mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 19:15:21 +01:00
1237 lines
33 KiB
1237 lines
33 KiB
#ifndef __MENU_HPP
#define __MENU_HPP
#include <ogc/pad.h>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "btnmap.h"
#include "channel/banner.h"
#include "channel/channels.h"
#include "cheats/gct.h"
#include "devicemounter/DeviceHandler.hpp"
#include "fileOps/fileOps.h"
#include "gecko/gecko.hpp"
#include "gecko/wifi_gecko.hpp"
#include "gui/coverflow.hpp"
#include "gui/cursor.hpp"
#include "gui/fanart.hpp"
#include "gui/gui.hpp"
#include "list/ListGenerator.hpp"
#include "loader/disc.h"
#include "loader/sys.h"
#include "loader/gc_disc_dump.hpp"
#include "loader/wbfs.h"
#include "music/gui_sound.h"
#include "music/MusicPlayer.hpp"
#include "plugin/plugin.hpp"
#include "sicksaxis-wrapper/sicksaxis-wrapper.h"
#include "wiiuse/wpad.h"
#include "wupc/wupc.h"
#include "wiidrc/wiidrc.h"
using namespace std;
class CMenu
bool init();
void error(const wstringEx &msg);
void terror(const char *key, const wchar_t *msg) { error(_fmt(key, msg)); }
int main(void);
void cleanup(void);
void directlaunch(const char *GameID);
void TempLoadIOS(int IOS = 0);
const char *getBoxPath(const dir_discHdr *element);
const char *getFrontPath(const dir_discHdr *element);
const char *getBlankCoverPath(const dir_discHdr *element);
u8 m_prev_view;
u8 m_current_view;
u8 m_source_cnt;
u8 enabledPluginsCount;
u8 m_catStartPage;
u8 m_max_categories;
char single_sourcebtn[16];
bool m_clearCats;
bool m_newGame;
bool show_mem;
bool cacheCovers;
vector<dir_discHdr> m_gameList;
struct SZone
int x;
int y;
int w;
int h;
bool hide;
CCursor m_cursor[WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES];
CFanart m_fa;
Config m_cfg;
Config m_loc;
Config m_cat;
Config m_source;
Config m_gcfg1;
Config m_gcfg2;
Config m_theme;
Config m_coverflow;
Config m_titles;
Config m_version;
//vector<string> m_homebrewArgs;
u8 *m_base_font;
u32 m_base_font_size;
u8 *m_wbf1_font;
u8 *m_wbf2_font;
u8 *m_file;
u8 *m_buffer;
u8 m_aa;
u8 m_numCFVersions;
u8 m_numPlugins;
u8 m_max_source_btn;
const char *cf_domain;
bool m_use_source;// source_menu.ini found & ok to use source menu/flow
bool m_multisource;// multi select source menu
bool m_sourceflow;// in sourceflow view
bool m_refreshGameList;
bool m_bnr_settings;
bool m_directLaunch;
bool m_locked;
bool m_favorites;
bool m_music_info;
bool m_devo_installed;
bool m_nintendont_installed;
bool m_reload;
bool m_use_wifi_gecko;
bool m_use_sd_logging;
bool m_init_network;
bool m_source_autoboot;
dir_discHdr m_autoboot_hdr;
s16 m_showtimer;
s16 m_musicTimer;
string m_curLanguage;
string m_sourceDir;
string m_themeDataDir;
string m_appDir;
string m_imgsDir;
string m_binsDir;
string m_dataDir;
string m_pluginsDir;
string m_customBnrDir;
string m_picDir;
string m_boxPicDir;
string m_boxcPicDir;
string m_cacheDir;
string m_listCacheDir;
string m_bnrCacheDir;
string m_themeDir;
string m_musicDir;
string m_txtCheatDir;
string m_cheatDir;
string m_wipDir;
string m_videoDir;
string m_fanartDir;
string m_screenshotDir;
string m_settingsDir;
string m_languagesDir;
string m_helpDir;
/* NandEmulation */
char emu_nands_dir[32];
string m_saveExtGameId;
bool m_forceext;
bool m_emuSaveNand;
s32 m_partRequest;
/* GC sound stuff */
bool m_gc_play_banner_sound;
bool m_gc_play_default_sound;
/* Explorer stuff */
bool m_txt_view;
const char *m_txt_path;
// Background image stuff
TexData sfbgimg;
TexData m_curBg;
const TexData *m_prevBg;
const TexData *m_nextBg;
const TexData *m_lqBg;
u8 m_bgCrossFade;
TexData m_errorBg;
TexData m_mainBg;
TexData m_configBg;
TexData m_config3Bg;
TexData m_configScreenBg;
TexData m_config4Bg;
TexData m_configAdvBg;
TexData m_configSndBg;
TexData m_cheatBg;
TexData m_downloadBg;
TexData m_gameinfoBg;
TexData m_gameBg;
TexData m_codeBg;
TexData m_aboutBg;
TexData m_systemBg;
TexData m_wbfsBg;
TexData m_gameSettingsBg;
TexData m_gameBgLQ;
TexData m_mainBgLQ;
//Main Coverflow
s16 m_mainBtnConfig;
s16 m_mainBtnHome;
s16 m_mainBtnFavoritesOn;
s16 m_mainBtnFavoritesOff;
s16 m_mainLblCurMusic;
s16 m_mainLblLetter;
s16 m_mainLblNotice;
s16 m_mainLblMessage;
s16 m_mainBtnNext;
s16 m_mainBtnPrev;
s16 m_mainBtnDVD;
s16 m_mainBtnGamecube;
s16 m_mainBtnPlugin;
s16 m_mainBtnWii;
s16 m_mainBtnChannel;
