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synced 2025-03-10 18:27:55 +01:00

arcade rom clones are not included in the plugins database files to keep the files short. Any arcade rom clones you have will either not be found or will aquire the same ID and title as the parent rom when the CRC of the clone rom is included in the parent roms list of CRC's. you will need to manually edit both the CRC list file and xml database file to include the rom info on any clone you have in order for them to display the correct title and game info. i would think only a small handfull of your roms would be clones. reload cache may take longer now to create the cached list. I found zipped roms for snes, nes, and others are no problem because even if the filename can't be found the crc does not need to be calculated. it is merely taken from the zip file which already holds the crc. on the other hand, half of my gba roms are unzipped with a gba extension. so my gba list takes 10 seconds or so to make because the crc of the unzipped roms does need to be calculated. mame roms use the filename but if it's a clone then it will calculate the crc of the rom zip file. thus any clones will slow things down unless you add them to the database files mentioned above. I imagine megaCD and PS1 cd games will be slow to reload cache. but at least you only need to do it once or whenever you add or delete a game. wiimpathy's database files use the no intro naming convention. i'm not crazy about it because it moves any leading 'the' to the end preceded by a comma. in this case i use custom titles ini to put the title the way i want.
745 lines
22 KiB
745 lines
22 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2012 FIX94
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <gccore.h>
#include <ogcsys.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "plugin.hpp"
#include "fileOps/fileOps.h"
#include "gui/text.hpp"
#include "gecko/gecko.hpp"
#include "devicemounter/PartitionHandle.h"
#include "devicemounter/DeviceHandler.hpp"
#include "types.h"
#include "crc32.h"
// For PS1 serial
#ifdef MSB_FIRST
#define MODETEST_VAL 0x00ffffff
#define MODETEST_VAL 0xffffff00
Plugin m_plugin;
void Plugin::init(const string& m_pluginsDir)
PluginMagicWord[8] = '\0';
pluginsDir = m_pluginsDir;
adding = true;
static bool PluginOptions_cmp(PluginOptions lhs, PluginOptions rhs)
const wchar_t *first = lhs.DisplayName.c_str();
const wchar_t *second = rhs.DisplayName.c_str();
return wchar_cmp(first, second, wcslen(first), wcslen(second));
void Plugin::EndAdd()
std::sort(Plugins.begin(), Plugins.end(), PluginOptions_cmp);
adding = false;
void Plugin::Cleanup()
adding = true;
bool Plugin::AddPlugin(Config &plugin)
return false;
PluginOptions NewPlugin;
NewPlugin.DolName = plugin.getString(PLUGIN, "dolFile");
NewPlugin.coverFolder = plugin.getString(PLUGIN, "coverFolder");
NewPlugin.magic = strtoul(plugin.getString(PLUGIN, "magic").c_str(), NULL, 16);
NewPlugin.caseColor = strtoul(plugin.getString(PLUGIN, "coverColor").c_str(), NULL, 16);
NewPlugin.romPartition = plugin.getInt(PLUGIN, "rompartition", -1);
NewPlugin.romDir = plugin.getString(PLUGIN, "romDir");
NewPlugin.fileTypes = plugin.getString(PLUGIN, "fileTypes");
NewPlugin.Args = plugin.getStrings(PLUGIN, "arguments", '|');
NewPlugin.boxMode = plugin.getInt(PLUGIN, "boxmode", -1);
string PluginName = plugin.getString(PLUGIN, "displayname");
if(PluginName.size() < 2)
PluginName = NewPlugin.DolName;
PluginName.erase(PluginName.end() - 4, PluginName.end());
NewPlugin.consoleCoverID = plugin.getString(PLUGIN,"consoleCoverID");
const string &bannerfilepath = sfmt("%s/%s", pluginsDir.c_str(), plugin.getString(PLUGIN,"bannerSound").c_str());
