mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 10:17:43 +01:00

- Wiiflow will automatically detect these and add the respective game lists to the plugin game list just like combined view via the source menu. - these plugins can be selected via the 'plugin select menu' in 'main settings' or via a source btn on the 'source menu'. - with these plugins the 'plugin select menu' can act like another source menu and they can easily be combined with all the other plugins of your choice.
1226 lines
33 KiB
1226 lines
33 KiB
#ifndef __MENU_HPP
#define __MENU_HPP
//#define SHOWMEM
#include <ogc/pad.h>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include "btnmap.h"
#include "channel/banner.h"
#include "channel/channels.h"
#include "cheats/gct.h"
#include "devicemounter/DeviceHandler.hpp"
#include "fileOps/fileOps.h"
#include "gecko/gecko.hpp"
#include "gecko/wifi_gecko.hpp"
#include "gui/coverflow.hpp"
#include "gui/cursor.hpp"
#include "gui/fanart.hpp"
#include "gui/gui.hpp"
#include "list/ListGenerator.hpp"
#include "loader/disc.h"
#include "loader/sys.h"
#include "loader/gc_disc_dump.hpp"
#include "loader/wbfs.h"
#include "music/gui_sound.h"
#include "music/MusicPlayer.hpp"
#include "plugin/plugin.hpp"
#include "wiiuse/wpad.h"
#include "wupc/wupc.h"
#include "sicksaxis-wrapper/sicksaxis-wrapper.h"
using namespace std;
class CMenu
void init();
void error(const wstringEx &msg);
void terror(const char *key, const wchar_t *msg) { error(_fmt(key, msg)); }
void exitHandler(int ExitTo);
int main(void);
void cleanup(void);
void loadDefaultFont(void);
void TempLoadIOS(int IOS = 0);
const char *getBoxPath(const dir_discHdr *element);
const char *getFrontPath(const dir_discHdr *element);
const char *getBlankCoverPath(const dir_discHdr *element);
u8 m_current_view;
bool m_combined_view;
u8 enabledPluginsCount;
u8 m_catStartPage;
bool m_clearCats;
struct SZone
int x;
int y;
int w;
int h;
bool hide;
CCursor m_cursor[WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES];
CFanart m_fa;
Config m_cfg;
Config m_loc;
Config m_cat;
Config m_source;
Config m_gcfg1;
Config m_gcfg2;
Config m_theme;
Config m_coverflow;
Config m_titles;
Config m_version;
vector<string> m_homebrewArgs;
u8 *m_base_font;
u32 m_base_font_size;
u8 *m_wbf1_font;
u8 *m_wbf2_font;
u8 *m_file;
u8 *m_buffer;
u8 m_aa;
u8 m_numCFVersions;
u8 m_numPlugins;
const char *cf_domain;
bool m_use_source;
bool m_multisource;
bool m_sourceflow;
bool m_load_view;
bool m_bnr_settings;
bool m_directLaunch;
bool m_locked;
bool m_favorites;
bool m_music_info;
bool m_allow_random;
s16 m_showtimer;
string m_curLanguage;
string m_sourceDir;
string m_themeDataDir;
string m_appDir;
string m_imgsDir;
string m_binsDir;
string m_dataDir;
string m_pluginsDir;
string m_customBnrDir;
string m_picDir;
string m_boxPicDir;
string m_boxcPicDir;
string m_cacheDir;
string m_listCacheDir;
string m_bnrCacheDir;
string m_themeDir;
string m_musicDir;
string m_txtCheatDir;
string m_cheatDir;
string m_wipDir;
string m_videoDir;
string m_fanartDir;
string m_screenshotDir;
string m_settingsDir;
string m_languagesDir;
string m_helpDir;
/* Explorer stuff */
bool m_txt_view;
const char *m_txt_path;
/* Updates */
char m_app_update_drive[6];
const char* m_app_update_url;
const char* m_data_update_url;
string m_dol;
string m_app_update_zip;
u32 m_app_update_size;
string m_data_update_zip;
u32 m_data_update_size;
string m_ver;
/* End Updates */
TexData m_curBg;
const TexData *m_prevBg;
const TexData *m_nextBg;
const TexData *m_lqBg;
u8 m_bgCrossFade;
TexData m_errorBg;
TexData m_mainBg;
TexData m_configBg;
TexData m_config3Bg;
TexData m_configScreenBg;
TexData m_config4Bg;
TexData m_configAdvBg;
TexData m_configSndBg;
TexData m_downloadBg;
TexData m_gameBg;
TexData m_codeBg;
TexData m_aboutBg;
TexData m_systemBg;
TexData m_wbfsBg;
TexData m_gameSettingsBg;
TexData m_gameBgLQ;
TexData m_mainBgLQ;
//Main Coverflow
s16 m_mainBtnConfig;
s16 m_mainBtnInfo;
s16 m_mainBtnFavoritesOn;
s16 m_mainBtnFavoritesOff;
s16 m_mainLblLetter;
s16 m_mainLblCurMusic;
#ifdef SHOWMEM
s16 m_mem1FreeSize;
s16 m_mem2FreeSize;
unsigned int mem1old;
unsigned int mem1;
unsigned int mem2old;
unsigned int mem2;
s16 m_mainLblNotice;
s16 m_mainBtnNext;
s16 m_mainBtnPrev;
