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Snes9x - Portable Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM) emulator.
(c) Copyright 1996 - 2002 Gary Henderson (gary.henderson@ntlworld.com),
Jerremy Koot (jkoot@snes9x.com)
(c) Copyright 2002 - 2004 Matthew Kendora
(c) Copyright 2002 - 2005 Peter Bortas (peter@bortas.org)
(c) Copyright 2004 - 2005 Joel Yliluoma (http://iki.fi/bisqwit/)
(c) Copyright 2001 - 2006 John Weidman (jweidman@slip.net)
(c) Copyright 2002 - 2006 funkyass (funkyass@spam.shaw.ca),
Kris Bleakley (codeviolation@hotmail.com)
(c) Copyright 2002 - 2010 Brad Jorsch (anomie@users.sourceforge.net),
Nach (n-a-c-h@users.sourceforge.net),
zones (kasumitokoduck@yahoo.com)
(c) Copyright 2006 - 2007 nitsuja
(c) Copyright 2009 - 2010 BearOso,
BS-X C emulator code
(c) Copyright 2005 - 2006 Dreamer Nom,
C4 x86 assembler and some C emulation code
(c) Copyright 2000 - 2003 _Demo_ (_demo_@zsnes.com),
zsKnight (zsknight@zsnes.com)
C4 C++ code
(c) Copyright 2003 - 2006 Brad Jorsch,
DSP-1 emulator code
(c) Copyright 1998 - 2006 _Demo_,
Andreas Naive (andreasnaive@gmail.com),
Gary Henderson,
Ivar (ivar@snes9x.com),
John Weidman,
Kris Bleakley,
Matthew Kendora,
neviksti (neviksti@hotmail.com)
DSP-2 emulator code
(c) Copyright 2003 John Weidman,
Kris Bleakley,
Lord Nightmare (lord_nightmare@users.sourceforge.net),
Matthew Kendora,
DSP-3 emulator code
(c) Copyright 2003 - 2006 John Weidman,
Kris Bleakley,
z80 gaiden
DSP-4 emulator code
(c) Copyright 2004 - 2006 Dreamer Nom,
John Weidman,
Kris Bleakley,
z80 gaiden
OBC1 emulator code
(c) Copyright 2001 - 2004 zsKnight,
pagefault (pagefault@zsnes.com),
Kris Bleakley
Ported from x86 assembler to C by sanmaiwashi
SPC7110 and RTC C++ emulator code used in 1.39-1.51
(c) Copyright 2002 Matthew Kendora with research by
John Weidman,
Dark Force
SPC7110 and RTC C++ emulator code used in 1.52+
(c) Copyright 2009 byuu,
S-DD1 C emulator code
(c) Copyright 2003 Brad Jorsch with research by
Andreas Naive,
John Weidman
S-RTC C emulator code
(c) Copyright 2001 - 2006 byuu,
John Weidman
ST010 C++ emulator code
(c) Copyright 2003 Feather,
John Weidman,
Kris Bleakley,
Matthew Kendora
Super FX x86 assembler emulator code
(c) Copyright 1998 - 2003 _Demo_,
Super FX C emulator code
(c) Copyright 1997 - 1999 Ivar,
Gary Henderson,
John Weidman
Sound emulator code used in 1.5-1.51
(c) Copyright 1998 - 2003 Brad Martin
(c) Copyright 1998 - 2006 Charles Bilyue'
Sound emulator code used in 1.52+
(c) Copyright 2004 - 2007 Shay Green (gblargg@gmail.com)
SH assembler code partly based on x86 assembler code
(c) Copyright 2002 - 2004 Marcus Comstedt (marcus@mc.pp.se)
2xSaI filter
(c) Copyright 1999 - 2001 Derek Liauw Kie Fa
HQ2x, HQ3x, HQ4x filters
(c) Copyright 2003 Maxim Stepin (maxim@hiend3d.com)
NTSC filter
(c) Copyright 2006 - 2007 Shay Green
GTK+ GUI code
(c) Copyright 2004 - 2010 BearOso
Win32 GUI code
(c) Copyright 2003 - 2006 blip,
Matthew Kendora,
(c) Copyright 2009 - 2010 OV2
Mac OS GUI code
(c) Copyright 1998 - 2001 John Stiles
(c) Copyright 2001 - 2010 zones
Specific ports contains the works of other authors. See headers in
individual files.
Snes9x homepage: http://www.snes9x.com/
Permission to use, copy, modify and/or distribute Snes9x in both binary
and source form, for non-commercial purposes, is hereby granted without
fee, providing that this license information and copyright notice appear
with all copies and any derived work.