fsop_GetFileSizeBytes(bannerfilepath.c_str(), &NewPlugin.BannerSoundSize);
if(NewPlugin.BannerSoundSize > 0)
NewPlugin.BannerSound = bannerfilepath;
return false;
s8 Plugin::GetPluginPosition(u32 magic)
for(u8 pos = 0; pos < Plugins.size(); pos++)
if(magic == Plugins[pos].magic)
return pos;
return -1;
u32 Plugin::getPluginMagic(u8 pos)
return Plugins[pos].magic;
u8* Plugin::GetBannerSound(u32 magic)
if((Plugin_Pos = GetPluginPosition(magic)) >= 0)
u32 size = 0;
return fsop_ReadFile(Plugins[Plugin_Pos].BannerSound.c_str(), &size);
return NULL;
u32 Plugin::GetBannerSoundSize()
//We call that directly after GetBannerSound, so no need to search for the magic again
if(Plugin_Pos >= 0)
return Plugins[Plugin_Pos].BannerSoundSize;
return 0;
const char *Plugin::GetDolName(u32 magic)
if((Plugin_Pos = GetPluginPosition(magic)) >= 0)
return Plugins[Plugin_Pos].DolName.c_str();
return NULL;
const char *Plugin::GetCoverFolderName(u32 magic)
if((Plugin_Pos = GetPluginPosition(magic)) >= 0)
return Plugins[Plugin_Pos].coverFolder.c_str();
return NULL;
int Plugin::GetRomPartition(u8 pos)
return Plugins[pos].romPartition;
const char *Plugin::GetRomDir(u8 pos)
return Plugins[pos].romDir.c_str();
const string& Plugin::GetFileTypes(u8 pos)
return Plugins[pos].fileTypes;
u32 Plugin::GetCaseColor(u8 pos)
return Plugins[pos].caseColor;
s8 Plugin::GetBoxMode(u8 pos)
return Plugins[pos].boxMode;
wstringEx Plugin::GetPluginName(u8 pos)
return Plugins[pos].DisplayName;
bool Plugin::PluginExist(u8 pos)
if(pos < Plugins.size())
return true;
return false;
void Plugin::SetEnablePlugin(Config &cfg, u8 pos, u8 ForceMode)
if(pos < Plugins.size())
strncpy(PluginMagicWord, fmt("%08x", Plugins[pos].magic), 8);
if(ForceMode == 1)
cfg.setBool(PLUGIN_ENABLED, PluginMagicWord, false);
else if(ForceMode == 2)
cfg.setBool(PLUGIN_ENABLED, PluginMagicWord, true);
cfg.setBool(PLUGIN_ENABLED, PluginMagicWord, cfg.getBool(PLUGIN_ENABLED, PluginMagicWord) ? false : true);
bool Plugin::GetEnableStatus(Config &cfg, u32 magic)
if((Plugin_Pos = GetPluginPosition(magic)) >= 0)
strncpy(PluginMagicWord, fmt("%08x", magic), 8);
return cfg.getBool(PLUGIN_ENABLED, PluginMagicWord, true);
return false;
const vector<bool> &Plugin::GetEnabledPlugins(Config &cfg, u8 *num)
u8 enabledPluginsNumber = 0;
for(u8 i = 0; i < Plugins.size(); i++)
strncpy(PluginMagicWord, fmt("%08x", Plugins[i].magic), 8);
if(cfg.getBool(PLUGIN_ENABLED, PluginMagicWord, true))
if(enabledPluginsNumber == Plugins.size())
if(num != NULL)
*num = enabledPluginsNumber;
return enabledPlugins;
/* notes: "description" is used as the title because it basically is the title */
/* the [GameDomain] is used as the path even though it isn't the path */
/* the [GameDomain] is usually short without any '/' */
/* in scummvm.ini the path is the path without the exe or main app file added on */
vector<dir_discHdr> Plugin::ParseScummvmINI(Config &ini, const char *Device, u32 Magic, const char *datadir, const char *platform)
gprintf("Parsing scummvm.ini\n");
vector<dir_discHdr> ScummvmList;
return ScummvmList;
Config m_crc;
if(platform != NULL)
m_crc.load(fmt("%s/%s/%s.ini", datadir, platform, platform));
dir_discHdr ListElement;
const char *GameDomain = ini.firstDomain().c_str();
if(strlen(GameDomain) < 2)
char GameName[64];
memset(GameName, 0, sizeof(GameName));
strncpy(GameName, ini.getString(GameDomain, "description").c_str(), 63);
if(strlen(GameName) < 2 || strncasecmp(Device, ini.getString(GameDomain, "path").c_str(), 2) != 0)
GameDomain = ini.nextDomain().c_str();
/* get shortName */
char *cp;
if((cp = strstr(GameName, " (")) != NULL)
*cp = '\0';
/* get Game ID */
string GameID = "PLUGIN";
