#include "menu.hpp" #include "nand.hpp" #include "svnrev.h" #include "sys.h" #include "alt_ios.h" #include "defines.h" #include "cios.hpp" const int pixels_to_skip = 10; extern const u8 english_txt[]; extern const u32 english_txt_size; void CMenu::_about(void) { int amount_of_skips = 0; int thanks_x = 0, thanks_y = 0; u32 thanks_w = 0, thanks_h = 0; bool first = true; _textAbout(); m_btnMgr.reset(m_aboutLblInfo, true); SetupInput(); _showAbout(); while(1) { _mainLoopCommon(); if (amount_of_skips == 0) { // Check dimensions in the loop, because the animation can have an effect m_btnMgr.getDimensions(m_aboutLblInfo, thanks_x, thanks_y, thanks_w, thanks_h); // Get original dimensions } if(first) { m_btnMgr.moveBy(m_aboutLblInfo, 0, -(pixels_to_skip * 10)); amount_of_skips++; first = false; } if ((BTN_DOWN_PRESSED || BTN_DOWN_HELD) && !(m_thrdWorking && m_thrdStop)) { if (thanks_h - (amount_of_skips * pixels_to_skip) > (m_vid.height2D() - (35 + thanks_y))) { m_btnMgr.moveBy(m_aboutLblInfo, 0, -pixels_to_skip); amount_of_skips++; } } else if ((BTN_UP_PRESSED || BTN_UP_HELD) && !(m_thrdWorking && m_thrdStop)) { if (amount_of_skips > 1) { m_btnMgr.moveBy(m_aboutLblInfo, 0, pixels_to_skip); amount_of_skips--; } } else if (BTN_HOME_PRESSED || BTN_B_PRESSED) break; else if (BTN_A_PRESSED && !(m_thrdWorking && m_thrdStop)) { if (!m_locked && m_btnMgr.selected(m_aboutBtnSystem)) { // show system menu m_cf.stopCoverLoader(true); _hideAbout(false); _system(); remove(m_ver.c_str()); if(m_exit) { _launchHomebrew(m_dol.c_str(), m_homebrewArgs); break; } _showAbout(); m_cf.startCoverLoader(); } } } _hideAbout(false); } void CMenu::_hideAbout(bool instant) { m_btnMgr.hide(m_aboutLblTitle, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_aboutLblIOS, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_aboutLblInfo, instant); m_btnMgr.hide(m_aboutBtnSystem, instant); for (u32 i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(m_aboutLblUser); ++i) { if (m_aboutLblUser[i] != -1u) m_btnMgr.hide(m_aboutLblUser[i], instant); } } void CMenu::_showAbout(void) { _setBg(m_aboutBg, m_aboutBg); m_btnMgr.show(m_aboutLblTitle); m_btnMgr.show(m_aboutLblIOS); m_btnMgr.show(m_aboutLblInfo,false,true); if (!m_locked) m_btnMgr.show(m_aboutBtnSystem); for (u32 i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(m_aboutLblUser); ++i) { if (m_aboutLblUser[i] != -1u) m_btnMgr.show(m_aboutLblUser[i]); } } void CMenu::_initAboutMenu(CMenu::SThemeData &theme) { STexture emptyTex; _addUserLabels(theme, m_aboutLblUser, ARRAY_SIZE(m_aboutLblUser), "ABOUT"); m_aboutBg = _texture(theme.texSet, "ABOUT/BG", "texture", theme.bg); m_aboutLblTitle = _addTitle(theme, "ABOUT/TITLE", theme.titleFont, L"", 20, 30, 600, 75, theme.titleFontColor, FTGX_JUSTIFY_CENTER | FTGX_ALIGN_MIDDLE); m_aboutLblInfo = _addText(theme, "ABOUT/INFO", theme.txtFont, L"", 20, 200, 600, 280, theme.txtFontColor, FTGX_JUSTIFY_LEFT | FTGX_ALIGN_TOP); m_aboutBtnSystem = _addButton(theme, "ABOUT/SYSTEM_BTN", theme.btnFont, L"", 20, 400, 200, 56, theme.btnFontColor); m_aboutLblIOS = _addLabel(theme, "ABOUT/IOS", theme.txtFont, L"", 240, 400, 360, 56, theme.txtFontColor, FTGX_JUSTIFY_RIGHT | FTGX_ALIGN_MIDDLE); _setHideAnim(m_aboutLblTitle, "ABOUT/TITLE", 0, 100, 0.f, 0.f); _setHideAnim(m_aboutLblInfo, "ABOUT/INFO", 0, 100, 0.f, 0.f); _setHideAnim(m_aboutBtnSystem, "ABOUT/SYSTEM_BTN", 0, 0, -2.f, 0.f); _setHideAnim(m_aboutLblIOS, "ABOUT/IOS", 0, 100, 0.f, 0.f); _hideAbout(true); } void CMenu::_textAbout(void) { m_btnMgr.setText(m_aboutBtnSystem, _t("sys4", L"Update")); m_btnMgr.setText(m_aboutLblTitle, wfmt(_fmt("appname", L"%s (%s-r%s)"), APP_NAME, APP_VERSION, SVN_REV), false); wstringEx help_text; FILE *f = fopen(fmt("%s/%s.txt", m_helpDir.c_str(), m_curLanguage.c_str()), "r"); if(f) { fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); u32 fsize = ftell(f); char *help = (char*)MEM2_alloc(fsize+1); //+1 for null character fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); fread(help, 1, fsize, f); help[fsize] = '\0'; help_text.fromUTF8(help); MEM2_free(help); fclose(f); } else help_text.fromUTF8((char*)english_txt); wstringEx developers(wfmt(_fmt("about6", L"\nCurrent Developers:\n%s"), DEVELOPERS)); wstringEx pDevelopers(wfmt(_fmt("about7", L"Past Developers:\n%s"), PAST_DEVELOPERS)); wstringEx origLoader(wfmt(_fmt("about1", L"Original Loader By:\n%s"), LOADER_AUTHOR)); wstringEx origGUI(wfmt(_fmt("about2", L"Original GUI By:\n%s"), GUI_AUTHOR)); wstringEx codethx(wfmt(_fmt("about8", L"Bits of Code Obtained From:\n%s"), THANKS_CODE)); wstringEx sites(wfmt(_fmt("about9", L"Supporting Websites:\n%s"), THANKS_SITES)); wstringEx translator(wfmt(L", %s", m_loc.getWString(m_curLanguage, "translation_author").toUTF8().c_str())); wstringEx thanks(wfmt(_fmt("about4", L"Thanks To:\n%s"), THANKS)); if(translator.size() > 3) thanks.append(translator); m_btnMgr.setText(m_aboutLblInfo, wfmt(L"%s\n\n%s\n\n%s\n\n%s\n\n%s\n\n%s\n\n%s\n\n%s", help_text.toUTF8().c_str(), developers.toUTF8().c_str(), pDevelopers.toUTF8().c_str(), origLoader.toUTF8().c_str(), origGUI.toUTF8().c_str(), codethx.toUTF8().c_str(), sites.toUTF8().c_str(), thanks.toUTF8().c_str()), false ); Nand::Instance()->Disable_Emu(); iosinfo_t * iosInfo = cIOSInfo::GetInfo(mainIOS); if(iosInfo != NULL) m_btnMgr.setText(m_aboutLblIOS, wfmt(_fmt("ios", L"IOS%i base %i v%i"), mainIOS, iosInfo->baseios, iosInfo->version), true); MEM2_free(iosInfo); }