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event shall the authors be held liable for any damages
arising from the use of this software or it's derivatives.
Snes9x is freeware for PERSONAL USE only. Commercial users should
seek permission of the copyright holders first. Commercial use includes,
but is not limited to, charging money for Snes9x or software derived from
Snes9x, including Snes9x or derivatives in commercial game bundles, and/or
using Snes9x as a promotion for your commercial product.
The copyright holders request that bug fixes and improvements to the code
should be forwarded to them so everyone can benefit from the modifications
in future versions.
Super NES and Super Nintendo Entertainment System are trademarks of
Nintendo Co., Limited and its subsidiary companies.
#ifndef _FXINST_H_
#define _FXINST_H_
* FxChip(GSU) register space specification
* (Register address space 3000-32ff)
* The 16 generic 16 bit registers:
* (Some have a special function in special circumstances)
* 3000 - R0 default source/destination register
* 3002 - R1 pixel plot X position register
* 3004 - R2 pixel plot Y position register
* 3006 - R3
* 3008 - R4 lower 16 bit result of lmult
* 300a - R5
* 300c - R6 multiplier for fmult and lmult
* 300e - R7 fixed point texel X position for merge
* 3010 - R8 fixed point texel Y position for merge
* 3012 - R9
* 3014 - R10
* 3016 - R11 return address set by link
* 3018 - R12 loop counter
* 301a - R13 loop point address
* 301c - R14 rom address for getb, getbh, getbl, getbs
* 301e - R15 program counter
* 3020-302f - unused
* Other internal registers
* 3030 - SFR status flag register (16bit)
* 3032 - unused
* 3033 - BRAMR Backup RAM register (8bit)
* 3034 - PBR program bank register (8bit)
* 3035 - unused
* 3036 - ROMBR rom bank register (8bit)
* 3037 - CFGR control flags register (8bit)
* 3038 - SCBR screen base register (8bit)
* 3039 - CLSR clock speed register (8bit)
* 303a - SCMR screen mode register (8bit)
* 303b - VCR version code register (8bit) (read only)
* 303c - RAMBR ram bank register (8bit)
* 303d - unused
* 303e - CBR cache base register (16bit)
* 3040-30ff - unused
* 3100-32ff - CACHERAM 512 bytes of GSU cache memory
* SFR status flag register bits:
* 0 -
* 1 Z Zero flag
* 2 CY Carry flag
* 3 S Sign flag
* 4 OV Overflow flag
* 5 G Go flag (set to 1 when the GSU is running)
* 6 R Set to 1 when reading ROM using R14 address
* 7 -
* 8 ALT1 Mode set-up flag for the next instruction
* 9 ALT2 Mode set-up flag for the next instruction
* 10 IL Immediate lower 8-bit flag
* 11 IH Immediate higher 8-bit flag
* 12 B Set to 1 when the WITH instruction is executed
* 13 -
* 14 -
* 15 IRQ Set to 1 when GSU caused an interrupt
* Set to 0 when read by 658c16
* BRAMR = 0, BackupRAM is disabled
* BRAMR = 1, BackupRAM is enabled
* CFGR control flags register bits:
* 0 -
* 1 -
* 2 -
* 3 -
* 4 -
* 5 MS0 Multiplier speed, 0=standard, 1=high speed
* 6 -
* 7 IRQ Set to 1 when GSU interrupt request is masked
* CLSR clock speed register bits:
* 0 CLSR clock speed, 0 = 10.7Mhz, 1 = 21.4Mhz
* SCMR screen mode register bits:
* 0 MD0 color depth mode bit 0
* 1 MD1 color depth mode bit 1
* 2 HT0 screen height bit 1
* 3 RAN RAM access control
* 4 RON ROM access control
* 5 HT1 screen height bit 2
* 6 -
* 7 -
* RON = 0 SNES CPU has ROM access
* RON = 1 GSU has ROM access
* RAN = 0 SNES has game pak RAM access
* RAN = 1 GSU has game pak RAM access
* HT1 HT0 Screen height mode
* 0 0 128 pixels high
* 0 1 160 pixels high
* 1 0 192 pixels high
* 1 1 OBJ mode
* MD1 MD0 Color depth mode
* 0 0 4 color mode
* 0 1 16 color mode
* 1 0 not used
* 1 1 256 color mode
* CBR cache base register bits:
* 15-4 Specify base address for data to cache from ROM or RAM
* 3-0 Are 0 when address is read
* Write access to the program counter (301e) from
* the SNES-CPU will start the GSU, and it will not
* stop until it reaches a stop instruction.