// Get game ID based on GameName
if(m_crc.loaded() && m_crc.has(platform, GameName))
vector<string> searchID = m_crc.getStrings(platform, GameName, '|');
GameID = searchID[0];
memset((void*)&ListElement, 0, sizeof(dir_discHdr));
memcpy(ListElement.id, GameID.c_str(), 6);
ListElement.casecolor = Plugins.back().caseColor;
mbstowcs(ListElement.title, GameName, 63);
strncpy(ListElement.path, GameDomain, sizeof(ListElement.path));
//gprintf("Found: %s\n", GameDomain);
ListElement.settings[0] = Magic;
ListElement.type = TYPE_PLUGIN;
GameDomain = ini.nextDomain().c_str();
return ScummvmList;
vector<string> Plugin::CreateArgs(const char *device, const char *path,
const char *title, const char *loader, u32 title_len_no_ext, u32 magic)
vector<string> args;
Plugin_Pos = GetPluginPosition(magic);
if(Plugin_Pos < 0)
return args;
for(vector<string>::const_iterator arg = Plugins[Plugin_Pos].Args.begin();
arg != Plugins[Plugin_Pos].Args.end(); ++arg)
string Argument(*arg);
if(Argument.find(PLUGIN_DEV) != string::npos)
Argument.replace(Argument.find(PLUGIN_DEV), strlen(PLUGIN_DEV), device);
if(Argument.find(PLUGIN_PATH) != string::npos)
Argument.replace(Argument.find(PLUGIN_PATH), strlen(PLUGIN_PATH), path);
if(Argument.find(PLUGIN_NAME) != string::npos)
Argument.replace(Argument.find(PLUGIN_NAME), strlen(PLUGIN_NAME), title);
if(Argument.find(PLUGIN_LDR) != string::npos)
Argument.replace(Argument.find(PLUGIN_LDR), strlen(PLUGIN_LDR), loader);
if(Argument.find(PLUGIN_NOEXT) != string::npos)
Argument.replace(Argument.find(PLUGIN_NOEXT), strlen(PLUGIN_NOEXT), title, title_len_no_ext);
return args;
/* Give the current game a simplified name */
string Plugin::GetRomName(const char *FullPath)
string FullName = strrchr(FullPath, '/') + 1;
FullName = FullName.substr(0, FullName.find_last_of("."));
// Remove common suffixes and replace unwanted characters.
string ShortName = FullName.substr(0, FullName.find(" (")).substr(0, FullName.find(" ["));
replace(ShortName.begin(), ShortName.end(), '_', ' ');
return ShortName;
/* Get serial from PS1 header's iso (Borrowed from Retroarch with a few c++ changes)*/
static int GetSerialPS1(const char *path, string &Serial, int sub_channel_mixed)
char *tmp;
int skip, frame_size, is_mode1, cd_sector;
char buffer[2048 * 2];
ifstream fp;
fp.open(path, ios::binary);
buffer[0] = '\0';
is_mode1 = 0;
if ( !fp.seekg(0, ios::end) )
goto error;
if (!sub_channel_mixed)
if ( (!fp.tellg()) & 0x7FF)
unsigned int mode_test = 0;
if ( !fp.seekg(0, ios::beg) )
goto error;
fp.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(mode_test), 4);
if (mode_test != MODETEST_VAL)
is_mode1 = 1;
skip = is_mode1? 0: 24;
frame_size = sub_channel_mixed? 2448: is_mode1? 2048: 2352;
if ( !fp.seekg(156 + skip + 16 * frame_size, ios::beg) )
goto error;
fp.read(buffer, 6);
cd_sector = buffer[2] | (buffer[3] << 8) | (buffer[4] << 16);
if ( !fp.seekg(skip + cd_sector * frame_size, ios::beg) )
goto error;
fp.read(buffer, 2048 * 2);
tmp = buffer;
while (tmp < (buffer + 2048 * 2))
if (!*tmp)
goto error;
if (!strncasecmp((const char*)(tmp + 33), "SYSTEM.CNF;1", 12))
tmp += *tmp;
if(tmp >= (buffer + 2048 * 2))
goto error;
cd_sector = tmp[2] | (tmp[3] << 8) | (tmp[4] << 16);
if ( !fp.seekg(skip + cd_sector * frame_size, ios::beg) )
goto error;
fp.read(buffer, 256);
buffer[256] = '\0';
tmp = buffer;
while(*tmp && strncasecmp((const char*)tmp, "boot", 4))
goto error;
Serial = tmp;
Serial.erase(0, Serial.find_first_of('\\') + 1);
replace(Serial.begin(), Serial.end(), '_', '-');
Serial.erase(remove(Serial.begin(), Serial.end(), '.'), Serial.end());
return 1;
return 0;
/* Get serial from MegaCD header's iso
* All headers should have "SEGADISCSYSTEM" in the first bytes.