s16 m_mainBtnQuit;
s16 m_mainBtnDVD;
s16 m_mainBtnGamecube;
s16 m_mainBtnPlugin;
s16 m_mainBtnWii;
s16 m_mainBtnChannel;
s16 m_mainBtnHomebrew;
s16 m_mainBtnInstall;
s16 m_mainBtnSelPart;
s16 m_mainLblMessage;
s16 m_mainLblUser[6];
bool m_show_gc;
bool m_devo_installed;
bool m_nintendont_installed;
bool m_GameTDBAvailable;
//Main Config menus
s16 m_configLblPage;
s16 m_configBtnPageM;
s16 m_configBtnPageP;
s16 m_configBtnBack;
s16 m_configLblTitle;
s16 m_configLblDownload;
s16 m_configBtnDownload;
s16 m_configLblParental;
s16 m_configBtnUnlock;
s16 m_configBtnSetCode;
s16 m_configLblPartitionName;
s16 m_configLblPartition;
s16 m_configBtnPartitionP;
s16 m_configBtnPartitionM;
s16 m_configLblCfg4;
s16 m_configBtnCfg4;
s16 m_configLblUser[4];
s16 m_configAdvLblTheme;
s16 m_configAdvLblCurTheme;
s16 m_configAdvBtnCurThemeM;
s16 m_configAdvBtnCurThemeP;
s16 m_configAdvLblLanguage;
s16 m_configAdvBtnManageLanguage;
s16 m_configAdvLblCFTheme;
s16 m_configAdvBtnCFTheme;
s16 m_configAdvLblBootChange;
s16 m_configAdvBtnBootChange;
s16 m_configAdvLblUser[4];
s16 m_config3LblGameLanguage;
s16 m_config3LblLanguage;
s16 m_config3BtnLanguageP;
s16 m_config3BtnLanguageM;
s16 m_config3LblGameVideo;
s16 m_config3LblVideo;
s16 m_config3BtnVideoP;
s16 m_config3BtnVideoM;
s16 m_config3LblGCGameLanguage;
s16 m_config3LblGCLanguage;
s16 m_config3BtnGCLanguageP;
s16 m_config3BtnGCLanguageM;
s16 m_config3LblGCGameVideo;
s16 m_config3LblGCVideo;
s16 m_config3BtnGCVideoP;
s16 m_config3BtnGCVideoM;
s16 m_config3LblGCGameLoader;
s16 m_config3LblGCLoader;
s16 m_config3BtnGCLoaderP;
s16 m_config3BtnGCLoaderM;
s16 m_config3LblOcarina;
s16 m_config3BtnOcarina;
s16 m_config3LblUser[4];
s16 m_config4LblReturnTo;
s16 m_config4LblReturnToVal;
s16 m_config4BtnReturnToM;
s16 m_config4BtnReturnToP;
s16 m_config4LblHome;
s16 m_config4BtnHome;
s16 m_config4LblSaveFavMode;
s16 m_config4BtnSaveFavMode;
s16 m_config4LblPathManager;
s16 m_config4BtnPathManager;
s16 m_config4LblUser[4];
s16 m_configSndLblBnrVol;
s16 m_configSndLblBnrVolVal;
s16 m_configSndBtnBnrVolP;
s16 m_configSndBtnBnrVolM;
s16 m_configSndLblMusicVol;
s16 m_configSndLblMusicVolVal;
s16 m_configSndBtnMusicVolP;
s16 m_configSndBtnMusicVolM;
s16 m_configSndLblGuiVol;
s16 m_configSndLblGuiVolVal;
s16 m_configSndBtnGuiVolP;
s16 m_configSndBtnGuiVolM;
s16 m_configSndLblCFVol;
s16 m_configSndLblCFVolVal;
s16 m_configSndBtnCFVolP;
s16 m_configSndBtnCFVolM;
s16 m_configSndLblUser[4];
s16 m_configScreenLblTVHeight;
s16 m_configScreenLblTVHeightVal;
s16 m_configScreenBtnTVHeightP;
s16 m_configScreenBtnTVHeightM;
s16 m_configScreenLblTVWidth;
s16 m_configScreenLblTVWidthVal;
s16 m_configScreenBtnTVWidthP;
s16 m_configScreenBtnTVWidthM;
s16 m_configScreenLblTVX;
s16 m_configScreenLblTVXVal;
s16 m_configScreenBtnTVXM;
s16 m_configScreenBtnTVXP;
s16 m_configScreenLblTVY;
s16 m_configScreenLblTVYVal;
s16 m_configScreenBtnTVYM;
s16 m_configScreenBtnTVYP;
s16 m_configScreenLblUser[4];
//Download menu
enum CoverPrio
C_TYPE_PRIOA = (1<<0),
C_TYPE_PRIOB = (1<<1),
C_TYPE_EN = (1<<2),
C_TYPE_JA = (1<<3),
C_TYPE_FR = (1<<4),
C_TYPE_DE = (1<<5),
C_TYPE_ES = (1<<6),
C_TYPE_IT = (1<<7),
C_TYPE_NL = (1<<8),
C_TYPE_PT = (1<<9),
C_TYPE_RU = (1<<10),
C_TYPE_KO = (1<<11),
C_TYPE_ZHCN = (1<<12),
C_TYPE_AU = (1<<13),
C_TYPE_ONOR = (1<<14),
C_TYPE_ONCU = (1<<15),
enum CoverType
BOX = 1,
s16 m_downloadPrioVal;
s16 m_downloadLblTitle;
s16 m_downloadPBar;
s16 m_downloadBtnCancel;
s16 m_downloadBtnAll;
s16 m_downloadBtnMissing;
s16 m_downloadBtnGameTDBDownload;
s16 m_downloadLblGameTDBDownload;
s16 m_downloadLblMessage[2];
s16 m_downloadLblCovers;
s16 m_downloadLblGameTDB;
s16 m_downloadLblUser[4];
s16 m_downloadLblCoverPrio;
s16 m_downloadLblPrio;
s16 m_downloadBtnPrioM;
s16 m_downloadBtnPrioP;
s16 m_downloadBtnVersion;
s16 m_downloadLblCoverSet;
s16 m_downloadBtnCoverSet;
s16 m_downloadLblSetTitle;
s16 m_downloadLblRegion;
enum Regions
EN = 1,
s16 m_downloadBtnEN;
s16 m_downloadBtnJA;
s16 m_downloadBtnFR;
s16 m_downloadBtnDE;
s16 m_downloadBtnES;
s16 m_downloadBtnIT;
s16 m_downloadBtnNL;
s16 m_downloadBtnPT;
s16 m_downloadBtnRU;
s16 m_downloadBtnKO;
s16 m_downloadBtnZHCN;
s16 m_downloadBtnAU;
s16 m_downloadBtnENs;
s16 m_downloadBtnJAs;
s16 m_downloadBtnFRs;
s16 m_downloadBtnDEs;
