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synced 2025-03-12 06:18:57 +01:00

download this rar http://www.mediafire.com/?2y3cwxakb92napo and put the folder inside in your wiiflow folder. It contains a text file with setup instructions.
57 lines
1.9 KiB
57 lines
1.9 KiB
#define APP_NAME "WiiFlow"
#define APP_VERSION "Mod 3.1"
#define APPDATA_DIR "wiiflow"
#define APPDATA_DIR2 "apps/wiiflow"
#define STDEMU_DIR "/wiiflow/nandemu"
#define GAMES_DIR "%s:/wbfs"
#define HOMEBREW_DIR "%s:/apps"
#define DML_DIR "%s:/games"
#define CFG_FILENAME "wiiflow.ini"
#define LANG_FILENAME "languages.ini"
#define CAT_FILENAME "categories.ini"
#define SOURCE_FILENAME "source_menu.ini"
#define TITLES_FILENAME "titles.ini"
#define CTITLES_FILENAME "custom_titles.ini"
#define AGE_LOCK_FILENAME "age_lock.ini"
#define TITLES_DUMP_FILENAME "titlesdump.ini"
#define GAME_SETTINGS1_FILENAME "gameconfig1.ini"
#define GAME_SETTINGS2_FILENAME "gameconfig2.ini"
#define DEVELOPERS "r-win, OverjoY, FIX94"
#define PAST_DEVELOPERS "Hibernatus, Narolez, Hulk, Miigotu"
#define LOADER_AUTHOR "Kwiirk, Waninkoko, Hermes"
#define GUI_AUTHOR "Hibernatus"
#define THANKS \
"Lustar, CedWii, Benjay, Domi78, Oops, \
Celtiore, Jiiwah, FluffyKiwi, Roku93, Yardape8000, \
Spayrosam, Bluescreen81, Chappy23, fledge68, \
BlindDude, Bubba, DJTaz, OggZee, entropy, \
Usptactical, WiiPower, Hermes, Spidy1000, \
Dimok, Kovani, Drexyl, DvZ, Etheboss, \
GaiaKnight, nibb, NJ7, Plasma, Pakatus, \
wolf, ravmn, spidercaleb, Ziggy34, xFede, \
And to anyone who has donated or \
contributed to Wiiflow that we missed!"
#define THANKS_SITES \
"devkitpro.org, wiibrew.org, gametdb.com, \
ohloh.net, wiifanart.com, wiiflowiki.com, \
#define THANKS_CODE \
"CFG Loader, uLoader, USB Loader GX, \
NeoGamma, WiiXplorer, Mighty Channels, \
#define WIINNERTAG_URL "http://www.wiinnertag.com/wiinnertag_scripts/update_sign.php?key={KEY}&game_id={ID6}"
#define DUTAG_URL "http://tag.darkumbra.net/{KEY}.update={ID6}"
#define WII_MAGIC 0x5D1C9EA3
#define GC_MAGIC 0xC2339F3D
#define EMU_MAGIC 0x4C4F4C4F