* The offset differs, the serial search depends on it.
void GetSerialMegaCD(const char *path, string &Serial)
ifstream infile;
char buf[10];
infile.open(path, ios::binary);
infile.seekg(0, ios::beg);
infile.read ((char*)buf, 4);
buf[4] = '\0';
// iso or bin offset.
if (!strcasecmp(buf, "SEGA"))
infile.seekg(0x182, ios::beg);
infile.seekg(0x10, ios::beg);
infile.read ((char*)buf, 4);
if (!strcasecmp(buf, "SEGA"))
infile.seekg(0x192, ios::beg);
infile.read(buf, 9);
buf[9] = '\0';
Serial = buf;
Serial.erase(remove(Serial.begin(), Serial.end(), ' '), Serial.end());
// Cut at second dash, we don't need any extra code.
// Sonic CD : MK-4407(-00)
size_t dash = std::count(Serial.begin(), Serial.end(), '-');
if(dash > 1)
/* Get the Game ID based on name or CRC/Serial
* It returns the ID used to search in the platform database(SUPERNES.xml for instance)
* and can also be used for snapshots/cartriges/discs images.
* The Game ID is a 6 length alphanumerical value. It's screenscraper ID filled with 'A' letter.
string Plugin::GetRomId(char *romPath, u32 Magic, Config &m_crc, const char *datadir, const char *platform, const char *name)
string GameID = "";
string CRC_Serial(12, '*');// 12 digits because of ps1 and megaCD serials which can be 10 or more digits
// Search a platform list that is used to identify the current game.
// It contains a default filename(preferably No-intro without region flag), the GameID and then all known CRC32/serials.
// filename=GameID|crc1|crc2|etc...
// For example in SUPERNES.ini : Super Aleste=2241AA|5CA5781B|...
// Get game ID based on the filename
if(m_crc.has(platform, name))
vector<string> searchID = m_crc.getStrings(platform, name, '|');
GameID = searchID[0];
// Get game ID by CRC or serial
char crc_string[9];
crc_string[0] = '\0';
u32 buffer;
ifstream infile;
// For arcade games use the crc zip
if(strcasestr(platform, "ARCADE") || strcasestr(platform, "CPS") || !strncasecmp(platform, "NEOGEO", 6))
strncpy(crc_string, fmt("%08x", crc32file(romPath)), 8);
crc_string[8] = '\0';
// Look for for the file's crc inside the archive
if(strstr(romPath, ".zip") != NULL)
infile.open(romPath, ios::binary);
infile.seekg(0x0e, ios::beg);
infile.read((char*)&buffer, 8);
strncpy(crc_string, fmt("%08x", (u32)__builtin_bswap32(buffer)), 8);
crc_string[8] = '\0';
// Check a serial in header's file instead of crc for these CD based platforms.
// CRC calculation would take up to 30 seconds!
if(!strcasecmp(platform, "MEGACD"))
GetSerialMegaCD(romPath, CRC_Serial);
else if(!strcasecmp(platform, "PS1"))
bool found;
found = GetSerialPS1(romPath, CRC_Serial, 0);
GetSerialPS1(romPath, CRC_Serial, 1);
else if(!strcasecmp(platform, "ATARIST"))
s8 pos = m_plugin.GetPluginPosition(Magic);
string FileTypes = m_plugin.GetFileTypes(pos);
string path;
// Parse config to get floppy A path
if(strcasestr(FileTypes.c_str(), ".cfg"))
Config m_cfg;
m_cfg.load(fmt("%s", romPath) );
path = m_cfg.getString("Floppy", "szDiskAFileName", "");
// Replace usb:/ with usb1:/ if needed
if (path.find("usb:/") != std::string::npos)
path.insert(3, "1");
path = romPath;
if (path.find(".zip") != std::string::npos)
infile.open(path, ios::binary);
infile.seekg(0x0e, ios::beg);
infile.read((char*)&buffer, 8);
strncpy(crc_string, fmt("%08x", (u32)__builtin_bswap32(buffer)), 8);
crc_string[8] = '\0';
strncpy(crc_string, fmt("%08x", crc32file(path.c_str())), 8);
crc_string[8] = '\0';
else if(!strcasecmp(platform, "DOS"))
s8 pos = m_plugin.GetPluginPosition(Magic);
string FileTypes = m_plugin.GetFileTypes(pos);
if(strcasestr(FileTypes.c_str(), ".conf"))
ifstream inputFile;
inputFile.open(romPath, std::ios::binary);
string line;
std::string dospath;
std::string temp;
string delimiter = "mount c ";
int found = 0;
while(getline(inputFile, line))
// Construct exe path in 3 steps:
// 1. base folder from 'mount c' command
// 2. game's folder from 'cd'
// 3. executable name.
if (line.find( delimiter, 0) != string::npos && found != 3)
// Remove special line ending(^M) introduced by notepad.
