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synced 2025-03-01 18:15:26 +01:00
712 lines
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712 lines
21 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2012 FIX94
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <gccore.h>
#include <ogcsys.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "plugin.hpp"
#include "fileOps/fileOps.h"
#include "gui/text.hpp"
#include "gecko/gecko.hpp"
#include "devicemounter/PartitionHandle.h"
#include "devicemounter/DeviceHandler.hpp"
#include "list/ListGenerator.hpp"
#include "types.h"
#include "crc32.h"
// For PS1 serial
#ifdef MSB_FIRST
#define MODETEST_VAL 0x00ffffff
#define MODETEST_VAL 0xffffff00
static bool PluginOptions_cmp(PluginOptions lhs, PluginOptions rhs)
const wchar_t *first = lhs.DisplayName.c_str();
const wchar_t *second = rhs.DisplayName.c_str();
return wchar_cmp(first, second, wcslen(first), wcslen(second));
static vector<string> INI_List;
static void GrabINIFiles(char *FullPath)
//Just push back
Plugin m_plugin;
void Plugin::init(const string& m_pluginsDir)
PluginMagicWord[8] = '\0';
pluginsDir = m_pluginsDir;
GetFiles(m_pluginsDir.c_str(), stringToVector(".ini", '|'), GrabINIFiles, false, 3);
if(INI_List.size() > 0)
Config m_plugin_cfg;
for(vector<string>::const_iterator iniFile = INI_List.begin(); iniFile != INI_List.end(); ++iniFile)
if(iniFile->find("scummvm.ini") != string::npos)
if(m_plugin_cfg.loaded() && Plugins.size() < 255)// max plugins count = 255
m_plugin.AddPlugin(m_plugin_cfg, *iniFile);
std::sort(Plugins.begin(), Plugins.end(), PluginOptions_cmp);
void Plugin::Cleanup()
void Plugin::AddPlugin(Config &plugin, const string &iniPath)
PluginOptions NewPlugin;
NewPlugin.path = iniPath;
NewPlugin.DolName = plugin.getString(PLUGIN, "dolFile");
NewPlugin.coverFolder = plugin.getString(PLUGIN, "coverFolder");
NewPlugin.magic = strtoul(plugin.getString(PLUGIN, "magic").c_str(), NULL, 16);
NewPlugin.caseColor = strtoul(plugin.getString(PLUGIN, "coverColor").c_str(), NULL, 16);
NewPlugin.romPartition = plugin.getInt(PLUGIN, "rompartition", -1);
NewPlugin.romDir = plugin.getString(PLUGIN, "romDir");
NewPlugin.fileTypes = plugin.getString(PLUGIN, "fileTypes");
NewPlugin.Args = plugin.getStrings(PLUGIN, "arguments", '|');
NewPlugin.boxMode = plugin.getInt(PLUGIN, "boxmode", -1);
NewPlugin.state = false;
string PluginName = plugin.getString(PLUGIN, "displayname");
if(PluginName.size() < 2)
PluginName = NewPlugin.DolName;
PluginName.erase(PluginName.end() - 4, PluginName.end());
NewPlugin.consoleCoverID = plugin.getString(PLUGIN,"consoleCoverID");
const string &bannerfilepath = sfmt("%s/%s", pluginsDir.c_str(), plugin.getString(PLUGIN,"bannerSound").c_str());
fsop_GetFileSizeBytes(bannerfilepath.c_str(), &NewPlugin.BannerSoundSize);
if(NewPlugin.BannerSoundSize > 0)
NewPlugin.BannerSound = bannerfilepath;
u8 Plugin::GetPluginPosition(u32 magic)
for(u8 pos = 0; pos < Plugins.size(); pos++)
if(magic == Plugins[pos].magic)
return pos;
return 255;
string Plugin::GetPluginPath(u8 pos)
return Plugins[pos].path;
u32 Plugin::GetPluginMagic(u8 pos)
return Plugins[pos].magic;
u8* Plugin::GetBannerSound(u32 magic)