s16 m_mainBtnHomebrew;
s16 m_mainLblUser[6];
s16 m_mem1FreeSize;
s16 m_mem2FreeSize;
unsigned int mem1old;
unsigned int mem1;
unsigned int mem2old;
unsigned int mem2;
//Main Config menus
s16 m_configLblPage;
s16 m_configBtnPageM;
s16 m_configBtnPageP;
s16 m_configBtnBack;
s16 m_configLblTitle;
s16 m_configLblDownload;
s16 m_configBtnDownload;
s16 m_configLblParental;
s16 m_configBtnUnlock;
s16 m_configBtnSetCode;
s16 m_configLblPartition;
s16 m_configBtnPartition;
s16 m_configLblCfg4;
s16 m_configBtnCfg4;
s16 m_configLblUser[4];
s16 m_configAdvLblTheme;
s16 m_configAdvLblCurTheme;
s16 m_configAdvBtnCurThemeM;
s16 m_configAdvBtnCurThemeP;
s16 m_configAdvLblLanguage;
s16 m_configAdvLblCurLanguage;
s16 m_configAdvBtnCurLanguageM;
s16 m_configAdvBtnCurLanguageP;
s16 m_configAdvLblCFTheme;
s16 m_configAdvBtnCFTheme;
s16 m_configAdvLblBootChange;
s16 m_configAdvBtnBootChange;
s16 m_configAdvLblUser[4];
s16 m_config3LblGameLanguage;
s16 m_config3LblLanguage;
s16 m_config3BtnLanguageP;
s16 m_config3BtnLanguageM;
s16 m_config3LblGameVideo;
s16 m_config3LblVideo;
s16 m_config3BtnVideoP;
s16 m_config3BtnVideoM;
s16 m_config3LblGCDefaults;
s16 m_config3BtnGCDefaults;
s16 m_config3LblChannelsType;
s16 m_config3LblChannelsTypeVal;
s16 m_config3BtnChannelsTypeP;
s16 m_config3BtnChannelsTypeM;
s16 m_config3LblUser[4];
s16 m_config4LblReturnTo;
s16 m_config4LblReturnToVal;
s16 m_config4BtnReturnToM;
s16 m_config4BtnReturnToP;
s16 m_config4LblHome;
s16 m_config4BtnHome;
s16 m_config4LblSaveFavMode;
s16 m_config4BtnSaveFavMode;
s16 m_config4LblPathManager;
s16 m_config4BtnPathManager;
s16 m_config4LblUser[4];
s16 m_configSndLblBnrVol;
s16 m_configSndLblBnrVolVal;
s16 m_configSndBtnBnrVolP;
s16 m_configSndBtnBnrVolM;
s16 m_configSndLblMusicVol;
s16 m_configSndLblMusicVolVal;
s16 m_configSndBtnMusicVolP;
s16 m_configSndBtnMusicVolM;
s16 m_configSndLblGuiVol;
s16 m_configSndLblGuiVolVal;
s16 m_configSndBtnGuiVolP;
s16 m_configSndBtnGuiVolM;
s16 m_configSndLblCFVol;
s16 m_configSndLblCFVolVal;
s16 m_configSndBtnCFVolP;
s16 m_configSndBtnCFVolM;
s16 m_configSndLblUser[4];
s16 m_configScreenLblTVHeight;
s16 m_configScreenLblTVHeightVal;
s16 m_configScreenBtnTVHeightP;
s16 m_configScreenBtnTVHeightM;
s16 m_configScreenLblTVWidth;
s16 m_configScreenLblTVWidthVal;
s16 m_configScreenBtnTVWidthP;
s16 m_configScreenBtnTVWidthM;
s16 m_configScreenLblTVX;
s16 m_configScreenLblTVXVal;
s16 m_configScreenBtnTVXM;
s16 m_configScreenBtnTVXP;
s16 m_configScreenLblTVY;
s16 m_configScreenLblTVYVal;
s16 m_configScreenBtnTVYM;
s16 m_configScreenBtnTVYP;
s16 m_configScreenLblUser[4];
//Download menu
s16 m_downloadPrioVal;
enum CoverPrio
C_TYPE_EN = (1<<2),
C_TYPE_JA = (1<<3),
C_TYPE_FR = (1<<4),
C_TYPE_DE = (1<<5),
C_TYPE_ES = (1<<6),
C_TYPE_IT = (1<<7),
C_TYPE_NL = (1<<8),
C_TYPE_PT = (1<<9),
C_TYPE_RU = (1<<10),
C_TYPE_KO = (1<<11),
C_TYPE_ZHCN = (1<<12),
C_TYPE_AU = (1<<13),
C_TYPE_ONCU = (1<<15),//C_TYPE_ANB
enum CoverType
BOX = 1,
s16 m_downloadLblTitle;
s16 m_downloadLblGameTDB;
s16 m_downloadLblUser[4];
s16 m_downloadLblCovers;
s16 m_downloadBtnAll;
s16 m_downloadBtnMissing;
s16 m_downloadLblGameTDBDownload;
s16 m_downloadBtnGameTDBDownload;
s16 m_downloadLblCoverSet;
s16 m_downloadBtnCoverSet;
s16 m_downloadBtnCancel;// used as back btn
s16 m_downloadPBar;
s16 m_downloadLblMessage[2];
s16 m_downloadLblSetTitle;
s16 m_downloadBtnBack;
s16 m_downloadLblCoverPrio;
s16 m_downloadLblPrio;
s16 m_downloadBtnPrioM;
s16 m_downloadBtnPrioP;
s16 m_downloadLblRegion;
enum Regions
EN = 1,
s16 m_downloadBtnEN;
s16 m_downloadBtnJA;
s16 m_downloadBtnFR;
s16 m_downloadBtnDE;
s16 m_downloadBtnES;
s16 m_downloadBtnIT;
s16 m_downloadBtnNL;
s16 m_downloadBtnPT;
s16 m_downloadBtnRU;
s16 m_downloadBtnKO;
s16 m_downloadBtnZHCN;
s16 m_downloadBtnAU;
s16 m_downloadBtnENs;
s16 m_downloadBtnJAs;
s16 m_downloadBtnFRs;
s16 m_downloadBtnDEs;
s16 m_downloadBtnESs;
s16 m_downloadBtnITs;
s16 m_downloadBtnNLs;
s16 m_downloadBtnPTs;
s16 m_downloadBtnRUs;
s16 m_downloadBtnKOs;
s16 m_downloadBtnZHCNs;
s16 m_downloadBtnAUs;
//Game menu
s16 m_gameBtnFavoriteOn;
s16 m_gameBtnFavoriteOff;
s16 m_gameBtnAdultOn;
s16 m_gameBtnAdultOff;
s16 m_gameBtnDelete;
s16 m_gameBtnSettings;
s16 m_gameBtnPlay;
s16 m_gameBtnBack;
s16 m_gameLblUser[5];
// Parental code menu
s16 m_codeLblTitle;
