#include "menu.hpp" #include "gui/GameTDB.hpp" #include "loader/sys.h" extern const u8 wifi1_png[]; extern const u8 wifi2_png[]; extern const u8 wifi4_png[]; extern const u8 wifi8_png[]; extern const u8 wifi10_png[]; extern const u8 wifi12_png[]; extern const u8 wifi16_png[]; extern const u8 wifi18_png[]; extern const u8 wifi32_png[]; extern const u8 wiimote1_png[]; extern const u8 wiimote2_png[]; extern const u8 wiimote3_png[]; extern const u8 wiimote4_png[]; extern const u8 wiimote6_png[]; extern const u8 wiimote8_png[]; extern const u8 guitar_png[]; extern const u8 guitarR_png[]; extern const u8 microphone_png[]; extern const u8 microphoneR_png[]; extern const u8 gcncontroller_png[]; extern const u8 classiccontroller_png[]; extern const u8 nunchuk_png[]; extern const u8 nunchukR_png[]; extern const u8 dancepad_png[]; extern const u8 dancepadR_png[]; extern const u8 balanceboard_png[]; extern const u8 balanceboardR_png[]; extern const u8 drums_png[]; extern const u8 drumsR_png[]; extern const u8 motionplus_png[]; extern const u8 motionplusR_png[]; extern const u8 udraw_png[]; extern const u8 udrawR_png[]; extern const u8 wheel_png[]; extern const u8 zapper_png[]; extern const u8 keyboard_png[]; extern const u8 wiispeak_png[]; //Ratings extern const u8 norating_jpg[]; extern const u32 norating_jpg_size; extern const u8 esrb_ec_jpg[]; extern const u32 esrb_ec_jpg_size; extern const u8 esrb_e_jpg[]; extern const u32 esrb_e_jpg_size; extern const u8 esrb_eten_jpg[]; extern const u32 esrb_eten_jpg_size; extern const u8 esrb_t_jpg[]; extern const u32 esrb_t_jpg_size; extern const u8 esrb_m_jpg[]; extern const u32 esrb_m_jpg_size; extern const u8 esrb_ao_jpg[]; extern const u32 esrb_ao_jpg_size; extern const u8 cero_a_png[]; extern const u8 cero_b_png[]; extern const u8 cero_c_png[]; extern const u8 cero_d_png[]; extern const u8 cero_z_png[]; extern const u8 grb_a_png[]; extern const u8 grb_12_png[]; extern const u8 grb_15_png[]; extern const u8 grb_18_png[]; extern const u8 pegi_3_png[]; extern const u8 pegi_7_png[]; extern const u8 pegi_12_png[]; extern const u8 pegi_16_png[]; extern const u8 pegi_18_png[]; GameXMLInfo gameinfo; wstringEx gameinfo_Synopsis_w; wstringEx gameinfo_Title_w; static bool titlecheck = false; u8 cnt_controlsreq = 0, cnt_controls = 0; const int pixels_to_skip = 10; void CMenu::_gameinfo(void) { bool first = true; SetupInput(); _showGameInfo(); u8 page = 0; int amount_of_skips = 0; int synopsis_x = 0, synopsis_y = 0; u32 synopsis_w = 0, synopsis_h = 0; do { _mainLoopCommon(); if (amount_of_skips == 0) { // Check dimensions in the loop, because the animation can have an effect m_btnMgr.getDimensions(m_gameinfoLblSynopsis, synopsis_x, synopsis_y, synopsis_w, synopsis_h); // Get original dimensions } if(first && page == 1) { m_btnMgr.moveBy(m_gameinfoLblSynopsis, 0, -1); amount_of_skips++; first = false; } if ((BTN_DOWN_PRESSED || BTN_DOWN_HELD) && !(m_thrdWorking && m_thrdStop) && page == 1) { if (synopsis_h - (amount_of_skips * pixels_to_skip) > (m_vid.height2D() - (35 + synopsis_y))) { m_btnMgr.moveBy(m_gameinfoLblSynopsis, 0, -pixels_to_skip); amount_of_skips++; } } else if ((BTN_UP_PRESSED || BTN_UP_HELD) && !