if((Plugin_Pos = GetPluginPosition(magic)) < 255)
u32 size = 0;
return fsop_ReadFile(Plugins[Plugin_Pos].BannerSound.c_str(), &size);
return NULL;
u32 Plugin::GetBannerSoundSize()
//We call that directly after GetBannerSound, so no need to search for the magic again
if(Plugin_Pos >= 0)
return Plugins[Plugin_Pos].BannerSoundSize;
return 0;
const char *Plugin::GetDolName(u32 magic)
if((Plugin_Pos = GetPluginPosition(magic)) < 255)
return Plugins[Plugin_Pos].DolName.c_str();
return NULL;
const char *Plugin::GetCoverFolderName(u32 magic)
if((Plugin_Pos = GetPluginPosition(magic)) < 255)
return Plugins[Plugin_Pos].coverFolder.c_str();
return NULL;
int Plugin::GetRomPartition(u8 pos)
if(pos < Plugins.size())
return Plugins[pos].romPartition;
return -1;
void Plugin::SetRomPartition(u8 pos, int part)
Plugins[pos].romPartition = part;
const char *Plugin::GetRomDir(u8 pos)
return Plugins[pos].romDir.c_str();
void Plugin::SetRomDir(u8 pos, const string &rd)
Plugins[pos].romDir = rd;
const string& Plugin::GetFileTypes(u8 pos)
return Plugins[pos].fileTypes;
u32 Plugin::GetCaseColor(u8 pos)
return Plugins[pos].caseColor;
s8 Plugin::GetBoxMode(u8 pos)
return Plugins[pos].boxMode;
wstringEx Plugin::GetPluginName(u8 pos)
return Plugins[pos].DisplayName;
bool Plugin::PluginExist(u8 pos)
if(pos < Plugins.size())
return true;
return false;
void Plugin::SetEnablePlugin(u8 pos, u8 ForceMode)
if(pos < Plugins.size())
if(ForceMode == 1)
Plugins[pos].state = false;
else if(ForceMode == 2)
Plugins[pos].state = true;
Plugins[pos].state = Plugins[pos].state ? false : true;
bool Plugin::GetEnabledStatus(u8 pos)
if(pos < Plugins.size())
return Plugins[pos].state;
return false;
const vector<bool> &Plugin::GetEnabledPlugins(u8 *num)
u8 enabledPluginsNumber = 0;
for(u8 i = 0; i < Plugins.size(); i++)
if(enabledPluginsNumber == Plugins.size())
if(num != NULL)
*num = enabledPluginsNumber;
return enabledPlugins;
vector<string> Plugin::CreateArgs(const char *device, const char *path,
const char *title, const char *loader, u32 title_len_no_ext, u32 magic)
vector<string> args;
Plugin_Pos = GetPluginPosition(magic);
if(Plugin_Pos == 255)
return args;
for(vector<string>::const_iterator arg = Plugins[Plugin_Pos].Args.begin();
arg != Plugins[Plugin_Pos].Args.end(); ++arg)
string Argument(*arg);
if(Argument.find(PLUGIN_DEV) != string::npos)
Argument.replace(Argument.find(PLUGIN_DEV), strlen(PLUGIN_DEV), device);
if(Argument.find(PLUGIN_PATH) != string::npos)
Argument.replace(Argument.find(PLUGIN_PATH), strlen(PLUGIN_PATH), path);
if(Argument.find(PLUGIN_NAME) != string::npos)
Argument.replace(Argument.find(PLUGIN_NAME), strlen(PLUGIN_NAME), title);
if(Argument.find(PLUGIN_LDR) != string::npos)
Argument.replace(Argument.find(PLUGIN_LDR), strlen(PLUGIN_LDR), loader);
if(Argument.find(PLUGIN_NOEXT) != string::npos)
Argument.replace(Argument.find(PLUGIN_NOEXT), strlen(PLUGIN_NOEXT), title, title_len_no_ext);
return args;
/* Give the current game a simplified name */
string Plugin::GetRomName(const char *FullPath)
string FullName = strrchr(FullPath, '/') + 1;
FullName = FullName.substr(0, FullName.find_last_of("."));
// Remove common suffixes and replace unwanted characters.