// Without this, dospath concatenation is messed up.
// line = trimEnd(line) from config.cpp may be a better alternative.
if (!line.empty() && line[line.length()-1] == '\r')
temp = line.substr (delimiter.length(), (line.length() - delimiter.length()));
if(found == 1)
delimiter = "cd ";
dospath = temp;
else if(found == 2)
dospath = dospath + '/' + temp + '/';
// break;
else if(found == 3)
if(strcasestr(line.c_str(), ".bat") || strcasestr(line.c_str(), ".com") || strcasestr(line.c_str(), ".exe"))
if (!line.empty() && line[line.length()-1] == '\r')
dospath += line;
// Replace usb:/ with usb1:/ if needed
if (dospath.find("usb:/") != std::string::npos)
dospath.insert(3, "1");
strncpy(crc_string, fmt("%08x", crc32file(dospath.c_str())), 8);
crc_string[8] = '\0';
}// Just check CRC for a regular file on any other system.
strncpy(crc_string, fmt("%08x", crc32file(romPath)), 8);
crc_string[8] = '\0';
if(crc_string[0] != '\0')
CRC_Serial = crc_string;
//gprintf("romCRC=%s\n", crc_string);
/* Now search ID with the obtained CRC/Serial */
/* Just add 2 pipes in the pattern to be sure we don't find a crc instead of ID */
/* note crc's are 8 digits but serials can be more, thats why we use idx for CRC_Serial length */
size_t idx;
CRC_Serial.insert(0, "|").insert(idx+1, "|");
ifstream inputFile;
inputFile.open( fmt("%s/%s/%s.ini", datadir, platform, platform) );
string line;
while(getline(inputFile, line))
// FIXME ahem, ignore case... - line could contain a mix of lower and upper case. if so this 'if' will not work
if(line.find(lowerCase( CRC_Serial ), 0) != string::npos || line.find(upperCase( CRC_Serial ), 0) != string::npos)
unsigned first = (line.find('=') + 1);
unsigned last = line.find_first_of('|');// we could just use first + 6 since all ID's are 6 digits
string ID = line.substr (first,last-first);
GameID = ID;
return GameID;
string Plugin::GenerateCoverLink(dir_discHdr gameHeader, const string& constURL, Config &Checksums)
string url(constURL);
Plugin_Pos = GetPluginPosition(gameHeader.settings[0]);
if(url.find(TAG_LOC) != url.npos)
url.replace(url.find(TAG_LOC), strlen(TAG_LOC), "EN");
if(url.find(TAG_CONSOLE) != url.npos)
url.replace(url.find(TAG_CONSOLE), strlen(TAG_CONSOLE), (Plugins[Plugin_Pos].consoleCoverID.size() ? Plugins[Plugin_Pos].consoleCoverID.c_str() : "nintendo"));
char gamePath[256];
if(string(gameHeader.path).find_last_of("/") != string::npos)
strncpy(gamePath, &gameHeader.path[string(gameHeader.path).find_last_of("/")+1], sizeof(gamePath));
strncpy(gamePath, gameHeader.path, sizeof(gamePath));
const string& cachedCRC = Checksums.getString("CHECKSUMS", gamePath);
char crc_string[9];
crc_string[8] = '\0';
if(cachedCRC.size() == 8)
gprintf("CRC32 of %s is cached\n", gamePath);
strncpy(crc_string, cachedCRC.c_str(), 8);
gprintf("Generating CRC32 for %s\n", gamePath);
u32 buffer;
ifstream infile;
if(strstr(gameHeader.path, ".zip") != NULL)
infile.open(gameHeader.path, ios::binary);
infile.seekg(0x0e, ios::beg);
infile.read((char*)&buffer, 8);
strncpy(crc_string, fmt("%08x", (u32)__builtin_bswap32(buffer)), 8);
else if(strstr(gameHeader.path, ".7z") != NULL)
infile.open(gameHeader.path, ios::binary);
infile.seekg(-8, ios::end);
infile.read((char*)&buffer, 8);
if(buffer == 0x00050111)
infile.seekg(-9, ios::cur);
infile.seekg(-13, ios::cur);
infile.read((char*)&buffer, 8);
strncpy(crc_string, fmt("%08x", (u32)__builtin_bswap32(buffer)), 8);
strncpy(crc_string, fmt("%08x", crc32file(gameHeader.path)), 8);
Checksums.setString("CHECKSUMS", gamePath, crc_string);
url.replace(url.find(TAG_GAME_ID), strlen(TAG_GAME_ID), upperCase(crc_string).c_str());
gprintf("URL: %s\n", url.c_str());
return url;