s16 m_codeBtnKey[10];
s16 m_codeBtnBack;
s16 m_codeBtnErase;
s16 m_codeLblUser[4];
s16 m_wbfsLblTitle;
s16 m_wbfsPBar;
s16 m_wbfsBtnGo;
s16 m_wbfsLblDialog;
s16 m_wbfsLblMessage;
s16 m_wbfsLblUser[4];
//Theme Adjust menus
s16 m_cfThemeBtnAlt;
s16 m_cfThemeBtnSelect;
s16 m_cfThemeBtnWide;
s16 m_cfThemeLblParam;
s16 m_cfThemeBtnParamM;
s16 m_cfThemeBtnParamP;
s16 m_cfThemeBtnCopy;
s16 m_cfThemeBtnPaste;
s16 m_cfThemeBtnSave;
s16 m_cfThemeBtnCancel;
s16 m_cfThemeLblVal[4 * 4];
s16 m_cfThemeBtnValM[4 * 4];
s16 m_cfThemeBtnValP[4 * 4];
s16 m_cfThemeLblValTxt[4];
//Game Settings menus
s16 m_gameSettingsLblPage;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnPageM;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnPageP;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnBack;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblTitle;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblGameLanguage;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblLanguage;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnLanguageP;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnLanguageM;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblGameVideo;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblVideo;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnVideoP;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnVideoM;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblApploader;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnApploader;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblLED;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnLED;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblAspectRatio;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblAspectRatioVal;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnAspectRatioP;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnAspectRatioM;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblEmuMemCard;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblEmuMemCard_Val;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnEmuMemCard_P;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnEmuMemCard_M;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblDevoMemcardEmu;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnDevoMemcardEmu;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblWidescreen;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnWidescreen;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblWiiuWidescreen;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnWiiuWidescreen;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblCC_Rumble;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnCC_Rumble;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblNATIVE_CTL;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnNATIVE_CTL;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblDeflicker;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnDeflicker;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblArcade;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnArcade;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblSkip_IPL;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnSkip_IPL;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblPatch50;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnPatch50;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblWidth;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblWidthVal;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnWidthP;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnWidthM;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblPos;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblPosVal;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnPosP;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnPosM;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblGCLoader;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblGCLoader_Val;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnGCLoader_P;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnGCLoader_M;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblCustom;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnCustom;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblLaunchNK;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnLaunchNK;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblOcarina;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnOcarina;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblVipatch;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnVipatch;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblCountryPatch;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnCountryPatch;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblPrivateServer;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnPrivateServer;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblManage;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnManage;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblPatchVidModes;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblPatchVidModesVal;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnPatchVidModesM;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnPatchVidModesP;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblUser[3 * 2];
s16 m_gameSettingsLblHooktype;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblHooktypeVal;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnHooktypeM;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnHooktypeP;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblEmulationVal;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnEmulationP;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnEmulationM;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblEmulation;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblDebugger;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblDebuggerV;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnDebuggerP;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnDebuggerM;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblCheat;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnCheat;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblCategoryMain;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnCategoryMain;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblGameIOS;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblIOS;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnIOSP;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnIOSM;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblExtractSave;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnExtractSave;
s16 m_gameSettingsLblFlashSave;
s16 m_gameSettingsBtnFlashSave;
// System Menu
s16 m_systemBtnBack;
s16 m_systemLblTitle;
s16 m_systemLblVersionTxt;
s16 m_systemLblNINverTxt;
s16 m_systemLblVersion;
s16 m_systemLblNINver;
s16 m_systemLblVersionRev;
s16 m_systemLblUser[4];
s16 m_systemBtnDownload;
s16 m_systemLblInfo;
s16 m_systemLblVerSelectVal;
s16 m_systemBtnVerSelectM;
s16 m_systemBtnVerSelectP;
//Cheat menu
s16 m_cheatBtnBack;
s16 m_cheatBtnApply;
s16 m_cheatBtnDownload;
s16 m_cheatLblTitle;
s16 m_cheatLblPage;
s16 m_cheatBtnPageM;
s16 m_cheatBtnPageP;
s16 m_cheatLblItem[4];
s16 m_cheatBtnItem[4];
s16 m_cheatLblUser[4];
GCTCheats m_cheatfile;
// Gameinfo menu
s16 m_gameinfoLblTitle;
s16 m_gameinfoLblID;
s16 m_gameinfoLblSynopsis;
s16 m_gameinfoLblDev;
s16 m_gameinfoLblRegion;
s16 m_gameinfoLblPublisher;
s16 m_gameinfoLblRlsdate;
s16 m_gameinfoLblGenre;
s16 m_gameinfoLblRating;
s16 m_gameinfoLblWifiplayers;
s16 m_gameinfoLblUser[5];
s16 m_gameinfoLblControlsReq[4];
s16 m_gameinfoLblControls[4];
TexData m_rating;
TexData m_wifi;
TexData m_controlsreq[4];
TexData m_controls[4];
// Zones
SZone m_mainPrevZone;
SZone m_mainNextZone;
SZone m_mainButtonsZone;
SZone m_mainButtonsZone2;
SZone m_mainButtonsZone3;
SZone m_gameButtonsZone;
u32 wii_btnsPressed[WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES];
u32 wii_btnsHeld[WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES];
u32 wupc_btnsPressed[WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES];
u32 wupc_btnsHeld[WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES];
u32 gc_btnsPressed;
u32 gc_btnsHeld;
u32 ds3_btnsPressed;
bool wBtn_Pressed(int btn, u8 ext);
bool wBtn_PressedChan(int btn, u8 ext, int &chan);
bool wBtn_Held(int btn, u8 ext);
bool wBtn_HeldChan(int btn, u8 ext, int &chan);
u32 wiidrc_to_pad(u32 btns);
u32 ds3_to_pad(u32 btns);
bool wii_btnRepeat(u8 btn);