string ShortName = FullName.substr(0, FullName.find(" (")).substr(0, FullName.find(" ["));
replace(ShortName.begin(), ShortName.end(), '_', ' ');
return ShortName;
/* Get serial from PS1 header's iso (Borrowed from Retroarch with a few c++ changes)*/
static int GetSerialPS1(const char *path, string &Serial, int sub_channel_mixed)
char *tmp;
int skip, frame_size, is_mode1, cd_sector;
char buffer[2048 * 2];
ifstream fp;
fp.open(path, ios::binary);
buffer[0] = '\0';
is_mode1 = 0;
if ( !fp.seekg(0, ios::end) )
goto error;
if (!sub_channel_mixed)
if ( (!fp.tellg()) & 0x7FF)
unsigned int mode_test = 0;
if ( !fp.seekg(0, ios::beg) )
goto error;
fp.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(mode_test), 4);
if (mode_test != MODETEST_VAL)
is_mode1 = 1;
skip = is_mode1? 0: 24;
frame_size = sub_channel_mixed? 2448: is_mode1? 2048: 2352;
if ( !fp.seekg(156 + skip + 16 * frame_size, ios::beg) )
goto error;
fp.read(buffer, 6);
cd_sector = buffer[2] | (buffer[3] << 8) | (buffer[4] << 16);
if ( !fp.seekg(skip + cd_sector * frame_size, ios::beg) )
goto error;
fp.read(buffer, 2048 * 2);
tmp = buffer;
while (tmp < (buffer + 2048 * 2))
if (!*tmp)
goto error;
if (!strncasecmp((const char*)(tmp + 33), "SYSTEM.CNF;1", 12))
tmp += *tmp;
if(tmp >= (buffer + 2048 * 2))
goto error;
cd_sector = tmp[2] | (tmp[3] << 8) | (tmp[4] << 16);
if ( !fp.seekg(skip + cd_sector * frame_size, ios::beg) )
goto error;
fp.read(buffer, 256);
buffer[256] = '\0';
tmp = buffer;
while(*tmp && strncasecmp((const char*)tmp, "boot", 4))
goto error;
Serial = tmp;
Serial.erase(0, Serial.find_first_of('\\') + 1);
replace(Serial.begin(), Serial.end(), '_', '-');
Serial.erase(remove(Serial.begin(), Serial.end(), '.'), Serial.end());
return 1;
return 0;
/* Get serial from MegaCD header's iso
* All headers should have "SEGADISCSYSTEM" in the first bytes.
* The offset differs, the serial search depends on it.
void GetSerialMegaCD(const char *path, string &Serial)
ifstream infile;
char buf[10];
infile.open(path, ios::binary);
infile.seekg(0, ios::beg);
infile.read ((char*)buf, 4);
buf[4] = '\0';
// iso or bin offset.
if (!strcasecmp(buf, "SEGA"))
infile.seekg(0x182, ios::beg);
infile.seekg(0x10, ios::beg);
infile.read ((char*)buf, 4);
if (!strcasecmp(buf, "SEGA"))
infile.seekg(0x192, ios::beg);
infile.read(buf, 9);
buf[9] = '\0';
Serial = buf;
Serial.erase(remove(Serial.begin(), Serial.end(), ' '), Serial.end());
// Cut at second dash, we don't need any extra code.
// Sonic CD : MK-4407(-00)
size_t dash = std::count(Serial.begin(), Serial.end(), '-');
if(dash > 1)
/* Get the Game ID based on name or CRC/Serial
* It returns the ID used to search in the platform database(SUPERNES.xml for instance)
* and can also be used for snapshots/cartriges/discs images.
* The Game ID is a 6 length alphanumerical value. It's screenscraper ID filled with 'A' letter.
string Plugin::GetRomId(char *romPath, u32 Magic, Config &m_crc, const char *datadir, const char *platform, const char *name)
string GameID = "";
string CRC_Serial(12, '*');// 12 digits because of ps1 and megaCD serials which can be 10 or more digits
// Search a platform list that is used to identify the current game.
