fix94.1 8f16156768 -added plugin crc32 caching, a file called "plugin_crc32.ini"
will be created in your wiiflow/settings folder, as soon as the
crc32 is generated it will be saved in this file and simply
used the next time you download a cover. You also could generate
the checksums on pc and then add it to this file, that may be faster
than letting wiiflow generate it
2012-06-17 11:01:43 +00:00

70 lines
1.7 KiB

// Name : plugin.hpp
// Copyright : 2012 FIX94
#ifndef _PLUGIN_HPP_
#define _PLUGIN_HPP_
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
#include "config/config.hpp"
#include "loader/disc.h"
#define SWAP32(x) ((((x) & 0xff) << 24) | (((x) & 0xff00) << 8) | (((x) & 0xff0000) >> 8) | (((x) >> 24) & 0xff))
#define TAG_GAME_ID "{gameid}"
#define TAG_LOC "{loc}"
#define TAG_CONSOLE "{console}"
struct PluginOptions
u8 *BannerSound;
u32 BannerSoundSize;
u32 magicWord;
string DolName;
string coverFolder;
string consoleCoverID;
wstringEx DisplayName;
u32 caseColor;
bool ReturnLoader;
class Plugin
bool AddPlugin(Config &plugin);
u8* GetBannerSound(u32 magic);
u32 GetBannerSoundSize();
char* GetDolName(u32 magic);
char* GetCoverFolderName(u32 magic);
string GenerateCoverLink(dir_discHdr gameHeader, string url, Config &Checksums);
wstringEx GetPluginName(u8 pos);
u32 getPluginMagic(u8 pos);
bool PluginExist(u8 pos);
void SetEnablePlugin(Config &cfg, u8 pos, u8 ForceMode = 0);
vector<bool> GetEnabledPlugins(Config &cfg);
bool UseReturnLoader(u32 magic);
bool isScummVM(u32 magic);
bool isMplayerCE(u32 magic);
vector<string> CreateMplayerCEArguments(const char *src);
void init(string);
void Cleanup();
void EndAdd();
vector<dir_discHdr> ParseScummvmINI(Config &ini, string Device);
s8 GetPluginPosition(u32 magic);
vector<PluginOptions> Plugins;
s8 Plugin_Pos;
string pluginsDir;
bool adding;