s16 m_downloadBtnESs;
s16 m_downloadBtnITs;
s16 m_downloadBtnNLs;
s16 m_downloadBtnPTs;
s16 m_downloadBtnRUs;
s16 m_downloadBtnKOs;
s16 m_downloadBtnZHCNs;
s16 m_downloadBtnAUs;
s16 m_downloadBtnBack;
static s8 _versionDownloaderInit(CMenu *m);
static s8 _versionTxtDownloaderInit(CMenu *m);
s8 _versionDownloader();
s8 _versionTxtDownloader();
//Game menu
s16 m_gameLblInfo;
s16 m_gameBtnFavoriteOn;
s16 m_gameBtnFavoriteOff;
s16 m_gameBtnAdultOn;
s16 m_gameBtnAdultOff;
s16 m_gameBtnPlay;
s16 m_gameBtnDelete;
s16 m_gameBtnSettings;
s16 m_gameBtnBack;
s16 m_gameLblUser[5];
// Parental code menu
s16 m_codeLblTitle;
s16 m_codeBtnKey[10];
s16 m_codeBtnBack;
s16 m_codeBtnErase;
s16 m_codeLblUser[4];
s16 m_wbfsLblTitle;
s16 m_wbfsPBar;
s16 m_wbfsBtnGo;
s16 m_wbfsLblDialog;
s16 m_wbfsLblMessage;
s16 m_wbfsLblUser[4];
//Theme Adjust menus
s16 m_cfThemeBtnAlt;
s16 m_cfThemeBtnSelect;
s16 m_cfThemeBtnWide;
s16 m_cfThemeLblParam;
s16 m_cfThemeBtnParamM;
s16 m_cfThemeBtnParamP;
s16 m_cfThemeBtnCopy;
s16 m_cfThemeBtnPaste;
s16 m_cfThemeBtnSave;
s16 m_cfThemeBtnCancel;
s16 m_cfThemeLblVal[4 * 4];
s16 m_cfThemeBtnValM[4 * 4];
s16 m_cfThemeBtnValP[4 * 4];
s16 m_cfThemeLblValTxt[4];
//Game Settings menus
s16 m_gameSettingsLblPage;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnPageM;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnPageP;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnBack;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblTitle;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblGameLanguage;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblLanguage;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnLanguageP;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnLanguageM;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblGameVideo;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblVideo;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnVideoP;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnVideoM;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblApploader;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnApploader;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblLED;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnLED;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblAspectRatio;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblAspectRatioVal;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnAspectRatioP;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnAspectRatioM;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblEmuMemCard;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblEmuMemCard_Val;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnEmuMemCard_P;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnEmuMemCard_M;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblDevoMemcardEmu;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnDevoMemcardEmu;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblWidescreen;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnWidescreen;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblUSB_HID;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnUSB_HID;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblNATIVE_CTL;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnNATIVE_CTL;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblDeflicker;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnDeflicker;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblGCLoader;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblGCLoader_Val;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnGCLoader_P;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnGCLoader_M;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblCustom;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnCustom;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblLaunchNK;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnLaunchNK;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblOcarina;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnOcarina;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblVipatch;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnVipatch;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblCountryPatch;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnCountryPatch;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblPrivateServer;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnPrivateServer;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblManage;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnManage;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblPatchVidModes;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblPatchVidModesVal;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnPatchVidModesM;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnPatchVidModesP;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblUser[3 * 2];
s16 m_gameSettingsLblHooktype;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblHooktypeVal;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnHooktypeM;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnHooktypeP;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblEmulationVal;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnEmulationP;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnEmulationM;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblEmulation;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblDebugger;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblDebuggerV;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnDebuggerP;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnDebuggerM;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblCheat;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnCheat;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblCategoryMain;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnCategoryMain;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblGameIOS;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblIOS;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnIOSP;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnIOSM;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblExtractSave;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnExtractSave;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblFlashSave;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnFlashSave;
// System Menu
s16 m_systemBtnBack;
s16 m_systemLblTitle;
s16 m_systemLblVersionTxt;
s16 m_systemLblNINverTxt;
s16 m_systemLblVersion;
s16 m_systemLblNINver;
s16 m_systemLblVersionRev;
s16 m_systemLblUser[4];
s16 m_systemBtnDownload;
s16 m_systemLblInfo;
s16 m_systemLblVerSelectVal;
s16 m_systemBtnVerSelectM;
s16 m_systemBtnVerSelectP;
//Cheat menu
s16 m_cheatBtnBack;
s16 m_cheatBtnApply;
s16 m_cheatBtnDownload;
s16 m_cheatLblTitle;
s16 m_cheatLblPage;
s16 m_cheatBtnPageM;
s16 m_cheatBtnPageP;
s16 m_cheatLblItem[4];
s16 m_cheatBtnItem[4];
s16 m_cheatLblUser[4];
TexData m_cheatBg;
GCTCheats m_cheatfile;
// Gameinfo menu
s16 m_gameinfoLblTitle;
s16 m_gameinfoLblID;
s16 m_gameinfoLblSynopsis;
s16 m_gameinfoLblDev;
s16 m_gameinfoLblRegion;
s16 m_gameinfoLblPublisher;
s16 m_gameinfoLblRlsdate;
s16 m_gameinfoLblGenre;
s16 m_gameinfoLblRating;
s16 m_gameinfoLblWifiplayers;
s16 m_gameinfoLblUser[5];
s16 m_gameinfoLblControlsReq[4];
s16 m_gameinfoLblControls[4];
TexData m_gameinfoBg;
TexData m_rating;
TexData m_wifi;
TexData m_controlsreq[4];
TexData m_controls[4];
// NandEmulation
string m_saveExtGameId;
bool m_forceext;
bool m_emuSaveNand;
s32 m_partRequest;
// Zones
SZone m_mainPrevZone;
SZone m_mainNextZone;
SZone m_mainButtonsZone;
SZone m_mainButtonsZone2;
SZone m_mainButtonsZone3;
SZone m_gameButtonsZone;
bool m_reload;
void LeftStick();
u8 pointerhidedelay[WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES];
u16 stickPointer_x[WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES];
u16 stickPointer_y[WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES];
u8 m_wpadLeftDelay;
u8 m_wpadDownDelay;
u8 m_wpadRightDelay;
u8 m_wpadUpDelay;
u8 m_wpadADelay;
//u8 m_wpadBDelay;
u8 m_dpadLeftDelay;
u8 m_dpadDownDelay;
u8 m_dpadRightDelay;
u8 m_dpadUpDelay;
u8 m_dpadADelay;
u8 m_dpadHDelay;
u8 m_padLeftDelay;
u8 m_padDownDelay;
u8 m_padRightDelay;
u8 m_padUpDelay;
u8 m_padADelay;
//u8 m_padBDelay;
u32 ds3_btnsPressed;
u32 wii_btnsPressed[WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES];