// It contains a default filename(preferably No-intro without region flag), the GameID and then all known CRC32/serials.
// filename=GameID|crc1|crc2|etc...
// For example in SUPERNES.ini : Super Aleste=2241AA|5CA5781B|...
// Get game ID based on the filename
if(m_crc.has(platform, name))
vector<string> searchID = m_crc.getStrings(platform, name, '|');
GameID = searchID[0];
// Get game ID by CRC or serial
char crc_string[9];
crc_string[0] = '\0';
u32 buffer;
ifstream infile;
// For arcade games use the crc zip
if(strcasestr(platform, "ARCADE") || strcasestr(platform, "CPS") || !strncasecmp(platform, "NEOGEO", 6))
strncpy(crc_string, fmt("%08x", crc32file(romPath)), 8);
crc_string[8] = '\0';
// Look for for the file's crc inside the archive
if(strstr(romPath, ".zip") != NULL)
infile.open(romPath, ios::binary);
infile.seekg(0x0e, ios::beg);
infile.read((char*)&buffer, 8);
strncpy(crc_string, fmt("%08x", (u32)__builtin_bswap32(buffer)), 8);
crc_string[8] = '\0';
// Check a serial in header's file instead of crc for these CD based platforms.
// CRC calculation would take up to 30 seconds!
if(!strcasecmp(platform, "MEGACD"))
GetSerialMegaCD(romPath, CRC_Serial);
else if(!strcasecmp(platform, "PS1"))
bool found;
found = GetSerialPS1(romPath, CRC_Serial, 0);
GetSerialPS1(romPath, CRC_Serial, 1);
else if(!strcasecmp(platform, "ATARIST"))
u8 pos = m_plugin.GetPluginPosition(Magic);
string FileTypes = m_plugin.GetFileTypes(pos);
string path;
// Parse config to get floppy A path
if(strcasestr(FileTypes.c_str(), ".cfg"))
Config m_cfg;
m_cfg.load(fmt("%s", romPath) );
path = m_cfg.getString("Floppy", "szDiskAFileName", "");
// Replace usb:/ with usb1:/ if needed
if (path.find("usb:/") != std::string::npos)
path.insert(3, "1");
path = romPath;
if (path.find(".zip") != std::string::npos)
infile.open(path, ios::binary);
infile.seekg(0x0e, ios::beg);
infile.read((char*)&buffer, 8);
strncpy(crc_string, fmt("%08x", (u32)__builtin_bswap32(buffer)), 8);
crc_string[8] = '\0';
strncpy(crc_string, fmt("%08x", crc32file(path.c_str())), 8);
crc_string[8] = '\0';
else if(!strcasecmp(platform, "DOS"))
u8 pos = m_plugin.GetPluginPosition(Magic);
string FileTypes = m_plugin.GetFileTypes(pos);
if(strcasestr(FileTypes.c_str(), ".conf"))
ifstream inputFile;
inputFile.open(romPath, std::ios::binary);
string line;
std::string dospath;
std::string temp;
string delimiter = "mount c ";
int found = 0;
while(getline(inputFile, line))
// Construct exe path in 3 steps:
// 1. base folder from 'mount c' command
// 2. game's folder from 'cd'
// 3. executable name.
if (line.find( delimiter, 0) != string::npos && found != 3)
// Remove special line ending(^M) introduced by notepad.
// Without this, dospath concatenation is messed up.