// Number of banks in GSU RAM
#define FX_RAM_BANKS 4
// Emulate proper R14 ROM access (slower, but safer)
// Address checking (definately slow)
struct FxRegs_s
// FxChip registers
uint32 avReg[16]; // 16 Generic registers
uint32 vColorReg; // Internal color register
uint32 vPlotOptionReg; // Plot option register
uint32 vStatusReg; // Status register
uint32 vPrgBankReg; // Program bank index register
uint32 vRomBankReg; // Rom bank index register
uint32 vRamBankReg; // Ram bank index register
uint32 vCacheBaseReg; // Cache base address register
uint32 vCacheFlags; // Saying what parts of the cache was written to
uint32 vLastRamAdr; // Last RAM address accessed
uint32 *pvDreg; // Pointer to current destination register
uint32 *pvSreg; // Pointer to current source register
uint8 vRomBuffer; // Current byte read by R14
uint8 vPipe; // Instructionset pipe
uint32 vPipeAdr; // The address of where the pipe was read from
// Status register optimization stuff
uint32 vSign; // v & 0x8000
uint32 vZero; // v == 0
uint32 vCarry; // a value of 1 or 0
int32 vOverflow; // (v >= 0x8000 || v < -0x8000)
// Other emulator variables
int32 vErrorCode;
uint32 vIllegalAddress;
uint8 bBreakPoint;
uint32 vBreakPoint;
uint32 vStepPoint;
uint8 *pvRegisters; // 768 bytes located in the memory at address 0x3000
uint32 nRamBanks; // Number of 64kb-banks in FxRam (Don't confuse it with SNES-Ram!!!)
uint8 *pvRam; // Pointer to FxRam
uint32 nRomBanks; // Number of 32kb-banks in Cart-ROM
uint8 *pvRom; // Pointer to Cart-ROM
uint32 vMode; // Color depth/mode
uint32 vPrevMode; // Previous depth
uint8 *pvScreenBase;
uint8 *apvScreen[32]; // Pointer to each of the 32 screen colums
int32 x[32];
uint32 vScreenHeight; // 128, 160, 192 or 256 (could be overriden by cmode)
uint32 vScreenRealHeight; // 128, 160, 192 or 256
uint32 vPrevScreenHeight;
uint32 vScreenSize;
void (*pfPlot) (void);
void (*pfRpix) (void);
uint8 *pvRamBank; // Pointer to current RAM-bank
uint8 *pvRomBank; // Pointer to current ROM-bank
uint8 *pvPrgBank; // Pointer to current program ROM-bank
uint8 *apvRamBank[FX_RAM_BANKS]; // Ram bank table (max 256kb)
uint8 *apvRomBank[256]; // Rom bank table
uint8 bCacheActive;
uint8 *pvCache; // Pointer to the GSU cache
uint8 avCacheBackup[512]; // Backup of ROM when the cache has replaced it
uint32 vCounter;
uint32 vInstCount;
uint32 vSCBRDirty; // If SCBR is written, our cached screen pointers need updating
uint8 *avRegAddr; // To reference avReg in snapshot.cpp
extern struct FxRegs_s GSU;
// GSU registers
#define GSU_R0 0x000
#define GSU_R1 0x002
#define GSU_R2 0x004
#define GSU_R3 0x006
#define GSU_R4 0x008
#define GSU_R5 0x00a
#define GSU_R6 0x00c
#define GSU_R7 0x00e
#define GSU_R8 0x010
#define GSU_R9 0x012
#define GSU_R10 0x014
#define GSU_R11 0x016
#define GSU_R12 0x018
#define GSU_R13 0x01a
#define GSU_R14 0x01c
#define GSU_R15 0x01e
#define GSU_SFR 0x030
#define GSU_BRAMR 0x033
#define GSU_PBR 0x034
#define GSU_ROMBR 0x036
#define GSU_CFGR 0x037
#define GSU_SCBR 0x038
#define GSU_CLSR 0x039
#define GSU_SCMR 0x03a
#define GSU_VCR 0x03b
#define GSU_RAMBR 0x03c
#define GSU_CBR 0x03e
#define GSU_CACHERAM 0x100
// SFR flags
#define FLG_Z (1 << 1)
#define FLG_CY (1 << 2)
#define FLG_S (1 << 3)
#define FLG_OV (1 << 4)