u32 wii_btnsHeld[WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES];
bool wBtn_Pressed(int btn, u8 ext);
bool wBtn_PressedChan(int btn, u8 ext, int &chan);
bool wBtn_Held(int btn, u8 ext);
bool wBtn_HeldChan(int btn, u8 ext, int &chan);
u32 gc_btnsPressed;
u32 gc_btnsHeld;
u32 wupc_btnsPressed[WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES];
u32 wupc_btnsHeld[WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES];
bool ds3_btnRepeat(s64 btn);
bool m_show_pointer[WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES];
float left_stick_angle[WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES];
float left_stick_mag[WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES];
float right_stick_angle[WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES];
float right_stick_mag[WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES];
float wmote_roll[WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES];
s32 right_stick_skip[WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES];
s32 wmote_roll_skip[WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES];
bool enable_wmote_roll;
time_t no_input_time;
void SetupInput(bool reset_pos = false);
void ScanInput(void);
u32 NoInputTime(void);
void ButtonsPressed(void);
void ButtonsHeld(void);
bool lStick_Up(void);
bool lStick_Right(void);
bool lStick_Down(void);
bool lStick_Left(void);
bool rStick_Up(void);
bool rStick_Right(void);
bool rStick_Down(void);
bool rStick_Left(void);
bool wRoll_Left(void);
bool wRoll_Right(void);
bool wii_btnRepeat(u8 btn);
bool gc_btnRepeat(s64 btn);
bool WPadIR_Valid(int chan);
bool WPadIR_ANY(void);
void ShowZone(SZone zone, bool &showZone);
void ShowMainZone(void);
void ShowMainZone2(void);
void ShowMainZone3(void);
void ShowPrevZone(void);
void ShowNextZone(void);
void ShowGameZone(void);
bool ShowPointer(void);
bool m_show_zone_main;
bool m_show_zone_main2;
bool m_show_zone_main3;
bool m_show_zone_prev;
bool m_show_zone_next;
bool m_show_zone_game;
volatile bool m_exit;
volatile bool m_thrdStop;
volatile bool m_thrdWorking;
volatile bool m_thrdNetwork;
float m_thrdStep;
float m_thrdStepLen;
string m_coverDLGameId;
mutex_t m_mutex;
wstringEx m_thrdMessage;
volatile float m_thrdProgress;
volatile float m_fileProgress;
volatile bool m_thrdMessageAdded;
volatile bool m_gameSelected;
GuiSound m_gameSound;
volatile bool m_soundThrdBusy;
lwp_t m_gameSoundThread;
bool m_gamesound_changed;
u8 m_bnrSndVol;
u8 m_max_categories;
bool m_video_playing;
enum WBFS_OP
typedef map<string, TexData> TexSet;
typedef map<string, GuiSound*> SoundSet;
struct SThemeData
TexSet texSet;
vector<SFont> fontSet;
SoundSet soundSet;
SFont btnFont;
SFont lblFont;
SFont titleFont;
SFont txtFont;
CColor btnFontColor;
CColor lblFontColor;
CColor txtFontColor;
CColor titleFontColor;
CColor selubtnFontColor;
CColor selsbtnFontColor;
TexData bg;
TexData btnTexL;
TexData btnTexR;
TexData btnTexC;
TexData btnTexLS;
TexData btnTexRS;
TexData btnTexCS;
TexData btnAUOn;
TexData btnAUOns;
TexData btnAUOff;
TexData btnAUOffs;
TexData btnENOn;
TexData btnENOns;
TexData btnENOff;
TexData btnENOffs;
TexData btnJAOn;
TexData btnJAOns;
TexData btnJAOff;
TexData btnJAOffs;
TexData btnFROn;
TexData btnFROns;
TexData btnFROff;
TexData btnFROffs;
TexData btnDEOn;
TexData btnDEOns;
TexData btnDEOff;
TexData btnDEOffs;
TexData btnESOn;
TexData btnESOns;
TexData btnESOff;
TexData btnESOffs;
TexData btnITOn;
TexData btnITOns;
TexData btnITOff;
TexData btnITOffs;
TexData btnNLOn;
TexData btnNLOns;
TexData btnNLOff;
TexData btnNLOffs;
TexData btnPTOn;
TexData btnPTOns;
TexData btnPTOff;
TexData btnPTOffs;
TexData btnRUOn;
TexData btnRUOns;
TexData btnRUOff;
TexData btnRUOffs;
TexData btnKOOn;
TexData btnKOOns;
TexData btnKOOff;
TexData btnKOOffs;
TexData btnZHCNOn;
TexData btnZHCNOns;
TexData btnZHCNOff;
TexData btnZHCNOffs;
TexData checkboxoff;
TexData checkboxoffs;
TexData checkboxon;
TexData checkboxons;
TexData checkboxHid;
TexData checkboxHids;
TexData checkboxReq;
TexData checkboxReqs;
TexData pbarTexL;
TexData pbarTexR;
TexData pbarTexC;
TexData pbarTexLS;
TexData pbarTexRS;
TexData pbarTexCS;
TexData btnTexPlus;
TexData btnTexPlusS;
TexData btnTexMinus;
TexData btnTexMinusS;
GuiSound *clickSound;