u8 m_wpadLeftDelay;
u8 m_wpadDownDelay;
u8 m_wpadRightDelay;
u8 m_wpadUpDelay;
u8 m_wpadADelay;
//u8 m_wpadBDelay;
bool gc_btnRepeat(s64 btn);
u8 m_padLeftDelay;
u8 m_padDownDelay;
u8 m_padRightDelay;
u8 m_padUpDelay;
u8 m_padADelay;
//u8 m_padBDelay;
float left_stick_angle[WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES];
float left_stick_mag[WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES];
float right_stick_angle[WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES];
float right_stick_mag[WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES];
s32 right_stick_skip[WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES];
float wmote_roll[WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES];
s32 wmote_roll_skip[WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES];
bool enable_wmote_roll;
void SetupInput(bool reset_pos = false);
void ScanInput(void);
void ButtonsPressed(void);
void ButtonsHeld(void);
void LeftStick();
bool lStick_Up(void);
bool lStick_Right(void);
bool lStick_Down(void);
bool lStick_Left(void);
bool rStick_Up(void);
bool rStick_Right(void);
bool rStick_Down(void);
bool rStick_Left(void);
bool wRoll_Left(void);
bool wRoll_Right(void);
bool WPadIR_Valid(int chan);
bool WPadIR_ANY(void);
u8 pointerhidedelay[WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES];
u16 stickPointer_x[WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES];
u16 stickPointer_y[WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES];
bool m_show_pointer[WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES];
bool ShowPointer(void);
void ShowZone(SZone zone, bool &showZone);
void ShowMainZone(void);
void ShowMainZone2(void);
void ShowMainZone3(void);
void ShowPrevZone(void);
void ShowNextZone(void);
void ShowGameZone(void);
bool m_show_zone_main;
bool m_show_zone_main2;
bool m_show_zone_main3;
bool m_show_zone_prev;
bool m_show_zone_next;
bool m_show_zone_game;
time_t no_input_time;
u32 NoInputTime(void);
volatile bool m_exit;
volatile bool m_thrdStop;
volatile bool m_thrdWorking;
volatile bool m_thrdNetwork;
float m_thrdStep;
float m_thrdStepLen;
mutex_t m_mutex;
wstringEx m_thrdMessage;
volatile float m_thrdProgress;
volatile float m_fileProgress;
volatile bool m_thrdMessageAdded;
volatile bool m_gameSelected;
GuiSound m_gameSound;
volatile bool m_soundThrdBusy;
lwp_t m_gameSoundThread;
bool m_gamesound_changed;
u8 m_bnrSndVol;
bool m_video_playing;
enum WBFS_OP
typedef map<string, TexData> TexSet;
typedef map<string, GuiSound*> SoundSet;
struct SThemeData
TexSet texSet;
vector<SFont> fontSet;
SoundSet soundSet;
SFont btnFont;
SFont lblFont;
SFont titleFont;
SFont txtFont;
CColor btnFontColor;
CColor lblFontColor;
CColor txtFontColor;
CColor titleFontColor;
TexData bg;
TexData btnTexL;
TexData btnTexR;
TexData btnTexC;
TexData btnTexLS;
TexData btnTexRS;
TexData btnTexCS;
TexData btnAUOn;
TexData btnAUOns;
TexData btnAUOff;
TexData btnAUOffs;
TexData btnENOn;
TexData btnENOns;
TexData btnENOff;
TexData btnENOffs;
TexData btnJAOn;
TexData btnJAOns;
TexData btnJAOff;
TexData btnJAOffs;
TexData btnFROn;
TexData btnFROns;
TexData btnFROff;
TexData btnFROffs;
TexData btnDEOn;
TexData btnDEOns;
TexData btnDEOff;
TexData btnDEOffs;
TexData btnESOn;
TexData btnESOns;
TexData btnESOff;
TexData btnESOffs;
TexData btnITOn;
TexData btnITOns;
TexData btnITOff;
TexData btnITOffs;
TexData btnNLOn;
TexData btnNLOns;
TexData btnNLOff;
TexData btnNLOffs;
TexData btnPTOn;
TexData btnPTOns;
TexData btnPTOff;
TexData btnPTOffs;
TexData btnRUOn;
TexData btnRUOns;
TexData btnRUOff;
TexData btnRUOffs;
TexData btnKOOn;
TexData btnKOOns;
TexData btnKOOff;
TexData btnKOOffs;
TexData btnZHCNOn;
TexData btnZHCNOns;
TexData btnZHCNOff;
TexData btnZHCNOffs;
TexData checkboxoff;
TexData checkboxoffs;
TexData checkboxon;
TexData checkboxons;
TexData checkboxHid;
TexData checkboxHids;
TexData checkboxReq;
TexData checkboxReqs;
TexData pbarTexL;
TexData pbarTexR;
TexData pbarTexC;
TexData pbarTexLS;
TexData pbarTexRS;
TexData pbarTexCS;
TexData btnTexPlus;
TexData btnTexPlusS;
TexData btnTexMinus;
TexData btnTexMinusS;
GuiSound *clickSound;
GuiSound *hoverSound;
GuiSound *cameraSound;
SThemeData theme;
struct SCFParamDesc
} paramType[4];
} domain;
bool scrnFmt;
const char name[32];
