) { free(CodeList); CodeList = NULL; return false; } return CodeList != NULL; } static bool Remove_001_Protection(void *Address, int Size) { static const u8 SearchPattern[] = {0x40, 0x82, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x38, 0x60, 0x00, 0x01, 0x48, 0x00, 0x02, 0x44, 0x38, 0x61, 0x00, 0x18}; static const u8 PatchData[] = {0x40, 0x82, 0x00, 0x04, 0x38, 0x60, 0x00, 0x01, 0x48, 0x00, 0x02, 0x44, 0x38, 0x61, 0x00, 0x18}; u8 *Addr_end = Address + Size; u8 *Addr; for (Addr = Address; Addr <= Addr_end - sizeof SearchPattern; Addr += 4) { if (memcmp(Addr, SearchPattern, sizeof SearchPattern) == 0) { memcpy(Addr, PatchData, sizeof PatchData); return true; } } return false; }