GuiSound *hoverSound;
GuiSound *cameraSound;
SThemeData theme;
struct SCFParamDesc
} paramType[4];
} domain;
bool scrnFmt;
const char name[32];
const char valName[4][64];
const char key[4][48];
float step[4];
float minMaxVal[4][2];
bool _loadList(void);
bool _loadWiiList(void);
bool _loadGamecubeList(void);
bool _loadChannelList(void);
bool _loadPluginList(void);
bool _loadHomebrewList(void);
void _initCF(void);
void _initBoot(void);
void _initMainMenu();
void _initErrorMenu();
void _initConfigMenu();
void _initConfigAdvMenu();
void _initConfig3Menu();
void _initConfig4Menu();
void _initConfigSndMenu();
void _initConfigScreenMenu();
void _initLangSettingsMenu();
void _initGameMenu();
void _initDownloadMenu();
void _initCodeMenu();
void _initAboutMenu();
void _initWBFSMenu();
void _initCFThemeMenu();
void _initGameSettingsMenu();
void _initCheatSettingsMenu();
void _initCheatButtons();
void _initSourceMenu();
void _initCfgSrc();
void _initPluginSettingsMenu();
void _initCategorySettingsMenu();
void _initSystemMenu();
void _initGameInfoMenu();
void _initNandEmuMenu();
void _initHomeAndExitToMenu();
void _initCoverBanner();
void _initExplorer();
void _initWad();
void _initPathsMenu();
void _initFTP();
void _textSource(void);
void _textCfgSrc(void);
void _textPluginSettings(void);
void _textCategorySettings(void);
void _textCheatSettings(void);
void _textSystem(void);
void _textMain(void);
void _textError(void);
void _textConfig(void);
void _textConfig3(void);
void _textConfigScreen(void);
void _textConfig4(void);
void _textConfigAdv(void);
void _textConfigSnd(void);
void _textLangSettings(void);
void _textGame(void);
void _textDownload(void);
void _textCode(void);
void _textAbout(void);
void _textWBFS(void);
void _textGameSettings(void);
void _textGameInfo(void);
void _textNandEmu(void);
void _textHome(void);
void _textExitTo(void);
void _textBoot(void);
void _textCoverBanner(void);
void _textExplorer(void);
void _textWad(void);
void _textPaths(void);
void _textFTP(void);
void _refreshBoot();
void _refreshCfgSrc();
void _refreshExplorer(s8 direction = 0);
void _refreshLangSettings();
void _hideCheatSettings(bool instant = false);
void _hideError(bool instant = false);
void _hideMain(bool instant = false);
void _hideConfigCommon(bool instant = false);
void _hideConfig(bool instant = false);
void _hideConfig3(bool instant = false);
void _hideConfigScreen(bool instant = false);
void _hideConfig4(bool instant = false);
void _hideConfigAdv(bool instant = false);
void _hideConfigSnd(bool instant = false);
void _hideLangSettings(bool instant = false);
void _hideGame(bool instant = false);
void _hideDownload(bool instant = false);
void _hideSettings(bool instant = false);
void _hideCode(bool instant = false);
void _hideAbout(bool instant = false);
void _hideWBFS(bool instant = false);
void _hideCFTheme(bool instant = false);
void _hideGameSettings(bool instant = false);
void _hideGameSettingsPg();
void _hideSource(bool instant = false);
void _hidePluginSettings(bool instant = false);
void _hideCategorySettings(bool instant = false);
void _hideSystem(bool instant = false);
void _hideGameInfo(bool instant = false);
void _hideCheatDownload(bool instant = false);
void _hideNandEmu(bool instant = false);
void _hideHome(bool instant = false);
void _hideExitTo(bool instant = false);
void _hideCoverBanner(bool instant = false);
void _hideExplorer(bool instant = false);
void _hideWad(bool instant = false);
void _hidePaths(bool instant = false);
void _hideFTP(bool instant = false);
void _showError(void);
void _showMain(void);
void _showConfigCommon(const TexData & bg, int page);
void _showConfig(void);
void _showConfig3(void);
void _showConfigScreen(void);
void _showConfig4(void);
void _showConfigAdv(void);
void _showConfigSnd(void);
void _setPartition(s8 direction = 0);
void _showLangSettings(void);
void _showGame(void);
void _showDownload(void);
void _showSettings();
void _showCode(void);
void _showAbout(void);
void _showSource(void);
void _showSourceNotice(void);
void _showPluginSettings(void);
void _showCategorySettings(void);
void _showCheatSettings(void);
void _showSystem(void);
void _showGameInfo(void);
void _showWBFS(WBFS_OP op);
void _showCFTheme(u32 curParam, int version, bool wide);