// line = trimEnd(line) from config.cpp may be a better alternative.
if (!line.empty() && line[line.length()-1] == '\r')
temp = line.substr (delimiter.length(), (line.length() - delimiter.length()));
if(found == 1)
delimiter = "cd ";
dospath = temp;
else if(found == 2)
dospath = dospath + '/' + temp + '/';
// break;
else if(found == 3)
if(strcasestr(line.c_str(), ".bat") || strcasestr(line.c_str(), ".com") || strcasestr(line.c_str(), ".exe"))
if (!line.empty() && line[line.length()-1] == '\r')
dospath += line;
// Replace usb:/ with usb1:/ if needed
if (dospath.find("usb:/") != std::string::npos)
dospath.insert(3, "1");
strncpy(crc_string, fmt("%08x", crc32file(dospath.c_str())), 8);
crc_string[8] = '\0';
}// Just check CRC for a regular file on any other system.
strncpy(crc_string, fmt("%08x", crc32file(romPath)), 8);
crc_string[8] = '\0';
if(crc_string[0] != '\0')
CRC_Serial = crc_string;
//gprintf("romCRC=%s\n", crc_string);
/* Now search ID with the obtained CRC/Serial */
/* Just add 2 pipes in the pattern to be sure we don't find a crc instead of ID */
/* note crc's are 8 digits but serials can be more, thats why we use idx for CRC_Serial length */
size_t idx;
CRC_Serial.insert(0, "|").insert(idx+1, "|");
ifstream inputFile;
inputFile.open( fmt("%s/%s/%s.ini", datadir, platform, platform) );
string line;
while(getline(inputFile, line))
// FIXME ahem, ignore case... - line could contain a mix of lower and upper case. if so this 'if' will not work
if(line.find(lowerCase( CRC_Serial ), 0) != string::npos || line.find(upperCase( CRC_Serial ), 0) != string::npos)
unsigned first = (line.find('=') + 1);
unsigned last = line.find_first_of('|');// we could just use first + 6 since all ID's are 6 digits
string ID = line.substr (first,last-first);
GameID = ID;
return GameID;
string Plugin::GenerateCoverLink(dir_discHdr gameHeader, const string& constURL, Config &Checksums)
string url(constURL);
Plugin_Pos = GetPluginPosition(gameHeader.settings[0]);
if(url.find(TAG_LOC) != url.npos)
url.replace(url.find(TAG_LOC), strlen(TAG_LOC), "EN");
if(url.find(TAG_CONSOLE) != url.npos)
url.replace(url.find(TAG_CONSOLE), strlen(TAG_CONSOLE), (Plugins[Plugin_Pos].consoleCoverID.size() ? Plugins[Plugin_Pos].consoleCoverID.c_str() : "nintendo"));
char gamePath[256];
if(string(gameHeader.path).find_last_of("/") != string::npos)
strcpy(gamePath, &gameHeader.path[string(gameHeader.path).find_last_of("/")+1]);
strncpy(gamePath, gameHeader.path, sizeof(gamePath));
const string& cachedCRC = Checksums.getString("CHECKSUMS", gamePath);
char crc_string[9];
crc_string[8] = '\0';
if(cachedCRC.size() == 8)
gprintf("CRC32 of %s is cached\n", gamePath);
strncpy(crc_string, cachedCRC.c_str(), 8);
gprintf("Generating CRC32 for %s\n", gamePath);
u32 buffer;
ifstream infile;
if(strstr(gameHeader.path, ".zip") != NULL)
infile.open(gameHeader.path, ios::binary);
infile.seekg(0x0e, ios::beg);
infile.read((char*)&buffer, 8);
strncpy(crc_string, fmt("%08x", (u32)__builtin_bswap32(buffer)), 8);
else if(strstr(gameHeader.path, ".7z") != NULL)
infile.open(gameHeader.path, ios::binary);
infile.seekg(-8, ios::end);
infile.read((char*)&buffer, 8);
if(buffer == 0x00050111)
infile.seekg(-9, ios::cur);
infile.seekg(-13, ios::cur);
infile.read((char*)&buffer, 8);
strncpy(crc_string, fmt("%08x", (u32)__builtin_bswap32(buffer)), 8);
strncpy(crc_string, fmt("%08x", crc32file(gameHeader.path)), 8);
Checksums.setString("CHECKSUMS", gamePath, crc_string);
url.replace(url.find(TAG_GAME_ID), strlen(TAG_GAME_ID), upperCase(crc_string).c_str());
gprintf("URL: %s\n", url.c_str());
return url;