#define FLG_G (1 << 5)
#define FLG_R (1 << 6)
#define FLG_ALT1 (1 << 8)
#define FLG_ALT2 (1 << 9)
#define FLG_IL (1 << 10)
#define FLG_IH (1 << 11)
#define FLG_B (1 << 12)
#define FLG_IRQ (1 << 15)
// Test flag
#define TF(a) (GSU.vStatusReg & FLG_##a)
#define CF(a) (GSU.vStatusReg &= ~FLG_##a)
#define SF(a) (GSU.vStatusReg |= FLG_##a)
// Test and set flag if condition, clear if not
#define TS(a, b) GSU.vStatusReg = ((GSU.vStatusReg & (~FLG_##a)) | ((!!(##b)) * FLG_##a))
// Testing ALT1 & ALT2 bits
#define ALT0 (!TF(ALT1) && !TF(ALT2))
#define ALT1 ( TF(ALT1) && !TF(ALT2))
#define ALT2 (!TF(ALT1) && TF(ALT2))
#define ALT3 ( TF(ALT1) && TF(ALT2))
// Sign extend from 8/16 bit to 32 bit
#define SEX8(a) ((int32) ((int8) (a)))
#define SEX16(a) ((int32) ((int16) (a)))
// Unsign extend from 8/16 bit to 32 bit
#define USEX8(a) ((uint32) ((uint8) (a)))
#define USEX16(a) ((uint32) ((uint16) (a)))
#define SUSEX16(a) ((int32) ((uint16) (a)))
// Set/Clr Sign and Zero flag
#define TSZ(num) TS(S, ((num) & 0x8000)); TS(Z, (!USEX16(num)))
// Clear flags
#define CLRFLAGS GSU.vStatusReg &= ~(FLG_ALT1 | FLG_ALT2 | FLG_B); GSU.pvDreg = GSU.pvSreg = &R0
// Read current RAM-Bank
#define RAM(adr) GSU.pvRamBank[USEX16(adr)]
// Read current ROM-Bank
#define ROM(idx) GSU.pvRomBank[USEX16(idx)]
// Access the current value in the pipe
#define PIPE GSU.vPipe
// Access data in the current program bank
#define PRGBANK(idx) GSU.pvPrgBank[USEX16(idx)]
// Update pipe from ROM
#if 0
#define FETCHPIPE { PIPE = PRGBANK(R15); GSU.vPipeAdr = (GSU.vPrgBankReg << 16) + R15; }
#define FETCHPIPE { PIPE = PRGBANK(R15); }
// ABS
#define ABS(x) ((x) < 0 ? -(x) : (x))
// Access source register
#define SREG (*GSU.pvSreg)
// Access destination register
#define DREG (*GSU.pvDreg)
// Don't read R14
#define READR14
// Don't test and/or read R14
#define TESTR14
// Read R14
#define READR14 GSU.vRomBuffer = ROM(R14)
// Test and/or read R14
#define TESTR14 if (GSU.pvDreg == &R14) READR14
// Access to registers
#define R0 GSU.avReg[0]
#define R1 GSU.avReg[1]
#define R2 GSU.avReg[2]
#define R3 GSU.avReg[3]
#define R4 GSU.avReg[4]
#define R5 GSU.avReg[5]
#define R6 GSU.avReg[6]
#define R7 GSU.avReg[7]
#define R8 GSU.avReg[8]
#define R9 GSU.avReg[9]
#define R10 GSU.avReg[10]
#define R11 GSU.avReg[11]
#define R12 GSU.avReg[12]
#define R13 GSU.avReg[13]
#define R14 GSU.avReg[14]
#define R15 GSU.avReg[15]
#define SFR GSU.vStatusReg
#define PBR GSU.vPrgBankReg
#define ROMBR GSU.vRomBankReg
#define RAMBR GSU.vRamBankReg
#define CBR GSU.vCacheBaseReg
#define SCBR USEX8(GSU.pvRegisters[GSU_SCBR])
#define SCMR USEX8(GSU.pvRegisters[GSU_SCMR])
#define COLR GSU.vColorReg
#define POR GSU.vPlotOptionReg
#define BRAMR USEX8(GSU.pvRegisters[GSU_BRAMR])
#define VCR USEX8(GSU.pvRegisters[GSU_VCR])
#define CFGR USEX8(GSU.pvRegisters[GSU_CFGR])
#define CLSR USEX8(GSU.pvRegisters[GSU_CLSR])
// Execute instruction from the pipe, and fetch next byte to the pipe
#define FX_STEP \
{ \
uint32 vOpcode = (uint32) PIPE; \
(*fx_OpcodeTable[(GSU.vStatusReg & 0x300) | vOpcode])(); \
extern void (*fx_PlotTable[]) (void);
extern void (*fx_OpcodeTable[]) (void);
// Set this define if branches are relative to the instruction in the delay slot (I think they are)