void _showGameSettings(void);
void _showCheatDownload(void);
void _showHome(void);
void _showExitTo(void);
void _showCoverBanner(void);
void _showExplorer(void);
void _showWad(void);
void _showPaths(void);
void _showFTP(void);
void _setSrcOptions(void);
bool _sideCover(const char *magic);
bool _shortCover(const char *magic);
void _clearSources(void);
void _updateSourceBtns(void);
void _updatePluginText(void);
void _updatePluginCheckboxes(void);
void _updateCheckboxes(void);
void _updateFTP(void);
void _getIDCats(void);
void _setIDCats(void);
void _setBg(const TexData &bgTex, const TexData &bglqTex);
void _updateBg(void);
void _drawBg(void);
void _updateText(void);
void _showNandEmu(void);
void _config(int page);
int _configCommon(void);
int _config1(void);
int _config3(void);
int _configScreen(void);
int _config4(void);
int _configAdv(void);
int _configSnd(void);
int _NandEmuCfg(void);
int _AutoCreateNand(void);
int _AutoExtractSave(string gameId);
int _FlashSave(string gameId);
enum configPageChanges
void _game(bool launch = false);
void _downloadUrl(const char *url, u8 **dl_file, u32 *dl_size);
void _download(string gameId = string());
void _downloadBnr(const char *gameID);
bool _LangSettings(void);
bool _code(char code[4], bool erase = false);
void _about(bool help = false);
bool _wbfsOp(WBFS_OP op);
void _cfTheme(void);
void _system(void);
void _gameinfo(void);
void _gameSettings(void);
void _CoverBanner(void);
void _Explorer(void);
const char *_FolderExplorer(const char *startPath);
void _Wad(const char *wad_path = NULL);
void _CheatSettings();
bool _Source();
void _CfgSrc();
void _PluginSettings();
void _CategorySettings(bool fromGameSet = false);
bool _Home();
void _FTP();
bool _FTP_Loop();
bool _ExitTo();
bool _Boot();
void _Paths();
void _sourceFlow();
void _mainLoopCommon(bool withCF = false, bool adjusting = false);
void directlaunch(const char *GameID);
dir_discHdr m_autoboot_hdr;
bool m_source_autoboot;
bool m_use_wifi_gecko;
bool m_use_sd_logging;
bool init_network;
bool m_init_ftp;
bool m_ftp_inited;
void _netInit();
bool _loadFile(u8 * &buffer, u32 &size, const char *path, const char *file);
int _loadIOS(u8 ios, int userIOS, string id, bool RealNAND_Channels = false);
void _launch(const dir_discHdr *hdr);
void _launchGame(dir_discHdr *hdr, bool dvd);
void _launchChannel(dir_discHdr *hdr);
void _launchHomebrew(const char *filepath, vector<string> arguments);
void _launchGC(dir_discHdr *hdr, bool disc);
void _launchShutdown();
void _setAA(int aa);
void _loadCFCfg();
void _loadCFLayout(int version, bool forceAA = false, bool otherScrnFmt = false);
Vector3D _getCFV3D(const string &domain, const string &key, const Vector3D &def, bool otherScrnFmt = false);
int _getCFInt(const string &domain, const string &key, int def, bool otherScrnFmt = false);
float _getCFFloat(const string &domain, const string &key, float def, bool otherScrnFmt = false);
void _cfParam(bool inc, int i, const SCFParamDesc &p, int cfVersion, bool wide);
void _buildMenus(void);
void _cleanupDefaultFont();
void _Theme_Cleanup();
const char *_getId(void);
const char *_domainFromView(void);
const char *_cfDomain(bool selected = false);
void UpdateCache(u32 view = COVERFLOW_MAX);
void RemoveCover(const char *id);
SFont _font(const char *domain, const char *key, u32 fontSize, u32 lineSpacing, u32 weight, u32 index, const char *genKey);
TexData _texture(const char *domain, const char *key, TexData &def, bool freeDef = true);
vector<TexData> _textures(const char *domain, const char *key);
void _showWaitMessage();
void _hideWaitMessage();
bool m_Emulator_boot;
void GC_Messenger(int message, int info, char *cinfo);
/* general thread updating stuff */
u64 m_thrdTotal;
void update_pThread(u64 added);
void _cleanupBanner(bool gamechange = false);
void _cleanupVideo();
bool _startVideo();
static int _pThread(void *obj);
void _start_pThread(void);
void _stop_pThread(void);
lwp_t m_thrdPtr;
volatile bool m_thrdInstalling;
volatile bool m_thrdUpdated;
volatile bool m_thrdDone;
vu64 m_thrdWritten;
GuiSound *_sound(CMenu::SoundSet &soundSet, const char *filename, const u8 * snd, u32 len, const char *name, bool isAllocated);
GuiSound *_sound(CMenu::SoundSet &soundSet, const char *domain, const char *key, const char *name);