(m_thrdWorking && m_thrdStop) && page == 1) { if (amount_of_skips > 1) { m_btnMgr.moveBy(m_gameinfoLblSynopsis, 0, pixels_to_skip); amount_of_skips--; } } else if (BTN_RIGHT_PRESSED && !(m_thrdWorking && m_thrdStop) && page == 0 && gameinfo.Synopsis.size() > 0) { page = 1; amount_of_skips = 0; m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameinfoLblID, true); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameinfoLblDev, true); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameinfoLblRegion, true); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameinfoLblPublisher, true); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameinfoLblRlsdate, true); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameinfoLblGenre, true); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameinfoLblRating, true); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameinfoLblWifiplayers, true); for(u8 i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(m_gameinfoLblControlsReq); ++i) if(m_gameinfoLblControlsReq[i] != -1) m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameinfoLblControlsReq[i], true); for(u8 i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(m_gameinfoLblControls); ++i) if(m_gameinfoLblControls[i] != -1) m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameinfoLblControls[i], true); // When showing synopsis, only show user labels 2 and 3 for(u8 i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(m_gameinfoLblUser); ++i) if(i < ARRAY_SIZE(m_gameinfoLblUser) / 2) m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameinfoLblUser[i], true); else m_btnMgr.show(m_gameinfoLblUser[i]); m_btnMgr.reset(m_gameinfoLblSynopsis); m_btnMgr.show(m_gameinfoLblSynopsis, false); } else if (BTN_LEFT_PRESSED && !(m_thrdWorking && m_thrdStop)) { page = 0; first = true; m_btnMgr.show(m_gameinfoLblID); m_btnMgr.show(m_gameinfoLblDev); m_btnMgr.show(m_gameinfoLblRegion); m_btnMgr.show(m_gameinfoLblPublisher); m_btnMgr.show(m_gameinfoLblRlsdate); m_btnMgr.show(m_gameinfoLblGenre); m_btnMgr.show(m_gameinfoLblRating); m_btnMgr.show(m_gameinfoLblWifiplayers); for(u8 i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(m_gameinfoLblControlsReq); ++i) if(m_gameinfoLblControlsReq[i] != -1 && i < cnt_controlsreq) m_btnMgr.show(m_gameinfoLblControlsReq[i]); for(u8 i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(m_gameinfoLblControls); ++i) if(m_gameinfoLblControls[i] != -1 && i < cnt_controls) m_btnMgr.show(m_gameinfoLblControls[i]); // When showing synopsis, only show user labels 2 and 3 for(u8 i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(m_gameinfoLblUser); ++i) if(i < ARRAY_SIZE(m_gameinfoLblUser) / 2) m_btnMgr.show(m_gameinfoLblUser[i]); else m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameinfoLblUser[i], true); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameinfoLblSynopsis,true); } } while (!BTN_HOME_PRESSED && !BTN_B_PRESSED); _hideGameInfo(false); } void CMenu::_hideGameInfo(bool