name: Build binaries on: [push, pull_request] jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-18.04 timeout-minutes: 20 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Cache id: cache-1 uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: cache key: ${{ runner.os }}-cache-1 - name: Download devkitPPC r30, libogc 1.8.19, bin2s and elf2dol if: steps.cache-1.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' # general-tools is needed for bin2s and gamecube-tools is needed for elf2dol run: | mkdir cache && cd cache wget "" wget "" wget "" wget "" cd .. - name: Extract devkitPPC r30, libogc 1.8.19, bin2s and elf2dol # general-tools is needed for bin2s and gamecube-tools is needed for elf2dol run: | tar -xf cache/devkitPPC-r30-1-linux.pkg.tar.xz opt/devkitpro/devkitPPC --strip-components=1 tar -xf cache/libogc-1.8.19-1-any.pkg.tar.xz opt/devkitpro/libogc --strip-components=1 tar -xf cache/general-tools-1.2.0-1-linux.pkg.tar.xz opt/devkitpro/tools/bin/bin2s --strip-components=4 sudo cp bin2s /usr/local/bin/bin2s tar -xf cache/gamecube-tools-1.0.2-1-linux.pkg.tar.xz opt/devkitpro/tools/bin/elf2dol --strip-components=4 sudo cp elf2dol /usr/local/bin/elf2dol - name: Patch libogc run: | if [[ "$(xxd -s 608918 -g4 -l4 $(pwd)/devkitpro/libogc/lib/wii/libogc.a | cut -d\ -f2)" == "38800001" ]]; then echo "Found correct value at offset 608918 (0x94a96) -> patching libogc ..." printf '\x38\x80\x00\x03' | dd of=$(pwd)/devkitpro/libogc/lib/wii/libogc.a bs=1 seek=608918 count=4 conv=notrunc if [[ "$(xxd -s 608918 -g4 -l4 $(pwd)/devkitpro/libogc/lib/wii/libogc.a | cut -d\ -f2)" == "38800003" ]]; then echo "Patch successful" else echo "Patch failed!!" /bin/false fi else echo "Fail: $(xxd -s 608918 -g4 -l4 $(pwd)/devkitpro/libogc/lib/wii/libogc.a | cut -d\ -f2)" fi - name: Compile run: | PATH=$(pwd)/devkitpro/devkitPPC/bin:$PATH DEVKITPPC=$(pwd)/devkitpro/devkitPPC DEVKITPRO=$(pwd)/devkitpro make - name: Package id: pack run: | cp -r wii/apps apps mkdir -p apps/wiiflow/ cp -r out/bins apps/wiiflow/bins cp -r out/imgs apps/wiiflow/imgs cp out/boot.dol apps/wiiflow/ mkdir -p wiiflow cp -r wii/wiiflow/Languages wiiflow/languages echo "::set-output name=sha::$(echo ${GITHUB_SHA} | head -c 7)" - name: Upload binaries uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: wiiflow_lite_${{ steps.pack.outputs.sha }} path: | apps wiiflow