u16 _textStyle(const char *domain, const char *key, u16 def, bool coverflow = false);
s16 _addButton(const char *domain, SFont font, const wstringEx &text, int x, int y, u32 width, u32 height, const CColor &color);
s16 _addPicButton(const char *domain, TexData &texNormal, TexData &texSelected, int x, int y, u32 width, u32 height);
s16 _addTitle(const char *domain, SFont font, const wstringEx &text, int x, int y, u32 width, u32 height, const CColor &color, s16 style);
s16 _addText(const char *domain, SFont font, const wstringEx &text, int x, int y, u32 width, u32 height, const CColor &color, s16 style);
s16 _addLabel(const char *domain, SFont font, const wstringEx &text, int x, int y, u32 width, u32 height, const CColor &color, s16 style);
s16 _addLabel(const char *domain, SFont font, const wstringEx &text, int x, int y, u32 width, u32 height, const CColor &color, s16 style, TexData &bg);
s16 _addProgressBar(const char *domain, int x, int y, u32 width, u32 height);
void _setHideAnim(s16 id, const char *domain, int dx, int dy, float scaleX, float scaleY);
void _addUserLabels(s16 *ids, u32 size, const char *domain);
void _addUserLabels(s16 *ids, u32 start, u32 size, const char *domain);
const wstringEx _t(const char *key, const wchar_t *def = L"") { return m_loc.getWString(m_curLanguage, key, def); }
const wstringEx _fmt(const char *key, const wchar_t *def);
wstringEx _getNoticeTranslation(int sorting, wstringEx curLetter);
void _setThrdMsg(const wstringEx &msg, float progress);
void _setDumpMsg(const wstringEx &msg, float progress, float fileprog);
int _coverDownloader(bool missingOnly);
static int _coverDownloaderAll(CMenu *m);
static int _coverDownloaderMissing(CMenu *m);
static bool _downloadProgress(void *obj, int size, int position);
static int _gametdbDownloader(CMenu *m);
int _gametdbDownloaderAsync();
static s32 _networkComplete(s32 result, void *usrData);
void _initAsyncNetwork();
bool _isNetworkAvailable();
int _initNetwork();
void LoadView(void);
static void _addDiscProgress(int status, int total, void *user_data);
static void _ShowProgress(int dumpstat, int dumpprog, int filestat, int fileprog, int files, int folders, const char *tmess, void *user_data);
static int _gameInstaller(void *obj);
static int _GCcopyGame(void *obj);
int _GCgameInstaller();
float m_progress;
float m_fprogress;
int m_fileprog;
int m_filesize;
int m_dumpsize;
int m_filesdone;
int m_foldersdone;
int m_nandexentry;
wstringEx _optBoolToString(int b);
void _stopSounds(void);
static int _NandDumper(void *obj);
static int _NandFlasher(void *obj);
int _FindEmuPart(string &emuPath, bool searchvalid);
bool _checkSave(string id, bool nand);
bool _TestEmuNand(int epart, const char *path, bool indept);
void _validateEmuNand(void);
static u32 _downloadCheatFileAsync(void *obj);
static u32 _downloadBannerAsync(void *obj);
static u32 _downloadUrlAsync(void *obj);
void _playGameSound(void);
void CheckGameSoundThread(void);
static void _gameSoundThread(CMenu *m);
static void _load_installed_cioses();
struct SOption { const char id[10]; const wchar_t text[16]; };
static const SOption _languages[11];
static const SOption _GlobalVideoModes[6];
static const SOption _VideoModes[7];
static const SOption _GlobalGCvideoModes[8];
static const SOption _GlobalGClanguages[7];
static const SOption _GCvideoModes[9];
static const SOption _GClanguages[8];
static const SOption _NandEmu[2];
static const SOption _SaveEmu[5];
static const SOption _GlobalSaveEmu[4];
static const SOption _AspectRatio[3];
static const SOption _NinEmuCard[5];
static const SOption _GlobalGCLoaders[2];
static const SOption _GCLoader[3];
static const SOption _vidModePatch[4];
static const SOption _debugger[3];
static const SOption _hooktype[8];
static const SOption _exitTo[5];
static map<u8, u8> _installed_cios;
typedef map<u8, u8>::iterator CIOSItr;
static int _version[9];
static const SCFParamDesc _cfParams[];
static const int _nbCfgPages;
static const int SVN_REV_NUM;
//thread stack
static u8 downloadStack[8192];
static const u32 downloadStackSize;
extern CMenu mainMenu;
#define ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof a / sizeof a[0])
#endif // !defined(__MENU_HPP)