instant) { m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameinfoLblID, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameinfoLblTitle, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameinfoLblSynopsis, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameinfoLblDev, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameinfoLblRegion, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameinfoLblPublisher, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameinfoLblRlsdate, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameinfoLblGenre, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameinfoLblRating, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameinfoLblWifiplayers, instant); for(u8 i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(m_gameinfoLblControlsReq); ++i) if(m_gameinfoLblControlsReq[i] != -1) m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameinfoLblControlsReq[i], instant); for(u8 i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(m_gameinfoLblUser); ++i) m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameinfoLblUser[i], instant); for(u8 i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(m_gameinfoLblControls); ++i) if(m_gameinfoLblControls[i] != -1) m_btnMgr.hide(m_gameinfoLblControls[i], instant); } void CMenu::_showGameInfo(void) { _setBg(m_gameinfoBg, m_gameinfoBg); _textGameInfo(); if(titlecheck) { m_btnMgr.show(m_gameinfoLblID); m_btnMgr.show(m_gameinfoLblTitle); m_btnMgr.show(m_gameinfoLblRating); m_btnMgr.show(m_gameinfoLblRegion); m_btnMgr.show(m_gameinfoLblDev); m_btnMgr.show(m_gameinfoLblPublisher); m_btnMgr.show(m_gameinfoLblRlsdate); m_btnMgr.show(m_gameinfoLblGenre); m_btnMgr.show(m_gameinfoLblWifiplayers); for(u8 i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(m_gameinfoLblUser); ++i) if(i < ARRAY_SIZE(m_gameinfoLblUser) / 2) m_btnMgr.show(m_gameinfoLblUser[i]); for(u8 i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(m_gameinfoLblControlsReq); ++i) if(m_gameinfoLblControlsReq[i] != -1 && i < cnt_controlsreq) m_btnMgr.show(m_gameinfoLblControlsReq[i]); for(u8 i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(m_gameinfoLblControls); ++i) if(m_gameinfoLblControls[i] != -1 && i < cnt_controls) m_btnMgr.show(m_gameinfoLblControls[i]); } } void CMenu::_initGameInfoMenu(CMenu::SThemeData &theme) { STexture emptyTex; _addUserLabels(theme, m_gameinfoLblUser, 0, 1, "GAMEINFO"); _addUserLabels(theme, m_gameinfoLblUser, 2, 1, "GAMEINFO"); m_gameinfoBg = _texture(theme.texSet, "GAMEINFO/BG", "texture", theme.bg); m_gameinfoLblID = _addText(theme, "GAMEINFO/GAMEID", theme.txtFont, L"", 40, 110, 420, 75, theme.txtFontColor, FTGX_JUSTIFY_LEFT | FTGX_ALIGN_TOP); m_gameinfoLblGenre = _addText(theme, "GAMEINFO/GENRE", theme.txtFont, L"", 40, 140, 460, 56, theme.txtFontColor, FTGX_JUSTIFY_LEFT | FTGX_ALIGN_TOP); m_gameinfoLblDev = _addText(theme, "GAMEINFO/DEVELOPER", theme.txtFont, L"", 40, 170, 460, 56, theme.txtFontColor, FTGX_JUSTIFY_LEFT | FTGX_ALIGN_TOP); m_gameinfoLblPublisher = _addText(theme, "GAMEINFO/PUBLISHER", theme.txtFont, L"", 40, 200, 460, 56, theme.txtFontColor, FTGX_JUSTIFY_LEFT | FTGX_ALIGN_TOP); m_gameinfoLblRlsdate = _addText(theme, "GAMEINFO/RLSDATE", theme.txtFont, L"", 40, 230, 460, 56, theme.txtFontColor, FTGX_JUSTIFY_LEFT | FTGX_ALIGN_TOP); m_gameinfoLblRegion = _addText(theme, "GAMEINFO/REGION", theme.txtFont, L"", 40, 260, 460, 56, theme.txtFontColor, FTGX_JUSTIFY_LEFT | FTGX_ALIGN_TOP); m_gameinfoLblRating = _addLabel(theme, "GAMEINFO/RATING", theme.titleFont, L"", 550, 380, 48, 60, theme.titleFontColor, 0, m_rating); m_gameinfoLblSynopsis = _addText(theme, "GAMEINFO/SYNOPSIS", theme.txtFont, L"", 40, 120, 560, 280, theme.txtFontColor, FTGX_JUSTIFY_LEFT | FTGX_ALIGN_TOP); m_gameinfoLblWifiplayers = _addLabel(theme, "GAMEINFO/WIFIPLAYERS", theme.txtFont, L"", 550, 110, 68, 60, theme.txtFontColor, FTGX_JUSTIFY_LEFT | FTGX_ALIGN_TOP,m_wifi); _addUserLabels(theme, m_gameinfoLblUser, 1, 1, "GAMEINFO"); _addUserLabels(theme, m_gameinfoLblUser, 3, 2, "GAMEINFO"); m_gameinfoLblTitle = _addLabel(theme, "GAMEINFO/TITLE", theme.titleFont, L"", 20, 30, 600, 60, theme.titleFontColor, FTGX_JUSTIFY_CENTER | FTGX_ALIGN_MIDDLE); for(u8 i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(m_gameinfoLblControlsReq); ++i) { string dom(sfmt("GAMEINFO/CONTROLSREQ%i", i + 1)); m_gameinfoLblControlsReq[i] = _addLabel(theme, dom.c_str(), theme.txtFont, L"", 40 + (i*60), 310, 60, 40, theme.txtFontColor, 0, emptyTex); _setHideAnim(m_gameinfoLblControlsReq[i], dom.c_str(), 0, -100, 0.f, 0.f); } for(u8 i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(m_gameinfoLblControls); ++i) { string dom(sfmt("GAMEINFO/CONTROLS%i", i + 1)); m_gameinfoLblControls[i] = _addLabel(theme, dom.c_str(), theme.txtFont, L"", 40 + (i*60), 380, 60, 40, theme.txtFontColor, 0, emptyTex); _setHideAnim(m_gameinfoLblControls[i], dom.c_str(), 0, -100, 0.f, 0.f); } // _setHideAnim(m_gameinfoLblID, "GAMEINFO/GAMEID",0, -100, 0.f, 0.f); _setHideAnim(m_gameinfoLblTitle, "GAMEINFO/TITLE", 0, 0, -2.f, 0.f); _setHideAnim(m_gameinfoLblRating, "GAMEINFO/RATING", 100, 0, 0.f, 0.f); _setHideAnim(m_gameinfoLblSynopsis, "GAMEINFO/SYNOPSIS", 0, 700, 1.f, 1.f); _setHideAnim(m_gameinfoLblRegion, "GAMEINFO/REGION", 0, -100, 0.f, 0.f); _setHideAnim(m_gameinfoLblDev, "GAMEINFO/DEVELOPER", 0, -100, 0.f, 0.f); _setHideAnim(m_gameinfoLblPublisher, "GAMEINFO/PUBLISHER", 0, -100, 0.f, 0.f); _setHideAnim(m_gameinfoLblRlsdate, "GAMEINFO/RLSDATE", 0, -100, 0.f, 0.f); _setHideAnim(m_gameinfoLblGenre, "GAMEINFO/GENRE", 0, -100, 0.f, 0.f); _setHideAnim(m_gameinfoLblWifiplayers, "GAMEINFO/WIFIPLAYERS", 0, -100, 0.f, 0.f); // _hideGameInfo(true); } void CMenu::_textGameInfo(void) { cnt_controlsreq = 0; cnt_controls = 0; GameTDB gametdb; gametdb.OpenFile(fmt("%s/wiitdb.xml", m_settingsDir.c_str())); gametdb.SetLanguageCode(m_loc.getString(m_curLanguage, "gametdb_code", "EN").c_str()); titlecheck = gametdb.IsLoaded() && gametdb.GetGameXMLInfo(m_cf.getId().c_str(), &gameinfo); if(titlecheck) { gameinfo_Title_w.fromUTF8(gameinfo.Title); m_btnMgr.setText(m_gameinfoLblTitle, gameinfo_Title_w, true); gameinfo_Synopsis_w.fromUTF8(gameinfo.Synopsis); m_btnMgr.setText(m_gameinfoLblSynopsis, gameinfo_Synopsis_w); m_btnMgr.setText(m_gameinfoLblID, wfmt(L"GameID: %s", gameinfo.GameID.c_str()), true); m_btnMgr.setText(m_gameinfoLblDev, wfmt(_fmt("gameinfo1",L"Developer: %s"), gameinfo.Developer.c_str()), true); m_btnMgr.setText(m_gameinfoLblPublisher, wfmt(_fmt("gameinfo2",L"Publisher: %s"), gameinfo.Publisher.c_str()), true); m_btnMgr.setText(m_gameinfoLblRegion, wfmt(_fmt("gameinfo3",L"Region: %s"), gameinfo.Region.c_str()), true); m_btnMgr.setText(m_gameinfoLblGenre, wfmt(_fmt("gameinfo5",L"Genre: %s"), gameinfo.Genres.c_str()), true); int year = gameinfo.PublishDate >> 16; int day = gameinfo.PublishDate & 0xFF; int month = (gameinfo.PublishDate >> 8) & 0xFF; switch(CONF_GetRegion()) { case 0: case 4: case 5: m_btnMgr.setText(m_gameinfoLblRlsdate, wfmt(_fmt("gameinfo4",L"Release Date: %i-%i-%i"), year, month, day), true); break; case 1: m_btnMgr.setText(m_gameinfoLblRlsdate, wfmt(_fmt("gameinfo4",L"Release Date: %i-%i-%i"), month, day, year), true); break; case 2: m_btnMgr.setText(m_gameinfoLblRlsdate, wfmt(_fmt("gameinfo4",L"Release Date: %i-%i-%i"), day, month, year), true); break; } //Ratings m_rating.fromJPG(norating_jpg, norating_jpg_size); switch(gameinfo.RatingType) { case GAMETDB_RATING_TYPE_CERO: if (gameinfo.RatingValue == "A") m_rating.fromPNG(cero_a_png); else if (gameinfo.RatingValue == "B") m_rating.fromPNG(cero_b_png); else if (gameinfo.RatingValue == "D") m_rating.fromPNG(cero_d_png); else if (gameinfo.RatingValue == "C") m_rating.fromPNG(cero_c_png); else if (gameinfo.RatingValue == "Z") m_rating.fromPNG(cero_z_png); break; case GAMETDB_RATING_TYPE_ESRB: if (gameinfo.RatingValue == "E") m_rating.fromJPG(esrb_e_jpg, esrb_e_jpg_size); else if (gameinfo.RatingValue == "EC") m_rating.fromJPG(esrb_ec_jpg, esrb_ec_jpg_size); else if (gameinfo.RatingValue == "E10+") m_rating.fromJPG(esrb_eten_jpg, esrb_eten_jpg_size); else if (gameinfo.RatingValue == "T") m_rating.fromJPG(esrb_t_jpg, esrb_t_jpg_size); else if (gameinfo.RatingValue == "M") m_rating.fromJPG(esrb_m_jpg, esrb_m_jpg_size); else if (gameinfo.RatingValue == "AO") m_rating.fromJPG(esrb_ao_jpg, esrb_ao_jpg_size); break; case GAMETDB_RATING_TYPE_PEGI: if (gameinfo.RatingValue == "3") m_rating.fromPNG(pegi_3_png); else if (gameinfo.RatingValue == "7") m_rating.fromPNG(pegi_7_png); else if (gameinfo.RatingValue == "12") m_rating.fromPNG(pegi_12_png); else if (gameinfo.RatingValue == "16") m_rating.fromPNG(pegi_16_png); else if (gameinfo.RatingValue == "18") m_rating.fromPNG(pegi_18_png); break; case GAMETDB_RATING_TYPE_GRB: if (gameinfo.RatingValue == "A") m_rating.fromPNG(grb_a_png); else if (gameinfo.RatingValue == "12") m_rating.fromPNG(grb_12_png); else if (gameinfo.RatingValue == "15") m_rating.fromPNG(grb_15_png); else if (gameinfo.RatingValue == "18") m_rating.fromPNG(grb_18_png); break; default: break; } m_btnMgr.setTexture(m_gameinfoLblRating, m_rating); //Wifi players STexture emptyTex; if (gameinfo.WifiPlayers == 1) m_wifi.fromPNG(wifi1_png); else if (gameinfo.WifiPlayers == 2) m_wifi.fromPNG(wifi2_png); else if (gameinfo.WifiPlayers == 4) m_wifi.fromPNG(wifi4_png); else if (gameinfo.WifiPlayers == 8) m_wifi.fromPNG(wifi8_png); else if (gameinfo.WifiPlayers == 10) m_wifi.fromPNG(wifi10_png); else if (gameinfo.WifiPlayers == 12) m_wifi.fromPNG(wifi12_png); else if (gameinfo.WifiPlayers == 16) m_wifi.fromPNG(wifi16_png); else if (gameinfo.WifiPlayers == 18) m_wifi.fromPNG(wifi18_png); else if (gameinfo.WifiPlayers == 32) m_wifi.fromPNG(wifi32_png); if(gameinfo.WifiPlayers > 0) m_btnMgr.setTexture(m_gameinfoLblWifiplayers, m_wifi); else