const char valName[4][64];
const char key[4][48];
float step[4];
float minMaxVal[4][2];
bool _loadList(void);
bool _loadWiiList(void);
bool _loadGamecubeList(void);
bool _loadChannelList(void);
bool _loadPluginList(void);
bool _loadHomebrewList(void);
void _initCF(void);
void _initBoot(void);
void _initMainMenu();
void _initErrorMenu();
void _initConfigMenu();
void _initConfigAdvMenu();
void _initConfig3Menu();
void _initConfig4Menu();
void _initConfigSndMenu();
void _initConfigScreenMenu();
void _initConfigGCMenu();
void _initConfig7Menu();
void _initPartitionsCfgMenu();
void _initGameMenu();
void _initDownloadMenu();
void _initCodeMenu();
void _initAboutMenu();
void _initWBFSMenu();
void _initCFThemeMenu();
void _initGameSettingsMenu();
void _initCheatSettingsMenu();
void _initSourceMenu();
void _initCfgSrc();
void _initCfgHB();
void _initPluginSettingsMenu();
void _initCategorySettingsMenu();
void _initGameInfoMenu();
void _initNandEmuMenu();
void _initHomeAndExitToMenu();
void _initCoverBanner();
void _initExplorer();
void _initWad();
void _initPathsMenu();
void _textSource(void);
void _textCfgSrc(void);
void _textCfgHB(void);
void _textPluginSettings(void);
void _textCategorySettings(void);
void _textCheatSettings(void);
void _textError(void);
void _textConfig(void);
void _textConfig3(void);
void _textConfigScreen(void);
void _textConfig4(void);
void _textConfigAdv(void);
void _textConfigSnd(void);
void _textConfigGC(void);
void _textPartitionsCfg(void);
void _textGame(void);
void _textDownload(void);
void _textCode(void);
void _textAbout(void);
void _textWBFS(void);
void _textGameSettings(void);
void _textGameInfo(void);
void _textNandEmu(void);
void _textHome(void);
void _textExitTo(void);
void _textBoot(void);
void _textCoverBanner(void);
void _textExplorer(void);
void _textWad(void);
void _textPaths(void);
void _hideCheatSettings(bool instant = false);
void _hideError(bool instant = false);
void _hideMain(bool instant = false);
void _hideConfigCommon(bool instant = false);
void _hideConfig(bool instant = false);
void _hideConfig3(bool instant = false);
void _hideConfigScreen(bool instant = false);
void _hideConfig4(bool instant = false);
void _hideConfigAdv(bool instant = false);
void _hideConfigSnd(bool instant = false);
void _hideConfigGC(bool instant = false);
void _hideConfigGCPage(bool instant = false);
void _hideConfig7(bool instant = false);
void _hidePartitionsCfg(bool instant = false);
void _hideGame(bool instant = false);
void _hideDownload(bool instant = false);
void _hideSettings(bool instant = false);
void _hideCode(bool instant = false);
void _hideAbout(bool instant = false);
void _hideBoot(bool instant = false);
void _hideWBFS(bool instant = false);
void _hideCFTheme(bool instant = false);
void _hideGameSettings(bool instant = false);
void _hideGameSettingsPg(bool instant = false);
void _hideSource(bool instant = false);
void _hidePluginSettings(bool instant = false);
void _hideCategorySettings(bool instant = false);
void _hideGameInfo(bool instant = false);
void _hideNandEmu(bool instant = false);
void _hideNandEmuPg();
void _hideHome(bool instant = false);
void _hideExitTo(bool instant = false);
void _hideCoverBanner(bool instant = false);
void _hideExplorer(bool instant = false);
void _hideWad(bool instant = false);
void _hidePaths(bool instant = false);
void _showError(void);
void _showMain(void);
void _showConfigCommon(const TexData & bg, int page);
void _showConfig(void);
void _showConfig3(void);
void _showConfigScreen(void);
void _showConfig4(void);
void _showConfigAdv(void);
void _showConfigSnd(void);
void _showConfigGC(void);
void _showConfigGCPage(void);
void _showConfig7(int curPage);
void _showPartitionsCfg(void);
void _showNandEmu(void);
void _showGame(void);
void _showDownload(void);
void _showSettings();
void _showCode(void);
void _showAbout(void);
void _showBoot(void);
void _showSource(void);
void _showPluginSettings(void);
void _showCategorySettings(void);
void _showCheatSettings(void);
void _showGameInfo(void);
void _showWBFS(WBFS_OP op);
void _showCFTheme(u32 curParam, int version, bool wide);
void _showGameSettings(void);
void _showHome(void);
void _showExitTo(void);
void _showCoverBanner(void);
void _showExplorer(void);
void _showWad(void);
void _showPaths(void);