m_btnMgr.setTexture(m_gameinfoLblWifiplayers, emptyTex); u8 wiimote=0, nunchuk=0, classiccontroller=0, balanceboard=0, dancepad=0, guitar=0, gamecube=0, motionplus=0, drums=0, microphone=0, wheel=0, keyboard=0, udraw = 0, zapper=0; //check required controlls for (vector::iterator acc_itr = gameinfo.Accessories.begin(); acc_itr != gameinfo.Accessories.end(); acc_itr++) { if (!acc_itr->Required) continue; if (strcmp((acc_itr->Name).c_str(), "wiimote") == 0) wiimote=1; else if (strcmp((acc_itr->Name).c_str(), "nunchuk") == 0) nunchuk=1; else if (strcmp((acc_itr->Name).c_str(), "guitar") == 0) guitar=1; else if (strcmp((acc_itr->Name).c_str(), "drums") == 0) drums=1; else if (strcmp((acc_itr->Name).c_str(), "dancepad") == 0) dancepad=1; else if (strcmp((acc_itr->Name).c_str(), "motionplus") == 0) motionplus=1; else if (strcmp((acc_itr->Name).c_str(), "microphone") == 0) microphone=1; else if (strcmp((acc_itr->Name).c_str(), "balanceboard") == 0) balanceboard=1; else if (strcmp((acc_itr->Name).c_str(), "udraw") == 0) udraw = 1; } u8 x = 0; u8 max_controlsReq = ARRAY_SIZE(m_gameinfoLblControlsReq); if(wiimote && x < max_controlsReq) { u8 players = gameinfo.Players; if (gameinfo.Players >= 10) players = players/10; if (players == 1) m_controlsreq[x].fromPNG(wiimote1_png); else if (players == 2) m_controlsreq[x].fromPNG(wiimote2_png); else if (players == 3) m_controlsreq[x].fromPNG(wiimote3_png); else if (players == 4) m_controlsreq[x].fromPNG(wiimote4_png); else if (players == 6) m_controlsreq[x].fromPNG(wiimote6_png); else if (players == 8) m_controlsreq[x].fromPNG(wiimote8_png); m_btnMgr.setTexture(m_gameinfoLblControlsReq[x] ,m_controlsreq[x], 20, 60); x++; } if(nunchuk && x < max_controlsReq) { m_controlsreq[x].fromPNG(nunchukR_png); m_btnMgr.setTexture(m_gameinfoLblControlsReq[x] ,m_controlsreq[x], 52, 60); x++; } if(guitar && x < max_controlsReq) { m_controlsreq[x].fromPNG(guitarR_png); m_btnMgr.setTexture(m_gameinfoLblControlsReq[x] ,m_controlsreq[x], 52, 60); x++; } if(drums && x < max_controlsReq) { m_controlsreq[x].fromPNG(drumsR_png); m_btnMgr.setTexture(m_gameinfoLblControlsReq[x] ,m_controlsreq[x], 52, 60); x++; } if(motionplus && x < max_controlsReq) { m_controlsreq[x].fromPNG(motionplusR_png); m_btnMgr.setTexture(m_gameinfoLblControlsReq[x] ,m_controlsreq[x], 20, 60); x++; } if(dancepad && x < max_controlsReq) { m_controlsreq[x].fromPNG(dancepadR_png); m_btnMgr.setTexture(m_gameinfoLblControlsReq[x] ,m_controlsreq[x], 52, 60); x++; } if(microphone && x < max_controlsReq) { m_controlsreq[x].fromPNG(microphoneR_png); m_btnMgr.setTexture(m_gameinfoLblControlsReq[x] ,m_controlsreq[x], 52, 60); x++; } if(balanceboard && x < max_controlsReq) { m_controlsreq[x].fromPNG(balanceboardR_png); m_btnMgr.setTexture(m_gameinfoLblControlsReq[x] ,m_controlsreq[x], 52, 60); x++; } if(udraw && x < max_controlsReq) { m_controlsreq[x].fromPNG(udrawR_png); m_btnMgr.setTexture(m_gameinfoLblControlsReq[x] ,m_controlsreq[x], 52, 60); x++; } cnt_controlsreq = x; //check optional controlls wiimote=0, nunchuk=0, classiccontroller=0, balanceboard=0, dancepad=0, guitar=0, gamecube=0, motionplus=0, drums=0, microphone=0, wheel=0, keyboard=0, udraw = 0, zapper=0; for (vector::iterator acc_itr = gameinfo.Accessories.begin(); acc_itr != gameinfo.Accessories.end(); acc_itr++) { if (acc_itr->Required) continue; if (strcmp((acc_itr->Name).c_str(), "classiccontroller") == 0) classiccontroller=1; else if (strcmp((acc_itr->Name).c_str(), "nunchuk") == 0) nunchuk=1; else if (strcmp((acc_itr->Name).c_str(), "guitar") == 0) guitar=1; else if (strcmp((acc_itr->Name).c_str(), "drums") == 0) drums=1; else if (strcmp((acc_itr->Name).c_str(), "dancepad") == 0) dancepad=1; else if (strcmp((acc_itr->Name).c_str(), "motionplus") == 0) motionplus=1; else if (strcmp((acc_itr->Name).c_str(), "balanceboard") == 0) balanceboard=1; else if (strcmp((acc_itr->Name).c_str(), "microphone") == 0) microphone=1; else if (strcmp((acc_itr->Name).c_str(), "gamecube") == 0) gamecube=1; else if (strcmp((acc_itr->Name).c_str(), "keyboard") == 0) keyboard=1; else if (strcmp((acc_itr->Name).c_str(), "zapper") == 0) zapper=1; else if (strcmp((acc_itr->Name).c_str(), "wheel") == 0) wheel=1; else if (strcmp((acc_itr->Name).c_str(), "udraw") == 0) udraw = 1; } x = 0; u8 max_controls = ARRAY_SIZE(m_gameinfoLblControls); if(classiccontroller && x < max_controls) { m_controls[x].fromPNG(classiccontroller_png); m_btnMgr.setTexture(m_gameinfoLblControls[x] ,m_controls[x], 52, 60); x++; } if(nunchuk && x < max_controls) { m_controls[x].fromPNG(nunchuk_png); m_btnMgr.setTexture(m_gameinfoLblControls[x] ,m_controls[x], 52, 60); x++; } if(guitar && x < max_controls) { m_controls[x].fromPNG(guitar_png); m_btnMgr.setTexture(m_gameinfoLblControls[x] ,m_controls[x], 52, 60); x++; } if(drums && x < max_controls) { m_controls[x].fromPNG(drums_png); m_btnMgr.setTexture(m_gameinfoLblControls[x] ,m_controls[x], 52, 60); x++; } if(dancepad && x < max_controls) { m_controls[x].fromPNG(dancepad_png); m_btnMgr.setTexture(m_gameinfoLblControls[x] ,m_controls[x], 52, 60); x++; } if(motionplus && x < max_controls) { m_controls[x].fromPNG(motionplus_png); m_btnMgr.setTexture(m_gameinfoLblControls[x] ,m_controls[x], 20, 60); x++; } if(balanceboard && x < max_controls) { m_controls[x].fromPNG(balanceboard_png); m_btnMgr.setTexture(m_gameinfoLblControls[x] ,m_controls[x], 52, 60); x++; } if(microphone && x < max_controls) { m_controls[x].fromPNG(microphone_png); m_btnMgr.setTexture(m_gameinfoLblControls[x] ,m_controls[x], 48, 60); x++; } if(gamecube && x < max_controls) { m_controls[x].fromPNG(gcncontroller_png); m_btnMgr.setTexture(m_gameinfoLblControls[x] ,m_controls[x], 48, 60); x++; } if(keyboard && x < max_controls) { m_controls[x].fromPNG(keyboard_png); m_btnMgr.setTexture(m_gameinfoLblControls[x] ,m_controls[x], 52, 60); x++; } if(udraw && x < max_controls) { m_controls[x].fromPNG(udraw_png); m_btnMgr.setTexture(m_gameinfoLblControls[x] ,m_controls[x], 52, 60); x++; } if(zapper && x < max_controls) { m_controls[x].fromPNG(zapper_png); m_btnMgr.setTexture(m_gameinfoLblControls[x] ,m_controls[x], 52, 70); x++; } if(wheel && x < max_controls) { m_controls[x].fromPNG(wheel_png); m_btnMgr.setTexture(m_gameinfoLblControls[x] ,m_controls[x], 52, 60); x++; } cnt_controls = x; } else m_btnMgr.setText(m_gameinfoLblTitle, wfmt(_fmt("gameinfo6",L"No Gameinfo"), true)); gametdb.CloseFile(); }