void _showCF(bool refreshList = false);
void _refreshExplorer(s8 direction = 0);
void _setSrcOptions(void);
bool _sideCover(const char *magic);
bool _shortCover(const char *magic);
void _updateSourceBtns(void);
void _updatePluginText(void);
void _updatePluginCheckboxes(void);
void _updateCheckboxes(void);
void _getGameCategories(void);
void _setGameCategories(void);
void _setBg(const TexData &bgTex, const TexData &bglqTex, bool force_change = false);
void _updateBg(void);
void _drawBg(void);
void _updateText(void);
void _setPartition(s8 direction = 0);
void _setCFVersion(int version);
int _getCFVersion(void);
void _config(int page);
int _configCommon(void);
int _config1(void);
int _config3(void);
int _configScreen(void);
int _config4(void);
int _configAdv(void);
int _configSnd(void);
void _configGC(void);
int _config7(int curPage);
void _partitionsCfg(void);
int _NandEmuCfg(void);
int _AutoExtractSave(string gameId);
int _FlashSave(string gameId);
enum configPageChanges
void _game(bool launch = false);
void _downloadUrl(const char *url, u8 **dl_file, u32 *dl_size);
void _download(string gameId = string());
void _downloadBnr(const char *gameID);
bool _code(char code[4], bool erase = false);
void _about(bool help = false);
bool _wbfsOp(WBFS_OP op);
void _cfTheme(void);
void _gameinfo(void);
void _gameSettings(const dir_discHdr *GameHdr, bool disc = false);
void _CoverBanner(void);
int _cacheCovers(void);
void _Explorer(void);
const char *_FolderExplorer(const char *startPath);
void _wadExplorer(void);
void _Wad(const char *wad_path = NULL);
void _CheatSettings();
bool _Source();
void _CfgSrc();
void _CfgHB();
void _PluginSettings();
void _CategorySettings(bool fromGameSet = false);
bool _Home();
bool _ExitTo();
bool _Boot();
void _Paths();
void _sourceFlow();
int _getSrcFlow();
void _setSrcFlow(int version);
void _srcTierBack(bool home);
void _setSrcFlowBg();
void _mainLoopCommon(bool withCF = false, bool adjusting = false);
void _netInit();
void _loadDefaultFont(void);
bool _loadFile(u8 * &buffer, u32 &size, const char *path, const char *file);
int _loadIOS(u8 ios, int userIOS, string id, bool RealNAND_Channels = false);
void _launch(const dir_discHdr *hdr);
void _launchGame(dir_discHdr *hdr, bool dvd, bool disc_cfg = false);
void _launchChannel(dir_discHdr *hdr);
void _launchHomebrew(const char *filepath, vector<string> arguments);
void _launchGC(dir_discHdr *hdr, bool disc);
void _launchShutdown();
vector<string> _getMetaXML(const char *bootpath);
void _extractBnr(const dir_discHdr *hdr);
void _setCurrentItem(const dir_discHdr *hdr);
void _exitWiiflow();
void exitHandler(int ExitTo);
void _setAA(int aa);
void _loadCFCfg();
void _loadCFLayout(int version, bool forceAA = false, bool otherScrnFmt = false);
Vector3D _getCFV3D(const string &domain, const string &key, const Vector3D &def, bool otherScrnFmt = false);
int _getCFInt(const string &domain, const string &key, int def, bool otherScrnFmt = false);
float _getCFFloat(const string &domain, const string &key, float def, bool otherScrnFmt = false);
void _cfParam(bool inc, int i, const SCFParamDesc &p, int cfVersion, bool wide);
void _buildMenus(void);
void _cleanupDefaultFont();
void _Theme_Cleanup();
const char *_domainFromView(void);
const char *_cfDomain(bool selected = false);
//void UpdateCache(u32 view = COVERFLOW_MAX);
void RemoveCover(const char *id);
SFont _font(const char *domain, const char *key, u32 fontSize, u32 lineSpacing, u32 weight, u32 index, const char *genKey);
TexData _texture(const char *domain, const char *key, TexData &def, bool freeDef = true);
vector<TexData> _textures(const char *domain, const char *key);
void _showWaitMessage();
void _hideWaitMessage();
void GC_Messenger(int message, int info, char *cinfo);
/* general thread updating stuff */
u64 m_thrdTotal;
void update_pThread(u64 amount, bool add = true);
void _cleanupBanner(bool gamechange = false);
void _cleanupVideo();
bool _startVideo();
static void * _pThread(void *obj);
void _start_pThread(void);
void _stop_pThread(void);
lwp_t m_thrdPtr;
volatile bool m_thrdInstalling;
volatile bool m_thrdUpdated;
volatile bool m_thrdDone;
vu64 m_thrdWritten;
GuiSound *_sound(CMenu::SoundSet &soundSet, const char *filename, const u8 * snd, u32 len, const char *name, bool isAllocated);
GuiSound *_sound(CMenu::SoundSet &soundSet, const char *domain, const char *key, const char *name);
u16 _textStyle(const char *domain, const char *key, u16 def, bool coverflow = false);
s16 _addButton(const char *domain, SFont font, const wstringEx &text, int x, int y, u32 width, u32 height, const CColor &color);
s16 _addPicButton(const char *domain, TexData &texNormal, TexData &texSelected, int x, int y, u32 width, u32 height);
s16 _addTitle(const char *domain, SFont font, const wstringEx &text, int x, int y, u32 width, u32 height, const CColor &color, s16 style);
s16 _addText(const char *domain, SFont font, const wstringEx &text, int x, int y, u32 width, u32 height, const CColor &color, s16 style);
s16 _addLabel(const char *domain, SFont font, const wstringEx &text, int x, int y, u32 width, u32 height, const CColor &color, s16 style);
s16 _addLabel(const char *domain, SFont font, const wstringEx &text, int x, int y, u32 width, u32 height, const CColor &color, s16 style, TexData &bg);
s16 _addProgressBar(const char *domain, int x, int y, u32 width, u32 height);
void _setHideAnim(s16 id, const char *domain, int dx, int dy, float scaleX, float scaleY);
void _addUserLabels(s16 *ids, u32 size, const char *domain);
void _addUserLabels(s16 *ids, u32 start, u32 size, const char *domain);
const wstringEx _t(const char *key, const wchar_t *def = L"") { return m_loc.getWString(m_curLanguage, key, def); }
const wstringEx _fmt(const char *key, const wchar_t *def);
wstringEx _getNoticeTranslation(int sorting, wstringEx curLetter);
void _setThrdMsg(const wstringEx &msg, float progress);
void _setDumpMsg(const wstringEx &msg, float progress, float fileprog);
int _coverDownloader();
void _downloadProgress(void *obj, int size, int position);
int _gametdbDownloaderAsync();
static s32 _networkComplete(s32 result, void *usrData);
void _initAsyncNetwork();
bool _isNetworkAvailable();
int _initNetwork();
void LoadView(void);
static void _addDiscProgress(int status, int total, void *user_data);
static void _ShowProgress(int dumpstat, int dumpprog, int filestat, int fileprog, int files, int folders, const char *tmess, void *user_data);
static void * _gameInstaller(void *obj);
static void * _GCcopyGame(void *obj);
bool _searchGamesByID(const char *gameId);
int _GCgameInstaller();
float m_progress;
float m_fprogress;
int m_fileprog;
int m_filesize;
int m_dumpsize;
int m_filesdone;
int m_foldersdone;
int m_nandexentry;
wstringEx _optBoolToString(int b);
void _stopSounds(void);
static void * _NandDumper(void *obj);
static void * _NandFlasher(void *obj);
int _FindEmuPart(bool savesnand, bool searchvalid);
bool _checkSave(string id, int nand_type);
bool _TestEmuNand(int epart, const char *path, bool indept);
void _checkEmuNandSettings(void);
void _FullNandCheck(void);
void _listEmuNands(const char *path, vector<string> &emuNands);
int _downloadCheatFileAsync();
int _downloadBannerAsync();
static void * _downloadUrlAsync(void *obj);
void _playGameSound(void);
void _stopGameSoundThread(void);
static void * _gameSoundThread(void *obj);
void _load_installed_cioses();
map<u8, u8> _installed_cios;
typedef map<u8, u8>::iterator CIOSItr;
struct SOption { const char id[11]; const wchar_t text[16]; };
static const SOption _GlobalVideoModes[6];
static const SOption _VideoModes[7];
static const SOption _languages[11];
static const SOption _GlobalGCvideoModes[6];
static const SOption _GlobalGClanguages[7];
static const SOption _GCvideoModes[7];
static const SOption _GClanguages[8];
static const SOption _GlobalGCLoaders[2];
static const SOption _GCLoader[3];
static const SOption _ChannelsType[3];
static const SOption _NandEmu[2];
static const SOption _SaveEmu[4];
static const SOption _GlobalSaveEmu[3];
static const SOption _AspectRatio[3];
static const SOption _NinEmuCard[5];
static const SOption _vidModePatch[4];
static const SOption _debugger[3];
static const SOption _hooktype[8];
static const SOption _exitTo[3];
static int _version[9];
static const SCFParamDesc _cfParams[];
static const int _nbCfgPages;
//thread stack
static u8 downloadStack[8192];
static const u32 downloadStackSize;
extern CMenu mainMenu;
#define ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof a / sizeof a[0])
#endif // !defined(__MENU_HPP)